Ch. 29 U.S. History

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22nd Amendment

Limited the Presidential terms to 2 consecutive terms or ten consecutive years--pushed through by Republicans

Why did President Truman fire Douglas MacArthur?

MacArthur did too much criticizing of the President, even after he was asked to stop. MacArthur did not believe in the same military philosophy as Truman

Army-McCarthy Hearings

McCarthy accusation of the U.S. military having alliance with communism. Beginning of the downfall of McCarthy's career--he went too far

Yalu River

Natural boundary river between North Korea and China


Parody of McCarthy era written by Joseph Heller

Kim Illest Sung

People's Democratic Republic (North Korean) leader (communist)

Henry Wallace

Progressive Party nominee for President in the election of 1948

Syngman Rhee

Republic of Korea (South Korean) leader (democratic) very corrupt man, but corrupt > communist

Thomas Dewey

Republican nominee in the election of 1948 in which everyone assumed would win but didn't and was again beaten by Truman

How did the Korean War begin?

Secretary Atkins of the U.S. spoke of the U.S. committing to stopping the spread of communism in many countries but excluded Korea. So, communist north Korean leader, Kim Il-Sung, saw that as permissible to take South Korea

Dean Acheson

Secretary of State in Truman administration

Joseph McCarthy

Senator who left such an imprint during this age for advancing his political career by accusing people left and right of communism

Dixiecrats/ States' Rights Party

South democrats that did not like Harry Truman because of his stance on civil rights and wanted to keep the Jim Crowe Laws and segregation

What shocking even occurred in the Soviet Union in 1949?

Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb

Strom Thrumond

States' Rights Party--"Dixiecrats" nominee for presidency in election of 1948

What led Joseph McCarthy's downfall?

The Army-McCarthy Hearing; he accused the U.S. military of having alliance with communists.

Who were the Hollywood Ten?

The infamous group of directors that refused to answer whether or not they were a communist/communist sympathizer and were blacklisted; some were even thrown in jail

How did President Truman reform the order of presidential succession?

To streamline, Vice President, then Speaker of the House

Matthew Ridgeway

U.S. General who stabilized war in Korea; took MacArthur's place

Pusan Perimeter

Where the U.S. and South Koreans were pushed into by the North Koreans


Written about McCarthy Age communism accusations by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller

Wrote the Crucible; about McCarthy Age about communism accusations

What was the Senate Permanent Investigations Committer?

(Led by McCarthy) dragged all who were accused of communism into the senate to be questioned--fire question: to ask really fast and make the accused jumble and seem guilty


1951, where peace negotiations began and the leaders could not decide on anything--negotiation when on for 2 years, between North Korea, China, and U.S.

What line of latitude divided North Korea from South Korea?

38th Parallel

What did Joseph McCarthy mean by his statement of "Twenty Years of Treason"?

A coined term that meant that the 20 years of democratic power in the House allowed for communism to expand. Because the democrats were in power, it caused the spread of communism.

Discuss the trial and case of Alger Hiss. Who was his accuser and what accusations did he make against Hiss? How did the trial end?

Alger Hiss worked in the department of defense and was accused by Whittaker Chambers of being a communist and for giving away U.S. secrets. Chambers was an open communist who was forced to give names to the U.S. government and he openly admitted to Alger Hiss. Hiss denies the accusation and sues Chambers for libel because he doesn't even know Chambers. Whittaker confesses to have evidence, microfilms, in which he and Hiss traded. Hiss was put on trial but was not guilty because of lack of evidence. Then, when Whittaker confessed intimate details about Hiss in which proved that Hiss actually did know Whittaker. So, in the second trial, Hiss was accused and convicted of purgatory--lying under oath.

What was the Fair Deal? List 5 things it accomplished.

Ambitious program that wanted to expand New Deal programs 1. Increased social security benefits 2. Minimum wage was increased 3. Increased money for government housing 4. Fair employment legislation was passed 5. Ended wage and price controls that had been put in place during WWII *Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress, so many of the Fair Deal plans were rejected

What was the McCarran Internal Security Act? What were its 3 stipulations?

An act in which further rooted out communism from the federal government. 1. Communists had to register with attorney general and turn over financial records to the government 2. During times of crisis, suspected communists will be rounded up and put in containment 3. Communists could not work in the defense field/department of government

What organization did the Atomic Energy Act create?

Atomic Energy Commission; had scientists who did research work on atomic energy

Joseph Heller

Author of Catch 22 parodying the McCarthy era

Richard Nixon

Avid communist hunter, lead the house committee on Un-American activities

Which country entered the war on the side of North Korea? Why did they do this?

China entered the Korean war on Korean's defense and pushed U.S. army back to the 38th parallel. They did this because MacArthur wanted to attack both north Korea and China at one time

What was the purpose of the GI Bill of Rights?

Designed to ease the transition of active soldiers back into society from WWII--would give college loans, low interest home loans, increased the number of college graduates

What effect did the Taft-Hartley Act have on organized labor?

Designed to weaken the power of labor unions 1. Businesses could sue labor unions for damages and loss of wages during strike 2. Outlawed the closed shop plan (having to join a union to get a job) 3. Outlawed unions from supporting political campaigns 4. Every member of union had to take an oath that stated that they were not communism

Why was membership in communist associations so popular in the 1930s?

During the great depression, many young adults blamed the depression on the failure of capitalism, so in rebellion, many joined the communists associations. However, after seeing the actions of Stalin, many of them rejected the claim of being communists

Who led the UN forces in Korea? Where did he lead a successful amphibious landing?

General Douglas MacArthur; he landed in Inchon Landings to attack the north Koreans

What was the purpose of the House Committee on the Un-American Activities?

Group of House of Representatives whose task was to find communists in the federal government and rat them out. They began to investigate Hollywood. The purpose was to remove as much communism from the U.S. as possible

Why was the election of 1948 so memorable?

Harry Truman was unpopular because of stance on civil rights, so progressive part nominated Henry Wallace, and southern democrats nominated Strom Thurmond. Then, the republicans renominated Thomas Dewey. Well, a Chicago tribune printed out newspapers with the headline *Dewey Defeats Truman* when in actuality, Truman won and when Truman gave his victory speech, he held the paper in his hands

Who was Julius and Ethel Rosenburg? What were they accused of doing?

Infamous Soviet Union spies that were accused and convicted of spying for the Soviet Union government and giving away secret U.S. information

How did the National Security Act reform the U.S. military?

It created a department of defense--a new cabinet in which placed the Army, Navy, and Air Force under one department

What was the purpose of the Federal Employee Loyalty Program? What type of oath did one have to take under this law?

It is a law designed to root out communism by doing background checks on workers of the Federal government, in order to remove communism from the U.S. government. One had to take an oath in which promised that the person was not a communist or a communist sympathizer

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