Changes in the Late 1800s

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African Americans who migrated from the South to the West after the Civil War

debates over routes

What caused the building of the Transcontinental Railroad to be delayed

Mexicans taught cattle ranchers how to round up cattle

What contribution did Mexicans make to cattle ranching

little meaningful legislation was passed

What did the gridlock between parties in Congress and the White House in the late 1800s lead to

His will and means to fight had diminished

What is the most likely reason Chief Joseph said, " I will fight no more forever"

debt due to falling crop prices

What type of issue were farmers facing in the late 1800s

one of the nations most influential banks failed

What was a central cause of the Panic of 1873

Their nomadic way of life was increasingly restricted

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations

it opened the west to settlement and development

What were the effects of the transcontinental railroad on the United States

the assassination of President Garfield

Which event brought about civil service reform

The prices of crops declined

Which factor contributed to the accumulation of debt among farmers?

small farmers

Which type of people were most likely to support the Populist Party in the 1890s

They were not able to prove legally in the courts that they owned the land.

Why did many Mexican Americans in the southwest lose their land in the late 1800s

to protect farmers from exploitation by the railroad companies

Why did the Populist Party call for government ownership of the railroads

Native Americans experienced challenges finding enough resources to meet their needs

Why was the popularity of buffalo hunting among white tourists so threatening to Native American civilization in the west

They drew public attention to corruption and corrupt individuals

Why were political cartoons such an effective weapon agains corruption


absorbed into the main culture of a society

land grants

land designated by the federal government for building schools, roads, or railroads

open range system

method of ranching in which the rancher allowed his or her livestock to roam and graze over a vast area of grassland

farmers demanded water rights from ranchers

what conflict arose between farmers and ranchers settling western lands

by not rooting out corruption in his administration

How did Grant contribute to the loss of confidence in American politicians

Native Americans lost more territory due to white settler expansion

How did white settlers' belief in manifest destiny affect Native Americans

he toured the nation, doing his own campaigning

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era

regulate railroad and grain elevator rates

One of the main goals of the Grange was to


Typical houses built by homesteaders adapting to their physical environment on the Great Plains, were made from

fiat money

currency not backed by gold or silver


farmers' organization formed after the Civil War

civil service

government departments and their non-elected employees

Spoils System

practice of the political party in power giving jobs and appointments to its supporters, rather than to people based on their qualifications


specific areas set aside by the government for the Indians' use

encouraged Indians to own private property

the Dawes general Allotment Act is an example of the Americanization movement because it


the widespread participation of regular citizens in the political process and the inclusion of their concerns in political debate

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