Chapter 1-3 review question

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(Ch1) Changes in muscle mass represent a _________ component of the biopsychosocial model?

Secondary aging

(Ch1) Developing diabetes at 67 years is an example of ________


(Ch1) People who live past the age of 110 are now considered _________.


(Ch1) The ________________ principle of adult development and aging proposes that changes build on themselves over life in a cumulative fashion.

Individuality matters

(Ch1) The idea that people become more different from each other as they grow older is known as the principle that__________

psychological age

(Ch1) The index of age that represents a person's functioning on measures such as intelligence, memory, and learning ability is called ___________

health expectancy

(Ch1) The number of years a person can expect to live with relatively little disability is known as________________.


(Ch1) Which type of influence on development is said to occur when it affects one individual or a small set of individuals with no systematic relationship to age or date?

life course

(Ch2) According to the ______________________ perspective, norms, roles, and attitudes about age help to shape the person's life


(Ch2) In Erikson's theory, mentoring a younger colleague would be considered specific to a person high in ______________________.


(Ch2) In the Selective Optimization with ____________ model, older adults are proposed to cut down on the abilities they are weak and make up with the abilities on which they show greater potential


(Ch2) Organismic models of development emphasize __________ as the main driving force in development throughout life.


(Ch2) Researchers now believe that the _____ gene seems to play a large role in controlling the rate of aging.

Telomere theory

(Ch2) The _________, ________ proposes that the cause of aging is due to destruction of the ends of chromosomes.

disengagement theory

(Ch2) The idea that older adults are much more satisfied with their lives when they are able to leave behind their former social roles and involvements is consistent with ___________________

life span

(Ch2) The view that development is best viewed as continuous throughout life is referred to as the __________ perspective.

identity accommodation

(Ch2) ___________________ is the process of making changes in identity in response to experiences that challenge people's current view of themselves

daily diary

(Ch3) A method in which researchers gather data on a frequent basis from the same people over a period of weeks or months is called a(n) _______ study:


(Ch3) Although always a problem in research on aging, the issue of selective attrition most clearly affects what type of study?

quasi-experimental design

(Ch3) Because age cannot be an independent variable, research on aging uses a(n) ______________ type of design.


(Ch3) Classifying groups of people studied in developmental research based on when they were born involves distinctions based on which type of categorization?


(Ch3) In an ______________ study, researchers draw conclusions about behavior through careful and systematic examination in particular settings


(Ch3) Tests that are intended to measure personality need to meet psychometric criteria showing that they actually do relate to personality. These criteria refer to a test's _______________


(Ch3) Tests that produce consistent results are said to be psychometrically ________________

Cross- sectional

(Ch3) The issue of selective survival clearly affects what type of study?

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