Chapter 1 Health and Wellness

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_____ choice is a conscious behavior that can increase or decrease a person's risk factor of disease or injury.


Unintentional injuries rank ____ in the causes of death for people in the United States aged 15 to 24 years.


Approximately how many Americans suffer from a disability?

1 in 5

Rank from greatest to least the top three key contributors to death among Americans. 1 obesity 2 tobacco 3 alcohol consumption


How many more years are Americans expected to live today than they did in 1900?


______ wellness is defined as the level of happiness and fulfillment you gain through your work.


_______ wellness is defined as the level of happiness and fulfillment you gain through your work.


_____ is defined as the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.


Moving from thinking about starting an exercise program to actually joining a club and having a trainer help you set goals is an example of what behavior change?

Stages of Change (Prochaska & DiClimente)

When setting realistic goals, what would you ask yourself to gain insights into your behaviors?

What do I want?

Which of the following behaviors is not necessary for proceeding from the preparation stage of behavior change onto the next stage of change? a. monitoring you progress b. taking short steps c. making change a priority d. practicing visualization


Which of the following best defines the term wellness? a. optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being b. a state of being not heavily influenced by the decisions you make and how you live c. the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury d. the condition of the body in terms of fitness level


The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is known as

a genome

Which of the following are examples of qualities and behaviors associated with emotional wellness? Pg. 4 a. capacity to question b. trust c. self-acceptance d. recycling whenever possible


Which of the following are examples of chronic diseases? Pg. 6 a. diarrhea b. cancer c. tuberculosis d. heart disease


After selecting a target behavior to change, you should ask all of the following questions except a. What diseases or conditions does this behavior place me at risk for? b. What effect would changing this behavior have on my health? c. What will be the quickest way to change this behavior? d. How is the target behavior affecting my level of wellness today?


The Latino population has a higher prevalence of which of the following health-related issues? a. cancer b. heart disease c. infant mortality


The Latino population has a relatively low prevalence of which of the following health-related issues? a. infant mortality b. obesity c. suicide d. gall bladder disease


Which of the following is a difference between the terms health and wellness? a. There are no differences between the terms health and wellness. b. Wellness includes aspects of illness and injury, and health does not include aspects of illness and injury. c. Health can be determined by factors beyond our control, whereas wellness is greatly influenced by our lifestyle choices. d. Wellness is the absence or presence of disease, whereas health refers to optimal health and vitality


Which of the following is true about the benefits of visualization? a. Visualization only works long-term change. b. You should be careful not to visualize too much. Doing so can lower self-efficacy. c. Visualizing yourself performing a new, healthy behavior can boost self-esteem. d. Visualization is often more successful when you focus on short-term benefits.


Which of the following would not be a tip to proceed from the contemplation stage of behavior change? Pg. 21 a. doing a cost-effective analysis b. creating a new self image c. creating a detailed plan d. identifying barriers to change


Which of the following are clearly hereditary conditions caused by errors in our genes? a. depression b. leukemia c. sickle-cell disease d. cystic fibrosis


Which of the following are examples of chronic diseases? a. diarrhea b. tuberculosis c. cancer d. heart disease


A serious personal ______ commits you to your word to change a behavior. Pg. 25


What term is used to refer to optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being? a. mindfulness b. fitness c. prevention d. wellness


Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders have higher rates of disease of ________ and ________. Pg. 13

diabetes, asthma

Individuals who have highly stressful lives are at increased risk for heart disease. If the stress is mostly due to unsafe living conditions, the factor causing the stress is


T or F: Having a genetic alteration for a health problem will directly cause the condition to occur.


A women who wears a dress and makeup would be defining her _____ with this behavior. Pg. 10


_____ is defined as the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.


A section of genetic material containing chemical instructions for making a particular protein and which is the basic unit of heredity is known as a(n) _____.


The overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness and injury is called


The key determinant of overall good health is

health behavior

People who believe that they are in control of their own lives are said to have a(n) _____ locus of control. Those who believe that factors beyond their control determine the course of their lives are said to have a(n) ______ locus of control. Pg. 17

internal, external

In regard to body type differences and storage of body fat between women and men, women tend to have a(n) "_____" shape, whereas men tend to have a(n) "_____" shape.

pear, apple

An area with fewer than 10,000 residents is called a _____ area.


The ____ - term cost of an inactive lifestyle includes being less physically fit. The _____ -term cost of an inactive lifestyle includes being at a higher risk of heart disease.

short, long

To enjoy ______ wellness is to possess a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to your life. Pg. 4


According to the 2011 National College Health Assessment II, ____ is the leading health issues affecting college students.


T or F: Our differences as individuals and as members of groups have important implications for our health.


The sixth and final stage in the transtheoretical model is


The term health is often interchangeable with the term


______ wellness includes understanding the limits of your income and managing your money.


Which of the following is not a tip for moving forward from the precontemplation stage of behavior change? a. rewarding yourself b. identifying helpful resources c. being self-aware d. seeking social support


Which of the following statements regarding heart attacks among men and women is correct? Pg. 10 a. On average, women have a poorer one-year survival rate after a heart attack than men. b. Men experience heart attacks 10 years later than women, on average. c. On average, women are more likely to have chest pain prior to suffering a heart attack than men. d. On average, men experience symptoms of fatigue and difficulty breathing prior to suffering a heart attack than women.


Which of the following disparities are of special concern among African Americans? Pg. 11 a. obesity b. diabetes c. osteoporosis d. high blood pressure e. asthma f. stroke g. suicide


Which of the following are true of health and wellness differences between men and women? a. higher smoking rates among men b. lower wage earnings among women c. high drinking rates among women d. higher drinking rates among men


Diet plays a prominent role in which of the following causes of death among Americans? a. heart disease b. stroke c. chronic lower respiratory diseases d. cancer e. diabetes mellitus


Pg. 13 Compared to the general population, which of the following health concerns are more prevalent among American Indians and Alaska Natives? a. early death rates from smoking b. early death rates from cirrhosis c. death rates from stroke d. death rates from heart disease e. early death rates from alcohol use


Compared to the general population, Asian Americans have lower rates of which of the following? a. coronary heart disease b. cervical cancer c. obesity d. lung cancer


Which best describes emotional health?

ability to express or control feelings

Tim eats healthy foods, exercises, gets eight hours of sleep a night, and rarely gets ill. Tm's ability to ward off illness is related to which dimension of health?


Mark will be a junior in college and plans to move to his own apartment before the school year begins. He hopes to quit smoking, get more sleep, and spend more time exercising and studying instead of spending all of his free time on Myspace. The best plan for Mark to succeed is

pick the most important behavior to change and take one step at a time

Which best describes spiritual health?

understanding and expressing a purpose in life

The preparation stage includes a. building your skill set b. realizing you have a problem c. finding a role model d. raising your awareness


Having an increased risk for heart disease due to a family history of the disease is an examples of a(n) ______ influence on health. a. hereditary b. social c. behavioral d. environmental


A(n) _______ disease can spread from person to person and is caused b microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. a. infectious b. morbid c. chronic d. impaired


Using SMART criteria, how would you set a goal to increase physical activity if you are currently out of shape? a. For the first week, walk briskly for 20 minutes every day. b. Run as fast as you can around the track every day. c. Every day after class, walk for as long as you can until you get tired. d. Sign up for a marathon that is two months away.


Which of the following is the better example of a SMART goal? a. to exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week b. to get more exercise on a regular basis.


Which of the following would be an example of an external locus of control? a. a woman who avoids breast exams because she believes she is destined to get breast cancer b. a woman predisposed to osteoporosis who takes calcium and participates in weight bearing activities. c. a person with back issues who engages in strength-building exercises d. a man who controls his diabetes mellitus through diet and exercise


Which of the following are reasons you should make a personal contract? a. it can serve as a reminder of your commitment to change. b. it will hold you accountable and force you to face serious consequences if you fail. c. it can help you prevent procrastination by specifying dates and goals. d. it can result in a better change of success than a casual promise

a, c,d

What are the two broad national goals of Healthy People 2020? Pg. 8 a. eliminate health disparities among Americans b. increase quality and years of healthy life c. limit the amount of environmental pollutants


Which of the following are behavior choices that affect your individual health? a. smoking status b. level of physical fitness c. gender d. age e. race/ethnicity


Which of the following are health concerns more often associated with those who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender? a. drug use b. unsafe sex c. depression and suicide d. obesity and eating disorders


Which of the following are health-related risks associated with having a disability? a. inactivity b. depression c. being overweight d. alcoholism


Which of the following behaviors are part of the action stage of the transtheoretical model? a. monitoring your program b. making changes to discourage the unwanted behavior c. rewarding yourself d. identifying barriers to change


Excessive alcohol use contributes to which of the following causes of death among Americans? a. stroke b. accidents c. heart disease d. chronic lower respiratory diseases e. cancer


An inactive lifestyle directly contributes to which of the following causes of death among Americans a. heart disease b. cancer c. chronic lower respiratory disease d. stroke


Which of the following are common health-related risks associated with living in a rural area? a. more physical inactivity b. less seat belt usage c. increased threat of violence d. less access to timely emergency services


Which of the following are included in the maintenance stage of the transtheoretical model? a. being vulnerable to lapse occurring b. quickly reestablishing the desired behavior if lapses occur c. being no longer tempted to perform the problem behavior d. maintaining the behavior change for at least six months


Which of the following statements regarding immune response of men and women are correct? a. women have stronger immune system than men. b. women are more susceptible to lupus than men. c. women are more susceptible to all types of infections than men. d. men are less likely to develop autoimmune diseases.


Which of the following would be motivation boosters to continue behavior change? a. creating choices for yourself b. evaluating the costs of not changing c. avoiding propaganda related to the behavior change d. building up confidence


Which of the following could be motivation boosters for smoking cessation? a. preparing for obstacles that my prevent you from reaching your goal b. carrying around a pack of cigarettes to see if you can withstand the temptation c. putting up pictures of smoker's lungs around your room d. going to smoky bars so you can smell the smoke without actually smoking


Which of the following would be examples of ways you can help create and maintain a healthier environment around you? a. support nonsmoking areas b. be aware of your limits as one person c. include nonalcoholic drinks at your parties. d. maintain commitments with friends to visit them during smoke breaks.


Smoking can contribute to which of the following causes of death among Americans? Pg. 7 a. cancer b. Alzheimer's disease c. chronic lower respiratory diseases d. heart disease


Which of the following are healthy ways to manage stress? a. friendship b. smoking c. meditation d. exercise


Which of the following are included in the preparation stage of the transtheoretical model? a. creating a plan and worrying about falling to follow it. b. successfully engaging in the behavior for 6 months. c. practicing visualization and self-talk d. planning to take action within a month.


Which of the following are ways people can increase their environmental wellness? Pg. 15 a. developing public policies to protect the Earth b. using more plastic products, such as disposable water bottles c. limiting transportation that increases fossil fuels d. recycling whenever possible


Which of the following statements regarding alcohol use among women and men are correct? a. Women are more likely to become more intoxicated at a given level of alcohol intake than men. b. Women are more likely than men to abuse alcohol. c. Men are more likely to develop alcoholism than women. d. Men are more likely to abuse alcohol than women.


Which of the following statements regarding people with lower income and levels of education are correct? a. They are more likely to live in an area with a high rate of violence. b. They are less likely to be overweight or obese. c. They have less access to health care services. d. hey have higher rates of death from all causes.


Which of the following would be acceptable actions to include in a personalized plan for a behavior change? a. creating a plan of action b. making generalized goals c. monitoring your behavior d. learning to set realistic goals e. gathering data by recording your behavior f. making a contract with yourself


Age, gender, race ethnicity, and which of the following are all factors that influence your health but are out of your control? a. heredity b. diet c. genetics d. physical fitness e. sex


Which of the following would be good strategies for staying successful with a behavior change? a. If you are uninspired to change, wait until you are unhappier with the behavior. b. Do no make changes in your action plan once they are set. c. Ignore stressful barriers by pushing through the behavior change. d. Connect with the most supportive people possible.


Women are more commonly affected than men by which of the following health problems? a. heart disease b. Alzheimer's disease c. osteoporosis d. arthritis


The higher your _____ level, the higher your level of physical wellness


Which of the following behaviors is not necessary to proceed from the action stage of behavior.Pg. 21 a. involving friends b. being a role model c. rewarding yourself d. monitoring your progress


Which of the following is a false statement regarding depression among men and women? a. Women are more likely than men to attempt suicide. b. Men are more likely to suffer form depression than women. c. Men are more likely to succeed a suicide than women. d. Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men.


Which of the following takes place during the action stage of the transtheoretical model? a. You try to raise your awareness. b. You outwardly modify your behavior and environment. c. You decide on target behavior. d. You decide you don't need to change your behavior after all.


Which of the following would be an example of how cultural difference may affect our health? a. genetic predisposition to high cholesterol b. traditions that include eating high-fat foods c. growing up around smokers d. making a personal choice not to smoke


Which of the following would not be a good strategy for achieving occupational wellness? a. considering personal values when selecting a career b. learning to manage money after you start making it c. prioritizing education d. setting career goals


Which of the following would not occur in the contemplation stage of behavior change, prior to proceeding onto the next stage of change? a. searching for a solution b. setting goals to change in 1 month c. weighing the pros and cons of change d. trying to understand the problem


Which of the following behaviors are mainly associated with intellectual wellness? a. sense of meaning and purpose b. seeking out new experiences c. always learning d. developing supportive relationships


Which of the following statements are correct regarding strokes among men and women? a. Women are more likely to have stroke damage to the left side of the brain than men. b. Women are more likely to recover language ability after a stroke than men. c. Men are less likely to suffer permanent loss of language after a stroke than women. d. Men are less likely to die from a stroke than women.


______ change is a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy lifestyle habits and working to overcome unhealthy ones. Pg. 16


Individuals who smoke have an increased risk of heart disease. This is an example of a(n) ____ influence on health.


Which of the following is a similarity between the terms health and wellness? a. There are no similarities between the terms health and wellness b. Health and wellness are both relatively new concepts. c. Risk factors, such as age and gender, can affect one's health and state of wellness d. Health and wellness both only refer to aspects of illness and injury.


Which of the following is not included in the precontemplation stage of the transtheoretical model? a. You do not recognize you have a problem behavior. b. You think trying to change a behavior is hopeless. c. You intend to take action within 6 months. d. You blame external factors for your problems.


Which of the following are examples of qualities and behaviors associated with intellectual wellness? a. joy b. caring for other c. ability to think critically d. lifelong learning e. creativity


Women more commonly suffer from migraine and chronic headaches, whereas men are more likely to suffer from _____ headaches.


Which of the following behaviors is not necessary for proceeding from the preparation stage of behavior change onto the next stage of change? a. making change a priority b. practicing visualization c. taking short steps d. monitoring your progress


Which of the following best defines the term health? a. health is a concept that is mostly determined by the decisions you make and how you live. b. health refers to the presence of disease or injury. c. health refers to optimal health and vitality, encompassing all of the dimensions of well-being. d. health is the overall condition of a person's body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury.


Which of the following is a false statement about behavior change? a. you likely have both healthy and unhealthy behaviors. b. changing an unhealthy habit is easy. c. you should cultivate healthy behaviors and overcome unhealthy ones. d. it is most effective to change more than one behavior at the same time.


Which of the following most closely represents the main idea of the transtheoretical model of behavior change? Pg. 22 a. You can choose which stages you want to go through for a given behavior change. b. You can formulate or change your target behavior as you move through the states. c. Once you move through a particular stage, you cannot go back to the previous one. d. As you change your behavior, you move through distinct stages of action.


The higher your ______ level, the higher your level of physical wellness.


The figurative "place" a person designates as the source of responsibility for the events in his/her life is referred to as his/her

locus of control

SMART stands for specific, _______, attainable, ______ and timely.

measurable, realistic

African American men are at significantly higher risk of _____ cancer than men in other groups.


A ____ factor is a condition that increases one's chance of disease or injury. Pg. 3


Environmental pollutants and chemicals are examples of ____ agents.


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