Chapter 10

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18) The PSTN core is organized as a ________. A) mesh B) hierarchy C) modified hierarchy D) loop


26) The promise of FTTH is ________. A) higher speed B) lower cost C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


5) A company has more control over its ________ technology. A) LAN B) WAN


50) In a PSDN, customers connect to the network core at ________. A) NAPs B) public/private access points C) POPs D) DSLAMs


53) Why is Carrier Ethernet popular? A) It uses a familiar technology. B) It has attractive prices. C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


64) Traffic shaping ________. A) limits the amount of some types of traffic B) does not admit some types of traffic C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


65) The highest layer in SDN consists of ________. A) switches B) routers C) the SDN controller D) SDN applications


66) The creation of routing tables for a router is an example of ________. A) forwarding B) control C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


14) Which of the following allows you to connect to the hosts of almost any corporation today? A) carrier WANs B) the Internet C) both A and B


15) How do WAN carriers typically get their trunk lines? A) They construct them. B) They lease them from telephone companies. C) They use wireless transmission. D) They use the Internet.


16) In the telephone system, the lines that connect customers to the nearest switch are called the ________. A) access lines B) local lines C) access loop D) local loop


19) DSL offers ________. A) voice transmission B) data transmission C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


2) A LAN is the network that ________. A) links different sites together B) provides service within a company C) provides service within a site D) all of the above


20) DSL residential service provides ________. A) symmetric speed B) asymmetric speed C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


21) What transmission medium do ALL DSL services use? A) one-pair data-grade UTP B) two-pair data-grade UTP C) one-pair voice-grade UTP D) all of the above


22) Which of the following already runs to nearly all customer premises? A) 4-pair UTP B) 1-pair VG UTP C) 1-pair DG UTP D) none of the above


23) In ADSL, the customer should have ________. A) splitters B) an ADSL modem C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


24) In ADSL, the residential customer needs a(n) ________. A) DSLAM B) ADSL modem C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


25) For ADSL service, which of the following typically must be added to the telephone system? A) a DSLAM B) a transmission line to the customer premises C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


27) Fiber to the home service is normally created by ________. A) running optical fiber to neighborhoods B) running individual fiber cords from the nearest switching building to individual homes C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


28) For their transmission medium, cable television companies primarily use ________. A) 2-pair VG UTP cabling B) 2-pair DG UTP cabling C) coaxial cable D) 4-pair UTP


29) In coaxial cable, the two conductors ________. A) run side-by-side B) are twisted around each other C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


3) A WAN is the network that ________. A) links different sites together B) provides service within about a mile C) provides service within a site D) all of the above


30) Two-way amplifiers are needed for cable ________ service. A) television B) data C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


31) Compared to ADSL service, cable modem service typically is ________. A) faster and more expensive B) faster and less expensive C) slower and more expensive D) slower and less expensive


32) Which of the following is moving toward FTTH? A) cable modem service companies B) ADSL service companies C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


33) In cellular technology, a ________ is a small geographical area. A) cell B) cellsite C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


34) In cellular technology, the carrier antenna and equipment to which mobile customers connect directly is called a(n) ________. A) cell B) cellsite C) MTSO D) wireline carrier


35) An MTSO ________. A) controls cellsites in a cellular system B) links mobile users to wired telephone customers C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


36) Cells are used in cellular telephony to provide ________. A) service for more customers B) greater reliability C) greater transmission speed D) all of the above


37) Today's dominant cellular technology is ________. A) LTE B) 3G C) HSPA+ D) MTSO


38) What speed does the LTE Advanced standard require downstream? A) 3 Mbps B) 30 Mbps C) 3 Gbps D) 30 Gbps


39) Which of the following affects what throughput an individual user will receive? A) being in a moving car B) being far from the cellsite C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


4) Companies use carriers for WAN transmission because ________. A) companies lack rights of way B) carriers have extremely strong security C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


40) Leased lines offer ________ service. A) fast B) any-to-any C) rapid-connection D) none of the above


41) Which lines run from one customer premise to another? A) leased lines B) access lines C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


44) T1 leased lines run at a speed of about ________. A) 250 kbps B) 1 Mbps C) 10 Mbps D) 45 Mbps


45) To connect two sites at 2.8 Mbps, I would use ________. A) a T1 line B) bonded T1 lines C) a T2 line D) a T3 line


46) Many "T1" lines that carriers provide today use ________ in the local loop. A) 1-pair voice-grade UTP B) 2-pair voice-grade UTP C) 1-pair data-grade UTP D) 2-pair data-grade UTP


51) The PSDN technology that is growing rapidly today is ________. A) Frame Relay B) Carrier Ethernet C) the Internet D) No PSDN technology is growing rapidly today.


52) In Carrier Ethernet, which service is a competitor for leased line service? A) E-Line B) E-LAN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


54) In MPLS, the router interface to send the packet back out will be decided ________. A) during the router's routing process B) before the packet arrives C) by a dynamic routing protocol D) none of the above


55) MPLS ________ the work that each router must do to deliver a packet during a traffic exchange. A) reduces B) increases C) does not affect D) occasionally reduces


56) In MPLS, the packet travels along the ________. A) route B) data link C) label-switched path D) MPLS path


57) In MPLS, the ________ adds the label to the packet. A) source host B) first label-switching router C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


58) MPLS routers base their decisions on a packet's ________. A) destination IP address B) label number C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


59) MPLS is ________ the source and destination hosts. A) transparent to B) nontransparent to C) apparent to D) a burden on


6) LAN speeds are faster than WAN speeds. This is because of ________. A) technological limitations B) regulatory limitations C) slow corporate adoption of newer WAN technologies D) economic reasons


60) Label-switching routers bring ________. A) lower cost B) the ability to do traffic engineering C) quality of service D) all of the above


61) WAN optimization devices are deployed ________. A) at the ends of leased lines B) by the telephone carrier C) by the PSDN carrier D) by the ISP


62) WAN optimization provides ________. A) network protocol acceleration B) caching C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


63) In caching, ________. A) a message may not have to be transmitted B) messages are cached at the transmitting end of the line C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


67) Forwarding functions are located in routers in ________. A) traditional routing B) SDN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


68) Control functions are located in routers in ________. A) traditional routing B) SDN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


69) SDN can ________. A) permit routing rules to be changed rapidly B) reduces router costs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


7) Which of the following has more diversity in technologies? A) LANs B) WANs C) Both A and B are about equal in diversity of technologies.


70) SDN ________. A) reduces CapEx B) increases OPEx C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


71) In SDN, a switch receives its forwarding table rules directly from ________. A) the SDN controller B) an SDN management application C) another switch D) an SNMP manager


74) OpenFlow can be used to standardize ________. A) northbound APIs B) southbound APIs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


8) Which of the following usually offers higher speeds? A) LANs B) WANs C) Both A and B are about equal in typical speeds.


9) LANs are ________. A) single networks B) local internets C) either A or B D) neither A nor B


17) Most end-office switches are Class ________ switches. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5


42) To use a leased line, the customer requires a(n) ________ at each site. A) switch B) router C) CSU/DSU D) modem


43) A customer's leased line to its ISP connects to the ISP's ________. A) POP B) NAP C) CSU/DSU D) interface


47) Which of the following DSL services tends to be symmetric in speed? A) residential B) business C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


48) Which of the following DSL services usually offers QoS guarantees? A) residential B) business C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


49) A firm uses a PSDN. It has four sites. How many leased lines will it need? A) 0 B) 1 C) 4 D) none of the above


72) A router's load-balancing process is determined by ________. A) the SDN controller B) an SDN application C) the router D) any of the above


73) Communication between SDN applications and SDN controllers is governed by ________. A) northbound APIs B) southbound APIs C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


1) A network that runs on the customer premises is a ________. A) LAN B) WAN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


10) WANs are ________. A) single networks B) internets C) either A or B D) neither A nor B


11) The Internet is a ________. A) LAN B) WAN C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


12) Which of the following does the carrier NOT own? A) the network core B) customer premises equipment C) both A and B D) neither A nor B


13) Which of the following is a common use for carrier WANs? A) to connect corporate sites B) to connect a corporate site to the Internet C) both A and B D) neither A nor B

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