Chapter 11 - Section 3 - The Plantation South

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Religious folk songs that blended biblical themes with the realities of slavery

How was the southern Cotton Kingdom?

Society was dominated by owners of large plantations. This small but wealthy class lived in luxury and sent their children to the finest schools. But more than half of all southern farmers DID NOT have slaves. They grew corn and raised hogs and chickens.

How did supporters of slavery defended slavery?

Supporters of slavery thought it was more human than the free labor system in the North because unlike northern factory workers, enslaved African Americans did not have to worry about unemployment.

Why was there an increased demand for cotton?

The Industrial Revolution led to a growth in textiles, which led to more demand for cotton.

How widespread was slave ownership?

The slaves were owned by fewer than half of white southerners

In spite of all the restrictions, many free African Americans made some valuable contributions to the southern life

1. Norbert Rillieux changed the sugar industry by his method of refining sugar that made the process faster, safer and less costly. 2. Henry Blair developed a seed-planting device that reduced the time a farmer spent sowing a crop.

What two events changed life in the South?

1. a boom in textiles caused by Industrial Revolution created a huge demand for cotton 2. a new invention allowed the South to satisfy that demand (The Cotton Gin)

Cotton Gin

A machine used a spiked cylinder to remove seeds from cotton fibers

Why did cotton production and the number of slaves in the US both increase at the same time? (See graph)

Because having more slaves allowed southern plantation owners to produce more cotton

Why do you think slave codes made it illegal to teach enslaved workers?

Because owners felt they had more control if slaves were not taught (illiterate).

How did life for free blacks in the South compare with life for free blacks in the North?

Both free blacks in the South and North faced discrimination in employment. However, free blacks in the north could vote, and some went to school but free blacks in the south could not vote or go to school.

What was one way for an enslaved person to gain freedom?

By purchasing their freedom

How did critics feel about slavery?

Critics of slavery thought that slaves did not have the basic right to leave their work if conditions became too harsh, that slaves were often mistreated, and that all people should be free.

How did enslaved African Americans adapt to slavery and resist it?

Enslaved African Americans adapted to slavery by finding support in the Bible, African customs, and music. Some of them worked slowly or badly on purpose, some turned to violence, and some escaped.

slave code

Laws that controlled the lives of enslaved African Americans and denied them basic rights.

Nat Turner

Leader of a slave rebellion in 1831 in Virginia. Revolt led to the deaths of 20 whites and 40 blacks and led to the "gag rule' outlawing any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives

Why did most southern white people support slavery even though many of them did not own slaves?

Many southern whites feared that the weakening of controls over African Americans might encourage violent uprisings. They felt superior to enslaved people, resented interference of the North, or believed that enslaved workers were better off than northern factory workers.

In order to grow more cotton, what did planters use?

More slave labor

How did the cotton gin make growing cotton more profitable?

The cotton gin made growing cotton more profitable because workers could process fifty times more cotton with the gin than by hand.

There were many restrictions on free blacks in the South. Explain why?

There were restrictions on southern free blacks because southerners did not want free African Americans to have equal rights. Whites wanted to stay in power.


to commit; to apply (time and energy, for example)


uprising; rebellion

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