Chapter 11 stress

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Sense of humor

" A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" Humor can moderate the effects of stress Students who were capable of producing humor were less affected by stress. Exposing students to humorous video tapes increased immunoglobin levels in saliva. How does humor help w/ stress? - laughter stimulates the output of endorphins, which might enhance the functioning of the immune system. - humors appears to be associated with social support and self efficacy.

Multiple Approach Avoidance Conflict

A type of conflict in which each of a number of goals produces approach and avoidance motives ex study or movie? - Study is boring - avoidance -Wont have to worry about failing if I study - approach -See the movie - approach - Worrying about how ill do tomorrow - avoidance

CHD sociocultural risk factors

African Americans are more likely to have heart attacks and die from them than Europeans. - are also less likely to receive procedures such ass bypass surgery and aspirin. Asian, Latinas and native Americans are less likely to have heart attacks than blacks and whites.

Social Support

Aspects to social support - Emotional concern: listening to peoples problems and expressing feelings of sympathy, caring, and understanding, and reassurance. - Instrumental aid: the material support and services that facilitate adaptation. For example relief organizations may provide food and meds. -Information: guidance and advice that enhance peoples ability to cope -Appraisal: feedback from others about how one is doing. This kind of support helps people interpret what has happened to them -Socializing: simple conversation, recreation, even going shopping with another person. socializing has beneficial effects, even when its not oriented toward solving problems. Introverts are more prone to developing infectious diseases under stress. Social support helps with coping with cancer and other health issues. also helps with coping with stress due to natural disasters. and also rape.

GAS stage 3

Exhaustion stage - If stressor is not dealt with weekend resistance and possible deterioration. Diseases of adaptation - if stressor is not dealt with blood vessels constrict and alteration of heart rhythm can range from allergies to hives and heart disease or death.

Type A behavior

Highly driven, Competitive, impatient, aggressive, prone to getting into accidents, hostile. Find it difficult to surrender control or share power - increase their own authority. Demand perfect competence and achievement of themselves in everything they do. "coronary prone behavior"-because of high blood pressure earn more money and higher grades than type B.

Type B behavior

Relaxed, focused on the quality of life, less ambitious, less impatient and pace themselves. Lower blood pressure than type A

GAS stage 2

Resistance stage: adaptation stage prolonged sympathetic activity in an effort to restore lost energy and repair damage Levels are lower but still higher than normal (alarm clock is still on but softer.)

Approach Avoidance Conflict

The same goal produces approach and avoidance motives. ex. Cheese cake is tasty - Approach Cheese cake is full of calories - Avoidance Choose b/w + and -

CHD psychological risk factors

Type A behavior: people who are highly prone to anger are three times as likely as others to have heart attack. ( b/c the stress hormones produced when angry constrict blood vessels which can cause heart attack) Job strain: Over time work, assembly line labor, can contribute to CHD. High strain work puts workers at the highest risk Chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, and emotional strain: Depression is connected with irregularities in the heart rate and may make blood platelets stick which cause clots that lead to CHD. Sudden Stressors such as natural disasters.

predictability and control

predictability -helps is to brace ourselves for the inevitable and plan ways of coping with them. Control - allows to feel that we are not at the mercy of fate Internals- People who believe they have control over their lives ( predictability works better for them) Externals - People who want perceive the ability to attain reinforcements as largely outside of themselves. ex. people who want information about their medical procedures cope better with pain.

General adaptation syndrome Stage 1

sely's term for a hypothesized 3 stage response to stress Alarm reaction - triggered by the impact of a stressor and is characterized by sympathetic activity. hypothalamus: secretes Corticotrophin-releasing hormone(CRH) Which causes the Pituitary gland: secretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) Which causes the Adrenal cortex: secrets corticosteroids (help protect from allergic reactions) Adrenal medulla- releases a mixture of adrenaline and noradrenaline. (accelerates heart rate, and causes liver to release glucose. THESE BODY CHANGES FUEL THE FIGHT OR FLIGHT REACTION! one the threat is removed body goes back to normal Inflammation increases circulation to parts of the body that are injured Tend and befriend theory - experienced by women Conservation or resources theory

Self - efficacy expectations

We can bring about desired change through our own effort-affects our ability to withstand stress. Bandura: Found that people with higher self efficacy expectations are accompanied by relatively lower levels of adrenaline a noradrenaline in the bloodline. people w/ high efficacy are more likely too loose weight quit smoking and less likely to relapse. alcohol use is related to self efficacy.

Psychological Hardiness

Commitment: involve themselves in rather than feel alienated from what they are doing Challenge: Believe that change rather stability is normal in life. Appraise change as an interesting incentive to personal growth, not a threat to security. Control: High in control over lives. Locus of control - the place an individual attributes control over the receiving of reinforcers inside or outside of self. - psychological hardy people are less stressed because they face it. -They interpret stress as making life more interesting Ex. see opportunity with employer as opportunity to persuade them rather than worrying about losing their job.

Avoidance Avoidance Conflict

A person is motivated to avoid each negative goal, yet avoiding one requires approaching the other ex. don't want to go to dentist - Avoidance but afraid tooth will decay if not.- Avoidance -When highly stressful withdraw from conflict by focusing other things or doing nothing. -some people have refused to get up and start their day choose b/w - and -

CHD risk factors biological

Fam history: family history of CHD are more likely to get CHD Physiological conditions: Obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension(blood pressure). Essential hypertension - genetic high blood pressure Physically inactive life style Patterns of consumption- Risky patterns include heavy drinking, smoking, and overeating. A little alcohol is good for the heart.

Approach Approach Conflict

Least stressful type Each of two goals are desirable and both are In reach The goals that produce opposing motives are within reach. Choosing b/w + and + ex. Trip to NY - Approach Trip to CA - Approach

Relationship between stress and cancer

Possible links b/w cancer and stress. stress may lower levels of cortisol and impair the ability of the immune system to destroy cancer cells. stress worsens immunes systems ability to resist cancer. Prolonged depression may heighten the risk of some kinds of cancer by depressing the functioning of the immune system.

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