Chapter 12 Abnormal Psych

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Of U.S. college students, _____ percent report binge drinking at least once each month


In studies investigating the presence of a genetic predisposition to substance dependence, it was found that, in _____ percent of cases, if one identical twin abuses alcohol the other twin will also abuse alcohol.


Which neurotransmitter does alcohol primarily target?


T.J. spends almost half of his paycheck every week betting on sporting events. He has repeatedly tried to spend less money gambling over the past three years so that he can save for retirement, but he has been unable to do so. Should T.J. be diagnosed with gambling disorder?

No, because he does not show four or more symptoms.

Of those who receive treatment for substance use disorders, the highest numbers receive treatment in/at:

a self-help group

Jay went out partying with his friends and drank several beers. Which is the only method that will aid in sobering him up?

allowing for time to pass

The BEST form of treatment for substance use disorders is:

an integration of multiple therapeutic approaches

Researchers have identified a neurotransmitter called _____ that works like THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Excessive use of marijuana has been shown to reduce the production of this neurotransmitter.


According to the textbook, a major risk of methamphetamine use is neurotoxicity, which means it can:

damage nerve endings in the brain.

Shaniqua is a chronic user of Ecstasy. Which is NOT among the problems she might report?

decreased heart rate

Which feeling is MOST likely to stimulate more gambling in those with gambling disorder?


According to the video, the brain's reward circuit focuses on the activity of the neurotransmitter:


Although Internet use disorder is not recognized by the DSM-5, the textbook notes that research suggests it may produce symptoms similar to those of substance use disorder and:

gambling disorder

Cocaine-induced psychosis causes users to experience:

hallucinations, delusions, or both

The MOST powerful drug in the cannabis family is:


Which drug has been found helpful in treating medical conditions like glaucoma, chronic pain, and asthma?


The video describes the gambling disorder of Theodore as a(n):


Repeated use of heroin can result in a(n):

opioid use disorder

When people take more than one drug at a time, it is called:

polysubstance abuse

Jonathan is a certified addictions counselor who believes substance use is more likely to appear in families and environments where substance use is valued or at least accepted. Jonathan is a(n) _____ theorist.


The idea that people are most likely to develop substance use disorders when they live under stressful socioeconomic conditions comes from the _____ perspective.


Which brain structure is NOT part of the brain's reward circuit?q


If people have unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms when they suddenly stop taking a substance, they are experiencing:


According to the textbook, at least blank percent of people experience a pattern that is sometimes unofficially termed Internet use disorder, in which they experience the uncontrollable need to be on the Internet at most times.


It is estimated that, at most, approximately _____ percent of teenagers and college students suffer from gambling disorder.


According to the man interviewed in the video, people check their smartphones an average of blank times per day.


Ecstasy, which has gained enormous popularity as a club drug over the last decade, was actually first developed in:


Of the world's population, _____ percent consume the stimulant caffeine daily.


In 1935, two Ohio men met and began discussing possible treatment avenues for their shared substance addiction. Today, the group that eventually came out of this meeting has over 2 million members worldwide. It is called:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

According to studies exploring the relationship between alcohol abuse and race/ethnicity, _____ consistently display the highest rates of alcohol abuse and dependence.

American Indians

_____ can be used to reduce anxiety and induce sleep.


Hallucinogen intoxication can result from the use of:


In 1938, Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman derived _____, a hallucinogenic drug, from a group of naturally occurring drugs called ergot alkaloids.


In 1938, Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman derived a hallucinogenic drug from a group of naturally occurring drugs called ergot alkaloids. That drug is:


Kevin is a chronic user of a drug that caused him to have flashbacks—a recurrence of the sensory and emotional changes induced by the drug—even months after his last use. Kevin MOST likely took:


Two hours after ingesting _____, Jessa begins to experience hallucinosis. She sees imaginary birds, becomes obsessed with individual blades of grass, and her arms begin to tingle.


Which of the drugs listed below is NOT LIKELY to result in tolerance or withdrawal?


Which is true regarding the definition of addiction and DSM-5?

People may become addicted to behaviors beyond substance use.

Which active chemical in cannabis seems to be MOST responsible for its effects?


According to the video, the cause of his pathological gambling is:

abnormal functioning of the brain's pleasure pathway.

Which of the following is NOT a therapeutic approach used to treat individuals with gambling disorder?

acceptance and commitment therapy

Which of the following substances is NOT an example of a stimulant?


Which racial/ethnic group is LEAST likely to have members with substance use disorders?

asian americans

The DSM-5 listing of "gambling disorder" suggests that people may become addicted to _____ beyond substance use.

behaviors and activities

One of the MOST dangerous effects of opioids is that they:

can shut down the respiratory center in the brain.

Which of the following substances is NOT an opioid?


Two days after giving up alcohol, Nathan begins to experience terrifying visual hallucinations. For example, he sees small, frightening animals chasing and crawling on him. Nathan is likely experiencing:

delirium tremens

Marcus is suffering from a serious painkiller addiction. His family has convinced him that he needs help, and he has agreed to enter a treatment facility to "get clean." The first thing that will be essential to Marcus's recovery is for him to undergo _____, which refers to systematic and medically supervised withdrawal from a drug.


This perspective purports that substance use disorders begin with genetic predispositions characterized by a less-than-optimal reward circuit in the brain and a problematic temperament, combined with experiencing numerous stressors throughout childhood with inadequate parenting.

developmental psychopathology

James took some cocaine, which caused him to have a euphoric rush of well-being. His experience is attributable to the increased activity of this neurotransmitter:


The medications taken by the man in this video are also used to help treat:

drug and substance dependence

Dr. Yates has an inpatient treatment program for substance use disorders. He has his clients on a contingency management program that provides them with privileges contingent on _____ when they return to the facility from weekend passes.

drug free urine specimens

The ingestion of methamphetamine does NOT increase the activity of which neurotransmitter?


Some cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that the pull of addiction is as much about the _____ of the pleasurable effects a drug will bring as it is about the experience of those effects.


Edna snorts cocaine on a regular basis. What is she LEAST likely to experience immediately after use?

feeling tired

DSM-5 lists _____ as an addictive disorder alongside the substance use disorders.

gambling disorder

Gigi is consumed with playing slot machines. She frequently goes to the casino when upset and feels restless and irritable when she tries to stop gambling. She lies about how much she gambles and often borrows money to cover her mortgage when she loses her paycheck at the casino. Her thoughts about gambling often interfere with her ability to do her job. Gigi MOST likely has:

gambling disorder

Researchers focusing on Internet use as a disorder are especially interested in Internet:


All of these EXCEPT _____ are common street names for MDMA.


Some people who suffer from heroin addiction choose to enter a program called _____ maintenance therapy, where they are given a synthetic form of heroin so that their addiction can be maintained under safe medical supervision.


In Alex's continuing substance abuse treatment program, a nurse empathizes with her and helps motivate her to recognize her problem and commit to making constructive choices and behavior changes in her life. This technique is called:

motivational interviewing

Wayne, who is 40, has been using LSD for years. Eventually, he may develop _____ as a result of prolonged substance use.


Jay took the drug MDMA (Ecstasy) and experienced confusion, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and paranoid thinking for weeks after taking it. The drug he took had both _____ and _____ effects.

stimulant; hallucinogen

Some psychodynamic theorists believe that certain people respond to their early deprivations by developing a(n) _____, which leaves them particularly prone to drug abuse.

substance abuse personality

According to DSM-5, the gambling disorder of the man in this video is most similar to which of the following disorders?

substance use disorder

This is a pattern of maladaptive behaviors and reactions that have occurred over a long period of time due to the repeated use of a substance.

substance use disorder

What is NOT a result of stimulant use?

suppressed central nervous system activity

Advancements in the understanding of substance use disorders are the result of all of the following EXCEPT:

that clinicians are now using only one approach to treatment, the cognitive-behavioral approach, as the gold standard.

Which of the following factors influences the potency of the cannabis drug?

the climate in which the plant is grown

Micah has a substance use disorder for which he is not receiving treatment. Based on what is known about substance use disorders, which statement is FALSE about Micah's condition?

the disorder is unlikely to affect his social life

According to the video, one reason people often feel compelled to repeatedly engage with the Internet and smartphone technology is:

the fear of missing out on something

Daytop Village and Phoenix House are two examples of:

therapeutic communities

When a smoker is addicted to nicotine, that person is said to have:

tobacco use disorder

At least ___ percent of all people end up spending all or most of their waking hours online, mostly gaming or on social media.


_____ of all drug overdose deaths involve opioids.


Of all adolescents and adults in the United States, _____ percent have a substance use disorder.


When is alcohol considered a stimulant?

Alcohol is always a depressant, no matter how much is ingested.

Malik regularly consumes large amounts of alcohol. His girlfriend has noticed that at least twice a week, he engages in an episode of binge-drinking and has done so for the entire year that they have been dating. Which would be an accurate description of Malik's drinking behaviors?

Malik is a heavy drinker

Mike is guided by his therapist to think about drinking and driving and suddenly dying in a tragic car accident. He is encouraged to imagine the effects on his family as well as the opportunities he will lose as a result of his death. His therapist has him engage in this process repeatedly over time. Mike goes out one night, and when he starts to order a beer he feels the sadness he felt when imagining his death. The process his therapist used is called:

aversion therapy

Saif has been abusing alcohol for almost ten years. He decides to get help and visits a therapist who suggests Saif take a medication that will induce nausea and vomiting if he drinks alcohol, citing that the pairing of nausea with alcohol is expected to produce negative responses to alcohol itself. This is known as:

aversion therapy

According to the video, methamphetamine acts upon the brain's reward circuit by:

blocking the re-entry of its key neurotransmitter to the presynaptic cell.

A widely used behavioral treatment for substance use disorders is aversion therapy, an approach based on the principles of:

classical conditioning

After ingesting cocaine, Jan experiences hallucinations and delusions, a condition called:

cocaine-induced psychosis

Ron is receiving treatment for a cocaine addiction. Each time he submits a drug-free urine specimen, he is given some sort of prize that is valuable to him. This type of behavioral treatment is called:

contingency management

It is hypothesized that in the reward _____ syndrome model of substance addiction, the reward center of the brain is not adequately stimulated by usual activities, so the individual turns to drugs to stimulate this pleasure pathway.v


When smoked, cannabis produces _____ effects.

depressant, stimulant, and hallucinogenic

What type of substance slows down the activity of the central nervous system?


Which class of drugs reduces tension and inhibitions and may interfere with a person's judgment, motor activity, and concentration?


The ingestion of caffeine does NOT increase the activity of this neurotransmitter.


Using alcohol leads to all of the following effects EXCEPT:

increase in heart rate and respiration

According to the video, the brain's reward circuit, crucial to its response to methamphetamine, is located in the:

limbic system

Kimmie recently lost her job as a successful accountant, and she has not had any luck getting a new position. According to research from the sociocultural perspective, Kimmie is _____ an employed person to develop a substance-related problem.

more than likely

Stephanie was prescribed Percocet to control pain after a knee surgery two years ago. Three weeks after the surgery, she ran out of the medication; but she was still in a great deal of pain and felt she needed more. The doctor refused to prescribe more medication, so Stephanie talked one of her friends into giving her her leftover pain medication. Once that supply was used up, Stephanie started buying pain pills off the streets. To pay for the pills, Stephanie has stolen from her friends and family, who now refuse to have anything to do with her. Without the pain pills, Stephanie experiences so much pain—and now nausea. In addition, she finds she needs to take two times the dose she used to take in order to get any relief and feel good. Stephanie is most likely experiencing:

opioid use disorder

Most individuals with an opioid use disorder are addicted to:

pain relievers such as oxycodone.

Dr. Constantine is a substance-abuse counselor who believes that people who abuse substances have very powerful dependency needs that can be traced to their early childhood years. Dr. Constantine is probably a proponent of the _____ view.


Which approach to treating substance-related disorders has NOT been found to be particularly effective, especially if it is the only treatment style being used?

psychodynamic therapies

A cognitive-behavioral approach to treating alcohol use that involves clients tracking their drinking behavior and applying coping strategies in situations that trigger excessive drinking is:

relapse prevention training

Delia wants to reduce the frequency and amount of her drinking. Her therapist suggests that she plan out her drinking behavior ahead of time. This includes what to drink, how much to drink, and when to drink. This approach is called:

relapse prevention training

Delia has decided that she wants to reduce the frequency of her intoxication, and her therapist suggests that she plan out her drinking behavior ahead of time. This includes what to drink, how much to drink, and when it is appropriate to drink. This type of approach to dealing with Delia's alcohol issue is called:

relapse-prevention training

Theresa started using amphetamines to try to lose weight. After two months of taking them, Theresa found not only that the weight was coming off, but also that she was feeling great and had lots of energy—so she kept taking them. A little over a year has passed, and Theresa finds that now she needs to take more and more of the drug to feel any increase in energy or uplift in mood. In addition, if she goes for any period of time without having the drug in her system, she feels awful. These frequently occurring "crashes" are preventing her from spending time with her friends. Theresa most likely has a(n):

stimulant use disorder

Two years ago, Julian and his friends took amphetamines to perk up and feel good during finals week. Julian loved how the pills gave him energy and put him in a great mood. He was able to get so much work done! Since then, to keep that good feeling and productivity, Julian has slowly increased the amount of these types of "uppers" he takes and how frequently he takes them—sometimes up to 6 pills a day. For the last two terms at school, instead of going to class and studying, Julian spent the majority of his time and energy trying to find more pills. As a result, Julian failed his classes last term and was put on academic probation. This term, again, he is going to receive failing grades. Julian most likely has:

stimulant use disorder.

Marina decided that she was going to do two drugs—alcohol and morphine—at the same time. She hoped that each drug's individual effects would add up to a more powerful effect, but she was unprepared for the fact that one drug actually multiplied the effect of the other. This created a very dangerous situation, and Marina had to be taken to the hospital. This combined effect of the two drugs is called a(n) _____ effect.


Marina decided to use both alcohol and morphine at the same time. She hoped that the drugs' individual effects would add up to a more powerful effect, but instead, one drug multiplied the effects of the other. This created a very dangerous situation, and Marina had to be taken to the hospital. This combined effect of the two drugs is called a(n) _____ effect.


What is it called when a person needs increasing doses of a substance to produce the desired effect?


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