Chapter 13 and 14

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33. On a sagittal plane, the cerebellar white matter exhibits a branching pattern called the ______________.

Arbor Vitae

38. Areas of cerebral cortex that identify or interpret sensory information are called _____________.

Association Areas

10. All somatic reflexes share all of the following properties except A. They are quick B. They are monosynaptic C. They require stimulation D. They are involuntary E. They are stereotyped


25. Which of the following does not receive any input from the eyes? A. The hypothalamus B. The frontal lobe C. The thalamus D. The occipital lobe E. The midbrain


40. The motor pattern for speech is generated in an area of cortex called the ___________ and then transmitted to the primary motor cortex to be carried out.

Broca Area

2. The brachial plexus gives rise to all of the following nerves except A. The axillary nerve B. The radial nerve C. The obturator nerve D. The median nerve E. The ulnar nerve


21. Which of these is caudal to the hypothalamus? A. The thalamus B. The optic chiasm C. The cerebral aqueduct D. The pituitary gland E. The corpus callosum


26. While studying in a noisy cafeteria sounds have just "come back." While you were dozing, this auditory input was blocked from reaching your auditory cortex by A. The temporal lobe. B. The thalamus C. The reticular activating system D. The medulla oblongata E. The vestibulocochlear nerve


6. Which of these is not a region of the spinal cord? A. Cervical B. Thoracic C. Pelvic D. Lumbar E. Sacral


7. In the spinal cord, the somas of the lower motor neurons are found in A. The cauda equina B. The posterior horns C. The anterior horns D. The posterior root ganglia E. The fasciculi


28. The ________ is most closely associated with the cerebellum in embryonic development and remains its primary source of input fibers throughout life. A. Telencephalon B. Thalamus C. Midbrain D. Pons E. Medulla


39. Linear, analytical, and verbal thinking occurs in the __________ hemisphere of the cerebrum, which is one the left in most people.


35. Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted partly by a mass of blood capillaries called the ___________ in each ventricle.

Choroid Plexus

31. The right and left cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by a thick C-shaped bundle of fibers called the _____________.

Corpus Callosum

14. In the ___________ reflex, contraction of flexor muscles in one limb is accompanied by the contraction of extensor muscles in the contralateral limb.

Crossed Extension

3. Nerve fibers that adjust the tension in a muscle spindle are called A. Intrafusal fibers B. Extrafusal fibers C. Alpha motor neurons D. Gamma motor neurons E. Primary afferent fibers


20. The sciatic nerve is a composite of two nerves, the ___________ and ____________.

Tibial, Common Fibular

37. A lesion in which lobe of the cerebrum is most likely to cause a radical alternation of the personality?


11. Outside the DNS, the somas of neurons are clustered in swellings called _____________.


34. Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles can cause a condition called ____________.


15. Modified muscle fibers serving primarily to detect stretch are called___________

Intrafusal fibers

22. If the telencephalon was removed from a 5 week old embryo, which of the following structures would fail to develop in the fetus? A. Cerebral hemispheres B. The thalamus C. The midbrain D. The medulla oblongata E. The spinal cord


24. The pyramids of the medulla oblongata contain A. Descending corticospinal fibers B. Commissural fibers C. Ascending spinocerebellar fibers D. Fibers going to and from the cerebellum E. Ascending spinothalamic fibers


27. Because of a brain lesion, a certain patient never feels full, but eats so excessively that she now weighs nearly 270 kg (600 lb). The lesion is most likely in her A. Hypothalamus B. Amygdala C. Hippocampus D. Basal nuclei E. Pons


8. The outermost connective tissue wrapping of a nerve is called the A. Epineurium B. Perineurium C. Endoneurium D. Arachnoid mater E. Dura mater


4. A stretch reflex requires that action of ________________ to prevent an antagonistic muscle from interfering with the agonist. A. Gamma motor neurons B. A withdrawal reflex C. A crossed extension reflex D. Reciprocal inhibition E. A contralateral reflex


17. The crossing of a nerve fiber or tract from the right side of the CNS to the left, or vice versa is called _____________.


1. Below L2, the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called A. The terminal filum B. The descending tracts C. The gracile fasciculus D. The medullary cone E. The cauda equina


23. The blood CSF barrier is formed by A. Blood capillaries B. Endothelial cells C. Protoplasmic astrocytes D. Oligodendrocytes E. Ependymal cells


29. Damage to the___________ nerve could result in defects of eye movement. A. Optic B. Vagus C. Trigeminal D. Facial E. Abducens


30. All of the following except the __________ nerve begin or end in the orbit. A. Optic B. Oculomotor C. Trochlear D. Abducens E. Accessory


5. A patient has a gunshot wound that caused a bone fragment to nick the spinal cord. The patient now feels no pain or temperature sensations from that level of the body down. Most likely, the _____________ was damaged. A. Gracile fasciculus B. Medial lemniscus C. Tectospinal tract D. Lateral corticospinal tract E. Spinothalamic tract


9. The intercostal nerves between the ribs arise from which spinal nerve plexus? A. Cervical B. Brachial C. Lumbar D. Sacral E. None of them


16. The _________ nerves arise from the cervical plexus and innervate the diaphragm.


19. The __________ ganglion contains the somas of neurons that carry sensory signals to spinal cord.

Posterior root

36. The primary motor area of the cerebrum is the ___________ gyrus of the frontal lobe.


18. The nonvisual awareness of the body's position and movements is called ___________.


12. Distal to the intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve branches into an anterior and posterior ____________


13. The cerebellum receives feedback from the muscles and joints by way of the ______________ tracts of the spinal cord.


32. The brain has four chambers called ___________ filled with _____________ fluid.

Ventricles, Cerebrospinal

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