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A sterile object is free of ______. A.) all viable microorganisms and viruses B.) almost all viable microoganisms and viruses C.) all viable microorganisms except viruses D.) everything except endospores


Chlorohexidine is reliably A.) Bactericidal B.) Viricidal C.) Microbiostatic D.) Sporicidal


Hydrogen peroxide typically kills microbes by: A.) Producing toxic free radicals B.) Disrupting the cell membrane C.) Disrupting the cell wall D.) Causing mutations in DNA E.) Inhibiting RNA synthesis F.) Inhibiting protein synthesis


Treatment of materials to be sterilized with ethylene oxide in a chemiclave requires about _____. A.) 3 hours B.) overnight (16 hours) C.) 20 minutes D.) 1 hour


Select all that apply The primary targets of microbial control are microorganisms that cause ______ or ______. Multiple select question. A.) food spoilage B.) disease C.) microbial antagonism D.) antibiotic production

A, B

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about soaps are correct? A.) Soaps are only weakly microbicidal. B.) Some bacteria can grow on soap as a nutrient source. C.) Soaps help to mechanically remove surface debris. D.) Soaps have great germidical value when mixed with heavy metals. E.) Soaps can destroy most common hospital pathogens.

A, B, C

Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of chemical agents used to control microbes? a.) Heavy metals b.) Oxidizers c.) Phenolics d.) Alcohols e.) Inert gases f.) Aldehydes g.) Halogens

A, B, C, D, F, G

Select all that apply Iodine compounds are commonly used for: a.) Treatment of skin wounds b.) Antisepsis of skin c.) Household cleaning d.) Disinfection of medical equipment e.) Disinfection of food preparation equipment

A, B, D

Select all that apply Chlorhexidine typically kills microbes by A.) Disrupting the cell wall B.) Disrupting the cell membrane C.) Causing mutations in DNA D.) Inhibiting protein synthesis E.) Denaturing proteins F.) Inhibiting RNA synthesis

A, B, E

Select all that apply Endoscopy equipment becomes highly contaminated with human tissues and fluids, and should be sterilized in a low-temperature cabinet using which sterilants? A.) Peracetic acid B.) Iodine C.) Hydrogen peroxide D.) Chlorine bleach E.) Ethanol

A, C

Select all that apply The two broad categories that describe methods for controlling microbes are A.) physical B.) genetic engineering C.) chemical D.) viral

A, C

Select all that apply Which of the following statements are correct regarding OPA? A.) OPA is an aldehyde. B.) OPA is not effective against viruses. C.) OPA is non-irritating to eyes and nasal passages. D.) OPA can reliably destroy endospores.

A, C

Select all that apply As the most extensively used chlorine compounds, hypochlorites are used for A.) wound treatment and skin cleansing B.) sewage and waste water disinfection C.) food equipment sanitation D.) swimming pool treatments E.) household cleaning

A, C, D, E

Select all that apply Which of the following are some of the desirable qualities in a germicide? A.) Selective toxicity B.) Narrow-spectrum action C.) Broad-spectrum action D.) Rapid action E.) Inactivated by organic matter F.) Penetrating ability G.) Solubility in a solvent

A, C, D, F, G

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about soaps are correct? A.) Soaps can destroy few common hospital pathogens. C.) Soaps help to chemically neutralize D.) bacterial contamination. E.) Soaps are strongly microbicidal. F.) Soaps have great germidical value when mixed with iodine.

A, F

__________ is the physical removal of surface oils, debris, and soil from skin to reduce the microbial load.


_______ are chemical agents applied directly to body surfaces to inhibit vegetative pathogens.


Alcohol is used in which of the following applications? A.) Disinfection of drinking water B.) Degermation of skin C.) Household cleaning D.) Sterilizing delicate medical instruments


An ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilizer is called a(n) _____. A.) oxi-clave B.) chemiclave C.) compl-ETO-matic D.) autoclave


Antiseptics are ______ agents applied to the skin to inhibit vegetative bacterial cells. A.) physical B.) chemical C.) chemical and physical


Because of concerns about botulism, commercial food canneries must _____ food items. A.) disinfect B.) sterilize C.) decontaminate D.) degerm


Cationic detergents typically work by: A.) Disrupting the cell wall B.) Disrupting the cell membrane C.) Inhibiting RNA synthesis D.) Inhibiting protein synthesis E.) Causing mutations in DNA F.) Producing toxic radicals


Sterilization of the skin: A.) is easily done B.) is highly dangerous and impractical C.) is hard to do but not dangerous


The property of having antimicrobial effects in exceedingly small amounts belongs to which class of chemicals? a.) halogens B.) heavy metals C.) surfactants D.) phenolics


Which root indicates the ability to kill microorganisms? A.) -stasis B.) -cide C.) -static


Which of the following are disadvantages of OPA as a disinfectant? A.) OPA is ineffective against viruses and fungi. B.) It tends to stain proteins, including those in human skin. C.) OPA does not reliably destroy endospores. D.) OPA can be irritating to eyes and nasal passages.

B, C

Select all that apply What factors must be considered in order to adequately sterilize using heat? A.) pH of environment B.) Presence of water C.) Temperature D.) Length of exposure

B, C, D

Which items can be sanitized by boiling water prior to safe, acceptable use? A.) Surgical instruments B.) Drinking water C.) Utensils D.) Bedding and clothing

B, C, D

Select all that apply Phenolics typically kill microbes by A.) Inhibiting RNA synthesis B.) Denaturing metabolic enzymes C.) Disrupting the cell membrane D.) Inhibiting protein synthesis E.) Causing mutations in DNA F.) Disrupting the cell wall

B, C, F

Sterilization is: A.) Always necessary when spores are involved B.) Generally reserved for inanimate objects C.) Possible for inanimate and animate objects D.) Only necessary for certain groups of microbes

B, D

A critical concern for the food packaging industry is the elimination of endospores of A.) Bacillus anthracis B.) the AIDS virus C.) Clostridium botulinum D.) Escherichia coli


Disinfectants are normally only used on inanimate objects because A.) they are not strong enough for tissues B.) living tissues usually don't harbor pathogens C.) the high concentrations needed are harmful to living tissues


Sodium hypochlorite is also known as A.) surfactant B.) baking soda C.) bleach D.) detergent


The property of having antimicrobial effects in exceedingly small amounts is called a(n) _____ action. A.) radiative B.) antiseptic C.) oligodynamic D.) degerming


Select all that apply Alcohols are effective against: A.) Bacterial endospores B.) Naked viruses C.) Resistant bacteria D.) Enveloped viruses

C, D

Select all that apply Which of the following heavy metals are still used in germicidal preparations? A.) Zinc B.) Arsenic C.) Mercury D.) Silver E.) Gold F.) Copper

C, D

Select the statement that most accurately reflects the use of heat as an antimicrobial agent. A.) Moist heat methods exert their effect by denaturing lipids. B.) Moist heat methods require higher temperatures than dry heat methods. C.) At very high temperatures, moist heat methods oxidize cells to ash. D.) Dry heat methods exert their effect by dehydrating cells.


______ oxide is valuable for sterilization of heat-sensitive objects such as plastics, surgical and diagnostic appliances, and spices, but other related gases are available that are less toxic. A.) Propylene B.) Formaldehyde C.) Chlorine D.) Ethylene


Disinfection destroys: A.) vegetative bacterial cells and B.) endospores C.) only viruses D.) only endospores E.) only vegetative bacterial cells


______ is the physical removal of surface oils, debris, and soil from skin to reduce the microbial load. A.) Sterilization B.) Sanitization C.) Disinfection D.) Decontamination E.) Degermation


Select all that apply Chlorhexidine solutions are commonly used for: A.) Disinfection of drinking water B.) Disinfection of medical equipment C.) Household cleaning D.) Disinfection of food preparation E.) equipment F.) Skin wound care G.) Antisepsis of skin

F, G

True or false: A bactericidal agent will inhibit the growth of bacteria, whereas a bacteristatic agent will kill bacteria.


True or false: A process that completely removes or destroys all viable microorganisms, including viruses, from an object or habitat is referred to as disinfection.


True or false: Halogens are only microbistatic.


True or false: Heavy metals are microbistatic.


True or false: Household cleaners are often alcohol based.


True or false: Only a few microorganisms are killed by iodine even if proper concentrations and exposure times are used.


True or false: Phenolics typically kill microbes by inhibiting protein synthesis.


True or false: Routine skin antisepsis often is completed using phenolics.


True or false: Sepsis is a term referring to a condition free of pathogenic microorganisms or a procedure or process designed to prevent entry of infectious agents.


True or false: There are several degrees of sterility, based on the destruction of endospores.


Moist heat requires shorter exposure times and lower temperatures than dry heat. True false question.


True or false: Aldehydes are organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a terminal carbon.


True or false: An agent's effect on cells is known as its mode of action.


True or false: An object is either sterile or not sterile.


True or false: Boiling water can be an effective means of disinfection in the clinic and home.


True or false: Chlorhexidine solutions are commonly used for skin antisepsis and wound care.


True or false: Chlorhexidine typically kills microbes by disrupting the cell membrane or denaturing proteins. True false question.


True or false: Chlorine dioxide disrupts protein function to kill microbes. True false question.


True or false: Death involves the permanent termination of a particular organism's vital processes.


True or false: Halogens are microbicidal and can be sporicidal with longer exposure times.


True or false: Heavy metals inactivate proteins of microbes.


True or false: Hypochlorites are probably the most extensively used of all chlorine compounds; however, chloramines are being employed more frequently as alternatives in treating water supplies due to concerns regarding the formation of cancer-causing substances.


True or false: Quats are rated for only low-level disinfection in the clinical setting.


True or false: Silver and mercury are still used in germicidal preparations.


True or false: The halogens are a group of nonmetallic elements with antimicrobial applications, including bromine, iodine, chlorine and fluorine.


True or false: The primary targets of microbial control are microorganisms that cause infection or spoilage.


True or false: The straining of a fluid or air through a membrane to trap microorganisms is known as filtration.


True or false: The two primary iodine preparations are free iodine and iodophors.


True or false: Weak tinctures of heavy metals may be used as antiseptics on intact skin.


Gaseous and liquid chlorine compounds are mostly used for A.) large-scale water disinfection B.) food equipment sanitation C.) wound treatment and skin cleansing D.) household cleaning


Gaseous and liquid chlorine compounds are mostly used for a.) large-scale water disinfection b.) wound treatment and skin cleansing c.) food equipment sanitation d.) household cleaning


Antimicrobial solutions with water as the solvent are called ______ solutions.


Antimicrobial solutions with water as the solvent are called _______ solutions, whereas antimicrobial solutions with alcohol or water-alcohol mixtures as the solvent are called ________.

aqueous, tinctures

The main effect of cold treatment is to a.) kill a majority of microbes b.) slow the activity of microbes


Which of the following type of materials can be more reliably disinfected with a germicide? a.) Porous objects b.) Smooth objects


______ spectrum action is a desirable characteristic of a germicide. Listen to the complete question


Chlorine compounds typically kill microbes by: a.) Inhibiting RNA synthesis b.) Causing mutations in DNA c.) Denaturing enzymes d.) Inhibiting protein synthesis e.) Disrupting the cell membrane


Ethylene oxide, propylene oxide and _____ dioxide are commonly used as gaseous sterilants or disinfectants.


__________ involves the permanent termination of a particular organism's vital processes, and special qualifications are often needed to define and delineate this phenomenon in microbes.


The lowest temperature that achieves sterilization in a given quantity of broth culture upon a 10-minute exposure is referred to as the thermal _____ ________.

death point

The shortest length of time required to kill all test microbes at a specified temperature is referred to as the thermal _____ _______ .

death time

_____ is the use of a physical process or a chemical to destroy vegetative pathogens but not bacterial endospores, usually on inanimate surfaces.


Alcohols are not effective against naked viruses and bacterial _______.


To adequately sterilize using heat, temperature and length of ______ must be considered. Listen to the complete question


True or false: Routine skin antisepsis often is completed using phenolics.


Formalin is an aqueous solution of _________ gas that is used as a potent chemical fixative and microbicide.


The two aldehydes used most often in microbial control are _____ and ______ .

formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde

____ is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde gas that is used as a potent chemical fixative and microbicide.


An agent that kills fungal spores, hyphae and yeasts is called a _____.


The ______ are a group of nonmetallic elements with antimicrobial applications, including bromine, iodine, chlorine and fluorine.


Disinfectants are normally used only on inanimate objects because they can be toxic or harmful to ______ and other ________ tissues

human, animal

The use of sugar or salt to preserve food creates a _______ environment for the bacteria in the foods.


A(n) ______ is a combination of iodine and an organic carrier (such as alcohol) that serves as a moderate-level disinfectant and antiseptic.


______ are complexes of iodine and alcohol.


Ethyl and ______ alcohols are effective in microbial control.


Quaternary ammonium compounds are considered to be _________ -level disinfectants


An agent's effect on cells is known as its ________ of action.


In terms of using heat as an agent of microbial control, ______ heat methods operate at lower temperatures and shorter exposure time versus _____ heat methods.

moist, dry

The _______ _______ quantitatively compares the effectiveness of a chemical disinfectant to that of phenol. Listen to the complete question

phenol, coefficient

_______ methods for controlling microorganisms include heat, pressure, and radiation.


Iodine compounds typically kill microbes by denaturing _____ .


____________ is energy emitted from atomic activities and dispersed at high velocity through matter or space.


______ is defined as growth of microorganisms in the blood or other tissues.


_____ is an alkaline compound made by combining the fatty acids in oils with sodium or potassium salts.


An object is _______ if it is free of all viable microorganisms including viruses.


A process that completely removes or destroys all viable microorganisms, including viruses, from an object or habitat is referred to as _______ .


___________ is the destruction of all microbial life, whereas _________ destroys most microbial life, thus reducing contamination on inanimate surfaces.

sterilization, disinfection

Medical devices that become heavily contaminated with human tissues and fluids, must be carefully ______ using low-temperature cabinets that employ oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide and paracetic acid.


_______ is a widely used phenolic added to products to act as a disinfectant and antiseptic, but was banned in consumer products in 2017 due to concerns about development of resistance in microbes.


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