Chapter 13 - Biopsychology (Pinel-8), Biopsych chapter 11, Biopsychology chapter 16 (16.2-16.3, 16.5, 16.6, 16.7), Biopsychology Chapter 13, Chapter 11: Learning, Memory, and Amnesia

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One of the major turning points in the study of the neuropsychology of memory was the year H.M. had his operation:


How many injections of sodium amytal are administered during a conventional sodium amytal test? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 8 E) 12


peptide hormones and protein hormones

2 types of hormones that are chains of amino acids

It is widely believed that damage to the hippocampus is the major factor in the difficulties that medial temporal lobe amnesics have in recognizing objects. Why? What does relevant research on monkeys and rats suggest?

40% for describing the evidence linking the hippocampus to object recognition amnesia 40% for describing relevant experiments in rats and monkeys 20% for reaching a conclusion based on the evidence

Label this illustration of how LTP is typically studied. Then use this illustration, and any others that you may wish to supply, to describe and explain how LTP is typically produced and measured.

40% for effective use of illustration or illustrations to answer the question 30% for describing how LTP is typically produced 30% for describing how LTP is typically measured

Which of the following tasks is commonly used to study the spatial abilities of rats? A) Morris water maze B) radial-arm maze C) Mumby box D) all of the above E) both A and B

A & B morris water maze radial-arm maze

Patients with prefrontal cortex damage often display deficits in A) working memory. B) memory for the temporal order of events. C) reference memory. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A & B working memory memory for the temporal oder of events


A condition of sexual identity in which an individual believes that he or she is trapped in a body of the other sex

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

A congenital deficiency in the release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex, which results in compensatory adrenal hyperactivity and excessive release of adrenal androgens

Menstrual cycle

A cycle that often repeats itself every 28 days or so


A nonaromatizable androgen, restores copulatory behavior of castrated male primates but fails to restore copulatory behavior of castrated male rodents


- also called antidiuretic hormone - allows for reabsorption of water by kidneys - influences stress- coping and social responses


- identification of potential mating partners

Sexual Orientation and Genes

- sexual orientation influenced by genes pairs of... - 52% monozygotic twin brothers - 22% dizygotic twin brothers were both homosexual

A structural MRI study found that the __________ in the left hemisphere in musicians with perfect pitch than it is in musicians without perfect pitch. A) planum temporale is larger B) planum temporale is smaller C) frontal operculum is larger D) frontal operculum is smaller E) Heschl's gyrus is larger

A) planum temporale is larger

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, the cortical region indicated here plays a special role in... A) reading and writing. B) sign language. C) language comprehension. D) language expression. E) emotional language

A) reading and writing.

Electrical stimulation of the left cerebral cortex of conscious patients can influence their speech in a variety of ways. Which of the following is not a commonly observed speech-related response to cortical stimulation? The patient... A) says an unintended phrase. B) is momentarily mute. C) can speak but finds it difficult to name common objects. D) can speak but makes errors in counting. E) mispronounces well-known words

A) says an unintended phrase

The Wernicke-Geschwind model is a... A) serial model. B) parallel model. C) holistic, nonlocalizationist model. D) both A and C E) both B and C

A) serial model

Aromatization hypothesis

According to this, perinatal testosterone does not directly masculinization the brain; the brain is masculinized by estradiol that has been aromatized from perinatal testosterone

The major weakness of functional brain-imaging techniques as research tools is that they cannot A) be used to study nonhuman primates. B) prove causation. C) be used to study subcortical structures. D) reveal activity in cerebral nuclei. E) be used to study split-brain patients

B) prove causation

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, word salad results from damage to... A) Wernicke's area in the right hemisphere. B) the frontal operculum. C) Wernicke's area. D) the arcuate fasciculus. E) Broca's area

C) Wernicke's area

Anterior pituitary

Begins as part of the same embryonic tissue that eventually develops into the roof of the mouth - THIS IS THE REAL MASTER GLAND -releases tropic hormones - receives no neural input from the hypothalamus or any other neural structure


Cessation of menstruation

Sex chromosomes

Contain the genetic programs that direct sexual development


Contains all of the information necessary for the normal growth of a complete adult organism in its natural environment


Converts testosterone to estradiol

Cognitive neuroscientists interested in the brain mechanisms of language search for the specific parts of the brain that mediate A) phonemes. B) language production. C) language comprehension. D) language's constituent cognitive processes. E) both B and C

D) language's constituent cognitive processes

One theory of why lateralization of function evolved is that there are two fundamentally different modes of thinking, each requiring different neural circuitry. These two modes of thinking are referred to as... A) positive and negative. B) scientific and nonscientific. C) logical and illogical. D) synthetic and analytic. E) motor and sensory

D) synthetic and analytic

Posterior pituitary

Develops from a small outgrowth of hypothalamic tissue that eventually comes to dangle from the hypothalamus at the end of the pituitary stalk

Endocrine glands

Ductless glands that release their chemicals (hormones) directly into the circulatory system

What proportion of the digits recognized by healthy volunteers in the conventional dichotic listening test are typically those presented to the right ear? A) 100% B) 95% C) 90% D) 85% E) 55%

E) 55%

It is difficult to differentiate between anterograde and retrograde amnesia in Korsakoff patients because

Korsakoff's syndrome has a gradual onset. Rationale: Korsakoff's syndrome typically begins long before it is diagnosed, or even recognized by the patient. It is thus impossible to say which deficits precede or follow the onset.

The largest commissure in the human brain is the... A) optic chiasm. B) anterior commissure. C) massa intermedia. D) majora commissura. E) none of the above

E) none of the above

The smallest units of sound that distinguish among various words in a language are called A) semantics. B) syllables. C) graphics. D) lexicons. E) phonemes.

E) phonemes

Adrenogenital syndrome

Females suffer from unusually enlarged clitoris and fused labia

Sexually dimorphic nucleus

Found in the hypothalamus, larger in male rats

Seminal vesicles

Hold the fluid in which sperm cells are ejaculated

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone

Hormone that triggers the release of thyrotropin

Protein hormones

Hormones that are long chains of amino acids

Peptide hormones

Hormones that are short chains of amino acids

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Increase in this hormone cause the gonads and adrenal cortex to increase their release of gonadal and adrenal hormones, which in turn initiate the maturation of the genitals and the development of secondary sex hormones

Neurons in the medial temporal lobes of humans respond only to particular people or objects. These neurons are called ____________ neurons.

Jennifer Aniston

Neurons that respond only to specific individuals or objects have been discovered in the human brain. These have been termed

Jennifer Aniston cells.

It is difficult to differentiate between anterograde and retrograde amnesia in Korsakoff patients because A) the damage associated with Korsakoff's syndrome is diffuse. B) the damage associated with Korsakoff's syndrome is not diffuse. C) Korsakoff's syndrome has a gradual onset. D) the anterograde deficits are so much milder than the retrograde deficits. E) the retrograde deficits are so much milder than the anterograde deficits.

Korsakoff's syndrome has a gradual onset.


A period of 12-18 hours during which the female is fertile, receptive, proceptive, and sexually attractive


A protein that influences a biochemical reaction without participating in it

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, Broca's area contains the neural programs of... A) articulation (speech production). B) reading. C) language comprehension. D) language reception. E) translation.

A) articulation (speech production)

Sry protein

Protein that causes the medulla of each primordial gonad to grow and develop into a testis - there is no female counterpart

The two hemispheres, although similar in appearance, differ in function. The study of these functional differences is commonly referred to as the study of A) bilateral representation. B) lateralization of function. C) the split brain. D) fundamental functional duality. E) both C and D

Lateralization of Function

social learning theory

Money, the doctor of 'John' felt his case strongly supported the _____ _____ _____ of sexual identity

Ventromedial nucleus

Part of the hypothalamus that contains circuits that appear to be critical for female sexual behavior

On which of the following tests did H.M. display substantial long-term memory as indicated by improved performance?

Pavlovian conditioning test mirror-drawing test


Penis insertion


Sac that holds the testes outside the body cavity

Primordial gonads

Same pair of gonadal structures


Sexual intercourse


Sexually attracted to members of both sexes


Sexually attracted to members of the other sex


Sexually attracted to members of the same sex

Secondary sex characteristics

Those features other than the reproductive organs that distinguish sexually mature men and women

Surgical sexual reassignment

Surgery to change sex

Vasopressin and oxytocin

Two major hormones of the posterior pituitary - peptide hormones synthesized in the cell bodies of neurons in the paraventricular nuclei and supraoptic nuclei

Growth hormone

The only anterior pituitary hormone that does not have a gland as its primary target; acts directly on bone and muscle tissue to produce the pubertal growth spurt

anterior pituitary

begins in the same part of tissue that develops into the roof of the mouth, but migrates upward toward the posterior pituitary; it is from here that it releases the hormones

The brain operation performed on H.M. was a

bilateral medial temporal *lobectomy. *

Testicular atrophy

Wasting away of testes

Ablatio penis

born a male and reassigned genitals of a female


a protein that influences a biochemical reaction without participating in it

One patient with prefrontal damage could not cook a meal because she could not

carry out the various steps involved in preparing a meal in proper sequence.

One patient with prefrontal damage could not cook a meal because she could not A) remember the various steps involved in preparing a meal. B) find her utensils. C) carry out the various steps involved in preparing a meal in proper sequence. D) read her cookbooks. E) recognize Wilder Penfield.

carry out the various steps involved in preparing a meal in proper sequence.

androgenital syndrome

caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a congenital deficiency in the release of cortisol, which results in compensatory adrenal hyperactivity and excessive release of adrenal androgens

The left and right hemispheres are connected by the A) fornix. B) septum. C) cerebral commissures. D) cerebral ligaments. E) arcuate fasciculus.

cerebral commissures

The identification of basal forebrain degeneration Alzheimer's disease implicated

cholinergic neurons in memory.

Vas deferens

Where sperm cells travel to the seminal vesicles

Medial preoptic area

Where the sexually dimorphic nucleus is found - plays a key role in male sexual behavior

androgen insensitivity syndrome

a disorder in which the androgen receptors are unresponsive, making her external development proceed as female, but inhibiting her internal female organs/ducts

One major difference between the amnesia associated with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome and that associated with bilateral medial temporal lobe damage is that patients with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome have

a retrograde amnesia that can extend back into childhood.

In the brains of Alzheimer's patients, the level of __________ is greatly reduced, resulting from degeneration of the basal forebrain. A) epinephrine B) norepinephrine C) acetylcholine D) dopamine E) serotonin


Damage to the brains of Alzheimer's patients is often apparent in the A) medial temporal lobe structures. B) basal forebrain. C) prefrontal cortex. D) all of the above E) none of the above

all the above

Support for the hypothesis that long-term potentiation is the mechanism of memory came from the discovery that A) LTP can be induced by levels of stimulation that mimic normal neural activity. B) LTP effects are prominent in neural structures that have been implicated in memory. C) behavioral conditioning can produce LTP-like effects. D) the induction of maximal LTP in the hippocampus blocks learning of the Morris-water-maze task. E) all of the above

all the above

The human medial temporal lobe includes the A) hippocampus. B) amygdala. C) medial temporal cortex. D) CA1 subfield. E) all of the above

all the above

The striatum is thought to store A) memories for consistent relationships between stimuli and responses. B) the type of memories that develop incrementally over many trials (habit formation). C) memory for habits. D) all of the above E) none of the above

all the above

Which of the following medial diencephalic structures are commonly damaged in Korsakoff patients? A) thalamus B) mediodorsal nuclei C) mammillary bodies D) all of the above E) both A and C

all the above

Rats can perform the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task

almost as well as monkeys at retention delays up to a minute or so.

A change in the brain that stores a memory is called A) LTP. B) an engram. C) a memorial. D) a stilton. E) synaptic facilitation.

an engram

A change in the brain that stores a memory is called

an engram.

If you were going to illustrate the extent of H.M.'s bilateral lesion, you could accomplish this best if you drew H.M.'s brain from __________ perspective.

an inferior

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, the visual form of a read word is translated into a meaningful auditory code by the left __________.

angular gyrus

Brain-damage-produced deficits in language-related ability are generally referred to as A) aphasia. B) aphagia. C) apraxia. D) dyslexia. E) dementia.


medial preoptic area

appears to control male sexual behavior via a tract that projects to an area of the midbrain called the lateral tegmental field

Lateral tegmental field

area of midbrain that appears to control male sexual behavior

Wolffian system; Mullerian system

at 6 weeks, they have both a male _____ _____ and the female _____ _____

The Mumby-box is an apparatus that has been frequently used to study A) delayed matching-to-sample in monkeys. B) delayed nonmatching-to-sample in rats. C) delayed matching-to-sample in mice. D) delayed nonmatching-to-sample in monkeys. E) nondelayed matching-to-sample in rats.

delayed nonmatching-to-sample in rats.

Which of the following has been used extensively in the assessment of explicit object-recognition deficits in monkeys?

delayed nonmatching-to-sample task

Monkeys with large medial-temporal-lobe lesions displayed deficits on the __________ similar to those displayed by H.M.

delayed nonmatching-to-sample test

The identification of basal forebrain degeneration Alzheimer's disease implicated A) the hippocampus in memory. B) cholinergic neurons in memory. C) the amygdala in memory. D) serotonin in memory. E) dopamine in memory.

cholinergic neurons in memory.

ventromedial nucleus

contains circuits that appear critical to female sexual behavior

The specificity of LTP to particular synapses on the postsynaptic neuron is likely attributable to compartmentalizing effects of A) serotonergic receptors. B) glutamate. C) dendritic spines. D) axoaxonal synapses. E) presynaptic inhibition.

dendritic spines

The specificity of LTP to particular synapses on the postsynaptic neuron is likely attributable to compartmentalizing effects of

dendritic spines.

posterior pituitary

develops from a small outgrowth of the hypothalamic tissue that dangles from the end of the pituitary stalk

The most widely used behavioral test of language lateralization for healthy subjects is Kimura's adaptation of the A) dichotic listening test. B) sodium amytal test. C) unilateral-lesion procedure. D) token test. E) split-brain test

dichotic listening test

In Alzheimer's disease, the brain damage is A) diffuse. B) restricted to the basal ganglia. C) restricted to the basal forebrain. D) unilateral. E) contralateral.


In Alzheimer's disease, the brain damage is


The current consensus is that memories of experiences are likely stored

diffusely throughout the structures of the brain that participated in the original experience.

Which of the following has been used extensively in the assessment of explicit object-recognition deficits in monkeys? A) radial arm maze B) one-trial appetitive learning paradigm C) non-delayed matching-to-sample task D) delayed non-matching-to-sample task E) Mumby box

delayed non-matching-to-sample task

Monkeys with large medial-temporal-lobe lesions displayed deficits on the __________ similar to those displayed by H.M. A) digit-span +1 test B) WAIS C) incomplete-pictures test D) delayed non-matching-to-sample test E) digit-span test

delayed non-matching-to-sample test

Androgenic insensitivity syndrome

mutation to the androgen receptor gene- making them completely unresponsive

Evidence suggests that the induction of LTP is postsynaptic and the maintenance and expression involve presynaptic changes. This implies the existence of a retrograde messenger. Recent studies suggest that this messenger may be A) glutamate. B) dopamine. C) serotonin. D) nitric oxide. E) NMDA.

nitric oxide

Evidence suggests that the induction of LTP is postsynaptic and the maintenance and expression involve presynaptic changes. This implies the existence of a retrograde messenger. Recent studies suggest that this messenger may be

nitric oxide.

Stimulation of the __________ elicits a response in the __________ layer of the hippocampal __________.

perforant path; granule-cell; dentate gyrus

Amnesia that is produced by a blow to the head that does not penetrate the skull is called __________ amnesia. A) post-concussion B) post-traumatic C) retrograde D) anterograde E) post-episodic


Amnesia that is produced by a blow to the head that does not penetrate the skull is called __________ amnesia.


Alzheimer's amnesia is usually studied in

predementia Alzheimer's patients.

Alzheimer's amnesia is usually studied in A) monkeys. B) predementia Alzheimer's patients. C) advanced cases of Alzheimer's disease. D) neuropsychological patients with mediodorsal nucleus damage. E) neuropsychological patients with medial temporal lobe damage.

predementia Alzheimer's patients.

The __________ is thought to play a role in working memory and memory for temporal order.

prefrontal cortex

NMDA receptors respond to the __________ neurotransmitter.


The NMDA receptor is a type of __________ receptor.


The NMDA receptor is a type of __________ receptor. A) serotonin B) glutamate C) dopamine D) GABA E) nitric oxide


Which is the most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain?


Which is the most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain? A) NMDA B) GABA C) glycine D) epinephrine E) glutamate


The __________ is thought to play a role in working memory and memory for temporal order.

prefrontal cortex.

In retrospect, the major reason for the initial difficulty in developing an animal model of human medial temporal lobe amnesia was that efforts focused on

implicit memory tests. the hippocampus.

Some hippocampal neurons become active only when the subject is A) remembering. B) forgetting. C) in a particular place. D) thinking. E) eating.

in a particular place

Some hippocampal neurons become active only when the subject is

in a particular place.

Cerebral hypoxia

reduction of oxygen to the brain

Memory for general principles and skills required to perform a task is called __________ memory.


Memory for general principles and skills required to perform a task is called __________ memory. A) complex B) reference C) working D) place E) inclusive



influence sex by influencing development of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral gender characteristics and activating reproduction-related behavior

hormone release

regulated by signals from nervous system, signals from hormones, and signals from nonhormonal chemicals in the blood

endocrine glands

release chemicals (hormones) directly into the circulatory system

gonadotropic hormones; adrenocorticotropic hormones

release of _____ _____ and _____ _____ cause gonads and adrenal cortex to increase their release of gonadal and adrenal hormones

exocrine glands

release their chemicals into ducts which carry them to targets, mostly the surface of the body


removal of ovaries


removal of the testes

The tests commonly used to assess implicit memory in neuropsychological patients are

repetition priming tests

Food-caching species of birds tend to have __________ hippocampi than non-food-caching species.


Food-caching species of birds tend to have __________ hippocampi than non-food-caching species. A) fewer B) smaller C) more complex D) larger E) more


The cerebellum is thought to store memories of A) learned sensorimotor skills. B) faces. C) time. D) objects. E) spatial locations.

learned sensorimotor skills

The cerebellum is thought to store memories of

learned sensorimotor skills.

Broca's area is in the __________ cortex. A) left frontal B) right frontal C) left temporal D) right temporal E) left parietal

left frontal

Apraxia is usually associated with A) left-hemisphere lesions. B) right-hemisphere lesions. C) asphyxia. D) damage to Broca's area. E) damage to Wernicke's area.

left hemisphere lesions

Broca's area is adjacent to the A) left longitudinal fissure. B) right lateral fissure. C) left primary motor cortex face area. D) left primary somatosensory cortex face area. E) right primary somatosensory cortex.

left primary motor cortex

pulsatile hormone release

means there can be large minute-to-minute fluctuations in levels of circulating hormones

Mumby and his colleagues showed that large hippocampal lesions blocked the object-recognition deficits caused in rats by cerebral ischemia when the lesions were

made 1 hour, but not 1 week, after the ischemia.

H.M.'s operation was a bilateral __________ lobectomy.

medial temporal

Monkey and rat experiments on the effects of medial-temporal-lobe lesions on nonrecurring-items delayed nonmatching-to-sample suggest that __________ damage contributes substantially to the amnesic effects of bilateral medial-temporal lobectomy.

medial temporal cortex

Monkey and rat experiments on the effects of medial-temporal-lobe lesions on nonrecurring-items delayed nonmatching-to-sample suggest that __________ damage contributes substantially to the amnesic effects of bilateral medial-temporal lobectomy. A) medial temporal cortex B) hippocampus C) amygdala D) both A and C E) both B and C

medial temporal cortex

Damage to the brains of Alzheimer's patients is often apparent in the

medial temporal lobe structures. basal forebrain. prefrontal cortex. brain damage in Alzheimer's patients is extremely diffuse

The shaded areas on this drawing of the inferior surface of the brain illustrate the position of the

medial temporal lobes.

Damage to the __________ nuclei of the thalamus is currently thought to account for many of the memory problems experienced by patients with Korsakoff's syndrome.


The first theories of Korsakoff's amnesia attributed it to mammillary body damage, but later evidence suggested that damage to the __________ is more likely the major contributing factor.

mediodorsal nuclei

The first theories of Korsakoff's amnesia attributed it to mammillary body damage, but later evidence suggested that damage to the __________ is more likely the major contributing factor. A) frontal cortex B) hippocampus C) mediodorsal nuclei D) temporal infarction E) cribriform plate

mediodorsal nuclei

The striatum is thought to store

memories for consistent relationships between stimuli and responses. the type of memories that develop incrementally over many trials (habit formation) memory for habits.

The amygdala is thought to play a role in

memory for the emotional significance of experiences.

The amygdala is thought to play a role in A) object recognition memory. B) memory for time. C) memory for the emotional significance of experiences. D) space and working memory. E) memory for language.

memory for the emotional significance of experiences.

The aspect of R.M.'s case that is most ironic is that

during his posttraumatic amnesia, when he recalled few of the details of his own life, he remembered the case of H.M.

The amygdala appears to be involved in the __________ component of memory, whereas the cerebellum appears to be involved in the __________ component.

emotional; sensorimotor

The amygdala appears to be involved in the __________ component of memory, whereas the cerebellum appears to be involved in the __________ component. A) emotional; sensorimotor B) visual; temporal C) spatial; visual D) sensory; emotional E) procedural; implicit


Grid cells, head direction cells, and border cells are located in the A) entorhinal cortex. B) amygdala. C) frontal cortex. D) place field. E) Morris water maze.

entorhinal cortex

Grid cells, head direction cells, and border cells are located in the

entorhinal cortex.

Explicit memories for the particular events or experiences of one's life are __________ memories.


K.C., the man who can't time travel, experienced a severe deficit in __________ memory.


Islands of memory following concussion are memories of

events that occurred during periods of time for which there is otherwise total amnesia.

secondary sex characteristics

features other than reproductive organs that distinguish sexually mature males/females

Broca' s area corresponds to the part of the cortex referred to as the left __________

frontal operculum

PET and __________ are currently the main imaging techniques used by cognitive neuroscientists to study language.

functional MRI (fMRI)

the maintenance of stable blood levels of hormones

funtion of hormonal feedback


restores copulatory behavior in castrated male primates, but not rodents (shows it occurs by different mechanisms)

Apraxia usually A) results from right-hemisphere damage. B) results from left-hemisphere damage. C) affects the left side of the body far more than the right side. D) affects the right side of the body far more than the left side. E) both B and D

results from left-hemisphere damage

Here is an illustration of coronal section of a monkey brain cut through the hippocampus and amygdala. The shaded area indicates the position of the

rhinal cortex portion of the medial temporal cortex.

Illustrated here is one phase of the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task. It is the

sample phase

Illustrated here is one phase of the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task. It is the A) delay phase. B) recall phase. C) sample phase. D) recognition phase. E) choice phase.

sample phase

Interpreting the meaning of a word is called a __________ analysis.


Medial temporal lobe epileptics often have good explicit long-term memories for __________ information.


In addition to the memory deficits commonly observed in medial temporal lobe amnesics, predementia Alzheimer's patients commonly experience deficits in

short-term memory. implicit memory for verbal and perceptual material.

proceptive behaviors

solicitation behaviors


stimulates contractions of uterus during labor and ejaculation of milk during suckling

gonadotropin releasing hormones

stimulates the release of the anterior pituitary's gonadotropins: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)

side effects of anabolic steroids

testicular atrophy, gynecomastia (breast growth), amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation), sterility, hirsutism (excessive body hair growth), etc.

The mediodorsal nuclei, which are often damaged in cases of Korsakoff's amnesia, are nuclei of the A) thalamus. B) hypothalamus. C) hippocampus. D) cerebellum. E) mammillary bodies.


Which of the following medial diencephalic structures are commonly damaged in Korsakoff patients?

thalamus *mediodorsal nuclei* mammillary bodies Rationale: The text emphasizes that the damage is diffuse and not restricted to a single medial diencephalic structure although B is the most commonly damaged.

The mediodorsal nuclei, which are often damaged in cases of Korsakoff's amnesia, are nuclei of the


aromatization hypothesis

that perinatal testosterone doesn't directly masculinize the brain, but that the brain is masculinized by estradiol that has been aromatized from perinatal testosterone (strong evidence to support this)

maternal immune hypothesis

that some mothers become progressively more immune to masculinizing hormones in male fetuses, and a mother's immune system might deactivate masculinizing hormones in other sons

estrous cycle

the cycle of sexual receptivity

H.M.'s surgery was a success in that

the incidence of his seizures was markedly reduced. his IQ was increased. it became possible to reduce the level of his anticonvulsant medication.


the intromission-facilitating arched-back procedure signaling receptivity

growth hormone

the only anterior pituitary hormone that does not have a gland as its primary target

adrenal cortex

the outer layer of the adrenal glands, regulates glucose and salt levels in the blood, but also releases small amounts of all the sex steroids


the ovarian structure in which eggs mature

sexual identity

the sex, male or female, that a person believes themselves to be

the men are men and women are women assumption (mamawawa)

the tendency to think of maleness and femaleness as mutually exclusive opposite categories

vasopressin and oxytocin

the two major hormones of the posterior pituitary that are peptide hormones that are synthesized in cell bodies of neurons in the paraventricular nuclei and supraoptic nuclei on each side of the hypothalamus


this growth of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in males is triggered by...

thyrotropin releasing hormones

trigger the release of thyrotropin which stimulates the release of hormones from the thyroid gland (discovered by Guillemin and Schally)

Sry gene

triggers synthesis of the Sry protein which causes the medulla to develop into a testis at six weeks after conception

The ability to refrain from visiting an arm of the radial arm maze more than once on a given test is a measure of __________ memory.


The ability to refrain from visiting an arm of the radial arm maze more than once on a given test is a measure of __________ memory. A) semantic B) episodic C) working D) reference E) spatial


The radial arm maze can be used to study both reference memory and ___ memory


The radial arm maze can be used to study both reference memory and __________ memory.


Patients with prefrontal cortex damage often display deficits in

working memory. memory for the temporal order of events.


Process of converting testosterone to estradiol

Maternal immune hypothesis

Proposes that mothers become progressively more immune to masculinizing hormones in male fetuses, and a mother's immune system might deactivate masculinizing hormones in her younger sons

Jennifer Aniston cells are also called

concept cells.

The discovery of the lateralization of aphasia and apraxia led to the A) concept of a dominant left hemisphere. B) concept of a dominant right hemisphere. C) development of commissurotomy. D) development of split-brain surgery. E) both C and D

concept of a dominant left hemisphere

Illustrated here is the time course of events occurring before and after


When rats are not sure where they are, their place cells fire in accordance with where they A) "think" they are. B) "want" to be. C) came from. D) are going. E) "expect" to be picked up.

"think" they are

When rats are not sure where they are, their place cells fire in accordance with where they

"think" they are.


(castration) is the removal of gonads

The Mumby-box is an apparatus that has been frequently used to study

*delayed nonmatching-to-sample* in rats.

Wolffian system

- 6 weeks after fertilization -Has the capacity to develop into the male reproductive ducts

Mullerian system

- 6 weeks after fertilization -Has the capacity to develop into the female ducts - ex: upper part of vagina and fallopian tubes


- Most common androgen - in adulthood, males have HIGHER levels than women but women DO have androgens


- Most common estrogen - in adulthood, females have HIGHER levels than men but men DO have estrogen

Which of the following is a correct statement about medial temporal lobe amnesics? They often have

- medial temporal lobe pathology. - a profile of mnemonic deficits similar to that of H.M. Many temporal lobe amnesics have normal semantic memories


- most common type of progestin -In women, prepares the uterus and breasts for pregnancy


-most complex aspects of sexual experience


-ventromedial nucleus: female sexual behavior - medial preoptic area: male sexual behavior

What proportion of patients with damage restricted to Broca's area display pure Broca's aphasia? Approximately __________%.


Approximately __________% of people experience infantile amnesia


Approximately __________% of people experience infantile amnesia.


Approximately what proportion of healthy people experience infantile amnesia?


Approximately what proportion of healthy people experience infantile amnesia? A) 0% B) 5% C) 8% D) 21% E) 100%


Discuss medial temporal lobe amnesia, emphasizing the cases of H.M. and R.B. What have we learned from the study of this disorder?

25% for discussing H. M. 25% for discussing R. B. 25% for a general discussion of medial temporal amnesia 25% for explaining what we have learned from the study of medial temporal lobe amnesia

Describe the major symptoms of posttraumatic amnesia and how these symptoms have provided support for the theory of consolidation. Describe studies that have been conducted to determine consolidation times and what they have accomplished.

30% for a description of post traumatic amnesia 20% for a description of consolidation and the evidence for it 30% for a description of studies of gradients of retrograde amnesia 20% for reaching a conclusion based on the discussion

What is LTP? Why is LTP so interesting to researchers? Describe a specific demonstration of LTP at a hippocampal site of your choice, and include a diagram.

30% for defining LTP 30% for explaining why it is to interesting to researchers 30% for describing a specific demonstration of LTP 10% for a relevant diagram

Summarize the evidence that the hippocampus is involved in memory for space. Describe three kinds of evidence, and reach a conclusion.

30% for describing relevant lesion studies 30% for describing research on place cells 30% for describing comparative research 10% for reaching conclusions based on the evidence

Discuss Korsakoff's syndrome and the amnesia associated with it. What areas of the brain have been linked to Korsakoff's syndrome, and what is the evidence for these links?

30% for discussing Korsakoff's syndrome 40% for linking the mammillary bodies, mediodorsal nuclei, and the medial diencephalon to Korsakoff's amnesia 30% for describing relevant evidence

How many digits are presented during one trial of the conventional dichotic listening test of language lateralization? A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) 12


At delays of a few minutes or less, healthy control monkeys score about __________ correct on the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task


At delays of a few minutes or less, healthy control monkeys score about __________ correct on the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task A) 90% B) 76% C) 70% D) 60% E) 5%


In addition to the memory deficits commonly observed in medial temporal lobe amnesics, predementia Alzheimer's patients commonly experience deficits in A) short-term memory. B) implicit memory for verbal and perceptual material. C) implicit memory for sensorimotor learning. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A & B short-term memory implicit memory for verbal and perceptual material.

The induction of LTP at glutaminergic synapses appears to A) be a postsynaptic phenomenon. B) be a presynaptic phenomenon. C) depend on an influx of calcium ions into the postsynaptic neuron. D) both B and C E) both A and C

A & C be a postsynaptic phenomenon depend on an influx of calcium ions into the postsynaptic neuron

LTP is one of the most widely studied models of the physiology of memory because it A) can last for a long time. B) does not depend on co-occurrence. C) depends on co-occurrence. D) both A and B E) both A and C

A & C can last for a long time depends on co-occurrence

In retrospect, the major reason for the initial difficulty in developing an animal model of human medial temporal lobe amnesia was that efforts focused on A) implicit memory tests. B) explicit memory tests. C) the hippocampus. D) both A and C E) both B and C

A & C implicit memory tests the hippocampus

The volunteers in the first experiments performed on split-brain humans had... A) suffered from severe cases of epilepsy. B) their corpus callosums severed. C) their optic chiasms severed. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A and B A) suffered from severe cases of epilepsy. B) their corpus callosums severed.

According to the cognitive neuroscience approach to the study of language, A) constituent cognitive processes of language are localized in the brain. B) the areas of the brain involved in language are not dedicated solely to that purpose. C) because language is very complex it is likely controlled by one large homogeneous area of cortex. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A and B A) constituent cognitive processes of language are localized in the brain. B) the areas of the brain involved in language are not dedicated solely to that purpose.

The decision to treat "terminal" human epileptics with commissurotomy was made on the basis of previous comparative studies that had shown that... A) epileptic discharges spread from one hemisphere to the other via the corpus callosum. B) commissurotomy has little disruptive effect on behavior outside contrived laboratory situations. C) commissurotomy eliminates seizure discharges. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A and B A) epileptic discharges spread from one hemisphere to the other via the corpus callosum. B) commissurotomy has little disruptive effect on behavior outside contrived laboratory situations.

The cognitive neuroscience approach to the study of language is based to a large degree on the following method: A) fMRI. B) PET. C) structural CT. D) both A and B E) both B and C

A and B A) fMRI. B) PET.

In healthy individuals, information from the right eye can cross to the left hemisphere via the... A) optic chiasm. B) corpus callosum. C) fornix. D) all of the above E) both A and B

A and B A) optic chiasm. B) corpus callosum

After the picture of a familiar object is flashed in the right visual field of a human split-brain patient, the patient can... A) say what the object was. B) reach into a bag with her right hand and select the object that was presented from a group of test objects. C) reach into a bag with her left hand and select the object that was presented from a group of test objects. D) both A and B E) both A and C

A and B A) say what the object was. B) reach into a bag with her right hand and select the object that was presented from a group of test objects

In experiments on split-brain laboratory animals, visual information can be presented to only the left hemisphere by... A) cutting the optic chiasm longitudinally. B) blindfolding the left eye. C) blindfolding the right eye. D) both A and B together E) both A and C together

A and C together A) cutting the optic chiasm longitudinally. C) blindfolding the right eye

Of the 214 aphasic patients in the classic Hecaen and Angelergues's study, how many displayed disorders of language that were purely expressive (i.e., Broca's aphasia) or purely expressive (i.e., Wernicke's aphasia)? A) 0 B) 23 C) 47 D) 102 E) 148

A) 0

Many of the early studies of the split brain were conducted in the laboratory of... A) Roger Sperry. B) Wilder Penfield. C) Brenda Milner. D) John Pinel. E) Doreen Kimura

A) Roger Sperry

Who were the neurosurgeons who performed the first major series of commissurotomies for the treatment of intractable epilepsy? A) Vogel and Bogen B) Kolb and Whishaw C) Olds and Milner D) Pinel and Barnes E) Sperry and Gazzaniga

A) Vogel and Bogen

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, when we read, the output of the angular gyrus is transmitted to... A) Wernicke's area. B) Broca's area. C) the primary motor cortex. D) the arcuate fasciculus. E) the primary visual cortex

A) Wernicke's area

The left planum temporale roughly corresponds to... A) Wernicke's area. B) Broca's area. C) the frontal operculum. D) Heschl's gyrus. E) primary auditory cortex

A) Wernicke's area

The Z lens was developed by... A) Zaidel. B) Zalman Amit. C) Zurif. D) Zimbardo. E) Zola-Morgan.

A) Zaidel

A spoon is presented in the left visual field of a split-brain patient, and an apple is simultaneously presented in the right. Then, the patient is instructed to reach into two bags (one with each hand) and feel around until he comes up with the object that was presented on the screen. However, before the objects are withdrawn, the patient is asked to tell the experimenter what he has in each hand. The patient is likely to say, "I have... A) an apple in each hand." B) a spoon in each hand." C) an apple in my left hand and a spoon in my right." D) a spoon in my left hand and an apple in my right." E) no idea."

A) an apple in each hand."

A major advantage of the Z lens over conventional procedures for testing split-brain patients is that it... A) does not restrict the experimenter to the use of simple visual stimuli presented for 0.1 seconds. B) permits the testing of both hemispheres. C) does not require an eye patch. D) all of the above E) both B and C

A) does not restrict the experimenter to the use of simple visual stimuli presented for 0.1 seconds

Cross-cuing is communication between the hemispheres of a split-brain patient that occurs... A) externally, via the behavior of one of the hemispheres B) via the corpus callosum. C) via any cerebral commissure. D) via any cerebral commissure other than the corpus callosum. E) B or C

A) externally, via the behavior of one of the hemispheres

The study of how left and right hemispheres differ in their approach to cognitive tasks has led to the concept of a left hemisphere... A) interpreter. B) reporter. C) responder. D) calculator. E) scientist.

A) interpreter

The findings of the brain stimulation studies of Ojemann and colleagues suggest that language abilities might be organized in the cortex like a A) mosaic. B) phonograph. C) text book. D) lexicon. E) serial.

A) mosaic

Remarkably, naming famous faces, animals, and tools seems to be associated with activity in A) slightly different areas of the left temporal lobe. B) a large area of the right parietal lobe. C) a very small part of Broca's area. D) a large area of Wernicke's area. E) a small are of the left angular gyrus

A) slightly different areas of the left temporal lobe.

Evidence that the perception of music is lateralized comes from demonstrations that... A) the left ear is superior to the right in the melodic dichotic listening test. B) the right ear is superior to the left in the melodic dichotic listening test. C) left temporal-lobe damage is more likely than right temporal-lobe damage to disrupt musical abilities. D) both A and C E) both B and C

A) the left ear is superior to the right in the melodic dichotic listening test.

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, the neural output of the left frontal operculum goes to... A) the primary motor cortex. B) Broca's area. C) Wernicke's area. D) the angular gyrus. E) the arcuate fasciculus

A) the primary motor cortex

Both the planum temporale and Heschl's gyrus are in... A) the temporal lobe. B) the frontal lobe. C) primary olfactory cortex. D) Wernicke's area. E) Broca's area.

A) the temporal lobe

The most powerful fMRI tests suggest that the language areas of the cortex are A) large and homogeneous. B) patchy and widespread. C) variable. D) both A and C E) both B and C

B and C B) patchy and widespread. C) variable

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, during speech, the output of Wernicke's area is transmitted to... A) the angular gyrus. B) Broca's area. C) primary motor cortex. D) Heschl's gyrus. E) the planum temporale

B) Broca's area

Which of the following investigators, along with Sperry, played a major role in testing the original series of human split-brain patients? A) Kimura B) Gazzaniga C) Kolb D) Milner E) Petersen

B) Gazzaniga

The first large-scale cortical electrical stimulation studies of conscious human patients were conducted by... A) Lashley. B) Penfield. C) Hebb. D) Kimura. E) Milner.

B) Penfield

Each hemisphere of a human split-brain patient is capable of completion. That is why on the chimeric figures test, each hemisphere sees... A) the entire stimulus. B) a complete, but different, face. C) only half a face. D) the same face. E) only half the stimulus

B) a complete, but different, face.

Damage to the left angular gyrus has been implicated in some cases of... A) word salad. B) alexia and agraphia. C) aphagia. D) expressive aphasia. E) conduction aphasia.

B) alexia and agraphia

This split-brain patient was asked to reach under the ledge with her left hand and select the object that appeared on the screen. She selected the... A) spoon. B) apple. C) first the spoon and then the apple. D) first the apple and then the spoon. E) none of the above

B) apple

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, signals are carried from Wernicke's area to Broca's area via the left... A) corpus callosum. B) arcuate fasciculus. C) massa intermedia. D) angular gyrus. E) primary motor cortex

B) arcuate fasciculus

Although several average neuroanatomical asymmetries have been reported in the areas of the human neocortex that are thought to play important roles in language, there is no strong evidence that these anatomical asymmetries... A) occur in healthy people. B) are related to the lateralization of language functions in individuals. C) occur in women. D) occur in musicians. E) occur in the left hemisphere

B) are related to the lateralization of language functions in individuals.

It has been estimated that the corpus callosum contains 200 million... A) nuclei. B) axons. C) glia. D) synapses. E) cell bodies

B) axons

As a result of mounting evidence that broad categories of cognitive function are not lateralized, research on the lateralization of function has started to focus on... A) language. B) constituent cognitive processes. C) emotion. D) spatial ability. E) cognitive tasks

B) constituent cognitive processes

During a test in which split-brain patients were asked to verbally specify which of two colors, red or green, had been presented in the left visual field, an interesting phenomenon was discovered. This phenomenon is... A) unilateral emotion. B) cross-cuing. C) the helping-hand phenomenon. D) transfer of hircismus. E) interhemispheric transfer of color.

B) cross-cuing

Most people palpate with their... A) prefrontal cortex. B) fingers. C) right hemispheres. D) visual cortex. E) mouths open

B) fingers

Left-hemisphere damage is more likely than right-hemisphere damage to be associated with... A) contralateral motor problems. B) ipsilateral motor problems. C) motor problems of the left hand. D) both A and C E) both B and C

B) ipsilateral motor problems.

The hypothetical neural mechanism in humans that continuously assesses patterns of events and tries to make sense of them is termed the... A) right-hemisphere interpreter. B) left-hemisphere interpreter. C) right prefrontal lobe. D) left prefrontal lobe. E) left-hemisphere dominatrix

B) left-hemisphere interpreter

Which of the following structures was found to be larger in the left hemisphere in about 65% of human brains? A) Heschl's gyrus B) planum temporale C) frontal operculum D) Broca's area E) both C and D

B) planum temporale

After the picture of a familiar object is flashed in the left visual field of a split-brain patient, the patient can... A) say what it was. B) reach into a bag containing several test items with the left hand and pull out the object that was presented. C) reach into a bag containing several test items with the right hand and pull out the object that was presented. D) both A and B E) both A and C

B) reach into a bag containing several test items with the left hand and pull out the object that was presented.

Kimura found that the __________ ear was better at identifying digits and the __________ ear was better at identifying melodies in the __________ test. A) left; right; sodium amytal B) right; left; dichotic listening C) left; right; dichotic listening D) right; left; sodium amytal E) left; right; cross-cuing

B) right; left; dichotic listening

Areas of the brain that analyze the meaning of a word are said to be performing a __________ analysis. A) phonological B) semantic C) grammatical D) serial E) lexical

B) semantic

Theoretically, Broca's area is to Wernicke's area as... A) speech production is to speech reception. B) speech production is to language comprehension. C) conduction aphasia is to receptive aphasia. D) the frontal operculum is to the arcuate fasciculus. E) word salad is to conduction aphasia

B) speech production is to language comprehension.

Evidence suggests that the naming of different categories of nouns (such as faces, animals, or tools) is each mediated by a different part of the A) parietal lobe. B) temporal lobe. C) frontal lobe. D) occipital lobe. E) limbic lobe.

B) temporal lobe

Early research indicated that much of the aphasia resulting from the surgical excision of Broca's area was a consequence of... A) removal of the center for speech production. B) temporary postsurgical edema. C) removal of the center for speech reception. D) inadvertent removal of the arcuate fasciculus. E) inadvertent damage to Wernicke's area

B) temporary postsurgical edema

Broca's area roughly corresponds to... A) the left planum temporale. B) the left frontal operculum. C) the left Heschl's gyrus. D) Wernicke's area. E) the right frontal operculum

B) the left frontal operculum


Breast growth in men

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, __________ area is the center of speech production


A pathological difficulty in reading is termed A) phonemia. B) aphasia. C) dyslexia. D) apraxia. E) lexicalia.

C) dyslexia

The helping-hand phenomenon was demonstrated in a test... A) involving the presentation of a photograph of a nude human figure. B) involving the presentation of a chimeric figure. C) in which the test items were in open view on top of a table. D) in which the patients were asked to reach into two different bags and pull out two different objects. E) in which the patients were asked to simultaneously pull the same object from two different bags

C) in which the test items were in open view on top of a table

Wernicke's area is... A) in the right parietal lobe. B) in the right frontal lobe. C) just posterior to the left primary auditory cortex. D) both A and C E) both B and C

C) just posterior to the left primary auditory cortex

One way of using the Z lens to test the left hemisphere's comprehension of spoken words is to... A) read words to the left ear. B) read words to the right ear. C) present visual stimuli in the right visual field, then verbally instruct the patient to respond to the visual stimuli. D) both A and B E) both B and C

C) present visual stimuli in the right visual field, then verbally instruct the patient to respond to the visual stimuli.

Geschwind... A) proposed a nonlocalizationist approach to the neuropsychology of language. B) attacked the strict localizationist approach. C) revived the localizationist ideas of Broca, Dejerine, and Wernicke. D) both A and B E) both A and C

C) revived the localizationist ideas of Broca, Dejerine, and Wernicke.

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, the visual form of a read word is translated into a meaningful auditory code by... A) Broca's area B) Wernicke's area. C) the angular gyrus. D) the primary motor cortex. E) the arcuate fasciculus

C) the angular gyrus

The identification and study of the various areas in the left cerebral cortex that participate in language-related activities is generally referred to as the study of... A) cortical language asymmetry. B) cortical language lateralization. C) the cortical localization of language. D) the functional cortical asymmetry of language. E) the cortical Wernicke-Geschwind model

C) the cortical localization of language

The left hemisphere plays a greater role in controlling the left hand than... A) it does in controlling the right hand. B) the right hemisphere does in controlling the left hand. C) the right hemisphere does in controlling the right hand. D) all of the above E) both B and C

C) the right hemisphere does in controlling the right hand

According to the text, the main problem with the analytic-synthetic theory of cerebral asymmetry is its... A) specificity. B) brevity. C) vagueness. D) simplicity. E) age.

C) vagueness.

In the ground-breaking experiment of Myers and Sperry on the learning of a visual discrimination by split-brain cats, when the eye patch was shifted to the other eye, the performance of all cats... A) in the experiment fell to 50% correct. B) with transected corpus callosums fell to 50% correct. C) with both their optic chiasms and their corpus callosums transected fell to 50% correct. D) with transected optic chiasms fell to 50% correct. E) with both their optic chiasms and their corpus callosums transected fell to zero correct.

C) with both their optic chiasms and their corpus callosums transected fell to 50% correct.

R.B. had obvious damage to the __________ subfield of the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus.


Hypothalamopituitary portal system

Carries hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary


Castration; surgical removal of gonads- either ovaries or testes

Mullerian-inhibiting substance

Causes the Mullerian system to degenerate and the testes to descend into the scrotum

A major difficulty in studying the asymmetry of the cortical language areas is... A) their boundaries are unclear. B) they differ greatly from person to person. C) that it is unclear how anatomical asymmetries are related to functional asymmetries. D) all of the above E) both A and C

D) all of the above

According to the text, the independence of the hemispheres of split-brain patients tends to be overestimated because... A) most published discussions of split-brain patient's focus on those cases in which independence is relatively complete. B) few studies have focused on emotional information, which is more readily transferred between separated hemispheres. C) most studies of split-brain patients have used simple tests, which are readily performed by one isolated hemisphere. D) all of the above E) most split-brain patients are right-handed

D) all of the above

Bavalier et al. (1997) used a particularly sensitive fMRI procedure to study reading. They found that the areas of cerebral activity A) in individual volunteers were patchy. B) varied both from individual to individual and within individuals from trial to trial. C) were widespread over the lateral surfaces of brain. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

Broca's aphasia" and "Wernicke's aphasia" are confusing terms because... A) the disorders to which they refer rarely, if ever, exist in their pure forms. B) the disorders to which they refer do not result from damage to Broca's and Wernicke's areas, respectively. C) they are predictions of the Wernicke-Geschwind model rather than common neuropsychological disorders. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

Cutting the optic chiasm longitudinally produces blindness in the... A) medial half of each retina. B) right half of the visual field of the right eye. C) left half of the visual field of the left eye. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

Electrical stimulation of sites in the left neocortex of conscious human patients often A) disrupts language-related abilities, even when applied to sites outside the areas of the Wernicke-Geschwind model. B) has similar disruptive effects at widely scattered sites. C) has different effects at the same sites in different patients. D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

In contrast to the predictions of the Wernicke-Geschwind model, CT and structural MRI studies have identified aphasic patients who appear to have damage restricted to... A) the medial frontal lobes. B) the basal ganglia. C) subcortical white matter. D) all of the above E) both A and B

D) all of the above

With respect to cerebral lateralization of function, A) the left hemisphere plays the greater role in many aspects of language in most people. B) the right hemisphere plays the greater role in many aspects of spatial perception in many people. C) lateralization of neither language nor spatial perception is total. D) all of the above E) both A and B

D) all of the above

Visual information can be restricted to the right hemisphere of a laboratory animal by... A) blindfolding the left eye. B) cutting the optic chiasm longitudinally. C) cutting the corpus callosum longitudinally. D) all of the above together E) both A and C together

D) all of the above together

Which component of the Wernicke-Geschwind model is illustrated here? A) Broca's area B) Wernicke's area C) angular gyrus D) arcuate fasciculus E) auditory cortex

D) arcuate fasciculus

Heschl's gyrus is the location of the primary... A) visual cortex. B) language area. C) somatosensory cortex. D) auditory cortex. E) reading area.

D) auditory cortex

The right hemispheres of most split-brain patients... A) have no language abilities. B) have more language abilities than the left hemispheres. C) have language abilities equivalent to those of the left hemispheres. D) can understand many spoken or written words and simple sentences. E) none of the above

D) can understand many spoken or written words and simple sentences.

According to the text, watching a game of chess without knowing the rules would be like studying research on the... A) lateralization of language without knowing the names of the commissures. B) lateralization of language without knowing about Sperry's Nobel-prize-winning experiments. C) cortical localization of language without knowing about PET-scan experiments. D) cortical localization of language without knowing about the Wernicke-Geschwind model. E) production of language without knowing about Broca's area

D) cortical localization of language without knowing about the Wernicke-Geschwind model

The study of lateralization of function has focused on the right hemisphere because... A) most people are right-handed. B) most people are dextrals. C) the right hemisphere is dominant. D) the special abilities of the left hemisphere have been more apparent. E) both A and B

D) the special abilities of the left hemisphere have been more apparent

__________ first reported evidence of the lateralization of language functions, but he received little or no recognition for his insightful observations. A) Dax B) Broca C) Wernicke D) Hebb E) Penfield


Alpha fetoprotein

Deactivates circulating estradiol by binding to it - testosterone is immune to it - does not break down estradiol in the brain because it does not penetrate the blood- brain barrier

According to the analytic-synthetic theory of cerebral asymmetry, A) the left hemisphere thinks in an analytic mode. B) the left hemisphere operates in a logical computer-like fashion. C) the right hemisphere is concerned with overall stimulus configuration and processes information in Gestalts or wholes. D) the left hemisphere abstracts relevant details and attaches verbal labels to them. E) all of the above

E) all of the above

The ground-breaking experiment of Myers and Sperry established that... A) one function of the corpus callosum is to transmit learned information between hemispheres. B) the key to studying the function of the cerebral commissures is to develop experimental procedures for presenting information to one hemisphere while keeping it out of the other. C) one hemisphere is capable of solving simple problems as rapidly as two hemispheres working together. D) the cerebral hemispheres are capable of functioning independently. E) all of the above

E) all of the above

The results of CT and structural MRI studies of aphasic patients indicate that... A) not all aphasic patients have damage to the classic Wernicke-Geschwind areas. B) most aphasics have extensive damage to subcortical white matter. C) few, if any, aphasics have damage restricted to the classic Wernicke-Geschwind areas. D) large anterior lesions tend to be associated with deficits in language expression, whereas large posterior lesions tend to be associated with deficits in language comprehension. E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Chimera... A) developed the dichotic listening test. B) has studied the lateralization of musical ability. C) has shown that subjects tend to make gestures during speech with the hand controlled by the hemisphere that is dominant for speech. D) all of the above E) is a mythical monster composed of the combined parts of different animals.

E) is a mythical monster composed of the combined parts of different animals.

Areas of the brain that interpret the meaning of a word are said to be performing a __________ analysis. A) phonological B) serial C) grammatical D) phonemic E) none of the above

E) none of the above

CT and structural MRI studies of the brains of patients with language-related disorders have found that... A) lesions restricted to Broca's area produce Broca's aphasia in most patients. B) lesions restricted to Wernicke's area produce Wernicke's aphasia in most patients. C) large anterior lesions are more likely to produce deficits in language reception than are large posterior lesions. D) both A and B E) none of the above

E) none of the above

Exocrine glands

E.g. Sweat glands; release their chemicals into ducts

Masculinize and defeminize

Effect of perinatal injection of testosterone


Ejection of sperm


Excessive growth of body hair


External reproductive organs

Pituitary gland

Frequently referred to as the master gland because most of its hormones are tropic

Androgens and estrogens

Gonadal hormones

R.B.'s amnesia was similar to A) H.M.'s. amnesia, but less severe. B) H.M.'s. amnesia, but more severe. C) Korsakoff's amnesia. D) Alzheimer's amnesia. E) other causes of cerebral ischemia.

H.M.'s. amnesia, but less severe

R.B.'s amnesia was similar to

H.M.'s. amnesia, but less severe.

Steroid hormones

Hormones that are synthesized from cholesterol- fat mollecule - the sex hormones are all steroid hormones - can penetrate cell membranes (bc small and fat-soluble) - once inside, can bind to receptors in cytoplasm's nucleus and influence gene expression - has the most diverse/ long lasting effects on cellular function

Amino acid derivative hormones

Hormones that are synthesized in a few simple steps from an amino acid molecule - ex: epinephrine- released from the adrenal medulla and synthesized from tyrosine

Tropic hormones

Hormones whose primary function is to influence the release of hormones from other glands

Rats have one advantage over monkeys in the study of medial temporal lobe amnesia:

In rats, the hippocampus can readily be aspirated without substantial medial temporal cortex damage.

Rats have one advantage over monkeys in the study of medial temporal lobe amnesia: A) In rats, the hippocampus can readily be aspirated without substantial medial temporal cortex damage. B) Rats live longer. C) Rats learn object-recognition tasks more readily. D) Rats have better episodic memories. E) Rats have a subcortical hippocampus.

In rats, the hippocampus can readily be aspirated without substantial medial temporal cortex damage.

Sry gene

In the 7th week after conception, this gene on the Y chromosome of the male triggers the synthesis of Sry protein

Sexual dimorphisms

Instances where a behavior comes in two distinctive classes into which most individuals can be unambiguously assigned


Internal core which has the potential to develop into a testis


Intromission-facilitating arched-back posture that signals female rodent receptivity

Illustrated here is a neural circuit in which __________ is commonly studied. A) maintenance B) LTD C) LTP D) amnesia E) forgetting


The NMDA receptor is thought to be involved in A) all LTP phenomena. B) postsynaptic inhibition. C) habituation. D) LTP at some synapses. E) eye blink inhibition.

LTP at some synapses

The NMDA receptor is thought to be involved in

LTP at some synapses.

Support for the hypothesis that long-term potentiation is the mechanism of memory came from the discovery that

LTP can be induced by levels of stimulation that mimic normal neural activity. LTP effects are prominent in neural structures that have been implicated in memory. behavioral conditioning can produce LTP-like effects. the induction of maximal LTP in the hippocampus blocks learning of the Morris-water-maze task.

Feminize and demasculinize

Lack or early exposure of male rats to testosterone _______ their reproductive behavior as adults

Pulsatile hormone release

Large minute-to-minute fluctuations in the levels of circulating hormones


Located in the left and right medial temporal lobes, play a general role in the experience of emotions and social cognition - play a role in identifying potential mating partners

Which of the following tasks is commonly used to study the spatial abilities of rats?

Morris water maze radial-arm maze

With respect to the study of amnesia, R.B. is to the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus as

N.A. is to the medial diencephalon.

With respect to the study of amnesia, R.B. is to the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus as A) N.A. is to the medial dorsal nucleus of the hippocampus. B) N.A. is to the medial diencephalon. C) R.M. is to the medial diencephalon. D) aspirations are to infarcts. E) H.M. is to the medial diencephalon.

N.A. is to the medial diencephalon.

The __________ glutamate receptor appears to play a critical role in LTP at some synapses in the brain.


Neurosecretory cells

Neurons that release hormones into general circulation

Endocrine glands

Organs whose primary function appears to be the release of hormones

Antidiuretic hormone

Other term for vasopressin; facilitates the reabsorption of water by the kidneys


Outer covering of the primordial gonads that has the potential to develop into an ovary

Adrenal cortex

Outer layer of the adrenal glands - regulates glucose and salt levels in the blood - releases small amounts of all the sex steroids released by the glands

Which of the following patients suffered ischemia-produced hippocampal damage?


The study of which of the following amnesic subjects seemed to provide particularly strong evidence of the involvement of the hippocampus in memory?


The study of which of the following amnesic subjects seemed to provide particularly strong evidence of the involvement of the hippocampus in memory? A) R.B. B) N.A. C) R.M. D) J.P. E) K.C.


Which of the following amnesic patients suffered what appeared to be selective bilateral damage to the CA1 subfield of the hippocampal pyramidal-cell layer?


Which of the following amnesic patients suffered what appeared to be selective bilateral damage to the CA1 subfield of the hippocampal pyramidal-cell layer? A) H.M. B) P.B. C) J.P. D) R.B. E) K.C.


Which of the following patients suffered ischemia-produced hippocampal damage? A) H.M. B) R.B. C) P.B. D) K.C. E) N.A.



Stimulates the release of hormones from the thyroid gland


Removal of the ovaries


Removal of the testes


Responsible for growth of pubic hair and axilliary hair (underarm hair)

Proceptive behaviors

Solicitation behaviors

According to the text, which of the following statements is true? A) Some evidence suggests that the brains of females are less lateralized than those of males. B) Some evidence suggests that the brains of males are less lateralized than those of females. C) The evidence that the brains of males are less lateralized than those of females is very strong. D) Recent evidence has finally established that male and female brains are lateralized to the same degree. E) none of the above

Some evidence suggests that the brains of females are less lateralized than those of males.

Roger __________ won a Nobel Prize for his studies of split-brain patients


Fraternal birth order effect

States that the probability of a man's homosexuality increases as a function of the number of older brothers he has

Anabolic steroids

Steroids such as testosterone that have growth-promoting effects


Stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor and the ejection of milk during suckling


Stimulates the release of gonadal hormones

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)

The anterior pituitary's gonadotropins

Estrous cycle

The cycle of sexual receptivity

Release-inhibiting hormones

The hypothalamic hormones that were thought to inhibit the release of anterior pituitary hormone

Releasing hormones

The hypothalamic hormones that were thought to stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormone


The male testes and the female ovaries

Sexual identity

The sex that a person believes himself or herself to be


Third class of steroid hormones

The up-the-nose case of N.A. had a major impact on theories of amnesia because

This case was about the medial diencephalon,

Gonadotropin- releasing hormone

This releasing hormone stimulates the release of the anterior pituitary's gonadotropins

Portal vein

Vein that connects one capillary network with another

According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, word salad results from damage to __________.

Wernicke's area

The left planum temporale corresponds roughly to __________.

Wernicke's area


a condition of sexual identity in which an individual believes themselves trapped in the body of the other sex

Strong evidence that the object-recognition deficits produced by cerebral ischemia do not result from hippocampal damage comes from

a demonstration that hippocampal lesions can prevent ischemia-produced object-recognition deficits.

Strong evidence that the object-recognition deficits produced by cerebral ischemia do not result from hippocampal damage comes from A) the case of R.B. B) a demonstration that hippocampal lesions can prevent ischemia-produced object-recognition deficits. C) demonstrations that the deficits are the result of CA1 damage. D) the case of N.A. E) demonstrations that ischemia can prevent the amnesic effects of hippocampal lesions.

a demonstration that hippocampal lesions can prevent ischemia-produced object-recognition deficits.

Following his surgery, H.M. seemed to experience

a mild retrograde amnesia for events of the 2 years preceding the surgery.

hypothalamopituitary portal system

a network of hypothalamic capillaries feeding portal veins that carry blood to pituitary stalk (cutting these veins disrupts anterior pituitary hormone release)


a period of 12-18 hours in rodents during which the female is receptive, proceptive, and sexually attractive, initiated by surges of estrogens and progesterone

H.M. was

a person who had epilepsy.


a pituitary tropic hormone that stimulates the release of gonadal hormones

One major difference between the amnesia associated with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome and that associated with bilateral medial temporal lobe damage is that patients with advanced Korsakoff's syndrome have A) a retrograde amnesia that can extend back into childhood. B) a mild retrograde amnesia for recent events. C) deficits in consolidation. D) anterograde amnesia. E) difficulty forming new explicit long-term memories.

a retrograde amnesia that can extend back into childhood.

Cerebral ischemia is A) a condition characterized by cancerous brain tumors. B) a type of cerebral hemorrhage. C) a shortage of blood to the brain. D) an area of brain damage. E) an area of brain damage caused by a toxin.

a shortage of blood to the brain

Cerebral ischemia is

a shortage of blood to the brain.


a synthetic estrogen found to significantly increase women's attraction to other women when mothers are exposed to it during pregnancy


a third class of gonadal hormone that prepares the uterus and breasts for pregnancy in women

Currently, consolidation is thought to last

a very long time, if not indefinitely.

48) Currently, consolidation is thought to last A) 10 seconds. B) 2 minutes. C) 10 minutes. D) 2 days. E) a very long time, if not indefinitely.

a very long time, if not infedintely


an androgen released primarily from the adrenal cortex that is normally responsible for pubic and axillary hair in females

In the brains of Alzheimer's patients, the level of __________ is greatly reduced, resulting from degeneration of the basal forebrain.


The retrograde amnesia associated with closed-head injury has been frequently studied in laboratory animals by

administering electroconvulsive shock.

The retrograde amnesia associated with closed-head injury has been frequently studied in laboratory animals by A) hitting them on the head with a little rubber hammer. B) administering acetylcholine agonists. C) administering electroconvulsive shock. D) using multiple-trial learning tests that must be learned over several days. E) both B and D

administering electroconvulsive shock.

Broca's area is in the A) left hemisphere. B) frontal lobe. C) inferior prefrontal cortex. D) all of the above E) both A and B

all of the above

Korsakoff's syndrome is typically associated with A) amnesia. B) chronic alcohol consumption. C) damage to the medial diencephalon. D) confusion and personality changes. E) all of the above

all of the above

Rats can perform the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task A) only at chance levels. B) at levels that are only slightly above chance. C) at levels that are not significantly above chance. D) almost as well as monkeys at retention delays up to a minute or so. E) as well as humans when food is involved.

almost as well as monkeys at retention delays up to a minute or so.

The __________ is thought to play a role in the storage of the emotional significance of various experiences.


Korsakoff's syndrome is typically associated with

amnesia. chronic alcohol consumption. damage to the medial diencephalon. confusion and personality changes.

The __________ is thought to play a role in the storage of the emotional significance of various experiences.


The human medial temporal lobe includes the hippocampus, the __________, and the medial temporal cortex.


Posttraumatic amnesia for events that occur in the period after a concussive blow to the head is called __________ amnesia.


H.M.'s greatest postsurgical problem was his

anterograde amnesia.

Ventral striatum

anticipation and experience of sexual activity/ other pleasurable activities

The major source of the brain's acetylcholine is often degenerated in Alzheimer's patients. This area is the __________.

basal forebrain

The main source of the brain's acetylcholine is the

basal forebrain.

The main source of the brain's acetylcholine is the A) frontal cortex. B) hippocampus. C) basal forebrain. D) mammillary bodies. E) substantia nigra.

basal forebrain.

The reduction of cholinergic activity in the brains of predementia Alzheimer's patients results from damage to the

basal forebrain.

The reduction of cholinergic activity in the brains of predementia Alzheimer's patients results from damage to the A) basal forebrain. B) frontal cortex. C) mediodorsal nuclei. D) rhinal cortex. E) mammillary bodies.

basal forebrain.

The induction of LTP at glutaminergic synapses appears to

be a postsynaptic phenomenon depend on an influx of calcium ions into the postsynaptic neuron.

Although the symptoms of apraxia are ________, apraxia usually results from damage to the ________ hemisphere. A) unilateral; left B) contralateral; right C) ipsilateral; left D) bilateral; right E) bilateral; left

bilateral; left

glans, urethral folds, lateral bodies, and labioscrotal swellings

bipotential precursor consists of...

Sodium amytal tests have indicated that A) the cerebral dominance for speech is more variable in left-handed individuals than in right-handed individuals. B) right-handers are more likely to be left-hemisphere dominant for speech than right-hemisphere dominant for speech. C) left-handers are more likely to be right-hemisphere dominant for speech than left-hemisphere dominant for speech. D) all of the above E) both A and B

both A and B

LTP is induced only when the high-intensity, high-frequency stimulation activates the

both presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.

LTP is induced only when the high-intensity, high-frequency stimulation activates the A) presynaptic neurons but not the postsynaptic neurons. B) postsynaptic neurons but not the presynaptic neurons. C) both presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. D) hippocampus. E) the hippocampus and the perforant path.

both presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.

In a nutshell, H.M.'s main problem seems to be that he

can form no new explicit long-term memories.

LTP is one of the most widely studied models of the physiology of memory because it

can last for a long time. depends on co-occurrence.

Which of the following is regarded as a critical factor in the induction of LTP?

co-occurrence of activity in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons

Which of the following is regarded as a critical factor in the induction of LTP? A) the hippocampus B) co-occurrence of activity in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons C) the amygdala D) reinforcement E) expression

co-occurrence of activity in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons

The cerebral commissure indicated here is the A) corpus callosum. B) posterior commissure. C) anterior commissure. D) hippocampal commissure. E) massa commissura.

corpus callosum

The hemispheres of split-brain patients can communicate with one another externally, through their behavior; this is called __________.


alpha fetoprotein

deactivates circulating estradiol by binding to it (prevents masculinization) (testosterone is immune to it)

The current consensus is that memories of experiences are likely stored A) diffusely throughout the structures of the brain that participated in the original experience. B) throughout the hippocampus. C) in the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus. D) in the diencephalon. E) in the rhinal cortex.

diffusely throughout the structures of the brain that participated in the original experience.

H.M. showed no long-term retention on the

digit-span +1 test.

The most commonly employed test of short-term verbal memory is the

digit-span test.

The aspect of R.M.'s case that is most ironic is that A) he is a sleep researcher who sleeps a lot. B) during his amnesia, his circadian cycles were disturbed. C) during his posttraumatic amnesia, when he recalled few of the details of his own life, he remembered the case of H.M. D) he should not have been skiing after a head injury. E) he never forgot how to ski during his amnesia..

during his posttraumatic amnesia, when he recalled few of the details of his own life, he remembered the case of H.M.

periacqueductal gray

effect of the VMN on sexual vehavior is mediated by a tract that descends to the...

Islands of memory following concussion are memories of A) a few things from lists that have been otherwise forgotten. B) events that occurred during periods of time for which there is otherwise total amnesia. C) implicit events that occurred during a background of amnesia for explicit events. D) vacations to Hawaii. E) of early childhood.

events that occurred during periods of time for which there is otherwise total amnesia.

H.M.'s main problem is that he cannot form new __________ long-term memories.


The delayed nonmatching-to-sample test is a good measure of __________ long-term object-recognition memory in both rats and monkeys.


Recent studies have demonstrated that infantile amnesia can occur for __________ memories without affecting __________ memories for the same information.

explicit; implicit

Recent studies have demonstrated that infantile amnesia can occur for __________ memories without affecting __________ memories for the same information. A) implicit; explicit B) explicit; implicit C) reference; working D) working; reference E) short-term; long-term

explicit; implicit

An MRI of N.A.'s brain later revealed

extensive medial diencephalic damage.

An MRI of N.A.'s brain later revealed A) extensive medial diencephalic damage. B) selective damage to the mammillary bodies. C) selective damage to the mediodorsal nuclei. D) total destruction of the thalamus. E) deficits in forming new explicit memories.

extensive medial diencephalic damage.

The cerebellum has been found to play an important role in A) eye blink conditioning. B) face memory. C) music memory. D) aversive conditioning. E) operant conditioning.

eye blink conditioning

The cerebellum has been found to play an important role in

eye blink conditioning.


facilitates the reabsorption of water by the kidneys

uterus; vagina; fallopian tubes

female ducts are the _____, the upper part of the _____, and the _____ _____, through which the ova travel from the ovaries to the uterus

Patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex often display __________ deficits on conventional tests of memory.


Patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex often display __________ deficits on conventional tests of memory. A) few B) extreme C) many D) complex. E) both B and C


In one test commonly used to study medial-temporal-lobe amnesia in macaque monkeys, A) the sample appears over the central food well during the test phase of each trial. B) food is available under both objects during the test phase of each trial. C) food is available under the non-sample object during the test phase of each trial. D) no food is available during the sample-presentation phase of each trial. E) no food is available during the test phase of each trial.

food is available under the non-sample object during the test phase of each trial.

In one test commonly used to study medial-temporal-lobe amnesia in macaque monkeys,

food is available under the nonsample object during the test phase of each trial.

In one common type of LTP experiment, the perforant path is stimulated and the response is recorded in the A) neocortex. B) cerebellum. C) granule-cell layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. D) motor neuron. E) nictitating-membrane circuit.

granule-cell layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus

In one common type of LTP experiment, the perforant path is stimulated and the response is recorded in the

granule-cell layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus.

Why do we have two memory systems - explicit and implicit - that are both capable of learning the same material? What advantage is there in having a second, conscious system? Recent evidence suggests that the answer is

greater flexibility. Rationale: Explicit memories because they are conscious, can be used in a variety of ways and contexts.

In an innovative series of experiments, Squire and his colleagues assessed the retrograde amnesia of patients following ECT. They assessed the patients' memory for television shows that A) had played for more than 5 years. B) had played for more than 3 years. C) were currently playing during the experiment. D) had played for only one season. E) were first shown in other countries.

had played for only one season

In an innovative series of experiments, Squire and his colleagues assessed the retrograde amnesia of patients following ECT. They assessed the patients' memory for television shows that

had played for only one season.

Electroconvulsive shock is commonly used in studies of memory because it

has amnesic effects similar to those produce by concussion.

Mumby and his colleagues showed that object-recognition deficits that were caused in rats by cerebral ischemia could be prevented by the bilateral removal of the


Electroconvulsive shock is commonly used in studies of memory because it A) improves semantic memory. B) has amnesic effects similar to those produce by concussion. C) causes hippocampal damage. D) is an effective form of therapy for anxiety. E) produces no retrograde effects on memory.

has amnesic effects similar to those produce by concussion.

nervous system

has been implicated in control of the anterior pituitary

Long-term potentiation A) is usually induced by the intense stimulation of motor neurons. B) cannot be induced by electrical stimulation. C) has been most commonly studied in several different neural circuits in the hippocampus. D) has not been studied in mammals. E) is not associated with changes in synaptic transmission

has been most commonly studied in several different neural circuits in the hippocampus

Long-term potentiation

has been most commonly studied in several different neural circuits in the hippocampus.


has been shown to have several neurotrophic effects that account for its neuroprotectivve properties, such as reducing inflammation, encouraging axonal regeneration, etc.

primordial gonads

have an outer covering (cortex) that has the potential to develop into an ovary and an internal core (medulla) which can develop into a testis

Split-brain patients are those who A) have been commissurotomized. B) have split personalities. C) are schizophrenic. D) have two cerebral commissures. E) have only one hemisphere.

have been commissurotomized

Apraxic patients A) display a tremor, but only when they are not engaging in some activity. B) have difficulty performing requested motor responses, especially out of context. C) have no difficulty whatsoever performing responses with the left hand. D) both A and B E) both B and C

have difficulties performing requested motor responses, especially out of context

The human medial temporal lobe includes the

hippocampus. amygdala. medial temporal cortex. CA1 subfield.

Long-term potentiation has been most frequently studied in the A) hippocampus. B) amygdala. C) substantia nigra. D) neocortex. E) cerebellum.


Mumby and his colleagues showed that object-recognition deficits that were caused in rats by cerebral ischemia could be prevented by the bilateral removal of the A) hippocampus. B) amygdala. C) rhinal cortex. D) cingulate. E) reinforcement.


There is substantial evidence that the__________ plays a major role memory for spatial location.


Long-term potentiation has been most frequently studied in the


release inhibiting factors

hormones inhibiting anterior pituitary hormone release


humans come in two standard models: males and females

release hormones

hypothalamic hormones that were thought to stimulate the release of an anterior pituitary hormone

After his surgery, H.M.'s IQ


In searching for the neural bases of LTP, many researchers assume that separate mechanisms account for A) maintenance and extinction. B) maintenance, reinforcement, and forgetting. C) expression and induction. D) induction, maintenance, and expression. E) learning, memory, and motivation.

induction, maintenance, and expression

In searching for the neural bases of LTP, many researchers assume that separate mechanisms account for

induction, maintenance, and expression.

Which structure is thought to store memories for visual images?

inferotemporal cortex

Which structure is thought to store memories for visual images? A) amygdala B) inferotemporal cortex C) striatum D) prefrontal cortex E) cerebellum

inferotemporal cortex

The main reason why LTP is one of the most widely studied neuroscientific phenomena is that it

involves a synaptic change similar to the synaptic change that has been hypothesized to be the basis of memory storage.

The main reason why LTP is one of the most widely studied neuroscientific phenomena is that it A) involves a synaptic change similar to the synaptic change that has been hypothesized to be the basis of memory storage. B) can easily be studied in human volunteers. C) involves readily accessible neocortical circuits. D) occurs in only mammals. E) can be induced by a method called Hebb's postulate.

involves a synaptic change similar to the synaptic change that has been hypothesized to be the basis of memory storage.

Sodium amytal and dichotic listening tests are commonly used tests of A) audition. B) intelligence. C) handedness. D) language lateralization. E) brain damage.

language lateralization

Mumby and his colleagues showed that large hippocampal lesions blocked the object-recognition deficits caused in rats by cerebral ischemia when the lesions were A) unilateral but not bilateral. B) contralateral but not ipsilateral. C) made 1 hour, but not 1 week, after the ischemia. D) ipsilateral but not contralateral. E) made 1 week, but not 1 hour, after ischemia.

made 1 hour, but not 1 week, after the ischemia.

In early studies of medial-temporal-lobe amnesia in monkeys, the cortex underlying the hippocampus and amygdala was always damaged because the lesions were A) electrolytic. B) epileptic. C) cryogenic D) made by aspiration. E) bilateral.

made by aspiration

In early studies of medial-temporal-lobe amnesia in monkeys, the cortex underlying the hippocampus and amygdala was always damaged because the lesions were

made by aspiration.

Bilateral lesions of the medial temporal cortex that do not damage the hippocampus or amygdala produce

major object recognition deficits in both rats and monkeys.

Bilateral lesions of the medial temporal cortex that do not damage the hippocampus or amygdala produce A) slight object-recognition deficits in rats. B) no object-recognition deficits in monkeys. C) slight object-recognition deficits in monkeys. D) major object recognition deficits in both rats and monkeys. E) both A and C

major object recognition deficits in both rats and monkeys.

sexual dimorphisms

male-female structural differences

During the conventional dichotic listening test, most participants correctly report A) all digits heard through the right ear but none heard through the left. B) all digits heard through the left ear but none heard through the right. C) only those digits that are presented simultaneously to the two ears. D) more of the digits presented to the right ear. E) more of the digits presented to the left ear.

more of the digits presented to the right ear

The results of sodium amytal tests suggest that the percentage of healthy right-handers in the general population that are left-hemisphere dominant for speech is A) more than 90%. B) about 90%. C) about 80%. D) about 70%. E) less than 60%.

more than 90%

The left-hemisphere is dominant for speech in A) all left-handers and a few right-handers. B) nearly all left-handers and a few right-handers. C) nearly all right-handers and the majority of left-handers. D) nearly all right-handers and only a few left-handers. E) a few right-handers and even fewer left-handers.

nearly all right handers and the majority of left handers


neurons that release hormones into general circulation

The up-the-nose case of N.A. had a major impact on theories of amnesia because A) he died soon after his accident, and this enabled his physician to perform a postmortem examination of his hippocampus. B) a CT scan revealed the full extent of his lesion in the hippocampus. C) the foil penetrated the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus. D) by chance, his hippocampal lesion was bilaterally symmetrical. E) none of the above


Apraxic patients display A) muscle weakness on the left side of the body. B) muscle weakness on the right side of the body. C) abnormal spinal reflexes. D) a serious disturbance of motor coordination. E) none of the above

none of the above

Research has consistently shown that memory consolidation usually takes about A) 1 minute. B) 10 minutes. C) 1 hour. D) 2 years. E) none of the above

none of the above

According to the text, the scientific evidence has not proven the effectiveness of A) NMDA. B) nitric oxide. C) nootropics. D) dendritic spines. E) LTP.


According to the text, the scientific evidence has not proven the effectiveness of


pituitary gland

or master gland, produces tropic hormones, whose primary function is to influence the release of other hormones

Hippocampectomy in rats usually involves damage to a small area of overlying __________ so that the aspiration can be performed.

parietal cortex

Hippocampectomy in rats usually involves damage to a small area of overlying __________ so that the aspiration can be performed. A) parietal cortex B) frontal cortex C) amygdala D) medial temporal cortex E) temporal cortex

parietal cortex

In order to establish that the dichotic listening test is a valid test of language lateralization, Kimura showed that A) patients shown to be right-hemisphere dominant for speech by the sodium amytal test display a left-ear superiority for the recall of dichotically presented digits. B) most people display a right ear superiority for the recall of dichotically presented melodies. C) only left-handers display a left-ear superiority for the recall of dichotically presented digits. D) all of the above E) both A and B

patients shown to be right-hemisphere dominant for speech by the sodium amytal test display a left-ear superiority for the recall of dichotically presented digits

Stimulation of the __________ elicits a response in the __________ layer of the hippocampal __________. A) perforant path; granule-cell; dentate gyrus B) dentate gyrus; perforant-path; pyramidal cells C) dentate gyrus; granule-cell; pyramidal cells D) pyramidal cells; dentate-gyrus; granule cells E) perforant layer; pyramidal-cell; gyrus

perforant path; granule-cell; dentate gyrus

The smallest units of sound that distinguish among words of a particular language are called __________.


Many __________ cells are located in hippocampus, whereas many grid cells are located in the entorhinal cortex.


Hippocampal cells that become active only when the subject is in particular locations are called A) location cells. B) place cells. C) complex cells. D) simple cells. E) spot cells.

place cells

Hippocampal cells that become active only when the subject is in particular locations are called

place cells.

The location in a test environment in which a subject must be for a place cell to become active is called its A) place field. B) area of activity. C) location field. D) playing field. E) area of sensitivity.

place field

The location in a test environment in which a subject must be for a place cell to become active is called its

place field.

Co-occurrence has been shown to be critical for the induction of LTP. Co-occurrence refers to the requirement for simultaneous activity in A) the hippocampus and dentate. B) sensory neurons and motor neurons. C) presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. D) the CA1 and CA3. E) pyramidal and granule cells.

presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons

Co-occurrence has been shown to be critical for the induction of LTP. Co-occurrence refers to the requirement for simultaneous activity in

presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.

Although much evidence from various species suggests that hippocampal damage disrupts spatial memory, evidence from __________ has been inconsistent.


Although much evidence from various species suggests that hippocampal damage disrupts spatial memory, evidence from __________ has been inconsistent. A) mice B) primates C) birds D) rats E) place cells


According to the reconsolidation notion, long-term memories are temporarily susceptible to posttraumatic amnesia when they are A) recalled. B) transferred to the cortex. C) transferred to the hippocampus. D) transferred to LTP. E) consolidated.


According to the reconsolidation notion, long-term memories are temporarily susceptible to posttraumatic amnesia when they are


According to one hypothesis, each time a memory is retrieved from long-term storage, it is temporarily susceptible to posttraumatic amnesia and then is strengthened again. This "restrengthening" process has been termed __________.


Left-handers are also known as A) sinestrals. B) carminatives. C) minor hemisphere dominants. D) dextrals. E) none of the above


Left-handers and right-handers are A) dextrals and sinestrals, respectively. B) sinestrals and dextrals, respectively. C) more variable than androids. D) equally lateralized with respect to language functions. E) none of the above

sinestrals and dextrals, respectively

Hippocampal lesions in rats reliably disrupt the performance of tasks that involve memory for A) Pavlovian conditioning. B) time. C) spatial location. D) instrumental conditioning. E) objects.

spatial location

The hippocampus appears to play a special role in memory for A) spatial location. B) sounds. C) names. D) faces E) odors.

spatial location

Hippocampal lesions in rats reliably disrupt the performance of tasks that involve memory for

spatial location.

The hippocampus appears to play a special role in memory for

spatial location.

anabolic steroids

steroids, such as testosterone, that have growth-promoting effects

The __________ is thought to store memories for consistent relationships between stimuli and responses.


steroid hormones

synthesized from cholesterol, a type of fat molecule; they influence sexual development and activate adult sexual behavior

amino acid derivative hormone

synthesized in a few simple steps from an amino acid molecule


synthetic estrogen

The long-term progressive increase in the resistance of memories to disruption by electroconvulsive shock was demonstrated in a classic study by Squire, Slater, and Chace (1975) in which the memory for __________ was assessed.

television shows that played for only one year

The long-term progressive increase in the resistance of memories to disruption by electroconvulsive shock was demonstrated in a classic study by Squire, Slater, and Chace (1975) in which the memory for __________ was assessed. A) digits B) faces C) shocks D) television shows that played for only one year E) names

television shows that played for only one year

It has been reported that naming faces, animals, and tools each activates a slightly different area of __________ lobe cortex.


The rhinal cortex (perirhinal cortex + entorhinal cortex) is an area of medial ___________ cortex.


Because H.M.'s surgery seemed to disrupt only those retrograde memories acquired shortly before his surgery, it was once widely believed that the hippocampus

temporarily stores memories before they are transferred to a more permanent storage site.

Because H.M.'s surgery seemed to disrupt only those retrograde memories acquired shortly before his surgery, it was once widely believed that the hippocampus A) stores most long-term memories. B) stores all long-term memories. C) temporarily stores memories before they are transferred to a more permanent storage site. D) stores spatial memories. E) temporarily consolidates short-term memories

temporarily stores memories before they are transferred to a more permanent storage site.

fraternal birth order effect

the finding that the probability of a man's being homosexual increases as a function of the number of older brothers he has

During language tests, PET and fMRI typically reveal greater activity in A) aphasics. B) dyslexics. C) the left hemisphere. D) the right hemisphere. E) males.

the left hemisphere

seminal vesicles; vas deferens

the male ducts are the _____ _____, which hold the fluid in which sperm cells are ejaculated, and _____ _____, through which sperm cells travel to seminal vesicles

sexually dimorphic nucleus

the nucleus in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus was found to be several times larger in males


the process of aromatase converting testosterone to estradiol


transitional period between childhood and adulthood, when fertility is achieved secondary sex characteristics develop

A major contribution of H.M.'s case was the following: It

was the first to strongly implicate the medial temporal lobes in memory. effectively challenged the view that memorial functions are diffusely and equivalently distributed throughout the brain. provided support for the view that there are distinct modes of short-term and long-term storage provided evidence of memory without conscious awareness. These ideas together changed the way that scientists thought about the brain mechanisms of memory.

Kimura argued that although signals from each ear are projected to both hemispheres, the contralateral connections take precedence A) when different sounds from the two ears are simultaneously competing for access to the same cortical auditory circuits. B) in split-brain subjects. C) in aphasics. D) in patients under the influence of sodium amytal. E) in patients with apraxia.

when different sounds from the two ears are simultaneously competing for access to the same cortical auditory circuits.

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