Chapter 14 A Review

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What is the English translation of the Bible verse inscribed on the engraving on page 413?

"You should love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and your neighbor as yourself"


a loose confederation of thirteen largely autonomous territories


compendiums of basic religious knowledge


consecrating words of the priest during the Mass, the bread and the wine become the actual body and blood of Christ

How did Luther believe faith comes about?

it comes as a free gift of God's grace, not as the result of human effort

What does the slogan, "As soon as a coin in coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs" mean?

it means that when you pay an indulgence, it will free someone from Purgatory

What was the material advantage of rulers rejecting Roman Catholicism and embracing Protestantism?

legal confiscation of lush farmlands, rich monasteries, and wealthy shrines

With what source of revenue did the Roman Catholic Church fund the building of St. Peter's Basilica?

money made by indulgences

What did Luther believe about how God's word is revealed?

only in Scripture, not in the traditions of the church

How did Swiss Reformer Zwingli defy the Roman church authorities?

he insisted on preaching the New Testament from A-Z, and then went on to attack indulgences, the Mass, monasticism, and clerical celibacy

What 2 elements made people German?

1. language 2. traditions

What language did Luther translate the Bible into?


What modern nation were the first religious wars in?


What powerful family was Holy Roman Emperor Charles V a part of?



a place where souls on their way to Heaven went to make further amends for their earthly sins

How does Lucas Cranach the Younger picture the "false church"?

as a flaming open mouth symbolizing the jaws of hell engulfs the pope, cardinals, and friars

Why was Luther especially troubled by the sale of indulgences?

because it meant people thought they had no further need for repentance once they purchased indulgences

Why were townspeople attracted to the ideas of Luther and other reformers?

because of the notion that the clergy should also pay taxes and should not have special legal privileges

How is Luther's view of Christian doctrine summarized?

faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone

What did freedom mean for Luther?

independence from the authority of the Roman church

What was Martin Luther's original field of study?


What did the Peace of Augsburg do?

officially recognized Lutheranism


the Pope's court in Rome

What did Protestant reformers believe was the definition of a proper marriage?

- only remedy for lust - spiritual equality

What 4 things did Luther advocate for a reformed Christian church?

1. a simpler personal religion based on faith 2. a return to the spirit of the early church 3. the centrality of the Scriptures in the liturgy and in Christian life 4. the abolition of elaborate ceremonies

What document did Luther write/post to the Archbishop?

95 Theses

What legal body did Luther appear before during his trial?

Diet of Worms

When were the 95 Theses nailed to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church building?

October 31, 1517

How does salvation come about?

Roman Catholic: achieved by both faith and good works Protestant: by faith alone

What is the church?

Roman Catholic: hierarchical clerical institution headed by the Pope in Rome Protestant: spiritual priesthood of all believers, an invisible fellowship not fixed in any place or person

Where does religious authority come from?

Roman Catholic: in the Bible and in the traditional teaching of the church Protestant: Bible alone

What is the highest form of Christian service?

Roman Catholic: stressed the superiority of the monastic and religious life over secular Protestant: every person should serve God in his or her individual calling

Which sacraments are biblical?

Roman Catholic: the rituals that the church had defined as imparting God's benefits of the believer Protestant: only baptism and the Eucharist have scriptural support and the LORD's Supper

How is Roman Catholic doctrine understanding of the Word of God different from Luther's?

The church says it is half what the Pope (papacy) says, and half what the Bible says. Luther says it's only the Bible.

Which city was Luther a professor in?


In what city was Luther's trial?



a document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in Purgatory , widely believed to bring forgiveness to all sins

Why is Switzerland neutral today?

a treaty was made to allow each canon to determine its own religion and ordered each side to give up its foreign alliances (all this happened after Zwingli was killed)

What was the irony in priests, monks, and nuns being exempt from civic responsibilities?

because religious orders frequently held large amounts of urban property (sometimes as much as 1/3)

Why are Anabaptists called Anabaptists?

because they believed in the baptism of believers Ana = "re"

What invention made Luther's success possible?

printing press


the clerical practice of holding more than one church benefice (or office) at the same time and enjoying the income of each


the name originally given to Lutherans, which came to mean all non-Catholic Western Christian groups

What did the new Protestant rules do about the brothels in their towns

they closed them

How did the Roman Church's high clerics use poor priests?

they collected revenues from all of them and hired a poor priest, paying him just a fraction of the income to fulfill the spiritual duties of a particular local church

How is the magician's term "hokus pocus" related to a common understanding of the time of transubstantiation?

they thought the ceremony changing wine into blood and bread into the body of Christ was magic, and they thought the priest was saying "hokus pocus"

How did the papacy respond to Luther's written arguments?

they wrote a letter condemning some of Luther's propositions, ordering that his books be burned, and giving him 2 months to recant or be excommunicated

What was Martin Luther's understanding of how salvation was to be gained?

through faith alone

How did a territory become Protestant?

when its ruler brought in a reformer to reeducate the territory's clergy, sponsored public sermons, and confiscated church property

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