Chapter 14 (Multiple Choice)

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REF: 601 BLM: Higher Order 45. Which hormones act in the small intestine? a. secretin and cholecystokinin b. secretin and gastrin c. cholecystokinin and gastrin d. gastrin


REF: 601 BLM: Remember 63. What happens during vomiting? a. The diaphragm contracts. b. The thorax contracts c. The stomach contracts.


REF: 622 BLM: Remember 95. How long does it take for an epithelial cell to migrate from the base of the villi to the tip? a. three hours b. three days c. one day d. three months


REF: 622 BLM: Remember 97. Which substance is a product from the chemical breakdown of starch? a. amino acids b. glucose c. monoglycerides d. bile salts


REF: 624 BLM: Remember 93. What does NOT directly enter the blood upon being absorbed from the digestive tract? a. glucose b. monoglycerides and free fatty acids c. amino acids d. alcohol


REF: 624 BLM: Remember 94. Where is the primary site of absorption in the digestive system? a. stomach b. small intestine c. Colon d. esophagus


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 5. Which statement concerning the intrinsic plexuses is INCORRECT? a. The myenteric plexus is located in the submucosa. b. The plexuses innervate smooth muscle cells and exocrine and endocrine gland cells. c. The plexuses are influenced by extrinsic nerves. d. The plexuses coordinate local digestive tract activity.


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 8. Proteins are primarily digested to and absorbed as _______________ a. amino acids b. cellulose c. fatty acids and glycerol d. monosaccharides


REF: 594 BLM: Remember 22. Which statement concerning the salivary secretion is correct? a. It is entirely under neural control (i.e., there is no hormonal control of salivary secretion). b. It is a passive secretion. c. It is stimulated by the parasympathetic nervous system and inhibited by the sympathetic nervous system. d. It secretes hormones.


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 26. Which statement is entirely under nervous control and has no hormonal regulatory component? a. salivary secretion b. gastric secretion c. pancreatic secretion d. liver secretion


REF: 596 BLM: Remember 30. Why is the pharyngoesophageal sphincter normally closed? a. to prevent air from entering the esophagus during breathing b. to prevent gastric contents from refluxing back into the esophagus c. to prevent vomiting d. to prevent esophageal secretions from leaking into the stomach


REF: 596 BLM: Remember 31. What prevents food from entering the nasal passages during swallowing? a. elevation of the uvula b. contraction of the pharyngeal muscles c. positioning of the tongue d. tight apposition of the vocal cords over the glottis


REF: 599 BLM: Higher Order 39. Which factor is the most potent stimulus for inhibition of gastric motility? a. fat in the duodenum b. acid in the duodenum c. acid in the stomach d. distention of the stomach


REF: 601 BLM: Remember 64. Which statement concerning peptic ulcers is INCORRECT? a. They are usually caused by excessive neural stimulation. b. They are usually caused by bacterial infection. c. They compromise the mucosal barrier and stomach wall.


REF: 604 BLM: Remember 56. What happens after pepsinogen is activated? a. It autocatalytically activates more pepsinogen. b. It activates the pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the duodenal lumen after gastric emptying has occurred. c. It inhibits the pyloric gland area in a negative-feedback fashion. d. It inhibits the secretion of HCL.


REF: 606 BLM: Higher Order 38. Which statement concerning gastric mixing is NOT true? a. It occurs primarily in the body of the stomach. b. It occurs as a result of the stomach's contents being tumbled back and forth in the antrum because of vigorous peristaltic contractions. c. It mixes the food with gastric secretions to convert it to a finely divided liquid form known as chyme.


REF: 608 BLM: Higher Order 77. What is the most important stimulus for contraction of the gallbladder? a. CCK causes contraction of the gallbladder. b. Mechanical contraction of the small intestine causes bile to be forced out of the gallbladder. c. Sympathetic stimulation causes contraction of the gallbladder. d. An increase in bile secretion by the liver causes contraction of the gallbladder.


REF: 608 BLM: Remember 61. Which statement regarding control of pancreatic secretion is INCORRECT? a. Gastrin stimulates release of neutralization solution. b. CCK stimulates release of enzymes. c. Secretin stimulates release of bicarbonate.


REF: 609 BLM: Remember 65. Which statement concerning cholecystokinin is INCORRECT? a. It is secreted by the endocrine portion of the pancreas. b. It stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion. c. It causes contraction of the gallbladder.


REF: 612 BLM: Remember 42. Which statement is NOT true for peristaltic antral contractions? a. They occur at a rate of 10/min. b. They are responsible for emptying food into the duodenum. c. They are responsible for mixing food and gastric enzymes within the antrum.


REF: 614 BLM: Remember 82. Which statement is NOT TRUE for the small intestinal digestive enzymes? a. They are secreted into the lumen, where they perform their function. b. They act intracellularly within the brush borders. c. They complete the digestion of carbohydrates.


REF: 616 BLM: Remember 74. What stimulates gallbladder contraction? a. CCK b. secretin c. sympathetic stimulation d. gastrin


REF: 621 BLM: Remember 90. Which statement correctly describes absorptive processes? a. Carbohydrate is absorbed by active transport in the small intestine and enters the blood. b. Fat is absorbed by active transport in the small intestine and enters the lymph. c. Protein is absorbed primarily by pinocytosis. d. The water-soluble vitamins are carried in the micelles, which are water soluble.


REF: 622 BLM: Remember 87. Which enzyme is NOT secreted into the duodenal lumen? a. aminopeptidase b. Lipase c. trypsinogen d. procarboxypeptidase


REF: 622 BLM: Remember 96. Which statement does NOT correctly describes carbohydrate absorption by intestinal cells? a. The absorbable units of carbohydrate are disaccharides. b. Fructose is absorbed by facilitated diffusion. c. Glucose is absorbed by Na+ and energy-dependent secondary active transport.


REF: 637 BLM: Higher Order 55. What is a precursor to an enzyme that functions in the stomach? a. Pepsinogen b. HCl c. intrinsic factor d. Gastrin


REF: 587 BLM: Remember 2. Which statement concerning digestive motility is INCORRECT? a. It is accomplished by smooth muscle contractions. b. It is accomplished by smooth and voluntary muscle contractions. c. It may be propulsive in nature.


REF: 587 BLM: Remember 3. Which one of the following is NOT included in gastric secretions? a. enzymes b. Bile c. mucus


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 9. What is the digested product of milk sugar? a. glucose and fructose b. glucose and galactose c. sucrose and glucose d. maltose


REF: 591 BLM: Remember 17. Which statement concerning the BER is correct? a. It is a basic eating reflex that ensures that food is moved along the digestive tract at an appropriate rate. b. It is a basic electrical rhythm consisting of spontaneous, rhythmic, wavelike fluctuations in membrane potential. c. It is a basic emptying reflex, which governs the rate of gastric emptying. d. It is a bowel evacuation reflex, or defecation reflex.


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 27. Which statement concerning swallowing is Not true? a. It includes the movement of the bolus from the mouth to the stomach. b. It includes only the movement of the bolus from the mouth to the esophagus. c. It is a sequentially programmed, multiple response, all-or-none reflex.


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 28. Where is the swallowing centre located? a. cerebral cortex b. Medulla c. hypothalamus d. Throat


REF: 596 BLM: Remember 33. If peristalsis in the esophagus is insufficient to carry an especially large bolus of food through the esophagus to the stomach, what happens to dislodge this trapped food? a. A secondary peristaltic wave is initiated by the swallowing centre. b. A secondary peristaltic wave is initiated by distention of the esophagus, mediated by the intrinsic nerve plexuses. c. The food remains in the esophagus until the swallowing mechanism is voluntarily initiated once again. d. Increased esophageal mucus secretion occurs to lubricate the stuck bolus so that it can slide to the stomach.


REF: 597 BLM: Remember 34. Why is the gastroesophageal sphincter normally closed? a. to prevent air from entering the esophagus during breathing b. to prevent gastric contents from refluxing into the esophagus c. to prevent vomiting d. to prevent esophageal secretions leaking into the stomach


REF: 597 BLM: Remember 35. What is the major chemical digestive activity occurring in the stomach? a. digestion of starch b. digestion of protein c. digestion of fat d. absorption of monosaccharides


REF: 599 BLM: Remember 43. Which statement regarding gastric motility and emptying is INCORRECT? a. Increased fluidity allows more rapid emptying. b. Presence of acid and fat in the stomach initiates the enterogastric reflex. c. Increased gastric volume stimulates motility. d. Vagal activity stimulates motility.


REF: 600 BLM: Remember 66. Which statement accurately describes chymotrypsinogen? a. Chymotrypsinogen is activated by enterokinase. b. Once activated, chymotrypsinogen is involved in protein digestion. c. Chymotrypsinogen is secreted by the endocrine pancreas. d. Chymotrypsinogen hydrolyzes starches and glycogen.


REF: 602 BLM: Remember 59. What does the pyloric gland area of the stomach antrum secrete? a. Histamine b. Gastrin c. intrinsic factor d. somatostatin


REF: 603 BLM: Remember 54. When does pernicious anemia NOT occur? a. when the stomach has been removed b. when the colon has been removed c. when there is a deficiency of intrinsic factor


REF: 610 BLM: Remember 70. Which statement is NOT a function of the liver? a. metabolic processing of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats b. secretion of proteolytic digestive enzymes c. detoxification and/or degradation of body wastes, hormones, drugs, and foreign compounds d. synthesis of plasma proteins essential to the clotting process


REF: 611 BLM: Remember 72. Which is the most potent choleretic? a. vagal stimulation b. bile salts c. CCK d. secretin


REF: 616 BLM: Remember 78. Venous flow into the liver is via the __________ a. hepatic vein b. hepatic portal system c. sinusoidal system d. mesenteric system


REF: 588 BLM: Higher Order 99. What is NOT a brush border enzyme? a. enterokinase b. aminopeptidase c. lipase d. lactase


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 10. Which statement of the Digestion of polysaccharides is not true? a. It is accomplished using enzymes. b. It utilizes hydrolysis. c. It utilizes dehydration.


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 11. Which organ is NOT a digestive tract organ? a. esophagus b. stomach c. pancreas d. small intestine


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 98. Which enzyme breaks down table sugar? a. maltase b. lactase c. sucrase d. enterokinase


REF: 591 BLM: Remember 14. Which statement concerning the intrinsic nerve plexuses is correct? a. They produce spontaneous depolarization of the smooth muscle cells in the wall of the digestive tract. b. They are located in the mucosa. c. They coordinate local activity in the digestive tract. d. They are located in the brain stem.


REF: 591 BLM: Remember 18. About 9,500 ml of fluid is absorbed from the digestive tract daily. What is the ultimate source of most of this fluid? a. food and fluid ingested during meals b. stored within secretory cells of the digestive tract c. the plasma d. the accessory digestive organs


REF: 592 BLM: Remember 15. What are carbohydrates absorbed as? a. polysaccharides b. disaccharides c. monosaccharides d. amino acids


REF: 593 BLM: Higher Order 7. Fats are digested to _______________ a. amino acids b. cellulose c. fatty acids and glycerol d. fructose


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 23. What is NOT a function of saliva? a. It facilitates swallowing. b. It serves as a solvent for molecules that stimulate taste buds. c. It dissolves glucose to facilitate its absorption by the oral mucosa. d. It has antibacterial action.


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 24. What is NOT a component of saliva? a. amylase b. mucus c. pepsin d. lysozyme


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 25. Which statement concerning the process of salivation is INCORRECT? a. Salivation is entirely under neural control. b. Parasympathetic stimulation and sympathetic stimulation both increase salivary secretion. c. The acquired salivary reflex occurs upon stimulation of chemoreceptors and/or pressure receptors in the mouth. d. Parasympathetic stimulation produces a watery saliva rich in enzymes.


REF: 598 BLM: Remember 37. Which factor will NOT influence the rate at which a meal will empty from the stomach? a. fat in the duodenum b. acid in the duodenum c. caffeine in the duodenum d. hypertonicity of the duodenal contents


REF: 599 BLM: Higher Order 44. Which breakfast would remain in the stomach the longest? a. toast, orange juice, and coffee b. black coffee c. fried eggs, bacon, and hash browns d. bowl of cereal with skim milk


REF: 602 BLM: Remember 60. Which statement concerning alcohol is NOT true? a. It stimulates gastric secretion. b. It can be absorbed more rapidly from the small intestine than from the stomach. c. It inhibits gastric emptying through the enterogastric reflex.


REF: 604 BLM: Remember 58. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the pyloric gland area of the stomach antrum ? a. secretes gastrin. b. is inhibited when gastric pH falls too low. c. is stimulated by the presence of glucose. d. it inhibits the section of the HCL.


REF: 605 BLM: Remember 50. Which statement concerning HCl secretion by the stomach is INCORRECT? a. HCl inactivates salivary amylase and the pancreatic enzymes. b. HCl activates pepsinogen. c. HCI establishes a high pH in the stomach.


REF: 605 BLM: Remember 52. Which statement concerning the stomach acid is INCORRECT? a. It is neutralized in the duodenum. b. It is neutralized with bicarbonate. c. It is neutralized by solutions secreted by the G cells.


REF: 606 BLM: Remember 47. What does NOT happen during the cephalic phase of gastric secretion? a. Thinking about, seeing, smelling, and chewing food reflexively increases gastric secretion. b. Vagal stimulation of the gastric glands occurs. c. Secretin is released.


REF: 606 BLM: Remember 48. What is secreted by the chief cells of the gastric mucosa? a. bicarbonate ions b. HCl c. pepsinogen d. sucrase


REF: 608 BLM: Remember 76. Which of the following are NOT functions of aqueous NaHCO3 secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum? a. neutralization of acidic gastric contents emptied into the duodenum b. prevention of irritation of the duodenal mucosa c. active digestion of fat molecules into fatty acids


REF: 610 BLM: Remember 67. Why is the intestinal hormone secretin released by endocrine cells in the duodenal mucosa? a. in response to distention of the stomach b. in response to carbohydrate in the duodenum c. in response to acid in the duodenum d. in response to gastrin secreted by the pyloric gland area of the stomach


REF: 610 BLM: Remember 84. What is the primary factor responsible for moving the chyme forward in the small intestine? a. mass movement b. migrating motility complex c. a gradient in the frequency of segmentation along the length of the small intestine d. sequential ring-like contractions that move progressively forward along the length of the small intestine in a stripping motion, pushing the chyme ahead of the contraction


REF: 610 BLM: Remember 88. Which control mechanism does NOT bring about segmentation of the terminal portion of the small intestine? a. gastroileal reflex b. distention of the stomach c. cholecystokinin action


REF: 611 BLM: Remember 62. What does NOT occur during vomiting? a. The diaphragm contracts. b. The abdominal muscles contract. c. The stomach contracts. d. Respiration is inhibited.


REF: 611 BLM: Remember 68. Which substance is absorbed by the stomach? a. glucose b. caffeine c. aspirin d. amino acids


REF: 612 BLM: Remember 71. Which statement concerning secretin is correct? a. The most potent stimulus for secretin secretion is the presence of fat in the duodenum. b. Secretin stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion. c. Secretin stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate. d. Secretin stimulates the acinar cells.


REF: 615 BLM: Remember 80. Which of the following is NOT true of the formation of a lipid emulsion ? a. facilitates digestion of fat by lipase b. is accomplished by bile salts c. takes place in the stomach


REF: 617 BLM: Higher Order 86. Why are epithelial cells continually being shed from the villi? a. The intracellular enzymes digest important cellular constituents, causing the cells to disintegrate and slough. b. The body needs a continual supply of protein derived from the digestion of these cells. c. New cells are continually being produced in the crypts at the base of the villi and migrate upward. d. Acid entering the small intestine from the stomach constantly destroys the small intestinal lining, causing the cells to slough.


REF: 617 BLM: Remember 85. Which statement concerning segmentation isNOT true? a. It is the primary motility in the small intestine during digestion of a meal. b. It is both mixing and propulsive. c. It refers to sequential ring-like contractions that sweep downward, creating a stripping motion that pushes the chyme forward.


REF: 617 BLM: Remember 89. Where is digestion completed? a. stomach b. small intestine lumen c. on the brush borders of the small intestine epithelial cells d. Colon


REF: 621 BLM: Remember 83. What does NOT enter the duodenal lumen? a. trypsinogen b. bile salts c. disaccharidases d. gastric contents


REF: 622 BLM: Remember 91. What is absorbed by receptor mediated endocytosis in the terminal ileum? a. fatty acids and monoglycerides b. Bile c. vitamin B12 d. amino acids


1. Which statement about mixing movements is correct? a. They promote digestion by mixing food with digestive juices. b. They facilitate absorption by exposing luminal contents to absorptive surfaces. c. They take place only in the stomach. d. They promote digestion by mixing food with digestive juices and facilitate absorption by exposing luminal contents to absorptive surfaces.


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 16. Which statement concerning the enteric nervous system is correct? a. It includes the myenteric plexes. b. It includes the submucosal plexes. c. It includes vagal nerve efferents. d. It includes both myenteric and submucosal plexes.


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 19. Which statement regarding control of digestive processes is INCORRECT? a. Short reflexes influence motility and secretion in localized areas. b. All elements of the short reflexes are contained within the digestive organ's wall. c. Hormones play a role. d. Osmoreceptors monitor the acidity of the luminal contents.


REF: 588 BLM: Remember 4. What is the primary absorptive organ of the digestive system? a. salivary glands b. oral cavity c. stomach d. small intestine


REF: 589 BLM: Remember 12. Which tissue layer provides for primary digestive motility? a. mucosa b. submucosa c. muscularis mucosae d. muscularis externa e. mesentery


REF: 589 BLM: Remember 13. Which statement concerning the serosa is correct? a. It is the abdominal cavity containing the stomach. b. It is the blood supply to the stomach. c. It is the inner lining of the digestive tract. d. It is the outer connective tissue covering of the digestive tract.


REF: 592 BLM: Remember 6. Which statement concerning parasympathetic innervation of the digestive tract is INCORRECT? a. In general, parasympathetic stimulation is excitatory to the digestive system. b. Parasympathetic innervation to the digestive tract comes primarily through the vagus nerve. c. Parasympathetic innervation is part of the extrinsic nerve supply to the digestive tract. d. Parasympathetic stimulation of the salivary glands produces a saliva rich in mucus.


REF: 593 BLM: Remember 21. What does chewing accomplish? a. grinding and breaking up food b. mixing food with saliva to facilitate swallowing c. reflexively increasing intestinal hormones d. grinding up food and mixing with saliva to facilitate swallowing


REF: 594 BLM: Higher Order 20. Which secretions are increased by chewing? a. salivary secretion b. gastric secretion c. intestinal hormones d. both salivary and gastric secretions


REF: 595 BLM: Remember 29. During the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing, how is food prevented from entering the other openings that communicate with the pharynx? a. elevation of the uvula, which lodges against the back of the throat b. closure of the nasopharyngeal sphincter c. the epiglottis blocking the opening between the vocal cords d. elevation of the larynx and closure of the vocal folds across the laryngeal opening


REF: 596 BLM: Remember 32. What prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing? a. elevation of the uvula b. contraction of the pharyngeal muscles c. positioning of the tongue d. tight apposition of the vocal cords over the glottis


REF: 598 BLM: Remember 41. What does bile act on? a. distention of the stomach b. gastrin c. carbohydrate in the stomach d. fat in the duodenum


REF: 598 BLM: Remember 36. Receptive relaxation refers to relaxation of the __________________ a. pharyngoesophageal sphincter during swallowing b. pyloric sphincter when the duodenum is prepared to receive the chyme c. external anal sphincter when the individual is receptive to the defecation reflex d. stomach as it starts to fill, thereby allowing an increase in volume with very little increase in pressure


REF: 600 BLM: Remember 40. Where is the pyloric sphincter located? a. between the esophagus and stomach b. between the oral cavity and esophagus c. between the large intestine and rectum d. between the stomach and small intestine


REF: 600 BLM: Remember 46. What is NOT secreted by the stomach in response to parasympathetic (acetylcholine) stimulation? a. pepsinogen b. HCl c. gastrin d. histamine


REF: 601 BLM: Remember 53. Which statement concerning the intrinsic factor is correct? a. It is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach. b. It is necessary for absorption of vitamin B12. c. It is abundant in pernicious anemia. d. It is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach and necessary for absorption of vitamin B12.


REF: 602 BLM: Remember 51. What does NOT slow gastric activities? a. enterogastric reflex b. enterogastrones c. secretin d. gastrin


REF: 604 BLM: Remember 49. Which of the following is secreted by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa? a. HCl b. pepsinogen c. both HCl and pepsinogen d. both HCl and intrinsic factor


REF: 604 BLM: Remember 57. As food leaves the stomach, gastric secretion is reduced. Which factor does NOT contribute to this reduction? a. fat in the duodenum b. low gastric pH c. distention of the duodenum d. pepsinogen in the duodenum


REF: 605 BLM: Remember 92. Absorption of which of the following is linked to active sodium absorption at the basolateral border of the epithelial cell? a. Water b. cholesterol c. galactose d. water and galactose


REF: 608 BLM: Remember 69. Which statement about pancreatic enzymes is INCORRECT? a. Trypsinogen is secreted in an inactive form. b. Pancreatic amylase digests carbohydrate. c. Pancreatic lipase is responsible for triglyceride digestion. d. Except for trypsinogen, other proteolytic enzymes are secreted in active form.


REF: 612 BLM: Remember 79. What causes the typical coloration of the feces? a. bile salts b. undigested cellulose c. aqueous NaHCO3 secretion d. bilirubin


REF: 614 BLM: Remember 81. What enters the duodenum? a. pancreatic secretions b. Bile c. fatty acids from digested lipids d. pancreatic secretions and bile


REF: 616 BLM: Remember 73. Which statement concerning bile salts is correct? a. They aid fat digestion. b. They aid fat absorption through micelle formation. c. They are secreted into the bile. d. They aid fat digestion and absorption through micelle formation.


REF: 616 BLM: Remember 75. Which statement is INCORRECT about the pancreas? a. It has endocrine tissue. b. It has exocrine tissue. c. It secretes an alkaline fluid. d. It secretes pepsinogen.


REF: 619 BLM: Remember 100. Which statement concerning lactose intolerance is correct? a. It is caused by lack of a specific disaccharidase. b. It is caused by lack of lactose. c. It results in bacterial metabolism of lactose. d. It is caused by lack of a specific disaccharidases resulting in bacterial metabolism of lactose.


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