chapter 22

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D) hyperglycemia; higher

A lack of insulin causes ________, a state in which the concentration of blood sugar is ________ than normal. A) hypoglycemia; lower B) hypoglycemia; higher C) hyperglycemia; lower D) hyperglycemia; higher E) none of the above

b) pyruvate, ATP and NADH

The products of glycolysis important in metabolism are? a) acetyl-SCoA and ATP b) pyruvate, ATP and NADH c) CO2, ATP, and NADH d) pyruvate, ADP and NAD+ e) CO2 and H2


A high energy phosphate molecule involved in gluconeogenesis is ________. A) UDP B) UTP C) GDP D) GTP E) ADP

d) pyruvate

All of the chemicals below are associated with the pentose phosphate pathway except? a) glucose 6-phosphate b) NADPH c) ribose d) pyruvate e) NADP

b) glycogenolysis

All of the following are reactions in the oxidation of glucose which produce energy except? a) glycolysis b) glycogenolysis c) oxidation of pyruvate t acetyl-SCoA d) the citric acid cycle e) reaction of reduced coenzymes in the electron transport chain

d) the same enzymes are used in the digestion of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins

All of the following statements concerning digestion are correct except? a) the major chemical reaction in digestion is enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of large molecules. b) digestion begins in the mouth, continues in the stomach, and is completed in the small intestine. c) digestion can be considered a catabolic process in which bulk of food is broken down into individual small molecules. d) the same enzymes are used in the digestion of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins e) the major physical processes in digestion are mixing, softening, and grinding of food.

d) digestion begins in the stomach and is completed in the large intestine

All of the following statements concerning digestion are correct except? a) digestion can be considered a catabolic process in which bulk food is broken down into individual small molecules. b) the major chemical reaction in digestion is enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of large molecules c) the major physical processes in digestion are mixing, softening and grinding of food d) digestion begins in the stomach and is completed in the large intestine e) different foods are digested by different enzymes

A) isomerization

Conversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is a(an) ________. A) isomerization B) oxidation C) reduction D) esterification E) condensation

C) lactate

During gluconeogenesis pyruvate is formed from glycerol, certain amino acids and _________. A) acetyl CoA B) glucose C) lactate D) glycogen

C) conversion into phosphates.

Entry of monosaccharides other than glucose into the glycolysis pathway initially involves A) breakdown into pyruvate. B) oxidation into acetyl groups. C) conversion into phosphates. D) reduction of carbonyl groups. E) hydrolysis of 2-carbon units.

D) liver.

Gluconeogenesis occurs mainly in the A) cytosol of all cells. B) mitochondria of all cells. C) muscle. D) liver. E) brain.

B) red blood; liver

Glycogen is most commonly found in ________ cells and ________ cells. A) red blood; white blood B) red blood; liver C) muscle; white blood D) muscle; liver E) bone; white blood

B) glycogen → glucose

Glycogenolysis can be correctly represented by which of the following pathways? A) glucose → glycogen B) glycogen → glucose C) pyruvate → glycogen D) glycogen → pyruvate E) glucose → pyruvate

A) glucose-6-phosphatase

Glycogenolysis does not occur in muscle tissue because it lacks which of the following enzymes? A) glucose-6-phosphatase B) glycogen phosphorylase C) phosphoglucomutase D) pyruvate kinase

A) cytosol of all cells.

Glycolysis occurs mainly in the A) cytosol of all cells. B) mitochondria of all cells. C) muscle. D) liver. E) brain.

B) insulin; glucagon; epinephrine

Hormones which regulate glucose metabolism are ________, ________, and ________. A) insulin; cortisone; thyroxine B) insulin; glucagon; epinephrine C) estrogen; progesterone; testosterone D) growth hormone; cortisone; thyroxine E) estrogen; glucagon; epinephrine

B) diabetic.

If a glucose tolerance test shows an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood after several hours, the person is possibly A) hypoglycemic. B) diabetic. C) anemic. D) overweight.

B) glycogenolysis; gluconeogenesis

In an individual who is starving or fasting, the body meets its need for glucose first by the process of ________, and then by the process of ________. A) glycolysis; gluconeogenesis B) glycogenolysis; gluconeogenesis C) gluconeogenesis; glycogenesis D) glycogenesis; lipogenesis E) lipogenesis; glycogenolysis

d) phosphorylation

In the first step of glycolysis, the conversion of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate is known as? a) isomerization b) reduction c) oxidation d) phosphorylation e) dehydration

E) More than one response is correct.

Insulin increases the rate at which A) glucose is converted to glycogen. B) glucose is converted to fat. C) glucose enters the cell. D) glucose is converted from glycogen. E) More than one response is correct.

A) hypoglycemia; lower

Overproduction of insulin causes ________, a state in which the concentration of blood sugar is ________ than normal. A) hypoglycemia; lower B) hypoglycemia; higher C) hyperglycemia; lower D) hyperglycemia; higher E) none of the above

A) reduction of pyruvate provides NAD+ which is needed for glycolysis

Pyruvate is converted to lactate under anaerobic conditions because ________. A) reduction of pyruvate provides NAD+ which is needed for glycolysis B) lactate releases oxygen upon conversion to acetyl-CoA C) reduction of pyruvate provides NADH which is needed for gluconeogenesis D) lactate is storage for of pyruvate for use later when more ATP is needed E) none of the above

A) consume ATP instead of producing it.

Steps 1-5 of glycolysis are referred to as the "energy investment" portion of the process because these steps A) consume ATP instead of producing it. B) generate waste products which cost ATP for disposal. C) produce NADH which is less energy-rich than ATP. D) involve several endergonic isomerizations. E) none of the above

A) alcoholic fermentation.

The action of yeast on pyruvate is a process referred to as A) alcoholic fermentation. B) aerobic oxidation. C) glycolysis. D) anaerobic reduction. E) substrate-level phosphorylation.

c) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate

The chemical resulting from steps 3-5 of glycolysis which is oxidized in step 6 is? a) glucose b) acetyl-SCoA c) glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate d) citrate e) oxaloacetate

a) isomerization

The conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate in the second step of glycolysis is a(an) ________ reaction. a) isomerization b) reduction c) oxidation d) phosphorylation e) dehydration

B) insulin.

The diseases identified as diabetes are primarily associated with a malfunction of the hormone A) glucagon. B) insulin. C) epinephrine. D) cortisone. E) sorbitol.

A) aldolase

The enzyme that catalyzes cleavage of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is ________. A) aldolase B) D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatase C) phosphofructokinase D) hexokinase E) none of the above

A) esterification; glucose-6-phosphate

The first step of glycolysis involves ________ to form ________. A) esterification; glucose-6-phosphate B) oxidation; glucose -6-phosphate C) addition; fructose-1,6-diphosphate D) esterification; glucose-1-phosphate E) isomerization; fructose-6-phosphate

a) producing NADPH

The major function of the pentose phosphate pathway when energy for anabolic reaction is a priority is? a) producing NADPH b) producing ribose c) meeting the need for large amounts of ATP d) providing intermediates for the citric acid cycle e) providing intermediates for glycogenesis

b) producing ribose

The major function of the pentose phosphate pathway when nucleic acid synthesis is a priority is? a) producing NADPH b) producing ribose c) meeting the need for large amounts of ATP d) providing intermediates for the citric acid cycle e) providing intermediates for glycogenesis

b) monosaccharides

The major products of carbohydrate digestion are? a) monosaccharides and disaccharides b) monosaccharides c) acetyl CoA d) pyruvic acid

c) production of ATP as an energy source for all cells

The most important goal of glucose metabolism is? a) synthesis of oxidized coenzymes b) synthesis of glycogen for later use c) production of ATP as an energy source for all cells d) production of acetyl-SCoA for synthesis of lipids e) synthesis of carbon skeletons for amino acid production

a) glucose

The most important monosaccharide for energy production is? a) glucose b) galactose c) fructose d) ribose e) mannose

C) 32

The overall yield of ATP molecules from the complete catabolism of one molecule of glucose in humans and other mammals is ________. A) 18 B) 24 C) 32 D) 42 E) 56

A) lactate.

The pain and cramps that occur during physical exhaustion are associated with the formation of excess A) lactate. B) pyruvate. C) acetyl-CoA. D) acetaldehyde. E) glucose.

c) glycolysis

The pathway followed by glucose when energy is needed is? a) gluconeogenesis b) glycogenesis c) glycolysis d) lipognesis e) the pentose phosphate pathway

C) gluconeogenesis.

The process of making glucose from noncarbohydrates is known as A) glycolysis. B) glycogenolysis. C) gluconeogenesis. D) glycogenesis. E) lipogenesis

e) starch and glycogen

The target molecule(s) for a-amylase is (are)? a) glucose b) sucrose c) all disaccharides d) starch e) starch and glycogen

b) substrate-level

When ATP is produced by direct transfer of a phosphate group instead of from reaction couples to electron transport, the process is referred to as ____ phosphorylation. a) oxidative b) substrate-level c) reductive d) anabolic e) catabolic

e) the pentose phosphate pathway

When a cell's need for NADPH or ribose-6-phosphate exceeds its need for ATP, glucose-6-phosphate is metabolized by? a) gluconeogenesis b) glycogenesis c) glycolysis d) glycogenolysis e) the pentose phosphate pathway


When a person is deprived of food, in which order does the body use the following sources to produce glucose? protein breakdown to amino acids used for gluconeogenesis conversion of glycogen to glucose III. catabolism of lipids A) I, II, III B) III, II, I C) II, I, III D) II, III, I E) III, I, II

A) hypoglycemia.

When blood sugar levels are lower than normal, this condition is called A) hypoglycemia. B) hyperglycemia. C) glucosuria. D) diabetes mellitus.

e) acetyl- SCoA

When energy is needed and adequate oxygen is available, pyruvate is converted to _______. a) glucose b) glycogen c) lactate d) ethanol e) acetyl- SCoA

B) ethanol

Which chemical is produced from pyruvate when it is metabolized by yeast cells? A) lactate B) ethanol C) acetyl-SCoA D) phosphoenol pyruvate E) glucose

C) acetyl-SCoA

Which chemical is produced from pyruvate when it is metabolized in muscle cells under aerobic conditions? A) lactate B) ethanol C) acetyl-SCoA D) phosphoenol pyruvate E) glucose

A) lactate

Which chemical is produced from pyruvate when it is metabolized in muscle cells under anaerobic conditions? A) lactate B) ethanol C) acetyl-SCoA D) phosphoenol pyruvate E) glucose

b) glucose to pyruvate

Which conversion is accomplished during glycolysis? a) glucose to glycogen b) glucose to pyruvate c) starch to glucose d) pyruvate to glucose e) glycogen to glucose

d) I and IV

Which of the following are produced as a net result of glycolysis? I. NDAH II. NAD+ III. ADP IV. ATP a) I and II b) III and IV c) I and III d) I and IV e) II and III

D) galactose, fructose, and mannose

Which of the following carbohydrates can also be used as fuel in glycolysis? A) glucose B) glucose and fructose C) fructose and galactose D) galactose, fructose, and mannose E) fructose

e) pyruvate

Which of the following is not a production of digestion? a) amino acids b) fatty acids c) glucose d) glycerol e) pyruvate


Which of the following is not used as an energy source in metabolism? A) ATP B) UTP C) UTC D) GTP E) More than one choice is correct.

D) glycogenesis

Which pathway converts glucose to its storage form in animals? A) glycolysis B) glycogenolysis C) gluconeogenesis D) glycogenesis E) lipogenesis

B) glycogenolysis

Which pathway produces glucose from its storage form in animals? A) glycolysis B) glycogenolysis C) gluconeogenesis D) glycogenesis E) lipogenesis

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