Chapter 22 section 3

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Because Roosevelt persued progressive reforms at home, he also believed that the US should play a Maire active role in the Western Hemisphere. What was this?

A change from the policies of the previous presidents. Previous policies warned nations not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere.

1910, many Mexicans revolted against the harsh rule of Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz. This was the start if the Mexican revolution, which was:

A long, violent struggle for power in Mexico. The war affected US interests because Americans had invested more than one billion in Mexicanland, mining, oil, and railways. American business leaders feared they would lose their investment.

Finally, on _______________, the Panama Canal opened to ships! linking the Atlantic and pacific oceans,

August 15, 1914

William toward haft

Became president in 1909, also acted to protect US interests in Latin America.

What other ways did Roosevelt consider to gain control of the land?

He learned that the Panamanian revolutionaries were planning a revolt against Colombia. On November 2, 1903, a US warship arrived outside Colón, Panama. The next day the revolt began. Blocked by the US warship, Colombian forces could not reach panama to stop the rebellion.

In 1914 Wilson learned that a German ship carrying weapons was heading to the port or Veracruz, Mexico. To keep the weapons from reaching the rebels, what did he do?

He ordered the navy to size Veracruz. Wilson acted again in 1916, sending general john j. Pershing and 15,000 soldiers into Mexico. Pershings mission was to catch the rebel leader francisco "pancho" villa, who had killed 17 Americans in New Mexico. Pershings failed to capture villa, and Wilson recalled the troops. In 1917, a new constitution began to bring order to Mexico. The violence caused more than 120,000 Mexicans to flee the US between 1905 and 1915

Where did Roosevelt believe was the best spot for canal? What got in his way?

He thought the best spot for the canal was the Isthmus of Panama, which at the time was part of the nation of Colombia. He was unable to convince the columbine senate to lease a strip of land across panama to the US.

Dollar diplomacy

Influencing governments through economic, not military, intervention. Taft described dollar diplomacy as "substituting dollars for bullets. It is directed to the increase of Americana trade" he wanted to encourage stability and keep Europeans out of Latin America by expanding US business there.

What happened after panama revolted against Colombia?

Panama deviated itself an independent country. The US then recognized the new nation.

What did the 1823 Monroe doctrine state? What happened?

President James Monroe had warned European nations not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere. While the Monroe doctrine became a major principle of US foreign policy, the US did not have the military strength to enforce it. By the time Roosevelt became president, however, the situation was changing. The US was becoming a world power.

What did this proverb of west Africa which Roosevelt admired, mean when Roosevelt said it?: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

Roosevelt wanted everyone to know he would use a "big stick" meaning US military force- to protect US Interests in Latin America.

The new government of panama (supported/rejected) the idea of a canal across its land.


No one was a stronger supporter of a Central American canal than ______ ________.

Theodore Roosevelt

Why did U.S leaders decide to build the Panama Canal?

To make traveling from different parts of The country easier. A canal across the narrow neck of Central America would link the Atlantic and pacific oceans and cut some 8,000 miles off the voyage by ship from the west to east coasts of the US. It would also allow the navy to link its Atlantic and pacific naval fleets quickly. Idea was thought of when the Spanish American war started began. The US battleship "Oregon" set out from Washington state to join the fighting in Cuba. The 12,000 mile trip around the tip of South America took more than two months.)

True or false? - the US agreed to pay panama $10 million plus $250,000 a year for a 99 year lease on a ten mile wide strip of land across the isthmus.


Roosevelt corollary

Warned that in cases of "wrongdoing" by Latin American countries, the US might exercise "international police power". This asserted a new role for the US in the Western Hemisphere.

When president ______ _________ became president in 1903, he reheated tafts dollar diplomacy.

Woodrow Wilson. He believed the US had a moral obligation to promote democracy in Latin America. Like Roosevelt, Wilson was willing to use military force to protect US interest in the region.

What obstacles did workers face while building the Panama Canal? (The construction began in 1904)

~to overcome tropical disease. Disease such as yellow fever and malaria were spread by mosquitoes. (There were many Mosquitos because the canal route ran through 51 miles of forests and swamps filled with Mosquitos.) ~the work was very dangerous. (Most of the canal had to be blasted out of solid rock with explosives. Sometimes, workers died when their shovels struck explosive charges. Some 6,000 lives were lost while building this canal.

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