Chapter 23: Modern Industry and Mass Politics, 1870-1914

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What are the "tentacles of empire," to which one historian refers?

Canals, railroads, and cables

Match the constituency of the early German Empire to Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's response to them.

Catholics - Kulturkampf Social Democrats - declared enemies of the state Working Classes - package of social reform measures

Match the change that occurred with the rise of the modern corporatism to its specific effect.

Control by bankers and financiers - Demand for technical expertise - Limited-Liability Laws -

Select all the characteristics of French right-wing anti-Semitism during the Dreyfus Affair.

Correct Answers: -Jews were perceived as Christ-killers. -Jews were perceived as controlling the world's finances. -Jews were seen as racially inferior.

Select all of the features of the "new unionism" of the nineteenth century.

Correct Answers: -brought aboard unskilled workers -created socialist mass parties -organized across entire industries -centralized, nationwide labor unions

Select all the correct reasons that explain why women's traditional roles were being redefined by the end of the nineteenth century.

Correct Answers: -middle-class job opportunities -growing presence in factories -greater political activity

Choose all the correct statements that can be concluded from it.

Correct answers: -Great Britain had multiple regions of steel and coal production. -Northeastern France and western Germany had high concentrations of chemicals and steel. -Austria-Hungary was largely limited to iron ore and low-grade coal.

Select all the attributes that are associated with the "new woman" of the early twentieth century.

Correct: -claimed the right to a physically and intellectually active life -wanted education and employment -wanted autonomy for herself and her body

Whereas working-class families had previously had to pawn their belongings to purchase new goods, what did nineteenth-century department stores begin to offer that changed ordinary people's buying practices?


Cartels are an example of vertical integration, in which an industry buys up every step in the production and distribution of its specific product.


Darwin's theory of evolution posited that behavioral changes altered an animal's physical characteristics, and that these changes would be inherited by subsequent generations.


Generally speaking, resistance to feminism was expressed almost exclusively by men who were threatened by the challenge to their authority. Almost all women supported feminism and its political goals.


Reform groups were very important for politicizing women since they encouraged militant activities that sought to achieve suffrage and other ambitious aims in the shortest possible time.


The growth of steel production was crucial for France in the late nineteenth century because the French were able to keep their naval supremacy by switching to steel construction.


The largest and most successful European socialist party, the German Social Democratic party (SPD), began as a radical movement seeking the overthrow of the German state but eventually moderated itself into a gradualist party seeking piecemeal reform.


The term mass politics signifies movements seeking to advance the interests of the massive, multinational corporations that emerged in the late nineteenth century.


True to their fundamental conviction for individual liberty, liberals welcomed the inclusion of the working class into national politics with the expansion of the franchise.


Unlike in the mid-twentieth century, only France had any significant degree of anti-Semitism in its political culture in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


Place the nations in order of greatest increase in steel production to the least.

Germany Britain Russia France

Which modernist art style was more interested in the way the world was perceived?


While there were many written criticisms of capitalism by the mid-nineteenth century, choose the reason that made Marx's Capital distinctive from the others.

It provided a systematic analysis of capitalism grounded in economics

Read the following passage from Drumont's La France Juive (Jewish France) carefully. The fatherland, in the sense that we attach to that word, has no meaning for the Semite. The Jew ... is characterized by an inexorable universalism. ... What does the word "Fatherland" mean? Land of the fathers. One's feelings for the Fatherland are engraved in one's heart in the same way that a name carved in a tree is driven deeper into the bark with each passing year, so that the tree and the name eventually become one. You can't become a patriot through improvisation; you are a patriot in your blood, in your marrow. Choose the sentence that best summarizes his argument.

Jews can never be true members of the French nation since they have no hereditary ties to it.

Study Kandinsky's painting Black Lines carefully. Wassily Kandinsky's abstract painting "Black lines", showing multiple differently colored objects randomly broken by black lines. Choose the sentence that best describes the artist's intentions.

Kardinsky is exploring the possibilities of color and form

Read the passage below from a miner's reaction to Darwin. What particularly impressed me was a fact that now became clear to me: that evolutionary natural history was monopolized by the institutions of higher learning; that Newton, Laplace, Kant, Darwin, and Haeckel brought enlightenment only to the students of the upper social classes; and that for the common people in the grammar school the old Moses with his six-day creation of the world still was the authoritative worldview. Choose the sentence that best encapsulates the author's argument.

Knowledge of evolution and other intellectual advances of the nineteenth century was not made available to common people

Choose the group for whom Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinist theories would be most appealing.

Liberals, because Spender argued that individual competition, not group cooperation, led to progress.

The _______________ were the minority faction of the Russian Democratic party who were more "gradualist" and reluctant to deviate from traditional Marxist teachings.


Match the British feminist to her major political accomplishment.

Millicent Fawcett - the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies Emmeline Pankhurst - Women's Social and Political Union Emily Wilding Davison - Martyred herself for the suffrage cause

Match the thinker to his critique of rationality.

Pavlov - Human behavior is conditioned Freud - human behavior is based on irrational and instinctual drives and desires Nietzsche - Science and progress were a futile search for security

According to Karl Marx, what was the key lesson of the Paris Commune of 1871?

Popular insurrections would inevitably lead to failure

Choose the sentence that best describes the philosophy of the American pragmatists.

TRuth resided the practical and usefule

Study the following caricature of French anti-Semite Édouard Drumont. A caricature of Édouard Drumont titled "The Ogre's Meal". Édouard holds a bloodied fork in one hand that has part of a head on it. Choose the sentence that best describes the attitude of the artist.

The artist sees Drumont's hatred of Jews as Monstrous

Read the following passage from Lenin's What Is to Be Done? (1902). I assert: (1) that no revolutionary movement can endure without a stable organisation of leaders maintaining continuity; ... (3) that such an organisation must consist chiefly of people professionally engaged in revolutionary activity; (4) that in an autocratic state, the more we confine the membership of such an organisation to people who are professionally engaged in revolutionary activity, ... the more difficult will it be to unearth the organization. ... Choose the sentence that best encapsulates its argument.

The socialist revolution can occur only if there is a discipline core of leaders to effectuate it.

Match the individual to his influence on, or response to, Darwin's ideas.

Thomas Malthus - Increasing numbers compete for scarce resources Thomas Henry Huxley - follow reason and science and accept evolution David Friedrich Strauss - universe is guided by a benevolent God, not random chance

Is it true that he sees mass politics as having a downside in the creation of political parties that extolled both imperialism and anti-Semitism?


Many French republicans defended Captain Alfred Dreyfus because they felt that his wrongful conviction based on forged documents was a betrayal of the values of the French Republic.


Many Marxists opposed revisionists like Eduard Bernstein because they felt that his reformist approach would allow workers to reconcile themselves with the capitalist status quo.


Taking advantage of refinements in the chemical industry, Harold Lever was able to address the growing demands for hygienic products in the late nineteenth century.


The "Young Turks" were a group of reformers who sought to modernize the Ottoman Empire along Western lines.


The nineteenth century saw a rapid rise in mass literacy so that, by 1900, a clear majority of Western European populations could read.


Three of the aims of the nineteenth-century women's movement were to get the right to divorce, to gain access to education, and earn the right to vote.


Which of the following was not a consequence of the Russian Revolution of 1905?

Tsar Nicholas ensured that the Duma (legislature) had the full authority to make laws

Which of the following best describes the viewpoint of a feminist socialist?

Women will be freed from political and economic exploitation only through revolution of the working class

Choose the one feature that did not distinguish, in his view, the second from the first industrial revolution.

a confusing process of change

Study the following image carefully, and then click on all the features that express socialist ideas.

1. "Proletarier Aller Lander Vereingt Euh!" 2. All men around Earth

The first effective advocate for Zionism, the creation of a separate homeland for BLANK, was BLANK. As a journalist who witnessed the BLANK in France, he came to believe that political assimilation was impossible. He argued that Zionism was a form of BLANK, capable of negotiating with other states, and received support from people living in BLANK, where anti-Semitism was especially pronounced.

1. Jews 2. Herzel 3. Dreyfus Affair 4. Nationalism 5. Eastern Europe

Although generally characterized by its moderation, British politics became more strident after 1900. The BLANK party was founded from a combination of BLANK and socialist societies. It pressured the BLANK government to enact BLANK for sickness, old age, accident, or unemployment. In this it was opposed by the BLANK who resisted increasing taxation to pay for these measures.

1. Labour 2. Trade Unions 3. Liberal 4. Insurance 5. House of Lords

In contrast to socialists, anarchists were opposed to the very existence of the BLANK. They sought to establish communities that were BLANK-scale, had a BLANK form of governance, and could guarantee a maximum of individual BLANK. They sought to achieve this goal, however, through staging BLANK, their most prominent victim being BLANK in 1881.

1. State 2. Small 3. Democratic 4. Soverignty 5. Assassinations 6. Alexander II

Commercial and domestic electricity was made available in the 1880s through the use of alternators and BLANK capable of producing high-voltage BLANK current. BLANK, which could send electric current long distances and were powered by BLANK, were common by the late nineteenth century. Perhaps the key invention was made by BLANK, who created the BLANK in 1879 that dramatically increased the demand for electricity and soon led to the electrification of metropolitan areas.

1. Transformers 2. Alternating 3. Power stations 4. Water 5. Edison 6. Light Bulb

Choose the sentence that best describes the difference between an anarchist and a syndicalist.

Anarchists sought to reorganize society into localized democratic communities; syndicalists into trade associations

Bitterly opposed to socialism's dependence on large-scale organization, the prominent anarchist _________________ (last name only) instead sought to destabilize society through political violence.


Why was the argument of women's biological differences from men used, in his view, to deny them the vote until after the First World War?

because women's minds operation differently than men, it was best that they be left dependent on their husbands and fathers.

Choose the statement that is incorrect based on a close reading of it.

by 1870, a person could travel between all the major Russian cities by train

Which of the following was not an advantage of the gold standard?

led to the creation of tariffs and other trade barriers

Choose the statement below that best describes Russian populism during the era of Tsar Nicholas II.

populists wanted a modern, egalitarian Russia based on the Village Commune

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