Chapter 23.3

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Identify the PLO

(1964) Egyptians took the lead in forming the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to represent Palestinian interests. The PLO believed that only the Palestinian Arabs should have a state in the Palestine region.

Discuss the Persian Gulf War 1990

(August 1990) Saddam Hussein sent his troops across the border to seize Kuwait, an oil-rich country on the Persian Gulf. The invasion began the Gulf War. The United States led the international forces that freed Kuwait. Hoping an internal revolt would overthrow Hussein, the allies imposed harsh economic sanctions on Iraq. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein did not happen.

Identify the United Arab Republic

A failed union of Egypt and Syria under Nasser that lasted from 1958-1961

How did Afghanistan and the Soviet Union develop ties after World War II? What happened as a result?

After World War II, the king of Afghanistan, in search of economic assistance for his country, developed close ties with the Soviet Union. Internal fighting was followed in 1979 by a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who occupied the country for 10 years

Identify the Oslo Peace Accords

An agreement in 1993 in which Israel granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It's also know as the Declaration of principals; meeting between Prime minister, Yitzhuk Rabin, and Yasir Arafat (PLO)

Define Pan-Arabism

Arab Unity

What was the relationship between Britain and Palestine?

Britain governed Palestine under a League of Nations mandate

Identify OPEC

In 1960 several oil-producing states had formed OPEC, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, to control the price of oil.

Discuss the Iran-Iraq War 1980

In 1980 Saddam Hussein launched a brutal war against Iran. During the Iran-Iraq War children were used to clear dangerous minefields. Saddam Hussein used poison gas against soldiers and civilians, especially the Kurds, an ethnic minority in the north who wanted their own state. In 1988, Iran and Iraq signed a cease-fire without resolving the war's basic issues.

Identify the Camp David Accords

In September 1978, President Carter met with President Sadat of Egypt and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin (BAY • gihn) at Camp David in the United States. The result was the Camp David Accords, an agreem

Discuss the Iranian Revolution

Many Muslims looked with distaste at the new Iranian society. In their eyes, it was based on greed and materialism, which they identified with American influence. Leading the opposition to the shah was the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (ko • MAY • nee), a member of the Muslim clergy. By the late 1970s, many Iranians had begun to respond to Khomeini's words. In 1979 the shah's government collapsed and was replaced by an Islamic republic.

Why would some leaders be suspicious and oppose Pan-Arabism?

Many other Arab leaders were suspicious of Pan-Arabism. Oil-rich Arab states were concerned they would have to share revenues with poorer states in the Middle East

Place the events of the Six Day War in the Arab-Israeli Conflict in order.

Short conflict between Egypt and her allies against Israel won by Israel; Israel took over the Golan Heights , The West Bank of the Jordan River; and the Sanai Peninsula.

How has Islam influenced society and culture in the Middle East?

Conservative religious forces in the Middle East have tried to replace foreign culture and values with Islamic forms of belief and behavior.

What was the Yom Kippur War 1973?

Frustrated by their losses in the Six-Days War, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur on October 6, 1973. Israel counterattacked, won a decisive victory, and had even occupied portions of northern Egypt.

What was the position of Britain over the issue of Palestine?

Great Britain had limited Jewish immigration into the area and had rejected proposals for an independent Jewish state.

What began the Suez War of 1956?

Nasser attacks the Suez Canal. Great Britain and France decided to strike back against Egypt, and Israel quickly joined them. The three nations launched a joint attack on Egypt, starting the Suez War of 1956.

When, how, and why did the issue of Palestine change?

Palestinian Arabs grew frustrated by their failure to gain self-rule and grew more militant. In the Oslo Peace Accords of 1993, an interim agreement for future negotiations, Israel and the PLO agreed that the Palestinians would control a semi-independent area, and the PLO recognized the Israel and renounced terrorism.

Define Intifada

Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, beginning in 1987.

How did the Arab countries that neighbored Palestine react to the UN Resolution of Palestine and what happened as a result?

The Arab counties felt betrayed and outraged. They went on to Invade Israel.

What events led to the dispute between Israel and its Arab neighbors?

The Arabs and the Jews has had tensions for many years and due to their cultural tensions, they wanted to be divided. The Jews then proclaimed the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 and Arab neighbors saw the creation of Israel as a betrayal of Palestinian Arabs, a majority of whom were Muslim. This soon led to an invasion of Israel which did fail. In the late 1950s and 1960s, the dispute between Israel and its Arab neighbors intensified. In 1967 Nasser imposed a blockade against Israeli shipping through the Gulf of Aqaba.

What brought the Suez War to an End?

The United States and the Soviet Union joined in supporting Nasser. Both countries opposed French and British influence in the Middle East. They forced Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw from Egypt.

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