Chapter 29

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The meeting of roosevelt, churchill, and stalin to plan an invasion of franch and a simulaneous soviet offensive took place in A. Teheran B. Paris C. Geneva D. Casablanca

A. Teheran

In the presidentail election of1944 A. Thomas Dewy was the Republican canidate B. George Marshall was the Democratic candidate C. The Republican candidate was reelected D. Democrats argued that America needs younger leaders to replace the tired old leaders of New Deal

A. Thomas Dewy was the Republican canidate

The Japanese surrender A. allowed the emperior to keep him throne under the authority of an Allied supreme commander B. came within twelve hours of the destruction of Hiroshima by an atomic bomb C. saved thousands of lives because Americans had second atomic bomb they had threatened to use D. left only the Soviet Union for the Allies to defest to end WWII

A. allowed the emperior to keep him throne under the authority of an Allied supreme commander

V-E Day A. celebrated the defeat of Gemany B. celebrated the defeat of Japan C. honored the the exiled German scientists who had perfected the VE rocket for Allied use against their homeland D. followed the Allied victory of Okinawa

A. celebrated the defeat of Gemany

The French Vichy government A. collaborated with the Germans B. was headed by Charles De Gaulle C. led the resistance to General Edwin Rommel in norht africa D. crumbles in 1939

A. collaborated with the Germans

The purpose of the war Production Board was to A. direct industrial conversion to war production B. finance the building of war plants C. oversee military scientific reseach and development D. publish and distribute American propaganda

A. direct industrial conversion to war production

President Roosevelt died A. less than a month before the surrender of Germany B. less than a month before the surrender of Japan C. while returning from the Yalta Conference D. of leukemia

A. less than a month before the surrender of Germany

Following their quick sweep across France, the Allies A. lost momentum in the fall of 1944 B. just as quickly captured most of Germany C. were forced to retreat to their Pre-1944 lines D. were surrounded and nearly defeated at Normandy

A. lost momentum in the fall of 1944

In the first two months of American involvement in World War II A. news from the Pacific was "all bad", according to President Roosevelt B. the US scared impressive victories in Guam and the Gilbert islands. CJapanese on the Pillippines surrendered to General Douglas McArthur D. the Japanese were finally repelled from China

A. news from the Pacific was "all bad", according to President Roosevelt

In response to a proposed march on Washington in 1941 President Roosevelt issued an executive order A. prohibiting racial discrimination in defense work B. desegregating the armed forces C. forbidding "right-to-work" laws D. allowing women into the military service

A. prohibiting racial discrimination in defense work

The area that experienced the fastest rate of urban growth during the war years was A. the Far west B. the upper Midwest C. New England D. the South

A. the Far west

The Battle of Leyte Gulf A. was largest naval engagement in history B. caught hitler by surprise C. was a victory for the Japanese D. began with a german submarine destorying the mongoose and american aircraft corrier before it could get a single plane off deck

A. was largest naval engagement in history

Black participation in the armed forces A. was mainly in segregated units B. was generally in units alongside white soldiers C. was nonexistent D. did not include servise in the air force

A. was mainly in segregated units

The Battle of Midway A. was the turning point of the war in the pacific B. was fought in the Coral Sea C. was fought to a draw D. cost the US almost 1/3 of its remaining naval forces

A. was the turning point of the war in the pacific

War relocation camps A. were prisoner-of-war for captured Germans B. housed over 100000 Japanese Americans during the war C. helped the families of Amerison servicemen cope with the absence of husbands and fathers D. was the German euphernism for Nazi concertration camps

B. housed over 100000 Japanese Americans during the war

The cost of WWII A. included military expenditures and property losses for a involved nations of perhaps $100 million B. included some 50 million military and civilian dead C.was greater for the US that for any other major power D. all of the above

B. included some 50 million military and civilian dead

Operation Overload was A. a top-secret work of American cryptanalysts B. the D-Day invasion of Normandy C. the Allied invasion of North Africa D. the joint American- Soviet effort to free Poland

B. the D-Day invasion of Normandy

The Battle of Okinawa A. was relatively bloodless B. was most significant for wearing down the remaining Japanese defenses C. cost the life of American general Dwight Eisenhower D. cost the life of American general Tony McAuilffe

B. was most significant for wearing down the remaining Japanese defenses

The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima A. was opposed by most Americans B. was the respnsibility of the Monhottan Project C. was the responsibility of a group of scientists headed by Albert Einstein D. began in the spring of 1945

B. was the respnsibility of the Monhottan Project

Following the Allied voctorys in Sicily A. Mussolinis forces held off the Allied forces advancing on Italy for fifteen months B. Mussloini commited suicide C. Italy joinedthe Allies D. the Allies turned their attention of Egypt

C. Italy joinedthe Allies

The W in WAC stands for A. War B. Western C. Womens D. World

C. Womens

Of the following, the single biggest source of government fincancing for Americas war effort was A. loans from financial institutions B. the sale of public of public lands in the Northweat C. increased federal taces D. the printing of more paper money

C. increased federal taces

The new strategy used in the Pacific in 1943 was to A. attack only the smallest Japanese naval vessels B. attack the northern islands first then move southward C. isolate the Japanese stronghold, leaving them to die on the vine D. firebomb the islands to destroy all the foliage where the Japanese could hide

C. isolate the Japanese stronghold, leaving them to die on the vine

To ensure that the Soviet Union would join the war against Japan, Roosevelt in 1945 A. threatened to use the atomic bomb on Soviet targets B. gave the Soviet Union the secrets of the American atomic bomb C. made certain secret agreements concerning Soviet territorial demand D. promised to assume half of the Soviet war debt

C. made certain secret agreements concerning Soviet territorial demand

When the advancing Soviet front reached Poland in 1944 A. the Soviets promised not to try to influence the Polish government B. Poles welcomed a Communist government C. the Solviets installed a puppet government D. the Polish government-in-exile left Londonto govern its contry again

C. the Solviets installed a puppet government

The bracero program A. lead to the forces evacuation of over 100000 Japanese Americans B. was a reaction to the zoot suit riots C. allowed immigrants to join the American armed services after a thorough background check D. brought some 200000 Mexican farm workers into the western US

D. brought some 200000 Mexican farm workers into the western US

The Yallta Conference A.was the only time that Allied leaders met withtheir Axis conterparts before the actual surrenders B. discussed wartime economic coordination C. planned the long-awaited cross-channel invation againt Germany D. gave the Soviet Union control of eastern Germany

D. gave the Soviet Union control of eastern Germany

President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill finally agrees to strike first A. against Japan B. across the english channel C. on the estern front D. in north Africa

D. in north Africa

By the end of WWII how many women had entered the work force? A. 250000 B. 600000 C. 1000000 D. 6000000

D. 6000000

Native Americans supported the war by A. serving in the armed forces B. working in defense-related industries C. becoming code talkers D. all the above

D. all the above

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