Chapter 31: Project Management Concepts

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(T/F) Project management is less important for modern software development since most projects are successful and completed on time.


According to the slides, which Personality Trait wants to be the boss?


According to the slides, which Personality Trait wants to do his/her own thing?

Fast, Limited, Location, Hold, Decay

The slides illustrate 5 truths about sort-term memory. List them. F_?_ access L_?_ capacity 5-7 L_?_ H_?_ 'chunks' of information Fast D_?_ Time

Difficulty, Programs, Time, Modularized, Quality, Reliability, Delivery Date, Communication

The slides, and your text, describe 7 major factors that a project manager should consider when comprising teams. List them. D_?_ of the problem to be solved Size of the resultant P_?_ in lines of code or function points T_?_ that the team will stay together (team lifetime) Degree to which the problem can be M_?_ Required Q_?_ and R_?_ of the system to be built Rigidity of the D_?_ D_?_ Degree of C_?_ (sociability) required for the project


We acquire _?_ {Semantic, Syntactic} knowledge by Memorization.


We acquire _?_ {Semantic, Syntactic} knowledge through experience and active learning - the 'ah' facto


(T/F) Individuals are always one of the three major personality types and never a balance of two or more?


(T/F) Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes.

Designated Spokesperson

According to research, communication through {a designated group spokesperson, all group members} tends to be more effective.


According to research, higher S_?_ members tend to dominate the group communications.

C (people, product, process, project)

Effective software project management focuses on four P's which are A) people, performance, payoff, product B) people, product, performance, process C) people, product, process, project D) people, process, payoff, product


G__ In a cohesive group, members consider the _?_ to be more important than any individual in it.

D (All of the above)

Process framework activities are populated with A) milestones B) work products C) QA points D) All of the above

B (open paradigm)

The best project team organizational model to use when tackling extremely complex problems is the A) closed paradigm B) open paradigm C) random paradigm D) synchronous paradigm


The operation concept of parameter passing would be an example of {Semantic, Syntactic} knowledge.


Which of these software characteristics are used to determine the scope of a software project? A) context, lines of code, function B) context, function, communication requirements C) information objectives, function, performance D) communications requirements, performance,

Project manager

Who is generally responsible for selecting the software team members?

(Lighting, Heating, Furniture)

List at least two examples of health and safety items that help individual productivity and satisfaction.

B (Safety & Security)

Motivation is a Complex Issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation. Which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is concerned acceptance with having sufficient financial resources to life acceptably? A) Physiological B) Safety & Security C) Social Belongingness & Love D) Esteem E) Need To Know & Understand F) Aesthetic G) Self-Actualization


The details of a representation of an Ada "While Loop" would be an example of _?_ {Semantic, Syntactic} knowledge

Social, Identity, Team

The slides describe 3 things the manager can do to help build Cohesive Groups. List them. S_?_ events Developing a Group I_?_ and Territory Explicit T_?_ Building Activities


Why does the good manager need to know about motivational needs? According to the slides, people, whose needs are met, P_?_ better.

(Comfort, Privacy, Facilities)

List at least two examples of physical workplace items that help individual productivity and satisfaction .

People, Product, Process,Project

List the four P's of software management


Motivation is a Complex Issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation. Which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is concerned acceptance with recognition and what people think of you? A) Physiological B) Safety & Security C) Social Belongingness & Love D) Esteem E) Need To Know & Understand F) Aesthetic G) Self-Actualization

C(Social Belongingness & Love)

Motivation is a Complex Issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation. Which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is concerned with acceptance & belonging to a group? A) Physiological B) Safety & Security C) Social Belongingness & Love D) Esteem E) Need To Know & Understand F) Aesthetic G) Self-Actualization

E (Physiological)

Motivation is a Complex Issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation. Which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is concerned with the need to know more and be more? A) Physiological B) Safety & Security C) Social Belongingness & Love D) Esteem E) Need To Know & Understand F) Aesthetic G) Self-Actualization

A (Physiological)

Motivation is a complex issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation. Which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is concerned with food & sleep? A) Physiological B) Safety & Security C) Social Belongingness & Love D) Esteem E) Need To Know & Understand F) Aesthetic G) Self-Actualization

A (give team members more control over process and technical decisions)

One of the best ways to avoid frustration during the software development process is to A) give team members more control over process and technical decisions. B) give team members less control over process and technical decisions. C) hide bad news from the project team members until things improve. D) reward programmers based on their productivity.


P_?_ are a software development organization's most important assets.

Seven (7)

Software engineering teams should generally have no more than _?_ members

D (establish the objectives and scope)

The first step in project planning is to A) determine the budget. B) select a team organizational model. C) determine the project constraints. D) establish the objectives and scope.

Customer, Defined, Managed, Technology, Change, Deadlines, Users, Lost, Skills, Lessons

The slides describe 10 major reasons project fail. If this is a homework question, list them Software people don't understand their C_?_'s needs. The product scope is poorly D_?_ Changes are M_?_ poorly. The chosen T_?_ changes. Business needs C_?_ [or are ill-defined]. D_?_ are unrealistic. U_?_ are resistant. Sponsorship is L_?_ or was never properly obtained]. The project team lacks people with appropriate S_?_ Managers [and practitioners] avoid best practices & L_?_ learned.

Quality, Members, Learn, Programming

The slides describe 4 advantages of Cohesive Groups. List them. Group Q_?_ standards Group M_?_work closely together Team Members L_?_ from each other Egoless P_?_

Task, Self, Interaction

The slides describe the three major personality types. List them. T_?_ -Oriented S_?_ - Oriented I_?_ - Oriented

Wasted, Formal, Democratically

The slides describe three reasons that software engineering teams of 7 or less tends to be more effective than larger teams. Minimizes W_?_ Communications Operate less F_?_ Operate more D_?_

Capacity, Access, Integrate, Fast

The slides illustrate 4 truths about working memory. List them. Larger C_?_ than short term Longer A_?_ time than short term Is a Memory Area used to I_?_ information from short-term memory and long-term memory. Relatively F_?_ decay time

Access, Capacity, Unreliable, Slow, Relatively

The slides illustrate 5 truths about long-term memory. If this is a homework question, list them. If this is an exam question, list four of them Slow A_?_ than short term Very large C_?_ U _?_ retrieval mechanism S_?_ but finite decay time; information needs reinforced memory R_?_ high threshold; work has to be done to get information into long-term memory

A (Senior Managers)

Which of the 5 project stakeholders would be describe as "those who define the business issues that often have significant influence on the project" A) Senior Managers B) Technical Project Managers C) Practitioners D) Customers E) End Users

D (Customers)

Which of the 5 project stakeholders would be describe as "those who define the business issues that often have significant influence on the project" A) Senior Managers B) Technical Project Managers C) Practitioners D) Customers E) End Users

E (End Users)

Which of the 5 project stakeholders would be describe as "those who interact with the software once it is released for production use" A) Senior Managers B) Technical Project Managers C) Practitioners D) Customers E) End Users

B (Technical Project Managers)

Which of the 5 project stakeholders would be describe as "those who plan, motivate, organize, and control the practitioners who do software work" A) Senior Managers B) Technical Project Managers C) Practitioners D) Customers E) End Users

C (Practitioners)

Which of the 5 project stakeholders would be describe as "those who the technical skills that are necessary to engineer a product or application" A) Senior Managers B) Technical Project Managers C) Practitioners D) Customers E) End Users

transfer between short-term and working memory

Why does the project manager concern himself/herself with short-term, working, and long-term memory? Problem solving usually requires _____


(T/F) Small agile teams have no place in modern software development.


(T/F) The best person to hire as a project team leader is the most competent software engineering practitioner available.

Interview, Resume, Recommendations

0] As a Project Manager, there are three major inputs you should consider when appointing or hiring group members. List them. I__ R__ R__


According to research, too many members of the same P_?_ Type can be a problem for the group communications

Mixed sex

According to research, {All Male, All Female, Mixed Sex} groups tend to communicate better.


According to the slides, Leadership depends on R_?_ not on what title is associated with your job/position

Problem, Motivating, Planning, Estimating, Controlling, Organizing

According to the slides, the six major management activities are: P_?_ Solving using available people M_?_ people who work on a project P_?_ what people are going to do E_?_ how fast people will work C_?_ people's activities O_?_ the way in which people work


According to the slides, which Personality Trait seems to be dominant for most software engineers?


According to the slides, which Personality Trait wants gab with colleagues?


According to the slides, which of the three major personality types would describe a person who finds work itself the major motivation for completing the software project?


According to the slides, which of the three major personality types would describe a person who would find the financial rewards, that enable himself/herself to do desirable things, the major motivation for completing the software project?


According to the slides, which of the three major personality types would describe a person who would find working with colleagues the major motivation for completing the software project?


According to the slides, {Democratic, Autocratic} Leadership is least effective


According to the slides, {Democratic, Autocratic} Leadership is most effective.

E (a, b, and c)

According to your book, the factor(s) that should be considered in choosing the organizational structure for a software team is/are _?_ A) degree of communication desired B) predicted size of the resulting program C) rigidity of the delivery date D) size of the project budget E) a, b, and c

D (Sales People)

According to your book, which of the following is not generally considered a player in the software process? A) customers B) end-users C) project managers D) sales people

All types

An effective group is comprised of which Personality Trait(s)?


At times a group may have both a T_?_ leader and an Administrative Leader

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