Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication

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True or False: Clothing and other adornments satisfy the need for creative self-expression


True or False: Men have more success in persuading women when the men are attractive than women have in persuading men when the women is attractive.



combining pronunciation and articulation to produce a word with clarity and distinction.

Puzzled looks on listeners' faces is a form of descriptive _ that cues the speaker to clarify the message of the speech.


Emotions such as hate and joy are easier to interpret than shame and love because they are conveyed by

fewer vocal cues

A speaker can discover nonverbal cues that distract listeners by _ listener's feedback.

focusing on

The study _ might include examination of a smile, a slouching posture, or hand waving.



ornaments or adornments you display that hold communicative potential.

Large men are more likely than women to claim the armrest in a lecture hall as part of their _ bubble.


The distance used by most Americans for conversation is called _ distance.


A thumbs down gesture in place of verbal response is an example of


The need to establish certain spaces as your own is known as


Which of the following are among Ekman's categorizations of movement?

1- adaptors 2-illustrators 3-regulators 4-affect displays 5-emblems

Insufficient touching can result in which of the following?

1- allergies 2- speech problems 3- death

Which of the following are examples of paralinguistic vocal cues?

1- articulation 2- enunciation 3- silence

A person comfortable with touching is more likely to be which of the following?

1- assertive 2- socially acceptable 3- self- confident

Which of the following are example of nonverbal codes?

1- bodily movement 2- bodily appearance 3- facial expression

Through sensitivity to which of the following can people improve their understanding of nonverbal communication?

1- context 2-audience 3-feedback

Which of the following are not advisable when you are being interviewed for a job?

1- facial piercing 2- shirt open to the navel

What are the bases for Ekman's categorization of movement?

1- functions 2- meanings 3- origins

The use of personal space can be affected by which of the following physical settings?

1- furniture arrangements 2- room size 3-physical obstacles

A person is more likely to stand farther away from which of the following types of people?

1- high-status 2- strangers 3- authority figures

The type of clothes and adornments you wear do which of the following?

1- indicate self-concept 2-spur sexual attraction 3- provide physical protection

Which of the following personality characteristic can be correlated with specific vocal cues?

1- sociability 2- social adjustment 3- dominance

Which of the following are examples of distances people use when communicating with others, according to Hall?

1- social distance 2- public distance 3-personal distance 4- intimate distance

Studies of the space that people use in communicating have shown that, compared to men, women

1- take less space. 2- want greater relational closeness

People are more likely to pay attention to which of the following facial expressions than to neutral ones?

1- threatening 2-angry

Which of the following statements are correct?

1-Women are touched more than men. 2-Women value touch more than men do. 3- Males may use touch to indicate power or dominance.

Which of the following are expressions of liking?

1-direct eye contact 2-close proximity 3-increased touching

Which of the following are ways that nonverbal and verbal communication work together?

1-substituting 2-regulating 3-contradicting 4- complementing 5-emphasizing 6-repeating


Also called temporal communication; the way people organize and use time and the messages that are created because of their organization and use of that time.

Misbehavior by unattractive children is treated by daycare teachers as

a chronic tendency

Adults in a coffee shop in Gainesville, Florida, were found to touch more often than those in a similar setting in

London, England


Nonverbal movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages.


Nonverbal movements that usually involve the unintended touching or manipulating of our bodies or artifacts to fulfill some physical or psychological need.

nonword sounds

Sounds like "mmh," "huh," and "ahh," as well as the pauses or the absence of sounds used for effect in speaking

nonverbal communication

The process of using messages other than words to create meaning with others.

tactile communication

The use of touch in communication

vocal cues

all the oral aspects of sound except words themselves


also called object language; the study of the human use of clothing and other artifacts as nonverbal codes

Because a nonverbal code can have several different meanings, it can result in


Ornaments that hold communicative potential, such as jewelry, cosmetics, watches, shoes, and tattoos, are known as _.


American culture places importance on women being more physically _ than men.


Most people adorn themselves with tattoos and piercing because they believe it enhances their


For many people, a physician's white coat signified.

better health

An example of how an overemphasis on physical attraction can be damaging is if we allow our own _ _ to be influenced by advertising and social media standards.

body image

In the study of temporal communication, also known as _ , a person who is chasing dreams or always making plans is living in the future.


The study of messages people create through their organization and use of time is referred to as


Feelings of decreased _ can result from slow e-mail responses.


Women who were asked to describe the most popular women they knew cited _ as the most important characteristic.


Backing away from a conversation when others appear to be too close can make Americans seem _ by people from other cultures.


An individual wanting to be accepted and liked will

conform to current styles


coordinating one's mouth, tongue, and teeth to make words understandable to others.

Attractive people are more likely initiallly to be viewed as _ than are unattractive people.


The banning of religious symbols in schools has led to much _ among parents and school boards.


Vocalized pauses in public speaking may

distract the audience

When interacting with a loud- voiced, fast-speaking person, you may perceive them to be _ and thus become more submissive.


With the introduction of an e-mail and instant messaging, people have become more creative in communicating feeling and emotions.


In public speaking, because of the increased audience size and fewer opportunities for direct feedback, _ is specially important to make certain that listeners understand what you are saying.


Compared to smaller men, tall men have

higher earnings


how rapidly or slowly you speak

In which of the following situations has there been documented success in accurately decoding nonverbal cues?

in laboratory experiments

Gestures and emphasis can help a speech become more

lively and powerful

People can become _ when they are silenced by those in positions of power.


The finding that women and men seek others of similar attractiveness is known as the " _ hypothesis.


nonverbal codes

messages consisting of symbols that are not words, including nonword vocalizations

Privacy is considered very important by _ people.


A person who speaks quickly is often perceived as being


In interpersonal communication, a variety of _ codes might convey the same meaning...


The physical setting affects the potential meaning of a _ cue.


The failure to interpret _ leads to misunderstandings in communication.

nonverbal codes

What is the process of using messages other than words to create meaning with others called?

nonverbal communication

affect displays

nonverbal movements of the face and body used to show emotion


nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication.


nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases.

While time is important to _ people, it is not revered.


The study of the human use of space and distance is called _


The strategic use of pauses and silence is more apparent in

public speaking

The unique resonance of one's voice, such as huskiness, nasality, or whininess, is the vocal cue known as its _ .


The use of nonverbal codes to monitor and control interactions with others is called _ .


Which of the following of Ekman's categories of movement would include a person repeatedly glancing at their watch while you're having a conversation?



sending the same message both verbally and nonverbally


sending verbal and nonverbal messages that conflict

people perceive attractive men and women as being more sociable and


Because _ has many meaning, it is sometimes difficult to interpret a lack of feedback in a communicative setting.



the highness or lowness of the voice


the lack of sound


the loudness or softness of the voice

paralinguistic features

the nonword sounds and nonword characteristics of language, such as pitch, volume, rate, and quality.


the study of bodily movements, including posture, gestures, and facial expressions.


the study of the human use of space and distance


the unique resonance of the voice, such as huskiness, nasality, raspiness, or whininess


the use of nonverbal cues to strengthen verbal messages


the variety or changes in pitch

Medical students are now being trained to provide nonverbal communication, including _, to their patients.



using nonverbal and verbal codes to add meaning to each other and to expand the meaning of either message alone


using nonverbal codes instead of verbal codes.


using nonverbal codes to monitor and control interactions with others.

People's sensitivity to nonverbal cues is


When you friend, follow, or connect with people on social media, you are allowing them into your _ space through your timeline or personal profile.


Volume, inflection, and pitch are all examples of

vocal cues


whether or not you say a word correctly

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