Chapter 6 Civics

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___ __ is inconsistently used due to lack of staff, time, and money ; lack of over interest, vagueness of some laws and lack of objectivity in assessing the performance of agency workers

legislative oversight

The ___ __ of congress include taxing, spending, and regulating foreign and INTERSTATE COMMERCE

legislative power

Through the years, the power of Congress to regulate ___________ has expanded far beyond the mere buying and selling of goods and services.


in the civil rights act of 1964, what part of the constitution is used to make discrimination in public facilities illegal

commerce clause

the ability to investigate social and economic misconduct and to over see the performance of government agencies is a critical power of __


legislative oversight is an example of checks and balances because

congress can see if the executive branch is carrying out a law as it intended

the supreme court ruled that the line-item veto is unconstitutional because

congress cannot give away its constitutional power through legislation

How do checks and balances create tension between Congress and the president?

congress passes then president which signs or veto's but the congress can do a 2/3 vote to override.

Since Congress must respect the __ __ of witnesses just as a court does congressional committees may offer __ or freedom from prosecution to encourage testimony

constitutional rights immunity

Congressional powers also include naturalization (US Citizens), admitting new states , governing territories and federal property, granting __ and __ and the establishment of a post office and federal courts

copyrights and patents

Habes Corpus

court order to release a person accused of a crime to court to determine if they have been legally detained

T/F When a congressional committee wants a witness to appear it issues a legislative veto

false, subpoena

T/F The commerce clause was created to prevent presidents from committing troops abroad without notifying Congress

false, war powers act

Removal of any federal official begins by __ or formal accusation, in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES followed by a trial in the __ presided over by the __ __ of the US (Supreme Court) with removal from office if two-thirds of the senators present vote to convict

impeachment senate chief justice

which of the following investigations resulted in congress finding out that one of its members had been bribed

in investigation into the activities of lobbyist jack abramoff

the congressional impoundment control act

increased Congress's role in creating the budget.

what was accomplished by the congressional budget and impoundment control act in 1974?

increased role of congress in budgeting, permanent budget. committee for each house set up budget congressional office

Most congressional investigations are related to the power of __ __ which is the power to review executive branch activities on an ongoing basis

legislative oversight

congressional use of the __ __ was declared unconstitutional in 1983(violated the separation of powers) and the power to appoint a __ has expired

legislative veto special prosecutor

what emergency powers has congress given to the president in times of crisis?

military takes over people called martial law, seized property, controlled transportation and communication. National Emergency Act-like Katrina

The implied powers of Congress come from the so-called elastic clause, which gives Congress the power to do whatever is ___ __ __ to carry out its other powers

necessary and proper (McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court Case)

Most _____________ functions require ______________ between the Houses, but each house usually plays a distinct role in exercising these powers.

non-legislative cooperation

In a divided government, power struggles can occur because

one party controls the White house and the other controls congress

how is legislative oversight typically different from congressional investigation?

oversight typically involves reviewing activities over a longer period of time

what are the legislative veto and in line-item veto, and what part has the Supreme court played in the use of each?

overturn actions by executive branch(legislative-used by congress) which was unconstutional (in 1983). In 1996 congress gave president line-item veto-pick aspect of bill to veto then 2 years later declared unconstitutional (1998)

After a two-year investigation into investment banks' role in the economic meltdown in 2008, Congress...

passes a major banking reform bill

how does the difference in constituencies between the president and members of congress create tension?

president represents everyone while congress only represents its constituents

the difference between an appropriations bill and an authorization bull is that the first

proposes to authorize money and the second actually allocates the money

One way Congress can encourage spending and business expansion is by

reducing taxation and regulation

Congressional investigations can lead to __ in a government program, to officials being fires or to __ laws to deal with a problem

reforms new

the power of the purse(money) is important in oversight because it allows congress to

review, and possibly modify, agency budgets

how do political timetables impact the relationship between the president and congress?

show what he has done and will do in office. president is limited to 8 years while lawmakers arent restricted on time

T/ F the government is prevented from publishing someone without a public trial


T/F Both Congress and the state governments can propose constitutional amendments.


T/F People who support the line-item veto think it could help the president control spending


T/F Tensions between the president and congress occurs as each works to protect its power


T/F during wartime, congress has given presidents extra powers so that they can act quickly


T/F some congressional investigations have led to reforms in government agencies


T/F the founders showed the importance of the legislative branch by devoting nearly half of the constitution to it


how does the organization of congress provide tools for tension between congress and the president?

used to block legislation, committee system can be used as a weapon against president(defeat and revise which a chairperson does can influence a bill)

The president can provide a check on Congress's power to create legislation by

vetoing a bill

The lengthy and costly U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War led Congress to pass the ______ ______ Act in 1973, which requires a president to tell Congress about any decision to send troops to other countries.

war powers (vote at 18) Congress limits the president

How can partisan policies affect relations between the president and Congress?

1 party controls the white house(republican) and one controls the house and senate(republican/democrat)

while the president proposes the national budget

Congress must approve it

T/F All bills designed to raise revenue originate in the Senate

false, in the house

CONGRESS shares with STATE LEGISLATURES(ratify) the power to PROPOSE __ to the constitution


The Senate must approve presidential __ to office and must also __ formal treaties with other nations

appointments ratify

the constitution states that laws for raising money, called __ __ MUST START IN THE HOUSE OF REP

appropriations bills

There is a two-step process for laws that approve the spending of money: first an _____________________ _______ establishes a program and its financial limits, and then an ________________ ______ funds the program.

authorization bill which tells you the most you can spend and appropriation which is the given money an authority to spend

the power of congress also includes the power to __ money, most often by selling government __ or notes, and to coin money

borrow bonds

How has the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce changed overtime?

broadcasting, Macy's minimum wage, banking, CIVIL RIGHTS ACT- RACIAL INEQUALITY

ex post facto

cannot criminalize an act that was legal when committed

legislative oversight(congressional) is a good example of how __ _ __ work as congress makes laws, as the executive branch interprets these laws to carry them out and as congress checks on the executive branches job of administering the law

checks and balances

Alexander Hamilton stated that

every governmental power must also include the means to carry out that power

An expressed power is different from an implied power because

expressed powers are listed in the constitution

The Constitution gives Congress stated, or __ powers.

expressed which are enumerated and can declare war

T/F Unlike in criminal court, witnesses in congressional hearings can be forced to testify against themselves.


T/F congress has the right to oversee the work of both executive and judicial branches


T/F in a divided government, the legislative process typically moves more quickly than in an undivided government


T/F In recent years, the president has taken more and more control over federal budget

false less

A ___ committee or a __ committee may conduct investigations

standing select

Committees have the power to __ witnesses or documents and can prosecute witnesses who lie for __ ad hold them in __ for failure to testify or cooperate

subpoena perjury contempt

congress exercises oversight by requiring reports from the executive branch, through studies by congressional __ __ and through __ decisions on whether to expand, reduce, or eliminate programs

support agencies budget

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