Chapter 6: Learning - Application

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Match this example with its corresponding type of learning: Waiting for a phone call from a prospective employer, Kwame jumps each time he hears a ringing sound.


B. latent learning; D. cognitive map

Ben travels the same route between home and work. One day the road he takes is closed with no detour signs. He easily makes his way back home, taking alternate roads that take him in the right direction. How is Ben able to find his way back home? (Select all that apply): A. positive punishment B. latent learning C. positive reinforcement D. cognitive map

B. modeling; D. vicarious conditioning; E. observational learning

Chef LeClair's prize-winning fancy chicken dish always gets many compliments. Andrew takes a cooking class with Chef LeClair so that he can learn how to prepare this dish.Which types of learning is Andrew engaging in? (Select all that apply): A. classical conditioning B. modeling C. operant conditioning D. vicarious conditioning E. observational learning

B. mirror neurons; C. empathy

When watching a movie, we feel sorrow when the main character is sad and experience joy when they triumph over adversity.Which of the following allow us to feel what the main character is experiencing? (Select all that apply): A. positive reinforcement B. mirror neurons C. empathy D. modeling

When Karen's new "smart" doorbell first rang, she went to the door and was pleasantly surprised by a friend and a hug. From then on, whenever she would hear the doorbell, her heart would quicken, and she would run to open the door. Now, however, the doorbell is broken, and it randomly rings when no one is there. After multiple false rings, Karen began responding less eagerly, and lately, she has taken to ignoring the rings unless she is already near the front door. What is the name for this change in Karen's response?


Maria is studying in a kitchen where a noisy ceiling fan spins above her.After an hour, Maria no longer pays attention to the fan. What explains her current response?


Match this behavior change with its corresponding type of consequence: Peter's recess is taken away to discourage him from getting into fights with the other children.

negative punishment

Match this behavior change with its corresponding type of consequence: Ted increasingly pays his bills on time to avoid a late fee.

negative reinforcement

Match this example with its corresponding type of learning: Mee-Ae learns how to do a headstand by watching her friend Anne.

observational learning

C. At the...; D. As toilet...

A mother is trying to toilet-train her child. Which of the following would produce better results based on the research on operant conditioning? (Select all that apply): A. Take away a toy or something the child likes every times he soils his pants. B. Scold the child every time he soils his pants. C. At the start of toilet training, reward the child with praise and something the child likes every time the child tries to use this toilet. D. As toilet training continues, wait until the child goes half a day with dry pants before rewarding the child with praise and something the child likes.

A. A child...; D. A child...; E. A child...

According to Albert Bandura and others, which of the following will promote violent behavior based on the principle of observational learning? (Select all that apply): A. A child watches a mixed martial arts fight on TV. B. A child watches a friend getting scolded for hitting a classmate. C. A child plays a maze-based video game featuring explosions and falling boulders. D. A child watches the coolest kid in school bully a classmate. E. A child watches a violent cartoon in which a cat squishes a mouse with a frying pan.

C. observational learning; D. mirror neurons

An injured tennis player has to take a break from playing. While she is healing, she watches videos of other players. She pays special attention to the serve mechanics of some of the top players in her league. When she plays her first post-recovery match, she is surprised at how well she can serve. Which of the following helped her tennis serve improve? (Select all that apply): A. positive reinforcement B. vicarious conditioning C. observational learning D. mirror neurons

A. Sleep is...; C. Sleep is...

Annabel hasn't slept in two days. Her friends tell her they will buy her movie ticket if she goes out with them. Annabel chooses instead to go home and go to bed. Which of the following statements explains Annabel's decision? (Select all that apply): A. Sleep is necessary for survival. B. Sleep is a secondary reinforcer and Annabel was sleep deprived. C. Sleep is a primary reinforcer, and Annabel was sleep deprived. D. Going to the movies is a primary reinforcer.

D. observational learning; E. modeling

At his new school, Ian sees the other children waiting in the cafeteria until the first bell rings, so Ian sits and waits, too. What types of learning is Ian demonstrating? (Select all that apply): A. classical conditioning B. habituation C. operant conditioning D. observational learning E. modeling

A. secondary reinforcement; B. negative punishment; C. positive reinforcement

Children at Happy Hills Summer Camp can earn tokens for "super awesome" behaviors like helping out another camper or pitching in to clean up. If they misbehave, then they lose a token. All the campers who end the week with at least 15 tokens get to stay at the pool and play games for an extra hour on Friday afternoon. The kind of reward system used by the counselors at Happy Hills is called a token economy. Which of the following elements of operant conditioning are at play here? (Select all that apply): A. secondary reinforcement B. negative punishment C. positive reinforcement D. positive punishment E. negative reinforcement

Match this example with its corresponding type of learning: A dog runs to the kitchen when he hears the clock chime at five o'clock, because that's when he always gets fed.

classical conditioning

Match this example with its corresponding type of learning: Having gotten used to his humming refrigerator, Hamid no longer notices the sound.


Which phrase best completes the sentence? "The strongest conditioning occurs during acquisition, when a previously neutral stimulus is presented _______."

immediately before the unconditioned stimulus

A. It's a...; B. It's an...; D. It's a...

José has a food allergy to almonds and gets very ill if he eats any food containing almonds. While at a wedding, José starts to eat a piece of cake, but when he gets it close to his nose, he smells the presence of almonds and does not eat it. He later learns that there was almond extract used in the cake. Which of the following describes José's ability to detect even the slightest presence of almonds? (Select all that apply): A. It's a prepared response. B. It's an adaptive response. C. It's an unconditioned response. D. It's a classically conditioned response.

C. Praise Pete...; D. Take away...

The children at a day care center are not allowed to hit or hurt each other in any way. Three-year-old Pete hits children who have toys he wants.What are the two best ways to teach Pete more appropriate behavior? A. Distract Pete with some other activity whenever he is about to hit another child. B. When Pete hits a child to get a toy, give him a different toy that no other child is playing with. C. Praise Pete for asking to play with a toy (and not hitting) and then give him the toy. D. Take away from Pete any toy he gets by hitting.

A. An actor...; C. A preteen...

Which of the following scenarios illustrate how biology constrains learning? (Select all that apply): A. An actor has a hard time learning how to trip and fall convincingly. B. A college football player struggles to memorize the plays in the team's playbook. C. A preteen with diabetes is slow to learn how to give herself painful insulin injections despite her parents' encouragement. D. An overworked lawyer has trouble remembering to pick up their son from school on time. E. A small boy has to be reminded over and over not to pet strange dogs without permission.

Match this example with its corresponding type of learning: Every time a child says "please," she gets what she has requested. Now she says "please," constantly.

operant conditioning

Match this behavior change with its corresponding type of consequence: Janet stops parking in handicapped spaces after she gets a big parking ticket.

positive punishment

Match this behavior change with its corresponding type of consequence: Selena's mom pays her a dollar for taking out the trash, so she starts taking out the trash every week.

positive reinforcement

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