Chapter 7

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Aside from the State of the Union address, what is another way the president attempts to influence legislative policy? A. writing and presenting legislation B. presentation of the annual budget C. both a and b D. neither a nor b


After the 2008 election of President Obama, which of the following demonstrated that the United States had become a post-racial society? A. smaller degrees of wealth disparities across racial lines. B. fewer police shootings of unarmed African Americans and Latinos. C. the broad recognition from former detractors of Pres. Obama that he was the legitimate president. D. none of the above (Race and racism still exist in major ways in the United States.)


Which position is not a part of the "inner cabinet"? A. Secretary of the Interior B. Secretary of the Treasury C. Secretary of State D. Attorney General

...C Not

A method for political parties to select their candidates for office whereby people vote in an election is known as A. caucus. B. primary. C. the Electoral College. D. none of the above


A part of the executive branch that is divided into specific offices and contains key advisers who assist the president in managing the executive branch and developing policies is known as A. the Executive Office of the President (EOP). B. the cabinet. C. White House staff. D. none of the above


Presidential declarations that are issued along with legislative bill signings that express reservations about parts of a bill or announce an unwillingness to enforce aspects of the bill are known as A. signing statements. B. executive agreements. C. the veto. D. executive orders.


The first presidential caucus is generally held in A. Iowa. B. New Jersey. C. Minnesota. D. New Hampshire. 1


Which of the following is accurate? A. Barack Obama outraised his primary and general elections opponents in both 2008 and 2012. B. Barack Obama outraised his primary and general elections opponents only in 2008. C. Barack Obama was the first African American to seek the American presidency. D. Barack Obama outraised his primary and general elections opponents only in 2012.


Which president delivered the first televised State of the Union address? A. Harry Truman B. Dwight Eisenhower C. John Kennedy D. Franklin Roosevelt


Who was the 2016 Republican candidate for vice president? A. Mike Pence B. Rudy Giuliani C. Chris Christie D. Lindsey Graham 1


Who was the first African American to seek the presidency on a major party ticket? A. Shirley Chisholm B. Frederick Douglass C. Herman Cain D. Jesse Jackson


Who was the first president to appoint his wife to an official position (aside from her position as first lady)? A. Bill Clinton B. George H. W. Bush C. George W. Bush D. Ronald Reagan


Who was the only non-white vice president? A. Charles Curtis B. Calvin Coolidge C. John Garner D. Charles Dawes 1


In accordance with the Constitution, which of the following are presidents not in charge of nominating? A. Senators B. executive branch officials C. ambassadors D. federal judges

A. Senators

The domestic powers of the president are defined as the president's authority A. to influence the policy concerning matters within the United States. B. to draft, create, and enforce legislation that benefits both the nation and his or her political party. C. to receive other nations' ambassadors, negotiate treaties, and serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. D. to enforce laws and ensure that policies take effect.

A. to influence the policy concerning matters within the United States.

A period in which both houses of Congress are controlled by the president's party is called __________ government. A. patriotic B. unified C. divided D. ineffective 1


Congressional war powers (the power of Congress to declare war) are granted within the Constitution by A. Article 2, Section 3. B. Article 1, Section 8. C. Article 1, Section 12. D. Article 2, Section 2.


In terms of foreign powers, the modern presidency has usurped legislative authority in the areas of A. nominating ambassadors and making treaties. B. declaring war and treaty ratification. C. declaring war and nominating ambassadors. D. making treaties and declaring war.


Presidential authority to keep some of the communication among executive branch personnel private and free from Congress, the courts, and the public is called A. impeachment. B. executive privilege. C. arraignment. D. none of the above


The key presidential aides, each of whom heads an executive branch department, as well as others that the president designates, are known as A. the Executive Office of the President (EOP). B. the cabinet. C. White House staff. D. none of the above


The leader of the minority party of the Senate, who articulates the legislative priorities of the minority party and opposes the majority party's priorities but exerts minimal control over the outcome of legislation, is known as the Senate A. majority leader. B. minority leader. C. majority whip. D. minority whip. 1


The practice of electronic eavesdropping instituted under the Bush administration and continued under the Obama administration is known as A. waterboarding. B. warrantless wiretapping. C. enhanced interrogation. D. none of the above


What is the status given to individuals captured in battle who do not belong to any national military force? A. active combatants B. enemy combatants C. prisoners of war D. evildoers


When did the Supreme Court officially rule in favor of the existence of super PACs? A. 2003 B. 2010 C. 1995 D. 2015


Which of the following first greatly expanded the role of the first lady into political, social, and economic issues? A. Hillary Clinton B. Eleanor Roosevelt C. Dolly Madison D. Martha Washington


Which president delivered the first televised State of the Union address? A. Dwight Eisenhower B. Harry Truman C. John Kennedy D. Franklin Roosevelt


Who was the 2016 Democratic candidate for vice president? A. Cory Booker B. Tim Kaine C. Elizabeth Warren D. Bernie Sanders


Who was the first female running mate on a major party ticket? A. Victoria Woodhull B. Geraldine Ferraro C. Carol Moseley Braun D. Sarah Palin


How have modern presidents gotten around the legislative check on foreign powers by way of treaty ratification? A. the veto B. executive orders C. executive agreements D. signing statements

B Not

The administrative power of the president is defined as the president's authority A. to draft, create, and enforce legislation that benefits both the nation and his or her political party. B. to receive other nations' ambassadors, negotiate treaties, and serve as commander in chief of the armed forces. C. to influence the policy concerning matters within the United States. D. to enforce laws and ensure that policies take effect. 1

B Not

How does the legislative branch check the executive branch's administrative power? A. The House of Representatives must approve the president's executive branch nominees. B. The Senate must approve the president's nominees for the Senate. C. The Senate must approve the president's executive branch nominees. D. The House of Representatives must approve the president's signing statements.


How many times have formal congressional war powers been used since the 1950s? A. five B. three C. zero D. one


A member of the president's staff who conducts daily briefings with members of the media is known as the A. counselor to the president. B. senior advisor. C. press secretary. D. chief of staff.


In 2016, what was the status of President Obama's 2009 executive order to close Guantanamo? A. The base closed and then reopened. B. The base closed. C. The base remained open for two years and then closed. D. The base remained open.


In what way are super PACs singularly able to be extremely influential in presidential campaigns? A. They are legally able to buy significant numbers of votes for candidates. B. They are legally able to restrict certain groups from accessing voting precincts. C. They are legally able to raise and spend unlimited funds, unlike campaigns. D. They are run by the government, thus giving them significant power, unlike campaigns. 1


The first presidential caucus is generally held in A. Minnesota. B. New Jersey. C. Iowa. D. New Hampshire.


The first presidential primary is generally held in A. New Jersey. B. Iowa. C. New Hampshire. D. Minnesota.


The framers wanted the executive to be mainly concerned with A. symbolic gestures. B. creating policies. C. administering congressional policies. D. none of the above


The individuals selected for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) are chosen for A. economic purposes. B. political purposes. C. expertise. D. none of the above


The modern presidency is characterized by A. a weak president who is unable to lead Congress, connects with the American public, and presides over small executive branch. B. a weak president who seeks to lead the Supreme Court, connects with the American public, and presides over an enormous legislative branch. C. a powerful president who seeks to lead Congress, connects with the American public, and presides over an enormous executive branch. D. a powerful president who seeks to lead the Supreme Court, connects with the American public, and presides over a small executive branch.


The president's personal advisers, who do not need senatorial approval when appointed and provide critical political and policy advice to the president, are known as A. the Executive Office of the President (EOP). B. the cabinet. C. White House staff. D. none of the above


What is the status given to individuals captured in battle who do not belong to any national military force? A. active combatants B. prisoners of war C. enemy combatants D. evildoers


What largely accounts for the legislative difficulty encountered by the Obama administration during its early period of unified government? A. extreme intraparty policy disagreement B. lack of support for President Obama's policies within his own party C. the unprecedented use of the filibuster by the minority party in the Senate D. None of the above.


Which article and section of the Constitution requires that the U.S. president be at least thirty-five years old, a natural-born citizen, and a U.S. resident for at least fourteen years? A. Article 3, Section 4 B. Article 4, Section 3 C. Article 2, Section 1 D. Article 1, Section 2 1


Which of the following first greatly expanded the role of the first lady into political, social, and economic issues? A. Hillary Clinton B. Dolly Madison C. Eleanor Roosevelt D. Martha Washington 1


Which of the following was not a characteristic of all U.S. presidents prior to 2009? A. white B. male C. Protestant D. none of the above


Who was the 2016 Republican candidate for vice president? A. Rudy Giuliani B. Chris Christie C. Mike Pence D. Lindsey Graham


The entity that selects the president and vice president, consisting of 538 electors chosen from the states and the District of Columbia based on the election outcome within each state and proportioned according to state population, is known as A. caucus. B. Primary. C. the Electoral College. D. none of the above

C. the Electoral College.

When did the Supreme Court officially rule in favor of the existence of super PACs? A. 2003 B. 2015 C. 2010 D. 1995

C. 2010

The first presidential primary is generally held in A. New Jersey. B. Minnesota. C. New Hampshire. D. Iowa.

C. New Hampshire.

What is needed to override a presidential veto? A. a two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives B. a three-fourths vote in the Senate C. a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress D. a three-fourths vote in both chambers of Congress

C. a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress

The first presidential election in which a non-white candidate was elected took place in A. 2016. B. 2012. C. 2004. D. 2008.


A key assistant to the president who coordinates executive branch employees and serves as a link between other presidential advisers and the president is known as the A. counselor to the president. B. press secretary. C. senior advisor. D. chief of staff.


The oldest person to be elected to become president was A. Ronald Reagan. B. Andrew Jackson. C. William Henry Harrison. D. Donald Trump.


Which of the following does not require financing in a presidential campaign? A. travel B. advisers C. polling D. none of the above


Which of the following is a major responsibility and purpose of cabinet members? A. to provide advice for the president on issues specific to their individual departments B. to build political support for the executive administration's policies C. to build public support for the executive administration's policies D. all of the above


Which of the following is not one of the three presidential foreign policymaking powers granted by the Constitution? A. negotiate treaties B. receive foreign ambassadors C. serve as commander in chief of the armed forces D. declare war


Which of the following was not a source of controversy for Donald Trump's presidential campaign? A. calling Mexicans rapists B. making fun of a disabled reporter C. calling for a ban on Muslim immigrants D. all of the above (All were controversial and significant within the campaign.) 1


Who is not in the closest circle to the president within the executive branch? A. vice president B. president's spouse C. cabinet D. none of the above


Which vice president was the first to be made a major policy advisor for his administration? A. Dan Quayle B. Walter Mondale C. Al Gore D. George H. W. Bush 1

D Not

Which of the following was the first Catholic president? A. George Washington B. Abraham Lincoln C. George W. Bush D. John F. Kennedy

D. John F. Kennedy

A key assistant to the president who coordinates executive branch employees and serves as a link between other presidential advisers and the president is known as the A. counselor to the president. B. press secretary. C. senior advisor. D. chief of staff.

D. chief of staff.

Which department was largely responsible for discriminating against American Indians, particularly in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? A. Homeland Security B. State C. Labor D. Interior

D. interior

Which of the following does not require financing in a presidential campaign? A. travel B. advisers C. polling D. none of the above

D. none of the above

A member of the president's staff who conducts daily briefings with members of the media is known as the A. counselor to the president. B. senior advisor. C. chief of staff. D. press secretary.

D. press secretary.

The president's ability to exercise discretion in terms of enforcing laws is most directly seen in A. executive agreements. B. executive orders. C. signing statements. D. the veto.


The first female presidential nominee for a major political party was A. Elizabeth Dole. B. Shirley Chisholm. C. Victoria Woodhull. D. Hillary Clinton.


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