Chapter 7

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A branch of medicine concerned with the management (prevention or control) of obesity and allied diseases.


A hormone secreted by fat cells that helps the body maintain an appropriate level of stored fat

stimulus control

Altering the environment to minimize the stimuli for eating - for example, removing foods from sight and storing them in kitchen cabinets


Breaking the link between two or more behaviors that encourage overeating such as snacking while watching television.

cognitive restructuring

Changing one's frame of mind regarding eating

contingency management

Formulating a plan of action to respond to a situation in which overeating is likely


Gastric bypass surgery performed on the stomach to limit its volume to approximately 30 milliliters. also referred to as stomach stapling.


Inhibits lipase action in small intenstine, cuts fat absorption 30%

basal metabolism

Minimum energy expended to keep resting, awake body alive 60-70% of total energy needs Includes energy needed for maintaining heart beat, respiration,body temperature Amount of energy needed varies among individuals Approx. 1 kcal/minute


Prolongs serotonin activity in the brain, leading to satiety. Removed from market October 2010 because it led to strokes and heart attacks.

thermic effect of food

The increase in metabolism that occurs during the digestion, absorption, and metabolism called diet-induced thermogenesis; this represents about 5% to 10% of energy consumed.


Tracking foods eaten and conditions affecting eating

body mass index

Weight (in kg) divided by height (in meters) squared.


a group of medications that induce stimulation of the central nervous system and have other effects in the body

air displacement

a method for estimating body composition that makes use of the volume of space taken up by a body inside a small chamber.

underwater weighing

a method of estimating total body fat by weighing the individual on a standard scale and then weighing him or her again submerged in water. The difference between the two weights is used to estimate total body volume.

bioelectrical impedance

a method to estimate total body fat that uses a low-energy electrical current. the more fat storage a person has, the more impedance (resistance) to electrical flow will be exhibited.

direct calorimetry

a method used to determine energy expenditure by measuring the amount of heat released by the body

indirect calorimetry

a method used to estimate energy expenditure by measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production


a region at the base of the brain that contains cells that play a role in the regulation of hunger, respiration, body temperature, and other body functions

adjustable gastric banding

a restrictive procedure in which the opening from the esophagus to the stomach is reduced by a hollow gastric band

relapse prevention

a series of strategies used to help prevent and cope with weight control lapses, such as recognizing high risk situations and deciding beforehand on appropriate responses.

brown adipose tissue

a specialized form of adipose tissure that produces large amounts of heat by metabolizing energy-yielding nutrients without synthesizing much useful energy for the body. the unused energy is released as heat.


amphetamine-like, prolongs activity of adrenaline. Approved for use for no longer than 12 weeks.

bomb calorimeter

an instrument used to determine the calorie content of a food

lean body mass

body weight minus fat storage weight. this includes organs such as the bran, muscles, and liver, as well as bone and blood and other body fluids.

resting metabolism

the amount of calories the body uses when the person has not eaten in 4 hrs and is resting and awake in a warm, quiet environment. It is roughly 6% higher than basal metabolism due to the less strict criteria for the test; often referred to as RMR.

set point

the point at which an individual's "weight thermostat" is supposedly set. When the body falls below this weight, an increase in hunger and lowered metabolic rate may act to restore the lost weight.

positive energy balance

the state in which energy intake is greater than energy expended, generally resulting in weight gain

negative energy balance

the state in which energy intake is less than energy expended, resulting in weight loss

energy balance

the state in which energy intake, in the form of food and beverages, matches the energy expended, primarily through basal metabolism and physical activity

upper-body obesity

the type of obesity in which fat is stored primarily in the abdominal area; defined as a wasit circumference more than 40 in. in men and more than 35 in. in women; closely associated with a high risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. Also known as android obesity.

very-low-calorie diet

this diet allows a person 400 to 800 kcal per day, often in liquid form. Of this, 120 to 480 kcal is carbohydrate,a nd the rest is mostly high-quality protein.


this term encompasses the ability of humans to regulate body temperature within narrow limits. two visible examples are fidgeting and shivering when cold.

lower-body obesity

type of obesity in which excess body fat is localized in the lower body (gynoid obesity, pear-shaped body)

dual energy x-ray absorptiometry

uses multiple low-energy X-rays to scan body , provides detailed pictures of internal structures, its very exspensive and not available

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