Chapter 7 Practice Questions

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12) The pituitary hormone that controls hormone synthesis and release from the thyroid gland is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) FSH. D) LH. E) STH.


24) Hormones are not typically considered to be cytokines because hormones are ________ like cytokines. A) synthesized in advance and stored, not B) not peptides C) not effective in small amounts D) secreted into the blood, not E) secreted by cells, not


9) The majority of hormones in the body are A) peptide hormones. B) steroid hormones. C) amino acid-derived hormones. D) neurohormones. E) All of the hormones are present in equal amounts in the body.


A. peptide hormone B. steroid hormone C. amino acid-derived hormone D. anterior pituitary E. hypothalamus F. posterior pituitary _____15) lipophobic molecule that interacts with receptors on cell surface _____16) site of vasopressin synthesis _____17) true endocrine gland of epithelial origin _____18) cannot be stored in secretory vesicles _____19) derivatives of tyrosine _____20) storage and release site for oxytocin


11) The pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) FSH. D) LH. E) STH.


2) When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell, A) the cell membrane becomes less permeable. B) a second messenger appears in the cytoplasm. C) the cell becomes inactive. D) the hormone is transported to the nucleus where it alters the activity of DNA. E) None of the answers are correct.


22) When stimulated by a particular hormone, there is a marked increase in the activity of G proteins in the membrane. The hormone is probably A) a steroid. B) a peptide. C) testosterone. D) estrogen. E) aldosterone.


4) When adenylyl cyclase is activated, A) calcium ions are released from intracellular stores. B) cAMP is formed. C) cAMP is broken down. D) protein kinases are metabolized. E) steroids are produced.


6) Steroid hormones are synthesized in the ________ of the cell. A) rough endoplasmic reticulum B) smooth endoplasmic reticulum C) Golgi apparatus D) mitochondria E) nucleus


23) After a hormone has exerted its effects, it typically A) continues to act until an opposing hormone is secreted. B) spontaneously degrades. C) is inactivated or removed from the blood. D) is absorbed by its target cell. E) is absorbed by the gland that secreted it.


10) The most complex endocrine responses involve the A) thyroid gland. B) pancreas. C) adrenal glands. D) hypothalamus. E) thymus.


21) The posterior pituitary gland secretes A) FSH. B) TSH. C) ACTH. D) ADH (Vasopressin). E) MSH.


25) In a simple endocrine reflex, the endocrine cell is the A) sensor only. B) integrating center only. C) target. D) sensor and integrating center. E) integrating center and target


3) The link between a first messenger and a second messenger in a cell that responds to peptide hormones is usually A) cAMP. B) cGMP. C) adenylyl cyclase. D) a G protein. E) calcium.


5) Typically, when steroid hormones bind to their receptors, A) adenylyl cyclase is activated. B) cyclic nucleotides are formed. C) G proteins are inhibited. D) gene transcription may increase or decrease. E) protein kinases are activated.


7) Each of the following statements concerning peptide hormones is true except one. Identify the exception. A) Peptide hormones are first synthesized as prohormones. B) Prohormones can be activated before their release via post-translational modification. C) Peptide hormones remain in circulation for relatively short periods of time. D) Peptide hormones in the bloodstream are always bound to carrier proteins. E) Peptide hormones interact with receptors on the surface of their target cells.


8) Each of the following hormones is an amino acid derivative EXCEPT one. Identify the exception. A) epinephrine B) norepinephrine C) thyroid hormone D) thyroid-stimulating hormone E) melatonin


1) Which of the following is NOT a method of hormone action? A) control of enzymatic reaction rates B) control of ion or molecule transport across cell membranes C) control of electrical signaling pathways D) control of gene expression and protein synthesis E) All are methods of hormone action.


13) The pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is A) TSH. B) ACTH. C) growth hormone. D) FSH. E) prolactin.


14) The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and metabolism in many tissues is A) ACTH. B) MSH. C) prolactin. D) insulin. E) somatotropin.


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