chapter 8 us history

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-What laws, political developments, and court decisions contributed to the split between the North and the South during this time?

Fugitive slave act, Kansas Nebraska, Dred Scott

uncle toms cabin

Harriot Becher Stowe

-Could Abraham Lincoln have done anything differently to prevent war?

He could have made slavery legal and could have adopted popular sovereignty.

What about Chief Justice Roger Taney's opinion in the Dred Scott case enraged many Northerners?

He said it was unconstitutional to prohibit slavery in the Western territories.

who would lead the debate on the Senate floor -who introduced the compromise of 1850 who gave his famous speech "seventh of march''

Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and Daniel Webster -henry clay -Daniel webster

Freeport Doctrine

Idea authored by Stephen Douglas that claimed slavery could only exist when popular sovereignty said so

-What aspects of the Fugitive Slave Act caused many people to get involved, protest, or defy the act?

If you didn't turn in a slave you will be in jail

What was an unintended result of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Many Northerners who had been indifferent to slavery were enraged by it.

lincolns bible quote

Mark 3:25

Why did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 election?

The Democratic votes were split between a Northern candidate and a Southern candidate

What was the Underground Railroad?

an informal system of people that helped fugitive slaves make their way to the North

free soil democrats were nicknamed and slogan

barn burners and "free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men"

calhoun resolution

-a reaction to the Wilmot Proviso -slave owners had the same constitutional protection of their property in the new territories as they had in their own states

Popular Sovereignty

-compromise between the Wilmot Proviso and the Calhoun Resolutions -the residents of the territories should decide the slave issue

-How did the sudden influx of residents affect the California territory's status?

Allowed them to apply for admission

-What action did Lincoln take to prevent Maryland's secession?

Apposed Mashall law

-How did the California gold rush affect the issue of slavery?

Brought slave issue because CA applied for a free state

-What were the positions of Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln on slavery in the territories?

Douglass liked it, Lincoln apposed it in the new territory but he didn't want to get rid of it

Confederate States of America

Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, and south Carolina

What effect did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the Whig Party?

It divided Northern and Southern Whigs.

How did the Compromise of 1850 help calm the debate over slavery?

It offered concessions to people on both sides of the slavery issue.

democrats nominate

James Buchanan

-What events led to the creation of the Republican Party?

Kansas Nebraska act

-Did the North or the South achieve more of its goals in the Compromise of 1850? Why?

North, they got CA as a free state

What happened when Kansas voted on whether or not to allow slavery?

Northerners and Southerners poured into the territory and clashed violently over the vote.

-In what ways might a Northerner and a Southerner view John Brown's raid differently?

Northerners- hero. South-criminal

John C Fremont

Pathfinder of the West

_______ was the idea that people settling in a territory should vote on whether or not to allow slavery there.

Popular Sovereignty

The first state to secede from the Union was

South Carolina

led the way in secession

South Carolina

What was the Freeport Doctrine?

Stephen Douglas's argument that people could keep slavery out of a territory by refusing to pass laws supporting it.

How did the results of the Mexican War increase sectional tensions in the United States?

The territory acquired from Mexico ignited the debate over the expansion of slavery.

What reaction did Southerners have to the raid on Harpers Ferry?

They became convinced that the North was plotting to kill slaveholders.

Why did the Southern states secede when Abraham Lincoln was elected president?

They believed his election was a direct threat to their culture and way of life.

How did Republicans respond to Taney's controversial opinion?

They claimed it was not binding because it was an opinion, not a ruling.

What did the raiders on Harpers Ferry hope to accomplish?

They wanted to start an uprising of enslaved people.

Fugative Slave Act

allowed slave owners to cross into free states to capture runaway slaves

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

an addendum to another bill that prohibited slavery in territories gained from Mexico

free soil party made up of

conscience whigs, democrats who apposed slavery, and the abolitionist liberty party joined to farm the free- soil party

calhouns nickname and why

great compromiser- 1833, 1850, missouri compromise

What decision did Jefferson Davis make that triggered the beginning of the Civil War?

he decided to take over fort sumter

Henry David Thoreau declared John Brown

he is an angel of light

-How did the split of the Democratic Party affect the outcome of the election of 1860?

helped republicans win

-Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe citizens should disobey a law?

if it goes against gods law

The Compromise of 1850 appealed to Southerners for several reasons, including

it included the Fugitive Slave Act.

Whom did the Southern states elect to be the president of their new country?

jefferson davis

What candidate did Southern Democrats nominate for president for the 1860 election?

john brekinridge

In 1859, what fervent abolitionist attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry?

john brown

gold was founded on whos land and when

john sutter and 1849

Stephen Douglas introduced the act. and did what

kansas nebraska and split the whig party

What was the major platform of the Free-Soil Party?

keeping slavery out of the Western territories

Lecompton Constitution

legalized slavery in the territory

american party nominate

millard fillmore

_______ was formed in 1854 out of Northern Whigs, antislavery Democrats, and Free-Soilers.

republican party

3 incidents

sack of the town lawerence, brooks-sumter episode, and Pottawatomie massacre

the conscience whigs appressed


Why was it important for Kansas to create an approved constitution?

so they could become a state

What argument did Democrats put forward in order to get James Buchanan elected in 1856?

that Buchanan only could save the Union

In the Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford, what was Scott's claim?

that his time in a free territory meant that he was a free man

In February 1861, the seceding states declared themselves to be an independent country known as

the confederate states of america

What caused Senator Douglas to introduce the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

the construction of the transcontinental railroad

What happened in Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee after the fall of Fort Sumter?

they decided to secede, as well

What compromise did John Crittenden propose to end the secession of Southern states?

to amend the Constitution to protect slavery in the South

-What was an unintended consequence of the Fugitive Slave Act?

underground railroad

Before the election of 1860, Northern Democrats insisted on

upholding popular sovereignty

caused the upper south to secede

with the bombing of fort Sumter and Lincoln calling for troops

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