Chapter 9 Self Disclosure

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a shift from relatively nonrevealing messages to more personal ones

Johari Window


Reasons why self-disclosure

Catharsis: Get it off your chest Reciprocity: One act of self-disclosure begets another Self-Clarification: Clarify beliefs, opinions. Thoughts, attitudes or feelings; Talking the problem out Self Validation: Disclose information with the hope of obtaining the listener's agreement Identity Management: Attempts to make ourselves more attractive Relationship Maintenance and Enhancement: Social Control: Revealing information may increase your control over the situation or a person Manipulation Set out to achieve a desired result

How we known self-disclosure is appropriate

Is the other person important to you? Is the Risk of Disclosing Reasonable? Is the Disclosure Relevant to the Situation at Hand? Are the Amount and Type of Disclosure Appropriate? Will the Effect be Constructive? Is the Self-Disclosure Clear and Understandable? Is the Self-Disclosure Reciprocated?

self disclosure

process of of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and would not normally be known by others


range of subjects being discussing

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