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Xavier was recently injured in a car accident. He totaled his car and is lucky to be alive. He used prescription pain medication for the pain in his back, and since his prescription ended, he has begun to smoke marijuana to help ease the pain. Xavier is codependent.


Caffeine is not addictive, yet should be used in moderation to avoid anxiety, insomnia, and the depletion of nutrients in the body.


Matt weighs 180 lbs. and should drink about six 8 oz. glasses of water per day.


Laura has cervical cancer. This was likely caused by:


Which sexually transmitted disease can cause cancer?

genital warts

Mental exercises like crossword puzzles and playing challenging games can help a person:

reduce stress

To cut down on sugar or refined carbohydrates, one should:

substitute white bread with whole grain bread

Kate has been having trouble sleeping. She feels anxious and irritable some days. She was in a rush to get to her class this morning and too busy to grab any kind of breakfast, even her usual coffee. It is now lunch time, and she has developed a strong headache. She does not drink alcohol and drinks plenty of water. What is the most likely culprit of her sudden headache?

Kate did not drink caffeine.

Partying with a plan includes:

No more than 1 drink per hour.

Party with a Plan includes all of the following except:

No more than three times per week.

Barbara is attending a community college for her associate's degree and plans to transfer into a four-year college for a bachelor's degree. She is not close with her family, and moved into her own apartment at 17. She has always worked and earned her way through school on her own. She has never asked her parents for anything, but she needs car repairs and cannot afford to pay for the repairs and her tuition this semester. Her parents have the means to help her, but will not do so. She has completed two semesters and is very upset over having to skip this semester. She is angry with her parents and feels isolated. She has entered a deep depression and has lost the confidence she had in completing her degree. Based on the chapter, what is the optimal advice for Barbara?

Talk to a professional.

What is the difference between the Mediterranean Diet and the Food Pyramid suggested by the U.S.D.A?

The Mediterranean Diet suggests the use of olive oil in the daily diet.

Mike gains tremendous satisfaction from performing well in his job. He has begun to make excuses for not hanging with friends and frequently conceals the fact that he is staying late at work. He is likely a workaholic.


Approximately 300,000 of today's college students will die of alcohol-related diseases.


Dawn has a poor body image. Although she is thin, she thinks she is overweight. When she is upset, she will binge on food and then purge the food. She likely has:


Jeff went to the dentist and found he has serious tooth decay. This could be a sign of:


Frank is a wrestler. He often engages in unhealthy behaviors relating to reaching his desired wrestling weight when preparing for matches. To lose weight, he will eat to give himself the temporary feeling of fullness and will then purge the food. When the season is over, he does not engage in this activity. He likely has:

created chemical imbalances in his body

Both positive and negative situations in life can cause stress. To manage these stresses, one needs to:

develop coping strategies.

Andy has done all that he can to create a healthy work-life balance to reduce stress in his life. He eats well, exercises regularly and makes time to meet with friends or family weekly. There are times, however, when his stress level gets the better of him at work when things don't seem to be going his way. Of the following choices, he would most benefit from:

developing a sense of humor.

Codependent people display the following behaviors except for:

facing the problem of addiction

Allen has been dating Sheryl for 2 weeks. They usually meet in public places, but she has invited him to meet her and some friends for a get together before heading out to a party. When he arrives, Sheryl is the only one there. She said her friends decided to catch dinner first and will meet them at the party. She offers him a drink she has made up for him. Although he likes her, he is not comfortable drinking with her alone. What should he do?

make an excuse to leave

Gary has been worn down by his busy schedule. His soccer league will begin playing games next month, but he has decided he does not have the time to spend on it this year. He has lost a lot of weight and tends to drink more than he has in the past. Gary most likely:

not lacks health management skills. not will get sick

Which symptom is a common sign of cancer?

unexplained weight loss

Cigarette use causes health problems for those who smoke and those who are exposed to second hand smoke. In fact, nonsmokers who are married to smokers are:

30% more likely to develop lung cancer.

Nathan and his girlfriend Amy of two months are on a date. Amy is taking medication that does not permit her to drink alcohol. Nathan ordered a beer with his meal and this upset Amy. She thought it was impolite to order a drink when the person with you does not order a drink. He apologized for upsetting her but stood his ground on being allowed to do what he wants to do. Amy explained that she could see his point, recognized they may have different values, and apologized. Despite their apologies, there are danger signals that this could be an unhealthy relationship.


One should reduce their amount of animal fat intake to help prevent diabetes.


Robin has been co-writing a paper with her instructor who has a high public profile for his work. They've built a good rapport, and he seems to respect her research and input on the paper. During their last session, he asked that she call him by his first name and suggested they meet up for coffee for their next update with each other. Robin felt good about this because it made her feel more on his level as a colleague versus a student. Her roommate warned her it is not appropriate she be calling him by his first name and said she should be vigilant in working with him to avoid the possibility of date rape. Robin's intuition is that he is not interested in her romantically and plans to continue building their working rapport. She should trust her intuition.


Frances has a family history of mental illness. Her mother is severely depressed, and her sister has bi-polar depression. Frances has not experienced mental health issues in the past. She tends to be very shy and has trouble making new friends. She is several months in to her first year of college and has not really connected with any other people. She feels anxious when she meets people and has totally withdrawn. Frances maintains a close relationship with her family, but she has begun to miss her nightly phone calls with her father. Frances has displayed the warning signs for committing suicide.


Manuel is a nontraditional student who just finished his bachelor's degree in business. He likes his job, and is happily married with three healthy kids. He sometimes gets irritable and lashes out at his wife, later regretting it. When he meets with friends and family he gets anxious feeling they have much more than he does. Manuel shows signs of too much caffeine intake.


One night of heavy drinking can impair a person's ability to think critically for up to 30 days.


Sleep disturbance is a common situation leading to depression.


When Korin entered junior high school she became very weight conscious. She joined a health club and began to analyze her diet to count caloric and fat intake. Korin is likely anorexic.


Helen is the child of an alcoholic and has a low self-esteem. She has always had trouble in maintaining healthy relationships and lacks family support. She suffers depression, and abuses alcohol to try to feel better. Helen met Jared in their classes. They dated for a month and decided to move in together. Early into the relationship, they had a fight, and Jared put Helen down saying that a lot of his family and friends don't like her because she is bossy. This hurt her feelings, and she considered breaking up with him, but since they moved in together this complicated things. When Jared drinks, he loses his temper and continues to put her down. Helen feels pressured to party and to drink more like Jared's friends. She has gained a lot of weight and has entered a severe depression. She has attempted suicide in the past. What is Helen's most pressing problem along with the best advice?

Helen is a suicide risk and should see a professional counselor.

If a person has a family member who committed suicide, they are at risk for also committing suicide.


Percy has been on the go all day long. He finally arrived home at 11 pm and is worried he is going to have trouble sleeping. He has an exam in the morning and does not want to be all night. He has decided to take an over-the-counter (OTC) cold medicine that he knows will likely put him to sleep. This is considered OTC medication abuse.


Caffeine can deplete the B vitamins in your body in addition to other nutrients.


Roberta wants to make a commitment to exercising more to improve her overall health and to help alleviate stress. She works very long hours so she has set aside 30 minutes of exercise per day 5 days per week. This is a sufficient amount of exercise for optimal health.


Sexually transmitted infections can result in cancer.


The first step in managing your health is:


Dan is a workaholic usually, but he's been happy with how he has been able to balance his work and life, spending time with family and friends and also getting to the gym fairly regularly. Recently, though, his company let a lot of people go, and he has been faced with losing many of his team members. He has more pressure to perform above and beyond the regular duties of his job. Since this is no longer a choice for him, he is feeling burnt out. What health management strategy will help increase his energy level the most?

disputing negative thoughts

Ben has been worn down by his busy schedule. His health club membership is up for renewal, and he has decided not to renew it because he has not been working out much. He has lost a lot of weight and tends to drink more than he has in the past. Ben most likely:

is experiencing burn out from stress.

Scott is a college freshman in his fall semester. He never drank before but through peer pressure in his dorm, he has begun to drink and to experiment with drugs. When he should be studying on the weekend, he is recovering from binge drinking. He is able to manage his time to earn good grades; however, he feels tired all the time. He has begun to drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks to feel energized throughout the week. He is often irritable, and feels depressed when he is not partying with his friends. While home with family for the holidays, he did not drink alcohol or caffeine. Upon returning to school he felt himself again and rejuvenated. He wants to continue to feel this good for the remainder of the school year. What best piece of advice would you recommend?

not Admit you have a problem with addiction. not Apply the Adult Learning Cycle to creating a healthy life style.

Jenna and her friends are driving out to a party an hour away. Jenna has been designated as the driver for the night and has made a plan to stop drinking 2 hours before they leave to be sure she is sober enough to drive. They should arrive at the party by 8 pm and will leave by midnight. Based on the 'Party with a Plan' recommendations, Jenna should drink:


Brett has done all that he can to create a healthy work-life balance to reduce stress in his life. He eats well, exercises regularly and makes time to meet with friends or family weekly. Lately he has wondered what it is all for and what impact he may want to have I his community. He would most benefit from:

paying more attention to his spiritual life.

Penny's father is an alcoholic. Her mother always made excuses for his addiction, teaching Penny that her behavior was a factor in causing her father stress. Penny never discussed her father's problem with anyone while growing up. She has a very low self-esteem and takes it very personally when she does not get along with people in her dorm. Penny would benefit most from:

recognizing she is codependent

The most recent version of the USDA dietary guidelines called "MyPlate":

recommends a diet consisting of roughly half fruits and vegetables.

Puzzles and games can help a person:

reduce stress

Becca is using birth control but sometimes has sex without asking partners to use protection. She has a sore throat and a fever, and she has been feeling lethargic. She had some sores and now has a rash. Which sexually transmitted infection could she have?


Peter sometimes has sex without using protection. He has a sore throat and a fever, and has been feeling lethargic. He had some sores and now has a rash. Which sexually transmitted infection could he have?


Alexis has a full time job, going to school part time and is raising a family. She gets plenty of sleep at night, eats well and exercises regularly. She feels she is stressed and lacks the energy she needs to get through her weeks. Which of the following health management strategy will help increase her energy level the most?

taking a mini-vacation

Some physicians believe spirituality is the essence of:

wellness and wholeness.

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