Chapters 9+16+17

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Women appear ________ less likely than men with similar offenses and prior records to be incarcerated.

10-25 percent

Police killings of civilians are also less common in police departments in which: Police are not issued guns Police institute programs such as D.A.R.E. Police officers are encouraged to intimidate suspects before violence occurs Administrators set clear limits on police use of force

Administrators set clear limits on police use of force

weber applied to criminology

Conflict criminology Powerfulgroupsdefine criminality Law and crime result of conflict among various kinds of groups Labelsenforcepoliticalpower Majorpeople:Turk,Sellin,andVold

Packer's ________ reflect the tensions of crime-control in a democratic society.

Crime-control and due process models

conflict and radical theories (marx and engels)

Economic structure / Mode of production (MOP) is the foundation upon which society is built MOP= means of production + exchange Society/law supports MOP Historical materialism - march of history/society is driven by changes in economic forces (MOP) History has been defined by class struggle - exploitation of one class by another Class relationships defined by mode of production In capitalism: bourgeoisie (ruling class) is oppressor and proletariat is oppressed Oppression: alienation of labor

predicts that because female criminality is rare, female criminals are looked on more harshly in comparison.

Evil women hypothesis

Which of following is not one of the arguments made by proponents of the death penalty? The death penalty sends a message to potential murderers and thus has a general deterrent effect on homicide People convicted of heinous murders deserve to be executed People convicted of status offenses can only be stopped from reoffending by a death sentence The death penalty saves the money that would be spent on years of confinement were the offender to serve a life sentence

People convicted of status offenses can only be stopped from reoffending by a death sentence

marx and engels applied to criminology

Radical criminology (aka critical, new, dialectical, socialist, and Marxist criminology) 1. Small ruling class 2. Wealthy use law to protect dominance (and oppresses poor) 3. Criminal law reflect interests of powerful 4. Criminals normal and commit crime out of necessity 5. Harsh criminal justice system will not reduce crime - does not address causes 6. System must become fair Major people: Bonger, Hall, Chambliss, instrumental and structural Marxists

Radical criminologists believe: That the wealthy use the legal system to keep the poor and people of color in their place That African-Americans benefit the most from tougher laws, especially the War on Drugs That Whites are more likely to be targeted by the system than non-Whites That the vast number of poor exploit the criminal justice system for personal gain

That the wealthy use the legal system to keep the poor and people of color in their place

known for their work defining attorneys as "double agents"

abraham blumberg

view that deviance is real and inherent

absolutist definition of deviance

idealized model of the criminal justice process in the US in which the prosecutor and defense attorney contest the evidence concerning the defendant's guilt

adversary system

In the wake of Furman v. Georgia (408 U.S. 238), states revised their death-penalty laws and procedures to reduce ________ in the application of the death penalty.


process occuring when legal outcomes are based on prejudice or other nonlegal criteria


a defined district police monitor, term from 1800s England


term for police, term from early 1800s England


the major class in a capitalist society who own the factories and other modern means of production

bourgeoisie or ruling class

Police corruption arises from structural roots similar to those motivating


possibility that executions increase the homicide rate

brutalization effect

workload of courtroom professionals


predicts that girls and women will be treated more leniently than boys and men.

chivalry hypothesis

Japanese police are much more oriented toward ________ than most US police are, because they operate at the level of the immediate neighborhood.

community policing

a style of policing in which police patrol neighborhoods on foot and try to help their residents solve community problems

community policing

critical perspective+major people powerful use law and the legal system to control the powerless Influenced by labeling theory and the conflict perspective

conflict and radical theories marx and engels and weber

theory+major people Law and crime result from conflict among the various groups in society, not just economic classes.

conflict theory sellin vold turk

theory promoting the idea that people agree on social norms, including agreement on what should be considered a crime


an official appointed by medieval English nobles to control poaching and other monitor the behavior of people living on the nobles' land


in prison, in jail, or on probation or parole.

correctional supervision

Recognizing the burden of heavy caseloads, the ________ formed (consisting of judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys) in order to resolve cases as quickly as possible through a guilty plea.

courtroom work groups

model discussing the use of the criminal justice system to prevent and punish crime

crime control

the process by which lawful behavior are turned into criminal ones because of the enactment of new laws


views that challenge traditional understandings and theories of crime and criminal justice

critical perspectives

the class of values and norms between different social groups, especially as it leads to the behavior of one group to be branded as criminal


known for their work on normal crimes

david sudnow

discourages crime


the commission of continued deviance and the adoption of a deviant lifestyle.

deviance amplification

e.g. hot spot policing

directed police patrol

lattitude in decision making


unequal and unfavorable treatment due to social group association


refers to the way men and women act out femininity and masculinity in their daily lives and in commission of crime.

doing gender

term used to describe lawyers who obtain plea bargains (i.e. guilty pleas) for their clients instead of zealously defending them

double ant

the difficulties faced by minority female police officers because of their race and gender

double burden

view that girls need more protection than boys do

double standard

model emphasizing rights granted to criminal defendants by the US Constitution and judicial rulings

due process

believed punishment reinforced social stability

emile durkheim

predicts that gender will not affect legal processing.

equal treatment hypothesis

a rule that prohibits evidence from criminal trials that was gathered in violation of judicial rulings; also includes other procedural rules governing the gathering of evidence

exclusionary rule

nonlegal factors that may affect arrest, sentencing, and other legal decision making

extra legal

factors (e.g. race, gender, class, appearance) that affect legal decision-making

extra legal factors

In egalitarian households, the father works outside the home and the mother stays at home to take care of the children. True False


In large, modern societies, the collective conscience, or society's shared norms and values, is extremely strong. True False


the belief that women and men should have equal social, legal, and political power


theory+major people Crime cannot be fully understood and explained without appreciating the important role that gender plays; feminist theories can and should be used to reduce gender inequality in the areas of crime and criminal justice, as well as in the larger society developed in the mid-1970s, in part because labeling and conflict theories neglected gender.

feminist theories daly chesney-lind simpson

11th century English policing system


known for their work regarding crime control and due process models

herbert packer

In a democratic society, a key question is:

how much power to give to police to ensure law and order

African-Americans and Latinos are much more likely than non-Latino whites to be arrested for possessing ________.

illegal drugs

decision to incarcerate

in/out decision

physically preventing a convicted offender from committing a crime


e.g. disorderly youth and public drunkenness


Which of the following considers the ruling class a small, unified group that uses the law to dominate the poor and to advance its own interests? Instrumental Marxism Determinist Marxism Expressive Marxism Constitutional Marxism


Who are much more likely than Americans to think that criminals can change for the better? The Iranians The Russian The Japanese The Saudis


known for their work on policing and police officier's working personality

jerome skolnick

defining a person or behavior as deviant


theory +major people Deviance is not a quality of the act a person commits; some people and behaviors are more likely than others to be labeled deviant; the deviant label may lead to continued deviance. the first critical perspective of the 1960s adopts a relativist definition by assuming that nothing about a given behavior automatically makes it deviant.

labeling theory lemert and becker

an approach to crime developed by radical British criminologists that emphasized the harm that crime caused and the need to take measures to reduce it

left realism

the ________ instead insisted that crime causes real distress, and thus crime prevention and control are essential. Center idealists Right realists Left realists Upper idealists

left realists

Social inequality affects the exercise of ________ and the extent to which reliance on the criminal justice system can reduce crime.

legal discretion

factors of the crime (e.g. evidence, seriousness of offense) that affect legal decision-making

legal factors

rule from Miranda v. Arizona requiring police to advise clients that they may remain silent, that anything they say may be used against them, and that they have the right to have an attorney present during questioning

miranda warning

concept referring to a developed sense by legal professionals working in a court to what amounts to typical crimes and appropriate punishments

normal crime

identification of individuals as criminals and deviants (i.e. defining a person as a felon)

official labeling

combines Gandhism, Marxism, Buddhism, and other humanistic strains of thought views crime as just one of the many forms of suffering characterizing human existence. To reduce this suffering, people must find inner peace and develop nonviolent ways of resolving conflict, including both crime and war. These efforts must involve a fundamental transformation of our social institutions so that they no longer cause suf- fering and oppression. the criminal justice system is too authoritarian and violent to reduce crime and advocate using alternative types of punishment such as restitution and community service.

peacemaking criminlogy

discourages crime negotiations between prosecution and defense over the sentence the persecutor will request in return for a plea of guilty by the defendant

plea bargaining

suggests that locations with higher certainty ratios should have lower crime rates than locations with lower ratios

police deterrence hypothesis

violence committed by police against female suspect or other female civilians

police sexual violence

Although women's gender may protect them from police beatings, it subjects them to ________. Such violence includes rape and other sexual assaults and unnecessary strip searches and body cavity searches by male officers.

police sexual violence (PSV)

examines how gendered processes of family life increase or decrease delinquency. Highlights the roles played by gender and class in both patriarchal and egalitarian households in delinquency.

power-control theory

adjective suggesting its associated term needs to be explained


the major class in a capitalist society who work for the bourgeoisie.


Research on African-American and other women officers of color indicate that they face a double burden of both ________.

racism and sexism

theory+major people The wealthy use the legal system to protect their dominance and to suppress the poor; the criminal law and justice system reflects the interests of the powerful

radical theory bonger hall chambliss quinney

view that deviance is not a property of a behavior, but is rather the result of how others regard that behavior


the punitive type of legal punishment that characterizes traditonal societies

repressive law

term for compensatory type of legal punishment that characterizes modern societies

restitutive law

Which of the following focuses on restoring the social bond between the offender and the community? Reactive justice Retributive justice Restorative justice Recidivist justice


Many scholars believe that police corruption extends beyond a few "________" to the entire culture of policing.

rotten apples

What is considered is "at the heart" of much of girls' and women's law breaking?

sexual abuse

social disapproval


term used for the rules governing the gathering of evidence against a criminal suspect


true or false Racial profiling, when applied to traffic violations, is termed "driving while black."


true or false Traditional theories of deviance and crime adopt an absolutist definition of deviance as something real that is inherent in behavior. In contrast, labeling theory adopts a relativist definition by assuming that nothing about a given behavior automatically makes it deviant.


true or false More so than the US, Europe favors probation and community service to prison.


Some studies find that defendants accused of killing ________ victims are more likely to be indicted for first-degree murder than those accused of killing members of other races. These defendants are also more likely to receive the death penalty.


the personality associated with a particular occupation

working personality

a sytle of aggressive policing that encourages arrests for even minor infractions of the law

zero tolerance policing

Which of the following best expresses the term community policing (also called problem-oriented policing)? In this style of policing, police work closely with community groups and residents on various activities designed to reduce crime In this style of policing, police invest in high-tech equipment such as armored vehicles and drones to control crime In this style of policing, police target minorities who commit most crime and use racial profiling as they patrol communities In this style of policing, police use aggressive tactics such as random searches of citizens in high crime neighborhoods

In this style of policing, police work closely with community groups and residents on various activities designed to reduce crime

Power-control theory: Largely ignores the role gender and class play in crime Suggests that criminals accumulate power to control their own destinies Highlights the roles played by both gender and class in crime Focuses too heavily on the role of biology

Highlights the roles played by both gender and class in crime

Which of the following reflects a liberation hypothesis? The idea is that in the most juvenile cases, there is little room for prosecutorial or judicial discretion to affect the sentence The idea is that in the most serious cases, there is little room for prosecutorial or judicial discretion to affect the sentence The idea is that in the most misdemeanor cases, there is little room for prosecutorial or judicial discretion to affect the sentence The idea is that in the most civil cases, there is little room for prosecutorial or judicial discretion to affect the sentence

The idea is that in the most serious cases, there is little room for prosecutorial or judicial discretion to affect the sentence

John Braithwaite argues that: The success of shaming is dependent upon one's genetic characteristics such as skin color Labeling is particularly effective tool for elderly offenders Even positive labels have negative results in they are disliked by the individual The type of shaming involved in labeling makes a crucial difference for continued deviance

The type of shaming involved in labeling makes a crucial difference for continued deviance

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