Chemistry Exam

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Which of the following gases will effuse the most rapidly? a) bromine b) chlorine c) ammonia d) hydrogen

d) hydrogen due to its LOW MOLAR MASS

Boyle's law

for a given mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume of the gas varies inversely with pressure

The pressure of a gas in a container is 152 mm Hg. This is equivalent to ________.

0.2atm equation: 152mm Hg x 1 atm / 760 mm Hg

surface tension

inward force tending to minimize surface area of a liquid

Surface tension is the...

inward force which tends to minimize the surface area of a liquid

What type of compound is always an electrolyte?



ions are arranged at the corners of the imaginary cube and in the center of the cube

simple cubic

ions are arranged at the corners of the imaginary cube...

Crystals are characterized by particular patterns that repeat in how many dimensions?

three dimensions only

Standard conditions when working with gases are defined as...

0 degrees C and 101.3 kPa

What is one standard atmosphere of pressure in kilopascals?

101.3 kPa

What is the pressure when a liquid is boiling at its normal boiling point?

101.3 kPa

If the volume of a container of air is reduced by one-half,what happens to the partial pressure of oxygen within the container?

It is doubled.

In dynamic equilibrium between the liquid state and the gas state, what is true about the rate of evaporation?

It is equal to the rate of condenstaion

How does the surface tension of water compare with the surface tensions of most other liquids?

It is higher.

With which temperature scale is temperature directly proportional to average kinetic energy?


Why does a liquids rate of evaporation increase when the liquid is heated?

More molecules have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces holding them in the liquid

ideal gas law

P x V = n x R x T

How does the atmospheric pressure at altitudes below sea level compare with atmospheric pressure at sea level?

The atmospheric pressure below sea level is higher

What happens to the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter as the temperature of the sample is increased?

The average kinetic energy increases

If 4 moles of gas are added to a container that already holds 1 mole of gas, how will the pressure change inside the container?

The pressure will be five times higher

What happens to the temperature of a gas when it is compressed?

The temperature increases

Why does the pressure inside a container of gas increase if more gas is added to the container?

There is an increase in the number of collisions between particles and the walls of the container


a device used to measure atmospheric pressure

Which symbol is used to connect the formula of the compound with the number of water molecules in a hydrate?

a dot


a measure of how much the volume of matter decreases under pressure

vapor pressure

a measure of the force exerted by a gas above a liquid

Water vapor is an example of...

a phase


a solid in which the particles are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern

amorphous solid

a solid that lacks an ordered internal structure

Which of the following substances is the most soluble in water? a) sodium chloride b) methane c) bromine d) carbon

a) sodium chloride (NaCl)

The average kinetic energy of water molecules is greatest in... a) steam at 100 degrees C b) liquid water at 373 K c) liquid water at 90 degrees C d) ice at 0 degrees C

a) steam at 100 degrees C

kinetic theory

all matter consists of tiny particles that are in constant motion

According to the kinetic theory, collisions between molecules in a gas...

are perfectly elastic

Dalton's law

at constant volume and temperature, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases.

Which of the following substances is NOT an electrolyte? a) KCl b) CCl4 c) LiCl d) Na2SO4

b) CCl4

Which one of these would you predict to be soluble in the nonpolar solvent carbon disulfide, CS2? a) H20 b) CI4 c) NaCl d) Sns2

b) CI4

What instrument is normally used to measure atmospheric pressure?


How are conditions of pressure and temperature, at which two phases coexist in equilibrium, shown on a phase diagram?

by a line separating the phases

Predict which of the following compounds would be insoluble in water. a) NaCl b) HCI c) CF4 d) CuSO4

c) CF4

brownian motion

chaotic motion of colloidal particles


colloid of a liquid in a liquid

dispersed phase

colloidal particles spread throughout a suspension

weak electrolyte

compound that ionizes incompletely in aqueous solution


compound that will conduct current in the liquid state or in aqueous solution

Which of the following statements is part of the kinetic theory? a) The particles of a gas move independently of each other. b) The particles of a gas are relatively far apart c) The particles in a gas move rapidly d) all of the above

d) all of the above The particles of a gas move independently of each other. The particles of a gas are relatively far apart The particles in a gas move rapidly

Which of the following compounds is a nonelectrolyte? a) sodium bromide b) magnesium sulfate c) copper chloride d) carbon tetrachloride

d) carbon tetrachloride

Which of the following compounds is a strong electrolyte? a) ammonia b) acetic acid c) sugar d) potassium sulfate

d) potassium sulfate

Which of the following compounds is an electrolyte? a) rubbing alcohol b) sugar c) carbon tetrachloride d) sodium hydroxide

d) sodium hydroxide

The combined gas law relates which of the following? a) pressure and volume only b) temperature and pressure only c) volume and temperature only d) temperature, pressure, and volume

d) temperature, pressure, and volume

Most solids are...

dense and difficult to compress

In general, for a gas at a constant volume, the pressure of a gas is

directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins

The average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is...

directly proportional to the temperature of the substance


dissolved particle


dissolving medium

Which states of matter can flow?

gases and liquids only

Under what conditions of temperature and pressure is the behavior of real gases most like that of ideal gases?

high temperature and low pressure

aqueous solution

homogeneous mixture of water and dissolved substances

What causes water's low vapor pressure?

hydrogen bonding

What is primarily responsible for the surface tension of water?

hydrogen bonding

The fact that ice is less dense than water is related to the fact that...

ice has molecular structure that is an open framework held together by hydrogen bonds

Which law can be used to calculate the number of moles of a contained gas?

ideal gas law

How do crystal systems differ?

in the angles between between faces and the number of edges of equal length


interferes with hydrogen bonding between water molecules

What is the key difference between a liquid and a gas?

intermolecular attractions

If a balloon is heated, what happens to the pressure of the air inside the balloon if the volume remains constant?

it increases

If a balloon is heated, what happens to the volume of the air in the balloon if the pressure is constant?

it increases

The volume of a gas is doubled while the temperature is held constant. How does the gas pressure change?

it it reduced by one half

The normal boiling point of chloroform, which has a higher vapor pressure than water at 100 degrees C, is...

lower than the normal boiling point of water


mixture in which particle size averages between 1 nm and 1000 nm


mixture in which particle size averages greater that 1000 nm in diameter

When the Kelvin temperature of an enclosed gas doubles, the particles of the gas...

move faster.

What does the ideal gas law allow a scientist to calculate that the other gas laws do not?

number of moles

If the atmospheric pressure on Mt. Everest is one-third the atmospheric pressure at sea level, the partial pressure of oxygen on Everest is...

one-third its pressure at sea level

What is the SI unit of pressure?


Tyndall effect

phenomenon observed when beam of light passes through a colloid

Particles in gas are best described as...

small, hard spheres with insignificant volumes

phase diagram of water

solid, liquid, vapor, normal boiling and melting points, triple points, critical point


solute ions or molecules are surrounded by solvent molecules

What is the term for the dissolving medium in a solution?


What occurs in solvation?

solvent molecules surround solute ions


tendency of molecules to move to regions of lower concentration


the change of a solid directly to a vapor


the conversion of a liquid to a gas below the boiling point

kinetic energy

the energy an object has due to its motion


the escape of gas through a small hole in a container

What happens to the pressure of a gas inside a container if the temperature of the gas decreases?

the pressure decreases

Gay-Lussac's law

the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its kelvin temperature if the volume is kept constant

atmospheric pressure

the pressure resulting from the collision of atoms and molecules with objects

If the volume of a container of gas is reduced, what will happen to the pressure inside the container?

the pressure will increase

Graham's law

the rate at which a gas will effuse is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas's molar mass

unit cell

the smallest group of particles within a crystal that retains the shape of the crystal

melting point

the temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid

normal boiling point

the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to 1 atmosphere

boiling point

the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure

Charles's law

the volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature, if the pressure is kept constant

Why is a gas easier to condense than a liquid or a solid?

the volume of a gas's particles is small compared to the overall volume of the gas


there are ions at the corners and in the center of each face of the imaginary cube


two or more different molecular forms of an element in the same physical state


vaporization at the surface of a liquid that is not boiling

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