chicano final

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Reis Lopez Tijerina

"El Tigre"; felt that Anglos stole land from Mexico; fought to return that land; Brown Power Mvt leader--- more violant approach

what did UCLA students starts besides MAM?

"the mexican voice" which provided key info and commentary

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

(1848) treaty signed by the U.S. and Mexico that officially ended the Mexican-American War; Mexico had to give up much of its northern territory to the U.S (Mexican Cession); in exchange the U.S. gave Mexico $15 million and said that Mexicans living in the lands of the Mexican Cession would be protected

When was the Mexican-American War?


what strike created a sense of empowerment

1928 cantelope strike

what are some terms used by the census?

1930: Mexican; 1940: Spanish mother tongue 1950/60: Spanish surname

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Census first counts Hispanic in ?


how many nations in the western hemisphere fit this description?

2 dozen nations

when was the first time in modern history that Latino votes were extensively courted in a primary?

2008- hillary v. obama

what is the median age for latinos and what does this mean?

28 and this means they are the YOUNGEST race, so they are more likely to make an impact in elections

Operation Wetback (1954)

A government program to round up and deport as many as 1 million illegal Mexican migrant workers in the United States. The program was promoted in part by the Mexican government and reflected burgeoning concerns about non-European immigration to America. Raids were conducted in migrant camps with no concern for immigration status. Large resources went to border control. Now the majority population were Mexican Americans not Mexican immigrants.

According to prominent Chicano scholars Gabriel Sanchez and Chris Garcia:

A new dichotomy is emerging with respect to Latinos 1)"Hispanics are hip, hot, and what's happening politically..." 2) Latino influence is threatening America's core values/culture

what was the "Brown Scare"?

Americans were afraid of Mexicans, Mexicans living in the border were associated with smuggling and criminal activities

what did the community that existed after immigration decreased see themselves as?

Americans, not immigrants

what did Obama look like in the 2010 midterm elections?

BAD- his ratings went down

Can the Census add any question it wants?

Census Bureau has strict guidelines for how any changes are to be implemented Typically the decennial census is pre-tested over 10 years

who started the UFW and for what

Cesar Chavez, gil padilla, and dolores huerta for economic justice

what is the argument for adding the citizenship status question to the census in 2020?

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross claims this is to aid the Department of Justice in voting rights (March 2018)

why does citizenship data matter?

Courts and Redistricting committees often ask that majority-minority districts be drawn based on CVAP

Crusade for Justice

Founded by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales in Colorado as a platform for movement in the Chicano movement. He wrote the poem "Yo Soy Joaquin/ I am Joquin" which provided a development of Mexican American identity and described their struggles in the United States.-----he expanded la raza onto CO

what was the result of all these racist laws in AZ in 2010?

HIGH HIGH HIGH latino turnout rate---they kept the senate in control and democrats won

Lemon Grove Incident

July 23, 1930, the school board of Lemon grove met to discuss the growing Mexican community. The idea was to create a separate school for the Mexicans. Most of the members had no problem with the decision, but many of the Mexican parents did. Some of the parents didn't send their children to the new school, and some of those parents faced local consequences or deported. The case was taken to court, with the prosecution proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the schools were being segregated.

Laguna Park

Largest protest Aug 1970, massive 33,000. 3 deaths including writer for the LA Times (Ruben Salazar). Laguna Park started peacefully, but police became violent by using tear gas. Ruben Salazar was previously a spanish TV news director, and as a writer he wrote about the law enforcement in a negative light. Killed by a tear gas in the back of his head, some speculated it was on purpose.

Arizona's SB 1070 (2010)

Law passed in AZ in 2010 that required aliens over 14 to register with the government if they would be in the US for more than 30 days and have their documents with them at all times. It became a misdemeanor to not have papers with you at all times. It also gave police the right to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect to be illegal during lawful stop, detention, or arrest. Strictest anti-immigration law in a long time and was very controversial. Made it a crime to protect illegal aliens.

what was Mexico Lindo y Querido?

Mexicans accepted an outside role and lived as if the U.S. was a temporary home.

Example of defacto segregation

Mexico lindo

where did the 3 federal law suits against the citizenship question take place?

NY, CA, MD 2018-19

were Apolitical Mexicans save?

No, all Mexicans were thought to be evil.

how can the census fix the problems that arise from the citizenship question?

Non Response Follow Up (NRFU) Imputation

did latinos support/oppose Arizona's SB 1070?


Rosalio Munoz

One of the early organizers of the Chicano Moratorium and involved in East LA walkouts along with Sal Castro.- president of anti-racist club

what do opponents of the citizenship question say?

Opponents claim it is being used to intimidate immigrants and reduce the true population count

1935 National Labor Relations Act

Prohibited unfair labor practices by management and protected unions.

ralf guzman

RA in mexican american study at UCLA- mexicans believed they were the ones dying in war

1917 Immigration Act

Required all foreigners to take a literacy test to prove they could read a short passage in English. This effectively prevented people from poorer countries from entering the USA

who did chavez target?

Schednley and DiGiorgio liquor in LA as key buyer of grapes they were boycotting

when and where did they start collecting citizenship status information again?

Started collecting data on the annual ACS in 2006


The League of United Latin American Citizens was a middle-class Mexican American civil rights organization founded in Texas in 1929. It focused on ending segregation in housing, public facilities and schools. it also focused on equal treatment, police, and educational opportunities.

What countries may not necessarily "fit" this very general description of latino/hispanic?

Those with ancestors from origins in the U.S. Southwest- chicanos

who are latinos/hispanics?

Those with ancestors from origins in which Spanish is a significant and often dominant language

are latinos incorporated?

Traditional understanding of race, ethnicity, immigration does not apply well to Chicanos, Hispanos, Latinos

Bracero Program (1942-1964)

United States labor agents recruited thousands of farm and railroad workers from Mexico. The program stimulated emigration for Mexico. The mexican gov. negotiated this to get better working conditions for mexicans, but instead they got worse.

Land Grant Movement

Used to initiate the Chicano movement in New Mexico by Reies Tijerina. It sought to recover land taken from the Mexican Americans as a result of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty and the eventual annexation of the American Southwest.

Mexican american movement (MAM)

Youth-focused organization that received assistance from liberal New Dealers. formed in 1942 at UCLA

Chicano Moratorium Committee

a movement of Chicano anti-war activists that built a broad-based coalition of Mexican-American groups to organize opposition to the Vietnam War.

labor organizing served as ....?

a precursor to the chicanx movement of the 60's and 70's

what did these associations lead to besides strong alliances?

a stronger sense of self defense and nationalism for all mexicans in the U.S.

when did the Mexican government failed to help its citizens?

after 1920 when many Mexicans fled back to Mexico

when did the decennial census stop collecting data on citizenship status?

after 1950

attacks on mexican workers

after the great depression: americans wanted to kick mexican labor out, as a result they insisted on being hired in groups, walkouts

what were some spanish language newspapers during the chicano movement?

alianza hispano americana, order of the sons of america (OSA) , pan american roundtable, liga protectora latina..... they all identified as american

Francisco chapa

an important leader in promotion of mexican american rights and identity, he published a spanish language newspaper in san antonio to promote mexican american accomplishments as equally important in texas (alianza hispano americana in tucson, az)

what did nationalism become?

an important response to discrimination and civil rights abuses and slowly created a sense of commonality

what was 2010 rise of the tea party?

anti-immigration sentiment

first success of NFWA

april 1965 strike in Mcfarland CA then mexican and filipino workers walked out of grape farm in delano

Carson national forest and Tijerina-1966

armed occupation kicked out park rangers after winter event included property damage and theft--- he also broke his friends out of jail

what happened as a result of the lack of solidarity and opportunity to the access of American nationalism?

as a result there mutual ad societies/hometown associations that created linkages of people of mexican ancestry across race, class, and generation divide.

what did LULAC promote the idea of mexican americans after WW2?

as war heroes

alfonso sanchez

attorney against tijerina and his land takeover

what is the Harry Reid playbook?

basically if latinos love you you will win president

what was one way mexican americans believed they deserved american status?

bc of their service in WW2

how did early revolutionary migrants craft an identity of Mexico lindo?

by drawing on cultural symbols of the homeland

what explains why latinos dont vote?

citizenship status, low efficacy, age

where did the identity of mexico lindo spread to?

colonias across the southwest

what happened as a result of trying to create identity bridges in the U.S.?

communities often settled in the U.S. in relation to their hometowns or state in Mexico, they had leaders who organized these societies (they collected money and info)

who started the NWFA

dolores huerta, cesar chavez, padilla

when did the U.S. allow waves of immigration?

during times of unoccupied jobs

what did some organizers do in order to promote rights and equal access?

emphasized the long roots of Hispanics

what were individuals of mexican ancestry at a heightened risk for across the southwest?

execution and capital punishment, struggles against this became a unifying effort in colonias and raised nationalism

Mendez v. Westminster (1947)

federal case that determined segregation of Mexican and Mexican-American students in Orange County was unconstitutional

the history of LULAC is equal parts...?

fighting against being classified as negro and fighting for equal treatment as Americans

by the 1940-1950 the mexican ancestry community was?

firmly seeing itself as permanent, american, and entitled to equal rights.

Prop 187 (1994)

goal was to prohibit undocumented immigrants from receiving public benefits in California. Prohibited them from receiving non-emergency medical care and public education. Law has been overturned.---- endorsed by pete wilson

latino unity is ?


gonzales vs. gutierrez for the raza undia party

gutierrez won

what did bush do besides 911?

he conducted outreach to latinos in california

why did people think about obama?

he had a "latino problem" and they would never vote for a black president

if obama had terrible ratings with Latinos in 2012 what changed?

he signed the DREAM act---a hero :,)

Who was Ernesto Galarza?

he started the national farm labor union (NFLU) in the 1940s and fought for better wages, wanted to block the bracero program, and get better working conditions.

1938 El Congreso

held major meeting in LA with over 100 labor groups

what did MAM promote

higher education as an important path towards better treatment and respectability - YMCA was nervous about that

growth and opportunity project report:

if hispanics hear GOP doesn't want them, they won't vote for them

the gang of 8

immigration reform in 2013-2014 with 4 democrats and 4 republicans

latino population is?


why will CA forever be democratic?

it is a direct result of prop 187 and pete wilson's reputation as anti immigration

who pushed the american GI forum?

it was organized by mexican american vets to push more forcefully for equal rights

what did mexicans think being classified as "colored" meant?

it would lead to more segregation

who is working on voter registration?

latino civic and community groups

School Desegregation efforts

lemon grove (one of the only integrated schools in all of CA) - parents boycotted and sued w/ the mexican consul

what was LULAC criticized for?

many viewed it as too assimilationist, sitting out on many cases, too american/too modern, siding with anglos vs blacks

what was emerging following the great depression?

mexican american organizing was emerging in TX, AZ, and the southwest

The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

mexican americans in their 30s/40s found it hard to find a nationalist identity, the chicano movement helped create this sense and mestizo nationalism

the role of mexican consuls

mexican consuls across the US provided assistance, legal services, and nationalism. After WW1 they provided services and protections of mexicans abroad

Mexico de Afuera

mexican government involvement helped to plant strong seeds of cultural affinity and national pride.

arizona mining and unionization

mining was dangerous and mexicans were assigned the worst jobs and paid the least so they banded together to demand better working conditions

what did tijerina accomplish?

nixon administration restored 18000 acres to the Taos pueblo indians

do latinos base their opinion of immigration law on their political views?

no, across all political sprectrums latinos strongly disliked SB1070 because they felt targeted do to their race

does religion, politics, or age play a role in Latino views on certain policies?

no, all latinos strongly favored DACA despite their background

when mexican americans abandoned claims to whiteness they focused on what?

on institutional exclusion

cycle of undermobilization

partys do not target less likely voters so latinos turnout ti vote at lower rates so partys don't target them

AZ during SB1070

passed state laws providing authorization to citizens militia border groups, banned ethnic studies in HS, banned teachers with heavy accents

La Raza Unida Party

political party formed in Texas in order to bring attention to the concerns of Mexican Americans

what is cultural nationalism?

pride from culture while still expecting U.S. rights

mexican american political associations (MAPA) emphasized what?


Chicano activists: 1960s

rejected the strict assimilationist approach and favored equal rights alongside a chicano identity

what was a common tactic MA activists used?

religious/moral cause

who was the first viable latino presidential candidate?

richardson (dem)

example of dejure segregation in Latinos

segregating students in schools

what was ruled at Mendez v. Westminister

seperate schools are unconstitutional based on the 14th amendment, CA governor Warren outlawed mexican schools

how was the chicano similar and different than mexico lindo?

similar: togetherness different: firmly planted the idea of permanency

what happened to Mexican Americans following ww1?

some veterans organizations emerged focusing on mexican americans, their assistance in ww1 was used as prove of their americanness

what were the strongest opponents of capital punishments against mexicans?

spanish language newspapers

who was emma tenayuca?

started labor organizing at age 16 and helped organize garment workers

Zoot Suits/ Zoot Suit Riots

suits with long loose jackets worn by Mexican Americans/Off duty sailors would attack them and then the police came and arrested those wearing the zoot suits

examples of strong tradition of desegregation in mexican communities across the southwest?

tempe 1925 and lemon grove 1930

aztlan as an organizing theme:

that much of southwest was Meztizo/aztec/mexican land that had been illegitimately taken away

mexico lindo during the great depression

the GD almost wiped out all ML general mobilization efforts as they shifted their efforts to help the homeless. Despite few resources, the sense of strong solidarity and nationalism persisted.

who did the U.S. think Mexicans were allys to?

the Germans

what did the U.S. do to prevent latinos from crossing into the U.S.?

the U.S. created strict border rules so that Mexicans could not as easily cross

David Sanchez

the brown berets formed under the leadership of this guy, which organized walkouts in east los angeles high schools.

what caused the civil rights movement?

the general anti-mexican opinion in anglo-americans

newer immigration has occurred in...?

the last 20 yrs

why was it thought that Hillary would win in 2008?

the latino community knew her, who is obama?

What did Rodolfo "corky" Gonzalez organize in Colorado?

the national chicano liberation conference

what did chicanos want to establish?

the notion of belonging and not the myth of the foreigner

Who migrated to the U.S. during the revolution?

the underdogs (lower class) were the cause of the revolution, so the upper middle class were the people who immigrated to the U.S. because they were being attacked.

the untapped latino elctorate

there are many more ELIGIBLE latino voters than there are REGISTERED latino voters

what is one issue these associations dealt with in the 1920s?

there was a collective movement to stop the negative portrayal of mexicans in the media, La Opinion in LA became a leading voice

following the great depression....?

there was an increase in families w/US born children that saw America as their home

what did Mexican americans experience in the U.S.?

there were laws that specifically targeted mexican americans, segregation and discrimination were rampant across the southwest and midwest

During the Great Depression what did the Mexican government do?

they felt the need to cooperate in the repatriation of mexicans in the US. For example, they sent trains to bring mexicans back to Mexico (most immigrants were relocated).

what is the biggest problem republicans have in primaries?

they have to appeal to their base (AKA be racist) but also moderate enough where Latinos will like them

what did the mexican ministry do to provide educational services to mexicans in the US?

they set up a system of escuelitas across the southwest to provide educational services to those excluded.

what did the Chicano movement ideologies have in common with mexico lindo?

they shared the nationalist ideology and passion for equal rights as citizens of the US

did Chicanos consider themselves similar to Mexican immigrants?

they viewed them as different, they didn't consider themselves immigrants but rather oppressed/conquered peoples.

why were zootsuits (pachuco culture) hated?

they were seen an unpatriotic, gang afiliated, wasting material needed in WW2

how would factory owners break strikes?

they would regularly use Mexican labor to break strikes and this created resentment and backlash

how did mexican consuls work with anglo and mexican american attorneys?

to defend immigrants, this created exposure to civil rights legal experience for the next generation of chicano lawyers.

what was chavez's strategy in boycotting the wine producers?

to prevent farmers from being able to sell their grapes to winers

latinos are a ________ ?

very diverse population

what can citizenship status data be used for?

voting rights and redistricting

what did the mexican revolution cause?

waves of mexicans to immigrate to the U.S.

how do we break the undermobilization cycle

when voters appear to have decent vote history campaigns will mobilize them

what did leaders of americanization attempt to portray mexican americans as?

white, like italians

how are voting rights/redistricting currently done now?

with Census ACS data

was access to the ballots limited?

yes, in the 1930s/40s community service orgs helped organize and register thousands to elect Roybal to LA city council in 1949--- Raymond Telles in el paso won as mayor in 1957

did many people keep their mexican citizenship?

yes, many mexicans registered with consuls to maintain mexican citizenship because of the lack of legal representation and services in the US for them. The US discouraged this.

are undocumented immigrants and latinos united?

yes, they HATE discrimination

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