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Mao Zedong

(1893-1976) Leader of the Communist Party in China that overthrew Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalists. Established China as the People's Republic of China and ruled from 1949 until 1976. -i. Born in 1823 ii. Founded the GMD 1. Leader is Sun Yatsen a. Died of cancer in 1925 iii. Adopted idea that peasantry is key revolutionary force

A Series of Serious Problems during CCP Rules

- Enormous Social & Economic Inequality i. Ratio of rural to urban income in China is 1:4 1. Among the most extreme on earth ii. China's population 1. Around 1 million Chinese millionaires 2. About 10% (over 100 million people) living in extreme poverty a. Far fewer than the 60% who were living in extreme poverty after Mao's rule - Low Wages & High Unemployment i. No independent trade unions - Dangerous Workplaces i. Result of insufficient safety regulations ii. b/w 300-400 per day have been killed in workplace accidents in China - Large Numbers of Executions (& organ sales) i. Every year, Chinese executes more prisoners than all the countries worldwide put together 1. Unjust trials many innocent people executed ii. Organs being removed from prisoners while they are still alive - AIDS Epidemic i. Beginning in late 1980s ii. Exacerbated by gov't indifference to cover it up iii. Hu Jintao's gov't tried to bring it under control beginning in

Jiang Zemin's Rise to Power (1990s)

- Was Deng's choice as successor after Tiananmen Square massacr - Last paragraph on pg. 240 - would become core leader of 3rd gen. ii. Deng was 85 y/o in 1989 - needed to pass torch

Red v. Expert Debate

-1958 -Maoists v. Liu Shaoqi -Maoists--> as long as you have human will/pure communists soul, anything can happen and things will just fall into place -Shaoqi--> we need to see results rather than just theories, we need experts to help plan industrialization - Red = sided with Mao i. Did not value education or skills - Expert = sided with Liu i. People should be trained for difficult jobs and they should be rewarded for it ii. Economy rapidly grew when they came into power iii. Paid peasants according to how much work they did iv. Peasants could have small strips of land v. Restored economic health of china by 1962 vi. Restructured Chinese education - reward accomplishments


-punishment of urban people under Anti-rightist campaign -refers to sending people in urban areas to live with the peasants -"re-education" of the rightists (most people were innocent but were swept up into quotas)

Doc 36: China Publishes "Harmonious Society" Resolution

. Issued in 2006 by the party b. "Harmonious society" = calls to mind Confucius (it calls for social harmony and government) c. Most of this document is propaganda d. CCP always rejected characterizations of its policies as capitalist i. This document calls them "socialism with Chinese characteristics" e. 4th paragraph - give themselves 14 years to build a harmonious society f. *Main point - pg. 174, 2nd sentence i. Don't you dare challenge the CCP; don't question it - recall the Tiananmen Square

Democracy Wall Movement (1979)

. Led by Wei Jingsheng ii. Put up large posters in large universities in Beijing to advocate for democracy iii. Movement quickly faltered iv. Desire for political freedom still there in china b. Motivating force for democracy i. Desire for political freedom ii. low salary rate

Core CCP Leaders

1 st generation Mao Zedong (1935-1976) b. 2 nd generation Deng Xiaoping (1977-1992) i. He tried to establish Jiang as his successor and give him an advantage of his backing c. 3 rd generation Jiang Zemin & Zhu Rongji (1993-2002) d. 4 th generation Hu Jintao & Wen Jiabao (2003-2012) e. 5 th generation Xi Jinping (2013-present) f. It was basically a power struggle between people that allowed these people to rise to this position of high power

. Life among poverty-stricken peasants

1969: father, son, stepmother sent from Changsha and to live in very poor peasant families ii. Job was to teach the peasants and enforce the party policies against private groups iii. Heng defended the peasants when they would rebel against Mao's policies

Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao

4th gen. leaders, 2003-2012 - Pragmatic & sought stability & committed to CCP rule - Impressive Economic Growth a. Chinese businessmen joining CCP i. Only party in town ii. Economic policies closer to a textbook definition of capitalism than communism iii. Most favored class in China iv. Contemporary China was very different than China under Mao

Deng: 4 modernizations

Agriculture Industry science/technology national defense

"New Democracy"

CCP first year moderate phase a. New Democracy - alliance to rebuild China with proletariat and bourgeoisie (small-scale entrepreneurs) b. CCP was a Leninist part elite led and ruled; intended to rule as single-party dictatorship

Yan'an Way

CCP headquarters; 1945- 1948. Adopted Maoism and built up the CCP - designed to help CCP help survive blockade by GMD i. Economic Self-Sufficiency: everyone had to participate in agriculture and contribute to growing food ii. Compulsion when necessary: when there were important tasks at hand like building roads, people would be forced to do so iii. Literacy Campaign: peasants taught to read and write; Mao wanted people in his area to be able to read propaganda iv. Mass Line: Mao wanted the party leaders to understand peasant life and their thoughts/concerns party leaders were told to live with the masses for a long period of time before they came together to make policies; Mao still believed party leaders should make policies, but he still wanted them to have real knowledge of peasant life v. Zhengfeng: deals with how people got elected to the party d. 1944: President Roosevelt team sent people to Yanan Way to see how it was going Dixie Mission i. before it got to Yanan, Kaishek found out about it - he got so angry, tried to convince Roosevelt not to continue the mission to Yanan - mission didn't make it to Yanan in the end e. August 1945: Japan surrendered in 1945; they had to get out of China and everywhere else they occupied

Chinese Communist Party: A Dynasty with the Mandate of Heaven?

CCP originally was an anti-revolutionary, socialist party later became a Chinese party b. Look at how power has passed from one leader to the next i. Previous leader would find the leader who would be trustworthy ii. Free market + absolute power c. Power is not hereditary, but there is a clear succession of power similar to a traditional dynasty d. Like past dynasties, CCP seeks to maintain its power by retaining legitimacy in the eyes of the people i. Ex. Right to Rebel ii. In effect, you are holding on to the Mandate of Heaven e. Their policies are not communist, they rule still because they are determined to do so and are doing what they can to hold on to it i. Some, but not a lot of brutality

Socialist Education Movement

Campaign launched by Mao in 1964 aimed at teaching everyone about the virtues of Socialism and stamping out corruption in the countryside - ie abuses by officials in charge of grain requisitioning, allocating labour, accounting, etc. Mao had wanted "the masses" to conduct nationwide struggle sessions against party officials. Instead, Lui sent thousands of party members from the cities to the countryside to learn from the peasants about the virtues of manual labour and to investigate rural officials. Thousands of officials were executed and many more committed suicide. Mao was angry at being overruled by Liu. -b. People didn't want to change the education system c. They tried Mao's ideas, but it didn't work d. Pg. 152-153 (Documents book) - "On Education" i. "The more books a person reads, the more stupid they become" - wanted people of China to read one book The Red Book e. 1965 - decides to attack his rivals and restore ideological purity The Cultural Revolution

New Life Movement

Chaing Kai-shek's movement toward Confucianism, it had very little success -i. plan where China could modernize based on Italy and Germany ii. combination of Fascism and Confucianism 1. Only liked the hierarchal part of Confucianism a. But didn't pursue social harmony or good government i. Kaishek had his Blue Shirts going around enforcing his policies j. WWII - China allied with Great Britain and US i. China's Destiny - celebration of fascism; published by Kaishek VIII. Chinese Communist Party (1920s-1940s) a. Toughened by adversity b. Struggled to survive and to develop a workable ideology

To Live (Chinese film 1994)

Characters i. Xu Fugui - Father ii. Xu Jiazhen - Mother iii. Xu Fengxia - daughter iv. Xu Youching v. Chunsheng vi. Long 'er vii. Mr. Niu 1. Very devoted Maoist 2. Charged and arrested for allegedly being a capitalist viii. Wan Erxi - Important scenes i. Importance of brutality under Mao 1. How pervasive cult of Mao was 2. Little Red Book ii. Marriage scene at end 1. It didn't protect you to be a member of the party, you could still be charged during C.R. - that's what happened to Mr. Niu iii. Fugui goes through gambling problems at beginning - later returns from war to see he lost his house to Long 'er 1. Ran back to his wife and kept saying that they are poor workers, poor peasants - could protect you more than other classifications iv. Fugui recruited by force to be in GMD army - later, likes to be part of it - family outraged when Fugui dies b/c there were no physicians in hospital to help him v. All the family wants to do is just live and avoid all these radical, political movements

Nine-Dash Line & International Opposition

China claims jurisdiction over the Chinese Sea b. Large countries say no these claims; smaller countries look to US for protection i. Worried neighbors, including Taiwan 1. Taiwan and US had formal alliance from 1954-1979 2. Under informal protection from US from 1979-present 3. Chinese gov't insists Taiwan belongs to China

Summary on 1949-1957: Consolidation & Economic Success, but also Mao's Radical Ideology & Disposition Toward Violence Bode Ill for China's Future

China now recognized as significant power in world

1995: declared by UN as the Year of Tolerance

Chinese people petitioned Jiang Zemin for tolerance and the release of the people involved in the 1989 movement from prison

Falun Gong

Chinese spiritual movement suppressed by the government since the late 1990s - Jiang harshly suppressed them - Punished, executed them - Point to make = power is going to stay with the CCP

SOEs (state-owned enterprises)

Companies in which a majority of ownership control is held by the government. a. 60% of industrial economy were SOEs b. party officials, cadres assigned to SOEs - SOEs had to pay cadres even though they didn't do anything

Jiang pushed out Li Peng - Zhu Rongji now the Prime Minister

Decision confirmed at 15th party congress in 1997 i. Jiang and Zhu brought China into the World Trade Organization i. Enabled Jiang "to accelerate the pace of economic reform" in China


Deng went there to demonstrate these were dynamic places part of China's economic modernization - promoted Jiang - Shortly after this, Deng passed the torch to Jiang as leader d. He proved to be a skillful political infighter and was elected by colleagues as President of PRC in March 1993

Fang Lizhi

Document, Pg. 161, "Chinese Needs Democracy" 1. Ties effort for democracy to May 4th movement 2. Government argued Chinese people are not ready for democracy 3. Fang disagrees - trying to inspire people to join the effort and have it become a mass movement a. Fang appealed to Deng directly b. They did win over Zhao Ziyang, Deng's leading partner

Mass Line

Economic policy of Mao Zedong; led to formation of agricultural cooperatives in 1955; cooperatives became farming collectives in 1956. -Mao wanted the party leaders to understand peasant life and their thoughts/concerns party leaderswere told to live with the masses for a long period of time before they came together to make policies; Mao still believed party leaders should make policies, but he still wanted them to have real knowledge of peasant life

May 1989

Gorbachev came to visit Deng; Gorbachev i. International media attention given greatly to democracy demonstration than the meeting

Chen Yun

He came to power after Mao stepped away following GLF. He rolled back Mao's reforms but kept China's communistic views in tact - Opposed collectivization in 1950 - Mao pushed him aside

Liu Shaoqi

He was a moderate CCP politician and designated successory to Mao Zedong. He died during the cultural revolution. He held the position of official headship of state, and had a strong base in the parties. He came to power after Mao stepped away following GLF. He rolled back Mao's reforms but kept China's communistic views in tact - Very smart ii. "An excellent choice for leadership" - book iii. Frugal, didn't live a lavish lifestyle what happened to them a. Liu Shaoqi and Wang Guangmei b. Liu was still officially president, but was targeted by cultural revolutionary's from beginning c. Liu died in prison in confinement in 1961 i. CRIMES d. Deng Xiaoping was also sent to prison, but didn't die i. Took over as PM of China e. Pg. 200, ¾ page down - report on the crimes of Liu

Xi's "Chinese Dream" for China's Rejuvenation (2012)

Hu Jintao - "peaceful rise" i. Xi seeking to overtake US as Asia's dominant military power b. Military expansion, especially navy i. Huge submarines

Persisting Corruption

Hu Jintao tries, but fails i. Hardly able to make a dent in corruption problem ii. Small chance of corrupt officials being arrested - even smaller chance they would end up in jail iii. Corruption seen as a profitable, low risk activity b. Xi Jinping takes down flamboyant populist Bo Xilai i. Bo 1. Very outspoken and charismatic 2. Seen as a threat by Xi ii. Xi charged Bo with murder and ill-gotten riches 1. Bo and his wife sentenced to prison for life iii. Xi took down a major rival and made himself look good in the processc. Anti-corruption activities benefit Xi i. Purged around 300 officials, including high ranking individuals in gov't and military ii. Gained a lot of credibility and popularity in the process iii. **Large scale corruption continues** 1. Would need an independent institution, like the Censorate, to help weed out corruption

Tiananmen Square Massacre

In 1989, demonstrators peacefully assembled to push for greater democracy in China; when the demonstrators refused to disperse the government sent in troops and tanks -June 3, 1989: troops open fire on demonstration - order was to shoot, fire, kill - massive carnage i. Burned a lot of bodies to eliminate evidence ii. Tens and thousands of casualties -. Widespread arrests 2. Large number of public executions, especially workers and some student 3. Professionals, especially teachers, firedForeign newscasts banned from China 5. Education a. To go to college... i. Had to prove you were politically acceptable ii. Before student could go to college, they had to do 2 years of service b. Students could not go abroadg. Results i. Fang managed to escape to embassy - ended up in exile in England ii. Most people either died or arrested

The Liang Family

In child care center when he was 3 y/o - misbehaved b. Parents i. Mother: security guard ~ father: reporter ii. Very devoted to the party c. Tragedy in 1956-57 i. Mother concluded three criticisms labeled as a rightist punished and sent to live with peasants children known as children of rightists ii. Father - very upset with wife; blamed her and served her divorce papers - Children didn't understand why they were separated from mother so long

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Japanese conquest and destruction of the Chinese city of Nanjing in the 1930s -GMD army was scandalously inept and corrupt i. People were recruited by force to become soldiers ii. They would just print money when they couldn't get enough from business owners and merchants hyperinflation g. Chiang Kaishek basically just failed as a leader h. During this period, CCP gained control of more area, more people, army increased in size and strength i. Pg. 116, 2nd paragraph - statistics on the growth of the CCP i. Red Army used guerilla warfare to attack Japanese i. Mao became face of nationalism for China 1. Real nationalists were communists

Gang of Four

Jiang Qing and four political allies who attempted to seize control of Communist government in China from the pragmatists; arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1976 following Mao Zedong's death - Another main competitor was Deng Xiaoping - close ally of Zhou Enlai - January 1976: Zhou died of cancer - Now pressure on Mao from his wife and Deng (didn't like Deng)

Xi Jinping three top positions

Late 2012 - General Secretary of CCP 2013 - President of People's Republic of China 2014 - Head of Central Military Commission - Xi gains control of army (Liu Shaoqi's son Liu Yuan helps)

Doc 31: Excerpts from Resolution on History of Mao's Contributions and Mistakes

Mao Zedong was a constructive figure, and this document parallels it 1. Turning point with Anti-Rightist campaign b. Chronological of Mao's activities c. Favorable i. Bottom of 155 - talks about Long March, praises Mao ii. Top of 156 - shows how Mao was the right person to lead at this time iii. Pg. 156 - "brilliant successes by party led by Mao" d. Turning Point i. Great Leap forward ii. Negative, long assessment of Cultural revolution Deng blamed Mao for all the bad things that happened to China f. Middle of pg. 158 to top of pg. 159 - "The Cultural Revolution was defined...led to domestic turmoil for the party, people, and state" i. The number of deaths back up these statements g. *Big parallel from this document to the trial of Gang of Four h. This document is just criticizing Mao for what he did wrong i. but the Cultural Rev could not have happened without Mao ii. He did mean to unleash chaos and wanted to regain power i. Deng doesn't think document is accurate, but this is as far he willThe CCP still rules China as a one-party dictatorship - they wanted to before and they want to now ii. In order to do now, they need to have legitimacy iii. They know that if you tear down Mao, the people will question them about their legitimacy to rule j. Ending i. Very praiseful and effusive towards Zhou Enlai ii. Thanking him

Hoa Guofang

Mao named Hoa Guofang as his successor d. 1976: dramatic, chaotic, surprising year e. pg. 215, halfway down first paragraph - describes how disorderly things were


Most dramatic and great success in end 2. Took down people's communes Went back to the tradition of private farming a. Small household farms distributed to peasants - held under long term leases for reasonable rents - peasants could they what they wanted with the lands (sell, grow, eat) 3. Idea that farming would be more productive in China and peasants would be happier a. "Economic miracle" - book 4. Food surplus - even available for export 5. Parallel to what happened in Russia with the NEP a. DIFFERENCE: Soviets and Lenin did NEP because they thought it was necessary at the time and Stalin took it down once he got to power --- Deng did this because he wanted it be permanent 6. It was a free market system a. Class of prosperous peasants formed (similar to Kulaks) 7. Peak at 1970 a. Soil exhaustion and soil erosion 8. Problems a. Parents wanted children to work on parent's farms - many school kids kept out of school to help with farms child labor very valuable b. Deng initiated "One Child Policy" in 1980 i. But many rural families would still have 2 nd or 3rd child - gov't would tax them for extra children - families wouldn't register them and those children wouldn't exist ii. First-born child = girl wide-spread feminine infanticide 1. 1944: Amendment passed that if you're first born was a girl, you could have another iii. First-born child = boy considered the best workers

Xi Jinping

President of China - Xi's background i. Father was with CCP in Yanan and fought Japanese while he was there 1. Later, purged and imprisoned by Mao several times 2. Deng rehabilitated him 3. Father became leading architect of Special Economic Zones in early 1980s - After being beaten by Red Guards, he was among the privileged youth to go and work with the peasants during Cultural Rev 1. These youths experienced real hardship 2. During this, his father was being harassed by Mao 3. With the peasants from 1965-1975 iii. Brutal experience with the peasants - Developed a strong desire for stability

Jiang 3 Top Positions

President of Country Head of Central Military Commission General secretary of CCP

China's Many & Serious Environmental Challenges, & Efforts to Address Them

Problems i. 16/20 most polluted cities in China ii. Waste gets dumped into lakes and rivers iii. Smog = frequent trips to ER = no school days iv. 2015 - Beijing Mayor says his city is "unlivable" v. Many politicians take bribes to protect polluters b. Public protests i. Happen frequently and around the country ii. Central gov't in Beijing allows them, seeing them as a safe outlet for "citizen discontent" c. Chai Jing video - "Under the Dome" i. Posted a video how pollution was threatening the health of her new baby daughter 1. Saying gov't doesn't do anything 2. Concluding by asking Chinese citizens to take a stand ii. Video viewed by 300 million people iii. Video highly praised by Chinese prime minister iv. Gov't ordered video to be withdrawn from Chinese websites

Deng moved quickly to undo damage - but, it would take a while to restore everything

Results i. Legacy of the Lost Generation ii. Culture changed after - combination of old and new iii. Mao's reputation tarnished, but he's still viewed as heroic 1. The main villains of CR were Jiang, the Gang of Four, and Li

Jiang Zemin

Successor of Deng from 1997 to 2002; continued economic reforms and liberalization -President, Jiang fought against corruption - despite these efforts, corruption is still a widespread, serious problem for Chinese people - Took down a group called Red Princes (children of high level engaging in corrupt activities)

Sino-Soviet Split

Tensions between the USSR and China that rocked the communist world - But they signed 30-year friendship treaty in 1950? b. Legacy of Chinese bitterness towards Soviet Union i. Stalin backed Chiang Kaishek b/c he wanted GMD to win so he could control them 1. Switched to Mao when it looked like was going to win 2. Mao's resentment and admiration toward Stalin - pg. 149 c. Ego battle b/w Khrushchev and Mao Zedong i. Both thought they were the most powerful leaders ii. Khrushchev gave a Destalinization speech in 1956 - Mao's rival used this against him 1. Mao mad at Khrushchev for embarrassing him - blamed him for bourgeoisie reforms d. Mao's criticism of Khrushchev's view of the U.S i. Khrushchev wanted peaceful coexistence - Soviet Union and US can exist without going to war; war would have wiped out both countries ii. Mao condemned Khrushchev for doing so - against peaceful coexistence e. Mao's resentment w/ Soviet Union i. Bottom of pg. 182 - what Mao said about nuclear war (1957) 1. He has a callous disregard of human life ii. Mao promised Soviet Union would share nuclear weapons with U.S - but Khrushchev said no at end - Mao became mad and resentful f. Issue with Taiwan i. Mao wanted to attack Taiwan, but that would mean war with US ii. Asked Khrushchev to back Mao if US attacks Mao iii. Khrushchev said no - Mao very angry g. In 1960, Soviet Union withdraws all aid to China h. 1962: Border war b/w China and India i. China won ii. But, Soviet Union backed India i. Even after Khrushchev stepped down, there will still bad ties b/w Soviet Union and china

Second United Front

The Second United Front was the alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the Second Sino-Japanese War that suspended the Chinese Civil War from 1937 to 1946. Followed Xian Incident. - Chiang was just waiting to catch the communists off guard b. Late 1940: inflicted heavy casualties; wanted to block them off so they would starve

Cultural Revolution

Third phase of CCP: Campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation - a. Wanted to use his cult of personality to outflank the leaders would lead to a spectacular assault on the CCP b. He called it a Great Revolution for the People c. They were hoping to handle this like they did with the Education movement i. In the end, Mao would get his way d. While launching this... i. Had fine political skills and using his skills ii. See his willingness to create chaos and enhance his own power e. Pg. 208 - refers to Mao as the spark that ignited anarchist violence f. Background i. Began in Spring 1966 ii. Posted inflammatory posters and flyers As Mao was crossing Yangzi river, he decided to swim - swam for more than hour - whole idea to show that he has superhuman abilities 1. Next day, newspaper published how Mao had done this extraordinary feat and he has a supernatural leadership 2. He got increased devotion and worship by others 3. Connected most to the youth iv. Army entered Beijing in 1966 turned into virtual anarchy

Literacy Campaign

This was a nationwide campaign to improve the literacy of all Cubans in the year 1961. This since became a matter of national pride as it was allegedly an astonishing success with a reported increase of literacy by 20%. It was responsible for the union of rural Cubans and urban Cubans as many students in Havana and big cities were instrumental to teaching Cubans in rural regions how to read. -peasants taught to read and write; Mao wanted people in his area to be able to read propaganda

Warlord Period

Time period from 1916-1928 when there is no definite leader of china. Small areas are led by warlords. -a. Most were very greedy and self-centered b. The only way warlords could stay in power was to tax the peasants c. Pg. 73 - warlord period referred to as disastrous for China

September 1976: Mao died

To protect himself from Mao's wife, Deng and Hoa formed an alliance h. October 1976: Gang of Four wanted coup to gain power Deng and Hoa tricked and arrested them huge rally in Beijing to celebrate defeat of Gang


Very dramatic, a bit more complicated three segments 2. Permitting of Private Business a. Free market economics where people could set up businesses and run them the way they wished b. 4 million by 1987 c. Described as "phenomenal success" - SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) -SEZs (Special Economic Zones)

Chinese Civil War

War between communist Mao Zse Tong and nationalist Chaing-Kai Shek. The communists took over and forced the nationalists to retreat to Taiwan - Kaishek launched war in 1946 b. In 1948, a lot of GMD soldiers switched sides and brought their American weapons c. Ended up as a one-sided war d. Kaishek arranged to flee to Taiwan with his money and declared that he was still the legitimate leader of China (not reality) e. CCP now won and controlled the country

Anti-Rightist Campaign

Was launched by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Mao Zedong in 1957 in the aftermath of the Hundred Flowers Movement. The Campaign was aimed to critics of the CCP who were labeled as "rightists," that is, counter-revolutionaries. Millions of people were affected and hundred of thousands sent to labor reform camps, many were not released until after Mao's death in 1976. - reversed the Hundred Flowers Movement b. When people would criticize the party, they were punished and labeled as rightists c. Sent to live with peasant familiesThe Cultural Revolution (1966) a. Father targeted i. Shan, and many others, become targets 1. Forced to go through struggle sessions ii. Large posters were made that would account the alleged crimes of the suspect and turn them into an outcast iii. You were presumed guilty, not innocent - would make it worse if you tried to plead innocent b. "Search raid" i. something Red Guards did throughout China 1. oldest daughter joined the red Guards ii. one of the groups broke into Liang home; beat up father in front of kids; trashed house; burned father's books; kept hurting father till father said it was a good fire iii. Heng suffered continuing humiliations 1. 1966: when he was 12, older neighbor recruited him for a "New Long March" group - Seeing and worshipping Mao in Beijing Winter and Spring of 1967: group visited a friend in Beijing they managed to get a glimpse of Chairman Mao 1. He became "the happiest person in the world... with deep joy"

Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai was a prominent and influential member of the Chinese Communist Party during the time of Mao. He played a large role in China's reestablishing ties with the West - Would always be able to stay on Mao's side ii. Always looked for opportunities to moderate Mao iii. He's the one who told Mao to let out Deng because Deng was in prison for a long period of time 1. Deng very grateful to Zhou

Northern Expedition

a campaign to unite China and defeat the warlords. in 6 months, the KMT and CCP defeated 34 warlords. Received food from peasants. KMT and CCP co-operated, together defeating northern warlords and imperialists. The solders on the Northern Expedition asked peasants not to pay rent / debts -

Liang Heng's Good Fortune in Years Following Death of Mao

a. After Mao's death, Deng Shao pin becomes leader b. Education system now focuses on merit c. Heng enrolled in Teacher's College, when he was 24 d. Visiting American professor (Judith Shapiro) - become lovers - Heng's parents approve of marriage i. Judith records Heng's memoirs "Sons of Revolution" e. Their desire for marriage initially blocked by school and Communist party officials f. 1980: relationship b/w China and US was very friendly Mao approved marriage wedding would be a celebration of US-China relationship g. In end of memoir book, Heng reflects back on his life with Mao and his good fortune i. Saw the tragedies with open eyes

Land Reform & Large-Scale Government Violence

a. CCP wanted to redistribute land to peasants - take from rich, give to poor b. Initially, there was a lot of resistance - landowners did not want to give up their land

May 4 Movement (1919)

a. Chen and other leaders drawn very closely to Marxism b. Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu established Chinese Communist Party in 1922 i. Mao Zedong - critical leader c. Li concluded early on that the peasantry was the social group who would lead the revolution in China i. Mao adopted this principle at early age of CCP d. To establish party, invited Soviet Union to help i. Comintern - set up in Russia to promote socialist revolutionaries overseas ii. Their recommendation was that the CCP force foreign powers out of country iii. China couldn't, so they worked with GMD to form the First United Front (1923-1927) iv. GMD said members of the CCP would have to join the GMD in order for them work together 1. CCP was basically a faction in the GMD

Japanese Occupation of Much of China (1937-1945)

a. Chinese suffered terribly i. 15-20 million deaths b. Japan wanted entire country, but that was unrealistic i. So, they took control of all the major cities, industrialized parts, coasts c. Provided an opportunity to Chiang Kaishek to restore his reputation i. He could stand up, mobilize as a leader to fight the Japanese d. But, Chiang did not seize this opportunity - instead, he fled to Chongqing i. Hope to hide from the Japanese and someone else would fight against them

4. SEZs (Special Economic Zones)

a. Cities along the coast b. Formed to encourage foreign businesses to come to china and set up shop here i. Told they didn't have to follow Chinese laws ii. Could have unsafe workplaces, house them in unsafe places, long hours, low wages - no one will say anything c. Caused huge controversy, especially in west i. Is it ethical? d. Opponents of SEZs, in CCP, called them treaty ports i. From the unequal treaties in Opium War - extraterritoriality 1. Treaty Ports imposed by stronger foreign powers on a Chinese gov't 2. SEZs were implemented by the Chinese gov't themselves e. Zhao Ziyang and Deng were constantly struggling against the critics i. Deng maneuvered the system to push out the criticisms and pull in more supporters to CCP

Debates (esp. Mao vs. Chen Yun) Over Proper Path to Agricultural Development

a. Collectivization did not increase agricultural productivity b. Mao vs. Chen Yun i. Mao took side of even more radical program than just collectivization ii. Chen Yun believed you have to give them material incentives (like NEP) c. Mao response - afraid this kind of system would result in bourgeoisie peasant class - he wanted to move fast the Great Leap forward

Famine, 1960-1961

a. Failed one time killed 45-50 million people b. Young people had a better chance to survive

Why was there so much antagonist b/w Chinese gov't and Chinese intellectuals after Deng came into power?

a. Grievances i. Economic grievance 1. State controlled professional salaries and they weren't going up - Many of the best Chinese grad students went to study abroad and never came back 2. Peasants becoming wealthy under new economic reform ii. Wanted to add a 5th modernization - democracy 1. Deng not inclined to grant it - wanted CCP to continue to rule country b. There were disagreements b/w the top leaders of china on how to put reforms in c. 1986: large demonstrations began - large numbers of people arrested - Hu Yaobang supported democratization i. When Gorbachev took over in Soviet Union and enacted his reforms programs, including Demokratszia

Mao's Complaints

a. He was on the outside for all decisions b. Said the education system was elitist c. Didn't like the class differences d. People were afraid to tell Mao his ideas were wrong

Severe Tensions b/w Mao and Chinese Intellectuals (Hu Feng Targeted)

a. Hu Feng - believed he should be able to criticize party - wouldn't tolerate it - imprisoned for him

Doc 29:A Proposal Aimed at Averting Civil War in China,

a. If there's a civil war, the GMD would not win i. They don't have enough motivation b. Pg. 144, 4th paragraph - talking about communist reforms i. The communists are pretty strong now, the GMD won't win c. Has three alternatives to it - Truman only adopted the last one i. Pg. 146, last paragraph 1. Truman sent George Marshall to China - Marshall spent an entire year with Mao and Chiang to broker an agreement 2. Mao played along and had flexibility 3. Chiang was adamant; wanted to use the US weapons to fight communists 4. Marshall blamed Chiang Kaishek more than Mao for the failure of his mission a. US refused to provide significant aid to Chiang Kaishek

Xian Incident (1936)

a. Kaishek cut a deal with a warlord here - asked the warlord to help Chiang defeat the communists b. Warlord kidnapped and incarcerated Kaishek - told him that until Kaishek stopped going after communists and fight the Japanese, Kaishek would stay in prison - Kaishek fake agreed to get out of prison c. Warlord made agreement between Mao Zedong and Chiang Kaishek about them fighting the Japanese Second United Front (1936-1940) i. Wasn't that real

White Terror (April 1927)

a. Kaishek's plan to catch communists off guard and kill as many as possible b. Kaishek made deal with warlord of Beijing to give GMD control of Beijing - hunted and killed Li Dazhao c. 1927 - CCP had been expelled from GMD; the end of the United Front d. Chiang would be dominant force in China for the rest of

Crackdown on Liberalism: "Document 9"

a. Launched systematic attacks on legal experts, journalists, professors, and others seen as disloyal to CCP leadership b. "Document 9" i. Xi demands absolute obedience and shuts out western ideas ii. Attacks "mistaken ways of thinking" iii. The use of western textbooks in Chinese universities is severely restricted iv. Gov't officials attend college lectures - report on any prowestern teachers, who could be fired or demoted c. Charges of subverting power in China could result in life in prisond. - Xi views promotion of western ideas as a much more serious threat than corruption

Story of Lin Biao

a. Lin in charge of military during CR a. Produced the little Red Book b. Led troops into Beijing to start the Cultural revolution c. Would praise Mao as if Mao was god i. Mao had a huge ego, but eventually began to get suspicious of Biao ii. Lin wanted to be one of Mao's successor d. April 1969: Mao wanted to name his successor e. Zhou Enlai becoming increasingly close to Mao Zhou and Lin quarreled Mao didn't like Lin's action f. 1970: coup against Lin g. February 1971: Lin died in plane crash h. 1972: Mao launched condemnation against Lin Biao a. said it was Lin's fault for all the excess of the CR

Document 34, "A Document Circulated Among Senior Party and Government Officials Earlier This Month (May 1989)",

a. Long statement by Deng Xiaoping b. Excerpts i. Pg. 167, 2nd paragraph-bottom of page ii. Bottom of pg. 168, 5 lines from the end c. Takeaways i. Deng will go to any extremes to make sure these movement doesn't succeed, even massive violence 1. "We need to quickly use a sharp knife to cut the tangled needs..." ii. Deng is equating what's happening here to the chaos and turmoil of the Cultural Revolution iii. Refers back to previous document - country needs authoritarianism to succeed economically

Zhengfeng & Mao's Emphasis on the Individual and on the peasantry

a. Mao believed you change individuals through peasantry b. Led by trained cadres of CCP to get people to think the right way c. Radical equality for women - by breaking down traditional family structures, tried to get people to change loyalties from family to party

Thirty Year Friendship with Soviet Union (Feb. 1950)

a. Mao called them "radish communists" b. Stalin only like communists he could control - Mao was independent - Stalin preferred Chiang Kaishek to win c. Mao: with the struggle b/w Soviet Union and US, he wanted to lean one side went to Moscow to meet Stalin signed treaty d. Treaty = 30-year treaty with friendship, alliance (didn't even last 10 year i. Didn't even last 10 years e. Soviet Union provided a lot of modern weaponry to PRC f. Very early benefits for China in the beginning

Change in Relationship b/w China and U.S.

a. Mao never had anything nice to say about U.S. and it was the same vice versa b. Late 1960s-1970s: hatred grown so big that they were worried Soviet Union would launch war on China i. Zhou said to Mao, maybe we should change our relationship with U.S. so they could protect us from Soviet Union ii. Same motivation came from U.S. c. Officials relations made in late 1970s d. Chinese students began to come to US to study various subjects i. Reminding us of the Self-Strengthening movement of sending Chinese students abroad to learn practical subjects 1. In that movement, Confucian tutors had to accompany them 2. Now, they had much more freedom to do what they wanted

Collectivization in Stages

a. Mutual Aid Teams i. 4-10 peasant families would cooperate in farming and still operate independently, but would share tools and buy things together b. Lower APCs (Agricultural Producer Cooperative) i. 20-40 families would combine their efforts and they could own things together c. Higher APCs i. Complete collectivization ii. People got paid according to what they contributed iii. Basically everyone became farmers d. How did he get them to do these things without violence? incentives i. Peasants forced to give up their property for lower prices on seeds and grains e. By 1957, entire agricultural sector had been collectivized i. Much less violence than how Stalin used to collectivize Soviet farms

Chinese Youth

a. No teaching of Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 b. Educated for nationalism i. Ambivalence toward West 1. Tend to embrace US movies, music, sports 2. Negative views of US foreign policy and US power ii. Most youth go along with the country's political structure c. Some freedoms & acceptance of CCP rule i. Trade off most students accept 1. Getting wealthy is fine 2. Questioning political system not so much

Defeat of Gang of Four (Oct. 1976)

a. Not put on trial till 1980 i. Deng wanted to make sure of his political strength before continuing with trial b. Charges (pg. 216) i. Forcing Chinese people to live in fear ii. Attacking CCP members iii. Creating civil wars iv. Restricting foreign trade v. Ruining Chinese education vi. Trying to destroy Chinese economy vii. Etc. c. Are these charges valid based on merit? i. Jiang: we were just carrying out Mao's policies ii. They had contributed to these crimes and all these things happened d. Everyone found guilty and given stiff sentences - not executed, but had long-term prison sentences i. Two given penalty of execution, but they didn't go through

May 4 Era (1915-1922)

a. Period where there was a lot of westward oriented thinking b. Like an urban renaissance of western orientation c. Hoping to modernize China in western traditions d. Chen Duxiu i. Launched a magazine called New Youth promoted movement called New Movement (proponent of free culture) 1. Published in vernacular language ii. F 1. Focus on unfairness of women in Confucianism - compares with western women who have far more freedom 2. Bottom of pg. 124, 4 lines from end iii. Wanted to see China regain its sovereignty iv. Generally, he wanted to promote free culture for men and women v. Very oriented towards west

Cultural Revolution: Bottom Line

a. Pg. 207, paragraph below middle of page - ultimate irony of Cultural Revolution i. CR destroyed culture in the end b. Not a cultural revolution, but a revolution against culture c. Failure in morality - lying became a common thing

Very Impressive Industrial Growth Under 1st Five-Year Plan (1953-1957)

a. Plan focused on developing Chinese industry b. Had a lot of help from Soviet Union c. Chinese industry grew heavily during 5 years d. Another part was collectivization i. Tried to minimize intensity of resistance

GMD Regime under Chiang Kaishek

a. Sun Yatsen is gone, Chiang is now the leader of GMD and President of the Republic of China b. Where does he stand with the original 3 Principles of GMD? i. He abandoned those principles ii. Nationalism - Kaishek did nothing about foreign presence in China; he even cooperated with them 1. 9/1931 - Japan decided to attack Manchuria; Kaishek didn't send any troops to fight back a. Manchukuo (1931-32) - Japanese conquered land and renamed it to this; wouldn't let Chinese people govern it b. 1930 - Kaishek launched an extermination campaign on CCP; killed communists but did not reach his goal c. launched another in early 1931 launched a 3 rd one right before Japanese attacked ignored the fact they came and continued with his goal of killing communists d. 4 th campaign in 1933 - still didn't achieve his objectives e. Asked the Nazis to help Kaishek exterminate CCP for his 5th campaign i. Spring 1934 - CCP realized they had to get out of China before they were killed Long March . Democracy - no voting, no elections; he stablished himself as military dictator; his party became a reactionary party and military party; he governed by force iv. People's Livelihood - didn't favor the masses; allied his group with the elite against the masses; taxed peasants heavily; governed like a warlord; party became quickly corrupt c. Eventually more than 80% of budget spent on military; barely any on agriculture or peasants d. Pg. 93 - GMD's goal to maintain power no matter what e. Became somewhat parallel to the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev Era - this is actually worse f. GMD became a dominant and repressive party g. Kaishek's models - Hitler and Mussolini (Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy)

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) (1920s-1940s)

a. Traditional Marxian emphasis on proletarian as key revolutionary force was not as promising b. After Li Dazhao was killed, official party leadership controlled heavily by Stalin of Soviet Union i. 28 Bolsheviks group - position that urban proletariat would lead revolution c. Mao Zedong came to same perspective of Li - peasantry was a potent revolutionary force d. Late 1920s-mid 1930s: Mao worked out a strategy or set of principles for peasant revolutionary i. Party needed secure, physical bases...where they would be safe from GMD, could develop policies ii. Role of Red Army 1. Red Army had to protect army and bases 2. Army must not abuse poor people; rather, treat peasants with decency and respect 3. Mao believed violence was a necessary aspect of revolutionary battle iii. Human Will 1. Human will was a powerful key for overcoming obstacles 2. How did Mao's view on human will compare to traditional Marxian principles? a. Marx didn't believe humans didn't have much of an influence on development - no individual could affect that b. Mao believed that human will was a powerful backer e. Mao was part of the Mountain Communists i. Conflicts with original communist party over ideology and strategy ii. Nov. 1931: Chinese Soviet Republic - created by 1. 1932: Kaishek attacked 28 Bolsheviks and they ran to Jiangxi province 2. Part of the Long March iii. Kaishek's determination to kill communists' results in Xian incident

Mao Zedong Holds Key Positions in People's Republic of China

a. Was firmly recognized as undisputed leader at end of Long March b. Key Positions i. Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council (during Long March) ii. Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party iii. President of the People's Republic of China (PRC)

Deng Xiaoping's Programs

a. Would dramatically reverse the Cultural Rev i. Often called the 2nd Revolution

Attack on Entrepreneurs & Full Nationalization by 1956

a. Would find a private business guilty of a fake crime charge them assess heavy fines when they found them guilty b. At the same time, raised taxes on all businesses c. These business couldn't afford it gov't loaned them money loans had such a high rate of interest, they couldn't pay them back gov't took control of all private industry d. By 1956, all private industry had been

8th Party Congress

a. referenced Khrushchev's destalinization speech to target Mao i. Themes: collective leadership; no cult of personality b. Mao knew what was going on - didn't like Khrushchev c. Many top figures hoping to nudge Mao aside - they saw him as too extreme and radical drew a division

Jiang path

basically continued on Deng's path - The Third Way i. Economic liberation with free market capitalization, but continuation of one-party dictatorship i. During this period, Deng continued to build dominance of Jiang i. Passed away in February 1997

1944: President Roosevelt team sent people to Yanan Way to see how it was going Dixie Mission

before it got to Yanan, Kaishek found out about it - he got so angry, tried to convince Roosevelt not to continue the mission to Yanan - mission didn't make it to Yanan in the end e. August 1945: Japan surrendered in 1945; they had to get out of China and everywhere else they occupied

Peng Liyuan

celerity spouse of jinping - celebrity spouse i. Major rank in People's Liberation Army as well as renowned celebrity i. Market-oriented autocrat, like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, & Hu J. - Wanted a free market, but at same very harsh autocrat - Changes for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) 1. Sold off some SOEs and cut back the states support for others millions of layoffs for Chinese workers and wave of protests 2. Xi has reimportantized idea of SOEs b/c he likes the state controlling essential products of them

Doc 37: For Freedom, Justice and Love - xu Zhiyong Closing Statement to the Court

concerned about education - like serfdom having to get full education at home Providence


deals with how people got elected to the party

d. Landlords didn't want CCP to stay in power - they were hoping US would overthrow CCP

e. Landlords resisted because they thought US would rescue them Mao said he would use large-scale gov't violence to those who didn't obey f. Violence used to subdue the opposition and show them the CCP is in control g. Land redistributed in process - Mao gained more support for CCP from the peasants

economic self-sufficiency

everyone had to participate in agriculture and contribute to growing food

Li Peng

former premier and chair of the NPC; the most prominant leader of conservatives - In an agreement with Deng about pro-CCP rule - Li opposed economic reform program - Deng didn't want him

Liang Heng's disillusionment & struggle to live with dignity and integrity

i. 1970: Heng falsely accused of participating in a major Chinese conspiracy ii. Held in confinement in his school; principal kept browbeating him Heng contemplating to take his own life iii. Since then, Heng does what he can to live with dignity and integrity 1. No longer emotionally devoted to Mao 2. Figures out ways to beat the system

Document 33, "Neo-Authoritarianism",

i. 2 nd line - Deng not really happy about democracy e. May 1989: 30,000 Chinese students declared hunger strike and said they wouldn't eat till they had democracy i. Led others to rally for cause ii. Millions of demonstrators - took place in 341 Chinese cities with over 100 million people involved

The "New Long March"

i. A way for young people to connect on an emotional level to Mao and the other CCP leaders ii. They would reenact mini marches iii. Suffering made them feel more in touch with Mao and the leaders Heng was very excited to be part of this experience

Chiang Kaishek (1887-1975)

i. Appointed commander of the United Front Army ii. Brought to Russia to study military tactics iii. Went to Soviet Union in 1923 developed an intense hatred of communists - yet, they were still allies of the GMD iv. After Sun Yatsen's death of cancer in 1925, party split into two factions 1. GMD Right - led by Chiang Kaishek 2. GMD Left - mostly civilians

Cultural evolution effect on Education

i. BIG CHANGE: break from tradition - before education was honored and the curriculum was demanding; now, many of the best students pushed out to live among the peasants Xiafang ii. Standards were sharply lowered iii. Curriculum drastically revised - political education was the focus, in particular the study of Chairman Mao iv. Students learned nothing useful and couldn't help out when it was needed in the new Chinese dynamic known as the Lost Generation v. Mao's view of education put into place - the more books you read, the more stupid you become

Zhou Enlai: end of cultural evolution

i. Basic tendencies were moderate ii. Knew Mao and not to cross him and to go along with his ideas iii. Stayed close to Mao and when he had the opportunity, he would try to moderate Mao's ideas - we need to bring order back to the society b. Education and reform policies stayed intact till Mao died c. TO SUM UP THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION i. "In the end, Mao regained authority at the expense of millions of Chinese" (Bottom of pg. 208-209)

ADVANTAGES of CCP over Bolsheviks

i. CCP had governing experience ii. Bolsheviks, after seizing war, had to fight another civil war; the CCP had already fought, they didn't need to fight iii. CCP brought popular support, Bolsheviks didn't iv. CCP had Mantle of Nationalism - had already fought in a patriotic war v. When Bolsheviks took power, they were completely isolated internationally - CCP had Soviet Union

On paper, GMD looked strong

i. Chiang made it harder due to the way he treated people 1. Systematic looting 2. Continued policies to enrich landlords at expense of peasants ii. There was a democratic movement in central China 1. Chiang used violence against them iii. He was just making himself less and less popular

Cultural evolution effect on Arts

i. Culture had to be proletariat as defined by the leadership ii. Led by Jiang Ching, Mao's wife iii. Those who were willing to change and were lucky enough to not be targeted were given the job to make campaign posters and political jobs 1. Similar to how Stalin enforced Socialist Realism iv. Real creativity stifled and people who wanted to express themselves were punished for it v. Art and literature had to portray common people (especially peasants) as heroic people vi. Western music banned

Hundred Flowers Movement, 1956

i. Initiative by Mao ii. Let 100 flowers bloom - basically told Chinese writers to say what they want; give them a high degree of freedom iii. Mao hoping for mild, low-key criticisms to help the party 1. Liu was right - movement brought harsh criticisms of party

Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957)

i. It was basically a reversal of previous movement by Mao ii. Anyone who critics gov't would be labeled as a rightest and be punished severely 1. It wasn't just against critics iii. Massive amounts of false accusations and massive amounts imprisoned 1. About 98% of those labeled rightists were falsely accused iv. "Xiafang" = sending people from urban areas to peasant families d. Mao embarrassed by this - he said he just wanted to find out who the enemies were i. Most were loyal supporters of party, just happen to get caught in cross fire

Cultural Revolution:What are one or two reasons why this turned into such a big anarchy and spun out of control? What factor caused this?

i. Mao pushed people to break away from tradition and their families ii. Mao closed the schools and universities to get the youth to form the Red Guards with the youth as the leading force 1. Cultural revolutionaries broke out all over China iii. He indicated to the police and other authorities that they should leave these youth revolutionaries alone 1. Leave them alone if they get too violent - they are doing this out of pure revolutionary zeal unleashed a virtual reign of terror a. Pg. 207 - first-hand account by survivor; students beat their teachers b. The youth were told that people with old ideas needed to punished 2. No presumption of innocence 3. A lot of loyal party leaders became targets h. Some cultural revolutionaries in Shanghai overthrew CCP and established Shanghai Commune i. Problem: Mao got his way, but there was so momentum to this that it couldn't stop i. There would be mini civil wars all over China

Korean War

i. N. Korea invade S. Korea US helped to get N. Korea go back to N. Korea 1. US also tried to overthrow communist party in N. Korea - wouldn't back down ii. OUTCOME: stalemate 1. China had more casualties and threw more forces into war 2. US had a more developed military 3. Korea was and still divided iii. Mao and his troops fought vigorously in this war - Stalin sent no one (like a cheerleader) iv. The fact that China was able to hold off US was a sweet boost for China after all they had been through with the Opium Wars

. Communists (Red Army) recruited tons of people

i. Not by force; they were willing to 1. Why? They earned an excellent reputation in the masses ii. In 1946, name changed from Red Army to People's Liberation army

Chai Jing video "Under the Dome"

i. Posted a video how pollution was threatening the health of her new baby daughter 1. Saying gov't doesn't do anything 2. Concluding by asking Chinese citizens to take a stand ii. Video viewed by 300 million people iii. Video highly praised by Chinese prime minister iv. Gov't ordered video to be withdrawn from Chinese websites.

Cultural evolution effect on Foreign relations

i. Raised grave doubts about the stability of the Chinese gov't and Mao - why is the gov't self-destructing? ii. Many foreign diplomats retracted from foreign countries iii. 1967: Red Guards assaulted foreign ministry of Beijing iv. After chaotic first few years, Zhao Enlai brought in more rational policies 1. Convinced Mao that if they didn't reform their policies, Soviet Union would take advantage of v. To protect themselves from the Soviet Union, China started developing a better relationship with U.S.

Liu Shaoqi became Mao's biggest enemy

i. Rivalry about fundamental societal and gov't issues b. Moderates wanted to draft a constitution and code of laws for China i. Sets limits and makes rules on the extent of gov't to act on its citizens c. Mao ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED - didn't want there to be a limit on the powers for the gov't; didn't want citizens to be given rights totalitarian mentality

Cultural evolution effect on economy

i. Role-swapping (many educated people forced to live among common people) sharply decreased economy ii. Before CR, China developed first atomic bomb 1. Zhou was able to convince Mao to leave the nuclear scientists alone

Chaos in Changsha

i. Spring and Summer of 1967: Red Guard factions form; shooting at each other; got weapons from People's Liberation Army f. Chairman Mao Thought Study Class i. It was total immersion, like boarding, where you were separated from your family ii. This is what happened to the father iii. Sisters signed up to go live among and work with peasants 1. "Way to get in touch with true Chinese experience" - Mao

Li Peng

i. Top party official ii. Opposed to Deng's economic reform program --- also very opposed to democracy iii. Went and spoke to demonstrators - warned them iv. Zhao Ziyang went straight to hunger strikers and told them to stop and not to sacrifice themselves for this - strike came to end before people got worse

May 5, 1929

plastered version of Statue of Liberty made to idealize and demonstrate democracy CCP instated Marshall law

Present day articles: May Fang Misconceived one child policy lives on

shift two child policy - size of pop dropped with Deng - assets blame for not believing in social science - state gov lived off steep fines so grown into complex economic machine

Compulsion when necessary

when there were important tasks at hand like building roads, people would be forced to do so

Red Gaurds

young supporters of Mao during a cultural revolution who held mass rallies to support Mao and traveled around China attacking government officials and others who didn't fully support Mao.

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