christian doctrine 1

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Which of the following terms used by Jesus to describe God is an intimate term for father


Who taught that there was a time when the Son did not exist


This theologian wrote such works as Confessions and City of God


This argument for the existence of God states that we can know God exists from five features in nature: (1) motion, (2) cause and effect (3) necessary being (4) degrees of perfection and (5) purpose

Cosmological argument

Theology is first and foremost done for this audience


The name El-Shaddai means

God Almighty

The name El Olam means

God everlasting

Modalism argues that

God wears three different masks so that when we see the Father, Son, and Spirit we are not seeing separate persons, but only one God playing three different roles.

The immanent Trinity refers to which of the following

God's eternal communion as Father, Son and Spirit

According to the textbook, is the Logos of John 1 more related to Hellenic or Hebraic thought


------ teaches that there is a possibility that those who respond positively to general revelation may be redeemed, even if they never hear the explicit proclamation of Christ and earnestly trust Him.


argued that the God of the Old Testament was not the same as the God of the New Testament


In relation to theology and science the textbook argues that the two are:

Overlapping research programs which should remain in conversation and partnership

While Scripture is the primary source and ultimate authority for theology, the textbook offers other sources to consult when doing theology. Those sources are:

Reason, Culture, Experience, and Tradition

The impassibility of God means

What God has done outside Himself in creation and redemption

The most common designation for God in the Bible is


In relation to human knowledge and how human language functions, the textbook argues that our knowledge of God is:


Our knowledge of God is similar to our language about and knowledge of created reality


The idea that there is no God


A discipline that studies the various biblical texts while seeking to apprehend and express their unity, and to do so by means of categories taken from the texts themselves

biblical theology

In relation to the question of truth is the question of knowledge, can humans access objective reality. Choose the position below that teaches knowers are constrained by the limitations of their rational and empirical faculties and by the historical and cultural locatedness of their attempts to gain knowledge.

critical realism

According to Romans 1:18-23 Paul argues that people who do not have special revelation do not have knowledge of God


According to the textbook, developing a systematic theology is a means of cultivating our knowledge, but not our love of God.


According to the textbook, the Bible attempts to prove and argue for the existence of God


According to the textbook, the framework for how we organize our systematic theology is found in reason.


As Augustine wrestled with the relationship between faith and reason he determined that reason was autonomous from faith and that the two were mutually dependent.


Elohim is the most common designation for God in the Bible


From the beginning of the Baptist movement, Baptist churches have held both to the reality of general revelation and to the possibility of such revelation leading fallen humans to a salvific knowledge of God.


Hebrew Scripture begins with a narrative that is close to a natural theology


In Genesis 1-3 we discover the foundational truths that God created, that His creation was good, that He created evil, and that he created humans in His image.


In Genesis 3:15 God promises the serpent that He will one day crush the serpent's head.


In terms of the relationship between theology and philosophy, Luther embraced philosophy, metaphysics, and the abstract knowledge of God.


Isaiah argued that humans ought to know the folly of idolatry, but they deny this truth because the natural order does not make it clear.


John Calvin argued that the sensus divinitas can lead humans to a true knowledge of God


Martin Luther held that the 6 days of creation were allegorical and that God did not create in six literal days


Natural revelation is the self-disclosure of God to all rational beings, a revelation that comes through the natural creation, the makeup of the human creature, and the Bible.


Omnipotence argues that God is not bounded by space, but is present in all places True


Since God elected Israel to be His people, the Bible states that he is only active in the history of Israel


The Bible and Plato both hold the position that God created the world from pre-existing material


The Bible does not ascribe jealousy to God


The Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John portray Jesus differently in that the Synoptics present Him as human, while John presents Him as divine


The chapter argued that Genesis 1 does not present the idea of the Trinity


The chapter argued that since God lives outside of our universe that we cannot know anything about Him by His actions in history


The chapter argues that people can respond positively to general revelation and trust God


The complete narrative framework of scripture consists of creation, Fall, and redemption.


The doctrine of the Trinity is fully revealed in the Old Testament


The love of God should be abstracted from his holiness when explaining the attributes of God


The writers of Psalm 8 and 19 did not consider that the sun, moon, and stars conveyed true knowledge of God to people


Theology is a discipline that helps Christians order their lives, but it does not give an interpretation of the whole world and its purpose.


Theology is a relational discipline and is not about the proper ordering of concepts and ideas.


Timothy George argued in the chapter that the doctrine of God is important but does not have immediate and practical application to how we worship, what we preach, the content of our prayer life, or the way we live in the world.


When constructing a theology of creation, we should begin with science and philosophy


While God exercises providence over creation, he does not exercise governance in order to maintain humanity's free will


While God's faithfulness can be seen through the natural order, believers are not able to recognize His sovereign power to keep His promises through the natural order.


While human beings have a conscience, this is not considered part of general revelation according to the textbook


The three overarching areas of providence are:

governance concurrence preservation

The theory and philosophy of interpretation


Romans 1:18-23 states that the creation reveals which of the following about God. Check all that apply.

his omnipotence and existence

Deals with the development of Christian doctrine over time after the completion of the Bible

historical theology

This argument for the existence of God argued that God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived.

ontological argument

Humanity's perception of general revelation is clouded because of:

our depravity

According to the textbook, the most explicit aspect of general revelation in relation to human beings is which of the following

our moral conscience

The idea that God is the universe, and the universe is God


The theology of the first four centuries of the church is labeled

patristic theology

This understanding of God rejects the idea that God knows the future and argues that instead of having providence over the future, He only controls the present. It also argues that everything in creation, including God is always changing. This theology is called.

process theology

In relation to tradition as a source of theology, which of the following is accepted by Southern Baptists as correct.

single-source theory of tradition

A discipline that draws from the Bible and its narrative in order to conceptualize and articulate the biblical faith in a comprehensive, well-proportioned, and unified manner for a particular cultural context

systematic theology

This argument of the existence of God teaches that the hand of an intelligent designer can be seen in the nature and purpose of everything that exists

teleological argument

The Scriptures seem to identify general revelation as found within which of the following: check all that apply

the order and design of creation

According to the textbook, the four movements of the narrative of scripture frames Christian theology in what two ways.

they frame the core doctrines of the faith they order and connect the core doctrines

While Christian theology recognizes Christian scripture as its norm, it does not deny the significance of these other four areas.

tradition, reason, experience, culture

A central goal of general revelation is to provide the foundation for worship


According to the textbook humanity's perception of natural revelation is clouded by its depraved nature.


According to the textbook, Scripture is the primary and privileged source for Christian theology, providing a true and trustworthy word about God and his world, an infallible interpretation for all times, and all places. It is grounded in human history and provides a universal vision of God and his purposes.


After creating the world, God put humans in charge of His creation


An emanationist view of creation argues that the universe is of the same essence as God and is the product of successive overflowings of God's essence.


Because of the Fall God removed his immediate presence from humanity and spoke to them by his mediating word because of their idolatry and rebellion.


Calvin endorsed a literal reading of Genesis 1 in which God created the world in six 24 hour days


God's covenant with the cycle of days and seasons indicates the stability of His covenant promises to vindicate His people and establish His kingdom


God's governing activity over creation extends to his overarching plan for creation, but does not involve the sinful actions of people


John Calvin argued that due to man's inability to know God because of sin that God must descend to man to make Himself known.


Natural theology is an attempt to build a theology on the basis of general revelation, apart from God's witness in Scripture


Religious pluralists argue that God has revealed himself in general revelation through at least some of the world's non-Christian religions


Schleiermacher argued that the Bible was the record of the religious experiences of ancient people and is hence not authoritative for today.


Sustained reflection on God's revelation of Himself and His purposes should lead us to see the unity of the story in the Bible.


The Bible says that there is much about God that we will not know


The Bible teaches that God acts in the history of Israel, the affairs of other nations, and in nature


The author argues that to understand the biblical account of Jesus the Trinity is a necessary theological framework


The author of the chapter argues that a solid knowledge of God cannot be obtained by natural theology


The creation reveals not just the existence and power of God, but also his goodness, mercy, and care for the universe


The doctrine of the Trinity is not a construct of the early church that is read back into scripture, but is found within the pages of scripture itself


The idea of concurrence in providence argues that events are fully caused by God and fully caused by creatures as well


The limitations of general revelation result in the necessity of God's address of the human race through the special revelation of Christ and the prophetic-apostolic Scriptures.


The teleological argument attempts to prove God's existence by showing that an intelligent designer can be seen in the nature and purpose of everything that exists


The textbook argues that a theology of general revelation means we can work with others of good-will on matters of social or political justice, even if they do not share our Christian faith.


The textbook argues that if someone treats the unity of God before dealing with God as triune, there is a chance of a low grade Unitarianism


The textbook rejects the position that the Bible tells us why God created, but not how


The word providence literally means to see at a distance


When developing a systematic theology there are certain core passages for each doctrine that we should pay extra attention to, but we should not treat them in isolation from the rest of the Bible.


While general revelation does disclose that there is a God, it does not disclose the meaning of creation


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