CJ 315

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Allen Pinkerton

*Father of Security Agent for the underground railroad; founded the nation's first private detective agency in 1850 called the Pinkerton National Detective Agency

The three eras of security

- Colonial to WWI -Post WWI-2001 -Post 9-11 Era

6. What were some primary issues the PS industry dealt with in the early 1900s?

-National Security -WWI/ WWII/ Cold War / Korean War -Labor Unrest

What is proprietary security? (strengths & weaknesses)?

-Security program controlled and financed by the protected organization -also known as in-house security Strengths: Higher quality, training, loyalty, stability, respect Weaknesses: higher costs, lengthy disciplinary procedures.

5. What were some primary issues the private security industry dealt with in the 1800s?

-labor unrest -meeting needs of growing financial sector

What is a peril?

-specific event - events that cause loss and can be natural → Extreme temperatures, earthquakes, floods Human based perils include: Crime, civil unrest, warfare, terrorism, and accidents

What is a hazard?

-underlying conditions or situations that increase the potential that harm will occur from a peril -Conditions or situations that make a peril more likely -Ex. a chemical company that builds a factory in a floodplain is vulnerable to the risk of flooding

Thief Takers

1600's and beyond -Persons who captured thieves and recovered stolen property for a paid fee by the victim, and in some cases, by the government.

Bow Street Runners

1600's and beyond -operated outside of the Bow Street Court; Small group of legitimate and salaried thief takers who were paid through government funds. Effective in patrolling, responding to incidents, investigating crimes, and capturing criminals.

Shire Reeve

400-1066 AD Individuals whom were elected by the hundred men. Supervised the tything systems within shires.


A chemical or thermal decomposition of combustible organic materials that are broken down by heat and oxidation

What is a hybrid system? (strengths & weaknesses)?

A security operation that employs proprietary security and uses contract security personnel to supplement existing proprietary security staff. combination of both, gives you flexibility Strengths: Allows for expertise in specific areas

Classes of fire

Class A: Ordinary combustible materials including cloth, wood, rubber, and many plastics. can be extinguished with water or dry chemical agents Class B: contains liquids based on their flash points, only vapor burns when ignited. ex) gasoline/alcohol Class C: energized electrical equipment: computers, appliances, wiring, motors. Requires non conductive extinguishing agents

What was the Industrial Defense Program?

Created in 1952 by the US government where those military branches affiliated with the Key Facility were responsible for physical security and emergency management.

What did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 do?

Created the U.S Department of Homeland Security and consolidated 22 separate federal agencies from several departments into one.

Wells Fargo

Created to withhold growing financial sector in 1850. Company would transport gold, money, and financial instruments in New York and eastern U.S

What is DSS?

Defense Security Services - agency of the Department of Defense that is responsible for administering the NISP

What is the fire triangle?

Fire tetrahedron model: need to break exothermic reaction Pyrolysis= heat, fuel, oxygen... have to get rid of one of these

Railway Police Act

Granted police powers to railway security personnel in 1865 in Pennsylvania, leading to the creation of the reading railroad rail and coal police. Sometimes extended protection to steel companies.

Metropolitan Police Act

In 1829 British law, Sir Robert Peel established the first public, full-time police department.

What was the impact of industrialization on private security?

Increased private security. More security officials required to cover mass properties.

What are some theoretical foundations for security?

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs Theory of collective security Mass private property hypothesis


National Incident Management System - a disaster and emergency plan that provides federal, state, county, and local approach to disaster. focuses on mutual aid, preparedness, and resource managment

What is NISP? Who administers NISP?

National Industrial Security Program - regulates the private Industry's access to and use of classified government information. -Administered through the DSS

Natural disasters vs man made disasters

Natural: sudden, extraordinary misfortune cause by force of nature Man made: disasters that are a result of hazards that are created by humans, not the natural environment, which expose humans to some type of threat


Operation Security: the assessment and business intelligent* Risk assessment activities designed to identify potential vulnerabilities Need to identify critical information. Could be many things such as: knowing security detail 2.) who are the threats? Who are the potential threats... EMPLOYEE's. Important to tell employees when to keep their mouth shut Evaluate the organization's information vulnerabilities. 4. What is the impact of a materialized threat? 5. Implement cost effective countermeasures. What are the threats, how will they impact us, and what cost effect measures can we have in place.

Security triangle/ 3 pillars

Personnel security Physical security Information security

What are procedural elements?

Policies and standard operating procedures for security operations and personnel

Statute of Westminster 1285

Post 1022 Established local responsibility for police and security-related activities in walled cities and towns. All able bodied males must carry a weapons and participate in watch system. Formalized the Frank Pledge System.

Frank pledge system

Post 1022 ancient police/watch practice in England where all able bodied men were required to serve the crown by participating in security related actives (called The Watch).

What was the PSAC?

Private Security Advisory Council - Was tasked to advise the LEAA on security related issues and how the private sector could assist in preventing crime. Identified relationship between the police and private sector.

What are combustible hazards?

Products of fire that can be grouped into toxic gases, heat, and smoke

What are building elements?

Protective elements associated directly with making structures more resilient to the actions of an adversary

Growth of security in U.S what industry was most security?


What are private justice systems?

Rules, regulations, standards of conduct, and punishments established by private enterprises. -codification

supervisory control and data access

SCADA attacks. Attacking one component

What is contract security? (strengths & weaknesses)?

Security organization that provides security services to individuals or other organizations for a fee. sends personnel to clients Strengths: Lower cost, flexibility, fewer direct personnel issues, objectivity, expertise. Weaknesses: inadequate training, failure to conduct background investigations, higher attrition.

key elements in protecting computer networks

Segmentation- separate vital components. Choke points- filters and firewalls Planned redundancy- multiple firewalls, multiple systems

What is a fire?

State process or instance of combustion rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and light We can have a fire without flames

Mass private property hypothesis

States that areas of public life were once the domain or control of private companies. • With the growth of private properties and the changed nature of private properties, we have the growth of security • With private security, private forms of justice are used

Theory of collective security

States that individuals will engage in self-protection activities when they feel instability with existing forms of protection provided by government. Mutual aid and protection

What is safety

The absence of accidents

How did LEAA contribute to the PS industry?

The private sector adopted many practices and new technologies generated through LEAA's funding of police programs.

What is security?

There is no one definition. -Freedom from risk or harm; safety

Fire load

Total energy content of combustible materials in a given area

What were the Hallcrest Reports?

US department of Justice funded two additional studies of the private security industry. -Published in 1985 and 1990 and reaffirmed the need for training and regulation of the security industry.

Malicious code attacks

computer code designed to gain entry into a system, in order to steal information and/or cause damage to data and systems. Trojan horse- program Viruses: malicious pieces of code Worms: carry viruses and allow trojans to be replicated. Copy themselves into a system and automatically execute logic bomb:something has been implanted in your system and a date,time, or keystroke that will launch it.

Type I cyber crime

computer is the target

What is oxidation?

consumption of oxygen


decoding of information


encoding of information

Stand Pipe Sprinkler

for fire departments, to hook up their water, actually carry water to sprinkling system


hoax website similar to original

Fuel load

human activities in combination with the mass of conbustibles

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

humans have apriotity needs, safety and security Self-actualization esteem affiliation security physiological


illegally entering someone else's system

Mass private property hypothesis:

increase of private property increase private security

What were we concerned about in the early 19th century?

industrial security/national security


internet based computing used for external storage

What are some of the roles/functions of private security?

loss reduction, prevention and protection

intentional tort

not an accident - is willful tort activity, such as assault, false imprisonment, and defamation of character

collective security

people bonding together for mutual protection

Business continuity management

protecting resilience of company by protecting information

Negligence Tort

pure accidents

What is a risk?

uncertainty or potential for injury, loss, or harm Degree of vulnerability

Type II Crime

use computer to facilitate cybercrime (obnoxious content: ex—spam, porn, internet fraud)

What is the nature & extent of workplace violence?

violent acts including both physical assault and threats of assault directed toward workers and those in the workplace Types of workplace violence: 1. Criminal intent 2. Customer client- person has a legitimate reason to be there 3. Worker on worker 4. Personal relationships

Wet Pipe Sprinkler

water in the piping system

Dry Pipe Sprinkler system

whole piping system is full of compressed air, once drops a valve opens then water comes through. Usually in parking ramps if worried about freezing

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