clinical assessment final

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A fever of 100.5 suggests bacterial infection.


Agonal respirations are effective respirations and can be treated with oxygen alone.


Cheyne-Stokes is a very irregular pattern of breathing with periods of fast and shallow breathing but no apnea.


Fever causes a decrease in respirations


If a patient has a + 2 base excess, there is a metabolic alkalosis occuring.


If a patient has a +2 base excess, there is a metabolic alkalosis occuring.


If a patient has a - 2 base excess, there is a metabolic acidosis occuring.


If a patient has a - 5 base excess, there is a metabolic alkalosis is occuring.


If a patient has a -2 base excess, there is a metabolic acidosis occuring.


Low blood pressure causes a decrease in antidiuretic hormone.


Metabolic problems do not cause dyspnea, they cause tachypnea only


Nuetrophils are the type of white blood cell that is useful against allergic reactions and defends against parasitic infestations?


Purulent describes foul-smelling sputum?


Stridor is a sign of bronchospasm.


The Acid fast stain is used to detect PCJ?


The Mantoux skin test can help determine if a patient has HIV.


The Total CO2 on the chemistry panel is the same thing as the CO2 on the arterial blood gas result.


The typical response time of a culture is 12-24 hours?


To avoid barotrauma, plateau pressures should be maintained below 35 cm H2O


You should always tell your patient what you are doing, even when counting respirations.


Which of the following breathing patterns describes Kussmaul breathing?

Fast and deep

Which of the following would cause bronchial breath sounds to be heard in the base of a lung?

Fluid/Puss (consolidation)

Interpret the following ABG: pH 7.35 CO2 50 HCO3 30

Fully compensate respiratory acidosis

What instrument is used most widely to quantify neurologic impairment?

Glasgow coma scale

The term associated with blood tinged sputum is:


A respiratory therapist is assessing a breathing unconcious patient and notices the SPO2 level on 2 liter nasal cannula is 86%. It is determined the patient is oversedated. The most likely cause of the low SPO2 is:


What is a decrease in tissue oxygenation calle?


In patients with lung disease, what vital signs would be expected when blood oxygen decreases? I. Increased heart rate II. Decreased heart rate III. Increased respiratory rate IV. Decreased respiratory rate

I and III

Dyspnea is considered which of the following? I. Objective information II. Subjective information III. A sign IV A symptom

II and IV

What could tissue hypoxia with normal arterial oxygenation

Inadequate cardiac output

Positive pressure ventilation causes which of the following?

Increased blood pressure, Decreased venous return, Increased urine output

What problem is associated with nasal flaring?

Increased work of breathing

Which of the following is true about anaerobic metabolism

It can cause metabolic acidosis, it results in excess lactate production, it results in excess production of carbon dioxide, and it is a very inefficient method of producing ATP

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the term hypoxemia?

It occurs when the patient's PaO2 is lower than predicted.

Which of the following terms describes an abnormal anterior- posterior curvature of the spine?


Which of the following terms describes an abnormal increase in the proportion of circulating immature neutrophils?

Left shift

Which of the following terms is used for white blood cells?


Which of the following terms describes an overall abnormal decrease in white blood cell count?


What clinical disorder will cause a unilateral decrease in thoracic expansion?

Lobar pneumonia

Viral infections cause which of the following?


Which of the following types of leukocytosis is typically seen in patients with viral infection?


To reduce ICP pressures which of the following should be ordered?


Another name for the Partial Derivative test is?


Where should a chest tube be placed to evacuate a pneumothorax?

Mid clavicular between ribs 2 and 3

Patients with tuberculosis often have a significant increase in which white blood cell type?


What disorder is associated with elevation of Troponin?

Myocardial infarction

Which of the following types of white blood cells fights bacterial infection?


If a patient has had head trauma, which of the following is the biggest indication brain death may be present.

No gag/cough reflex

Which of the following terms is used to describe the microorganisms inhabitatating a healthy person?

Normal flora

Which of the following terms is used to describe the microorganisms present in the colon of a healthy person?

Normal flora

Snoring can be a sign of what serious condition.

Obstructive sleep apnea

An inability to breathe while lying down is known as:


Chronic cough is caused most commonly by which of the following clinical conditions?

Postnasal drip

A patient who is alert and oriented times three would know all of the following things correctly except?

President or head of state's name

Which of the following terms is used to describe drooping of the eyelids?


An elevated BNP level of 590 pg/mL is an indication of which of the following?

Pulmonary edema

Which of the following terms is used to describe a significant decrease in pulse pressure during spontaneous inspiration?

Pulsus paradoxus

A patient is said to have PERRLA, if which of the following is occuring?

Pupils/eyes react nomally

Which of the following would be the best indicator of tissue oxygenation


Bradypnea is described as which of the following?

Rate below normal

What problem is associated with cyanosis of the oral mucosa?

Reduced arterial oxygenation

An ABG syringe has a bubble in it that went unnoticed. Which of the following statements is true regarding the blood gas results. SpO2 was 93% when drawn

The carbon dioxide results will have a false low reading

An ABG syringe has sat on the counter for an hour. Which of the following statements is true regarding the blood gas results.

The pH results will have a false low reading

If an infection is being effectively treated by antibiotic, which of the following would be true?

The patient's white blood count will decrease, the Gram-stained smear will no longer demonstrate the pathogen

Dyspnea is defined as:

The sensation of being short of breath

Gram stains are used for which purpose?

To give the physican a pilimanary idea of the infectious pathegen based on physical characteristics.

A fever over 101.5 suggests bacterial infection.


A gallop rhythm is the term used to describe the auscultation of an extra heart beat? Lub Dub Dub S1,S2,S3


A large number of epithelial cells indicates a sputum sample must be recollected.


A patient with a low platelet count is likely to develop bleeding?


Chest pain is always considered a serious symptom and should never be taken lightly.


Cirrosis of the liver can lead to Hemetasis.


Combativeness can be caused by poor ventilation and oxygenation?


Edema can be a sign of corpolmonale caused by lung disease.


Elevation of CK-MB is associated with Myocardial infarction?


Elevation of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels in the blood suggests kidney failure?


Eosinophils are the type of white blood cell that is useful against allergic reactions and defends against parasitic infestations?


Excudate fluids are caused by infectious processes.


Fever causes an increase in respirations.


Forceful coughing can cause rib fractures?


Green Sputum often indicates infection.


High sodium levels in the blood suggests dehydration?


Hyperventilation should be used with caution to lower ICP levels.


If a patient has a -3 base excess, there is a metabolic acidosis occuring.


Low albumin levels may result in fluid leaking out of the capillaries?


Low blood pressure associated with positive pressure ventilation, causes an increase in antidiuretic hormone.


Low potassium is associated with heart arrythmias?


Patients on ventilators often develop delirium, and confusion.


Phychiatric issues such as anxiety, cause dizziness, fainting, dyspnea and chest pain.


Renal disease is associated with elevations in Creatinine and BUN?


Secondary polycythemia can be caused by any medical condition that causes chronic hypoxemia?


The Mantoux skin test can help determine if a patient has TB.


The classic dividing line between transudates and exudates is a protein to serum ratio of 0.5 ?


The classic dividing line between transudates and exudates is a protein to serum ratio of 50%.


The immature neutrophil is called a Band?


The typical response time of a culture is 24 -48 hours?


Ventilator patients should always have an oral or naso gastric tube?


Ventilator patients should always have an oral or nasogastric tube?


For which of the following disorders does a skin test use purified protein derivative (PPD)?


Which of the following are ways ot avoid oliguria?

Use diuretics

Which of the following will help with ventilator associated oliguria?

Use diuretics

How do you decrease the V/Q mismatch associated with positive pressure ventilation?

Use modes that allow for spontaneous breaths

What is the most common physiologic cause of hypoxemia in patients with lung disease?

V/Q mismatch

If dehydration is suspected in a patient, which of the following parameters should be monitored?


What would be a pertinent question to ask a patient who complains of coughing up sputum as one of his symptoms?

When did you start coughin up secretions?, What color is the sputum?, How much are you coughing up?

A gallop rhythm is the term used to describe the sloshig of turbulent blood flow.


A patient with a low platelet count is likely to develop blood clots?


Although vascular tone and blood pressure are effected by positive pressure ventilation, the cardiac output stays the same


COPD patients need to eat 2 to 3 large meals a day to decrease the digestion time


Dehydration alone, can not cause failure of the mucocilliary system of the lungs


Digital clubbing is associated with hypoxemia.


Elevation of BUN and creatinine levels in the blood suggest liver failure


Elevation of CK-MB is associated with kidney failure


Elevations of sodium levels in the blood suggests fluid overload


Erythrocytes is the term used for blood platelets


If a patient has a - 5 base excess, there is a metabolic alkalosis occuring.


If a patient has just eaten a meal, it is acceptable for the thearpist to assume the chest pain is from heart burn.


In the physical examination, subjective data gathered are referred to as signs.


Lymphocytes are the type of white blood cell that are most numerous in the body


Lymphocytes are the type of white blood cell that is useful against allergic reactions and defends against parasitic infestations


Neutrophils are the type of white blood cell that are the most numerous in the body.


Patients requiring mechanical ventilation rarely develop delirium or confusion


Renal disease is associated with elevations in sodium and chloride in sweat?


The most common type of anemia worldwide is the result of smoking tobacco.


The sweat chloride skin test can help determine if a patient has pulmonary edema.


To avoid barotrauma mean airway pressures should be maintained below 3 cm H2O


To reduce the effects of positive pressure ventilation, the RRT should adjust the ventilator to increase the mean airway pressures


Wheezing is the adventitious lung sound that is related most closely to a life-threatening problem?


Which of the following shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left

fetal hemoglobin

Which of the following shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left?

fetal hemoglobin

Which of the following triggers is most likely to cause auto triggerin


Which of the following clinical disorders will cause an increase resonance to percussion?


Short inspiratory times create which of the following conditions on the ventilator

high flow and turbulent airflow

Which of the following might indicate poor nutritional status

high serum albumin level

What is a decrease in tissue oxygenation called


Which of the following is associated with a low protein diet

immune compromise

A home health respiratory therapist has been ordered to draw an arterial blood gas on a patient. The laboratory is 45 minutes ffrom the patients home. Which of the following would be the most appropriate way to tranport the blood sample?

in an ice bath

What could cause tissue hypoxia with normal arterial oxygenation

inadequate cardiac output

Which of the following has the potential to decrease a patients blood pressure?

increased PEEP

A decrease in compliance will have which effect on a volume ventilator

increased PIP and increased MAP

Which of the following is not associated with a high fat diet

increased carbon dioxide production

What dietary adjustment might be best for patients with more severe COPD

increased fats

Which of the following is a pulmonary effect of starvation

increased risk of pneumonia

Which of the following is not physiological effect of positive pressure ventilation

increased urine output

Measuring the patient's energy expenditure with the use of oxygen consumption is referred to as ____ calorimetry


What mineral plays a very important role in oxygen transport


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the hypoxemia?

it occurs when the patient's PO2 is lower than predicted

Which of the following are ways to avoid ventilator associated pneumonia

keep head of bed >30 degrees, good oral hygiene every 2-4 hours, suction only as needed not routinely

Which of the following are ways to avoid VAP? Bubble all that apply.

keep head of bed at 30 degreees, Use Hi-Lo tubes, Anti-acids

White blood cells are also called__________?


Which of the following terms describes an overall abnormal decrease in white blood cell count?


What problem is associated with cyanosis of the oral mucosa?

low PaO2

Long inspiratory times create which of the following conditions on the ventilator

low flow and laminar airflow

Which of the following types of leukocytosis is typically seen in patients with viral infection


Another name for the Partial Protein Derivitve test is?


Which of the following ventilator parameters is associated with oxygenation

mean airway pressures and positive end expiratory pressures

Where should a needle be placed to evacuate a pneumothorax?

mid clavicular between ribs 2 and 3

Which of the following types of white blood cells is physically the largest and possibly responsible for the pores of Khon?


Which of the following types of white blood cells is physically the largest?


Which of the following types of white blood cells is the largest?


Patients with tuberculosis often have a significant increase in which white blood cell type


During evaluation of the enzymes, what disorder is associated with elevation of troponin

myocardial infarction

Which of the following types of white blood cells fights bacterial infections?


This type of white blood cell is the main defense against bacteria?


Interpret the following venous blood gas. Interpret the following ABG. pH 7.33 CO2 47 O2 25 HCO3 24

normal lung values with low cardiac output

Which of the following describes a method to help patients suffering from sleep deprivation

observe ICU quiet times

Hypotension associated with changes in posture in patients with hypovolemia is known as _____ hypotension.


Hypotension that occurs when you stand up from a lying postition is known as.


The selected mode on a ventilator is pressure limited flow cycled and patient triggered. This describes which of the following modes

pressure support

A 62 year old man male patient is presenting with shortness of breath and has a BNP level of 590 pg/mL. What is likely his diagnosis

pulmonary edema

A patient presents with an elevated D-dimer. Which of the following would be a suspected disease process or condition?

pulmonary embolism

Which of the following is the most common site for arterial puncture?

radial artery

Which of the following terms describes the sinking inward of the skin overlying the rib cage with each inspiratory effort?


The selected mode on a ventilator is time cycled and flow cycled, patient and machine triggered, volume limited and pressure limited. This describes which of the following modes


A therapist examining a patient encounters an area of skin along the right midaxillary line, which, when palpated, produces a crackling sound and sensation. This is an indication of ______________ in this patient.

subcutaneous emphysema

The medical term for whhen air accumulates under the skin is:

subcutaneous emphysema

What is nitrogen balance useful in determining

the adequacy of protein intake

Regarding skin testing, which of the following describes anergy?

the development of immune unresponsiveness to foreign material

A normal R/Q ratio is 0.8. What does an increase over I indicate

the patient is being overfed

Which of the following might hinder attempts at nutritional repletion in patients with respiratory disease

the use of bronchodilators, simple oxygen therapy, intubation

What test is most useful for screening a patient for protein malnutrition

triceps skinfold

A large number of epethilial cells indicates a sputum sample must be recollected.


A patient with an elevated platelet count is likely to develop blood clots?


Agonal respirations are ineffective respirations and must be treated with oxygen and ventilation.


Assessing the patient's level of consciousness is important because it:, assesses the adequacy of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation.


COPD patients should be encouraged to eat fats and avoid carbohydrates


Combativeness can be cuased by poor ventilation and oxygenation?


Elevation of CK-MB is associated with damage to the myocardium?


Elevation of Troponin suggests Myocardial infarction.


Erythrocytes is the term used for red blood cells?


Excudate fluids are caused by infectious processes


Fetid describes foul-smelling sputum?


Fever causes an increase in respirations


Hyperventilation should be used with all head injury patients to lower the ICP levels.


Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia are associated with irregular pulses and ECG readings?


Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia is associated with heart arrhythmia


If a patient has a +3 base excess, there is a metabolic alkalosis occuring


Iron deficiency is the most common type of anemia.


Low albumin levels may result in fluid leaking into the lungs?


Low albumin levels may result in pulmonary edema?


Low levels of sodium in the blood, suggests fluid overload?


Nasogastric tubes are used to decrease the excess acid in the stomach


Oxygen is essential for life because it is needed for cellular energy production


Positive pressure ventilation causes a decrease in systemic blood pressure


Positive pressure ventilation causes an increase in stomach ulcers


Positive pressure ventilation causes blood to back up to the brain


Positive pressure ventilation causes the thoracic pressures to remain supra-atmospheric throughout the respiratory cycle


Positive pressure ventilation increases the amount of ventilation to the upper portion of the lungs causing an increased shunt


Retractions are a sign of increased work of breathing.


Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea.


Stridor is a sign of upper airway obstruction.


The most common type of anemia worldwide is the result of low blood iron levels


The total CO2 on the chemistry panel is the same thing at HCO3 on the arterial blood gas result


Thrombocytes is the term used for platelets?


Thromboocytes is the term used for blood platelets?


Tube feeding can lead to aspiration pneumonia when the tube is malposition


Tympanic percussion notes occur when the respiratory therapit percusses over air.


Venous return to the heart is enhanced by negative pressure ventilation


To avoid barotrauma peak inspiratory pressures should be maintained below what number

40 cm H2O

A patient smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years. What is the pack year history for this patient?

40 pack years

What is the normal value for arterial pH?


What is the normal value for PaO2 in the adult patient breathing room air?

80 to 100 mm Hg

The sensitivity of a laboratory test is 95%. Which of the following statements best explains what 95% sensitivity means?

95% of the time the test gives a true positive

The normal range for oral body temperature in most people is _____ to _____° F.

97; 99.5

Which Glasgow coma scale score is typically an indication for endotracheal intubation?


Which of the following definitions is consistent with Frank hemoptysis?

Coughing up bright red fresh blood.

Hypoxemia results in which of the following?

Dilation of the blood vessels of the major organs, Constriction of the pumonary blood vessels, Dilation of the cerebral blood vessels

Secondary polycythemia can be caused by which of the following?

Diseases causing Chronic hypoxemia

A therapist walks into a room and notices the patient is unconcious. Which of the following would be the first concern for the RRT?

Does the patient have a patent airway

What is the term used to discribe eyes that do not turn when the head is rotated from side to side.

Dolls eyes

Which of the following disorders is associated with a barrel chest?

Emphysema (COPD)

Which of the following white blood cells would be elevated in a patient with asthma?


Which of the following terms is used for red blood cells?


What is the RQ value of a patient on a pure carbohydrate diet?


For the test of collateral circulation in Allen's test, "pinking up" of the hand is normal if it occurs within ____ sec


For the test of collateral circulation in Allen's test, "pinking up" of the hand is normal if it occurs within _____s.


What is the typical life span of a red blood cell?

120 days

What is the normal value for Ca02?

16-20 mL/dL

What is the normal value for CaO2?

16-20 mL/dL

Which of the following ratios of HCO3-/PaCO2 results in a pH of 7.40


Which of the following ratios of HCO3-/PaCO2 results in a pH of 7.40?


pH 7.32, CO2 49, O2 85, HCO3 26 BE +4. Approximate the HCO3 value before compensation began


pH 7.32, CO2 49, O2 85, HCO3 29 BE + 4. Approximate the HCO3 value before compensation began.


The length of normal capillary refill is less than _____ second(s).


An arterial puncture site normally should be compressed for a minimum of ___ min after the puncture


An arterial puncture site normally should be compressed for a minimum of ____ min after the puncture


Neutopenic precautions refer to which of the following. Bubble all that apply.

A patient at high risk for bacteria infections, A patient with an extremely low neutrophil count

Neutopenic precautions refer to which of the following.

A patient with an extremely low neutrophil count

Which of the following breathing patterns is associated with fatigue of the diaphragm?

Abdominal paradox

Interpret the ABG pH 7.30 CO2 44 HCO3 22 BE -4

Acute Metabolic acidosis

Base line ABG pH 7.37, CO2 50, PaO2 60, HCO3 35 Interpret thesuperimposedABG. pH 7.32, CO2 50, PaO2 60, HCO3 26

Acute metabolic acidosis

Interpret the following ABG: pH 7.34, CO2 45, HCO3 21

Acute metabolic acidosis

Which of the following clinical disorders will cause an increase resonance to percussion?

Air trapping

Which of the following will cause a decrease in vocal fremitus upon palpation?

Air trapping

Which of the following tests is performed to check the collateral circulation of the radial artery before puncture?

Allen's test

Which of the following are ways to avoid VAP?

Anti-acids, keep head of bed at 30 degreees, Oral mouth care every 2-4 hours

The golden rule of bedside care can be summarized as:

As a caregiver, at all times treat a patient as you would hope to be treated if you were the patient.

Which of the following terms is used to describe an abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen?


This reflex shows spinal damage if the toes curve outward during the test.:

Babinski sign.

Which of the following is the best indicator of metabolic acid-base status

Base excess

Upon entering a patients room, the general appearance of the patient is cyanotic, unresponsive and agonal respirations. The first thing the respiratory therapist should do is.

Begin breathing for the patient with a bag mask device.

Before an ABG value is obtained, why should the patient's clotting parameters be evaluated

Bleeding time may be prolonged if they are abnormal

Before an arterial blood gas (ABG) value is obtained, why should the patient's clotting parameters be evaluated?

Bleeding time may be prolonged if they are abnormal.

What is the primary method of transporting oxygen in the blood?

Bound to hemoglobin

Which of the following terms descrbe normal breath sounds?


What procedure is performed by a pulmonologist to obtain organisms that may be present deep in the lung in patients with pneumonia?

Bronchoalveolar lavage

What procedure is performing by a pulmonologist to obtain organisms that may be present deep in the lung in patients with pneumonia?

Bronchoalveolar lavage

Which of the following terms applies to an abnormal increase in vocal resonance?


A 62 year-old male patients is presenting with shortness of breath and has a BNP level of 590 pg/mL. What is his likely diagnosis?


Which of the following would be best used to assess arteria oxygenation


Which of the following would be best used to assess arterial oxygenation?


A flail chest causes which breathing pattern?

Chest paradoxical

Digital clubbing is associated with:

Chronic lung disorders causing low oxygen levels

Base line ABG pH 7.37, CO2 50, PaO2 60, HCO3 35 Interpret thesuperimposedABG. pH 7.32, CO2 60, PaO2 60, HCO3 26

Combined Acidosis

Interpret the ABG pH 7.20 CO2 50 HCO3 22 BE -4

Combined acidosis

Hyperventilation results in which of the following?

Constriction of the cerebral blood vessels

Hyperventilation with a ventilator results in which of the following?

Constriction of the cerebral blood vessels, decreased intercranial pressures

Which of the following laboratory procedures looks at cellular material, not whole cells?


Which of the following laboratory procedures loooks at cellular material, not whole cells?


A patient is posturing at times after a traumatic brain injury? The arms are turning outward from the patient. Which type of posturing is this?


A patient is posturing after a traumatic brain injury? The arms are turning inward toward the patient. Which type of posturing is this?


How do we reduce the effects of low cardiac output created by positive pressure ventilation?

Decrease MAP

A quick way to help hypotensive patients is to:

Decrease PEEP

A shift to the right in the oxyhemoglobin curve has what effect on the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?


A 32 year old man comes to the emergency department after a traffic accident with the following data: pulse, 118 beats/min; respiratory rate, 27 breaths/min, blood pressure, 100/68 mm Hg; paradoxical chest movement on the left side; breath sounds decreased on the left; and ABG on room air (21%) as follows: pH, 7.32; PaCO2, 70 mm Hg; PaO2, 57 mm Hg; HCO3-, 23 mEq/L; base excess, 0; SaO2, 86%, CaO2, 15.2 vol%; Hb, 13.0 g/dL; P(A-a)O2, 18 mm Hg. Based on this information, what is the primary cause of the patient's hypoxemia?

Overall hypoventilation

Which of the following would be the best indicator of tissue oxygenation?


Which of the following parameters is the respiratory component of acid-base status?


Which of the following parameters is the respiratory component of the acid base status


Injury to the cervical spine roots C3 to C5 is associated with which of the following abnormalities?

Paralysis of the diaphragm

Base line ABG pH 7.37, CO2 50, PaO2 60, HCO3 35 Interpret thesuperimposedABG. pH 7.32, CO2 41, PaO2 60, HCO3 26

Partially compensated metabolic acidosis

Interpret the ABG pH 7.50, CO2 50, PaO2 85, HCO3 35

Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis

Base line ABG pH 7.37, CO2 50, PaO2 60, HCO3 35 Interpret thesuperimposedABG. pH 7.49, CO2 45, PaO2 60, HCO3 25

Partially compensated respiratory alkalosis

What term is used to describe secretions strictly from the lungs and lower airways?


An impression left in the skin, when pushed on with a finger describes what condition?

Pitting edema

Which of the following abnormalities would be associated with an increase in vocal resonance or whispering pectoraquay?


Which of the following clinical disorders will cause a decrease in resonance to percussion?


Which of the following will cause a decrease in vocal fremitus upon palpation?


Heavy smokers are prone to what change in the red blood cell count?


Which of the following terms describes the sinking inward of the skin overlying the rib cage with each inspiratory effort?


Which of the following clinical conditions is associated with the onset of pedal edema?

Right heart failure

Which of the following is the most common cause of jugular venous distention?

Right heart failure

A respiratory therapist (RT) examining a patient notes that on assessment of chest expansion with palpation, the right lower chest is found to lag behind the left lower chest. With which of the following problems is this finding consistent?

Right lung problem

Which of the following is the best definition of sputum?

Secretions from the nose, mouth, and tracheobronchial tree

Which of the following is not classified as a classic vital sign?


Which stain is used to detect PCJ?

Silver stain

During a brain death protocol a respiratory therapist notices that the patient has occaional shallow breaths. Which of the following actions should the therapist take?

Stop the test and place the patient back on the ventilator

During a brain death protocol, a respiratory therapist notices that the patient had one attempt to breathe. Which of the following actions should the therapist take?

Stop the test and place the patient back on the ventilator

Which of the following organisms is responsible for most cases of bacterial pneumonia?

Streptococcus pneumonia

Which of the following adventitious lung sounds is most likely to be heard in a patient with croup or vocal cord paralysis?


Which of the following adventitious lung sounds is related most closely to a life-threatening problem?


Which of the following describes a heart murmur?

Swishing or sloshing of blood heard on auscultation

In the physical examination, subjective data gathered are referred to as:


The Acid fast stain is used to identify which of the following pathogens?


A pulse rate above the normal range is the definition of which of the following terms?


Sputum that is sticky is described as.


If an infection is being effectively treated by an antibiotic, which of the following would be true?

The Gram-stained smear will no longer demonstrate the pathogen.

Which of the following is true regarding respiratory alkalosis?

The PaCO2 is less than 35 mm Hg

Interpret the following venous blood gas. pH 7.29 CO2 52 O2 25 HCO3 24

acute respiratory acidosis with low cardiac output

Which of the following will cause a decrease in vocal fremitus upon palpation?

air trapping

If a patient's cardiac output/blood pressure drops the body responds by

an increase in antidiuretic hormone a decrease in urine output and increase in pedal edema

The brain death determination test involving disconnecting a patient from the ventilator, providing 100% oxygen, and monitoring closely for spontaneous breathing is the __________________.

apnea test.

What is the number one cause of ventilator associated pneumonia

aspiration of contaminated oral and gastric secretions

The selected mode on a ventilator is time cycled patient or machine triggered and volume limited. This describes which of the following modes.

assist control-volume control, prvc

Which of the following terms describes an abnormal increase in red blood cell count?


Which of the following term describes the immature neutrophil and elevation indicates infiction?


Which of the following terms describes the immature neutrophil and groups of musicians that play together


Which of the following is the best indicator of metabolic acid base status

base excess

What problem is associated with an increased INR value


What problem is associated with an increased PTT or INR?


What problem is associated with an increased Prothrombin time (PTT)?


What method of nutritional delivery is considered the least efficient

by IV line

Of which of the following components should the majority of dietary intake be made up


Which of the following is produced when aerobic respiration consumes oxygen?

carbon dioxide

What is the direct effect of an increased PaCO2 on HCO3-

causes it to increase

What is the direct effect of an increased PaCO2 on HCO3-?

causes it to increase

A flail chest causes which breathing pattern?

chest paradoxical

Secondary polycythemia can be caused by which of following

chronic interstitial lung disease, congenital heart disease, living at high altitude, a patient with COPD

Interpret the following ABG pH 7.48 CO2 34 HCO3 29

combined acidosis

Interpret the following ABG: pH 7.20 CO2 47 HCO3 14

combined acidosis

Given the following ABG results interpret the acid-base status: pH 7.44 PaCO2 25 mm Hg HCO3- 17 mEq/L base excess -6 mEq/L

compensated respiratory alkalosis

Which of the following clinical disorders will cause a decrease in resonance to percussion?


Hypercapnia results in the following

constriction of the blood vessels

Which of the following clinical conditions is associated with the onset of pedal edema?

cor pulmonale

The sweat chloide skin test can help determine if a patient has_____________?

cystic fibrosis

A quick way to help hypotensive patients is to

decrease PEEP

Increasing intrapulmonary pressure will

decrease cardiac output, decrease urine output and decrease blood pressure

How do we reduce the effects of low venous return on a ventilator

decrease volumes

A shift to the right in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve has what effect on the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen


Increased resistance will have what effects on the parameters of a pressure ventilator

decreased volume

The purpose of performing the sensitivity test on sputum sample is to:

determine the antibiotic that is most effective against the pathogen

The purpose of performing the sensitivity test on sputum samples is to:

determine the antibiotic that is most effective against the pathogen..

Hypoxemia results in which of the following

dilation of the cerebral blood vessels constriction of the pulmonary blood vessels dilation of the blood vessels of the major organs

When a patient experiences oliguria, what medication should the MD order


Patients with allergic asthma, often have an elevation of this white blood cell?


Which of the following would occur in a patient with allergic bronchitis


Which white blood cell type is associated with extrinsic asthma and allergic reactions


Assessing the patient's level of consciousness is important because it:

evaluates the adequacy of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation.

What is often the first clinical sign that suggests the presence of hypoxemia

exertional dyspnea

What is often the first clinical sign that suggests the presence of hypoxemia?

exertional dyspnea

What gas is required for optimum production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


Which of the following is an indicator of the energy requirements of the patient

oxygen uptake per minute

Baseline pH 7.36, CO2 55 O2 60 HCO3 35. Which superimposed blood gas show acute metabolic acidosis

pH 7.30 CO2 55 O2 60 HCO3 24

Baseline pH 7.36 CO2 55 O2 60 HCO3 35. Which superimposed blood gas shows acute respiratory acidosis

pH 7.30 CO2 65 O2 60 HCO3 35

Which blood gas shows kidney compensation?

pH 7.30, CO2 50, HCO3 35

Baseline pH 7.36, CO2 55. O2 60, HCO3 35. Which superimposed blood gas shows partially compensated respiratory acidosis?

pH 7.30, CO2 65, O2 60, HCO3 44

Which blood gas shows lung compensation?

pH 7.50, CO2 50, HCO3 34

Interpret the following ABG: pH 7.50 CO2 49, HCO3 30

partially compensated metabolic alkalosis

Which of the following ventilator settings is most associated with decreasing venous return and blood pressure


Which of the following will cause a decrease in vocal fremitus upon palpation?


Heavy smokers are prone to which of the folllowing?


Which of the following terms describes an abnormal increase in Hemoglobin and Hematocrit?


How do you decrease V/Q mismatch associated with positive pressure ventilation?

use modes that allow for spontaneous breaths

What is the most common physiologic cause of hypoxemia in patient's with lung disease

v/q mismatch

How does the cachectic appear physically

very thin and malnourished

Which of the following terms descrbe normal breath sounds?


Which of the following may be more difficult with a high carbohydrate diet

weaning from mechanical ventilation

Retractions are observed:

when the work of breathing is very high.

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