CNA Chapters 6,7,9,14,18

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Which of the following blood pressures falls within the normal range? a. 119/75 b. 135/90 c. 91/70 d. 140/80

a. 119/75

Which of the following is an example of a correct way to write a blood pressure reading? a. 120/75 b. 120+75 c. 120-75 d. 120*75

a. 120/75

How far should a tympanic thermometer be inserted into the ear? a. 1⁄4to1⁄2inch b. 3⁄4 inch c. 1 inch d. 11⁄2to2inches

a. 1⁄4to1⁄2inch

A resident with a head or spinal cord injury should be repositioned at least every ______ hours. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

a. 2

Which of the following is the normal temperature range for the oral method? a. 97.6 to 99.6 degrees F b. 96.6 to 98.6 degrees F c. 93.6 to 97.9 degrees F d. 98.6 to 100.6 degrees F

a. 97.6 to 99.6 degrees F

Parkinson's disease typically causes: a. A shuffling gait b. Extremely straight posture c. Memory loss d. Aggressive behavior

a. A shuffling gait

Which anatomical term means the front of the body? a. Anterior b. Inferior c. Superior d. Posterior

a. Anterior

A(n) stocking is a special stocking that can help with circulation after a knee replacement. a. Anti-embolic b. Sheer c. Clotting d. Sleeve

a. Anti-embolic

Which of the following is another word for armpit? a. Axilla b. Rectum c. Tympanic d. Temporal

a. Axilla

Which of the following statements is true of body mechanics? a. Body mechanics help save energy and prevent injury. b. The narrower a person's base of support, the more stable the person is. c. Proper alignment of the body means that the two sides of the body should not line up. d. Twisting at the waist is the best way to maintain body alignment.

a. Body mechanics help save energy and prevent injury.

Osteoporosis causes: a. Bones that can break easily b. Vision impairment c. Weakening of the immune system d. Problems with breathing

a. Bones that can break easily

Residents with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have trouble with: a. Breathing b. Urination c. Losing weight d. Vision

a. Breathing

The three main sections of the brain are: a. Cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem b. Cerebrum, central nervous system, cerebral cortex c. Cerebrum, spinal cord, brainstem d. Cerebrum, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system

a. Cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem

Which of the following statements is true of preventing falls? a. Clear walkways of clutter. b. Keep lights low. c. Leave spills for housekeeping to clean. d. Move call lights further away from residents.

a. Clear walkways of clutter.

How can cold applications benefit a person? a. Cold prevents swelling and reduces pain. b. Cold increases temperature in the body tissues. c. Cold increases blood flow. d. Cold soothes; it has no medical benefit.

a. Cold prevents swelling and reduces pain.

What is the medical term for difficulty breathing? a. Dyspnea b. Syncope c. Hemiplegia d. Cyanosis

a. Dyspnea

Which of the following are symptoms commonly experienced by people who have diabetes? a. Excessive thirst, extreme hunger, frequent urination b. Weight gain, poor appetite, leg swelling c. Diarrhea, hyperactivity, dark yellow urine d. Infrequent urination, swollen lymph nodes, excessive energy

a. Excessive thirst, extreme hunger, frequent urination

An oral thermometer is usually color-coded: a. Green or blue b. Red or orange c. Black or white d. White or yellow

a. Green or blue

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune illness. With an autoimmune illness, the body's _________ system attacks normal tissue. a. Immune b. Lymphatic c. Circulatory d. Endocrine

a. Immune

Which of the following statements is true of the skin? a. It feels heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure. b. It becomes more elastic as a person ages. c. It is the chemical substance that is created by the body and controls body functions. d. The epidermis is the inner layer of the skin.

a. It feels heat, cold, pain, touch, and pressure.

What kind of shoes are best for diabetic residents to wear? a. Leather shoes b. Plastic shoes c. Pleather shoes d. Rubber shoes

a. Leather shoes

When a resident is suspected of having a heart attack, a nursing assistant should: a. Loosen clothing around the neck b. Give the resident some water c. Put medication directly into the resident's mouth d. Wait and see if the episode subsides before doing anything

a. Loosen clothing around the neck

Which of the following guidelines is true of working around oxygen equipment? a. NAs should not allow open flames around oxygen. b. NAs should adjust oxygen levels when they are too high or too low. c. NAs should replace oxygen tubing if it becomes clogged. d. NAs should prescribe a new oxygen delivery device if the current one is causing skin problems.

a. NAs should not allow open flames around oxygen.

What is one way nursing assistants can assist residents with normal changes of aging related to the urinary system? a. NAs should offer frequent trips to the bathroom. b. NAs should withhold fluids to prevent incontinence. c. NAs should keep residents from using the toilet too often. d. NAs should make sure every resident wears incontinence briefs.

a. NAs should offer frequent trips to the bathroom.

Which of the following statements is true of restraint usage? a. People tend to respond better to restraint alternatives than to restraints. b. Laws allow the use of restraints when a facility is short-staffed. c. Using restraints does not cause negative effects. d. Restraint-free care means a facility uses restraints only for disciplining residents.

a. People tend to respond better to restraint alternatives than to restraints.

What is the "master gland" in the body? a. Pituitary gland b. Adrenal gland c. Sex gland d. Parathyroid gland

a. Pituitary gland

When assisting residents who have had a stroke, the NA should: a. Place food in the unaffected/stronger side of the resident's mouth b. Place food in the affected/weaker side of the resident's mouth c. Offer another bite of food before the resident has swallowed the last bite d. Encourage the resident to take large bites

a. Place food in the unaffected/stronger side of the resident's mouth

To serve hot liquids to residents, a nursing assistant (NA) should: a. Pour hot drinks away from residents b. Place hot drinks on the edges of tables so that they will be easier to reach c. Take lids off of hot drinks just before serving them d. Make sure residents are standing up before serving hot drinks

a. Pour hot drinks away from residents

The most common pulse that is used for measuring pulse rate is the: a. Radial pulse b. Brachial pulse c. Carotid pulse d. Pedal pulse

a. Radial pulse

A common sign or symptom of eczema is: a. Reddened skin b. Persistent coughing c. Foul-smelling sputum d. Cloudy urine

a. Reddened skin

Which of the following statements is true of congestive heart failure (CHF)? a. Residents may take medication that makes them urinate more often. b. Residents will usually have a force fluids order directing them to drink more fluids. c. The NA will administer nitroglycerin to relieve painful episodes. d. Residents with CHF will generally need to eat a diet high in sodium to eliminate swelling.

a. Residents may take medication that makes them urinate more often.

A resident with AIDS who has nausea and is vomiting should eat: a. Small, frequent meals b. Quickly c. High-fat dairy products d. Spicy foods

a. Small, frequent meals

How should elastic (non-sterile) bandages be applied? a. Snug enough to control bleeding b. Loose enough so that the dressings can move c. Tight enough to decrease circulation in a particular area d. Bunched up in the area where the resident is feeling pain

a. Snug enough to control bleeding

The key treatment for malignant tumors of the skin, breast, bladder, colon, rectum, stomach, and muscle is: a. Surgery b. Chemotherapy c. Radiation d. Herbal supplements

a. Surgery

Which of the following would be the best response by the NA if a resident with cancer is experiencing pain? a. The NA should assist with comfort measures, such as repositioning. b. The NA should encourage the resident by telling her that she has to be tougher to fight the cancer. c. The NA should make light of the pain and tell the resident to think about cheerful things. d. The NA should tell the resident to pray and God will take away her pain.

a. The NA should assist with comfort measures, such as repositioning.

Which of the following statements is true of working with liquid oxygen? a. The NA should avoid touching liquid oxygen because it can cause frostbite. b. The NA should keep a liquid oxygen tank covered with a thin blanket or sheet. c. The NA should store a liquid oxygen tank on its side. d. The NA should store a liquid oxygen tank in a closet or cupboard.

a. The NA should avoid touching liquid oxygen because it can cause frostbite.

What is the best response by an NA if he feels a resident or family member needs more support in dealing with a resident's illness? a. The NA should speak to the nurse. b. The NA should tell the resident she needs to talk to a social worker. c. The NA should tell his coworkers the resident is having a hard time and suggest they go cheer her up. d. The NA should tell the resident's clergy person that the resident needs a visit.

a. The NA should speak to the nurse.

The eye and ear are part of: a. The nervous system b. The integumentary system c. The respiratory system d. The reproductive system

a. The nervous system

Why is it important for the NA to let the nurse know if she is aware that a resident is taking herbal remedies? a. They may interact with the resident's medications. b. They do not work. c. They will make the resident very sick. d. The nurse needs to set the dosage.

a. They may interact with the resident's medications.

Which of the following is true of muscles? a. They provide movement of body parts. b. Two muscles meet at a joint. c. They produce toxins. d. They prevent contractures from occurring.

a. They provide movement of body parts.

How does the immune system protect the body from disease? a. Through nonspecific and specific immunity b. Through hormones c. Through digestion and elimination d. Through inspiration and expiration

a. Through nonspecific and specific immunity

Insulin reaction can be caused by: a. Too little food b. Physical or emotional stress c. Too much food d. A cerebrovascular accident

a. Too little food

The normal pulse rate for adults is: a. 25 to 50 beats per minute b. 60 to 100 beats per minute c. 100 to 150 beats per minute d. 150 to 175 beats per minute

b. 60 to 100 beats per minute

A sitz bath is used to: a. Relax the resident b. Clean perineal wounds c. Reduce swelling in the upper body d. Encourage slow, deep breathing

b. Clean perineal wounds

One condition or problem that can cause a lack of sensation is: a. Constipation b. Diabetes c. Hypertension d. Vomiting

b. Diabetes

Why are females more likely to have urinary tract infections than males? a. Due to the different location of the meatus b. Due to having a shorter urethra c. Due to not filtering blood properly in the kidneys d. Due to incontinence

b. Due to having a shorter urethra

Hypertension is the medical term for: a. High fever b. High blood pressure c. High pulse rate d. Rapid heartbeat

b. High blood pressure

Another name for insulin reaction is: a. Diabetic coma b. Hypoglycemia c. Hyperglycemia d. Pre-diabetic coma

b. Hypoglycemia

Respiration consists of: a. Intake and output b. Inspiration and expiration c. Systole and diastole d. Dilation and contraction

b. Inspiration and expiration

Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system? a. It senses and interprets information from the environment. b. It supplies food, oxygen, and hormones to cells. c. It controls and coordinates all body functions. d. It allows humans to reproduce.

b. It supplies food, oxygen, and hormones to cells.

The yellowish fluid that carries disease-fighting cells is called: a. Sperm b. Lymph c. Urine d. Blood

b. Lymph

The basic unit of the nervous system is called: a. Spinal cord b. Neuron c. Brain d. Cerebrum

b. Neuron

Which of the following statements is true of IVs? a. Nursing assistants insert IV lines. b. Nursing assistants will observe the IV site for problems. c. Nursing assistants will remove IV lines. d. Nursing assistants will change IV lines when the bag is empty.

b. Nursing assistants will observe the IV site for problems.

Restraints can be applied: a. As punishment from staff when a resident is not behaving properly b. Only with a doctor's order c. When a staff member does not have time to watch a resident closely d. When a nursing assistant judges a resident is a danger to himself or others

b. Only with a doctor's order

Why does working with oxygen require special safety precautions? a. Oxygen equipment is very difficult to obtain. b. Oxygen is a dangerous fire hazard. c. Oxygen levels must be adjusted often. d. Oxygen equipment is very fragile.

b. Oxygen is a dangerous fire hazard.

Which of the following statements is true of osteoarthritis? a. The jaw and neck are usually affected. b. Pain and stiffness increase in cold or damp weather. c. Surgery is the first method of treatment for osteoarthritis. d. Antibiotics are usually the first type of medication used to treat osteoarthritis.

b. Pain and stiffness increase in cold or damp weather.

Why should respirations be counted immediately after taking the pulse, while the fingers are still on the wrist? a. It is less work for the NA to count respirations right after taking the pulse. b. People may breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed. c. The chest will not rise and fall if the rate is not counted immediately. d. The respiration rate will be different if the NA waits to take it.

b. People may breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed.

Which of the following statements is true of diabetes? a. To best conserve energy, people with diabetes should skip meals when they are not hungry. b. People with diabetes must be very careful about what they eat. c. People with diabetes must avoid exercise so that they do not burn too much glucose. d. Monitoring a diabetic resident's intake of protein is more important than monitoring his intake of carbohydrates.

b. People with diabetes must be very careful about what they eat.

Which temperature is considered to be the most accurate? a. Oral b. Rectal c. Axillary d. Tympanic

b. Rectal

RACE is an acronym for a safety rule, and means a. Run to A Close Exit b. Remove residents, Activate alarm or call 911, Contain fire, Extinguish c. Restore power, Activate alarm or call 911, Call Fire Department, Exit d. Remove window, Access outside, Call for help, Elderly residents first

b. Remove residents, Activate alarm or call 911, Contain fire, Extinguish

How should a resident with COPD be positioned? a. Flat on his back b. Sitting upright c. Lying on his stomach d. Lying on his side

b. Sitting upright

A resident with AIDS who has an infection of the mouth may need to eat food that is: a. Spicy b. Soft c. Dry d. Hot

b. Soft

A sign of the onset of diabetic ketoacidosis is breath that smells a. Sour b. Sweet c. Garlicky d. Oniony

b. Sweet

What is the medical term for fainting? a. Dyspnea b. Syncope c. Hemiplegia d. Cyanosis

b. Syncope

The normal respiration rate for adults ranges from: a. 18 to 30 breaths per minute b. 15 to 25 breaths per minute c. 12 to 20 breaths per minute d. 8 to 10 breaths per minute

c. 12 to 20 breaths per minute

How many bones are in the human body? a. 154 b. 272 c. 206 d. 189

c. 206

Which of the following statements is true of a closed wound? a. A puncture wound is an example of a closed wound. b. A closed wound has skin that is not intact. c. A contusion (bruise) is an example of a closed wound. d. A surgical incision is an example of a closed wound.

c. A contusion (bruise) is an example of a closed wound.

Which of the following is true of resident falls? a. A fall does not need to be reported unless the resident complains of pain. b. If the resident can get up after the fall, the NA should not notify the nurse. c. An incident report will need to be completed for all falls. d. The resident can decide if the NA needs to report the fall.

c. An incident report will need to be completed for all falls.

The first two steps to take when approaching an emergency are: a. Perform first aid and assess the situation b. Call the victim's family and call 911 c. Assess the situation and assess the victim d. Get assistance and perform CPR

c. Assess the situation and assess the victim

Which of the following is helpful when providing skin care for a resident with cancer? a. Do not use lotion on dry, delicate skin. b. Do not offer back rubs. c. Avoid applying lotion to areas receiving radiation therapy. d. Avoid moving the resident at all.

c. Avoid applying lotion to areas receiving radiation therapy.

When helping a resident sit up, stand up, or walk, the NA should: a. Keep her feet together b. Bend her upper body c. Bend her knees d. Try to catch the resident if he starts to fall

c. Bend her knees

Which of the following is be best to use on a burn? a. Burn ointment b. Aloe vera gel c. Cool water d. Petroleum jelly

c. Cool water

What time of day is best to collect a sputum specimen? a. Late evening b. Around lunchtime c. Early morning d. Right before bedtime

c. Early morning

If a resident is in shock, a nursing assistant should: a. Quickly give the resident something to eat that can be easily absorbed b. Elevate a body part if a broken bone is suspected c. Elevate the legs unless the resident has a head or abdominal injury d. Give the resident a type of strong liquor, like brandy

c. Elevate the legs unless the resident has a head or abdominal injury

Which of the following sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) cannot be cured? a. Chlamydia b. Gonorrhea c. Genital herpes d. Syphilis

c. Genital herpes

To control bleeding, a nursing assistant should: a. Lower the wound below the heart b. Use a topical antibiotic cream on the wound c. Hold a thick pad against the wound and press down hard d. Apply light pressure with a bandage

c. Hold a thick pad against the wound and press down hard

What is peristalsis? a. An enzyme that regulates the body's conversion of glucose/sugar b. The muscular pouch located in the abdominal cavity c. Involuntary contractions that help move food into the stomach d. The chopping and grinding of food by the teeth

c. Involuntary contractions that help move food into the stomach

Which of the following is a function of the nervous system? a. It pumps blood throughout the body. b. It helps the body take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. c. It senses and interprets information from outside the body. d. It helps the body digest food.

c. It senses and interprets information from outside the body.

One way a nursing assistant can help with normal changes of aging related to the integumentary system is to: a. Withhold fluids so a resident will not go to the bathroom often b. Clip toenails frequently c. Keep sheets wrinkle-free d. Rub lotion into red or irritated spots on the resident's skin

c. Keep sheets wrinkle-free

The two upper chambers of the heart are called: a. Left and right vein b. Left and right capillary c. Left and right atrium d. Left and right lung

c. Left and right atrium

Which anatomical term means toward the midline of the body? a. Lateral b. Proximal c. Medial d. Posterior

c. Medial

Where should the NA stand when helping a resident, who is recovering from a stroke, walk? a. On either side, but very close to the resident b. On the resident's stronger side c. On the resident's weaker side d. A few feet in front of the resident

c. On the resident's weaker side

Which of the following is a machine that changes air in a room into air with more oxygen? a. Oxygen filter b. Oxygen tank c. Oxygen concentrator d. Oxygen supply valve

c. Oxygen concentrator

Which of the following statements is true of pain? a. Everyone experiences pain in the same way. b. Everyone will express freely when they are in pain. c. Pain is a different experience for each person. d. Pain levels do not need to be monitored.

c. Pain is a different experience for each person.

Which gland secretes insulin? a. Gonads b. Thyroid c. Pancreas d. Parathyroid

c. Pancreas

Guidelines for caring for a resident with multiple sclerosis include which of the following? a. Rushing the resident through tasks to help with decision-making skills b. Administering medications c. Preventing falls d. Encouraging the resident to speak faster to improve cognition

c. Preventing falls

Which of the following is helpful for a resident who has had a heart attack? a. High-cholesterol diet b. High-fat diet c. Regular exercise d. Cold temperatures

c. Regular exercise

In which position should a resident be placed for eating? a. Lying flat on his back b. Reclining at a 45-degree angle c. Sitting as upright as possible d. Lying on his side with his arm propping up his head

c. Sitting as upright as possible

When helping a resident who has had a hip replacement get dressed, how should the nursing assistant (NA) begin? a. Start with the stronger side b. Start with the left side c. Start with the weaker side d. Start with the feet and move upward

c. Start with the weaker side

Which of the following should a nursing assistant do if he suspects poisoning? a. The NA should offer an over-the-counter medicine to induce vomiting. b. The NA should look for a container that will help determine what the resident took orate. c. The NA should feed the resident crackers or bread to soak up the poison. d. The NA should ask the resident if he is able to induce vomiting by sticking his finger down his throat.

b. The NA should look for a container that will help determine what the resident took orate.

Which of the following statements is true of how an NA should assist a resident with one-sided weakness after a stroke? a. The NA should lead with the weaker side. b. The NA should stand on the weaker side. c. The NA should use the terms bad or messed up so it is clear which side is the weaker side. d. The NA should not use a gait belt during transfers.

b. The NA should stand on the weaker side.

Which of the following is a way to use proper body mechanics? a. The NA should twist at the waist when lifting objects. b. The NA should stand with her legs shoulder-width apart. c. The NA should lift objects, rather than pushing them. d. The NA should carry objects away from her body.

b. The NA should stand with her legs shoulder-width apart.

Homeostasis is: a. Abnormal changes in the body systems b. The condition in which all of the body systems are working their best c. The building block of the body d. A group of cells that perform a similar task

b. The condition in which all of the body systems are working their best

Which of the following is information a nursing assistant should be prepared to give when calling emergency services? a. The names of the residents' family members b. The phone number and address where the emergency is happening c. Her supervisor's name d. The correct diagnosis of the victim

b. The phone number and address where the emergency is happening

In which of the following situations should an NA give abdominal thrusts to a resident? a. The resident is coughing. b. The resident cannot speak, breathe, or cough. c. The resident is breathing very rapidly. d. The resident tells the NA that she feels short of breath.

b. The resident cannot speak, breathe, or cough.

Which of the following is true of non-sterile dressings? a. They cover open wounds. b. They are applied to dry wounds. c. They cover draining wounds. d. Nursing assistants are not allowed to handle them.

b. They are applied to dry wounds.

How is scabies transmitted? a. Through droplets from an infected person b. Through direct contact with an infected person c. By breathing the same air as an infected person d. Through indirect contact with personal protective equipment

b. Through direct contact with an infected person

After an amputation, a resident may experience phantom sensation. Phantom sensation is: a. Not real b. Tingling or itching in the area where the limb was amputated c. An artificial body part d. The surgical removal of a body part due to disease or injury

b. Tingling or itching in the area where the limb was amputated

The most common form of diabetes is: a. Type 1 diabetes b. Type 2 diabetes c. Pre-diabetes d. Gestational diabetes

b. Type 2 diabetes

Which of the following statements is true of measuring rectal temperatures? a. The NA does not need to explain the procedure before starting to take a rectal temperature. b. Rectal temperatures can only be taken with digital thermometers. c. The NA must hold on to the thermometer at all times while taking a rectal temperature. d. The NA does not need the resident's cooperation to take a rectal temperature.

c. The NA must hold on to the thermometer at all times while taking a rectal temperature.

What should an NA do when providing oral care for a resident with cancer? a. The NA should use a commercial mouthwash for rinsing. b. The NA should use a hard-bristled toothbrush. c. The NA should assist the resident with brushing and flossing regularly. d. The NA should avoid giving oral care or give limited oral care.

c. The NA should assist the resident with brushing and flossing regularly.

Which of the following statements is true of casts? a. The NA should keep the cast wet or damp. b. The NA should place a wet cast on a hard surface. c. The NA should elevate an extremity that is in a cast. d. The NA should use a long, angled scratcher when the resident needs to scratch the skin underneath the cast.

c. The NA should elevate an extremity that is in a cast.

During the resting phase/diastole of the heart, : a. Ventricles pump blood through the blood vessels b. The heart begins beating rapidly until the next contraction c. The chambers fill with blood d. Circulation stops

c. The chambers fill with blood

The respiratory system is made up of: a. Kidneys, ureters, urethra b. Brain, spinal cord, nerves c. Trachea, bronchi, lungs d. Atria, ventricles, aorta

c. Trachea, bronchi, lungs

Which of the following thermometers is used to take a temperature from the ear? a. Oral thermometer b. Rectal thermometer c. Tympanic thermometer d. Axillary thermometer

c. Tympanic thermometer

A normal change of aging for the female reproductive system is: a. The continuation of menstruation b. An increase in moisture of the vaginal walls c. A weakening of the voice d. A loss of calcium

d. A loss of calcium

The medical term for chest pain, pressure, or discomfort is: a. Atherosclerosis b. Nitroglycerin c. Hypertension d. Angina pectoris

d. Angina pectoris

When should a nursing assistant identify a resident? a. After giving care b. When collecting meal trays c. When shifts change d. Before helping with feeding

d. Before helping with feeding

Which of the following is something a nursing assistant should watch for when using warm and cold applications? a. Vomiting b. Increased restlessness c. Fear of addiction to the applications d. Blisters

d. Blisters

HIV can be transmitted by: a. Telephones b. Toilets c. Hugs d. Blood

d. Blood

Which of the following measures can help reduce pain? a. Pounding the resident on the back b. Doing jumping jacks c. Squeezing the body part hard d. Changing position

d. Changing position

If a restraint is applied, a nursing assistant must: a. Tie the restraint to the side rails b. Leave the area so she won't hear the resident complain c. Withhold fluids d. Check on the resident every 15 minutes

d. Check on the resident every 15 minutes

Sexually-transmitted infections are passed through sexual contact. Sexual contact includes: a. Deep kissing b. Contact of hands with the breasts c. Holding hands d. Contact of the mouth with the genitals

d. Contact of the mouth with the genitals

What information does a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) contain? a. Costs of the chemical b. Comparisons with other chemicals c. Names of other facilities using the chemical d. Description of emergency response actions

d. Description of emergency response actions

Which of the following terms applies to body mechanics? a. Gravity effect b. Outline c. Pulley d. Fulcrum and lever

d. Fulcrum and lever

An example of a restraint alternative is: a. Tying the resident to the bed b. Removing the resident's call light c. Leaving the resident alone for long periods of time d. Giving the resident a repetitive task

d. Giving the resident a repetitive task

Which of the following is helpful for numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet for a resident who has AIDS? a. Wrapping the feet tightly in elastic bandages b. Wearing snug, firm slippers c. Tucking the sheet around the feet d. Going barefoot

d. Going barefoot

The medical term for high blood pressure is: a. Angina b. Atherosclerosis c. Pectoris d. Hypertension

d. Hypertension

A type of dry application is a: a. Sitz bath b. Warm soak c. Warm or cold compress d. Ice bag

d. Ice bag

High blood pressure: a. Can be detected just by looking at a person b. Cannot be treated with medication c. Is never a serious condition d. Is a measurement of 140/90 or higher

d. Is a measurement of 140/90 or higher

The best way for an NA to provide foot care for a diabetic resident is to: a. Cut the resident's toenails to keep them short and clean b. Encourage the resident not to wear socks c. Make sure the resident is barefoot most of the time d. Observe the feet regularly for signs of irritation

d. Observe the feet regularly for signs of irritation

A serious problem that has been associated with restraint use is: a. Jaundice b. Headache c. Increased activity d. Pressure ulcers

d. Pressure ulcers

Which of the following is an example of physically restraining a resident? a. Asking the resident to stay in his bed b. Telling the resident's roommate to press the call button if the resident gets up c. Leaving the resident's door ajar d. Putting both side rails up on the bed

d. Putting both side rails up on the bed

Which of the following is involved in digestion? a. Pituitary gland b. Oxytocin c. Kidney d. Saliva

d. Saliva

Blood pressure is measured using a: a. Thermometer b. Watch c. Otoscope d. Sphygmomanometer

d. Sphygmomanometer

What is the male hormone needed for reproductive organs to function properly? a. Estrogen b. Progesterone c. Oxytocin d. Testosterone

d. Testosterone

Which of the following is the best way an NA can communicate with a resident who has cancer? a. The NA should insist that the resident tell the NA what he is going through. b. The NA should give the resident medical advice if the resident asks for it. c. If the resident is worried, the NA should tell him, "It'll all be fine." d. The NA should listen to the resident if he feels like talking.

d. The NA should listen to the resident if he feels like talking.

Which of the following is true of spinal cord injuries? a. Residents with spinal cord injuries will not be able to perform any self-care. b. Rehabilitation is not helpful with spinal cord injuries. c. The lower the injury, the greater the loss of function. d. The higher the injury, the greater the loss of function.

d. The higher the injury, the greater the loss of function.

A sign that a stroke is occurring is: a. Abdominal pain b. Gasping for air c. Low blood pressure d. The inability to speak or to speak clearly

d. The inability to speak or to speak clearly

When atrophy occurs, : a. The muscle slowly becomes stronger b. The muscle increases in size c. The muscle remains the same size d. The muscle decreases in size

d. The muscle decreases in size

Under which of the following conditions should a nursing assistant not take an oral temperature on a person? a. The person has influenza. b. The person almost certainly has a fever. c. The person is over six years old. d. The person is confused or disoriented.

d. The person is confused or disoriented.

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