COMM 419

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•Systems Perspective oUnderstand systems components, processes, and properties. oKnow key terms representing each element. oWhat are the differences between an open and closed system?

- A perspective rooted in biology that views the organization as an organism to explain organizational processes. general systems theory- theory that applies th properties of living systems to a variety of phenomenon. Inputs- Elements or data flowing into a system. Thoughouts- Elements flowing through the system. Outputs- Elements or data flowing out of a system. permeable boundaries- The limits of a system where elements are exchanged between the system and the larger environment. Homeostasis- the dyanamic balance of a system. equifinality- there are multiple ways to reach or achieve the same goal. Systems Framework - System - macro view of the org-> towson Parts- subsystem- (comm department) a system that operates within a larger system. Suprasystem- (clubs, Lambda Pi Eta) A larger system within which smaller systems operate. Open system- (import + exports, TU) a system that exchanges information with the immediate environment Closed System- (selfsufficient, doomsday castle)A system that does not exchange info with the immediate environment.

• Scientific Management oWhat was it? oUnderstand what soldiering behavior is, and why it was prevalent. oWhat were the four elements of Scientific Management?

- Assumes that any worker can be prodcutive if given a scientifcally efficient task Soldiering Behavior- The assumption that workers purposely work below their capacity. Its prevalent because 1. workers belive that an increase in productivity will result in the reduction of workers needed to perform that specific tasks; 2. A wage system that does not compensate more productive workers encourages lower productivty from all employess. 3. when worker training is accomplished primarily through basic, unstandardized on-the-job training, the results is inefficient and incorrect from and function 4 elements Scintific Design Selection- Best employees become new hire mentors Fair pay - A worker over time should have hos wages increase by showing consistensy over time. equal Distribution of Labor- Superviosr Manager- Howevree soldierng behavior can happen on uppermanagement. They should divide the labor so everyone has equal amounts of labor

• Human Resources Approach o Understand differences with Classical and Human Relations approach. o Factors that led to Human Resources approach o Flow of communication

- Holds that employees are a valuable asset that should be developed for the benefit of both the organization and the worker. Classical- Scientific management put productivity first and worker needs second HRA- advocates that managment should satisfy the interpersonal and emotional needs of workers. Put workers needs first and porductivity second. the fatcors that vcaused this was the classical and HRA because it offer negative cionsequnces concerning both task and employee. Flow communication -Multi-directional or All directions

• Ouchi's Theory Z o Differences between Type A and Type J organizations.

- to understand and coordinate the structure of society with the management of the organization and assumes that involved workersw are the key to increased productivty. Theory A- Uses the typical American managment style of individuality, short-term employment, and rapid advancement Theory J - uses typical japanese managment style of collectvism, long time employment, and nonspecialized career paths.

•Evolutionary/Ecological Perspective Be familiar with Darwinistic approach What is the role of organizational change?

-It is not "only strong organizations survive" as much as "only organizations that adapt best survive." Organizations that do not adapt become extinct. The role is that Punctuated Equilibria occurs when there are long peirods of stability marked by short periods of sudden change. Also Replacement occurs when new organizations emerge in direct relation to a changing environment

4 Goals of Communication




















• Classical Management Approach o How were employees treated? o What was major concern of managers? o Flow of communication

.based on the belief that employees have economical and physical needs and that social needs or need for job satisfaction does not exist or unimporant. It advocates high specialization of labour, centralized decision making and profit maximization.

•Assumptions of Org. Communication 4 Assumptions

1. Comm is central to the existence of the organization 2. Org, Comm is a dyamic process 3, Comm is not passive 4. Misunderstandings will always

• Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid oUnderstand the five managerial styles. oDifferentiate between the styles based on concern for employee and production.

1. Country Club Leadership - High People/Low Production This style of leader is most concerned about the needs and feelings of members of his/her team. These people operate under the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure then they will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but where production suffers due to lack of direction and control. 2.Produce or Perish Leadership - High Production/Low People Also known as Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders, people in this category believe that employees are simply a means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict work rules, policies, and procedures, and views punishment as the most effective means to motivate employees. 3.Impoverished Leadership - Low Production/Low People This leader is mostly ineffective. He/she has neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the job done, nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating. The result is a place of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. 4.Middle-of-the-Road Leadership - Medium Production/Medium People This style seems to be a balance of the two competing concerns. It may at first appear to be an ideal compromise. Therein lies the problem, though: When you compromise, you necessarily give away a bit of each concern so that neither production nor people needs are fully met. Leaders who use this style settle for average results and often believe that this is the most anyone can expect. 5.Team Leadership - High Production/High People According to the Blake Mouton model, this is the pinnacle of managerial style. These leaders stress production needs and the needs of the people equally highly. The premise here is that employees are involved in understanding organizational purpose and determining production needs. When employees are committed to, and have a stake in the organization's success, their needs and production needs coincide.

• Organizational Perception Know the three steps involved and understand the differences between them.

1. Selection -Determining what stimuli gets our attention. in other words the information that tends to gain our attention is -ntense 9 short co woerker with too much cologne -repititious- boss whos chronically late to meetings. -contrasting or changing- comparing how efficient your last secretary was to the one now. -motivations- you dislike a coworker so you focus on any possible 2. organization - occurs when we order incomming stimuli in an attempt to make sense of the world (organization of info) the process of organizing and interpreting information or stimuli that is unique to each person. 4 differ ones- Physical attributes-basing data organzation on appearnace Role atrributes- person's role in society. Interaction attributes- verbally aggressive, frindly interactive. -psychological attributes this person is insecure, generous or ambitious. 3. Interpetation- howe make sens of organized data by giving meaning to it from past experinces, expectations, personal moods, and assumptions about human behavior.

• Enculturation o Explain the role of personal and organizational culture.

A process of providing culture to the next generation. ex family teachings, traditions, holiday rituals Personal- ANything that makes you, you such as personal experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, social hierachies, religions, notions, of time, roles, norms, values, beliefs, rules, and behaviors. Organizational- rules- strict hierachy. values- given people a voice or not- and norms-your behavior your organization has

•Communicative Organizational Model What are the concepts involve???

Anticipate Misunderstandings Social Interaction Strategic Comm Planning- allows you to giv e an excuse for yourself


Anything that distracts sending or recieving a message Internal Noise Anything that distract syou in your mind ex. daydreaming, drunk high

• Employee Perspectives o Eudaimonic and Hedonic views of organizational life.

Hedonic view- A perspective that assumes the chief goals in life is the pursuit of happiness or pleasure. Eudaimonic Views- A perspective that assumes that the chief goal in life is the obtaining your inner potential.


How the reciever interprets the message and provides feedback

•McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y oWhat were they? oWhat were the assumptions of workers under each theory?

It was a way to expalin mangerial action based on the magers assumption of employee work ethic. Theory X- Assumes workers are lazy, have little ambition, and are motivated by coercion and threats. Theory Y- Assumes workers are motivated by an internal need to excel and actively pursue responsibilty.

•Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy oUnderstand types of authority. oUnderstand the tenets of bureaucracy.

Legitimate Authority- Traditional- having past customs Charsimatic - Based on trust, following someone based on their charateristics. Rational- advocates that organizations, should be designed to achive certain golas through their own rules and regulations. Tenets of bureacracy- 1.Rules- need to focus on task and and be inpersonal 2.Competence- ned to have an indivdual who is competent enough to get the work done 3. Hierachy- downward comm through ranks in one way 4. mentor- skilled individual needs to train unskilled 5 technology- your not suppose to own your own technology or info you have to share it 6. no entitlement- must be equal 7. writing- every plan created must be in writing 8. Maintenance- there always needs to be strive

• Disengagement o Differentiate between physical and psychological disengagement.

PhysicALLY NOT BEING IN YOUR JOB.geting fired, laidoff, or quitting Disengagement occurs as older adults retire from work and decrease their social participation. Society fosters this disengagement by providing fewer opportunities for older adults to participate in the workforce and in social situations. Pshychological, being at work but not mentality.there

• Fayol's Principles of Management oUnderstand gangplank and the scalar chair. oBe familiar with the principles and elements.

Scalar chain- type of info transfer that refeelcts a clear hierarchical exchange of info. Gangplank- Also knowns as Fayols bridge: the lateral exchange of info between members at the same level Unity of command- Employees should only have one manager: this keeps information clear and consistent. Unity of Direction- Once I tell you what to do, the directions should be clear. There should be no ambiguity unclear. Scalar Chain- the chain of command you ask individuals to do something.


Sycronyze ex. email text

• Socialization o Understand the dimensions of newcomer socialization. o How does each managerial perspective treat socialization.

Task Socialization-Involve acquiring information about the job the job and understanding the tasks for which one has been hired ( what my job is) Workgroup socialization- involve the newcomers, learning particulars about their workgroups and the behaviors assoiciated with the group's rules, goals and values (what are my responsibilities on my group) Organizational Socialization- The process of learning the values, goals, rules, politics, customs, leadership style, and language of the oragnization (focusing in the internal goals and aspects, what makes up this organization)

• Assimilation o What are the assumptions? o Understand the three phases of assimilation.

Teaching processes by which individuals join, become a member of, and exit the organization. Ontological Assumption: Free will to choose to assimilate or not Epistemological Assumption: All people will or will not assimulate into the organization Axiological Assumption: ones values may enhance or inhibit one;s socialization. Anticipatory Socializaion Stage- the predefined notion of the way an organization works Before it begins. based on the idea that people develop a set of expectations about how people communicate in various occupations before becoming members of the occupation. Entry stage- then new comer learns the requirements of his or her role and what the organization & members consider normal. Assimilation Stage- the newcomer begins to master the organizational requirements and and adjusts to the organization.

• Organizational Climate o What are the different types of organizational climate? o How do these different climates affect workers?

The overall feeling of the organization including policies, practices, and procedures. defensive climates- high in emotional exhaustion supportive climate- increase overall pruduction

Org Comm

The process of creating, exchaing, interpreting and storing message whitin a system of hum interrelationships

• Organizational Culture o Differentiate between each type of culture. o What are the elements of organizational culture? o How do these different cultures affect workers? o What are the main differences between positive and negative cultures?

Zeus- Club Culture- Focused on Strong Leadership Apollo-role culture- emphasizes attention to order and rules. (the pillars represent the divisions of the organization) Within these pillars are employees Athena- Task culture- focuses on the problem solving ability of the organization Dionysus- Existential Culture- focuses on the needs of employees and has a democratic management style Strong culture- A system of formal and informal rules that indicate how employees and the organization as a whole are to behave.focuses on productivity, with increase in productivity and leads to long term success. The elements are VAlues- provide direction and appropriate work behavior. Heroes-the individual personify the values of the organization. Rites and Rituals- every event he org. takes over will recognize or celebrate the values of the organization. Cultural networks- formal- corporate newletter, informal- casual comm. Postive- provides a sense of security and stability from a well defined past Negative- Places interests of employees, customers, and shareholders second to other corporate interests.

• Human Relations Approach o Impact of Hawthorne Studies. o Shift in treatment of workers. o How did communication flow?

advocates that managment should satisfy the interpersonal and emotional needs of workers. Hawthorne Studies- A series of studies between 1927 and 1932 that gave rise to the human relations approach to management. The shift that changed was workers recieved a voice, competition and conflict was deemphasized. Untapped Resources- looking at workers that may have untapped resources, to see how valuable he is to the job. Interpersonal interest work environment such as work hours, temperature, lighting, and breaks - productivity increased when pay incentives were offered to workers Communication was upwards

• Organizational structure oWhat is it?

consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims

• Critical Perspective oKnow primary goal of critical perspective. oKnow metaphor of critical perspective.

focuses on the concepts of power(force) and control (manipulate). Those that subjagated wprkers( those exploited must free themsleves from the oppressors (management) Workers nned tp take control of meanns of production so they can achieve emancipation. Its main goal is to Uncover imbalances of power and control as well as make tose who suffer from oppresion aware that this imbalance exists.

• Likert's System 4 oWhat was it? oWhich system most closely aligns with a classical approach to organizing?

is the code Rensis Likert gave to the future of organizations moving away from the bureaucratic model of Max Weber, which he referred to as System 1. Likert used a psychological analysis of organisations and conducted extensive research using questionnaires that try to locate the extent to which organisations are compliant with system 1, system 4, or in between. SYSTEM 1: Exploitive Authoritative - management uses fear and threats; communication is top down. Responsibility lies in the hands of the people at the upper levels of the hierarchy. The superior has no trust and confidence in subordinates. The decisions are imposed on subordinates and they do not feel free at all to discuss things about the job with their superior. The teamwork or communication is very little and the motivation is based on threats.

• Metaphor -What is a metaphor and how it helps understanding organizations. -Be familiar with the metaphor of the classical and human relations approach to organizations. -Morgan's Multiple Perspectives

org. as machines- logical structure- de emphazises growth of employeee and are easy to replace. as Living organism- based on adaptability- As brains- assumes intelligence is found at all levels of the orgnaizations is constantly learning and adapting As cultures -have a corporate culture that is comprised of many subcultures as Political systems-politics are at work in orgs. and range from autocratic to democratic. as roles-provides us with purpose and structure. as psychic prisons- employees give the organization power over thier thoughts and behavior as system in fux- constant state of creating and recreating itself. as a place of domination- org becomes a place of stress, sickness, pollution and human exploitation

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