Communication Final

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You say to a friend "I felt like such a fool. The guy must have thought I was completely insensitive and thoughtless". You immediately recall the life-changing effects of this course upon your thinking and you say to yourself: "Ha! I just demonstrated a principle of ..."

"Symbolic Interactionism

One representation of the semiotic interpretive impulse is

A desire to understand French customs

"Your call is important to us. Please wait for the next available agent. Your estimated wait time is 47 minutes". If you were forced to choose, should you see this as

A double bind

An antithesis in a dialectic represented by

A losing scenario compared to the winning scenario

A leader who pays attention to members' feelings, comfort, and satisfaction with outcomes is identified as

A socioemotional leader

Identity can be indicated in talk by


According to Kenneth Burke, studying a common way of speaking in terms of its historical development would involve us in a/an

Agency-Act Ratio

Signs indicate a causal relationship between one thing and another (for example, smoke is a sign of fire). By contrast, Symbols are:


Three elements are essential to communication. Two of these were Symbols and Meaning. The third was

Assumed Intentionality

Online interactions, which can be close to happening in real time but still have some delay in message sending/receiving, are referred to as being:


One way in which everyday communication serves as a regulation mechanism is

By serving as a precursor to deeper discussions about health issues/problems

The use of cell phones can shape and affect relationships because

Cell phones allow people to share experiences even when physically separated

A system possesses interdependence that can be reflected in two different ways. Which is one of them?

Common fate

Self-disclosure should be distinguished from


Match the proper term to this definition: the process of importing your normal practices of everyday talk into the workplace.

Continuation of identity

Which metaphor of organization mentioned in the text most strongly emphasizes the transactions of communication?

Culture metaphor

The most likely outcome of critical listening is

Deciding whether or not a message is valuable and useful

In the Dyadic phase of relationship break up, the communication topics are characterized by


In relational listening, a key question the listener might ask himself/herself would be

Does this message correspond with my understanding of this relationship?

Failing to listen attentively to a speaker because you believe you know more than the speaker does is typical of:

Egocentric listening

Visual symbols used to help substitute for nonverbal cues in online communication are called


"Hi Steve. Unfortunately Facilities Services has made a terrible mistake and 10WPB is being used for another final, so you will need to use MH AUD for your course 36:070. We are really sorry and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you" contains an example of


If someone comes up to you and says "I'm very sorry to bother you but could you make change for a $5 bill?" you would now best analyze this in terms of

Facework (managing negative face wants)

Social comparison was a theory proposed by


A support group is distinguished from other types of groups because it:

Focuses on advising, comforting, raising consciousness on issues

Langue is more likely to be used in

Formal settings

A major function of story-telling is to place people's actions in various contexts that allow moral accounting. An example of such moral accounting used in the lectures was that it can be done by


Both Tuckman and Fisher recognize in their models of group development that:

Groups will generally not get into conflicts until they have had some time to meet and interact

Performing your 'self' requires

Having material objects that support your performance

A formal group is distinguished from other types of groups because it:

Helps to run an organization

Systems show ______________ between components


The element of agency in Burke's pentad refers to

How the act happened

The perspective that 'communication is action' is limited because

It fails to account for the receipt of a message

A group's culture is reflected in its members'

Language and special terms

A function can be manifest or it can be


Which of the following would not constitute an account of one's communication?:


The term 'facework' refers to

Managing your public image, dignity, and self-respect

Noise in a cell phone connection, problems with audio in a teleconference, or internet difficulties with an online videoconference are typical of

Medium distractions

Which of the following is NOT a form of employee-abusive communication?

Negative performance evaluation

Match the proper term to this definition: an unstated rule that is understood to be represented in a pattern of behavior.


Communication is presentational because it is

Not always objective

When you hear someone tell a story about what happened in their day, you have learned from the lectures that you should be looking out for the fact that stories

Offer justifications

Self-disclosure on social networking sites online differs from face-to-face (FTF) self-disclosure because:

Online self-disclosure happens much more quickly than in FTF interactions

A self or identity is

Partly a performance

The concept of the socialization impact of media implies:

People learn how to enact role behaviors they receive through the media

Convergence in talk refers to

People speaking in the same style

The concept of selective exposure explains:

People usually seek out media that support their own existing beliefs, values, and attitudes

Stories make use of

Plot lines

Ambivalence is one kind of problematic integration discussed by Babrow. An example is:

Possible promotion will be financially beneficial but involves relocation away from family

Bakhtin points to the unity of opposites. An example would be


Iterative coordination, one form of microcoordinating social interactions through cell phones, typically involves

Progressively defining when and where to encounter someone through multiple calls

The witches in Macbeth ask one another "When shall we three meet again, in thunder lightning or in rain?". This is an example of communication of a

Prospective unit

According to Kenneth Burke, studying the relationship between means and ends in a narrative would involve us in a/an

Purpose-Agency Ratio

In the Resurrection phase of relationship break up, the communications are characterized by


Pro-smoking messages about smoking often include

Refutation of established findings that link tobacco use to cancer

Intimacy and support are more characteristic of which type of goals?

Relational goals

According to Watlawick, Beavin & Jackson, everyday talk conveys both content and


What factors do traditional conceptions of organizations usually overlook?


An Icon

Represents what it stands for (man/woman stick-figure for restroom)

If you begin preparing for new relationships after a breakup is over, defining what you do and don't want in the future, Duck suggests you are in this phase


Effective encoding of your NVC involves

Revealing your emotions and feelings accurately

In the Intrapsychic phase of relationship break up, the communications are characterized by


The elements of Burke's dramatic pentad used to analyze stories are:

Scene, agent, act, agency, purpose

Taking notes and being attentive to a lecture only when your instructor says, "This will be on the next quiz," is typical of:

Selective listening

"I have spent the last four hours making up these questions and it will take you only 30 minutes to answer them. I'm really pissed and I hate doing this". This is an example of

Self disclosure

According to the chapter, which of the following is NOT a key criterion that impacts privacy rules?


Moral accountabililty is partly established in relation to

Social comparisons

Power in groups is:

Sometimes based on communication competence

In semiotics the ground or context is

The most important determinant of meaning

If you believe that spending time using the Internet means that you spend less time on other activities, you would view this relational technology as a:

Time displacer

Match the proper term to this definition: the preparation for becoming a worker in the form of socialization that takes place in a child's early life through family interaction and exposure to the media

Vocational anticipatory socialization

Baxter and Montgomery's idea of the autonomy-connectedness dialectic explains

We are caught between wanting to be independent and wanting to be connected with others

The norm of reciprocity affects self-disclosure in relationships because

We expect to get the same level of information from others that we reveal to them

The part of a social network that includes people with whom you have less close relationships/contact and are less likely to talk about important issues is referred to as

Weak ties

The element of purpose in Burke's pentad refers to

Why the act happened

Everyday "accounts" serve to

a) Accuse b) Excuse c) Exonerate d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following terms is NOT one of the terms in Burke's Pentad

a) Act b) ACTION c) Agency d) Scene

There are three ways of understanding communication

a) Action, inaction, and transfer b) Action, interaction and transfer c) Action, interaction, and transformation d) NO OF THE ABOVE

People give accounts by

a) Justification b) Excuses c) Accusations d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

Weiss' provisions of relationships include

a) Reliable alliance and emotional support b) Opportunities to talk and psychological support c) Physical support and opportunities to help d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

The Johari Window indicates that

a) There are things that we know about ourselves that no one else knows b) There are things that we do not know about ourselves that other people know c) There are things that neither we nor anyone else knows about us d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

Names can indicate: Use of the phrase "My fellow Americans" when spoken by a US politician is an example of

a) solidarity b) inclusion c) membership d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

Systems can be either open or


A grandparent, mother, and daughter together make up what kind of family?

extended family

Accounts often bring with them assumptions about

identity and "speaker truth"

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a system (and consequently, a family system)?


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