Developmental Psychology Chapter 14

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from 1990-2015 the divorce rate for middle-ages older adults...


according to Levinson, the 20s is the ______ phase of adult development

pivot generation

middle generation alternates between the demands of grown children and aging parents


According to the Big Five factors of personality, which of the following personality super traits describes an individual as either secure or insecure?

adaptation to those life events.

According to the contemporary life-events approach, one of the factors on which the influence of life events depends is the individual's

extraversion, openness, and agreeableness

Big Five that peak between 40-60 and then decrease in late adulthood


Cathy and Miguel have been dating for six months. Which of the following is likely to be LEAST important in their relationship, considering that both are in early adulthood?

greater role satisfaction

Compared to Chinese grandparents, American grandparents are characterized by


Individuals who are high in _____ tend to have more satisfying romantic relationships and to engage in more positive affect to stressors.

alcohol abuse

Vaillant's study said that ______ best predicted death at 75-80


by middle age, more than ______% of middle-aged adults provide care for parents or parents-in-law

Berkeley Study

found little to support the view that personality universally changes or remains stable from early adolescence through a portion of midlife

lawn mower parents

go to great lengths to prevent their child from experiencing adversity, stress, or failure.

developing a stable life structure and exploring the possibilities of adulthood

major tasks mastered in early adulthood according to Levinson


researchers have found that relationships between aging parents and their children are characterized by ______

affectionate (companionate) love

security, mutual emotional interest, and loyalty are all qualities of...


sense that they have done nothing for the next generation


showed a continues increase from early adulthood to late adulthood

the early life-events approach

the death of a spouse, divorce, and marriage all involve varying degrees of stress and are therefore likely to influence an individual's development according to...

young adults

...high daily stressor as opposed to overload stressor


marital satisfaction typically ______ after adult children leave home

attend a support group meeting.

Darren has a stressful work life. His workload has increased threefold, and he is having a hard time dealing with stress. In such a situation, Darren is most likely to


Diana is fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate with all her friends and acquaintances. Identify the Big Five personality factor that describes this aspect of Diana's personality.


Don and Ellie have been married for over 30 years. Which of the following is likely to be MOST important in their relationship?

generativity vs stagnation

Erikson's 7th stage of social development in which middle-aged people begin to devote themselves more to fulfilling one's potential and doing public service

stages of adult development

Erikson's life span view and Levinson's seasons of a man's life define...

developing a stable life structure

Identify a major task that must be mastered in early adulthood, according to Levinson.


In a longitudinal study of Smith College women, the desire for _____ increased as the participants aged from their thirties to their fifties.

reached a stable point in his career.

Kyle just celebrated his fortieth birthday. According to Levinson, Kyle has

determining life goals

Levinson said that a person between the ages of 20-33 is faced with...


Levinson said that age ______ most closely corresponds with the point of adulthood when the person enters the phase of Becoming One's Own man (BOOM)

go through four major conflicts that compromise a midlife crisis

Levinson's The Seasons of a Man's Life supported the notion that men...


Margie Lachman and her colleagues found that on average a sense of personal control peaks in _____ and then declines.

more attention to responsibility others

Margie Lachman said that middle-aged adults give______ than young adults

care for their own adolescent children as well as their elderly parents.

Middle adulthood is referred to as the "sandwich" generation because

positive relationships

Middle-aged Americans agree that a major component of their well-being involves

the dream

Olivia is 19yr old college student who hopes to be a PA in a large medical facility. She plans to be married and have two children by the time she turns 30. Levinson would call this...


Saeko has committed herself to the continuation and improvement of society as a whole through her connection and relationship with her children and grandchildren. According to Erikson, she is


The majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are

adolescent pregnancies

Which of the following is one of the main reasons that grandparents are thrust back into the "parenting" role they thought they had shed?


______% of adults reported that it is their responsibility to care for their aging parents


having a positive outlook on life and minimizing problems, ______, is linked to better adjustment, improved health, and increased longevity

extraversion Big 5

identify the Big Five personality factor that describes whether an individual is fun-loving or somber.

stressful circumstances that forced individuals to undergo a change in their personality

in the early verson of the life-events approach, life events were viewed as....


one of the five factors; willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences

cumulative personality model

over time people become more adept at interacting with the enviorment and in ways that promote increased stability in personality

conscientiousness Big Five

which of the following Big Five personality factors describes a person as either disciplined or impulsive?

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