Communications Ch 5-8
Affectionate touch is associated with the hormone(s): Oxytocin, Serotonin, and ___________
According to the lecture videos, which of the following is a nonverbal behavior associated with turn-taking in conversations?
Eye Contact
True or False: American Sign Language
In Kramer et al.'s (2014) study of Facebook users, they found that people whose Facebook feed contained fewer positive posts tended to post: -Fewer posts overall -Mostly neutral posts More meta-emotional posts -Fewer positive posts
Fewer positive posts
Your coworker is complaining about their day and you tell them, "Sounds like you have a personal problem." Which defensive communication climate behavior are you engaging in?
Which nonverbal channel do "t-shirt parties" rely on to match people up for dates?
What type of relationship is Dr. Ruppel researching where she has observed passion?
Platonic life partnership
What type of rule is reflected in the different meanings of the word "bitch"?
Semantic Rules
Which primary emotion was NOT represented by a character in the movie Inside Out?
True or False: Androgynous people tend to have satisfying relationships.
True or False: Expressiveness is a social skill that be practiced and improved.