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And agency's decision to offer group work services is primarily determined by

agency function and client need

A young, single man with a serious stomach ulcer asks the social worker's advice about renting an apartment so that he can live away from from his family and be more independent. The worker should

talk with the patient more specifically about his plans

A side effect of phenothiazines or haldol is

tardive's dyskinesia

The clients transference reactions usually relate to

the tendency to distort present perceptions due to transferred inferences from past primary experiences

The most important contradiction for marital therapy is

the therapists inability to prevent a marital partner from using sessions for aggressive, hostile and destructive purposes against his or her mate

An operational definition is

the translation of a concept into an observable and measurable variable that is useful in research

A social worker sees a client whose problems involve symbiosis. In determining the preference for individual rather than group or family treatment, the social worker's decision would most take into account

an assessment of the client's location on the developmental ladder: the greater the level of symbiosis, the more a one-to-one relationship will be preferred

A clients stated purpose is to receive help in adapting to a problematic situation rather than engaging in a personal change process. The social work approach would focus upon

helping him to respond to environmental and reality issues objectively

A worker is in the early stage of organizing a community group. A common mistake at this early stage is to

hold elections to quickly

When a client experiences some indecisiveness and ambivalence in choosing a desired object or goal, the psychological principle involved is called


In a first session, a family therapist is least interested in understanding

dates and figures

MAO inhibitors are most frequently used for


When a client is especially receptive to a social workers interventions and highly positive results seem to occur in a brief period, the client may be

experiencing an acute state of crisis

The major advantage of a bureaucracy for social workers is that

expertise can be developed in a specific area or speciality

A theory is used to

explain a hypothesis and delimit the scope of the data collected

Elements of informed consent include

explaining to potential subjects the risks and the benefits of the study

Erik Erikson's life cycle stage associated with the pleasure of attack and conquest is

initiative vs. guilt

A cocaine-addicted client calls her social worker and says that she has no money and has been unable to obtain drugs for sometime. She is alone and says she is going through withdrawal. She is coughing and sniffling on the phone, seems to be panicking, and says she feels nauseous and has chills. The social worker should

quickly secure medical assistance for the client

A social worker has been working with an adolescent activity group for ten sessions. The meeting went well for the first nine sessions. However , the worker senses some resentment from members that she believes reflects her leadership style or that the group's scheduling prevents members from

raise the issue and communicate that such feelings have a place in the group.

When a client claims that dysfunctional or destructive behavior is reasonable, appropriate, and acceptable, this is known as


A major difference between the social goals and remedial models is reflected in the

greater emphasis in the social work goals model of the groups relationships with each other beyond the group

The members of a discussion group attend regularly, actively participate in exhibit a cooperative working relationship. Discussions are productive and open, members that are on able to disagree. The fact is most likely operating is

group cohesion

Multiple family therapy is

group therapy with several families

The preferred form of clinical social work therapy for many substance abuse problems is

group treatment

Cocaine-induced physical and emotional symptoms might include

hallucinations, confusion, over activity, body chills, dilated pupils and nausea

"Man on the street" interviews are an example of

haphazard, unsystematic sampling

A categorical grant

has guidelines established by the federal government with state specification of criteria

The term "boarder babies" is used to describe babies who are in hospitals because they

have no families available to care for them

A 17-year-old male high school student is referred to a social worker in a mental health agency by the school counselor. He has a history of minor delinquency, suspensions from school, and truancy. Although his parents support him financially, they have withdrawn emotional support, saying he is not welcome to remain at home after graduation. They are not interested in participating in therapy with their son. Rather, they are anxious for him to finish school, join the army, and leave home. To help the boy best, the social worker should First

help the boy develop some insight into his feelings and behavior with the goal of preparing him for independent living.

The director's key initial activity will be to

help the group identify other groups in the community who have similar concerns and seek to form coalitions likely to influence the community's decision - makers.

After the organization has determined initial program objectives, the worker's main task is to

help the members partialize and assign the task

During the last 10 years, the number of children placed in foster homes has

increased as serious abuse and neglect have increased and agencies have grown more aggressive in protecting children

A community organization of low- income neighborhood residents forms to protest municipal government priorities and to demand better services, more frequent street cleaning and garbage collection, improved street lighting, and better school facilities. Meetings are organized to demand changes in the city's budget and better representation from local representatives to the city council. The implicit goal of the organization is probably

increased political power.

A researcher testing the outcome of a new medication gives one group the drug and the other a placebo. The placebo is the

independent variable

The technique least likely to be used in family therapy by the social worker is

individual reflection and introspection

According to Beck, the treatment modality that seems to be least used in treating clients diagnosed with schizophrenia is

individual therapy

According to Erik Erikson's formulation, the psychosocial developmental stage related to a child's school performance is

industry vs. inferiority

A member of a group in a hospital tells the social worker that she has been abused by a nurse. The worker should

inform the head nurse

An infant showing drug withdrawal symptoms at birth is read for foster care placement following medical treatment and court action. To prepare the prospective foster parents, the social worker should

inform them of the infant's drug background and the treatments provided, and answer any questions about the medical issues the child may present

The use of token economies has been most successful in

inpatient programs in psychiatric residential treatment centers

According to systems theory, public assistance, Medicaid, social services, and food stamps are considered


Role playing group supervision

Permits and encourages self-revelation, but requires a sense of security in the group

Since separation four months ago from a very abusive husband of 10 years, Sarah, 36, has been depressed. She cries frequently, has a poor appetite and limited concentration, and has lost 15 pounds. She wakes at 5 am and is unable to resume sleep. She lacks self-esteem, has no social life, lacks energy, and sees no one except her son and her parents with whom she now lives. Despite her depression, she feels satisfaction about her relationship with her son. She is unwilling ti ever return to her husband. A physical examination reveals no anomalies. She tells her social worker that she stayed in the marriage because she felt unable to care for her son alone, and her parents disapproved of divorce. Nonetheless, she feels her husband;s behavior was partly her fault. What is the most likely diagnosis and what treatments might be most effective?

Persistent depressive disorder: short-term medication, group and individual treatment

The primary mathematical limitation of using the mean to represent the numerical score of a sample is that it

is affected by extreme values at the high or low end of the scale

A school social worker receives a referral of a child who is disruptive in class, does not follow instructions or finish assignments, talks to his classmates, and frequently leaves his seat. The social worker should first consider that the child may be

learning disordered

A researcher seeking to identify a measure of central tendency that is calculated by identifying the score below which 1/2 of all scores fall would calculate the


A federally supported medical insurance payment program that provides health services for the elderly is


Legal services that were previously offered by the Office of Economic Opportunity and which in 1975 were replaced by the Federal Legal Services Corporation provided

legal services for the poor in civil cases

The role that a child care worker usually does not fill in residential treatment is a

life-space interviewer

AFDC provides basic cash benefits to mothers with young children and has been replaced by TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(, a program that

limits the duration of payments, requires recipients to seek employment, and may refuse additional assistance to mothers who have a child while on welfare

A drug frequently used for bipolar disorder is


In the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (PL 94-142) the responsibility for providing education for children with physical challenges and learning disorders was given primarily to

local education agencies

Social workers have attempted to describe the significance of transference reactions for social work treatment. The importance of this phenomenon is most accurately reflected in considering that transference feelings

tend to reveal responses that derive from a combination of historic and realistic considerations in relatively normal people

A researcher wants to test the effect of a group therapy program on the recidivism of prisoners and randomly selects two group of prisoners. To test the impact of the therapy in a controlled experiment

one group should receive treatment while the other does not. After release both groups' rates of recidivism should be compared

The two most common defense mechanisms employed by couples with marital problems are

projection and displacement

Conscious and unconscious attempts by the client to thwart the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, the expression of emotions and emotionally charged material can be considered


In working with patients with schizophrenia, the social worker is concerned with all but

resolving internal psychological conflicts

A 40 year old married man and father of two children has difficulty relating and communicating with his family. He has no difficulty interacting with men on the softball team. This man probably has problems with


The one principle that distinguishes Carl Rodgers client-centered therapy from all other approaches is


Credit unions, peer tutoring programs, and locally sponsored nonprofit housing corporations are examples of

self-help programs.

A social worker at a suicide hotline receives a call at 2:00am from someone who says he is depressed and contemplating suicide. The social worker should

send a crisis worker immediately or convince him to go to a hospital emergency room

A newly established activity group of 11-year-old boys is noisy and disruptive. Members are hesitant in relating to each other and leadership seems ship quickly. The most likely explanation is that they are

testing each other, the worker, and their role in the group

The difference between Acute Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic stress Disorder in DSM 5 is

that PTSD has more flashback symptoms and occurs over a period of at least one month

A woman who was referred to a community mental health agency by the local hospital is tested twice for AIDS. Though test results are negative, she requests another test. The social worker should assess

the reason for her concern

A basic assumption of community practice does not include the idea that

the redistribution of resources and opportunities have a limited importance in the determination and maintenance of community change.

A group development model that often has special applicability to women's groups stresses the interpersonal empathy that occurs in groups. It has been labeled

the relational model

The focus that receives at least attention and behavioral group treatment as compared with other models relate to

the relationship with the worker

"Efficiency in a social service agency is best defined by

the resources expended to achieve a goal

Heinz Hartman's contribution to psychoanalytic theory is related to

the significance of object relations

The change in social work theory from viewing the individual mainly in the context of forces in the environment to perceiving people mainly as products of unconscious or learned responses reflects a shift in orientation form

social reform and social policy change to techniques of individual and group treatment

The basic difference between a social worker and a psychiatrist is

social workers primarily use verbal methods and interpersonal relationships to modify attitudes and behavior

Following the death of his father, an 18-year-old complains of an occasional loss of sensation in his left hand. He wears the same size clothes as his deceased father and has inherited part of his father's wardrobe. The symptoms seem to worsen whenever he wears his father's overcoat. The youth appears to have no control over the symptoms. Physical examination reveals no organic cause for the symptoms. A social worker might consider a diagnosis of

somatic symptom and related disorder

The Robinson family includes a 13 year old eneuretic child. According to Haley, in order for change to occur, the major factor necessary is

the social workers intervention system

A researcher administered I.Q. tests to a group of boys and a group of girls. The researcher found that the girls' group was more homogeneous. One would expect that

the standard deviation of the girls group was smaller

A major health issue for drug addicted clients who inject illegal substances is

the strong possibility that using unsterilized needles will result in the infection with the HIV virus

The closer the "r" value gets to 1

the stronger the association

Unlike a psychiatrist, a social worker cannot prescribe medication, therefore

the treatment approach relies heavily on the therapeutic relationship whether or not the client has been medicated

In working with chemically dependent groups, the single most important challenge to the worker is how to create a group climate that allows and encourages members to

speak honestly about their thoughts and feelings.

Social workers who work with cancer patient support groups use flexible contracts because

the treatment circumstances of each members varies and influences both attendance and level of participation.

A distinct difference between the reciprocal and remedial model is reflected by

the worker focuses on the interdependence of the worker, members and society in the reciprocal model, while in the remedial model the group is seen as the primary context and means of treatment

Most of the elderly in our nation live in

their own household

When treating persons who have had long periods of alcohol dependence and abuse, the worker might reasonably expect that

there is a high likelihood of cycling between periods of relapse and recovery

Focus group research is best used when

there is a need to learn about diverse opinions

Case studies are useful for research projects when

there is need for an in-depth study of a bounded system

When researchers report that their findings were significant at the .01 level, they are stating

there is one chance in a 100 that the results occurred by chance

Generally speaking, addicted clients have a poor treatment prognosis when

they also have a borderline or antisocial personality disorder

A distinguishing characteristic of public assistance or "welfare" programs is that

they are means-tested

An infant is assessed as low-functioning. The family's social worker should help the family understand that

they can be helped to meet the child's needs and that community services are available to them

One disadvantage of self-help programs is that

they rarely influence the larger institutional system

Social workers who make use of cognitive consistency theory in their work are most likely to help their groups

think through their working agreements or contracts, building group consciousness, share data and pinpoint or eliminate obstacles.

In a social work setting, a researcher would describe the interchange between the social worker and the client as


The contemporary focus of treatment in schizophrenia in patients who have families available to them is

to focus on helping families respond to the patient, and to help the family and the client use available community resources

A weekly support group is composed of elderly members who all live in a retirement community . After five years, some members have become less active or dropped out of the group. Several members say they do not want closeness with others who are " going to die anyway." The worker encourages members to contact and visit dropouts when possible. The rationale for the worker's emphasis on former members is

to maintain relationships that help increase their sense of control in their lives and reassure everyone that people care about what happens to them.

Internal Review Boards (IRB'S) are set up for all of the following except

to monitor the personal life of the researcher

Despite the discomfort of anxiety as a signal of an unknown threat or danger, practitioners can often use anxiety positively

to motivate clients to change

A social work practice concern in working with all neighborhood groups is

to provide opportunities for all members to express their views

The differentiation of the mind into unconscious, conscious, and preconscious refers to Freud's

topographical theory

The treatment approach that attempts to separate ego states into child, adult and parent function is used in

transactional analysis

A key element of Sigmund Freud's work that is the basis of social casework is the idea of


When a client unconsciously attributes elements of the experiences of a former relationship to a new relationship this mechanism is known as


A client complains that if the social worker really cared about him like his mother does, then the social worker would not charge him for treatment. This is an example of

transference reaction

A client is ordinarily very rational suddenly shifts topics during an interview. This behavior would most likely suggest that a) the topic has become too anxiety provoking b)the client is afraid of boring the worker c) there may be some unconscious connection between the first topic and the topic to which the client has shifted d) the client has schizophrenia and has a thought disorder

a and c

Contingency management treatment is best described as

a behavioral treatment program, in which there are both positive and negative consequences for clients, depending on their success in remaining drug-free

Harry is a social worker in a mental health treatment center. Recently he has developed an alcohol problem that is steadily worsening. Several colleagues have noticed that Harry occasionally appears slightly inebriated and unsteady while at work. According to the Social Work Code of Ethics, Harry's colleagues should

speak privately with Harry and ask him to obtain help

A social worker leads a group of adults in a senior citizens' center. During a group meeting, one client says that she is going to kill herself and her husband. The threat appears to reflect real

talk with the client's husband

A "professional relationship" between the social worker and the client would not include

an arena for a transference relationship in which the worker encourages the client to explore early libidinal fears with the aim of reenacting them in the worker client relationship

The source of illness among smokers can only be conclusively and unequivocally proven by

an experimental study

When a hazardous event precipitates a crisis, the client's ego does not ordinarily experience

an increased sense of self actualization

A client diagnosed with a personality disorder begins to realize certain maladaptive behaviors are no longer acceptable. The client then becomes depressed, experiences a loss of appetite and has trouble sleeping. The social worker would see these symptoms as

an indication of progress

A grief reaction, usually in childhood and following a loss or separation from someone upon whom the child is dependent, is called

anaclitic depression

The technique used by social workers to increase a clients motivation to change is called

analysis of resistance

The first tacit assumption of public responsibility for shaping programs and influencing social policy occurred in 1912 in the field of

child welfare

A social worker in a community agency is treating a married women. She complains that her husband is a compulsive gambler. He owes money to bookies and has received physical threats. Her discussion always emphasize her husband's behavior. The social worker would

clarify with the woman how their work together can focus on her own feelings and behavior

A client has a phobia about enclosed places like elevators. This is called


The goal of reparative therapy is to address issues of sexuality when the client does not conform to heterosexual identity and behavior. Social workers should consider reparitve therapy as

Unproven, unethical, and possibly harmful treatment approach to issues of sexuality and sexual identity

A supervisor learns that a supervisee is spreading rumors about him. The supervisor is extremely angry and does not want to allow the issue to rest. The supervisor should

Wait until he is in control of his anger and speak with the other worker to find out if there is a misunderstanding

An example of social action that uses a confrontational or "contest" method is

A group of welfare recipients "sitting in" a local welfare center in attempt to change policies they believe are unfair

The MOST critical activity for a hospital social worker while planning post hospital care for a depressed married woman, prior to release from an inpatient psychiatric unit, is to

Consult with the patients husband to insure that the patient's follow-up care is understood, and that there is a supportive family available to her

James R. brags to his clinical social worker that he has embezzled funds from the bank that employs him and that they will never discover his theft. The social worker should

Continue to see him in treatment

When facilitating a client, group, or community's ability to make decisions and progress toward problem solving, a social worker is acting in the role of


In 1967, the United States Supreme Court ruled that a juvenile has a right to cross examine complaints and a right to counsel and protection against self-incrimination in the

Gault Decision

In discussions of policies and programs, some authors such as Kahn and Kamerman have suggested the U.S. develop a comprehensive approach to children and families similar to that of Western European nations that they call

Family Policy

An administrator acknowledges that she needs to focus attention on the process of the development and implementation of her program, she might use which type of program evaluation model


During the past decade, funding for social service and mental health problems has become more precarious. An administrator of a mental health agency who seeks to insure organizational growth and development is likely to seek

Foundation grants, public sector contracts for services and third-party reimbursement through medicaid, HMOs, private insures and EAPs

In community organization practice, a worker might emphasize collaboration between parties to achieve a particular strategy or change when there is

Issue consenus

Which of the following statements about Tardive's dyskinesia is untrue

It can always be reversed by discontinuing psychotropic medication

Which treatment goal is least likely in clinical work with pedophiles

decrease their sexual impulse control

The term "effectiveness" when applied to agency function is measured by the

degree to which program goals are achieved

Mental health policy emphasizes reducing inpatient services. As a result, many facilities for the mental ill have closed and community based services have expanded. The policy is generally known as


A client states that he is convinced the FBI is watching him and that they are trying to influence his thoughts. This is an example of a (an)


A women tells her social worker that colors have special meaning for her. If someone wears a certain color, it means different things. For example, if someone wears blue, they are jealous; red, they are angry though not at her. She is probably suffering from


One psychological mechanism that tends to obstruct the identification and treatment of alcoholism is


The experience of the stages of dying and preparing for imminent death according to Elisabeth Kuber-Ross, are

denial, anger,bargaining,depression,acceptance

A social worker in a child welfare agency is conducting an initial interview with a 16-year-old pregnant teenager referred by a school counselor. The girl describes a family history in which she was often a pawn in a hostile, stormy parental relationship. Her mother is dependent on her, and her father is seductive. The client asks if the agency can arrange adoption for her baby. The worker's best response is to

describe the agency's adoption services

In working with a very depressed patient, a social workers main concern in a first interview is

determining suicidal intent

Budgeting that limits the discretion of the executive director and program staff to allocate funds is

Line item

The model(s) most closely associated with the activities of the tenants association is/are

Locality development and social action.

A homeless man with a history of alcohol abuse and with no family connections appears at a hospital outpatient clinic on a bitterly cold night. He is confused and distraught. Though ill and coughing, he is not suicidal and is not hostile. The social worker fears, however, if he does not recieve medical help, then his physical and mental condition will deterioate. He does not wish to accept hospitalization, but seems willing to continue to talk with the social worker. What is the social worker's BEST strategy to assist the man in this situation?

Locate an accessible shelter with an available bed, encourage him to stay overnight, and meet later to develop a more long-term plan

Which of the following medications can decrease physical energy and libido?

Medications such as Lisinoprol and Atenolo designed to lower blood pressure

Between the ages of 15 and 30 Myra was addicted to heroin. She has now been drug-free for over two years and is employed. She is having serious relationship difficulties with her family, particularly her older sister and the extended family. Her friendships are brief and unsatisfying and she angers easily when frustrated. She believes her work supervisors are unfair and overly critical. The social worker might suspect

Myra's long period of addiction since adolescence has led to a failure to develop age appropriate interpersonal skills

The term "grounded theory" is best attributed to which set of researchers

Corbin and Strauss

The birth of the first child sometimes creates a crisis mainly because

Couples can rarely anticipate the many stresses that caring for an infant will impose on their lives and on their marriage

A 14 year old youth is arrested for a minor crime in a small town. A reporter for the local press seeks information. What philosophy guides the justice system when asked for information on the identity of the offender and the circumstances of the crime?

Court records are confidential for offenses committed by children. Neither the court nor the police would provide information on the identity of the youth

The administrators of a large agency concludes there is little cooperation and coordination between programs, and there is insufficient energy afforded to innovation and program improvement. The agency has many programs areas, including child and adolescents services, foster care, day care, drug and alcohol treatment, school services, and community outreach. To improve coordination and cooperation, it would probably be most advantageous to

Create a cross-program committee composed of program directors to consider methods for improving service coordination

To evaluate programs effectively, the most important factor is

Clear and well-defined program goals

Agencies that provide informed consent to treatment usually inform clients at the start of treatment that

Clients have the right to confidentiality that is limited by the requirement to report child and elder abuse, and serious threats of harm to others or self

Interpretation, confrontation, affirmation, and clarification are

Clinical interventions designed to help clients obtain and sustain insight

Social where fair organizations may involve consumers of their services in an advisory capacity or in the planning of services. And unintended consequence is that the

Consumers may build a personal power base through their participation in the organization.

According to DSM-5 , anorexia nervosa and bulimia are categorized as

Feeding and eating disorders

A component of administrative planning usually does not include

Focusing on only one model for a solution

The fastest growing component of federal assistance programs is

Food Stamps

Which of the following is not associated with psychodrama?

Formal scripts

"The adaptive capacities of the ego" is associated with

Heinz Hartman

A community worker finds that a community renewal group has developed very ineffective, often hospital partners are relating to each other and board meetings. The worker would most likely

Help the board as they work on significant community issues, while helping members develop better pattens of relating during meetings.

A family of four moved to a large city from a rural community four months ago. The family seems anxious about new experiences and unused to community resources such as the library, local clubs, school programs, and public transportation. As a result they seem isolated and dependent on each other. The social worker's FIRST goal is to

Help the family make connections with community resources and programs

When an elderly person enters a nursing home, there is a period of adjustment. Some residents characteristically withdraw, while others are more gregarious. When a client appears withdrawn in the first weeks of residence, the social workers FIRST task is usually to

Help the person become involved with programs and activities

The primary learning emphasis used by a supervisor to improve treatment effectiveness is MOST likely to be

Helping the worker deepen, understand, and effectively use the relationship between the clinician and the client

At 20, Belle, a single parent who never completed high school, has a 4 year old child and is pregnant. On public assistance for four years, she was notified that her welfare payments will not be increased with the birth of her second child . She learns that she must begin the process of finding employment, as her welfare allowance will be suspended in a fear years. She asks for help from a community agency social worker. What priorities should the worker FIRST address?

Her plans for the new baby, as well as evaluating her capabilities for employment,or eligibility for vocational training

The most characteristic type of formal organization in our society is


In general when treating substance disorders, the successful long-term control of substance dependence usually requires

High client motivation and a broad combination of medical psychosocial interventions

A social worker in a mental health agency is asked to develop risk management procedures for the agency. It is likely that the worker will explore methods through which the agency can

Identify and minimize risks incurred by clients and workers and develop procedures that will reduce the agency's exposure to liability lawsuits for all forms of injury or malpractice

A neighborhood association was insure that a community meeting at a local school is well attended. The meeting will be heavily advertised through direct mail and newspaper advertisements. To insure good attendance, they should first

Identify topics that have wide appeal and are of concern to the community

According to Amitai Etzioni, social work is a semi-profession because

It's members, authority is based on a relatively short period of professional training

The practice of hearing children's cases in the judge'c chambers or closed court, and the use of probation services for children was originally recommended by

Julia Lathrop and Grace Abbot

A theoretical framework that helps professionals understand the level at which a person understands, accepts, and integrates ethics, laws, and rights is known as

Kohlberg's theory of moral development

As women age, the percentage with orgasmic disorders that prevent them from achieving orgasm is

Likely to decrease

The least effective means to avoid "group think" within a committee is to

Limit membership to people with no previous professional relationships

Parnate and Nardil are considered

MAO inhbitors

A major weakness of group supervision is that

Members refrain from criticizing to maintain group harmony

A board function that is inappropriate expect in rare instance is

Monitoring day-to-day activities

A family court judge requests an evaluation of a convicted perpetrator of sexual assault. Before conducting the interview, the social worker should

Remind him of the evaluation's purpose and that the results will be available to the court

Agencies most likely to employ a token economy are usually

Residential programs using behavioral reinforcement as a treatment method

Workers and supervisors complain that changes in policy occur regularly and without prior discussion with staff or supervisors. Even a move to new offices on the other side of town. The simply "announced" and was a surprise to everyone. The consequence of a closed decision making process are likely to be

Resistance to change and higher staff turnover

Last year, Maryville Hospital determined that the community supported developing a new senior citizen's program and health center. The hospital is now ready to develop programs. The worker assigned to develop community support might first

Revisit the issue and canvas community groups in the area to see if Support can be mobilized and to obtain their involvement.

Thorazine is a drug commonly prescribed for


Maria, 16, who has struggled with abusive relationships, has recently dropped out of school after having a child. She was raised in several foster homes, in none of which she formed substantial relationships or parental bonds. She has been unemployed since giving birth and complains of loneliness and the overwhelming responsibility of parenting a child alone. A social worker would be MOST concerned that

She doesn't have a model or skills for parenting and may abuse of neglect her child

The work would probably opt for

Small group meetings involving a broad cross-section of interests.

A program that is neither supervised nor administered by a state agency is

Social Security

A social worker in a family agency is served with a court order requiring her to produce the case records of a client involved in a divorce proceeding. The worker would first

Speak to the supervisor

A staff member's interest and willingness to update and maintain case records voluntarily will be least improved by

Stating the records must be kept and there will be consequences for noncompliance

A supervisor in a large children's agency suspects that a social worker is abusing alcohol. One morning the worker arrives at the office intoxicated. The supervisor would first

Suggest he go home and come back when he is sober

The Greenwood Home developed a highly successful treatment approach that can be replicated. What type of program evaluation will be needed to convince funding agencies?


Hypothyroidism, the inadequate production of thyroid hormones, can lead to lethargy, lack of motivation, and chronic fatigue. It can be treated with

Synthroid or Thyroxin

John fears airplanes. His work has been affected and he has turned down job opportunities that would have advanced his career. He enters a group program that progressively provides experiences in airplanes. The program starts with lectures about flying, proceeds to actually boarding a plane, and finally, to a short flight. The type of program uses a technique called

Systematic Desensitization

The method of supervisory training and education that has the most value is

Systematic case instruction

The school principal noted that a group of boys was smoking marijuana in one of the school bathrooms. He then ordered a search of their school lockers. Which statement below is most true

The principal was legally correct in ordering the search

An agency needs to cut its budget and reduce the number of programs it will operate next year. In proposing reductions to the board, the director must decide which programs will be affected and how the agency will cut its budget. In determining which programs will be reduced or eliminated, the factors that are likely to be most influential in making a traditional decision are

The program's impact, effectiveness, and benefits as measured against cost

An example of the use of self in a social work relationship would be

allowing oneself to be used as a role model

A client wants to leave his wife but also wants to stay with her. This is an example of


AIDS ACTION best represents an example of

an advocacy- brokerage program

Six social workers worry about the effect of caseload increases on services. After meeting twice, they decide to request a limit on new intakes. To stimulate discussion, they decide to propose limiting intake interviews to two per week at the next staff meeting. Other staff are prepared for the discussion during coffee breaks and at lunch. The social workers are involved in

an informal organization

Workmens Compensation provides cash payments and medical benefits to workers who experience injuries on the job. Workmans compensation is

an insurance program

An annual budget process provides evidence of

an organization guided by policy objectives and clear goals

As a rule, the differences between the role of anxiety in schizophrenia and in neurosis is that in schizophrenia

anxiety leads to disorganized thinking and poor reality testing

Organizations need clear personnel policies and standard personnel evaluation procedures to insure high-quality practice and

To provide predictable and structured rules that protect the interests of workers, and to prevent arbitrary management decisions

Clinicians have observed that certain behaviors are culturally linked and not necessarily associated with child abuse, deviant behaviors or mental illness. Which of the following statements does not reflect a culturally distinct response to illness or stress

Use of physical restraints, isolation and confinement in caring for older adults in the home

Though amniocentesis has become increasingly common, it would definitely be prescribed for

a 39 year old pregnant woman experiencing her first pregnancy

A social worker in a neighborhood center is helping a group of parents concerned about low educational achievement levels among their children. The worker helps the group establish an afterschool tutoring in recreational program. The worker is employing

a Community development method.

A variable is

a concept that has variations associated with it

The worker begins to help the group develop a clear understanding of why they are meeting, but the group silent. He reflects that it may be difficult to frame their expectations and several members respond. The worker may be developing

a contract

In the social work relationship, the social worker should be careful not to act on

a countertransference reaction

If you are a researcher interested in studying the ways in which prisoners change their perceptions of institutional rules and regulations because of socialization into the inmate subculture, the type of study design that would be the most effective and practical is

a cross-sectional study

DSM-5 describes a group of symptom patterns limited to a specific ethnic or national group as

a culture-bound syndrome

Despite compelling evidence to the contrary, a client maintains that his boss and some co-workers are conspiring to steal his ideas and deny his contributions to the company. A social worker would believe that the client is experiencing

a delusion

All the following are examples of therapy groups except

a discussion group for elderly married couples.

A basic assumption of crisis intervention is that

a minimum of therapeutic effort may have maximal therapeutic effect

The study of epidemiology

The study of the relationships among diseases, behavior, and populations

A research proposal probably would not include

The title of articles likely to be published from the outcome of the research project

A social worker who uses behavioral techniques would be least interested in

a social work relatoinship

One commitment that is implicit in the NASW Code of Ethics is that

a social worker's obligation to the client take primacy over obligations to the employer

The social work profession has little intellectual influence or impact in promoting universal family-oriented social policies due to

a societal emphasis on residual social welfare programs and practices

In a group with members diagnosed as regressed schizophrenics a social worker would primarily focus on the development of

a structure

A social worker considering a treatment approach for a client diagnosed with a paranoid personality disorder is likely to stress

a supportive approach that avoids direct challenges to the client's suspicions.

Characteristics of a three year old might be

a tendency to resist external influences

Aminocentesis is

a test of the condition of the fetus

An elementary school teacher has placed a disruptive child away from all activities for a predetermined, though short period. This is an example of

a time-out strategy

An example of informal authority is

a worker frequently asking a colleague for advice and accepting her direction.

To diminish a client's resistance the worker would

acknowledge the client's ambivalence about accepting help

A client with an excessive phobic fear of high places such as bridges, observation towers and high-rise views, is probably suffering from


Darlene is a 16-year-old. She has developed few positive strategies for self-expression when she feels angry or depressed. At those times, she gets into fights at school or shoplifts. A client who is unable to tolerate frustration and has a tendency to discharge tension by action is said to


At first meeting of long-term disabled patients at a really rehabilitation hospital, The social worker explains why she is there. As the meeting progresses, there is an outpouring of patient complaints about the hospitals staff, food, visiting hours, and other services. The worker encourages the group to develop a list for presentation to the adminindrtator. The patient mentioned that he heard that patients are sometimes poorly treated after making complaints. The group is silent after this comment. The work should first

address their fear of what might happen if they make complaints.

Perry's out-of-control heroin use and reckless life-style has led to serious cardiac problems. He claims he is ready to enter a detox program as he knows his life is at a crossroads. The best solution is

admission to a hospital-based detox program and clinical follow-up by social services

Ambivalent feelings toward leadership in a group occur most frequently during


Schizophrenic episodes most frequently occur for the first time during


A hospital case manger is responsible for discharge planning for an 83 year-old man after surgery to repair a hernia. The man is a widower and lives alone. His son is visiting from out-of-state and because he will provide the first 2 weeks of at-home aftercare, no professional home care services are put in place. There are system-wide fiscal pressures on the use of home care services. At his surgical follow-up visit, the elderly man is found to have an infection that requires reopening his surgical wound. In retrospect, the case manager regrets that she did not confront the pressure to minimize service costs by referring the patient to visiting nurse services. Had she confronted the systemic problem, it would have illustrated the case management role of


A client capacity to enter a social work relationship cannot usually be determined by


The most important factor in planning for a child who is separated from the mother is the

age and development stage

The roles of paraprofessionals are redefined and they are reassigned to new tasks. This change in job description should be sanctioned and managed by the

agency administrator

The use of drugs such as methadone to control addictions is known as

agonist therapy

The most common abused substance is


After interviewing a 10 year old girl a school social worker believes that the child has been sexually abused by her father. She reports this observation to the local protective agency. The report is investigated, but is determined to be unfounded. In this situation

The worker cannot be disciplined since he or she is immune from damages, if the report was made in good faith

A community group representing a low income neighborhood demands that a neighborhood demands that a neighborhood bank increase mortgage availability and make loans to community groups for small business development. The bank's staff and the community group's leaders meet on these issues several times without reaching agreement. Finally, after many meetings the bank rejects their demands and the group threatens to organize a publicity campaign directed against the bank's "racist" management. The bank's managers refuse to negotiate further. The process the two parties are engaged in is called


A key concept in the behavior modification approach when used in martial counseling is

bargaining and negotiation

To foster growth in the client, the social worker should

be mindful of positive regard as the primary element in listening

Anna Frued's contributions included her

belief that defenses tended to be coping mechanisms but could also be pathological

A developmental process that occurs over time because of consistent interaction in which individuals find gratification of various needs via each other is


An administrator of a mental health clinic participates actively in a local community service coalition. One of his goals is to facilitate access to the agency and to promote referrals from other providers . The members of the coalition are unfamiliar with the mental health clinic and subsequently helps ease the way for the client referrals between the clinic and other service agencies. The administrator's role most closely resembles that of


A social worker employed in a privates family clinic treats a couple with marital communication problems. There is no question of violence and there does not seem to be any serious pathology. The clients agree to pay fees monthly. When the client does not pay after six weeks, the worker reminds them of the payment arrangements and discusses the overdue account. They agree to pay. After continued non-payment, the social worker wishes to terminate the treatment. The worker

can notify the couple of the reasons and terminate the relationship

Cognitive behavioral treatment programs have as their major goal

changing the cognitive and behavioral processes that lead to drug use

A four-year-old boy is ready for discharge from a hospital where he has spent three months for treatment of meningitis. His activities will be very limited for many months to come. He must remain in bed part of the day and receive daily injections. The mother, who has a new baby and three other young children to care for, could learn to administer the shots, but will have little time for the patient otherwise. In preparing a discharge plan, the hospital social worker might

arrange for a visiting nurse to administer the injections, at least until the mother has reestablished a relationship with the patient and he has adjusted to the situation

an inherent problem in providing client services in a large formal organization is that

as rule and regulations increase, the organization may ignore client's needs

If a researcher plans to study the norms of the aged at a residential hotel, the most effective method is to

ask active residents about the norms

A social worker has begun work with a new client. In the first session the client tells the worker that she had a bad experience with a previous worker. She felt betrayed because the social worker revealed information to her husband without her knowledge. The worker should firs

ask the client to tell her more about what happened with the other social worker

During the initial meetings of an adolescent group at a recreation center, a worker should reasonably expect that there will be a need to focus on the issue of


A similarity between Medicare and Medicaid is that both are

authorized under the Social Security Act

According to Mahler, the stages toward seperation-individualization occur in one of the sequences listed below

autism, symbiosis, differentiation, practicing, rapprochement, on the way to object constancy ASDPRO

The largest number of persons receiving public assistance in most states are

children less than 18-years-old

A social worker in a nursing home has determined that the discussion group will be helpful. The clients are interested. Before the first meeting, the social worker should

clarify the scope and purpose of the group with the agency

Using the technique of "modifying the environment" helps to diminish

objective anxiety

An essential facto in determining, winning approval for, and implementing social policy is to

obtain broad political support from many segments of the community

In a beginning interview with a client, the purpose of asking questions is to

obtain information about the presenting problem

A young married woman is admitted to a city hospital in acute cardiac decompensation. While there she writes a letter to the medical social worker in a voluntary hospital where she was previously treated and asks for a transfer to that facility. The worker receiving the letter should

obtain the clients permission to contact the social worker in the city hospital and ask him or her to see the client

In the beginning stage of group development, the worker needs to be aware that the members may reflect a pattern

of relying on the social worker to solve all group relationship problems.

A supervisor works with a social worker whose learning pattern is that of an experimental empathetic learner. The worker is intuitive and uses self-appraisals quite well. To enhance the worker's learning, the supervisor might

offer repetitive experience with different cases

A social worker who employa token systems in a mental hospital is using

operant techniques

In a study measuring whether people are willing to spend more time or less time commuting to work, the level of measurement used would be


Projection is the psychic mechanism that is most useful in explaining


A client feels persecuted and unappreciated at work and states definitively that he is the most valuable and creative person in the organization. The DSM 5 diagnosis is likely to be

paranoid personality disorder

What is the technique in social work that focuses on helping clients decide on the issues they wish to address from among many issues that bother them

partializing the problem

A young man comes to treatment with vague complaints about how he is mistreated at work. He appears sullen, comes late to his appointments and does not pay his bills on time. Diagnostically, he might be considered a

passive-aggressive personality

Medicare Part A does not include

payment of all hospital, medication, nursing home, and outpatient medical costs

Among the strongest interpersonal needs of adolescents are those involving

peer group acceptance

Seventh graders have participated in a small group program with a school counselor since fourth grade. Members are uninterested in forming relationships outside the group and, when given the opportunity, have rejected additional members. The factor most likely operating is


A group of recovering addicts in a halfway house believes the surrounding community is hostile to them. The feeling is strong ,and it creates difficulty in maintaining discipline and in sustaining the group's energy for treatment. One could suggest that this is the effect of

cohesion influenced by their exclusion from the community

An intervening variable

comes between the independent and dependent variables

Persons who are substance dependent or substance abusing are likely to be at much higher risk than the general population for

committing suicide and or violent acts against each others

Joan and Ed have a mutually satisfying marriage despite their obvious personality differences. Joan is outgoing and funny and enjoys being the center of attention where Ed is quiet and an appreciative listener. According to structural family therapy, this positive "fit" between them is seen as


A school truancy group is ending. In the worker's evaluation, the group has fulfilled its objectives and all members have improved school attendance. Besides encouraging expression of feelings about the separation, the worker would

compliment the group for working and achieving the group's goal.

A young woman has an uncontrollable urge to clean her shoes when coming in from the outdoors. This is an example of

compulsive behavior

A statistical method that is not used to measure reliability is

concurrent correlation of validity

In social work the function of the contract is to

confirm the reciprocal role expectations and tasks to be achieved

In working with a client who has paranoid ideation, the social worker would not use


The practice strategies will most likely include

confrontation, conflict, and negotiation.

A particular physical characteristic that is present at birth is said to be


A client participates in a behavioral treatment program and consents to have a social worker notify his employer if he relapses into drug of alcohol use. The behavioral treatment program is called

contingency management

A client diagnosed with schizophrenia begins to hallucinate. The social worker should

continue to provide ego support and refer the client to a psychiatrist for medication

In comparing models of social work clinical practice, probably the most significant difference is


The category in which pathological behavior is most likely to be ego-syntonic is

personality disorder

Play therapy can be successful with children because

play therapy is the natural self expression of children

In establishing a professional relationship, a social worker must convey

positive acceptance

The social work method that is least like the others is

preventive social work

The beginning stage in the development of a social movement is characterized by

primary group, face-to-face relationships, and general goals.

The psychotropic medication used to treat depression is


One important difference between quantitative and qualitative analysis studies are

quantitative studies use numbers as their unit of analysis and qualitative studies typically use words

A basic ego state characterized by loss of self esteem is


Among psychiatric patients, the most common presenting complaint is


And adolescent group meets with the social worker to discuss problems with truancy aggression. The group members behavior and attitude are often hostile and negative. All have experience repeated school failures and live in dysfunctional family situations. At an early meeting Joe's humming and restless body movements irritate the group, but Joe continues, conscious of the effect he is having. Several members asked Joe to stop, but he becomes argumentative and hostile. The group wants to expel him. The worker would most likely

discuss their reason for wanting Joe out of the group and use their irritation to move the discussion to the group's purpose.

Mrs. Ruff cannot allow herself to express her anger with her husband, so she explodes with her son. The defense mechanism that is operating is


When a client directs his aggression against an innocent bystander rather than expressing it directly to the appropriate source, the mechanism involved is called


According to Kernberg, patients with BPD tend to characteristically employ

dissociation and splitting

A mother tells her social worker at the mental health clinic that her five-year-old son has suddenly started to we the bed, suck his thumb, and cling to her skirt. She reveals that her husband was recently admitted to a mental health center inpatient unit. To manage financially, she moved in with her parents. Her elderly parents show little understanding of the child and scold him when he is noisy or gets his clothes dirty. The child's behavior may be explained by the fact that

during periods of stress and dissatisfaction, children tend to regress to earlier behavior associated with a different developmental phase

In settings emphasizing brief treatment models, the social worker's professional opinion as to the nature of a problem should be formed

during the first interview

The factor that is least necessary to assess ego functioning is


Welfare Reform created a program called TANF-(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) which is administered by the states. Its most significant and controversial feature is

eligibility for assistance is time-limited

In encouraging the client to bring forth material the social worker should

empathize with the client

Unlike clients that are diagnosed as depressed, those diagnosed as manic are

extremely self confident

A woman in a support group for foster parents (attended mainly by mothers) rarely speaks. On one occasion she says that her husband feels that child rearing is solely the woman's job and that this is a problem for her. She has two young children, as well as a 10-year-old foster child. She said she feels uncomfortable asking her husband for help. The social worker should

facilitate the groups empathic and advocating response to her until she feels she can successfully communicate her needs to her husband

The concept of negative risk characteristics is most useful in determining

factors that differentiate those in poverty from those outside

The essential features of anorexia nervosa do not include

family income

Micheal finds it easy to give alcohol, and he has done it hundreds of times in the last twenty years. Finally fed up by Michael's alcoholism, Barbara his wife, has told him she will obtain a divorce unless he stops drinking completely. She wants him to move out of the house until he is totally sober for three months; then she will consider taking him back. The family social work counselor should

help Micheal confront the situation that he now faces and assist him in finding the treatment resources that he needs

Rose, a crack cocaine and alcohol user, appears at the HMO clinic complaining of frequent stomach pains. Rather than getting the painkillers she wants, she is surprised to learn that she is at least nine weeks pregnant. In addressing Rose's pregnancy, the social worker interviewing her should first seek to

help Rose understand the health consequences of drugs and alcohol on her body and the developing fetus

The primary goal of the problem solving model is to

help the client cope effectively with social tasks and relationships

The social worker should

help the family arrange an appointment with an agency that can provide counseling.

The most proximate health consequence for the infant of drug and alcohol use among pregnant women is often

higher risk of birth defects, cardiovascular problems, impaired growth and development, prematurity, low birth weight and stillbirth

In its literature, the functional model of social work refers least to

historical data

Head injury trauma groups are usually

homogeneous in that members are at similar stages in the recovery process

A social worker presents a request to her supervisor to prolong services to a client. Adding additional sessions contravenes agency service guidelines. The supervisor's most appropriate response is

i wish i could go along with your request, but agency policy prevents this. Can you provide justification?

In treating a client with a narcissistic personality disorder, the social worker most frequently becomes

idealized by the client to fulfill functions that have remained unfulfilled by the client's parents

During the middle of the 19th century, a major reform effort in mental health was

improved treatment of the mentally ill and reform of mental institutions

Most drug treatment programs have found that the frequency of remission or return to habitual drug use is highest

in the first year following detox and treatment

The most commonly observed characteristics of a scapegoat is his or her

inability to deal with aggression

According to the NASW code of Ethics, a social worker's respect for a client's right to confidentiality

includes sharing information revealed by a client with others without the client consent, for compelling reasons

Eligibility for public assistance is determined by

income, financial reserves, family size, need

A patient seen by a social worker for several weeks shows signs of recovery from his depression. The social worker's concern about the patient committing suicide would


An important consequence of social work's increased identification with and emphasis on providing clinical treatment over the past 90 years is

interest in social reform has declined while concern about clinical expertise has increased

Schizophrenia is usually NOT marked by

interests that are abnormal in intensity

A client who grew up caring for a depressed single mother feels excessively responsible for the happiness and comfort of everyone she encounters, her close family as well as strangers, and disregards her own feelings. When the therapist tells her that he will be on vacation for three weeks, the client looks crestfallen, but only verbalizes how delighted she is that the therapist will have a well-deserved break. The therapist says, "I appreciate putting my happiness ahead of your own needs, as you learned to do very early in your life." This intervention is called

interpretation of the transference

A characteristic of an interval scale that is not found is that

intervals are random

A young man in his twenties has problems establishing sexual relationships with women. According to Erikson, the phase of life crisis schema this situation represents is

intimacy vs. isolation

And working with a group of acting out adolescent boys a worker would want to support all of the following except

intolerence for discomfort

A family seeking help after the accidental death of one of their two children. The social worker's genuine concern and "over involvement" with the family is noticed by the social worker's supervisor. The supervisor should

involve the social worker in assessing the effect his subjective reactions may have on the quality of his work and on his clients

Maureen's alcohol problem has cost her two jobs and a marriage. She comes to the mental health center desperately seeking help. The best plan will probably involve

involvement with a self-help group such as AA and continued counseling

W.I.C is a program that

is a federal-state program that seeks to ensure proper nutrition for mothers and infants

A major difference between Freud, Erikson, and Piaget's theories of development compared to life-span developmental theory is that life-span theory

is not stage based

A patient diagnosed with bipolar affective illness is best treated with the medication


One negative effect health effect of long term alcohol abuse is

liver damage

A community women's group wants to establish a self-help group to deal with various problems of women in the community. A social worker would most likely use the

locality development model.

The 1976 law authorizing the Supplementary Income Program (SSI)

maintains the consistency of public assistance programs by providing income only after the cause of need is determined

The "obligation to provide charity" was first noted in the

medieval church canons

Inadequate social functioning, limited intellectual capacities and developmental lags are each involved in

mental retardation

Type I and Type II errors refer to

mistakes in rejecting or accepting the null hypothesis

The level of measurement that provides the least valid information is


Parents in treatment at a community mental health center are seen as "enabling" a childs antisocial behavior (stealing) by

not setting limits or having clear and well understood expectations

Antidepressants such as Tofranil and Elavil are known as


Several members of a social committee at a senior citizen center constantly bicker and inhibit committee's worker. The group work advisor to the committee would

turn the problem over to the group and focus on alternative ways to advance the committee's agenda.

The need for family education and support services for very young mothers increased between the mid-1970's and today because there is a significant increase in the number of

unwed teenage mothers of all races deciding to raise their children

"Maximum realization of each individuals potential for development throughout his lifetime" upholds a social work


A normative framework in an agency usually refers to


Reference group most influences a person's


A researcher needs to use a probability sample in which the chance of any one subject being selected for inclusion in the sample is known. He would use a

random sample

The type of sampling that allows a population an equal chance of being included in the sample is

random sampling

One social worker with a caseload of twice as many clients as a colleague reflects a measurement on the

ratio scale

Rationalization is the mechanism through which emotionally derived or irrational behavior is justified and attributed to

rational reasons

A group at a recreation center plans an activity. There appears to be a consensus on each planning issue with no apparent disagreement. The worker in the group should probably

reach beyond the consensus to the negatives.

The three R's of reality therapy refer to

reality, responsibility, rightness.

A social worker is treating a man whose wife recently died in an automobile accident, leaving him with the care of two very young children. His occupation is very demanding and he is struggling to succeed in a high-pressure job while managing his parenting responsibilities. Which of the following would probably NOT be part of the treatment approach

reassurance-assuring the client that things will get better

Prognosis for schizophrenia is not dependent upon

recent large weight gain

The skills used in group practice tend to shift throughout the period of group development. Those that most closely approximate skills applied during the middle phase include

recognizing when a group is avoiding work, helping members partialize larger problems into smaller ones, facilitating communication that is purposeful and invested with feelings.

In a group supervision seminar, a social worker is suddenly brusquely criticized by several members of the group. The sharp criticism focuses on the worker's alleged insensitive treatment of the family of an older woman dying of cancer. the supervisor would

redirect and redefine the criticisms to make it easier for the worker to discuss them

A minority couple is unable to obtain a mortgage from a local bank. They learn that specific area have been excluded from consideration. This practice is known as


The customary designation of 65 years as the beginning of old age and eligibility for retirement benefits under Social Security has been changed to reflect new conditions. Discussions about raising the age for full eligibility for Social Security reflect concerns about

reducing the costs of social security and responding to the increase in life span that has occurred since the initiation of Social Security

A social worker has been seeing a client for six months at weekly sessions. During the last four sessions the client has complained of a severe headache. The social worker should

refer the client to a neurologist

A social worker has informal power derived from a strong relationship with a respected supervisor. This is an example of

referent power

The technique most likely to be used in family therapy by the social worker is

reflection of family interactions

A social worker might determine not to significantly intervene in the client's regression when

regression enables the client to use feelings and ideas that contribute to the solution of his or her problems

An early predictor of substance abuse among pre adolescents is

regular use of gateway drugs such as alcohol, marijuana or nicotine and associating with others who use drugs

A club has a constitution and it's meetings follow Robert's Rules of Order. Standards for continued membership , including attendance, are covered in the constitution. A member has been absent more than a number of sessions allowed.Following the rules, the members should be expelled for excessive absences, but the group wants to overlook them. The worker would

remind the president of the governing document and it provisions, and encourage the group to discuss their feelings about the rule.

A social worker at a neighborhood cocktail party casually learns from a neighbor that he has abused his child and is not receiving any help. Though not in a professional setting the social worker should

report this incident to the authorities for further investigation

Successful resolution of the oedipal conflict involves

repression of the unacceptable wish and identification with same sex parent

A group of teenage members of the community center recreation and social group with a very strong peer leadership has a panic. On the way home, a loud argument breaks out between several teens. The driver stops the bus and says he will not continue into the argument stops. The worker's attempts to intercede do not prove effective. The best option available to the worker is to

request that the group's teen leadership intervene and try to stop the argument.

A social worker in an outpatient clinic is faced with the following situation. A supportive discussion group is composed chiefly of young factory workers. One patient, A, tries to impress others, but manages to antagonize them by his pretentious and displays of erudition. He sometimes quotes poetry and mentions the vintage fine wines, knowing that this is outside the experience of many other group members. In one session, client B becomes so irritated that he jumps up and ask A to step outside and shouts, "I'll be the stuffing out of you!" The social worker

restate the group tolerates all forms of verbal expression but fighting is not acceptable.

Sensory-motor skills and behavior of early infant development include

rooting and sucking

Probability sampling does not include

screening of potential respondents about desired characteristics

The director of an agency wants to promote accountability to clients. He would

secure information directly from the client population

The overall objective of the group will probably be to

seek fundamental political and institutional change.

An insurer asks a social worker to fax a client record to enable them to determine if treatment should be reimbursed. The social worker should

seek the client's permission before revealing any confidential information

Supportive therapy would not be used if the client is

seeking self awareness

A major feature of programs that have a "selective" rather than a universal perspective is that

selective programs are available to persons with certain well-defined personal characteristics that tend to stigmatize them, while universal programs are available to broadly defined populations and carry little to no stigma

In working with a client exhibiting an Intellectual Disability (formerly referred to as mental retardation in DSM IVTR) the principle of social work that might be relaxed is

self determination

A social worker organizes a group of families who are indignant about the care they receive at the local health center. The families want improved services and more courteous treatment. The group meets for several weeks and is now considering strategies for presenting their demands to the director. The most effective initial strategy for the group at this point is to

send the indigenous leaders of the group to meet with the director and present their demands, since they are the service recipients

Working with lesbian groups is somewhat unique in that it often requires workers to focus on

sensitizing agencies, as well as themselves, to the unique needs of lesbian women.

Advocacy and social action on behalf of the poorer communities was first emphasized by

settlement house community workers

While terminating a client, a social worker decides that renegotiating the contract to continue treatment would be useful. The lest likely reason is

several presenting problems have arisen again

The residual perspective on social welfare stresses the idea that

social welfare programs are designed as a safety net for people who are incapable of benefiting from normal market services or other government programs

The primary objective of the locality development model of community organization is to

strengthen the ability people to work on their common interest.

For many years, social services and political leaders have stressed the importance of the community in improving social relationships, promoting social stability, and in realizing the American political ideals of inclusion and power sharing. As a result, social worker community organization practice and strategy emphasize

strengthening democratic participation

A client lives with her husband and two children two blocks from her parents. She sees her parents often and talks to them on the phone. She seems helpless and dependent. From a structural family systems point of view, a clinical social worker would most likely focus on

strengthening the intergenerational boundary between the client's family of origin and her new family

Men required by the court to attend domestic violence groups very often resist treatment, and are angry and resentful of the group experience. Workers need to find ways to address such underlying issues as intimacy, truth and honesty, self-worth, and abandonment. To accomplish this workers must be prepared to

structure group treatment so as to challenge the male bonding that is likely to occur.

The ego's displacement of instinctual aims in conformity with social values defines the defense mechanism of


Recovery from an acute psychotic episode would be more likely if symptoms occured

suddenly in the third decade of life

Harry has a 20-year history of heroin addiction. He has overdosed on several occasions and is well-known to staff at the hospital emergency room. For many years his life has revolved around obtaining drugs. His friends are drawn from coterie of addicts. Now at 50, Harry's health is compromised, and he wants to change his life and reduce, but not necessarily eliminate, his dependence on drugs. He asks the hospital social worker to find a program that can help him drug use. The social would first

suggest Harry consider a methadone maintenance program to free him from continued dependence of heroin

A social worker is asked to provide treatment for a woman with whom he had an intimate relationship two years ago. He should

suggest it would be inappropriate and unethical for him to treat her and urge her to find another clinician to provide help

At a tenant group meeting in a public housing complex, someone mentioned that the manager is closing the recreation room because tenants do not clean the room after using it. They greet the news with resignation and no one speaks. The worker senses the groups feelings of impotence and defeatism. The worker would first

suggest that residents should have some opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their lives and that the manager's decision may be negotiable.

A social worker staffed a socialization group of high school students. Jane is in difficulty after standing up for a friend and getting into a fight. She sees her actions as heroic and unselfish, while the group has a different and more negative perception. After some discussion in the group, she is evidently unable to hear the group's opinions. The worker might

suggest that the group role play the incident

In general, if a client appears at an interview and exhibits many classic symptoms of depression, it is appropriate and probably required for the social worker to ask focused questions about

suicidal plans or suicidal ideation that the client may be experiencing

A federal insurance program that insures mothers and young children against the loss of a breadwinner is called

survivors insurance provided under the Social Security program

Research studies that use experimental designs

test cause and effect relationships

A social worker at the university student counseling center interviews a 19 year old student who occasionally uses drugs. The student is restless and highly talkative. She seems hyper-vigilant and argumentative and she looks drawn and pale. On inquiry she says that she eats and sleeps very little. The social worker would first suspect

that the client is using a stimulant such as amphetamine or cocaine

The director notifies the staff in January that there will be an ongoing study of the agency's process for receiving patients, staff courtesy in the reception area and the frequency with which clients have to wait more than 10 minutes for their appointments. After three months, the director reports with satisfaction that there are few problems. Almost everyone is seen on time and the staff is extremely courteous to clients. This may be explained by

the Hawthorne effect

The child protective service movement in the United States began in the 1870s in New York City. The agency that intervened and expanded its mandate to remove a child named Mary Ellen from the home of abusive foster parents was the

the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

A parameter is

the characteristics of a population

In formulating a client assessment, a social worker would not include

the client's goals for the treatment

Jean Piaget is well known for his contributions in

the cognitive development of children

In ego psychology, a major feature that distinguishes a persona diagnosed as schizophrenic in dealing with separation-individuation is that the person suffering from a schizophrenic disorder has a fear of

the destruction of self

Closing mental institutions and decreasing inpatient stays, while increasing community based care could not have been implemented without

the development of psychotropic medications that make it possible for severely mentally ill patients to achieve higher levels of independence

In a family therapy session the major focus for intervention is

the here-and-now of family interaction

A social worker doing joint or multiple interviewing will focus on

the interaction

Erikson explained his findings as

the interpenetration of biological, cultural and physiological factors

A young man separates from his wife. He goes back to live with his parents saying that he cannot afford an apartment. He argues with his mother incessantly and makes many demands on her. He gives the impression that he has not separated. The social worker would first work with

the man alone

In working with a client who has a narcissistic personality disorder, the social worker most frequently does not become

the object of the client's wish for dependency

Mildred, age 77 and suffering from many ailments, is brought to the mental health clinic by her daughter. Recently, Mildred has been exhibiting a very confused behavior. She has put coffee in the toaster; fails to pay her bills even though she has the funds; dresses inappropriately, though in the past she was always fastidious; and uncharacteristically forgets social events and appointments. Mildred takes a number of medications for various ailments, including tranquilizers and pain medication for her shoulder. In this case, one area that the social worker might first explore is

the possibility of drug misuse, addiction, or over-medication

For many years, Bill, a college graduate, has suffered with a diagnosed major depressive disorder, as well as a long-term poly-drug and alcohol problem. He is trying to change his life and is in treatment at the drug rehabilitation unit. Bill lives alone and has been able to secure a job, which he dislikes, as a night watchman at a local warehouse. Bill still experiences frequent episodes of severe depression, despite the medications that he takes. Under these circumstances the social worker would be most concerned about

the possibility of suicide attempts

In an experiment, the control group is

the same as the experimental group, except for the introduction of the casual variable (i.e. a social work intervention)

A social worker in a mental health agency is treating a 50-year-old, acutely depressed, married woman. After several weeks of medication prescribed by the psychiatrist and continued therapy, the acute symptoms have subsided. The woman wants to terminate therapy and asks about closing her case. The social worker's most appropriate response is

to continue treatment

The primary rational for using reminiscence groups with elderly population is

to re-experience and relive early events to increase morale, self-esteem, life satisfactions.

In all of the following examples the single subject research design can be used except

to survey voters on their choice of candidates for office

Barbiturates are never used

to treat severe depression

Select the range of possible values of a correlation coefficient:

-1 to +1

The highest degree of correlation is shown by


The optimum "span of control" by a supervisor is

5-9 persons

In a normal distribution, the percentage of all cases within two standard deviations of the mean is


A large multi-service agency develops a new organizational chart. The most probable appearance of the chart will be

A regular pyramid to reflect authority relationships

A social worker accepts a couple for treatment. On one occasion during a private session the husband tells the social worker that he is involved in high-risk sexual activities, of which his partner is unaware. The social worker is concerned about the health risks and the risk to the couple's treatment to withhold this information. In continuing treatment, which principle has the highest priority?

A social worker has the duty to maintain confidentiality

There are a number of conditions under which a social worker is not required by law to maintain confidentiality. Select the statement below that is most correct in describing instances in which confidentiality is not required

A social worker is sued for malpractice, violence is threatened, child or elder abuse

Feminist developmental theorists such as Carol Gilligan and Jean Baker Miller note that male psychologists suggest that men get their greatest sense of self-esteem and satisfaction from

Achievement in the work sphere

A staff committee is organized to develop policy alternative and to make recommendations to the executive staff and the board. This committee would be considered


During a meeting at the settlement house to discuss changes in the community, Joan notes that she feels like a stranger. She says she is often afraid to walk in the neighborhood she has lived in 30 years. The worker should probably use the statement to

Alert the group to the fact that Joan's sentiment is probably shared by others and supports the need for community- wide response to the changes now taking place.

Shaken baby syndrome refers to

An act by a child's caretaker that results in sever brain damage or death

A committee appointed to accomplish a single function within a specified period without permanent references to the formal committee structure of the larger organization is usually called

An ad hoc committee.

A social service agency administrator wants to improve worker satisfaction and performance. The factor that provides the least emotional reward is

An automatic yearly increment

The social worker's a role would be one of

An enabler

Hypochondriasis is best understood as

An excessive concern with health, unreasonable fears of disease, or unrealistic beliefs that one is ill

A caseworker is promoted to supervisor. The least likely consequence will be

An increase in peer support

Marian seeks help from the social worker because she fears she is becoming mentally ill. Every morning and evening she drives through a tunnel under the river. She continually worries that the tunnel will collapse and she will be trapped in her car. Marian is suffering from

An obsession

When performing a program evaluation requested by a funding agency, and designed to measure the success of a program in reaching program goals, it is BEST for the study to be performed by

An outside program evaluation organization or independent consultant

The role of an executive director of a professional organization frequently causes special dilemmas. At times, the complexity of the dual roles of administrator and professional played by a director results in the development of institutionalized role conflict. The conflict can usually be resolved by

Appointing an administrator who combines a professional education with managerial skills

A neighborhood coordinator in a welfare department finds it possible to be effective only by relating in different ways to clients in staff of the welfare department. The worker's change of attitude and conversational style in dealing with these very different groups is

Appropriate- there are conflicting pressures from each group and the worker needs to respond to both group's concerns to remain effective.

Salvador Minuchin and others have written about boys who struggle in dysfunctional families, growing up in poverty, and sometimes turning to illegal activities. Parents find it difficult to maintain an emotional connection with these children or to assert parental authority, since antisocial activities and peer pressure are powerful countervailing influences. The MOST precise family system concept that contributes to understanding this family phenomenon is


Social workers who function in case management positions are usually most directed to enhancing which of the personality structures that derive from Freud's theories


Marie and Tony are about to be married. They see a social worker to resolve relationship and communication problems that concern Marie more than Tony. After several sessions, the social worker comes to the conclusion that Tony has an unacknowledged alcohol problem. After coming to this understanding the social worker should

Encourage discussion of Tony's alcohol abuse at the first appropriate moment during a joint counseling session

A child welfare worker observes red marks and welts on a 4 year old Asian child's stomach and thighs. The child has recently been ill. The family are recent emigrates and they seem stable and loving. The child seems well cared for. There are no previous referrals for child protection. The worker should FIRST

Explore the possibility of a culturally specific practice that might lead to the symptoms described

Live supervision differs from other forms of supervision in that

Guidance can be provided during the clinical interview

A social worker at a family agency has a client who is 34 years old, single parent with limited education and three children. Her youngest child is 15 years old living at home, and is on probation due to drug conviction. The client will be evicted from her public housing apartment if her son re-offends. Due to changes in her welfare benefits, she only has a few months to seek employment or training before her payments are reduced. She is unclear about the requirements or what is expected of her. She has never worked and though she expresses willingness, it is clear that she is fearful and apprehensive about her ability to find work and hold a job. She requests help with her welfare and employment situation. What should her social worker do FIRST to help the client?

Help the client understand what she must do in the next few months, and facilitate her evaluation of employment and training options

A school social worker provides family information, referral and support services for children with a variety of learning disabilities. A sensitive Intelligent affectionate first grade boy presents learning and behavioral problems since his mother died after a long struggle with cancer. He is at times very aggressive and violent with other children and needs constant supervision and attention. He and his father seem mutually dependent and enmeshed, and neither seems able to deal with their grief. The father is caring in well intentioned, but he is not yet able to fully cooperate with the school in helping his son In this case. The social worker should

Help the father find services that can help him deal with his grief

A social worker using the technique of partialization is engaging in a therapeutic technique that

Helps a client divide interrelated problems into more manageable components. Assists the client in identifying issues that need immediate attention.

Neighborhood changes have altered the ethnic and linguistic population of the community served by a mental health agency. Forty percent of the clients are now Asian and many do not speak English. Treatment problems result from the marked inability of many staff to communicate easily with clients. Increasing the number of multilingual clinicians is not immediately feasible. Seeking the best alternative solution, the agency should FIRST

Hire and train translators conversant with mental health issues

A social worker starts a home-based business selling food supplements. Her supervisor soon learns that the worker is mailing brochures to clients and co-workers and is personally soliciting orders from staff and from clients. The supervisor should

Inform the staff member that there are ethical prohibitions on using her professional position to advance her private business interests

The habitual ingestion of non-nutritive substances such as clay, soil, or leaves is common when there are a parallel diagnosis of

Intellectual Disability

Without client consent, a social worker should NOT reveal confidential client information when

It is necessary to secure third party payment

A 26 year old man has always lived with his parents. Though employed, he makes a low salary, and his current job is likely to be of limited duration. He has some health problems including a stomach ulcer that requires careful attention to diet. He informs his social worker that he wants to move so that he can be more independent . He asks the social worker for help in meeting his goal. The worker should FIRST

Explore his intentions and hi plans more specifically

A clinical supervisor in a community mental health center learns that the agency has double billed Medicare as well as private insurers. The supervisor is deeply upset, but is unsure as to whether it is merely a billing error or deliberate fraud. The BEST strategy is to

Inform the executive director of the problem

A social worker is facilitatig an HMO support group for men with heart disease needing to change their lifestyles and habits to improve their health. He tells group members that he is aggressive in stating his views to family members and in setting rules for his family. As a result, his teenage children fear him and have withdrawn from him and his partner has become very submissive, though he's never threatened anyone. He says he wants closer relationships with his family. The worker should

Encourage the group to respond to the client's concerns

Down's Syndrome is a medical condition associated with

Intellectual disability

TANF refers to

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, a welfare program

Expertise has shown that some adolescent boys who are rejected by parents and must be placed with another family seemed indifferent to the separation are cheerfully impatient to enter foster home. Later, when demands of the foster homes evoke feelings of frustration, the client, fearful of another rejection, is often unable to express his real feelings about the new home. In order to engage the client in this situation, the best comment for the social worker to make is

"how do you feel about your new home now that you been there for a while?"

An impulsive male adolescent is in treatment at a mental health agency. Perceiving that he is the depressed and upset, the social worker is concerned that he might harm himself. Which of the following events would concern the social worker MOST?

A recent family conflict

Adolescent behavior characterized by the abuse of others, vandalism, lying, disregard of rights, or destruction of property of others is MOST likely found in

Conduct disorder

A client displays symptoms of paranoia and disorganized speech. Though he exhibits word salad, he has says that the FBI is following him. He will MOST likely be prescribed

Prolixin (Fluphenazine)

A social worker employed on an HMO pediatric team confers with a parent who, for religious reasons, has refused to approve a medical procedure that may save his child's life. The medical staff is certain the child will be severely disabled, or die, without medical intervention. The social worker should

Recommend consultation with legal counsel and support medical intervention if the parent continues to deny approval for medical care

A social worker receives notice that a former client has filed a complaint and requested a hearing with the social work ethics board. The client claims that the worker revealed confidential information to his employer, and that this has damaged him with his company. The worker has never spoken with the employer, and does not believe that any confidential information was ever revealed. The social worker should

Respond to the ethic board's instructions and questions

An agency administrator is responding to a request for prosposals to operate a managed care child mental health project. In assessing the project and preparing to develop a proposal, the FIRST thing she should do is

Review the application guidelines to determine if the agency is qualified to bid on the project and has the necessary qualification to operate the program

The MOST reliable form of mental health treatment program evaluation is

Schedules and rating sheets prepared by clinicians over time after receiving training

A social worker using a systems perspective assists a couple with two young children who have decided to divorce. All agree that reconciliation is neither possible, nor a goal of treatment. The purpose of the family meetings is to facilitate the divorce, plan for the future, and reach consensus on shared parenting. After several meetings involving the parents and children, the couple remains angry with each other but they both show concern about their children. They make little progress. Given the family's goals, the BEST course of action is to

Suggest that the couple and the social worker meet without the children present in time limited sessions

A social worker is assigned to an immigrant family from Egypt. The parents are very traditional and are struggling with their teenage daughter's desire to hang out with new and diverse friends. Her parents do not want her going out unescorted by a family member. She respects her family, but is uninterested in maintaining this particular traditional custom. The social worker's strategy should focus on FIRST

Sustaining the parents relationship with their daughter and helping to mediate and negotiate their conflicting concerns

Which of the following statements BEST describes the clinical purpose of note-taking during or after treatment sessions?

To maintain professional accountability, to retain the ability to determine response patterns over time, and to ascertain any changes that may occur in the client's behavior and feelings

A behavior or symptom that is ego dystonic is one which the client experiences as

Uncomfortable and burdensome

A hospital patient calls his former social worker in a social service agency to complain about the arrangements being made for his return home by the hospital's social service staff. He asks the social worker to intervene with the hospital. The social worker SHOULD

Urge the patient to discuss the problem with the hospital social service worker.

The social worker's perspective of the clients problem should be well formed

Within the first two or three contacts

In categorizing disorders, DSM-5 does NOT have

an etiological approach

According to the DSM-5, the diagnostic criterion for substance abuse disorder does NOT involve?

emotional disturbance based on relationships affected by proxy of the use.

A social worker hotline supervisor receives a call from an inexperienced volunteer at 2 am. The volunteer describes a call from a man who is contemplating suicide by driving his car off a bridge. The social worker should tell the volunteer

Keep him on the phone and get a crisis worker to him immediately

A researcher seeking to identify a measure of central tendency that is calculated by averaging a set of scores would calculate the


A child is brought into the hospital. The child's symptoms only manifest themselves while her mother is present, or shortly after the mother leaves. The physical symptoms are puzzling and may require invasive procedures to diagnose. Shortly after admission, it is learned that he mother has brought the , to other hospitals with obscure and difficult to diagnose conditions that were never resolved. The mother seems concerned and is very involved in the treatment, and with the staff treating her daughter. The social worker might suspect

Munchausen's syndrome by proxy

A correlation coefficient that is not possible is


A young woman with a history of drug abuse appears at a mental health clinic for her fourth visit with a clinical social worker. Though calm and lucid at previous interviews, the client is now agitated, anxious, sweating profusely, and her hands are shaking. She seems unable to sit still and moves her legs continuously. She occasionally rises and walks aimlessly around the room. The worker might support

A possible drug withdrawal syndrome

Barbara cannot bend her right knee. She believes that there is no physical cause for the malady, but has not seen a physician. The problem began shortly after the anniversary of her mother's death a year before. The social worker should FIRST rule out

A Medical condition

A social worker is ordinarily not permitted to terminate a client when

A client is disrespectful

Which of the following is an example of double bind communication

A mother is extremely angry and scolds her child while smiling and caressing her

How would a social worker first react to a delusional and disorganized 20 year old homeless woman who refuses to consider hospitalization

By encouraging her to come to a walk in emergency room

There is confusion about the responsibilities and authority of child welfare supervisors. The confusion is shared by both supervisors and staff members. The administrator decides greater clarity about supervisory authority is needed. In considering this action, it is important that parameters of authority should

Be precise, practical, and clearly understood

A child diagnosed as autistic is difficult to treat, however, certain treatment models have proved effective. The MOST likely choice of method will be

Behavioral Treatment

Children who have sickle cell anemia, a blood disease, generally have parents who are

Black or Latin American

Final approval of a voluntary social agency's operating budget is the responsibility of the

Board of directors

In linking the community with the agency, the worker is assuming the role of


Piaget described one barrier to the development of logical thinking as a child's tendency to concentrate on only one detail of an object or situation and ignore all other aspects. This barrier is called


An infant is born with a small skull, thick draped neck and a protruding tongue. The congenital condition involved is

Down's Syndrome

Which condition is known to have a genetic cause

Down's Syndrome

A social worker is empowering a client when

Facilitating the client's ability to independently solve problems

An "ad hoc" committee

Deals with a specific time-limited issue or problem

Compared with individual supervision, group supervision is

Desirable when employed as a planned, complementary procedure with individual supervision

DSM-5 has ended the use of an Axis model in diagnosis in favor of

Dimensional measures of severity

Because the stigma and community fears, certain group programs must deal with clients concerns and feelings about how they are regarded by family community. Which types of groups listed below are least concerned with negative community sentiment?

Elder services, recreational, and post menopausal women's groups.

A worker from a family agency is assigned to meet with a group of mothers from a nearby housing development. Many mothers want and need to work, but they have no means of caring for their children while they work. Several are interested in developing cooperative child care center. In working with these groups, the social worker would most appropriately assume the role of


Jane S visits a social worker for the first time and describes her concerns about lack of employment, her children's behavior, and school problems, and her own disbelief in the value of talking about her problems. Though seemingly cooperative, Jane is unwilling to discuss any of the problems she describes. She is reluctant to commit herself to additional visits with the worker. When a client such as Jane resists developing a contract with a social worker and making decisions on the work to be done, the social worker should FIRST

Engage the client in discussing her feelings about talking about her problems

Which of the following characteristics are not usually found in alcoholic families?

Enmeshment between parents

What is the difference between ethics and values

Ethics define a standard of conduct while values define a belief system

A child welfare and family treatment agency decides that it must expand its clinical research program to provide greater justification to funding agencies. The type of research design the agency is least likely to engage in is

Experimental Design

Which of the following is not a relevant goal for groups of sexual offenders?

Exploration of the different ways that sexual offenders are victims

Margaret, an unmarried mother who has an intellectual disability, tells her family agency social worker that she is collecting public welfare assistance while working on a full-time job. Margaret understands that her activities are probably illegal, though she does not fully understand the concept of fraud, nor does she believe she is doing anything wrong. She is empathetic about her need for extra money. The social worker should

Explore Margaret's legal jeopardy and help her understand the consequences

Several staff avoid difficult and unpleasant clients. The supervisor is aware of this behavior and fears that if it is not addresses, it may become a pattern for other staff. The supervisor would

Explore the issue with staff members known to avoid troublesome clients

The primary instrumental task of a supervision is

Getting the work done

Effectiveness in social services is difficult for managers to define because

Goals are often ambiguous and unclear, program evaluation is expensive, and success is difficult to define

Recently, there has been a vigorous public debate about creating incentives for Medicare and Medicaid patients to use Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO's) to provide all their health services. It is argued that

HMO's will provide more services at lower cost by managing care more effectively

After three visits a client mentions that he hears voices when there is no one around telling him to do things. The voices seem to come from within his head. The client is experiencing


The theorist who developed the concept of the conflict-free sphere was


Food stamps and Medicaid are examples of

In-kind assistance

The most frequent problem experienced by a supervisor is

Inability or reluctance to deal with hostility

The primary disadvantage of refusing to delegate responsibility and authority

Individual creativity and initiative will be discouraged

When social workers establish a professional helping relationship that respects the dignity of the individual, their behavior, attitudes, and interventions with individuals

Individualizes each situation presented by clients by determining the client's perception of the problem, and the client's perception of their needs

A task of a administrative supervision does not include

Initiating change or modifying agency policies

Factitious disorder is present when

Intentionally feigned physical or emotional disorders are used by the client to support an intrapsychic need to adopt the role of a sick person

Identify the concept that is not usually associated with generic five states linear model of group development that social workers ordinarily use to guide and intervention


The 1965 report that described Black youth as trapped in a "tangle of pathology," crime, and school and work failure resulting from the destruction of the Black family is known as the

Moynihan Report

In order to fully assess a child's behavior and emotional responses to a social work interview, the social worker must have a complete understanding of

Normal child development

A wheelchair-confined elderly woman is admitted to a nursing facility. For the first few days she refuses to eat her meals in the communal dining room. This is most likely a sign of

Normal discomfort resulting from the newness of her situation

Of the following, which statement is clearly not the purpose of an initial interview

Obtain a firm commitment to limit discussion only to specific situations

The principle of local responsibility for the poor in public assistance programs in the U.S. has as its basis

Poor Law of 1601

An example of a program that reflects a social investment is

Prenatal services

Epidemiological research indicates that many drug users start to use gateway substances such as alcohol, nicotine and codeine. What is the modal age for initiating gateway drug use

Prior to puberty

From the agency's perspective, the most important objective of supervision is to

Promote agency goals

A new social worker joins the foster care department. Supervision will usually begin when the

Worker beings employment

Privacy and confidentiality must be maintained by the worker, the supervisor and agency except

When a worker is sued for malpractice

An 83 year old client with diminished mental capacity lives in a supported housing program. His daughter often visits and, with the client's written consent, she confers frequently with the elder service agency staff about his affairs. He informs his social worker that he has been offered an opportunity to make a substantial investment in a new company that guarantees his investment will triple in value within six months. He seems confused when responding to the worker's questions. When she probe's his answers seem irrelevant. The worker fears that his impaired judgement may allow someone to exploit him and that he is a victim of a fraudulent scheme. She calls his daughter and tells her about the conversation. Is this ethical?

Yes, the client gave the social worker permission to contact his daughter and this client's judgement is impaired

The worker would most likely use

negotiation and direct action

The role of the social worker in the locality development model is that of

data analyzer and enabler

The prognosis for client's with schizophrenia is best when

newly married

Cocaine, codeine, and crack are categorized as


Attention deficit disorders are usually treated with


The most common hallucinations in schizophrenia are


The most frequent case is the


A dependent variable is

the effect variable

The Settlement Law of 1662 established a minimum period of residence before a person could establish legal settlement in a town. Under this provision

"eligibility" took its place alongside "need" as a major determinant of whether or not a person received assistance

An agency board member calls a senior clinical supervisor and asks her to visit him at his office to discuss a confidential question concerning the executive director's competence, behavior, and performance. The supervisor's BEST professional response is

" If you have a question, shouldn't it be raised with the board which can then authorize an official evaluation"

A group of adolescents whose parents recently divorced, meets at a large high school with the school of social worker. The purpose of the group has been explained, the worker has welcomed everyone and all the participants have chosen to participate. During the first moments of the meeting the members are silent. A worker might initially say:

" The group was formed to help you think about your new situation. I wonder what you would like to talk about."

A social worker in a long-term rehabilitation hospital works with the patient group that has many complaints about the hospital. Several patients serve on a hospital grievance committee, but the committee meets only wants monthly and the patient's concerns seem urgent. During the group discussion, the worker mentioned that maybe she could speed things up a bit. The worker statement is met with an uncomfortable period silence. James finally said that if the social worker gets involved, the administration may want to know the names of the patients who complain. The workers statement is met with an uncomfortable period of silence. James finally says that if the social worker gets involved, the administration may want to know the names of patients who complain.

"Has there been a problem with reprisals".

A social worker is consistently late, fails to finish work on time and completes forms carelessly. Through aware of the situation for some time, the supervisor does not confront the issue. Finally the supervisor raises the worker's performance issues at a supervisory conference. The supervisee feels relieved, and begins to discuss personal and family problems that have interfered with work. To move the discussion along relevant lines, the supervisor might interject

"I understand how difficult getting back to the issues I rasied is, but...

A client is very self-critical. A social worker should not say

"It seems that your self-criticism is based on things you have done in the past"

A social worker is treating an acting out adolescent who is normally very verbal. In response to a question, the client states, "My mind is a blank." The workers best first response is

"That's unusual for you. I wonder why you're blank now"

A supervisor asks a student to discuss a problematic case. The student arrives for supervision and says he has a personal problem he would like to discuss. The most appropriate response is

"We have agreed to discuss this case, and it is important for everyone involved that we do so"

A 33-year-old lawyer is convinced his promotion was refused because two senior associates dislike him. He was told he needs further experience, but that the firm would like to consider him for promotion in six months. He tells his social worker that he knows they turned him down because he is too aggressive and that they will deny his promotion again. The worker's best response is

"You may be right, but they offered to reconsider you"

Mr. C. is a long-term, chronically depressed, passive client. He has little social contact and few outlets for his interpersonal needs. With poor verbal skills and limited confidence, he does not usually initiate contact with others. He functions adequately at work and he has various hobbies that continue to interest him

1. How can a social worker initially approach Mr. C. to engage him in treatment: encourage interaction with the social worker and provide opportunities for him to ventilate 2.It is difficult to predict how a worker might react. However, working with a passive, depressed client like Mr. C. would most likely induce which of the following counter-transference reactions in the social worker: frustration, leading to annoyance

Norma S. has been married for twelve years. She is thirty-one-years old and has two children, aged seven and ten. She worked as a retail store clerk for two years before marriage.Throughout her marriage, including during her pregnancies, her husband was periodically violent and injured Norma. She has been bruised and required medical attention on several occasions. On one occasion, her ribs were broken. Occasionally, she leaves her husband and stays with family and friends, but she returns with the children after he pursues her. Because the beatings have become more frequent and severe over the years, Norma is now considering taking the children and leaving her husband

1. In a first interview with a battered woman who wants to leave a violent husband, a social worker should be most aware of: that the woman may be in great danger, as men who batter are often enraged by women's efforts to seek outside help 2. In counseling battered women, the social worker should keep in mind that most battered women: believe that they can stop the violence by learning techniques to control the behavior of their mates 3. Since Norma has identified family violence, the interventions a social worker could immediately provide would include all but: pointing out her tendency to seek relationships with aggressive, assaultive men because it gives her satisfaction to suffer 4.Had Norma been referred to the social service unit from the hospital emergency room without identifying violence as a problem, the social worker might proceed with all of the following interventions except: advocating that she and her children should leave the household immediately, with police protection if necessary

A researcher hypothesizes that the greater the racial homogeneity among the members of a group, the greater the level of cohesion

1. In this situation, race is: an independent variable 2. The degree to which the dependent variable can be found is: a reflection of how the members use the collective "we"

Mrs. Taylor was referred to a social worker after her alcoholic husband was hospitalized following an acute episode. She felt there was no reason to see a social worker as she had consulted with several doctors and read popular books on alcoholism. She feels that her husband sees her as a mother symbol and blames her for all his problems. She offered him a psychology book to read that she thought would help him understand his behavior. Mrs. Taylor found passages from an abnormal psychology book that she thought described her husband. She read sections of the book to Mr. Taylor, especially chapters describing personality disorders, egocentricity and dependency

1. Initially, treatment with Mrs. Taylor would involve: exploring her feelings about her personal and family situation 2. Mrs. Taylor's major defense mechanisms are: denial and intellectualization

John, one of three children, was referred for social work services by his school, as he was aggressive with other students and indifferent to school authority. He is the only child in the family who has manifested any behavior problems at home or in school. His parents seem articulate and concerned, and there do not seem to be any obvious family problems

1. John is considered the identified patient. In family treatment, the identified patient refers to the family member: whose symptoms reflect the family's pain 2. Of the following, the author who would consider John's behavior to manifest a problem in the family system is: Minuchin 3. In the functional model of social work, the emphasis is on the: agency and its services

An agency administrator in a working-class suburb finds that factory closings have created severe family pressures, particularly on mothers and children. The agency has traditionally served a stable employed population. The administrator decides to propose an approach to families based on a British model of service that has not ben tested in the United States. Staff are enthusiastic about the project. The agency board authorizes the administrator to prepare funding proposals to foundations for a demonstration project.

1. Prior to writing an application the administrator should: research the mission, interests and levels of support of potential funders 2. An essential element of the final proposal is likely to include: a systematic program evaluation

John, a gay actor aged 52, is in treatment. Recently, his acting career has not gone well and his last performance received poor reviews. To add to his woes, his long-time partner has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and he is undergoing a very uncomfortable chemotherapy. The prognosis is poor and John is under enormous professional and personal pressure.. John muses that he would like to portray the life of Marilyn Monroe as a great tragedy and become famous. After that he will die. He complains of insomnia and loss of appetite since he returned home. He has missed a number of tryouts and lost some enthusiasm for his career after he discovered that his partner is seriously ill

1. The immediate problem for the client seems to be: depression 2. First thing the worker should do is: discuss his feelings about his partner's illness and the possibility of his dying

A 40 year old teacher is admitted to a hospital with back pain of unknown origins. Her medical history includes many past hospitalizations for a variety of illnesses. During the last year she suffered from a number of uncomfortable physical symptoms with many associated with aches and pains. As a result, she has been unable to work and has been on paid leave from her work. After admission and extensive testing, no organic basis was found for her illness.

1. The most likely diagnosis is: malingering 2. During the initial hospital medical diagnostic work up, the social workers most appropriate role is: supportive 3. After the medical examination revealed no organic basis for her symptoms, the social workers most likely role would be to join the hospital staff in: informing this patient of the absence of an organic basis to her illness

A social worker is assigned to develop a relationship and a case plan with a 15-year-old Black child who is involved with a violent gang. His family has low expectations of him and focus on "staying out of trouble" as a primary goal. Some relatives have rejected him, telling him he will grow up like his father-a chronic alcoholic and wanderer. Neighborhood adults are openly fearful, distrustful, and occasionally hostile to him. He has dropped out of formal social agency recreational programs and views youth workers as simply another type of authority figure. The gang provides a sense of community and family and offers opportunities to display power and competence

1. The social worker can expect that this teenager will enter this relationship with: resistance 2. Gang membership does not offer him: skills and motivation to improve his life 3. In working with the teenager described above, the social worker should consider a plan that uses: an ecological systems approach

A young father of two girls comes to a mental health clinic shortly after the death of his wife. He complains that though he is usually energetic and optimistic, since his wife's death he feels depressed and unmotivated. Moreover, he has had trouble coping with important aspects of his work while maintaining his child-rearing responsibilities

1. The wife's death is viewed as: a precipitating stress 2. He is having trouble adjusting to his wife's death, work responsibilities, and caring for his daughters. These are viewed as the: presenting problem

The executive of United Way organizes an advisory committee to identify opportunities for providing grants to less traditional minority social service agencies. At the first meeting, Ms. Waring , the chairperson, says again that the committee's purpose is to assess agencies for special United Way Grants. She suggest the five points for the agenda and steers the committee toward discussing these items. Mr. Smith keeps interrupting and gives emotional harangues on the advantages to the community of the traditional allocation process. Mr, Jones is concerned about the way in which donors will interpret the new emphasis, while Mrs. Williams supports the new emphasis and argues it will response to changes she has seen in her community. Several committee members divert the committee to other matters, and Ms. Wang consistently brings the discussion back to the main agenda

1.The leadership role assumed by Ms. Wang is: instrumental 2.The leadership role assumed by Mr. Smith is: expressive 3.The indigenous member of the committee is: Mrs. Williams 4.The member most concerned with the latent functions of the committee is: Mr. Jones

social work program evaluation research sometimes employs research methods that are thought o be unscientific and lacking in rigor. Many argue that the major reason for flaws in social work research methods can be found in the ethnical requirements of practice profession to provide services to all. Select the statement below that best expresses a major ethical dilemma in social worker research

A practice professional has ethical problems in actively denying, delaying, or withholding services to clients in need for research purposes

A social worker, contrary to her own beliefs about the case, recommends that a disturbed child remain at home with her family. the worker believes the child's presence in the home will disrupt family relationships and the adjustment of the other children in the family. The recommendation reflects the influence of agency policies emphasizing the maintenance of children in the family as a first priority. This illustrates

A tendency to follow the rules and regulations of an organization for their own sake

A 14 year old girl lived in a single parent household. She comes home everyday an prepares dinner after completing her homework. She never invites friends to her home as she is afraid that her mother, who abuses alcohol, may embarrass her. She wonders when she will feel comfortable visiting other homes, or participating in after school activities. A social worker using systems perspective might consider this family

A tightly closed system

An example formal authority is

A welfare supervisor notifying the client that her welfare assistance will be terminated as her benefits have expired

In supervision, when the supervisor uses the idea of "one good question deserves another," he is playing the game of


A delusional and disorganized 20 year old homeless woman appears at a community mental health agency. She refuses hospitalization, but does not cut off contact with the worker. It is not immediately clear whether the woman will cause harm to herself. What is the social worker's BEST strategy for helping the woman?

Accompany her to a walk-in psychiatric outpatient emergency facility to assess her for harm and/or medication needs

A social worker in the hospital geriatric unit meets with the daughter if an 84- year old Alzheimer's patient. The daughter, who is 62 years old and diabetic, is hesitant about placing her father in a residential setting. However, she recognizes that she cannot provide the increased care and supervision her father needs. His memory is severely impaired. He is occasionally incontinent, wanders, gets lost, and needs constant supervision. The social worker's main role in this situation is to

Act as a resource by helping the daughter understand all the various alternatives that are available to her and her father. Facilitate whatever choice she makes.

A family service agency receives a request for assistance from a woman with three young children under years old. At the first interview she states that her husband with whom she had an excellent relationship, was killed in an automobile accident a few days earlier. She seems somewhat disoriented and exhibits acute anxiety, breaking into tears as she discusses her feelings. The social worker should FIRST

Address her current situation and emotional state as an acute grief reaction

While in a therapeutic treatment for several months, a client arrives to the past three sessions exhibiting slurred speech, unsteady gait, impaired attention, and sudden mood changes. He describes struggling in social vocational functioning. In assessing for the primary issue causing these symptoms, a social worker would MOST likely consider

Alcohol Intoxication

A 56 year old man has a history of childhood molestation. He joins an outpatient sex offender group as a condition of his probation. It operates under the sponsorship of the court's mental health service. For several meetings, this client does not participate. He starts participating a couple of meetings later, but only to say that he never assaulted a child. The other members aggressively probe his claims and ask him to describe the conditions of his convictions. The client becomes very uncomfortable as the aggressive, and sometimes mocking, questioning continues. The worker's role is to

Allow the group to focus on the client's claim

A member of a short term parenting group reveals that he has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and will undergo surgery in a few weeks. He is anxious about the disease and the surgical procedure since it may result in permanent incontinence or impotence. He welcomes the opportunity to discuss this with the group, and they respond sympathetically and with emotional support. The group leader's best course in this situation is to

Allow the group to provide support to the member for as long as necessary, even if this means that the group's agenda may not be fully addressed

A worker in an HMO is threatened and struck by a client who failed to comply with medication instructions. Since many of the HMO's clients are seriously ill or have a history of violent behavior the director decides to develop new procedures designed to protect workers, and minimize exposure to violent outbursts. The BEST course is to

Appoint a staff committee to develop comprehensive short, and long term recommendations for physical safety, including policies and procedures

Greenwood Children's Services has rented a building in a middle class community and plans to open a day school for disturbed and disruptive adolescents between ages 12-19 who are unable to attend public schools. The community learns of this school before it opens and residents are angry about the apparent secrecy of the process. Many questions are raised about placing this type of program in a residential community. Residents are fearful that the students might cause trouble and complained to the Town Board. Nonetheless, the school's right to open is incontestable. Greenwood's director would like to develop a reasonable relationship with the community. He should

Arrange a reception for the community to reassure people that the agency will be responsive and that students are carefully selected and supervised

After six sessions and an extensive assessment, a clinical social worker realizes that Mr. J's treatment is too difficult and complex for her to conduct properly and with confidence. She must make a choice about how to proceed. She should

Arrange an appropriate referral to a qualified social worker

An experienced foster care social worker feels that his supervisor is urging him to make clinically unsound case decisions. After raising his concerns with the supervisor and finding him unresponsive, the next step the worker should take is to

Ask for a case conference with the supervisor to present both the supervisor's and his own recommendation to carefully assess which direction the social worker should go in

A couple comes to a clinic to address problems in their relationship. One partner is an increasingly well known LBGT rights activist and the other partner is a teacher at a local elementary school and doesn't want his sexuality the subject of discussion at school. Because of their differences in openness about their personal lives, they have begun to develop distinctly different ways if of relating to each other and their professional work. The FIRST thing the social would do in this situation os

Ask the couple what their goals are for treatment and how they each feel about their presenting problem

An 18 year old college student in treatment for anxiety and depression at a college counseling service tells a social worker that a teacher made a sexual advance. As a result, she has become uncomfortable in his class. How should the social worker FIRST respond?

Ask the student to clarify the allegation and describe the teacher's behavior

A worker explains to the supervisor that his clients respond to questions, but do not spontaneously discuss issues that concern them. The worker feels he is doing something that restrains his clients. In helping the worker, the supervisor would FIRST

Ask the worker to describe his techniques for interviewing and eliciting clients' characteristics

During an initial interview at an HMO mental health clinic, a social worker learns that her client was sexually molested by her mother's boyfriend several years ago. Though the boyfriend is now in jail and the girl is no longer at risk, she still experiences flashbacks that she blames on her sexual abuse. During a supervisory meeting, the social worker reveals that she too was sexually molested by a family member and that she is uncomfortable when the client discusses her feelings about the events. How should the worker FIRST proceed?

Ask the worker to elaborate on her feelings of discomfort and to discuss how this affects her practice with this client

A client recieves a high Beck Depression Inventory score. With this information, what would the social worker do FIRST with this client?

Assess safety issues as soon as possible

Plagued by depression since adolescence, Willy began to use cocaine and alcohol in his late teens. He loved the feeling of well-being that cocaine provided. Willy's high level of cocaine use is bad enough, but it often make him feel omnipotent , as well. At those times he drives recklessly (he's had several accidents) and he places bets he cannot afford with several bookies. His losses are very high and the bookies ate pressing for payment. Willy is severely depressed and says the best way to resolve his problems is to commit suicide. The social worker believes a suicide attempt us possible. Which statement reflects the best plan for Willy

Both the underlying depression and the addiction must be treated. Willy should be in residential treatment to insure his safety and to provide the multiple medical and psychotherapeutic therapies he requires

During an assessment session with a four year old girl at a family service agency the worker notices that the child is drawing pictures of her family. Her mother's live- in boyfriend is depicted without any clothes and with prominent genitalia. The child refuses to say anything about this and says "bad things will happen if she tells". She talks freely about other aspects of her pictures and family life. The FIRST thing the worker should do is

Call the child protective services agency to make a sexual abuse report

Strong negative feelings are frequently experienced by a supervisee during an evaluation because the process

Calls attention to the difference in status between supervisor and supervisee

Nonprofit organizations, such as the Lions Club, or community betterment associations devoted to serving the community or to promoting specific community programs or activities, are generally called

Civic associations

A child neglect investigation is initiated after an anonymous phone call. The family lives in a working-class community and there are no previous reports or involvement with public agencies. The social worker visits the home and tells the mother that the visit is the first phase of the investigation. The worker notifies them they will be visited several times before there is a determination. The mother is agitated and frightened on learning of the charge. She nervously asks if the children will be removed and is unconvinced by the worker's reassurance. The worker asks the mother to have the children at home for a visit on the next day at 3:00 PM, as well as medical records, rent receipts, and proof that the children are in school. The mother agrees, but when the worker arrives, no one is home. The worker should FIRST

Clarify whether the family understood the instructions

Carly has made a good adjustment to being home since her recent discharge from a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of Schizoaffective disorder. In her first outpatient interview with Susan, a clinical social worker, Carly explains the auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions with which she suffered prior to hospitalization. Midway through this explanation, Carly tells the worker that she is feeling very upset by remembering these details. Susan suggests that they change topics for now and that Carly should talk about her return home and how she is managing day-to-day. Why should Susan make this intervention

Clinical social workers avoid overcoming repression in fragile clients

An elderly woman in her late 70s whose husband recently died has had difficulty adjusting to living alone and caring for herself. The social worker arranged for support services and suggested that her children call her more frequently. Which statement is not true of this social work intervention

Concrete helping services are usually the only intervention needed by the elderly

Bill has historically had employment issues that have caused him to seek therapeutic services. He has been working with a social worker for several months and was recently fired from his job. Bill believes that he has been discriminated against against because he doesn't have a college degree, however, it is apparent that he has a serious problem with alcohol. He consumes at least two six packs of beer every night, but claims that drinking isn't the problem. The worker should FIRST

Confront Bill's denial of his alcohol problem

A client in a alcohol treatment clinic tells the worker that she has resumed drinking and missed two 12 step meetings. The worker asks her what happened. The client says she didn't have money for gas to get to the meetings. The worker firmly points out the inconsistency between her statement that she was not able to buy gas and yet she was able to buy alcohol. The is an example of


A neighborhood agency is approached by a citizen organization alarmed by teen alcohol abuse. The group asks the agency to develop programs to address the problem. The administrator is likely first to

Consider the group's legitimacy and influence in the community

The director of clinical services in a large agency finds that the agency is not well utilized by the community. She needs to develop programs that will increase the agency's visibility and service utilization and make it accessible to a wider range of clients. She seeks a planning method that can provide the widest range of alternatives. How can she best meet her objectives, while insuring that new ideas will have broad acceptance within the agency?

Create several planning task forces composed of workers, supervisors, managers, and board members, and ask them to brainstorm ideas for potential new activities, programs and services

A social worker in a mental health agency is working with a client who constantly complains about her husband's compulsive gambling and the financial deprivation she experiences. He owes money and has been threatened. Her discussions and complaints always emphasize her husband's irresponsible behavior. She seems too distracted by his gambling to focus on her own needs and feelings. The social worker would

Determine with the woman how to refocus treatment so that she can discuss her own feelings and concerns

A client of an experienced social worker in private practice is very irritating and quite disturbed in her interpersonal relationships. She has grating, high pitched voice, and constantly criticizes others. Though financially comfortable, she complains about minor deprivations and is unappreciative of anything done for her. Her social worker finds her unpleasant, self-centered, lazy, and mean spirited, and gradually comes to dislike her. The social worker should

Discuss her reaction to the client with her own supervisor and try to address the issues that make it difficult to treat her

A worker has difficulty sympathizing with clients who depend on public assistance. The worker was dependent on public assistance for 10 years during his adolescence. The supervisor should

Discuss the difficulties with the worker and the implications for his clients

A social work clinician finds that his mind wanders during sessions with clients. As a result, he occasionally misses significant information and misinterprets client concerns. Several clients have noticed his lack of attention and expressed dismay that he doesn't seem to listen to them. How should the worker address this problem?

Discuss the issue with a supervisor to assess the problem

The assistant director has indisputable proof that the director of a large community fundraising agency has signed costly non-competitive contracts with a business in which the executive director has an ownership interest. The activity is unknown to the board of directors, violates agency policy, and may be illegal. The assistant director's FIRST step is to

Discuss the matter with the director and then notify the chairman of the board

An elderly resident in supported housing complains to her social worker that another resident, with whom she is normally friendly is ignoring her and does not call her as often as she used to. She is angry with the friend, though the friend says that she is as attentive as she has always been. The resident also complains that her children do not visit or call frequently, and she is upset and deeply hurt by their neglect. What defense mechanism is probably involved in this case?


A 40 year old man is found confused and wandering around a small town when he is picked up by the police and brought to a nearby hospital. He has no identification and he does not remember who he is or how he arrived to the town. Following a police check, he is identified as a missing person from a large nearby city. When his wife is brought to see him, he does not recognize her. A few weeks later his memory returns. The MOST likely diagnosis

Dissociative Amnesia, with dissociative fugue

A mental health center director observes that some support staff and professionals are curt with clients and appear to be disrespectful, unfriendly, and overly hasty. Concerned that clients will view the agency as unfriendly and uncaring, the director decides to take action. However, he is concerned that the problem may be structural rather than simply a few problem employees. In designing a strategy, the director is likely to achieve the best results by

Establishing a broadly based committee that brings together all segments of the agency including clients, and asking them to develop methods for assessing the problem and proposing solutions

An agency director has a policy disagreement with a public agency that provides funds for several agency programs. While the board agrees with the director, they also believe the director is managing conflict poorly and that and that he may be unnecessarily confrontative. The board has hired a consultant to advise them. In this situation, the consultant might advise the board to hired a consultant to advise them. In this situation, the consultant might advice the board to

Express their support for the director and request a plan for resolving the problems with the public agency

An organizational chart does not provide information concerning

Financial sources and budgeting

As treatment progresses with Ira, a computer programmer who abuses cocaine and alcohol, the social worker realizes he is highly motivated but unable to fully stop. Which cognitive-behavioral approach might the social worker use to help him

Find out which situations seem to be associated with substance use and help Ira learn to avoid these

A social worker at a maternal-child health clinic interviews a 19- year old woman who is 6 months pregnant and has a history of drug abuse and destructive relationships with violent men. She claims she is drug free. However, she has missed visits and usually comes to the clinic for prenatal clinic only when the health outreach worker finds her. She seems unable to accept the need for prenatal care. She is vague about where she is living. She has a bruise on her arm, a disheveled appearance, and she has been absent from the employee training program she attends. The social worker is concerned about her and her pregnancy. In working with the client, the worker should

Focus on finding ways to obtain the client's cooperation in using prenatal care

A social worker is assigned to work with a Latino single parent family. The 29 year old mother has difficulty controlling her 10 and 12 year old children. The problem began when the grandmother, who resides with them, became ill and unable to help care for the children. The children are unruly and occasionally truant. The social worker's FIRST objective is to

Form a relationship with the mother and help empower her to manage her relationships with the children, and her parenting responsibilities

A medical social worker interviewed a young married woman who is brought into the emergency room the night before with head injuries, a broken jaw, and upper body contusions and abrasions. She will remain in the hospital several more days for test. She explained that she fell asleep at the wheel and crashed her car. Her husband is present throughout the interview and seems determined to remain. He nods and encourages her as she tells the story. She seems intimidated by her husband's presence. The social fears that the woman is not being truthful and that the injuries may have resulted from domestic abuse. The MOST prudent course of action is to

Gracefully terminate the interview and return when the husband is not present

Flashbacks or delayed effects are most common when this category of drugs are used


After repeated hospitalizations for severe back pain, Harry is provided with prescription pain killers. His family tells his social worker that he has started to obtain duplicate, sometimes forged prescriptions for controlled substances to supplement his regular supply. Harry told his family that the doctor is not giving him enough drugs to control his pain and that he has been forced to improvise. The social worker might suspect

Harry has become drug dependent and needs help to control his need for pain-killers

An agency director maintains an open door policy staff and supervisors, and continually requests input on policy and program changes and agency direction. The effect of this practice will probably be

Higher morale among all staff and a feeling of being valued

A social worker is employed by the public housing agency as a housing planner. Two community groups seek to control planning for public housing development. Each group is determined not to have the housing development in their neighborhood. As a first step, while formulating an understanding of the problem, the worker would

Identify organizations, their interests, and the people at the center of the conflict and try to understand their concerns.

According to Erikson, which is the period of experimenting with choices in values and lifestyle that usually arises during adolescence?

Identity vs. Role Confusion

A social worker in a small town accepts a woman for treatment and shortly afterwards learns that she is involved in a bitter divorce action involving another one of her long term clients. The new client had been having an affair with the long term client's ex husband. The social worker realizes that she may be called into court to testify on her initial client's behalf. Which principle should guide the worker's action?

If the worker believes there is clear conflict of interest, she should terminate one of the clients and refer her elsewhere, after fully discussing the issue with her

A social worker employed in a residential youth services agency learns that a fellow employee has multiple convictions for sexual molestation of young children. The agency is unaware of his history, though he was asked pre-employment questions about previous convictions. Sexual offenses automatically disqualify applicants for employment in the agency in the agency. The social worker's professional and ethical obligation is BEST met by

Immediately notify the responsible agency manager of the situation

In an agency, group norms and the informal organizational structure

Influence the behavior of workers through peer pressure

The mother of a newborn baby with spina bifida is anxious about caring for the baby after returning home. The baby requires ongoing intensive and complicated treatment and specialized care from a variety of service systems. What is the LEAST effective immediate strategy for helping the mother and the family

Inform the parents of the severe difficulties they are likely to encounter

From the administrator's point of view, the most important purpose of a formal staff termination or exit interview is that it

Is a way to obtain information about agency functioning and to address any bad feelings

A social worker is assigned to work with a group of teen-age mothers who ,meet weekly at a neighborhood health information and mutual support. Members do not attend regularly and the group is drifting apart, though some members are committed to continuing . What should be done to create greater involvement?

Initiate a discussion with members focusing on their concerns about the group and involve them in planning the structure of meeting and the topics to be discussed.

A social worker in an inpatients psychiatric mental health facility working with higher functioning patients, determines that the most suitable group treatment model is

Interactional agenda group- that uses an agenda go -around approach.

If a social worker in a small community finds the area lacking in services and without the tradition of organizing in its own behalf, the most probable approach would be for the social worker to

Interest community leaders and residents in studying the needs of the community and working toward developing a community- wide approach.

A family seeks counseling help to address their reactions to the sudden accidental death of one of their children. The social worker's genuine concern and over involvement with the family is noticed by the supervisor. The supervisor should

Involve the social worker in assessing the effect of subjective reactions on the quality of his work and on his clients

Janet, age 16 and a good student, is caught stealing from student lockers at the high school. She steals indiscriminately, frequently taking items of little value that are of no use to her. She often gives stolen goods to friends. When her parents search her room and the garage, they find hundreds of items, ranging from toasters to staplers, clothes to cosmetics. She says she feels terrible about stealing and would like to stop, but finds the impulses, almost uncontrollable. The social worker might FIRST consider a diagnosis of


A 48-year-old client with a history of chronic alcoholism develops short-term memory loss. He compensates by inventing stories. He seems confused, apathetic and disorientated. The most likely diagnosis is

Korsakoff's syndrome

A 25 year old male client is seen at an aftercare unit. As the interview proceeded, he became increasingly agitated and hostile to the social worker. He began to scream, broke a chair, and started waving the chair leg at the social worker in a threatening manner. How can the social worker manage this situation?

Leave the room and seek help

An agency standing committee on strategic future planning is usually not used to

Make emergency decisions

The symptom LEAST likely to be present in a major affective disorder is


Which of the following statements is not true of managed care groups

Managed care groups use flexible contracts and heterogeneous group compositions to permit a wide range of cost-effective intervention strategies.

Tension is rising among employees of the Department of Social Services. Administrators suspect that the tension is a product of steadily increasing workloads, more difficult cases, and crowded working conditions. There are no immediate solutions to these problems as the legislature has not funded enough additional positions or new facilities. To ease the situation, the commissioner might first

Meet with employees to gather more information about their concerns and recommendations

Of the following, the drug that is not a depressant is


The agency's purpose is to improve the social environment for children and their families and to address the conditions associated with child abuse by providing high quality clinical services to families and children." This is an example of

Mission statement

After selecting a 25% sample of a large public assistance agency's caseload, a researcher finds that there are no cases in which drug or alcohol abuse were identified. She concludes that the sample is

Not a representative sample

A 40 year old man on neurotic medication for the past four months begins to exhibit involuntary rapid and jerky movements with his tongue and jaw. Over a period of five weeks, the symptoms grow progressively worse and more pronounced. Suspecting that these symptoms are related to the medication regimen, a social worker would

Notify the psychiatrist that the client is exhibiting symptoms that suggest tardive dyskinesia

A social worker is asked to testify in court in a child custody case and is told by the plantiff's attorney that she will ask questions designed to qualify her as an expert witness. If she is successful in qualifying as an expert witness, it is likely that she will be asked to

Offer opinions on the child's behavior, personality, or current or proposed custody arrangements

A community agency has a difficult competitive relationship with another agency in the area. The competition has led to frequent conflicts over city and state grants and has sapped the energies of both boards of directors and executive directors. A new executive director decides that it is time to resolve the conflict and feels that it may be possible to use co-optation as a primary strategy to resolve conflicts. To implement this principle the director is likely to

Offer the other agency an opportunity to participate in a newly funded program that would add to their capabilities

Returning after a two year overseas military assignment during which he rarely wrote emails or called home, Alex reunites with his wife Julia and their 5 year old daughter. After three months, Julia remains tentative and uncomfortable with Alex. Alex does not understand why there is a problem. Julia feels his commitment to her is marginal and situational. They request assistance from an HMO social worker. The worker is likely to recommend that they

Participate in short term couple's group oriented toward veteran return and communication

A social worker at a refugee and immigration agency sees a 25 year old refugee from Rwanda who informs the social worker that she has recurrent nightmares during which the massacre of her family is reenacted. She thinks about these events frequently and is often immobilized and unable to work. Yet, she cannot discuss these events and maintains her distance from others. She has few close relationships. It is MOST likely that she would be diagnosed with

Post traumatic stress disorder

A Community fund survey reveals that the minority community is poorly served by programs funded by the agency. To redress the balance, resources must be redirected and reallocated. Several agency programs are recommended for termination. One agency executive is convinced that his program meets a minority community need, but that the work is poorly understood. The first step in saving the program would be to

Prepare a detailed study of the population served and the program's accomplishments, mobilize board and community support, and ask the community fund to reconsider its decision

A clients wife calls her husbands social worker for information concerning her husbands emotional problems. The worker knows they have a close relationship and that the wife is aware that her husband is in treatment. The social worker would most likely first respond by

Probing her reasons for calling and asking questions

After spending three moths in a homeless shelter, the Smith's find an apartment through the housing assistance agency. The housing agency social worker learns that Mr. S is in recovery (one year) from alcoholism, and is unemployed. Their 8 year old daughter, Sara, changed schools in the past year and is fearful of more changes. Mrs. Smith is passive, and seems poorly equipped to make decisions. She follows Mr. Smith's lead. He has a good employment record, but is anxious about money, and asks for assistance in finding a job. The social worker's BEST initial approach with this family is to

Provide Mr. Smith with referrals to agencies that can help with employment

The school social worker initiates an interview with Marie's family because of her poor grades. Now in fourth grade, Marie seems motivated and presents no behavioral problems. She lives in an intact, working-class family. The discussion with Marie's father makes it clear that he feels humiliated about her academic problems. During the interview, the mother says little. When she speaks, the father interrupts her. How should the worker FIRST proceed?

Reassure the parents that Marie's performance problems in school can be helped through a cooperative effort by both the school and the family

Michael, aged seven, was referred to the social worker by his teacher as he had consistent difficulty paying attention in class, following directions, or completing assigned class work accurately. He sometimes talks out of turn, but is never disruptive in class. Michael's family is intact and his parents are responsive to the teacher's concerns and actively involved with his education. They reported that at home he was argumentative, had temper tantrums, and displayed frequent mood changes. After learning these facts the social worker would

Recommend a full evaluation for ADHD

An influential senior clinician at a large mental health center is also a member of the selection committee assigned to recommend candidates for assistant director. The leading candidate is an experienced and dynamic woman who has a 4 month old child. The senior clinician argues that the candidate's child-rearing responsibilities will interfere with her demanding job obligations and recommends that she not be hired. The committee should

Reject the clinician's analysis on legal and ethical grounds

A social worker in a school setting informs the parents of a second grader that their son's problems in school are caused by his recently diagnosed ADHD and that he needs treatment. The social worker recommends family treatment to help the parents manage their increasingly difficult son. The parents are upset and angered by the diagnosis and refuse to accept the treatment recommendations. The social worker should

Remain in touch with the parents and when they are calm, help them understand the disorder, its consequences and the treatment possibilities

The research concept of reliability is established by

Replicating results over many trials

A visiting Nurse Association social worker visits a family whose young child has cerebral palsy. The worker found that the child is kept in a darkened room and though fed and bathed, is isolated from the family and denied much affection. The social worker should FIRST

Report the situation to child protective service agency

An extremely depressed 40 year old woman tells her therapist she recently learned that she was sexually molested at age seven by her stepfather. The molestation continued for over a year and was clinically verified at the time. The evidence was sufficient enough to warrant arrest, conviction and a jail term for her step father. She has no conscious memory of the events. This is an example of


A white community worker works with a predominantly African-American and Latino group for eight months. During a discussion about local service agencies, several group members expressed resentment and some hostility about white workers in my Minority communities. A few members question whether a white worker can be sensitive to their needs. The worker would

Respond permissively to the issue raised, will make his own values and attitudes clear to the group.

A male client with major depressive disorder has gotten significant relief from symptoms of hopelessness, loss of appetite, and lack of energy after a few weeks on an SSRI in conjunction with talk therapy with a clinical social worker. The social worker notices a recurrence of the client's sad affect and pessimism about his future and learns that he discontinued the antidepressant medication. He claimed not to be able to explain any specific reasons for discontinuing the medication. What should the worker know about potential side effect of SSRIs that could account for this client's decisions

SSRI's can cause a loss of libido or cause sexual dysfunction

A male adolescent client shows marked disintegration of ego functioning. When he speaks he males little sense, and thoughts seem to have no relationship to each other. His behavior also seems somewhat random and he seems to move from place to place without any reason. At times he stands in one place and stares. His affect is flat or inappropriate. He displays grandiose delusions, feels his heart has changed place and feels that his brain is melting. This seems to indicate

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

As Haitian immigrants move into a neighborhood, one community group seeks to block their entry because they want to maintain a homogeneous, racially separate community. Other community groups are more supportive of diversity and pluralism. There is little contact between opposing forces, but a confrontation is building. The neighborhood center board ask the executive director to respond to the problem. The director believes the agency can play a role in emerging community debate. The agency approach would most likely

Seek to build bridges between opposing groups were feasible, but ally the agency with the principle of diversity because it is a core social work value.

As a basic strategy, the worker would

Seek to find a core group of leaders all sectors the community and engage them in identifying problems and finding common interests.

When a worker asks a client how he thinks others view him, the worker is assessing the client's

Self- Concept

The movement toward consumer advocacy and participation of the poor in community organization has its roots primarily in the

Settlement House Movement

Bill and his family seek family treatment from an experienced social worker in a large city to help them deal with marital conflicts and child rearing difficulties. Since Bill cannot afford the fees, he offers to paint her apartment as payment. This is not a common arrangement in the community but, wanting to help, the worker considers Bill's offer. How should she ethically proceed?

She should refuse Bill's offer and if she cannot arrange a more affordable fee, refer the family to an agency that can help them

A school guidance counselor refers a 15 year old girl to a clinic for depression and behavioral problems in school. These problems appear to be relatively new. The MOST likely treatment approach is

Short term counseling

A senior manager discovers that flaws in the computerized record management system are causing security lapses that compromise client confidentiality. Unauthorized persons can view records. The FIRST action that the manager should take is to

Shut down the system and implement temporary files and fire those who have violated agency policy

In a research project designed to study the mother-infant dyad, the most useful method of gathering data would be

an analysis of videotapes of mother-infant interactions

A tenant group decides to conduct a rent strike in order to force a landlord to make needed repairs to their apartments. This strategy of community organizing is an example of

Social action

And neighborhood planning board linked to the municipal ministration completed a community study. They conclusions indicated that the community had a rising rates of alcoholism, drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, and a higher infant mortality rate in other areas of the city. Juvenile delinquency was rising and there were few recreational outlets for adolescents. The study found that residents had inadequate access to primary healthcare, and there were no prevention programs to address the community's health problems. They recommended construction of a health center and new after -school and evening programs for adolescents. This is an example of

Social planning

Agencies such as welfare councils and councils of social agencies that frequently use fact gathering by experts to deal with substantive problems reflect the

Social planning model.

A program activity not considered as primary and community development is

Social protest.

A child abuse survivors group has become fragmented after meeting for a month and a half. Group meetings have been tense and argumentative. According to the 5 stage model of group development, it is likely that this group is at which stage?


In doing clinical work with a specific immigrant group, it is important for a clinician to

Speak the language of origin and be knowledgeable about the area of concern and cultural background

A client's wife from whom he has been separated for a year in what appears to be a bitter and litigious divorce, calls her husband's social worker for information concerning her husband's problems. The social worker's BEST response is to

State she cannot discuss anything about her cases

While being transferred to a new foster home by a public social services worker, a 14 year old boy who seems very depressed mentions that he is thinking of suicide. He discusses how he will kill himself. What should the worker do FIRST?

Stay with the boy and accompany him to a psychiatric emergency facility

A hospital social worker is called to the emergency room to counsel a family that has just lost their 8 month old daughter to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). During the interview, the social worker learns that this is the third child who died in this manner. In each case SIDS was diagnosed. The mother is currently pregnant with another child. How should the worker respond to this situation?

Suggest counseling but also notify the child protection agency and recommend an investigation

Which of the following is a community issue where a consensus is not likely to develop

Tenants and landlords discussing rent control.

Which public program was the first systematic effort by the federal government to stimulate the full participation of community residents in planning and operating neighborhood- based social development and social service programs ?

The Community Action Program of the Office of Economic Opportunity.

A married supervisor develops an intimate relationship with a supervisee. Indicate the statement that best reflects the underlying principle that should be invoked

The behavior is exploitative and violates professional ethics

A successful 40 year old executive seeks counseling because of recurrent anxiety attacks. Usually these attacks occur in mid afternoon after many cups of coffee and are accompanied by nervousness, restlessness, rambling speech, excitability, and a flushed face. The symptoms usually disappear by late afternoon. In taking a history, the social worker might consider

The cumulative effect of caffeine e.g., caffeine intoxication

An administrator is considering terminating an employee for incompetence. A major concern is the staff's perception. Although their reaction has serious implications for morale, the administrator's concern should focus on

The decrease in effectiveness of the staff if he is not removed

In reviewing case material with supervisees, a supervisor includes counter-transference reactions as part of the discussion. During the 4th supervisory session with a worker, the supervisor focuses on a counter-transference issue in an attempt to increase the worker's self-awareness. The social worker reacts with confusion, anxiety, and intellectualization. One might assume

The groundwork may not have been developed to discuss the issue

A manager finds that his staff agrees on virtually all decisions. At staff meetings, there is little dissent or criticism. In a crisis, the group closes ranks and, at times, their suggestions and strategies border on the unethical. Though staff is encouraged to disagree, an enthusiastic consensus always emerges. The management group seems to believe that it can make no mistakes. The director decides that there is a problem and more creative thought is needed. Which of the following provides the best definition and strategy for resolving the problem?

The group is engaged in group think. New ideas must be introduced and old ideas need to be challenged. An outside consultant might provide the necessary energy.

A major emphasis in the professional literature of social work supervision has been

The importance of self-awareness as a precondition for helping others

The concepts of attachment, bonding, and separation anxiety are MOST associated with

The primary bonds that develop in normal parenting relationships between mother and child, or child and caretaker

Separation of voluntary agency's social planning function in neighborhood-based community organization from a primary concern with programs serving the poor was fostered by

The shift of welfare responsibilities from voluntary to public agencies.

A social worker receives a referral of a dialysis patient who is emotionally unable to follow through on self-care requirements. The worker has no experience treating clients with these characteristics and little knowledge of dialysis. Despite her lack of experience, the social worker decides to accept the referral. Which statement is most correct

The social work is entitled to accept the client, but in doing so, she has also accepted an obligation to learn more about this typeof case, to provide the most effective care

A clinical social worker is sued fro malpractice by a former client. The client claims he was improperly treated for a mental condition, when in fact his problems were largely physical in origin. He further alleges that the treatment led to a divorce and loss of career. The social worker must defend his practice in court, but is unsure about what he can do to defend himself without violating the profession's canons of confidentiality and his obligations to the client and the profession. Which statement best reflects the worker's options in regard to maintaining confidentiality

The social workers obligation to maintain complete confidentiality while defending himself against malpractice is waived when sued by a client

A director can increase administrative flexibility even though board support has declined when

There is a role conflict among board members and they are unable to take a unified position

A supervisor in a child welfare agency learns that the agency's personnel officer has been diverting job applications from gay and lesbian applicants with the tacit approval of the executive director and the board. As a result, gays are never considered for employment, though perhaps qualified. What ethical principals drawn from the Social Work Code of Ethics should guide the supervisor's actions in this situation

The supervisor should take aggressive professional action to end the discrimination

At an agency staff meeting, a supervisor learns that staff resent the way he uses authority. The director is concerned. With no other information, he should probably first consider

The supervisors attitude and self-presentation when using authority

When the sexual offender treatment program delivered its annual report to the state funding agency that supports the program, they proudly reported a 100% success rate over the past five years. Based on 250 client self-reports, the agency found that none of their clients has reoffended. A large percentage believe they would never reoffend because of the treatment they received. Rather than applauding their work, the state agency notifies the treatment agency that they are unlikely to receive state funds next year. Why did the state agency make this decision?

The use of self reports reflects an inaccurate and unsophisticated understanding of evaluation with an offender population

Micheal is 10 years old and lives with his mother. His family is low income and he is often absent from school. During an interview with the school social worker, Micheal reveals that he is often alone as his mother is absent from home for two or three days. From Micheal's description, the worker learns thats Micheal's mother is abusing drugs and is probably addicted to an injected substance such as heroin. How can the worker best help Micheal?

The worker needs to react to the fact that Micheal is, at the least, a neglected child. A report should be filed the child protective agency

A client is brought to a mental health clinic by her family. At 10am, the intake worker informs the supervisor the client is actively suicidal. The supervisor asks the worker to take the client to the psychiatric emergency unit immediately for evaluation and report back afterwards. The worker makes an appointment for the following morning. She does not inform the supervisor and the supervisor does not ask for the requested feedback. That night the client commits suicide. Subsequently, the agency is sued for malpractice by the client's family. Which statement is most true

The worker, the supervisor, and the agency share responsibility

Supervisors most frequently play the supervisee's games because

They hesitate to assert authority by demanding that requirements are met

Several agency employees have negative attitudes that influence the work group's behavior, attitudes, and relationships with other staff. Other units begin to resist working with the group. It is important to recognize the influence of negative attitudes since

They may stimulate undesirable norms that affect the work behavior of others

For a gay teenager, the first step in his coming out process is

To acknowledge his or her sexuality to him of herself

A 14 year old depressed adolescent boy receiving treatment at a family agency mentions that he is actively thinking of suicide. The social worker believes the youth is serious and knows that the family is deeply concerned about him. Of the choices below, which action is required and should guide the worker's actions

To protect the client, the worker should call the client's family, after telling him that she is required to follow this procedure for his own safety

During a therapy session, a man tells his social worker that he hates his ex- wife and plans to injure her. The client has a history of violent behavior, and the social worker does not believe that the man is making an idle threat. What is the social worker's FIRST responsibility?

To warn the ex-wife that she is at risk

Clinicians who treat clients with alcohol dependency and do not operate utilizing a harm reduction model, would typically emphasize a treatment goal of

Total Abstinence

For more than a year, an 11 year old girl has exhibited regular symptoms of barking, facial tics, rapid blinking, uncontrolled spitting and vocal tics. The most likely diagnosis would be

Tourette's disorder

A 19 year old female college student living at home is informed by her HMO physician that she has HIV. She is referred to a social worker because she is distraught, tearful, and very anxious. She states that she does not wish to tell her family, and is unsure about whether to tell her boyfriend. She says she has no future and can never have a family. The social worker should first

Treat this moment as a crisis and help her to express her fears and her disappointment

Elliott is college freshman and is in the process of joining a fraternity. He tells his social workers that at the next induction session he will be required to drink a full fifth of gin to complete his initiation. He intends to comply with this requirement. What should the social worker do

Try to convince Elliott not to participate and notify the college administration of the event so it can be stopped

The first thing for the social worker to do is

Try to involve more tenants in the association

Select the statement that best describes the institutional concept of social welfare

Welfare services are normal, first-line functions of modern society

The most important consideration in choosing a goal with the client is

What the client wants

The agency director is creating a staff committee to plan a response to multicultural issues confronting the agency. In the covering memo to staff outlining the mission, purpose, and objectives of the committee, he must necessarily include

Whether the committee is advisory or decision-making

The social service committee of the hospital board oversees the social service department. The committee meets with the director of social services to determine next year's budget. The director wants to use this opportunity to increase the board's understanding of the benefits to the hospital of a strong department. This might be achieved by presenting cases

Which illustrate the way in which length of inpatient stay and patient satisfaction are affected by social service intervention

The formal leader in an organization is one

Who commands positional power

Joan tells her social worker that when her husband Mike comes home from work after having a few drinks, he is often verbally and physically aggressive with her and their children. Mike's drinking has increased and he is clearly using alcohol regularly. He has been arrested twice for driving while intoxicated. Joan is obviously fearful and asks the social worker for assistance. What should the social worker do first

Work with Joan to help her protect herself and the children, either through the child protective agency, a shelter, or through a court order protection

Marian, a 14-year-old girl from a poor, single parent family appears for an interview with the school social worker to discuss excessive school absences. Recently, she has withdrawn from friends and her school grades have dramatically declined. The school social worker learns that she recently lost several front teeth in an auto accident. As a result, her upper lip appears to have partially collapsed, giving her somewhat a odd appearance. She seems to have withdrawn and shy and says that other students make fun of her appearance. How should the social worker focus initial intervention?

Work with Marian and her family to arrange a prosthetic replacement for her teeth.

A disadvantage of group supervision is that

Workers can participate or not according to their perceived need. Workers lacking skills may withdraw to avoid exposing themselves

Margot is a client with histrionic personality disorder. After meeting weekly with her social worker, Brian, for six months, Margot is describing her recent work evaluation in which her manager said that Margot is not a team player and that she asks for more supervision and feedback than should be necessary. Margot is hurt and angry, and asks Brian for sympathetic agreement that the manger is being unfair. Instead, Brian asks Margot to think about how her job performance might have contributed to the manager's assessment. What rationale is not applicable to explain Brian's intervention

Workers should remain neutral about client's behavior choices

One consequences of failing to develop a contract is to

increase the potential for hidden agendas to dominate the group's activities.

Parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders ( ADHD) are continually challenged to deal with aggression, oppositional defiant disorders, conduct disturbances, and diminished self- esteem. Parent training groups are helpful to parents mainly because they provide

a group climate where they can freely discuss their problems and find information on how to discuss them

The treatment of choice for men who use violence against women is

a group with other men who use violence that focuses on the men's violent behavior.

Characteristics of latency include

a harsh superego and a consolidation of ego defenses

The role of the social worker in the social planning model does not normally include

a negotiator

A social system is best described as

a network of patterned interactions.

A 35 year old woman, mourning the death of her mother, reports the following symptoms: a tendency to sigh especially when discussing grief, lack of strength and exhaustion, loss of appetite. According to Eric Lindermann's conceptualization, these symptoms would probably indicate

a normal grief reaction

A client comes to treatment complaining that all the women on the subway are "after his body" and "they will not leave him alone". He is experiencing

a paranoid reaction

Case consultation in social work is normally defined as

a problem-solving contractual relationship between a knowledgeable expert and a less knowledgeable person

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is

a program for families with children initiated in 1996 to replace AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

A hypothesis is

a proposition that provides a testable foundation for a research project

The Social Security tax includes cash contributions that rise with income, a fixed percentage of earned income, and a maximum tax paid at the maximum income level. Since a lower income worker pays the same percent of income as one with higher income, and those with incomes that exceed the maximum pay a lower percentage, the tax is considered

a regressive tax

A technique commonly used in behavior modification is

a relaxation exercise

Bill is a recovering heroin addict, who has not worked, had a home, or maintained a regular lifestyle for over 20 years. Now in his 40s, Bill says he is prepared to do whatever is necessary to get his life together. His parents have hear this story before. Though they are unwilling to have him more in with them, they are prepared to be supportive and give him another chance. However, all his friends are drug users, and the pressures on Bill to resume drug-taking are considerable. The best strategy for Bill is

a residential treatment program with vocational training to helpBill relearn skills, and for him to stay away from associates who can influence

A stratified random sample is

a sample in which the population is divided into strata, i.e, age, sex, race, then elements drawn at random from each strata

An epidemiological study of chemicals that are thought to be involved with the development of cancer is most likely to prove

a strong association between exposure to the chemical and cancer, or little association between exposure and cancer

To demonstrate that a test measures what it is supposed to measure, you would use

a test for validity

A social worker is shortly leaving an agency and must terminate many cases. How long prior to exiting should the social worker tell clients she is leaving the agency

about one month before the termination date

Focusing on victimization stigmatization is particularly dysfunctional as a group norm in all the following groups except

abused women's group

.A case manager for an elder home care agency is meeting with a client, a woman in her 80s with severe osteoarthritis and emphysema. The client is talking about her guilt for placing her husband in a nursing home when his alzheimer's symptoms progressed to include his hitting her and refusing to bathe or change his clothes. In dealing with her guilt, the worker would first

accept and understand the client's guilt, allowing her to ventilate

In approaching the client, the social worker should

accept the client with positive though conditional regard

"Positive regard" and "nonpossessive warmth" as outlined by Rogers refer to an attitude of


In agencies that rely on public contracts and grants, administrators are likely to place a higher priority on

accountability to finders rather than improving accountability to clients

The common consequences of parents discouraging expressions of feelings in young children are

acting-out behavior, somatization, a sense of powerlessness

Low- income community groups often need professional assistance to help them defend their interest and increase their participation in the policy process.A community organization worker who provides this assistance would be acting in the role of


Behaviorist are interested primarily in

affecting observable, measurable behavior

The aging process often engenders many physiological and environmental changes. These may include physical and mental deterioration, loss of income, changes social roles and status, and the loss of close friends and relatives. When elderly individuals report a cluster of symptoms such as having difficulty in remembering names or appointments and difficulties in solving complex problems they may be considered for a DSM-5 diagnosis of

age-related cognitive decline

The most prevalent form of substance abuse is


An underlying assumption of Freud's theories is that

all behavior is unconsciously motivated

Latency age children cannot usually free associate because

all of the above

Being and "active" listener means the social worker should primarily

allow attention, concern, empathy and compassion to be communicated through presence and manner

In establishing a working alliance, the social worker should

allow for the client's ideas, understanding that conditions change as clinical work proceeds

A client is consistently late for appointments. In ego psychology, this is a sign of

ambivalence and resistance

a factor that contributes to the development of a "group think" mentality within a policy-making committee is


Construct validity refers to the relationship between

an abstract concept and an empirical measure

After consulting with the board of directors, the administrator of a voluntary multi-service agency decides to relocate the child welfare staff. The new location is more accessible for clients as it is nearer to public transportation, and closer to the public welfare agency and the hospital. The move will take place shortly. However, several workers argue that the move is a mistake. Their concerns probably result from

an administrative failure to consult with staff and involve them in the decision

A 12-year-old girl in a school socialization group reveals that her stepfather inappropriately fondles her and tries to continue to intercourse. The girls revelation upsets the group, but they are supportive and sympathetic. The social worker's best response is to

arrange a meeting with the girl following the group session and let her know that she needs protection and that she will file a child protective report.

A recently widowed mother with three young children reports to her family worker that she is about to exhaust her savings. She fears eviction from her home, but knows that the eviction process takes at least three to six months in her state. Though she has not worked since her marriage eight years ago, she has some marketable skills. The social worker's best procedure would be to

ask her about the solutions she has considered, including the possibility of work or work training and applying for public assistance, then suggest the next steps

Following an initial visit to an elderly client, a social worker notifies the client that they will meet again in six weeks. The next day and for several days the client continues to call the worker. The questions seem contrived and trivial and do not concern significant or pressing issues. The worker should

ask the client is she would like to schedule an earlier visit

A Settlement House group of young Caucasian men and women in their early twenties decides to organize a dance to raise money for local hospital. A Friday seems most feasible, but several members are uncomfortable holding in event on Friday, since there is less control over who is likely to attend. Clearly, some members of the group do not want Afro-Americans and Latinos to come to the dance as a fear attracting "troublemakers". The social the social worker would

ask the group to examine the assumption that Afro- American and Latino people will cause trouble and reaffirm the agency policy of inclusiveness

After making a speech on sexual abuse treatment before a community group, a social worker learns that the local newspaper grossly misstated and amplified her qualifications. As a result of the article, a false impression was created and she received many phone calls from agencies asking her to consult and to see clients. In this case the social worker should

ask the newspaper to publish a correction and notify callers of the error

In working with a patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder who shows signs suggesting suicidal intent, the best intervention is to

ask the patient directly about his thoughts of ending his life

A major principle of the Social Security Program's public assistance programs is that government should provide

assistance after personal and family resources are no longer avaliable

A social worker is working with an established adolescent group in a recreation center. The group uses obscene language and it talks loudly, and members are often disruptive in other ways. They are unable to develop a focus for their activities. The worker would

assume that the members are testing him or her and directly address their behaviors.

A newly hired community worker is trying to build a constituency to work on particular neighborhood improvements. At a community meeting, key leaders will make a presentation about some local tax issues. The organizer should

attend the meeting and informally talk to people.

In determining the appropriateness of a client for therapy group, the most important single factor is

attitudes toward him/herself, adaptive operations, perception of reality.

In reacting to the death or parents or siblings, children are more likey than adults to

attribute the death to something they had done or failed to do

a social agency has a stable staff, low turnover at senior levels, and little possibility of early retirements. Last year, six new social workers were added to the staff. However, discontent is growing because the more talented new staff sense the limited possibilities for advancement. The agency director would most likely

augment inservice or external educational possibilites

In the first the meeting with a group of adults who have never been in a treatment group, the worker would

avoid asking questions and allow for the expression of questions and feelings.

A college student who is considering a leave of absence from school meets with a social worker in the college counseling office for help in deciding what to do. The student presents her ambivalence about school, her other options and her parents' disapproval of her not graduating on time. The social worker's professional behavior toward the client should incorporate

avoiding fixed positions and preestablished attitudes

A community group representing a low income neighborhood demands that a neighborhood bank increase mortgage availability and make loans to small community groups for business development. The bank's staff and the community group leaders meet on theses issues several times without reaching an agreement. Finally after many meetings the bank rejects there demands and the groups threatens to organize a publicity campaign directed against the bank's "racist" management. The bank's managers refuse to negotiate further. The process the two parties are engaged in is called


A social worker is planning to leave a mental health agency. I am planning to terminate treatment relationships with groups, the initial focus is for the worker to

be aware of his own feelings about departure, and how these need to be handled with each group and each client.

When preparing to tell his clients that he is terminating employment with the social agency, a social worker first needs to

be aware of his own feelings about separating from the agency

The definition of enuresis is

bed wetting

The technique of vicarious reinforcement is identified with

behavior modification

The treatment approach in which the client's dysfunctional behavior is corrected through the use of learning theory is

behavior modification therapy

A social worker who explains enuresis as a failure to acquire or maintain appropriate learned behavior of bladder control is most likely to use a treatment using

behavioral methods

The most significant and pervasive indicator of alcoholism is


A social worker treats a client whose childhood was marked by emotional rejection and a distant, unsupportive relationship with his parents. He has poor adaptive skills, and often uses the strategy of splitting. The diagnosis that is most likely is

borderline personality

Mrs. K has been in treatment for the past 3 months. She says she feels inferior and worthless with family and friends. She avoids closeness and fears dependence. She feels that others are more in control and "happy about their lives." Preoccupied and anxious about her failures and worries about the future, she constantly complains about chest and back pains that keep her awake at night. Medical evaluations are negative. She also experiences sudden mood shifts which she appreciates her achievements, feels good and sees others as a the problem. Mrs. K's condition could be diagnosed as

borderline personality disorder

A factor that distinguishes block grants from categorical grants is

categorical grants usually have a specific purpose while block grants are dedicated to more general purposes

A form of ventilation used to bring repressed material into consciousness is called


When a client recalls a previously forgotten painful experience, the emotional release that results is called


David, a social worker at a family service agency, has been meeting for several months with Jason, a moderately depressed man in his mid 20s. They have developed a treatment contract with specific activities and goals. The goals are designed to help Jason become less socially isolated and t take more initiative at work. David notes that Jason does not follow through on specified weekly tasks. In social work responsibility for following through on decisions concerning the client rests mainly with the


A major problem with managed care (HMO) mental health services for chronically ill patients is that

clients needing longer term supportive services are rarely able to access those services in managed care organizations

According to recent animal research studies, the most addictive substance is


A concept that does not derive from systems theory is


A new client expresses anger about the conditions under which he feels he is living. The social worker would

communicate acceptance and understanding of the client

A boy of 15, arthritic from early childhood, has been under the care of a special clinic in a hospital outpatient department. He is well known to the social worker in this clinic. One of his needs, as the social worker see it, is more varied social contact with peers. This is difficult for him because he can only pursue limited physical activities. His widowed mother is overprotective. The boy has shown an interest in music. The social worker might suggest that he go to a

community center with music classes

A middle-aged Native American man is a resident in a long-term care facility. The social worker, who is not a Native American, observes that the staff has difficulty communicating with the resident. His records show a diagnosis of dementia. The social worker feels that dementia is a misdiagnosis. To Assess the situation adequately, the social worker should

consult Native American professional resources

The members of an adult discussion group are passive and dependent on the worker. They express dissatisfaction indirectly. These behaviors are likely if the worker

controls the group behavior and interactions

A municipal social service agency seeks to develop a consumer advisory board. The board, however, is given little power, and many believe that the community leaders on the board are simply providing " window dressing". This is example of


Validity refers to

correspondence between the concept being measured and the measurement tool

The introduction into the family of the first child can create a crisis mainly because

couples have a romanticized notion of parenthood

Harold, age 33 and homeless, has been a heroin user since the age of 20. He has amassed a lengthy, though non-violent criminal record of drug-related offenses and petty thefts. Despite this history, his family connections remain solid, and his siblings are committed to helping him. Now he seems prepared to accept rehabilitation. He says he wants to turn his life around, stop his addiction, and enter a drug rehabilitation program. It is likely that he will need

detoxification, long-term family and social services support, vocational rehabilitation, help with housing, and monitoring

The workers first objective would be to

develop a clear statement of the issues and begin organizing the community.

Florence, age 12, was referred by family agency caseworker to an activity group at a neighborhood agency. The social worker reports: Florence is an able to take apart in active games and she doesn't know how. She says she enjoys the group in needs to grow up sometime. She doesn't want to join another less structured group. Her habit of bringing a personal position to the gym implies that she has not identified with the group in need this position for security. She is often ridiculed, which causes her to retreat to a corner where she sits and listens to her iPod or reads. She says the group is not doing anything that interest her. The best approach to integrate Florence into the group would be to

develop a group activity that would prove satisfying to her and would help her join with

Merle has a responsible position at Dynamic Superior Wonderful Software, a company developing a highly secretive technology that is expected to blow the competition away. During an appointment with EAP Social Work Counselor, Merle reveals that her recreational use of cocaine has escalated to worrisome levels. Not only is she spending a small fortune on cocaine, but now she needs large doses many times per day. She is afraid of being discovered and wants help in ending her addiction. The social worker should

develop a program with Merle to take some time off and enter a medically supervised detoxification program followed by aftercare counseling

In the treatment of alcoholism, a social workers standard approach would not be to

develop ways for the client to continue to drink moderately

The members of an ethnically homogeneous adolescent activity group in a middle-class neighborhood center were joined by Adel, a Muslim boy, whose family recently immigrated from Pakistan. Adel's English is accented in occasionally halting. The members sometimes make ethnic jokes which, though good humored, seem to make Adel uncomfortable. The worker fears that if it continues, Adel will either drop out or become more passive. After comments are made Adel sits silently and does not respond. The worker decides to develop a strategy. The most effective strategy is probably first to

develop ways to explore ethnicity and differences as a group activity.

A major objective of social work from the 1890's through WWI was social reform. After 1920, the focus of social work was

developing individual treatment methods and expanding social work training

As the organizations program develops and membership grows, the worker is likely to be concerned about

developing leadership

The expansion in the use of short term psychotherapeutic strategies is most associated with

development of health maintence organizations

Ralph, age 8, is a malnourished and neglected child who displays aggressive behavior. The behavior seems related to his mother's rejection and his father's recent death, a man who abandoned the family some years earlier. The family is under great financial stress and the mother's capacity for childcare and homemaking is severely impaired. Both his mother and two older sisters scapegoat Ralph. All three are allied against him. They see him as "bad" the above excerpt is an example of a

diagnostic statement

Dissatisfaction with community surveys is most often related to their

diffuse quality and lack of percision

Because of an unexpected upsurge of migrant workers during the summer, the director of a small social agency must cancel august vacations. he expects that the decision will be met with resistance and dissent. To engage staff effectively he should

discuss the issue with subordinates, and allow for questions, alternate possibilities and objections

A social worker learns that a colleague has a long-term drinking problem. On one occasion, he smells alcohol on the colleague's breath during working hours. The social worker should first

discuss the issue with the colleague

While adoption is a desired outcome in cases where the child can no longer expect to return home to the biological family, it has also been found that

disruption of the adoption process often occurs, particularly as the child becomes more assertive or difficult in the teenage years

The least likely symptom of simple severe depression is

disturbances in orientation and thinking

Psychodrama techniques include concepts and techniques such as

doubling, soliloquy, role reversals.

The developmental stage where children are extremely concerned with absolutes is

early latency

Hartman called the inborn capacities, including perception, motility and memory, the

ego apparatuses of primary autonomy

A criterion that is not a measure of a client's motivation is

ego strength

A criterion that is not a measure of a clients motivation is

ego strength

The most appropriate technique to use with a new client who is decompensating is

ego support

A client with narcissistic personality disorder feels that her advice is extraordinarily helpful to others in making major life decisions. She tells her therapist that she was very hurt recently when her son's fiancée said that the client should ming her own business and not try to guide her about her career and how their getting married could hurt her professional future. To be most helpful to the client, the therapist must achieve a balance between

empathetic mirroring and helping the client to see the fiancees point of view

The director of a large agency wants to stimulate loyalty and commitment to client service. She wants to promote positive staff moral and encourage staff to go beyond ritualized service to clients. The best method fro accomplishing these goals would be to

emphasize staff development to provide a sense that the agency is concerned about professional growth

The worker's main role will be that of


In his interaction with the tenants association, the workers primary role is that of

enabler- facilitator.

An intake worker in an adolescent shelter is assigned a 14-year-old girl who has run away from her family. She does not wish them to know her whereabouts. When asked about her reasons for leaving home, she says that she has problems with her father, but does not volunteer any additional information. The worker would first

encourage and sanction the discussion of taboo or unpleasant subjects

In a group session , a woman in her early twenties reports that her husband has begun to lose interest in his friends. The worker would

encourage her to express her feelings

A 14 year old boy stops attending school and stays home. The social worker has ruled out a school phobia, trauma, etc., as a reason. The social worker should

encourage his parents and the school to urge the child to go back to school as quickly as possible and explore the reasons for his resistance

In managed-care groups, workers are encouraged to use methods that encourage and enhance "wellness". The goals of managed-care are unlikely to

encourage long-term treatment programs.

A social worker begins working with a newly formed group of women concerned about the continued availability of family planning and abortion services in their area. Though the members have no great ideological differences, they do have different views and disagree on the over all policies that should be pivotal in planning and providing services. During the earliest meetings the worker would

encourage the group to analyze and discuss alternative policies to help them coalesce.

A client in a therapy group talks about a recurring fantasy involving sexual activity with his teenage daughter. He feels guilty about the thought and states he will never act on these fantasies. The worker would

encourage the group to help him differentiate between responsibility for thoughts and actions and help him explore the basic roots.

I social worker develops a group in a prison. The group participants in convicts who will be paroled within a short time. The least appropriate goal would be to

engage in a therapeutic relationship to provide for an optimum adjustment.

The importance of a Code of Ethics is to

ensure clear professional standards and public accountability

A child displays tense and hostile behavior in an open-classroom situation. The school social worker helps to place the child in a structured classroom setting. This change is an example of

environmental change

Research to show an association between social class and schizophrenia is an example of

epidemiological studies

A single man, aged thirty, comes to an outpatient medical clinic for a physical checkup to decide whether he can work. He has a shattered index finger on his left hand because of an injury. The surgeon recommends an operation on the damaged finger and refers him to social services for help in planning for the operation. The social worker's FIRST step in dealing with the patient is to

establish a relationship with the patient to figure out what surgery means to him

A withdrawn child in a residential treatment setting had progressed somewhat with a play therapy approach, but now seems disinterested. The social worker should

evaluate the situation in play therapy

Defense mechanisms are usually used by


Longitudinal studies

examine changes in selected groups over time

A social worker is assigned to work with a newly formed group program for sexually abused children. It is the first time the worker has worked with this issue. It is appropriate for the worker to use supervision to

examine the worker's feeling and attitudes regarding sexual abuse of children and self awareness about sexuality.

A cross-sectional study

examines two groups at one time

John is 30 and has not used cocaine for three months after a three-year period of addiction. He has returned to school and is holding a part-time hob. He tell his social worker that he is planning on moving to a new apartment with a friend and leaving his supportive family. He will also transfer to a new school and find a better paying job that is close to his new home to support himself. The social worker's best immediate response is to

explore some of the difficulties that John might face in making so many simultaneous changes in his life at this time

A patient who was readmitted to a psychiatric hospital complains to the social worker that his doctors have never understood him. In such situation, the social worker should

explore the reasons for this feeling and help the client discuss them directly with his doctor

A group of African American families approaches a social worker who organizes in a multiethnic, rapidly changing conservative working- class neighborhood. They are concerned about discrimination in the sale and rental of housing in the area. Rather than seeking legal remedies that are available to address the problem, the worker attempts to put together a broad- based representative community coalition to promote fair housing policies. It is likely the effort to build a coalition will

fail, because some elements of the community will not enthusiastically support fair housing policies and may feel threatened by them.

Groups for children of divorced parents have emerged as a treatment of choice for children who experience anxiety he associated with parental instability and profound family discord. Such groups introduce programs and activities designed to counteract certain recognize themes, the most prominent of which is (are)

feeling different, worried and anxious about the immediate future and feeling pressured to make decisions.

A long- standing conceptual framework for studying small group dynamics that has resulted in a great deal of research on variables such as competition and cooperation, uniformity, and activity in small groups is known as

field theory

A community worker at a neighborhood center is approached by a small group that want to work on changing community public education priorities. the first major task or phase will probably involve

finding out if their is a broader interest in the issues and expanding the constituency for change.

A social worker learns that a coworker who is often under the influence of either drugs or alcohol is seeing clients. the worker should

first speak to the colleague about obtaining assistance

The Jones family is composed of a mother, a live-in boyfriend, and seven children. The family receives public assistance. Mrs. Jones is depressed and complains of losing control of the children. There is continuous fighting among them. According to Minuchin's model, the most helpful intervention would be

first working with the family's natural subgroupings, then changing the subgroupings and actively manipulating them in relation to the whole family group

A client has acrophobia and therefore has a severe dread of high places. While not necessarily a severe disability, the inability to tolerate heights does restrict the client's ability to seek employment in multi-story office buildings, or to meet with clients in some settings. To help the client overcome his fears, the worker decides to accompany the client to the top of a high building. This treatment is called


A supervisee is having difficulty relating to, understanding and helping an adult client. Both the client and the social worker were adopted as children after having an abandoned by their families. This factor may be influencing the worker's relationship with the client. The supervisor might

focus on possible counter-transference and help the work with concrete client treatment issues

After seven years of marriage, a couple experiences difficulties in their relationship. The social worker treating the couple would not seek to

focus on the psychological functioning of one spouse in conjoint therapy

A feature of block grants is that they tend to

increase competition between social service organizations for funds at the local and state levels of government

In most states, the vast majority of children in placement reside in

foster homes

Henry is a long term heroin addict who has returned to live with his parents after several years of living in uncertain existence on the street. He receives methadone regularly to curtail his use of illegal narcotics and sees a social worker every week. His social worker is likely to recommend

frequent counseling to monitor his moods and activities, vocational assistance, and other medical and support services

a supervisor informs her unit that she wants questionnaires filled out by the end of the week. By friday it is apparent that no one intends to submit them. Pat Macket, a line social worker, says "i hear they are for research purposes." She suggests that everyone complete them. The workers respond by completing the forms. Ms. Macket is using

functional authority

A group of adults votes to hold an open meeting on an integrated housing issue.Several oppose having the meeting , through their view was considered and rejected in a democratic process. A member of the minority complains about the decision. The worker would

gain new insight into the motivations they have for maintaining drug dependencies.

Social work research has contributed least to

general theory

A 32 year old man complains of a number of somatic problems: dizziness, blurred vision and tightness in his chest. He reports that he has experienced these symptoms for over a year, since his company instituted a new evaluation procedure and transferred him to a new position that is comparable to his previous job. He has no objective reason to fear the new evaluation procedure. In addition, he has trouble falling asleep because he cannot stop worrying about difficulties at work and stresses in his marriage. These behaviors appear to represent

generalized anxiety disorder

The superego is that part of the psychic apparatus which does not involve

genetic problems

The initial task of the family social worker is to

get in touch with the feeling level of the family and establish an empathetic rapport

A school social worker meets with an adolescent for the first time. The adolescent tells the social worker that she has been cutting classes and forging her mother's signature in excuse notes. The social worker should

get to know the girl to understand the meeting of her behavior

Mr and Mrs. Beech continuously argue and bicker, though they agree in one area: Mr Beech's beginning career as a college teacher. Both are pleased with his choice of the profession, the salary and the university that hired Mr. Beech . Mrs. Beech Demands constant attention and interferes with his work. The social worker's primary focus in treatment would be to

give support to Mr. Beech and help him work through the stresses involved in pursuing his career

A child has a violent tantrum in the dining room of a residential treatment center that emphasizes milieu therapy. The social worker is called by child care staff and asked to help in managing the child's behavior. The worker would most likely

go to the dining hall and help calm the child

The major difference between the role of the worker in the remedial model and in the reciprocal model is that

goals are present in the remedial model while in the reciprocal model no specific goals are established

On a pediatric ward, a social worker works with a group of six children between five and ten years old. One six-year-old, whose brother was born three months before she came into the hospital, demands that man said the social worker feed her and carry her back to bed. The child's mother visit for long periods, but attends to the baby and not fully attentive to the older children to the older child. The social worker has to consider her relationship to the rest of the children and the similar demands they might make. The best way to meet the child's need is to

help the mother understand the older child's need for increased affection and greater security.

A client is repeatedly hospitalized for vague somatic complaints, but the medical findings have been consistently negative. The patient has no insight into the emotional components of his complaints and rejects psychiatric treatment. In referring the patient to the social worker for discharge planning, the psychiatrist recommends development of a plan that will enable the patient to stay out of the hospital. The social worker's most effective approach is to

help the patient identify his reality problems and help him find ways to improve his living situation in ways that will offer increased satisfaction and less stress

A social worker at a Y works with a group of 11 Latino girls ( 9-11 years- old).The girls frequently speak Spanish at meetings. Their values and attitudes seem to reflect both their native cultures and neighborhood values. The worker attributes a lack of group development to the powerful hold that these shared values have on the girls . In supervision she discusses these issues with her supervisor. The supervisor is likely to

help the worker accept and integrate values reflected within the group process.

Experienced practitioners who work with abuse women in groups have learned that it is important to create a group climate that will allow the women to "tell their own stories" and deal with their own realities. "Conscientiously raising" may be introduced in such groups to

help women affirm their competence and strength, and free them from feeling responsible for the violence they experienced.

Yalom's interpersonal "process" groups model identified various " curative" or "therapeutic" factors that are associated with therapeutic group experiences. These are described as

hope, universality, corrective recapitulation of the primary family groups, catharsis

"Maximum feasible participation" was a cornerstone of the Great Society anti-poverty programs in the 1960's. The most serious problem in meeting this objective was

hostility by local government officials who lost political influence with the poor and urged the congress to return influence to urban Mayors

A 52 year old woman is referred for therapy by her physician. She tells you that she has had multiple medical workups for over a period of several years for headaches, stomach distress and general "achiness". She fears that these symptoms suggest a stomach cancer. However, none of these test has shown any medical explanation for the symptoms or indicated a cancer. The woman is still concerned that something terrible may be wrong with her and that doctors have missed it. He most likely diagnosis would be


In assessing whether a client is alcohol dependent, a social worker would consider which of the following to be the most significant

impaired functioning at work and at home

A 14-year-old with a severe eating disorder who is seriously underweight and malnourished is referred to a social worker. The parents are appropriately concerned. In the initial interview, the worker must insure that the client

is receiving ongoing medical supervision

A social worker refers a client to a therapist in private practice. The therapist offers to pay a commission to the worker. Paying commissions

is unethical under any circumstance

Mrs. Shrubs comes into therapy with a primary complaint of marital discord. She describes the marriage as one in which she feels neglected by her husband. He travels frequently for business regularly exercises two hours per day and plays golf all day Saturday and Sunday. When he is home he goes to at 9pm and wakes early to jog. She expresses anger because he is not helpful in raising their children and is inattentive to her needs. He seems blissfully oblivious to her concerns. She describes a number of examples of his behavior which she finds difficult. While speaking of this, she is quite calm, sometimes smiles, cites self help books she has read, and often refers to television shows which depict marital unhappiness. She notes she has felt this way for 11 years. The defense mechanism that is operating is:

isolation of affect

An important characteristic of grounded research is that

it creates new theories based upon in-depth research with small groups

Ellie, a normally reserved secondary school teacher periodically experienced episodes lasting several weeks, during which she believed she could accomplish anything she set her mind to. During one of these occurrences she breathlessly told friends she was going to start a dot com company that would replace high schools, though she had no experience with business or with computers. She slept little for several days, talked almost incessantly and traversed a range of subjects, and often engaged in reckless sexual behavior. Often she failed to show up for work. There is no history of drug use and she is not receiving any medications. A clinical evaluation of Ellie would probably focus on the possibility that

it is likely that Ellie is experiencing manic episodes as a feature of a mood disorder

For clinicians to provide mental health services to client's in a managed care environment, they are required to

justify services to case managers employed by a managed care organization and establish time boundaries based on client characteristics

On an unconscious level, according to ego psychology , a client seeks help for motivates that differ from those on the conscious level. These unconscious motivates include

keeping unconscious desires from consciousness

A major obstacle to the use of information systems and objective data to assist administrators in improving efficiency is the:

lack of administrators' skills in using information properly

An administrator wishes to seek compliance with agency rules and regulations. The least effective plan is

laissez-faire democracy

A clear delineation of the superego as a psychiatric structure occurs during the

latency stage

A community social worker begins work in a neighborhood with a homogeneous, mainly white, working class population. The worker finds that there is a little organized effort to improve the schools and any other local institutions. There is, however a community consensus around the school system's major problems. Theses problems include ineffective leadership from the school board; a weak, vacillating superintendent; and a lack of resources. The most appropriate model to use in considering strategies would be

locality and development.

The birth of a first child creates significant changes in family relationships and responsibilities, and generates many new and unfamiliar tasks ad obligations. Thus, the entry of an infant in the family may stimulate a crisis if the family is not fully prepared. Factors that very strongly suggest that the birth of a child may create a crisis for the family include:

low income, teenage marriage, distant family support relationships, a baby requiring unusually intense parental supervision

The chief difference between a client diagnosed with Schizophrenia and a client with schizoaffective disorder is the presence of

major depression or mania concurrent with symptoms for schizophrenia in the client with schizoaffective disorder

A 55 year old woman whose husband died 18 months ago seeks help at an agency. She complains of reduced appetite, weight loss, insomnia, frequent thoughts and memories of her late husband. In addition, she experiences feelings of despair and hopelessness, and a belief that she would be better off dead. The most likely DSM 5 diagnosis would be

major depressive episode

The most effective method of insuring future funding for an agency is to

make broad-based efforts directed at attracting many small contributions

One goal in a person diagnosed with a personality disorder is to

make the ego-syntonic trait ego-alien

One goal in treating a person diagnosed with a personality disorder is to

make the ego-syntonic trait ego-alien

A major advantage of a beaucratic organizational structure is its ability to

manage large groups of people more efficiently

Which technique is more successful in changing personality in children than in adults

manipulation of the environment

The 1960's federal policy of involving neighborhood residents in self directed community organization activities and in the determination of program policy is called

maximum feasible participation.

A client wishes to pay for clinical social work services with her managed care health insurance. According to ethical standards of informed consent, the social worker

may share confidential information with the managed care company with the client written authorization

The measure of central tendency that provides the least information is the


A social worker using the reciprocal model would not

modify group governing procedures to encourage participation of all members

The Merrywood Community Center staff has detected a drug abuse problem among teenagers in the neighborhood. The abuse seems centered around legal prescription drugs such as tranquilizers and stimulants, often used in association with alcohol. On one occasion, a 14 year old girl was raped after drugs had been administered without her knowledge. The Center staff plans to address the drug abuse problem quickly, before it grows into a major community problem. Their best initial strategy is to

mount a major multi-agency drug education program directed to children and their parents

The null hypothesis

must be disproved at the .05 probability level for a hypothesis to be accepeted

A grandiose sense of self importance or uniqueness, fantasies of unlimited success, marked feelings of shame in response to criticism, interpersonal exploitiveness, idealization, and devaluation of relationships would most likely be diagnosed as

narcissistic personality

A social service agency initiates programs with gay men. As part of the agency's outreach, the worker relates to community centers, social clubs, and other community groups to locate gay men and enlighten the non-gay community to gay issues. Of particular importance to workers engaged in this activity is their

need to be positive about gays and cognizant of homophobic influences on oneself and others

In rational behavior therapy, the difference between the "normal" adolescent and the adolescent who acts out is that the latter

needs more structure and resolves conflict with activity as opposed to thinking

Children reared in family environments is which parents or other family members abuse or are dependent on alcohol or other substances are likely to be at higher risk for

neglect, physical or sexual abuse, and psychological and behavioral problems

A 35 year old woman whose husband died a month ago seeks help at an agency. She complains of reduced appetite, insomnia, frequent thoughts and memories of her late husband, and feelings of despair. The DSM 5 diagnosis would be

normal bereavement

The director of field placement at a social work school learns that a field placement agency has a history of denying promotions to women. Several lawsuits against the agency have been won by employees over the past few years and the agency has been sanctioned by NASW. The agency has not taken any steps to correct the problem. The school should

notify the agency that student placement arrangements will be discontinued

An aggressive and angry client on an acute inpatient unit is jealous and enraged because his girlfriend abruptly ended their relationship before his hospitalization. He blames her for leading him on and then rejecting him. He twice informs his social worker that will get even and will "hurt her"and teach her a lesson. The social worker fears that the client may physically attack the former girlfriend. His release from the unit to the community is imminent. The social worker should

notify the police and warn the intended victim that the client has made threats against her and is about to be released from the unit

Frustrated by the bank's unwilling to compromise, the community group authorizes strong actions that will draw attention to the issue and spur some movement by the bank. The technique that is consistent with the confrontational principles outlined by Saul Alinsky is to

orchestrate a well- publicized mass demonstration, in which the bank is encircled with a large red banner to symbolize the "redline" the bank has drawn around the community.

Frustrated by the bank's unwillingness to compromise, the community group authorizes strong actions that will draw attention to the issue and spur some movement by the bank. The technique that is consistent with the confrontational principles outlined by Saul Alinsky is to

orchestrate a well-publicized mass demonstration, in which the bank is encircled with a large red banner to symbolize the "redline" the bank has drawn around the community

Eligibility for unemployment insurance is determined by

past employment

After an incident in which a neighbor's dog attacked and bit her, a child refuses to be near dogs, has frequent nightmares and seems to "replay" the event. The likely diagnosis is

post-traumatic stress disorder

Initial group formation stages of development include contracting, group composition and establishing initial group structures and formats. After group is formed, workers can expect the group to go through a second stage which may best be described as

power and control or conflict stage.

In piagets theory of the cognitive stages of development, a 2 to 4 year old would be in the

pre-operational stage

A client in a state of crisis is most likely to display

preoccupation with the precipitating stress

The process that is not part of Erikson's conceptualization of the human organism is the

primary process

Erikson's study of child-training systems in primitive societies reveals that

primitive child-training practices as a form of mature human living reflect homogeneity and a simple integrity

Social policy may be regarded as

principles and procedures that guide relationships in society and are used to intervene in and regulate an otherwise random social system

In the informal organization of a social work agency, one would not expect to find

printed communication

In recent years, many states have entrusted the care of dependent or neglected children and social services to their families primarily to

private nonprofit agencies

State government policy to reduce the use of state agencies and state employees to provide services and to replace them with private nonprofit agencies, or in some cases with profit making-organizations, is called


Willy, age 16, has been occasionally sniffing glue and anything else he feels will make him high. He casually mentions this behavior to his teacher who refers him to the school social worker. When Willy comes to see the social worker he readily admits that he is abusing these substances. The social worker should

propose that Willy enter a drug education program so that he is in a better position to evaluate the potential dangers he faces

In working with a group of young adults, one member is a scapegoat. A major concern for the worker is that scapegoating

protects the members from their own unacceptable feelings.

One major consequence of licensing and certification of social workers is that it

protects the public from ineligible individuals, many of whom do not have formal social work training by prohibiting their use of the social worker title

A social worker in a community- based mental health day treatment facility works with seriously mentally ill clients. He decided to introduce relaxation groups into the program. The most likely reason for using relaxation groups is that they

provide opportunities for patients to experience others in a safe, relaxed environment.

An example of the latent function of a committee is to

provide opportunities to exercise informal power and receive rewards

A family service agency is about to initiate parent groups, for clients who are well motivated, but have inadequate parenting skills. The groups have two primary goals: helping parents improve their relationships with their children and learning to deal effectively with difficult behaviors. The groups will teach behavioral techniques. The most useful strategy is to develop

psychoeducational groups that use structured cognitive behavioral approaches.

In their book, Regulating the Poor, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward argue

public relief stems political disorder during periods of mass unemployment and enforces low wages during periods of economic stability

The Family Court refers Mr. and Mrs. Williams to a service agency. During the initial interviews they are angry, have poor reality testing, and difficulty restraining themselves from acting out. Their projections are easily accessible, but Mr. Williams exhibits disorganized thinking. The most appropriate recommendation for the social worker is to

refer them to a psychiatric clinic for possible medication and long term therapy

A group that someone identifies with and uses as a significant source of personal values and goals is known as a

reference group

Bill is a 16-year-old high school boy. Until last year he was a well-balanced, seemingly average, amiable, and sociable teenager. Since joining the football team and entering regular training last year, he has gained over 25 pounds and become very muscular. His parents complain he has become exceptionally irritable and aggressive, often screaming at them and his siblings. Recently, there have been numerous arguments with teachers and fights with other students. The social worker might initially suspects

regular use of steroids

Workmen's compensation is designed to protect families from poverty during a period when the wages of now of its earners are reduced due to work-related injuries. Workmen's compensation benefits include

reimbursements for medical care and rehabilitation

The process of termination does not involve working through client's feelings of


In clinical work with sexually abused children, an important treatment goal is to

relieve guilt

The primary purpose of Public Law 94-142 is to

require special services and an individual education plan for students with learning problems

Before the Social Security Act and the development of federal programs for the elderly, state non-contributory old age programs consistently

required destitution, state residency, and contributions from relatives, if feasible

A block grant is federal money which

requires few specifications and allows for a high degree of local autonomy

A means-tested program is one that

requires the applicant to prove financial need

Adam Smith did not support the English Poor Laws because the

residency limitations interfered with labor mobility required by a free market system

A social worker organizes group of families who are indignant about the care they receive at the local health care center. The families want improved services and more courteous treatment. The group meets for several weeks and now is considering strategies for presenting their demands to the director. The most effective initial strategy for the group at this point is to

send the indigenous leaders of the group to meet with the director and present their demands, since they are the service recipients.

In piaget's framework, the first stage of cognitive development is called the

sensory motor stage

William was adopted from an orphanage in Russia when he was 18-months old. He was rarely held or cuddled in the orphanage and had significant small and large motor delays. at five, william has made great strides in his development. However, he clings to his adoptive mother, cries for her in pre-school, and is sleepless until midnight each night, demanding that she stay next to him on the bed. His diagnosis is likely to be

seperation anxiety

Clients sometimes enter group treatment with serious mental health and social problems.In some groups, a culture of victimization emerges. Participants may blame others or the larger society for their behavior, illness, or problems. This culture of victimization has some potential for empowering members in all the following groups except

sexual offender groups

Mrs. Ross is interviewed by a medical social worker after her 15-month-old baby was hospitalized in a diabetic coma. Mrs. Ross was depressed and in a panic, and says she suffers from sleeplessness, weight loss, and a skin disorder. The prospect of continuing to care for her diabetic child distresses her. She focuses on her need for help as she feels she is a nervous and upset woman. The social worker might

shift the focus to help her learn and feel comfortable with the management of a diabetic child

A fifteen-year-old girl is referred to a clinic by her school guidance counselor for depression. She is argumentative with her parents and has behavioral problems in school. The clinic intake worker is most likely to recommend

short term treatment

A school social worker sees Susie, a 15-year-old, for academic and behavioral problems. She is easily distracted, overwhelmed by her studies, extremely negative to self and others, mistrustful, and critical and resentful of family members. She is strongly resistant to treatment. The social worker is most likely to recommend

short term trial treatment

A probability sample is not represented by a

simplified sample

An infant manifests a fear of strangers at

six months

The performance of individuals and social work groups would be expected to improve with

slight stress

A social worker supervises an outreach staff of homemakers serving mothers in a section of the city populated largely by recent immigrants from Latin America. Due to decreases in the Food Stamp Program, the staff must recommend less expensive, though equally nutritious food substitutes that are unfamiliar to the families. The approach that might best effect a change in the community is

small discussion groups arranged by women of the neighborhood with demonstrations of how to prepare the new foods

The model of community organization that is most likely to use conflict strategies is

social action

A tenant association has problems with the landlord. He does not provide sufficient heat, sanitation, maintenance services, or hallway lighting, and will not discuss the building's problems with the tenants association. The tenants ask a local agency for assistance, and a community worker is assigned to help. The worker's approach is likely to adopt the

social action model

Unions, protest groups, and the Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement are examples of the

social action model

Values of early adolescent peer groups vary according to

social class background

A worker in a woman's shelter is helping a group to develop employment and housing alternatives for themselves and for other women who need help. The model of group work that would most likely emphasize this approach is

social goals

The conceptual framework emphasizing the idea that children and adults learn largely through observation and are enabled to alter their by emulating the behavior of others who serve as models is best described as

social learning

A community agency hires a social worker with juvenile delinquency prevention experience. The worker's responsibility is to develop plans with other community agencies and representative members of the community to address local youth recreation needs. This description most closely represents the

social planning model

The use of rational problem solving and technical methods to develop new programs or new social welfare institutions best describes

social planning.

During the progressive period (1890-1918), settlement house social workers emphasized

social reform

A client is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Her clinical social worker often feels judged by the client who sometimes ends a session by telling the worker she has been of no help when the worker has the impression the session went well. At other times, the client will write down the workers' words as if they are brilliant and of great help. In addition, the client sometimes criticizes her former therapist harshly while complimenting the present worker. The worker realizes that these judgments of others' worth may represent


The use of needles to administer illegal drugs is associated with

staphylococcus and HIV/AIDS infections

Cocaine is a strongly addictive drug that acts as a


Drugs used to increase alertness, relieve fatigue or help individuals feel stronger and more decisive are called


The concept or oral, anal and phallic personality types are most closely associated with Sigmund Freud. An anal personality can be best described as

stingy, selfish, suspicious, legalistic, rigid, and concerned with accumulating

Mrs. Jones and her 15-year-old daughter Jane have come to a community mental health clinic for counseling. The mother complains that Jane is secretive and evasive, refusing to share information about her activities. Further evaluation reveals that this is an enmeshed family. As a therapeutic goal, Minuchin would probably recommend

strengthening the subsystem boundaries between mother and daughter to facilitate the individuality of both

Fred age 35, is participating in the third family counseling session with his wife, Norma. Her major complaint concerns Fred's drinking. Fred feels his drinking habits are within normal limits. He has a responsible job that requires considerable travel and is home several evenings and on weekends. He wants to relax when he is home and feels that drinking 8 or 10 beers after working al day isn't unreasonable. Fred says he rarely has more than two drinks daily at business lunches, and perhaps one more with colleagues after work. In working with this couple, the worker should

suggest that Fred confront his excessive drinking as it seriously affects his health, his work, and his family

At the meeting of the tenant association, the tenants resolve to request management to evict the Smith's because their son is a troublemaker who has threatened others. The family does not participate in the association. The social worker should

suggest that a delegation meet with the Smiths to discuss the groups's concerns and encourage them to seek help.

Jane, a 14-year-old girl diagnosed with diabetes, reports to her clinical social worker that she and her boyfriend experiment with drugs. Jane is unsure about the names of the drugs she has taken at parties, but she does state that she is concerned about the possible side effects. The social worker's best option is to

support Jane's apprehension, suggest a referral for drug education and a discussion with her physician

In working with a newly married couple in which the husband has been previously hospitalized for schizophrenia, the social worker should

support the couple's relationship, help the wife understand her husband and provide opportunities for both to express their feelings

A head injury rehabilitation group meets three times per week. On patient tells a fellow member that she is not working hard enough in physical therapy. The group's informal norm is that critical or negative sentiments are not to be expressed on Friday.They have found that members are often distracted and cannot deal with such issues over the weekend. With an angry edge, members of the group aggressively correct the member. The social would

support the member, while also allowing group members to express their feelings.

In the early phase of work with an acutely depressed client, a social workers is mostly


Ancillary services are services that a social worker regards as

supportive of social works services

A case manager at a job training and placement agency works with clients who have Autism Spectrum Disorder, schizophrenia, or mood disorders with psychotic features. Treatment aimed at the prevention of further decompensation in these clients is known as

supportive therapy

A social worker begins an interview with a client by showing interest and understanding, expressing a desire to help, and reassuring the client. This is known as


According to Mahler, the stage during which the child has a sense of the mother as a separate person is


The small group theory that stresses the importance of interactional processes and maintains that individuals in groups behave according to how they interpret situations is known as

symbolic interactionism

In behavioral treatment, the use of relaxation methods in the presence of anxiety producing stimuli would be a characteristic of a therapist using

systematic desensitization

Willard, age 13, comes from a family well known in the community for its members' involvement with drugs and alcohol. Willards two brothers and his mother, though employed in marginal jobs have serious drug and alcohol problems. His father dies from cirrhosis of the liver associated with massive alcohol abuse. Willard is in school, seems well cared for, and has been doing well, but he has recently started to cut classes. In planning a social work intervention with Willard, the social worker will need to consider

that family substance abuse is a major factor in becoming a substance abuser and that Willard will need special help to avoid following in the family path

A significant characteristic of studies of emotionally disturbed children in residential treatment is that they do not find

that more than 90% of the children are from intact two-parent families

A prison group of convicted sexual offenders is joined by new member. The new member denies his guilt, and claims he was wrongly convicted and sentenced. After two meetings he has still not said very much to the group. The social worker should expect

that the group will eventually aggressively confront him.

Rents have risen rapidly in response to a growing housing shortage. As a result, the homelessness has increased as rents have soared. Many in the community are unaware of the extent to which families are being forced to move out of their homes. A community- based housing association hires a social worker to plan a campaign to secure a rent control law. The social worker would probably first recommend

that the organization develops a social survey and problem analysis that describes the parameters of the problem and publicize it throughout the community.

A social worker seeking continuing cash assistance for an indigent client who recently lost his vision after a serious automobile accident would probably refer the client to

the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program

A major difference between clinical social work and psychiatry is

the ability to prescribe medications

Empathy is

the ability to share in another's emotions or feelings

A social worker in a multi service agency develops an adolescent group that is coordinated with the probation officer of the Family Court. The court has referred all the group members, and all under court supervision. Most have a binding based on a petition brought by their parents and they have been declared " Children in Need of Supervision" ( CHINS, or PINS in some states). The worker attempts to use the same group methods that he uses with a voluntary group, but he has been unsuccessful. The most probable reason for the lack of success is that

the adolescents are involuntary clients and are resisting the service.

The social worker's legal and ethical obligation is to act quickly to involuntarily hospitalize a client when

the client is likely to deliberately or accidentally cause harm to themselves or others

A case manager at a day program for chronically mentally ill clients who live in group homes is responsible for coaching them in their part-time job placements. The case manager drives the clients to their jobs, later drives them to the day program, and is the program liaison to their work supervisors. The case manager is often late in picking clients up. When his social work supervisors calls this pattern of lateness into question, the case manager says it is good for the clients to be more "laid back: and learn to deal with a little frustration. The supervisor disagrees because according to social- learning

the client's are also likely to learn that it is acceptable to be late on the job

One major problem for a social worker who sees both a mother and her child during weekly individual sessions is

the possible rivalry between the mother and child in sharing the worker

In assessing a personality disorder, the worker would not include

the presence of hallucinations

Child welfare policy emphasizes that treatment efforts to maintain family should be a first priority, as parents can provide the best environment for their children. Placement should be considered only after it is shown that families are so dysfunctional that they are unable to maintain a safe environment for their children. Therefore, high service levels are justified to maintain children in their own homes. This policy derives from

the concept of permanency planning

The theory that the poor are unable to escape from poverty because they have learned and integrated behaviors and attitudes from the community and the family environment is called

the culture of poverty

According to Don D. Jackson and his associates, a pattern of pairs or sets of messages that are different levels, but closely related and sharply in-congruent, can occur with other messages that diminish the awareness of the in-congruence and its effective handling. This describes his theory of

the double bind

When providing social work assistance to a two-parent family receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the worker must keep in mind that

the family and the worker must develop strategies to move toward independence

A difference between Medicare and Medicaid is

the federal government administers Medicare while the states administer Medicaid

The preference for a brief treatment and cognitive behavior model and contemporary group treatment has been stimulated and encouraged by

the growth of managed care.

A Social worker and a nurse on an inpatient psychiatric unit is run. Recently, the meeting has been led by two nurses, as their reimbursable rate is higher than that for social workers. This has led to ill feeling between the two groups of professionals and to patient complaints. This conflict is an example of

the impact of managed care on health care services and organizations

The Adlerian school attributes alcoholism to

the individuals desire to eliminate tormenting feelings of inferiority while escaping adult responsibilites

In a session to evaluate the feasibility of treating a couple conjointly, the primary focus of the social worker should be on

the interaction of the partners

As a general, when treating individuals with serious substance abuse problems, the social worker will recommend

the least restrictive setting that is safe and effective

A social worker in a healthcare facility is leading support groups for group members with AIDS. Such groups of them must deal with

the members' feeling and experiences of isolation, and their lack of support from family, friends and the community.

A social worker receives a referral for a family composed of a mother, stepfather, and child. The child has expressed a desire to live with his biological father. Who should the social worker meet with first?

the mother, stepfather, and child

Social service agencies serving families in poorer neighborhoods who receive financial assistance from public welfare programs must be particularly concerned with

the need to develop vocational alternatives for clients who will be denied welfare assistance after they reach the mandatory time limits

In recent survey of married couples, a statistically significant difference was found between older and younger couples regarding sexual activity during the wife's menstrual period. Older couples tended to have less sex at this time. In this case, a statistically significant difference means

the observed difference probably did not occur by chance

When a researcher reports that his findings were significant at .05 level, he means

the observes difference probably did not occur by chance.

In writing a diagnostic evaluation of an adult client, the social worker would not necessarily include

the parents occupation

The median score of a set of score is

the point on the score scale below which half the cases fall

A group of adolescent girls of Italian descent is planning a Christmas dance as part of their program at a neighborhood center. The neighborhood is changing and the centers programs are attracting a group of newly arrived Latino adolescents who seem to be in competition with the older members. The new members are likely to attend the dance. Some group members fear the event will degenerate into a hostile ethnic confrontation.

treat their concerns seriously and encourage a full discussion. Help the group assess the issues and developed strategies ti improve communications with new participants and discuss the issue with senior staff

A multi-service agency starts a program for drug- addicted clients. The most likely treatment approach would be

treatment groups composed of similarly addicted individuals.

On the surface, Don and Mary have had a conflict-free marriage in which Don is absorbed by his work and hobbies, and Mary is wrapped up in raising their children. This couple has not seemed troubled by the lack of intimacy in their day-to-day life. A crisis occurs when Mary discovers that Don has had a three year affair with a woman from his office. In systems theory, the affair could be regarded as a solution to managing the couple's unexpressed problem with closeness and distance. This is called


In the initial phase of treatment, the primary social work task is to

understand why the client is seeking help

In the initial phase of treatment, the primary task of a social worker is to

understand why the client is seeking help

Program activities with groups for the elderly are particularly helpful in providing opportunities to try out "active" central person type role in groups. For example, an activity in which each member takes turns being the "leader" could help members

use an activity to structure relationships that increase their sense of control over their lives.

Client's with Autism Spectrum Disorder as specified by the DSM 5 often require verbal communication that is

very specific and clear as to its behavioral or interpersonal implications

As a client is presenting material, a social worker should

wait with a patient and encouraging attitude

The most important consideration in choosing a goal with a client is

what the client wants

Assertive casework is a technique in which

within a very short time limit, the caseworker asks probing questions and provides direct interventions

As the clinical relationship develops, the social worker can

work more extensively and develop varied intervention and "working through" techniques

In working with a depressed patient whose wife and mother brought him to the psychiatric emergency room, a hospital social worker is most likely to

work with the patient's family

A physician refers a 35-year-old married female to a social worker. Over the years, the client has complained of many physical ailments, but no medical causes could be found. The physician believes these complaints are related to her marital difficulties. The woman's husband is an alcoholic who assaulted her on several occasions in front of their two children. In addition, the family lives with the husband's parents who are hostile and emotionally disturbed. The physician asks a social worker for assistance in this case. The social worker would

work with the physician to refer the mother to a bettered woman's program, and to call child protective services

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