Comprehension quiz

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Where's the first place knowledge says Everyman must go?


How does confession respond to everyman's confession? Quote a line or two from the text in your answer

Confession says "I will comfort you. "

How is good-deeds personified (his mood and attitude)

Do you want to go on the journey but can't because he is so weak when his strength is restored he willingly goes with everyman

What metaphor does God use when he faults man for a fourth time

Drowned in sin

Everyman represents who

Every man, woman, and child

What has good-deeds cold and bound on the ground

Everyman's sin

Whom did everyman first asked to go with him on his journey into death to face God? Identify the two.

Fellowship, Kindered, and Goods

What are the three deadly sins God does not mention

Gluttony, envy, laziness

Who does not leave

Good deeds

Because of everyman's confession and penance who can now join him in his journey?


List the details of death's personification

He is loyal, mysterious, and obedient, he is indifferent while doing his job

What Does God say will happen to man if he leaves man alone and does not call him to a general reckoning

He will become much worse than the beast and envy each other

Why does everyman not see or think of death coming

His mind was on worldly riches and lust

The everyman is desperate and all this without hope, whom does good deeds they will be with him?


Identify two more faults of man

Man does not fear Gods righteous judgement and forget that Jesus died for them

In lines 22 what is the first problem of man God mentions

Man is unkind

What does God offer man


Does death have any respect for man quote a line

No, "for everyman I rest and no man I spareth"

What "precious jewel" does confession say he will give every man


What are the second and third problems God mentions

People have forgotten God, they love worldly things

Identify the four deadly sins God mentions in His speech

Pride, covetise, wrath, and lechery

How does beauty respond when everyman starts to go into the grave

She is disgusted and refuses to go with him

Who else leaves everyman

Strength and five-wits

Whom does good deed suggest everyman call to go along with him on the journey

Strength, beauty, five-wits, knowledge

How does the messenger ask the viewers to receive the play

To be reverent

What is the purpose of God bringing death to man

To do justice

What two things does death ask of everyman

To take a journey and bring his account book

When everyman goes to his good-deeds to ask her to go on the journey, in what state does he find her?

Weak and bound

What is the central one idea

Worldly things are transitory but good deeds are not

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