Computer Science Final - All Multiple Choice

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To change the width of a column like the one in the accompanying figure, hold down the ____ key while dragging markers on the ruler.


To start a new line in a cell, press the ____ keys.


The ____ function sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number of cells with numeric values in the range.


The ____ button assigns a fixed dollar sign to the numbers in a selected range, with the dollar sign to the far left with spaces between it and the first digit in the cell.

Accounting number format

One way to add a correctly spelled word to the custom dictionary is to tap or click the ____ button in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box.

Add to Dictionary

Press the ____ key(s) to erase one character to the left of the insertion point.


When you type the wrong character, you can press the ____ key to erase all the characters back to and including the one that is incorrect.


One way to delete a note is to tap or click immediately to the left of the note reference mark in the document text and then press the ____ key twice.


Press the ____ key(s) to erase one character to the right of the insertion point.


Designers and graphic artists can print finished publications on a color printer, take them to a professional printer, or post them on the web in a format that can be viewed by those without what kind of software?


Which of the following kinds of software is software that enables professional designers to create sophisticated documents that contain text, graphics, and many colors?


If you tap or click the Increase Font Size button too many times and make the font size too big, you can tap or click the ____ button until the desired font size is displayed.

Decrease Font Size

Tap or click the ____ up or down arrows to adjust a delay time.


To open the Format Cells dialog box with the Alignment sheet active, tap or click the Alignment Settings ____.

Dialog Box Launcher

What effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected cells?

Displays cell contents with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators

What effect does the Accounting Number Format have on the selected cells?

Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically

____ the Format Painter button and then drag through the nonadjacent ranges to paint the formats to the ranges.

Double-click or double-tap

The ____ Auto Fill Option that fills the destination area using the format of the source area; no content is filled.

Fill Formatting Only

Which of the following Auto Fill Options menu options is the same as the Fill Series option?

Fill Months

The ____ feature automatically locates specific text and then replaces it with desired text.

Find and Replace

As shown in the accompanying figure, tap or click the ____ arrow to display the Font gallery.


____ changes picture color into black, white, and shades of gray.


The Increase Font Size button appears on the ____ tab.


To move to the beginning of a line with the keyboard, press the ____ key(s).


Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the beginning of data in a cell?


Which of the following is the path to the Copy and Paste buttons?

HOME tab | Clipboard group

Which of the following is the path to the Sum arrow?

HOME tab | Editing group

Which of the following is the path to the Comma Style button?

HOME tab | Number group

Which of the following is the path to the Conditional Formatting button?

HOME tab | Styles group

____ are the alternate designs that exist for each theme.


Which of the following terms is used to describe a program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer?

a rootkit

What is product activation?

a technique to ensure software is not installed on more computers than legally licensed

PowerPoint assumes every new slide, except for a blank slide, has ____.

a title

Which of the following terms is used to describe a program that copies itself repeatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network?

a worm

The ____ function is useful when you want to assign a value to a cell based on a logical test.


Which of the following keys toggles between Insert mode and Overtype mode?


. When designing a worksheet, which steps should be taken to ensure that functional considerations supersede visual aesthetics?

Identification of how to format various elements of the worksheet

To search for formatting or a special character, click the _____ button to expand the Find dialog box.


. ____ adds designs that repeat in rows across a slide.

Pattern fill

To instruct PowerPoint to confirm each change, click the Find Next button in the ____ dialog box.


____ text often provides a strong visual appeal.


To move from the second cell in the table in the accompanying figure back to the previous cell, press the ____ key(s).


The ____ command moves the selected object underneath all objects on the slide.

Send to Back

Many of the shapes included in the ____ gallery can direct the viewer to important aspects of the presentation.


To see the height and width of the currently selected graphic, look in the ____ group on the Picture Tools Format tab.


Reading view is similar to ____ view because each slide displays individually, but the slides do not fill the entire screen.

Slide Show

____ view allows you to look at several slides at one time.

Slide Sorter

To search for a special character, use the ____ button in the expanded Find dialog box.


____ properties are associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, and subject.


To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the ____ key.


To move from the first cell in the table in the accompanying figure to the next cell, press the ____ key(s).


____ is/are used to place worksheet, column, and row titles on a worksheet.


Tap or click the Texture button to display the ____ gallery, as shown in the accompanying figure.


When you use the keyboard to scroll to a different position in the document, the ____ automatically moves when you press the desired keys.

insertion point

What is the real-time exchange of messages, files, audio, and/or video with another online user called?

instant messaging

In the accompanying figure, the split double arrow mouse pointer ____.

is the result of moving the mouse pointer to the boundary between column heading A and column heading B

By default, slides in a new presentation are in ____ orientation.


Using the____, you can choose the arrangement of placeholders on a new slide.

layout gallery

PowerPoint's varied themes and ____ help give presentations a unified and aesthetically pleasing look.


A ____ paragraph places the first character of a text line near the left border of a placeholder.


By default, text is ____ in a cell.


What kind of software assists in the preparation of a will, for example?


What type of software can your parents use to create a will without visiting an attorney?

legal software

Which category of applications allows you to locate a nearby restaurant or check the weather forecast?


All of the following are guidelines about the appearance of letterhead elements EXCEPT ____.

make the font size of your name the same size as the rest of the text in the letterhead

Which of the following kinds of players is a program that allows you to view images and animation, listen to audio, and watch video files on your computer?


Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells.


All of the following are vertical alignment options EXCEPT ____.


The Italic button is located on the ____.

mini toolbar

What kind of software allows users to combine text, graphics, audio, video, and animation into an interactive application?

multimedia authoring

A(n) ____ IF function is one in which the action to be taken for the true or false case includes yet another IF function.


Which of the following kinds of software enables users to enter typed text, handwritten comments, drawings, or sketches anywhere on a page and then save the page as part of a notebook?

note taking

An advertisement on a web site touts that the software for sale enables users to enter typed text, handwritten comments, drawings, or sketches anywhere on a page and then save the page. What kind of software is this ad selling?

note taking software

A background feature called ____ allows you to move the background from the slide borders in varying distances by a percentage.


To increase the font size of selected text, chose the Increase Font Size button, located ____.

on the mini toolbar

The rule when using MLA style is to press the SPACEBAR ____ time(s) after periods, colons, and other punctuation marks.


PowerPoint increased the weight of a line in ____ increments.


You are working for a book publisher and devising the height of the pages that will be required to print a given book. The text for the book is about 10 points. What will be the approximate height of each character in the book?

one-sixth of an inch

Studies show people remember at least ____ more information when the document they are seeing or reading contains visual elements.


The Trim Video feature allows you to trim your clip by time measurements that are accurate to ____ of a second.


Which type of software has no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding modifications of the software's internal instructions and its redistribution?

open source software

When more than one arithmetic operator is involved in a formula, Excel follows the same basic order of ____ that you use in algebra.


The difference between the effects and the styles is that each effect has several ____, providing you with more control over the exact look of the image.


The WordArt ____ is the exterior border surrounding each letter or symbol.


Which kind of software allows users to draw pictures, shapes, and other graphical images with various on-screen tools such as a pen, brush, and eyedropper?


The range of cells receiving copied content is called the ____ area.


Which of the following is a utility that detects and protects a computer from unauthorized intrusions?

personal firewall

Business documents can include all of the following EXCEPT ____.

personal letters

Which of the following is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking e-mail that attempts to obtain a user's personal and financial information?


You have received an email that is directing you to a phony website that looks like the website for your mortgage company. What kind of message is this?


When you purchase a digital camera, what type of software often is included with the purchase?

photo editing software

Formatting text in a shape follows the same techniques as formatting text in a ____.


The box on a slide that has a dotted or hatch-marked border and that contains the insertion point is a text ____.


Which the following is a filtering program that stops pop-up ads from displaying on web pages?

pop-up blocker

PowerPoint provides a wide variety of ____ shapes that can add visual interest to a slide.


A PowerPoint ____ can help you deliver a dynamic, professional-looking message to an audience.


Which of the following kinds of software allows users to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group?


When you install Word, it selects a series of ____ that it searches through when you use the Research task pane.


Adding a ____ to text adds depth and helps the letters display prominently.


Which of the following increases or decreases how crisp the objects in a photo appear?


In a business letter, type the ____ at least four blank lines below the complimentary close, allowing room for the author to sign his or her name.

signature block

The small squares and circles around a selected graphic are called ____ handles.


PowerPoint ____ should reinforce the speaker's message and help the audience retain the information presented.


Which of the following is a collection of individual programs sold as a unit?

software suite

A(n) ____ chart provides a simple way to show trends and variations in a range of data within a single cell.


A program has been placed on your smartphone without your knowledge and it is collecting personal information about you. What kind of application is this?


In reference to search utilities, what does an index do?

stores information about a file, including its name, date created, and author name

A ____ is a named group of formatting characteristics.


Your new calendar application allows you to make sure that your mobile device and your corporation's server both have the latest version of any updated information. What is the term for this capability?


A thesaurus can be used to look up a(n) _____, or a word similar in meaning to a given word.


A word with a meaning similar to that of another word is called a ____.


Define the term, payload, as it pertains to computer crime.

the destructive event or prank the virus is intended to deliver

When a word processing program user formats a document, what does the user change?

the document's appearance

When a document contains text displayed in 10-point Cambria, to what does the 10-point refer?

the font size

A company or department may standardize with a specific ____ so that all of their documents have a similar appearance.


The presentation ____ determines the formatting characteristics of fonts and colors.


When you begin creating a new PowerPoint presentation, you need to select a ____.


PowerPoint displays many ____ that are varied and appealing and give you an excellent start at designing a presentation.


Word includes a variety of document ____ to assist you with coordinating visual elements in a document.


A(n) ____ is a book of synonyms.


You can use ____ options to repeat a background image many times vertically and horizontally on a slide.


What kind of software helps users of all skill levels create web pages that include graphics, video, audio, animation, and other special effects?

website authoring

Press the ENTER key in all of the following circumstances EXCEPT ____.

when the insertion point reaches the right margin

Which of the following kinds of software allows users to create and manipulate documents containing mostly text and sometimes graphics?

word processing

If someone you know is purchasing word processing software, what features can she expect to find in the software?

wordwrap, spell checker, clip art

According to the MLA style, the _____ is a list of sources that are referenced directly in a research paper.

works cited page

An Excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.


When using spreadsheet software like the kind in the accompanying figure, what are the rows and columns collectively called?


To move to the end of the document, press the ____ key(s).


You can move the insertion point into the next text placeholder by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


Pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut key(s) selects cell A1.


You can insert a new slide by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


To insert a tab character in a cell, you must press ____.


To paste copied cell contents, you can press the ____ keys.


____ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.


____ help one slide flow gracefully into the next during a slide show.


____ allows you to see through the background, so that any text on the slide is visible.


You can change the transparency of a picture used as a slide's background with the ____.

Transparency slider

PowerPoint's ____ feature allows you to set the timing for a video clip.

Trim Video

You can set play options for a video clip with buttons in the Video Options group on the ____ tab.


A ____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page.


A note reference mark signals that an explanatory note exists at the bottom of the page as a(n) ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.


You ____ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.


Which of the following performs calculations on the data in a worksheet like the one in the accompanying figure and displays the resulting value in a cell?


A ____ is a prewritten formula that is built into Excel.


One method of getting the audience's attention and reinforcing the major concepts being presented is to have ____ on the title slide.

graphical elements

Files containing ____ are available from a variety of sources.


Sending electronic documents is a way to contribute to ____ computing.


An accompanying ____ gives audience members reference notes and review material for your presentation.


Printing ____ is useful for reviewing a presentation.


A ____ is text and graphics that print at the top of each page.


The Notes pane is ____ until you tap or click the Notes button on the status bar to open the pane.


Although you can use a dialog box to indent paragraphs, Word provides a quicker way through the ____.

horizontal ruler

What kind of software provides the capabilities of adjusting or enhancing image colors, adding special effects such as shadows and glows, and the like?

image editing

Which of the following kinds of software provides the capabilities of paint software and also includes the ability to enhance and modify existing images and pictures?

image editing

Which of the following is a utility that allows users to display, copy, and print the contents of a graphics file?

image viewer

In a spreadsheet program, how is data organized?

in rows and columns collectively called a worksheet

A(n) ____ circular reference occurs when a formula in a cell refers to another cell or cells that include a formula that refers back to the original cell.


The ____ is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the next typed character will appear.

insertion point

Which of the following keys can you press to run a slide show starting with slide 1?


The _____ feature automatically corrects typing, spelling, capitalization, or grammar errors as you type them.


You can click the ____ button to undo an automatic correction.

AutoCorrect Options

You can select a document by using the ____ key.


You can apply the Bold font style by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


When you decrease the row height to ____, the row is hidden


When you first enter text, its angle is ____ degrees, and it reads from left to right in a cell.


The ____ feature works behind the scenes, fixing common typing or spelling mistakes when you complete a text entry.


Error messages begin with the ____ symbol.


____ refers to cells not wide enough to display the entire entry.


If formulas located in other cells reference cells in a deleted row or column, Excel does not adjust these cell references but instead displays the ____ error message.


Which of the following is the path to the Goal Seek button?

(DATA tab | Data Tools group)

Which of the following is the path to the Shape Fill button?

(DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab | Shape Styles group)

To change a selected shape's height or width to a specific value, type the value in the Height or Width text boxes on the ____.

(DRAWING TOOLS FORMAT tab | Size group)

Which of the following is the path to the Increase or Decrease Indent button?

(HOME tab | Alignment group)

Which of the following is the path to the Insert Cells arrow?

(HOME tab | Cells group)

The path to the Format Painter button is ____.

(HOME tab | Clipboard group)

What is the correct path to the Bold button?

(HOME tab | Font group)

The path to the text alignment buttons is ____.

(HOME tab | Paragraph group)

Which of the following is the Ribbon path to the Cell Styles button?

(HOME tab | Styles group)

Which of the following is the path to the Insert Video button?

(INSERT tab | Media group)

Which of the following is the path to the Send Backward button?

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Arrange group)

The Picture Effects button is located on the ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group)

The Picture Styles gallery, shown in the accompanying figure, is displayed by clicking the More button located on the ____.

(PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group)

Which of the following is the path to the Zoom button?

(VIEW tab | Zoom group)

Word, by default, places a tab stop at every ____ mark on the ruler.


A point is ____ of an inch in height.


Every theme has ____ standard colors.


Excel remembers the last ____ actions you have completed.


On most computers, the default font size in Word is ____.


When you install PowerPoint, the default setting allows you to reverse up to the last ____ changes by tapping or clicking the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar.


When you enter a two-digit year that is less than 30, Excel changes the year to ____.


Which of the following patterns extends the fill series to 575, 550, 525?

625, 600

Which comparison operator means "not equal to"?


Which of the following formulas contains an absolute cell reference?


Which of the following calculations multiplies 23 by 0.01?


All of the following are valid Excel arithmetic operators EXCEPT ____.


Why is a fragmented disk slower than one that is defragmented?

A fragmented disk has many files stored in noncontiguous sectors.

To copy cell contents, you can select the cell and then press the ____ keys.


____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a document and must be inserted later.


To display the Color gallery, with the graphic selected, tap or click the Color button in the ____ group on the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab.


You use the ____ sheet in the Format Cells dialog box to position data in a cell by centering it, for example.


When data in a spreadsheet program is changed, what occurs?

All calculations can be recalculated.

____ includes special visual and sound effects applied to text or other content.


____ allow you to control how objects enter, move on, and exit slides.

Animation effects

To display the Rotate gallery, with the graphic selected, tap or click the Rotate Objects button in the ____ group on the Picture Tools Format tab.


The ____ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destination area with formatting.

Auto Fill Options

Which of the following Option buttons gives options for filling cells following a fill operation?

Auto Fill Options

If you use the ____ template, as opposed to a formatted theme, you must make all design decisions.

Blank Presentation

____ determines the overall lightness or darkness of an entire image.


Click ____ to move a stacked object toward the top of the stack.

Bring Forward

Click ____ to move a stacked object to the top of the stack.

Bring to Front

Which of the following kinds of software is a sophisticated type of application software that assists a professional user in creating engineering, architectural, and scientific designs?


Which of the following programs allow designers to rotate designs of 3-D objects to view them from any angle?


If you want to select the first and third rows in the table in the accompanying figure, you select the first row, and then hold down the ____ key while selecting the third row.


To select multiple cells, rows, or columns in the table in the accompanying figure if they are not adjacent to one another, select the first cell and then hold down the ____ key while selecting the next cell, row, or column.


To select nonadjacent items, select the first item as usual, press and hold down the ____ key, and then while holding down the key, select the additional items.


You can open the Format Cells dialog box by pressing the ____ keys.


Press ____ to select the entire worksheet.


____ is a predefined graphic.

Clip art

The Copy button copies the contents and format of the source area to the Office ____, a temporary storage area in the computer's memory.


The Office ____ is a temporary storage area.


You should use a ____ chart to compare values side by side, broken down by category.

Clustered Column

The ____ gallery has a wide variety of preset formatting combinations for coloring pictures.


____ is the difference between the darkest and lightest areas of an image.


____ is a font that resembles the letters that typewriters produced.

Courier New

To print a mailing label, tap or click the Labels button on the MAILINGS tab in the ____ group.


The ____ tab automatically appears when a shape is selected in a document.

Drawing Tools Format

Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the end of data in a cell?


Each time you press the ____ key, Word carries forward custom tab stops to the next paragraph.


In the context of copying a range of cells to a nonadjacent location, an alternative to clicking the Paste button is to press the ____ key.


Pressing the ____ key when entering title text in a placeholder creates a new paragraph.


To enter a blank line into a document, press the ____ key without typing any text on the line.


When you press the ____ key without entering any text after the automatic bullet character, Word turns off the automatic bullets feature.


`Each time the _____ key is pressed, the paragraph formatting in the previous paragraph is carried forward to the next paragraph.


The ____ as shown in the accompanying figure is a formatting mark that indicates where the ____ was pressed


If you want to remove the AutoCorrect Options button from the screen, you can press the ____ key.


To erase an entire entry in a cell and then reenter the data from the beginning, press the ____ key.


____ effects modify text and objects displayed on the screen.


Clicking the ____ box completes an entry.


____ effects determine how slide elements first appear on a slide.


If the top of a set of characters is chopped off, the problem may be that the line spacing is set to ____.


Which of the following happens when you enter the formula =G15 into a cell?

Excel assigns the value in cell G15 to the active cell

____ effects determine how slide elements disappear.


To save time and avoid formatting errors, you can use the ____ to apply custom formatting to other places in your presentation quickly and easily.

Format Painter

As an alternative to using the Color button on the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab to display the Color gallery, you can right-click the graphic, click ____ on the shortcut menu, click the Picture button, expand the PICTURE COLOR section, and select the desired options.

Format Picture

The ____ AutoComplete list contains those functions that alphabetically match the letters you type following the equal sign.


____ seeking assumes you can change the value of only one cell referenced directly or indirectly to reach a specific goal for another cell.


____ is one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or to another color.

Gradient fill

____ help clarify and emphasize details, so they appeal to audience members with differing backgrounds, reading levels, attention spans, and motivations.


If a flagged word is spelled correctly, right-click it and then click ____ on the shortcut menu to instruct Word not to flag future occurrences of the same word in this document.

Ignore All

Word provides a(n) ____ button, which increases the font size of selected text each time you tap or click the button.

Increase Font Size

The ____ Option button lists formatting options following an insertion of cells, rows, or columns.


When you use a mouse to select a row or column in a table, Word displays a(n) ____.

Insert Control

Clicking the ____ opens the Insert Function dialog box.

Insert Function box in the formula bar

The ____ dialog box allows you to search for and insert files from a range of online sources.

Insert Media

The ____ dialog box allows you to search for clip art by using descriptive keywords.

Insert Pictures

Which of the following is an example of a photo sharing app?


____ text has a slanted appearance.


To center a page's contents vertically between the top and bottom margins, tap or click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher, tap or click the ____ tab, tap or click the vertical alignment box arrow, tap or click Center in the list, and then tap or click the OK button.


When you tap or click the ____ button for a selected graphic, Word provides options for changing how a graphic is positioned with text in a document.

Layout Options

Windows, Mac OS, and which other operating system constitute three desktop operating systems?


The ____ function displays the highest value in a range.


The ____ function determines the lowest number in a range.


When assigned to a cell, the ____ function returns a number that corresponds to the system date and time beginning with December 31, 1899.


You can type comments to yourself in the ____ for a specific slide while working in Normal view.

Navigation pane

As shown in the accompanying figure, the ____ arrow displays the Facet layout gallery.

New Slide

To delete WordArt text outline, click ____ in the Text Outline gallery.

No Outline

Having used the Color gallery to change the color of a graphic, with the graphic selected, tap or click ____ in the Color gallery to change a graphic back to its original color.

No Recolor

The default PowerPoint view is ____ view.


The default view in Excel is called ____ view.


You can type and format notes in the ____ pane.


The Bullets button is available on the HOME tab of the Ribbon in the ____ group.


Which of the following actions are provided by the Paste Options button?

Pastes synonyms or acronyms

____ is the process of copying an item from the Office Clipboard into the document at the location of the insertion point.


If you enter 90 in the Degrees box in the ____ area of the Format Cells dialog box, the text will appear vertically and read from bottom to top in the cell.


You are experiencing some problems with your operating system on your desktop and want to repair some problems with your hard disk. Which of the following will you use?

PC maintenance tool

What kind of file does Adobe Reader allow you to view?


____ view allows you to create or modify a worksheet while viewing how it will look in printed format

Page Layout

In Word, you can create electronic image files through the ____ tab in the Backstage view.


The default view in Word is ____.

Print Layout view

To print a range of cells in the active worksheet, click ____ in the Settings area in the Print gallery

Print Selection

What is the term for a square-shaped coded graphic that corresponds to a web address or other information?

QR code

Which of the following cell contents is extended to Qtr3, Qtr4, and Qtr1 by dragging the fill handle?


If you accidentally replace the wrong text, just click the Undo button on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

If you do not want to keep a change automatically made by Word and you immediately notice the automatic correction, you can undo the change by clicking the Undo button on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Undo button is located on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

To save a presentation, tap or click the Save button on the ____.

Quick Access Toolbar

Which of the following is the path to the Spelling button?

REVIEW tab | Proofing group

Pressing the ____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right.


You can use the ____ to check which cells are referenced in the formula assigned to the active cell.

Range Finder

____ effects convert colors in a picture to a wide variety of hues.


To convert a hyperlink to regular text, right-click the hyperlink and then click ____ on the shortcut menu.

Remove Hyperlink

You can select slide objects in order to delete them simultaneously by pressing the ____ key as you click each object.


Which of the following is an extension of the fill pattern Sunday, Tuesday?

Thursday, Saturday, Monday

When you open a new presentation, a slide with the default ____ layout appears.

Title Slide

When you add a new slide following the title slide, PowerPoint uses the ____ slide layout for the new slide.

Title and Content

The ____ button lists error-checking options following the assignment of an invalid formula to a cell.

Trace Error

If you follow the advice of your instructor and use CBT to learn about programming languages, how would you learn?

Typically you would employ self-paced instruction to use and complete exercises presented on your computer.

The ____ button allows you to erase recent cell entries.


____ allows you to type new text or convert existing text to WordArt.

WordArt styles

When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also changes the Spelling and Grammar Check icon to a(n) ____.


You are an expert in devising product activation schemes for software publishers. Which of the following is not one of the techniques you have used in the past?

You create the application to be available for download only.

After shrinking entries to fit in cells, consider using the ____ slider on the status bar to make the entries more readable.


____ a slide can help you see slide elements more clearly so that you can position them precisely where desired.


Which of the following kinds of programs displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop-up window on webpages, email, or other Internet service?


Which of the following is a method of entering functions?

all of the above ( keyboard, touch gesture, or pointer, the Sum menu, the Insert Function box in the formula bar d. the Name box area in the formula bar)

In Excel, a number can contain the characters ____.

all of the above (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; + - ( ) , /; . $ % E e)

. Which of the following are valid formulas?

all of the above (=3 ^ 4, =H3/H11, =11+9 d. =22-F15)

Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.

all of the above (current date, page number, current time)

Essential business letter elements include the ____.

all of the above (date line and inside address, message, signature block)

An effective business document should ____.

all of the above (have a professional appearance, convey its message concisely, convey its message clearly)

The Word Count dialog box displays the number of words as well as the number of _____ in the current document.

all of the above (lines, characters, paragraphs)

Which of the following is a bibliographic source?

all of the above (map, memo, letter)

Automatic page breaks are determined by ____.

all of the above (paper size, line spacing, margin settings)

An alternative to e-mail filtering is to purchase which of the following kinds of program that attempts to remove a message before it reaches a user's inbox?


As shown in the accompanying figure, which of the following kinds of program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and removing any computer viruses found in memory, on storage media, or on incoming files?


What kind of software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist them with personal tasks?


Which of the following is a standard document property?


The date you change a file is an example of a(n) ____ property.

automatically updated

The ____, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters.


Which of the following (with examples such as Cambria and Calibri shown in the accompanying figure) is a name assigned to a specific design of characters?


When using the MLA style, position in-text parenthetical references either at the _____, as shown in the accompanying figure.

bottom of the page as footnotes or at the end of the paper as endnotes

Sepia changes picture colors into ____.

brown, gold, and yellow

A ____ symbol is another name for a dot symbol.


A(n) ____ paragraph is a paragraph that begins with a dot or other symbol.


Monitor dimensions and resolution affect how ____ display on the ribbon.


In the accompanying figure, 12 point and 28 point are measurements of which of the following?

font size

Color ____ indicates that one color is dominating a picture.


To enter data in a cell, you must first select the ____.


To select a ____ in the table in the accompanying figure, point to its left edge and click when the mouse pointer changes to a small solid upward angled pointing arrow.


Charts can either be embedded in a worksheet or placed in a separate ____.

chart sheet

A tag name is an identifier that links a(n) ____ to a source.


A ____ may be composed of a few individual objects or several complex groups of objects.


Which of the following is a collection of electronic drawings, photos, and other images that can be inserted into documents?

clip art

You can enter the correct range in a function by typing the beginning and ending cell references separated by a ____.

colon (:)

Which of the following types of software do engineers, architects and scientists use to create designs?

computer-aided design software (CAD)

When you set up a worksheet, you should use cell references in formulas whenever possible, rather than ____ values.


A photo's color intensity can be modified by changing the brightness and ____.


As you edit some photos from your summer vacation, you choose to make a beach photo much smaller in terms of its file size in order to be able to email it to your friends. Which tool will you use for this?


Which of the following adjusts the difference in appearance between light and dark areas of a photo?


You have a variety of helpful apps on your smartphone, including ones that allow you to remotely start your car or calculate a restaurant tip. In which of the following categories do these apps fall?


Clicking the Yes button in the dialog box in the accompanying picture ____.

converts the picture to a drawing object

You compose a new song and you now have exclusive rights to sell your song. Of which of the following is this an example?


As you edit some photos from your summer vacation, you decide to remove a blurry area of one of your photos. Which tool will you use for this?


To manage day-to-day interactions with customers, including phone calls and e-mails, what type of software would a company use?

customer service software

A single point as shown in the accompanying figure is about what fraction of an inch in height?

d. 1/72

Which of the following (with examples such as the bold, italic, and underline shown in the accompanying figure) adds emphasis to a font?

font style

In a clustered column chart, the names of each column are part of the ____ series.


Which of the following is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data?


You have heard that it is possible to improve your computer's performance by storing all related files for a particular program together. What is the term for this?


In a multilevel bulleted list slide, creating a lower-level paragraph is called ____ the text.


The range of cells receiving the content of copied cells is called the ____.

destination area

You recently lost some files that were important to you so you have resolved to back up the contents of your hard disk on a series of rewritable DVDs. What kind of software will you use to do this?

disc burning

Which of the following tools searches for and removes unnecessary files?

disk cleanup

You need to purchase a new application on behalf of your company, one that will track product inventory and manage shipping status. Which kind of software will you buy?

distribution software

Which of the following kinds of software provides a means for sharing, distributing, and searching through documents by converting them into a format that can be viewed by any user?

document management

A ____ is a specific design with coordinating colors, fonts, and special effects.

document theme

The accompanying figure illustrates the screen you use to choose a ____.

document theme

The file type ____ identifies a Word 2013 document.


You should ____ a function name in the Formula AutoComplete list to select the function.

double-click or double-tap

If you want to conserve ink or toner, you can instruct PowerPoint to print ____ documents.

draft quality

The process of moving a slide object to a new location using the mouse pointer is called ____.

drag and drop

Using the mouse to move or copy cells is called ____.

drag and drop

With ____ editing, Word automatically displays a Paste Options button near the pasted or moved text.


Text ____ defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols.


What kind of application teaches a particular skill?


Instead of printing and distributing a hard copy of a document, you can distribute the document ____.


Typing text, followed by two hyphens, followed by more text and then a space changes the two hyphens to a(n) ____.

em dash

The ____ preceding a formula alerts Excel that you are entering a formula or function and not text.

equal sign (=)

A(n) ____ is a placeholder for data whose contents can change.


Which of the following kinds of file utilities shrink the size of a file(s)?

file compression

You are using a tool on your computer to organize a variety of files in folders. What is the term for this kind of tool?

file manager

If your friend recently has participated in e-filing, what has she been doing?

filing her state and/or federal tax returns online

Solid ____ is one color used throughout the entire slide.


WordArt ____ in the interior of a letter can consist of a solid color, texture, picture, or gradient.


The ____ is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell.

fill handle

You have created a specific named location on your hard disk to hold some songs you have purchased. What is the term for this location?


Your friend has been assigned the task of creating visual aids to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a sales group. What type of software should she use to complete this task?

presentation software

Which of the following are you, as a marketing manager, most likely to use to schedule the processes required in a new advertising campaign you are running?

project management

An engineer who needs to manage new product development might use what type of software?

project management software

Document ____ are the details about a file.


Which kind of software can be distributed by anyone to others at no cost?


Which of the following are valid steps toward virus protection?

purchase a reputable antivirus program, update antivirus definitions regularly

Which of the following is a request for specific data from a database?


A ____ is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells, as shown in the accompanying figure.


A ____ reference is an adjusted cell reference in a copied and pasted formula.


The adjusted cell references in a copied and pasted formula are called ____ cell references


During the infection stage, what three actions does a computer virus typically perform?

replicate itself, conceal itself, activate when a condition or event occurs

As you edit some photos from your summer vacation, you decide to shrink one of your favorite photos to produce a wallet size. Which tool will you use for this?


In the event a backup file is used, which kind of program reverses the process and returns backed up files to their original form?


Excel automatically appends the ____ to complete the AVERAGE function when you click the Enter box or press the ENTER key.

right parenthesis

A ____ paragraph places the last character of text near the right border of a paragraph.


When you drag a graphic's ____ handle, the graphic moves in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.


In a business letter, the ____, if present, begins two lines below the last line of the inside address.


Color ____ changes the intensity of colors.


Which kind of program attempts to locate a file on your computer or mobile device based on criteria you specify?

search tool

What does a disk cleanup utility do?

searches for and removes unnecessary files

Point mode allows you to ____, as shown in the accompanying figure.

select cells for use in a formula using the mouse pointer

Dragging or sizing affects only a ____.

selected object

When a placeholder is selected, the ____ are displayed.

selection handles

Which of the following features is offered by WBT?

self-directed, self-paced instruction

Which of the following is not a valid format symbol?

semi-colon (;)

You have a new word processing program. Which of the following is least likely to be a feature in the program's spelling checker?

the capability to check the arithmetic in a table of calculations

A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT ____.

the company's objective

Antivirus programs look for a specific pattern of virus code. What is this pattern called?

virus signature

On the works cited page, list works by each author's last name, as shown in the accompanying figure, or, if the author's name is not available, by the _____.

title of the source

The ____ introduces the presentation to the audience.

title slide

Which of the following are uses for application software?

to make users more productive

What was the original purpose of a screen saver?

to prevent images from being permanently etched on a monitor's screen

Which of the following kinds of malware is a malicious mobile app that uses a variety of fraudulent schemes to charge unsuspecting users for premium messaging services?

toll fraud

A slide ____ is a special animation effect used to progress from one slide to the next slide in a slide show.


You can make one color in a graphic ____, that is, removing its color.


You would make a color in a graphic ____ if you wanted to remove part of a graphic or see text or colors behind a graphic.


The Increase Indent button indents the contents of a cell to the right by ____ spaces each time you click it.


There are ____ standard colors for text in a theme.


When working with a large worksheet, you can split the window into ____ panes.

two or four

The first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you ____.

understand what is required

When you ____ a clip art picture, PowerPoint breaks it into its component objects, as shown in the accompanying figure.


Which of the following is a utility that removes a program, as well as any associated entries in the system files?


Who can effectively use web page authoring software?

users of all skill levels

Many worksheet cells like those in the accompanying figure contain a number that can be used in a calculation. What is the name for this?


Which of the following kinds of software allows users to modify a segment of a video, called a clip?

video editing

Which of the following describes a potentially damaging computer program that affects, or infects, a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works without the user's knowledge or permission?


Which of the following warns that the computer is infected and needs immediate attention?

virus hoax

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