Connect Exam 6

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unique selling proposition

A product's ______ is what sets it apart from other brands in the same product category.

boutique agencies

A recent trend in advertising is the proliferation of __________, smaller, more personalized, and task-specific ad agencies.

the Civil War

Advertising in the United States was a small business until the mid-1800s, when industrialization and ______ combined to alter the social and cultural landscape, bringing about advertising's expansion.


Advertising that touts the functional benefits of a product or service is ______ advertising.


Among the criticisms of advertising is its ______, the fact that ads are everywhere—in schools, on sidewalks, even in the sky.


An event staged specifically to attract public attention is a

Edward Bernays

Around the 1920s, public relations pioneer _____________ began stressing two-way communication—that is, public relations practitioners talking to people, and in return listening to them when they talked back.

War Advertising Council

At the outbreak of World War II, several national advertising and media associations joined to develop the ______and used their expertise to promote numerous government programs.


Creating advertising to appeal to audiences of varying personal and social characteristics, such as race, gender, and economic level, is called ______ segmentation.


Creating advertising to appeal to consumer groups of varying lifestyles, attitudes, values, and behavior patterns is called ______ segmentation.


Directly interacting with elected officials or government regulators is the public relations activity known as community relations.

the hard sell.

During the Great Depression, many advertisements began making direct claims about why consumers needed the products, a technique called


Early PR practitioner Ivy Lee is credited with changing his industry from one primarily interested in publicity to one more interested in providing information.


Employees, stockholders, the investment community, and the government are among public relations' ________, any group of people with a stake in an organization, issue, or idea.


Ethical PR professionals reject _______, outright lying or obfuscation.


For all intents and purposes, advertising and public relations are the same endeavor.

produced by ad agencies for their clients.

In the early days of radio—from the 1920s until well after World War II—programming was

the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission

In the span between the Civil War and the First World War, several factors combined to move the advertising industry to establish professional standards and regulate itself, including abuses by patent medicine advertisers; the examination of most of the country's important institutions, led by the muckrakers; and _____ in 1914.


One of the difficult issues in the regulation of advertising is finding the line between false or deceptive advertising and ______, that little lie that makes advertising more entertaining than it might otherwise be.


PR professionals interact with the _____________ through press packets and briefings.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt made impressive use of which medium as a public relations tool to sell his New Deal directly to the people?

National Advertising Review Board

Reacting to increasing public criticism and FTC scrutiny in the 1970s, the ad industry established the ______ to monitor potentially deceptive advertising.

the sheer number of ads

The Number 1 reason people employ adblockers on their digital devices is


The ______ department is where the advertising is developed from idea to ad. It involves copywriting, graphic design, and often the actual production of the piece, for example, radio, television, and web spots.


The first corporate public relations department was started by Westinghouse.

the Publicity Bureau

The first publicity company, _____________, was established in 1906 to help the railroad industry challenge legislation it opposed.

advanced two-way communication

The history of public relations is divided into four stages—early public relations, the propaganda-publicity stage, early two-way communication, and


The modern era of public relations is characterized by advanced two-way communication.


The public relations activity of getting media coverage for clients is called


There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including an organization's _____________ with company newsletters, social events, and internal and external recognition of superior performance.


There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including an organization's _____________; they own the organization (if it is a corporation), and their goodwill is necessary for the business to operate.


When PR professionals directly interact with elected officials or government regulators and agents, they are engaging in


When most brands in a given product category are essentially the same, they are called ______ products.

minority relations/multicultural affairs.

When the department store Barneys was beset by numerous complaints of racial discrimination, it undertook an aggressive PR campaign to speak to those who felt disenfranchised by the events. This is an example of


______ advertising is the advertising of products by stores like Sears and Macy's. It is typically local, reaching consumers where they live and shop.

Experiential marketing

______ refers to the melding of brands and experiences.


_______ is a derogatory, but common, name sometimes applied to public relations professionals.


__________ refers to a fake grassroots organization; that is, one funded in secret by those with a vested interest in the issue at hand.

search marketing

___________ accounts for the greatest proportion of online ad spending.


______is mediated messages paid for by and identified with a business or institution that seeks to increase the likelihood that those who consume those messages will act or think as the advertiser wishes.

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