Diet 200 final 2023

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Describe the effects of excessive alcohol use on the body.

-Abdominal fat deposition and fluid accumulation (ASCITES) -MALABSORPTION of nutrients in the small intestine -impaired PANCREATIC function and related HYPOGLYCEMIA, pancreatic cancer -DECREASE in bone mineral density

A daily deficit of 400 to 500 kcal should theoretically result in a loss of approximately ________ of body fat per week.

1 pound

Your friend just told you she is pregnant. She is concerned about the amount of weight she will gain during pregnancy and is looking for some advice so that she and her baby can be healthy. Her pre-pregnant weight was 155 pounds and she is 5'5 inches tall. Based on her pre-pregnant weight, how much weight should your friend gain during her pregnancy?


Which of the following athletes would have the highest requirements for proteins?

180 lb male football player

How many molecules of lactate are produced from one molecules of glucose during metabolism?


If a nursing mother consumes 1 to 2 drinks of alcohol, when is it safe to breastfeed?

2 hours after last drink

If a person consumed 35% of a diet providing 2500 kcalories from protein, approximately how many grams of protein would be ingested?


For every pound of weight lost during an athletic event, _____ of water should be consumed immediately thereafter.

3 cups

Assuming that milk is an adolescent's only source of dietary calcium, how much milk must he/she drink every day to meet the RDA for calcium?

4-5 cups

Which of the following meals would slow the rate of absorption of alcohol the most?

Bacon cheeseburger and french fries

Which meal contains the highest amount of vitamin C?

Baked fish with lemon, broccoli, cole slaw, and strawberries

The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes can be fatal to the developing fetus. What foods are possible sources of this bacterium and should be avoided by pregnant women?

Brie and blue-veined cheeses

There are a number of intervention strategies that can be employed to promote behavior modification geared toward weight loss. Determine which behavior modification strategy is explained by the scenario in the label and drag the label to its appropriate strategy category.

Chain breaking- Bill used to go to the snack bar for a large bag of peanuts at his son's T-ball game, just because he always eats peanuts with baseball; now he bypasses the snack bar. Stimulus control- Brenda has asked her receptionist to put the baked goods that are usually open on the break room counter into a packaged to be stored in the cabinet Cognitive restructuring- Tina has stopped organizing happy hour with margaritas and tortilla chips after a stressful day at work; instead, she now conducts an after-work walking group with co-workers to relieve stress. Continue management- Louis knows that if he goes home after work he will never leave again to go to the gym; now he packs his gym clothes and takes his bag to work, changing after work and going directly to the gym instead of going home. Self- monitoring- Wendy was concerned because she was gaining weight when she ate what she thought was 1500 calorie per day diet...she started witting down everything she ate and drank...realized she was eating more that 2200 calories per day

Which of the following lipids is a precursor for estrogen and bile?


Drag the descriptor to its appropriate lipoprotein classification

Chylomicron- carries absorbed fat to body cells VLDL- carries fat taken up from the bloodstream by the liver, as well as any fat made by the liver, to the body cells LDL- arises from VLDL and carries mostly cholesterol to cells HDL- arises mostly from the liver and intestine and carries cholesterol from cells to other lipoproteins and to the liver for excretion

Improper canning of foods can result in serious foodborne illness caused by the ___________ bacterium.

Clostridium botulinum

Which of the following techniques for measuring body composition makes use of small exposures to radiation?


Which is NOT a permitted health claim?

Diets low in sugar may reduce the risk of cancer.

Determine which energy use evaluation technique is being described and drag the explanation label to its appropriate classification category.

Direct calorimetry- you are placed in a small room and the amount of body heat you release raises the temperature of a layer of water that surrounds the room. Indirect calorimetry- You are hooked up to a cart that measures the amount of oxygen you consume... Estimated energy requirement calculation- your height, weight, age, gender, and physical activity estimate are used to estimate energy needs

A patient presents with low copper. Which portion of cellular respiration would suffer?

Electron transport chain

Which of the following situations is/are life threatening?

Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia

Which of the following is NOT true about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?

IBD is caused by a reaction to proteins in foods.

Drag the digestion description to the place in the body where it occurs

Mouth-where salivary amylase is produced Stomach- has acidic environment where salivary amylase is inactivated Pancreas- site of amylase and dextranase secretion Small intestine- has alkaline environment and is where the majority of carbohydrates digestion and absorption occurs Liver- the site to which monosaccharides are transported Large intestine- where bacteria ferment soluble fiber

Proteins help regulate blood pH by____.

accepting and releasing hydrogen ions

The absorptive process that requires energy in the form of ATP is____.

active absorption

The problems of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency____.

affect nearly 1 in 3 American over a lifetime

A healthy weight for an individual should not be based exclusively on weight, but on___.

all of the responses are correct

Which of the following nutrients may be absorbed by the colon?

all of these answers are correct.

The functions of protein include____.

all of these are functions of protein.

Which of the following fluids is classified as extracellular fluid?

all of these choices are accuarate

A maternal practice that can be harmful to the fetus is ________.

all of these choices are accurate

Eating disorders frequently co-occur with which of the following psychological disorders?

all of these choices are accurate

Factors that can be contributed to an increase risk of high blood pressure include___.

all of these choices are accurate

Food insecurity is____.

all of these choices are accurate

Foods commonly contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus include

all of these choices are accurate

Many elderly people avoid social contract because they____.

all of these choices are accurate

Signs of protein deficiency may include ________.

all of these choices are accurate

To calculate estimated energy needs using the equations developed by the Food and Nutrition Board, one needs information about the individual's____.

all of these choices are accurate

What do preschool typically children like to eat?

all of these choices are accurate

A fad diet for weight loss____.

all of these choices are correct

A sound program for weight reduction should include ________.

all of these choices are correct

One advantage of sports drinks is taste. In addition, they____.

all of these choices are correct

What could cause failure to thrive in infants?

all of these choices are correct

Which food-related behaviors can negatively affect the quality of adolescents' diets?

all of these choices are correct

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans___.

all of these choices are correct.

Your sister is pregnant is very uncomfortable. She is experiencing heartburn daily and is looking for some relief. In your nutrition class, you just learned about heartburn in pregnancy. What advice can you offer her.

all of these choices could give her some relief

Factors that affect the amount of nutrients in foods include____.

all of these factors affect nutrient content of foods

Which of the following can contribute to increase risk of cancer?

all of these factors may increase cancer risk

To preserve bone mass, adults should

all of these recommendations are correct

According to the Dietary Guidelines, a goal for adults is to

all of these responses are correct

Low fluid intake in older adults may be caused by ________.

all of these responses are correct

Variables that determine an athlete's energy needs include____.

all of these responses are correct

Which condition increases the risk of a poor pregnancy outcome?

all of these responses are correct

Which is true about the Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs)?

all of these responses are true

Which essential fatty acids is responsible for lowering the risk of coronary heart disease


Risk factors for osteoporosis include___.


After a period of prolonged fasting (starving), the brain changes its fuel requirements

and starts to use ketones and spares protein

Glucose, galactose, and fructose____.

are monosaccharides

A person diagnosed with phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid products containing ________.


The main objective of Healthy People 2030 is to help Americans____.

attain healthy, thriving lives and well being, free from preventable disease disability, injury, and premature death

Which condition is NOT usually associated with type 2 diabetes?

autoimmune destruction of beta cells of the pancreas

All of the following are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids EXCEPT_____.


The body's total daily energy expenditure includes____.

basal metabolic rate, thermal effect of food and effects of physical activity

Calorie needs decline after age 30 years or so because ________.

basal metabolism declines

Raffinose and stachyose are indigestible oligosaccharides found in foods such as _____.

beans and other legumes

Intakes of ______ have been associated with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration and cataracts

both lutein and zeaxanthin

Insufficient Vitamin D intake and levels in the blood can lead to

both of these are correct

Which of the following foods is least likely to cause a foodborne illness?

bread, pasteurized milk, butter

The function of fat include all of the following EXCEPT

build and repair tissues

Extra water losses from heavy sweating or diarrhea will typically result in

decreased urine output

The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for nutrients are______.

designed to meet the nutrients needs of 97 to 98% of individuals in a specific life stage

Dietary sugars and starches are called "protein sparing," which means

dietary proteins can be used for protein synthesis and other vital processes, rather than being used as a source of energy.

The fact that the amino acids tryptophan can be converted to niacin by the body explains why___.

diets high in protein could prevent or cure pellagra

Constipation in many children of often caused by

drinking too much milk

A baby that sleeps with a bottle filled with formula has an increased risk for

ear infections

Individuals most likely to experience poor vitamin B-12 status are

elderly adults, due to atrophic gastric

Oxidation-reduction reactions in the body are controlled by___.


The 4 primary types of tissues are____.

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

Strength training recommendations for older adults include all of the following EXCEPT

exercise different muscle groups in each session

A loss of 1%-2% of body weight in fluids will generally cause a person to ____.

experience thirst

Marasmus is characterized by____.

extreme weight loss and fat loss

An individual who consumes one cup of coffee in the morning should drink an additional 2 cups of fluid to compensate for caffeine-induced fluid loss.


Insufficient weight gain in the last trimester of pregnancy increases the risk for fetal growth retardation.


Natural vitamins are superior to synthetic vitamin


People who remain almost fully covered during the day are at increased risk of vitamin K deficiency.


Public water supplies in the U.S. are a major source of infection and disease.


Thawing foods, such as chicken, on the counter overnight is a safe food handing practice.


The growth percentile curve a child follows depends ONLY on his/her genetic potential


Uncontrolled gestational diabetes can cause the fetus to be born with a low birth rate


Based on results of long-term studies, people on weight-reduction diets should limit

high-fat foods

Elevated blood concentrations of ___ are associated with increased risk for stroke and neurological decline in some elderly adults.


The biological value of food protein is a measure of____.

how closely the food's amino acids pattern matches the amino acids pattern of body protein.

The set-point theory proposes that____.

humans have a genetically predetermined body weight or body fat

The chemical reaction sucrose + H20 -> fructose + glucose is an example of a ____ reaction.


Joe Smith, age 52, has a blood pressure of 145 mm Hg over 95 mm Hg. This is considered

hypertension or high blood pressure

Satiety is largely regulated by the____.


A possible explanation for a natural phenomenon is a ____.


According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans substantial health benefits occur when adults engage ________.

in 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week

An adaptation that occurs with exercise, besides improvement in fitness is ________.

increase bone density

To prevent constipation, older adults should ____.

increase dietary fiber and fluids

A diet that contains an average of 4000 mg sodium and 1500 mg potassium daily is likely to____.

increase the risk of hypertension

What is a typical example of usual aging?

increasing body fatness

The best type of fiber to eat for reducing constipation is

insoluble fiber

Beginning a pregnancy with hypertension may lead to all of the following EXCEPT


While ___ suppresses gluconeogenesis _____ increases glycogen breakdown.

insulin; glucagon

A high intake of Vitamin E can

interfere with vitamin K's blood-clotting activity

Many athletes, particularly female and young athletes, may need to increase their intake of ________ to help increase red blood cell production.


Which nutrient is best contributed by the proteins food groups of MyPlate?


The "mucosal block" theory is one explanation of how the body protects itself from excess absorption of dietry___.

iron and zinc

You have an older relative who is complaining of fatigue. You learn that she is taking aspirin on a daily basis to prevent a heart attack. What condition do you suspect your relative may have?

iron deficiency anemia

Physical activity is MOST likely to lead to successful weight loss if it_____.

is performed regularly

Primary lactose intolerance results from_____.

lactase insufficiency

When muscle tissue is exercising under anaerobic conditions, the production of ______ is important because it ensures a continuous supply of NAD+.


Carbohydrates that may contribute to intestinal gas formation include___.

lactose, fructose, raffinose

Lipids with high polyunsaturated fatty acid content are generally ____________ at room temperature.


During the inflammatory phase of diverticulitis, treatment includes antibiotics and a diet that is_____.

lower in fiber

Proteins can be described as_____.

mad of building blocks called amino acids

A person with an alcohol use disorder presents with muscle twitching and cramping. He is also complaining of spasms in his muscles that he cannot seem to control. What nutrient is he likely deficient in?


It is recommended that honey not be given to infants because it____.

may contain Clostridium botulinum spores

Adolescents often have smaller babies than mature women. They are advised to gain more weight during pregnancy to_____.

meet both the fetal and mother's growth needs

All the chemical and physical processes involved in maintaining life are referred to as


The most nutrient-dense food source of calcium with high bioavailability is___.

milk and dairy products

A friend has been drinking more than the usual amount of alcohol. You are concerned about the effects alcohol has. Which of the following herbal remedies do you feel comfortable suggesting for your friend to supplement with, based on your knowledge of the harmful effects of alcohol?

milk thistle

At very high intensities of exercise, most of the energy the body uses is supplied by___.

muscle glycogen

If no glucose is available from dietary carbohydrate, glucose in the blood may be derived from

muscle glycogen and liver glycogen

Your friend is concerned that her son is gaining too much weight. Before seeking advice from her son's pediatrician, she wants you to give her your opinion because she knows you are taking a nutrition class. You learn from her that her son is 3'10 and currently weights 60 lbs. You also remember that he just had his 6th birthday. How would you classify her son after calculating his BMI?


In the Mediterranean Diet, the majority of fat in the diet is supplied by ______.

olive oil and olives

Which of the following blood levels of LDL cholesterol would increase risk for cardiovascular disease for an otherwise healthy adult?

over 160 mg/dl

An infant may suffer from water intoxication when

overfed water instead of formula

In most cases the starting material for gluconeogenesis is ________.


When a slice of fresh apple turns a brown color, this is most likely the result of___.


To project riboflavin from destruction by sunlight, milk and milk products are often packaged in____.

paper and opaque cartons

Which of the following digestive disorders is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori?

peptic ulcer

Energy obtained by the body from food is used to___.

perform all of these functions

Which is NOT a common mealtime challenge with preschoolers?


The best sources of thiamin in the average diet are

pork products, whole or enriched grains and cereals, and legumes

Introducing solid foods to an infants diet before the infant needs them can _____.

potentially strain the young infant's organ

Which of the following population groups generally has the highest rate of calcium absorption?

pregnant women

The fluoridation of public drinking water is

responsible for reduction in dental caries in children.

Adolescent girls with low dairy products intake often present with fatigue and anemia due to a deficiency of____.


_______ is the loss of muscle mass due to aging.



shuttles fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria

The food additives that inhibit the growth of the pathogen Clostridium botulinum are ______

sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite

Aldosterone increases____.

sodium retention by the kidneys

"Hitting the wall" is a term to describe___.

someone has essentially run out of available carbohydrates for energy

The sugar alcohol commonly used to sweeten chewing gum and candy is____.


Which of the foods below constitutes the best choice when attempting carbohydrate loading before endurance events?


An older relative has recently been placed on anticoagulant medications. Her doctor did not make any dietary recommendations. Which of the following foods would you suggest that your relative avoid until further discussing her medication with her doctor?


Match each type of polysaccharides to its polysaccharides classification.

starch- amylose and amylopectin fiber- cellulose and lignin

Which of the following agency would be most appropriate to contact if you felt a local restaurant was not handling their food safely?

state and local government

Food components that MUST be listed on the Nutrition Facts panel include____.

sugars, dietary fibers, and calcium

Which of the following exercises would be most appropriate to continue to perform during a healthy pregnancy?


The U.S. government assistance program that provides vouchers for food purchases to low-income pregnant women, infants, and children is ____.

the WIC program

Water-soluble nutrients enter into the body by way of____.

the blood

Anergy is____.

the lack of an immune response to foreign substances entering the body

Once absorbed, the majority of glucose is transported to ________.

the liver

Preparing and cooking vegetables can result in___.

the loss of minerals from the vegetable into the boiling water

Nutritionally, the difference between brown rice and white rice is___.

the presence of bran and germ layers in the brown rice, which have most of the nutrients

The vitamin that prevents beriberi is____


A process involved in the synthesis of nonessential amino acids is called____.



transport electrons in the electron transport chain


transports fat-soluble particles from the intestinal tract to the general circulation

The major form on lipid in foods is a(n)_____.


When there is excess glucose and amino acids in the liver, and no more ATP needs to be synthesized, these energy-rich nutrients are converted to


A female who becomes pregnant within 2 years of menarche is at a higher nutritional risk than one who becomes pregnant later.


Breastfed infants have a reduced risk of obesity and ear infections, as compared to formula fed infants


Children with autism frequently have unusual eating behaviors


In the United States, salt can be purchased either with or without added iodide.


Regular exercise can help control gestational diabetes


Supplemental vitamin B-6 vitamin B-12, and folate can reduce blood levels of homocysteine, but have not been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


The physical changes of adolescence can cause teens to be dissatisfied with their bodies


Trace minerals are present in the body in smaller quantities that are major minerals


Vitamin A supplements have actually resulted in a decrease in vitamin A-related deaths in developing countries.


A body mass index of 40 represents____.

a high risk for health problems

By definition, energy-dense foods are ALL___.

high in calories

Phosphorus absorption is promoted by the hormone

1, 2 (OH)2 vitamin D

Click and drag to arrange the steps of aerobic respiration in order as they occur in the cell. The first step should appear at the top of the list.

1. Glucose is degraded to form pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP. 2. Pyruvate moves from the cytosol to the mitochondria 3. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to acetylCoA 4. CO2 is produced and eliminated by the lungs

Put the components of fat digestion and absorption in their appropriate order from first (1) to last occurring event (8)

1. Lipase breaks triglycerides down into monoglycerides and fatty acids in the small intestine 2.Monoglycerides and fatty acids absorbed by the small intestine cells are repackaged into triglycerides 3.Small intestine cells packaged triglycerides into chylomicrons. 4.Chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system and the bloodstream. 5. Triglycerides in the chylomicron are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by lipoprotein lipase. 6. Fatty acids are released to the bloodstream and glycerol circulates back to the liver. 7. Muscle cells used absorbed fatty acids immediately for fuel and adipose cells reform fatty acids into triglycerides for storage. 8.Chylomicron remnant is removed from circulation by the liver and its components are recycled to make other lipoproteins and bile acids

Put the protein digestion steps in order of their occurrence during the digestive process.

1. Stomach acid denatures protein 2. pepsin partially digests peptide chains 3. partially digested protein moved from stomach into the small intestine nutrient and chyme 4. CCK is released from walls of the small intestine 5. CCK stimulates the pancreas to release proteases 6. Trypsin is released from the pancreas 7. Mixture of enzymes breaks partially digested proteins into amino acids

click and drag to arrange the steps of anaerobic glucose metabolism in order as they occur in the body from top to bottom.

1. muscle cells metabolize glucose to pyruvate, producing ATP. 2. When oxygen is lacking, pyruvate is converted to lactate. 3. Lactate builds up in the cells. 4.Lactate is released into the bloodstream. 5.Lactate is picked up by the liver. 6.Lactate is converted to glucose.

Recommendations for restoration of muscle glycogen include___ grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight are consumed 30 minutes after exercise and again 2 hours after exercise.


When exercise duration approaches several hours per day, recommended carbohydrate needs for athletes increase up to ________.

10 grams carbohydrates per kg body weight

About how much protein should an 18 pound, 10 month old baby consume each day?

12 grams

A diet that provides 75 g protein per day can be contribute ____ mg niacin from tryptophan.


If a can of soup provides 4 servings and has 100 kcal per serving, how many kcal are in the entire can?


Average additional dietary energy requirements for lactation are approximately _______ kcal per day.

400 - 500

What would be the recommended amount of protein for a 121 pound female?

44 g/day

Of the total day's energy intake, most dietary guidelines recommended that carbohydrates provide_____ of energy.


The salivary glands produce about ___cup(s) of saliva each day. Saliva is a watery fluid that contains _____, _____, and ______.

4; mucus; digestive enzymes; antibacterial substances

Mike has been told to reduce his fat intake to less than 30% of his total calories. It has been recommended to him that he consume an average of 2000 calories per day. How many grams of fat should he consume per day?

67 grams

Maternal iron deficiency anemia can cause___.

All of these are effects of iron deficiency

Ketosis increases with

All of these choices are correct.

In the U.S., dietary supplements are rigorously regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.


Match the gastrointestinal secretion with its function(s).

Gastrin- signals chief cells to produce pepsinogen and HCL Gastric inhibitory peptide- delays the emptying time of the stomach Bile-aids in digestion and absorption of fats Cholecystokinin- stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to release bile and pancreatic juice Secretin- stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate ions

Sort each amino acid by its metabolic path. Each amino acid can be converted to pyruvate or citric acid cycle intermediates and is therefore glucogenic or can be converted directly to acetyl-CoA and is therefore ketogenic.

Glucogenic- alanine, glycine, arginine, proline, histidine ketogenic- leucine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine

Which of the following conditions would result in negative nitrogen balance?


Which of the following would be seen on a blood lipid profile of a patient who was recommended to make dietary changes to reduce his or her risk for cardiovascular disease

Low HDL and high LDL

What eating behaviors does MyPlate specifically encourage?

Make at least half your grains whole grains.

Which of the following genetic disorders would cause a person to have limited fat stores?

Marfan syndrome

Which of the following meals represents the most nutrient-dense meal?

Medium apple, fat-free milk, turkey sandwhich on whole grain bread, carrot slices

Which of the following foods provides all of the essential amino acids?


Asses the following situations and match their appropriate condition.

Muscle dysmorphia- your friend has been going to the gym daily, usually for several hours, discussing how he wants to get his muscle bigger. Recently he injured himself, but he pushing through it as he doesn't want to lose any muscle size. He is always planning his food around what will work best for his workouts Orthorexia- Your aunt took a nutrition class a year ago and since that time has been eating what she calls a clean plant-based diet. She used to make the best chocolate chip cookies and caramel brownies. You ask her if she will make some for a party that you are having, but she declines, offering that she is only willing to come of she can bring a fruit and vegetable platter. Pregorexia- Your sister is 5 months pregnant and everyone is very excited about the baby. You went to lunch with her the other day, after she finished a long run, and noticed that she only ordered a salad without dressing and an unsweetened ice tea. She confides in you that her doctor is worried that she is hasn't gained enough weight but she knows the weighs more than she used to and she doesn't want to become overweight. Binge eating disorder- your roommate has been refusing to go out to dinner with friends, stating that he is too busy and doesn't have time to eat. However, in your garbage, you can find empty chip bags and large pizza boxes, all foods that you know only he has eaten in a short period of time.

How would metabolism be affected if a patient's liver is were not working efficiently?

Nutrient interconversions and storage would not efficiently occurs

Most digestive enzymes are synthesized by the___.

Pancreas and small intestine

Which of the following B-vitamins is found in the widest variety of foods (i.e., different food groups such as vegetable, grains, meat)?

Pantothenic acid

Determine whether each of the case study situations is in positive protein balance, negative protein balance, or protein equilibrium by dragging it to its appropriate classification

Positive protein balance- Quinn is a three-month-old baby who is breastfeeding and whose weight has doubled since she was born. Rachael recently sustained burns over 15% of her body. She is in an outpatient burn center and is receiving food by mouth, dietary supplements, and tube feedings in order to achieve her nutrition needs to promote healing. Negative protein balance- Stella is an elderly woman with an aggressive form of cancer who resides in a nursing home. She has lost her desire to eat and she has lost 12% of her body weight in the past six months. Barney has a rare intestinal disease that caused him to leach proteins out of his intestinal tract; the gastroenterologist explains to him that he is losing more proteins than he is getting in his diet each day. Equilibrium protein balance- Larissa recently participated in a nutrition research study in which the dietitian determined that her protein intake equals protein losses each day. Travis is a relatively healthy male adult who weighs 185 pounds (84 kg) and eats about 67 grams of dietary proteins per day.

In what order does food pass through the organs of the GI tract?

Stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon

The major factor contributing to the decline in iron deficiency anemia among poor preschool children is the U.S. is____.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, infants, and Children (WIC) that distributes iron-fortified formulas and cereals.

Which is true about essential fatty acids?

They help regulate blood pressure and nerve transmission.

What would happen to the liver of an individual who was diagnosed with steatosis if he or she abstained from alcohol?

They would reverse his or her condition

Which of the following is NOT a part of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, or REDS?

Type 2 diabetes

Which of the following amino acids is classified as a "conditionally essential" amino acid?


Dairy foods are generally good sources of which of the following vitamins?

Vitamin B-12 and riboflavin

Thomas has taken up bodybuilding and is starting to become more interested in a diet to improve athletic performance. He read an article in a bodybuilding magazine that said he should dramatically increase his dietary protein intake. What happens to excessive dietary protein intake?

With excessive protein intake, amino acids may be used to meet energy needs or converted to and stored as fat

A potential danger of using oral Accutane for acne is that it___.

can cause spontaneous abortion and birth defects

Which of the following foods would be recommend for an elderly person who had periodontal disease?

canned apricots

Sugar, starches, and dietary fiber are examples of____.


Energy-yielding nutrients include____.

carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Gallstones are formed mainly from____.


In humans, impaired glucose tolerance, nerve damage, and weight loss have been observed in patients with a deficiency of ________.


Which groups of food provides substantial amounts of vitamin C?

citrus fruits and vegetables

Recommendations suggest that we consume approximately 20% of our fat as monounsaturated fats. All of the following would be appropriate to use to achieve this goal EXCEPT:

coconut oil

Sally has had a rough day at work. Before she decided to lose weight, she would have normally gone straight to the freezer and eaten a large bowl of ice cream. Now, she recognizes that stress is a trigger for her to overeat so she deals with her stressors in other manners. What strategy is Sally using to control her problem behavior?

cognitive restructuring

If you were cut and needed to heal the wound, which type of protein would the body produce?


The most common application of genetic engineering of foods is to____.

confer resistance to pesticides applied to kill weeds and insects

Excessive intake of zinc supplements can reduce absorption of ____.


The synthesis of fatty acids occurs in the ___ of the ell and the breakdown of fatty acids occurs in the _____ of the cell.

cytosol; mitochondria

Determine whether each statement about alcohol is true of false

false: alcohol digestion is a complex process, the majority of alcohol detoxification occurs in the stomach, and drinking caffeinated beverages often leads to drinking less alcohol as the caffeine enhances the ability to feel intoxication true: drinking alcohol on an empty stomach speeds up the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream when compared to drinking after eating, generally speaking a woman who is of comparable size to a man will get drunk more quickly wen she consumes the same amount of alcohol, and binge drinking is classified as five or more drinks per occasion for males four or more drinks per occasion for females

Which of the following would you recommend to a friend that is having difficulties breastfeeding her baby?

find a relaxing environment to breastfeed your baby

A defect in the formation of the neural tube during early fetal development can occur from a lack of


Neural tube defects may occur when women consume too little ____ before becoming pregnant,


Obese pregnant women have an increased risk for

gestational diabetes

Biotin is needed for____.


Which substances can be absorbed in the small intestine?

glucose, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, alcohol

Glycolysis begins with _________ and ends with __________.

glucose; pyruvate

A deficiency of dietary iodine is characterized by___.


Excessive calorie intake during pregnancy can result in a fetus that

has a high birth weight

A breakfast cereal labeled as organic must___.

have at least 95% of its ingredients meet organic standards

The leading cause of nutrient-related death in the United States is_____.

heart disease

Classify each sign or symptom as to characteristic of heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

heat exhaustion- characterized by profuse sweating, signs and symptoms are due to primarily to dehydration, and heat cramps often occur heat stroke- characterized by hot, dry skin, signs and symptoms are due primarily to rapidly increasing body temperature, and can be fatal if not treated quickly

The proteins___ oxidize ferrous iron to ferric iron to allow iron to be transported to body cells.

hephaestin and ceruloplasmin

Mucus-forming cells in the body deteriorate and can no longer produce mucus when there is a deficiency of

vitamin A

The most common micronutrient deficiencies seen in developing countries are___.

vitamin A, iron, and iodine

A strict vegan diet may lack

vitamin B-12

Supplements of the water-soluble vitamins ______ and _______ are most likely to cause toxicity symptoms.

vitamin B-6; vitamin C

Individuals taking daily aspirins or anticoagulation medications should avoid excess intakes of____.

vitamin K

The body's temperature-regulation mechanism depends on

water within the body absorbing heat energy, and on the evaporation of perspiration removing heat energy

The risk of developing a problem with alcohol is higher in those____.

with a biological parent with alcohol problems

The best predictor of your basal metabolic rate is___.

your lean body mass

Insufficient intakes of _____ by adults may contribute to loss of taste sensations and delayed wound healing.


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