Drug Ed Ch. 11-18 ( Final )

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The maximum CNS effect of caffeine is reached about _____ after drinking coffee.

2 hours

Most regular brewed teas have about how much caffeine per cup?

40-60 mg

The psychological effect of LSD was first reported by

Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who developed the drug

The legend of the discovery of coffee relates to

Kaldi and his dancing goats

1-(1- phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine hydrochloride was patented as Sernyl and first tested as

a dissociative anesthetic

Cold viruses are usually transmitted

by hands picking up the viruses and touching your eyes or nose

OTC drugs approved as sleep aids, like Nytol and Sominex,

contain an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine

Drinking 5 or more cups of coffee per day

doubles the risk of a heart attack

_______ usually refers to a sudden increase in the number of users of a particular psychoactive substance

drug epidemic

Heroin became the drug of choice for many opioid users

during the 1920's because it was easier to smuggle the small amounts needed for an effective dose

LSD was synthesized from alkaloids derived from

ergot fungus

In a non drug state, re-experiencing of one or more of the perceptual alterations that occurred during psychedelic intoxication is known as ____


Theobroma, the genus name for the cacao tree, is Latin for

food of the gods

Many of the capsules, pills, and powders that look like drugs and that consumers think of as drugs are actually classified by the FDA as

food products

The most consistent withdrawal symptom after chronic caffeine use is


Naloxone, nalorphine, and naltrexone are examples of

opioid antagonists

Papaver somniferum is the scientific name for

opium poppy

Starting in 2007, the only FDA-approved OTC weight-control ingredient is

orlistat (allí)

Vicodin and OxyContin are examples of

prescription opioids that are being misused at relatively high rates

The 2006 revised PATRIOT Act required that products containing ______ be kept "behind the counter" and buyers must show identification and sign for their purchase


_____ is the active chemical in psychoactive mushrooms


Psilocybe mexicana and Psilocybe cubensis are examples of

psychoactive mushrooms

Because psychedelic drugs are capable of producing hallucinations and some altered sense of reality, a state that could be called psychotic, they have been referred to as ____ drugs


Besides hallucination, mescaline also produces

pupil dilatino and increased heart rate and blood pressure

The unique xanthine in chocolate is


One important determinant of the behavioral effects of caffeine is

whether the person is a regular user

The U.S. market for over-the-counter drug products totals about

$18 billion

Possession of opium, morphine, or heroin without a prescription was made a crime by

1915 Supreme Court decision

Acetylsalicylic acid was developed in the Bayer laboratory in Germany in 1898 and sold under the brand name


During the 1950s, one U.S. government agency that conducted research with LSD was the


_____ is defined as a condition that can negatively impact an individual's quality of life, by disrupting sleep, employment, social functioning, and many other routine daily activities

Chronic pain

The largest exporters of coffee to the U.S. are

Colombia, Brazil, and Vietnam

suppose you have a cold and you choose to take Tylenol cold to treat your symptoms. Which of these ingredients in this OTC product is unneccessary


The earliest recorded use of opium as a medicine was probably by

Egyptians, around 1500 BC

Which of the following is a morphine like neurotransmitter found in the brain and adrenals


which of the following has the highest amount of caffeine per serving

Excedrin Migraine

Which of these opioids is about 100 times as potent as morphine?


Which of the following acronyms is used by the FDA to mean that, given the currently available information, people who are informed and qualified would agree that an ingredient should be considered harmless


What dietary supplement ingredient has been tested for its ability to improve memory in Alzheimer's disease, but has produced only small and unreliable improvements in published research?

Ginkgo biloba

In 1898, Bayer laboratories marketed diacetylmorphine tablets under the brand name


Which of the following is the difference between heroin and morphine

Heroin is believed to be more potent and acts faster than morphine

A drug that has been reported to produce an increase in sociability and euphoria, as well as an increase in blood pressure, body temperature, and pulse is:


At the current time, most of the heroin in the United States originates from poppy fields in


which of the following ingredients is used for cold and sinus remedies


Aspirin should not be used with children who have a viral infection because of increased risk of

Reye's syndrome

Which of the following compounds is a naturally occurring substance and acts as a "methyl donor" in a variety of biochemical pathways


Which of the following statements is true of the physiological effects of caffeine

The pharmacological effects on the central nervous system (CNS) and the skeletal muscles are probably the basis for the wide use of caffeine-containing beverages

The early LSD researchers who was fired from his academic job, became a proponent of psychedelic drug use, and started a religion in which LSD was the sacrament is

Timothy Leary

______ is a Greek word meaning "yellow," the color of the residue that remains after the substance is heated with nitric acid until dry


One thing that apparently contributed to the spread of opium smoking in China was

a 1644 edict from the emperor forbidding tobacco smoking

The textbook says that opioid withdrawal is similar to

a bad case of intestinal flu

"Black tar" is

a name given heroin from Mexico that is brown or black in its pure form

In hunter-gatherer societies, the shaman or medicine man (or women) was important and not only for understanding what we now call medicine, but also because he or she was

a spiritual, or religious leader

The generic name for Tylenol and Datril is


Why would you want dextromethorphan in a cold remedy?

acts as a cough suppressant

the catechol psychedelics include mescaline plus a variety of synthetic derivatives of


The FDA was given additional authority over dietary supplements in 2006 to set up

an "adverse Events Reporting" process

Aspirin has analgesic and ____ actions


the combination of two plants, one containing DMT and the other containing hardline was originally used by indigenous cultures in South America and is called


Caffeine works in the brain by

blocking adenosine receptors

All of the xanthines have similar effects. But which one has the greatest overall effect?


The main active ingredient in Red Bull and other energy drinks is


The only active ingredient the FDA allows in OTC stimulants is


Green, black, and oolong tea are all prepared from leaves of

camellia sinensis

the most common antihistamine to be found in cold remedies is

chlorpheniramine maleate

The result of grinding the kernels of a cacao plant is a thick liquid called

chocolate liqour

DMT, a short-acting psychedelic that is usually ineffective when taken orally, is found in

cohoba snuff

SAMe is a dietary supplement that has some research support for it possible use in treating


There has been some reported abuse by young people of products containing _________, which they take in high doses to produce visual and auditory hallucinations.


the mold of Claviceps pvorpurea occasionally grows on grain, especially rye, and eating infected grain results in an illness called, ____, which can cause headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and gangrene of the fingers and toes


LSD and psilocybin belong to the chemical grouping of


Often people who drink too much alcohol attempt to "sober up" by drinking coffee. Several studies support the idea that caffeine

is likely to lead to increased arousal, but the drinker is still impaired

Heroin is more potent than morphine because

it is more readily crosses the blood-brain barrier

Which of the following is the true of the opiod fentanyl

it is used primarily in conjunction with surgical anesthesia

Which of the following statements is true of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994

it redefined dietary supplements to include a variety of substances such as herbs, amino acids and concentrates and extracts of herbs

The textbook suggests that consumers are best able to choose from among the wide variety of OTC products by

knowing a fairly small number of ingredient names

The 16th century European physician Paracelsus, and later Dr. Thomas Sydenham promoted the use of:


caffeine has been shown to be an effective treatment for

migraine headaches

A close relative of LSD, d-lysergic acid amide, is found naturally in

morning glories and Hawaiian baby woodroses

The two major active chemicals in opium are

morphine and codeine

NSAID stands for

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

by the beginning of the 20th century, a greater percentage of Americans were addicted to opioids than at any time before or since. Opium smoking and medical use of injected pure morphine were important contributors to this, along with

patent medicines containing opium extracts morphine

in the 18th century, English coffeehouses were referred to as

penny universities

The Native American church of the U.S. includes aspects of Christianity and uses _____ as a sacrament


Although LSD has complex effects in the brain, the best evidence indicates that its hallucinogenic properties are due to stimulating

serotonin-2A receptors

the focus of early research on LSD centered on its

supposed ability to access the subconscious mind

The sensation of experiencing sounds as pictures, or of seeing movements produced by musical rhythms, is known as


which of the following acts established a classification of drugs that would be available only by prescribtion

the 1938 Food, drug, and cosmetic act

which of the following most accurately describes recent psilocybin research

the actor effects on mystical experiences

The Opium War of 1839-1842 resulted, among other things, in

the island of Hong Kong becoming a British possession

in 1909, the FDA seized some Coca-Cola syrup and filed charges against the company partly because:

the syrup contained caffeine

The early history of coffee included a 1674 pamphlet from England titled

the women petition against coffee

which of the following xanthines has almost no stimulant effect on the central nervous system and the skeletal muscles


_______ is prescribed to asthma sufferers because it relaxes bronchial passages


According to current FDA rules on "cola" drinks

they cannot contain more than 6 mg caffeine per ounce

enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins are

three classes of endogenous chemicals that have effects similar to morphine

If you buy a bottle of St. John's wort 300 mg tablets, each tablet will contain 300 mg

total tablet weight, with an unknown amount of plant material or ingredients

The major medical use for opioids is pain relief, and they have been used to save many lives because of their ability to

treat diarrhea

The world's greatest per-capita consumers of tea are found in


Because of the way the FDA reviews and approves OTC drugs,

various brands of a given type of remedy usually contain the same few active ingredients

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