Early Renaissance in Europe

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The Early Renaissance in Europe

Europe experienced the plague, 100 years war, and social upheaval in the 14-15 centuries 100 years war primarily involved England and France but also involved Flanders political instability due a French pope being elected and residing in Avignon...the Italians saw Rome as the capital of the universal Church which led to conflict and the election of two popes- one in Avignon and one in Rome (The Great Schism) and lasted until a new Roman pope was elected and pleased by everyone new economic system evolved- early stage of Europe capitalism and created an economic network of enterprising European cities first international commercial stock exchange developed in Flanders and became pivotal in Europe's economic activity economic boost contributed to the evolution of cities and migration of significant portion from rural to urban the arts flourished

Gates of Paradise Ghiberti

abandoned the quatrefoil and reduced the number of panels from 28 to 10 each panel contains a releif set in a plain molding and depicts scene from old testament splendor and elegance painting techniques of space and narrative space partially though linear perspective and partially by sculptural mean used vanishing point perspective used sculptor's atmospheric perspective with forms appearing less distinct the farther they are in space achieved greater sense of depth by arranging along a parallel line style mixes gothic patterning of rthym line classical poses and motifs and a new realism in characerization movement and surface detail viewers have little confusion due to careful and subtle placement of each scene in various degrees of projection the figures twist and turn appearing to occupy and move through a convincing stage space which he deepened by depicting figures from behind the classicism derives from his study of ancient art, he admired and collected classical art and coins which had much to do with the incorporation of classical motifs and classical style in Renaissance art

Rogier Van Der Weyden

became renowned for his paintings of Christian themes stressing human action and drama elicited powerful emotions, moving observers deeply by vividly portraying the suffering of Christ painted Deposition the center panel of a triptych, compressed the figures into shallow stage , a series of movements gives the group unity or a formal cohesion that depicted sorrowful anguish expressions , leaves emotional impact

Hugo Van Der Goes

by mid 15th century Flemish art become renown throughout Europe painted the Portinari Altarpiece a triptych he tilted the ground and created lined faces, work worn hands, and uncouth dress and manner far more realistic than any other italian art unstructured and varying scale of the figures perpetuated medieval conventions his masterful technique and realism in drapery, flowersm animals, and human character and emotion made a deep impression on florentine painters an the public

Baptistry Competition

comptetition to make bronze doors to baptistry which faced the cathedral submit a relief panel of biblical subject two finalists used French Gothic quatrefoil frames recalls the emotional agitation characteristic of Gothic italian sculpture figures depicted faithfully and dramatically all the right elements of the biblical scene Brunellschi used violent movement and high emotion Ghiberti emphasized grace and smooth Gothic pose with outthrust hip and shows contemplation of act about to commit. showed genuine appreciation for the nude male form and deep interest in musclular system and skeletal move of body, recalls Greko-Roman statuary, noteworthy of spatial illusion, incised detail, the classical references reflect the increasing humanism

Limbourg Brothers

during the 15th century french artists built on the achievements of Gothic manuscript painters a new interest in spacial setting they expanded the illusionst capabiltiies of manuscripts produced book of hours used for reciting prayer and became a favorite possession of eurpean aristocracy became available to merchants and helped decentralize religious practice that was one factor of the protestant reformation in early 16th century calendar pictures of Les Tres Riches Heures represent 12 months of associated seasonal tasks alternating scenes of nobility and peasantry above each picture is a lunette depicting zodiac sign and a chariot of the sun. beyond religious purpose it celebrates duke and relationship with peasants reflected increasing integration of religious and secular concerns in both art and life at the time


elite came to the fore in artistic circles best known patrons were the patrons of Medici, the leading bankers of the Republic of Florence

Burgundy and Flanders

in the 15th century Duke Philip (1419-1467) the Good ruled Burgundy, France in 1369 Philip the Bold (predecessor) married the daughter of the count of Flanders and gained territory in the Netherlands thereafter the major source of Burgandian wealth was Bruges the city that made Burgundy a rival of royal France Bruges initially became wealthy from the wool trade but soon expanded into banking, becoming the financial clearinghouse for all of northern Europe Bruges dominated Flanders and the duke of Burgundy eventually chose to make the city his capital and move there Philip the Bold and his successors became probably the most powerful northern European rulers during early 15th century Usually supported England during the Hundred Years War and controlled much of northern France

Merode Altarpiece Robert Campin

integration of secular and religious concerns often portrayed biblical scenes in a house religion integral part of Flemish life and almost impossible to seperate strengthened bond with viewer by placing religious art and familiar setting triptych (three panel painting) objects are decorative and serve as religious symbols donor portraits (portraits of those who commissioned the painting were popular in 15th century.


italy witnessed fluctuations in political and economic spheres during the 15th century the association of humanism with education and culture appealed to accomplish individuals of high status and humanism had its greatest impact on the elite and powerful humanism permeates italian renassiance arts increased concern with developing perspective and depicting anatomy correctly

Rogier Van Der Weyden Tournai (Belgium) 1400-1464

painted Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin Luke was patron saint of artists b/c he painted the Virgin Mary painting pays tribute to Luke but also to the profession of painting in Flanders by documenting the preparatory work of artists before beginning to paint also draws history to venerable history of portrait painting, rare during the Middle Ages, it became a major source of income one of the best portrait artists in Flanders many believe Luke Drawing the Virgin is a self-portrait it is emblematic of 15th century Flemish painting in aiming to record every detail of a scene and using symbolic significance

Robert Campin

painted master of flemalle and Merode Altarpiece highly skilled practitoner of the new medium of oil painting Flemish painters built up their pictures by superimposing translucent paint layers over a carefully planned drawing made on a panel prepared with white ground with the oil medium artists could create richer colors then previously possible, giving their paintings an intense tonality, the illusion of glowing light and glistening surfaces these traits differed significantly from the high-keyed color sharp light, and rather matte (dull) surface of tempera suited perfectly for Flemish painters of 15th century who sought after sharply focused clarity of detail in their representation of objects ranging in scale from large to almost invisible

Jan Van Eyck

painted the Ghent Altarpiece serves as backdrop for Mass and many depict scenes of Christ's sacrifice Flemish altarpieces often took shape of polptychs (hinged multipaneled paintings or relief panels) hinges served to close over centerpiece artists decorated inside and outside provided opportunity to construct narratives

Saint Mark Donatello

participated in art program for the decoration of Or San Michelle he carved Saint Mark and with this he introduced the classical principle of weight shift (contrapposto) into Renaissance statuary as the saints body moves the garment moves with it hanging and folding naturally around diff. part of the body first Renaissance statue whose robe does not conceal but accentuates

David Donatello

placed the bronze statue for display in the Medici courtyard first nude statue since Ancient times and he reinvented the classical nude the middle ages regaurded nudity as indecent David was a youthful biblical slayer instead of a god hero or athlete was symbol of Florentine Republic has relaxed classical contropassto and proportions and sensual beauty of Greek god which was absent from middle ages became symbol of Florentine strength and independence

Gattamelata Donatello

portraiture revived during 15th century Italy due to the individual achievement and recognition that humanism fostered grandest was the 11 foot tall bronze equestrian statue for Republic of Venice meant to honor recently deceased Venetian condottiere Erasmo da Narni named Gattamelata sat on horse with great magnificence like Caesar not represented as super human but dominates his horse with character and not size shows individualism of Renaissance

Chartreuse De Champmol

the great wealth the dukes of Burgundy had allowed them to become significant patrons of the arts this was Philip the Bold's largest artistic enterprise chartreuse is a Carthusian monastery and consisted of monks devoting their lives to solidarity intended to serve as a means of securing salvation in perpetuity for the Burgundian dukes and as a dynastic symbol of Burgundian power although similar to Gothic portrayals they are more realistic the prophets have portrait-like features and distinct individual personalities and costumes succeeding in sculpting realistic faces and differing textures from course drapery to smooth flesh and silky hair paint further augmented the naturalism the fascination with the specific and tangible in the visible world became a chief characteristic of 15th century Flemish art


weakness of the kinds and anarchy of hundred years war gave rise to group of powerfl duchies


what is today Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and part of northern France enjoyed widespread prosperity. successful merchants and craft guilds joined the clergy and royalty in commissioning artists to produce works for both public and private display especially popular were paintings by artists using the recently perfected medium of oil-based pigments, which soon became the favored painting medium throughout Europe

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