Egypt Jeopardy Questions

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Herodotus recorded that the mummification process took this many days.

70 days

According to David Down, this sojourner to Egypt may have helped Khufu with his advanced knowledge of mathematics and engineering.


This pharaoh built the first professional fighting force.

Amosis the first

This dam, built by the British and completed in 1902, tamed the flooding of the Nile River for the first time.

Aswan Dam

Khufu is also known by this Greek name.


This Scottish missionary spent much of his time exploring Africa in his search for the source of the Nile River.

David Livingstone

The first step pyramid was built for this pharaoh's burial.


Egyptian sailboats took advantage of these winds to sail south against the Nile River's current.

Etesian winds

This area, just south of Cairo on the west side of the Nile is home to the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.


This female pharaoh dressed like a man and wore a fake beard, presumably because she might not have been accepted as ruler.


44. This Greek Historian viewed the ruins of Egypt in the fifth century B.C.


These Asiatics, people from the north, invaded Egypt around the time of the Exodus apparently without encountering opposition.


These periods—some say two, others say three—were times of chaos and disorder.

Intermediate Period

This Frenchman worked tirelessly until he eventually cracked the code of Egyptian writing.

Jean Francois Champollion

This famous vizier ended up in Egypt because his brothers sold him into slavery.


This son of Khufu thought he could protect his pyramid by building the Great Shpinx in front of it.


The Blue Nile and the White Nile converge near this Egyptian city.


The Great Pyramid, one of the wonders of the ancient world, was built for this pharaoh's burial.


Eventually the source of the Nile River was traced to this lake in central Africa.

Lake Victoria

This Egyptian priest and scholar was the first to chronicle the kings of Egypt.


The Nile River empties into this sea.


This ancient capital of Egypt can also be found in Tennessee.


Scholars credit this king of Upper Egypt with unifying Upper and Lower Egypt to become the first king of the unified states.


This son of Ham settled in Egypt.


One of the pharaoh's daughters rescued this Hebrew baby who was hidden in the reeds of the Nile.


This French general led his military into Egypt, where one of his soldiers discovered the Rosetta Stone.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The pharaoh Menes is also known by these two names.

Narmar and Aha

Egyptians used this form of hydrated sodium salts in the mummification process.


This river in Egypt is the longest river in the world.

Nile River

This fan-shaped area at the mouth of the Nile was one of the most fertile areas in the world.

Nile River Delta

One of the tunnels in the Great Pyramid points directly to a star in the belt of this constellation.


This pharaoh loved making images of himself, and on his mortuary temple in Thebes, he had a 57-foot-high statue of himself that weighed 1,000 tons.

Ramesses the Great

Abu Simbel is the mortuary temple of this great Egyptian pharaoh.

Ramesses the great

This large black stone held the key to deciphering hieroglyphics.

Rosetta Stone

This desert, the largest in the world, was one of the natural barriers that protected Ancient Egypt from invasion.

Sahara Desert

Another tunnel in the Great Pyramid points directly to this star, which is also the name of modern day satellite radio station.


David Livingstone was the first European to see the beautiful waterfall that lays claim to being the world's largest sheet of falling water.

Victoria Falls

In honour of Britain's reigning monarch, David Livingstone gave this name to the beautiful waterfall he discovered on the Zambezi River.

Victoria falls

Belief in this explains why the Egyptians were so concerned about building tombs to protect their bodies.


The angle on this pyramid changed direction part way up, indicating that the builders realized the slope they started with could not be maintained.

bent pyramid

This important part of the body was reportedly extracted by a hook through the nose.


Egyptians used these jars to store the dead person's internal organs.

canopic jars

In ancient times, Upper Egypt extended to the beginning of this series of six rapids.


Dog people would not understand the Egyptian's fascination with these animals which they immortalized by mummifying them.


In the more organized structure of the military in the New Kingdom, young men had to worry about this forced military service.


Egyptian history is divided into 30 or 31 of these periods where kings from one family reigned.


In Ancient Egypt, as in today, his person prepares a dead body for burial.


This severe shortage of food in Canaan caused Joseph's brothers to come to Egypt.


These typical Egyptian sailboats still sail along the Nile River using the Etesian winds to go south, and the river's current to go north.


linen fabric is woven from the fibers of this blue-flowering plant.


In system of organization, levels of authority are ranked one above the other.


This Egyptian writing at first appears to be simple pictographs, but is actually made up mostly of symbols representing syllabic sounds.


Abu Simbel, the great temple of Ramesses the Great, was relocated during the building of this dam, built only four kilometres upstream from the original Aswan Dam.

high dam

This particular type of climate is the reason so many Egyptian artifacts have been preserved for thousands of years.

hot and dry

This division of the Egyptian military consisted mainly of foot soldiers.


These table-like structures were the first tombs used for pharaohs.


Eventually pharaohs stopped building pyramids and instead showed a preference for being buried in one of these tombs.

mortuary temple

This process, meant to preserve the body for the afterlife, took 70 days to complete.


These districts or provinces in Ancient Egypt were governed by a nomarch.


Unlike most rivers in the region, the Nile River flows in this direction.


Our word "paper" comes from the name of this reed that grows along the banks of the Nile.


This Jewish holiday commemorates the angel of death passing over their homes during the final plague.


This box, where a mummy was placed, was often made of granite or other stone including alabaster.


Boys who excelled at writing in school might get a job as one of these.


The invention of this device helped farmers get water from the Nile River into their storage canals.


These large stone statues, which have the bodies of lions and the heads of men, rams, or hawks, dotted the landscape of Ancient Egypt.


As the Egyptian military invaded other countries and collected this tax, Egypt became very wealthy.


The man who held this important position was second only to the pharaoh in status and power.


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