Electric Forces and Fields, Electrical Potential Energy, Electric Current and Resistance

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the unit for electric force is ____ with converts to

N, kg x m/s^2

the process of charging a conductor by bringing it near another charged object and grounding the conductor


the reference point for potential difference near a point charge is often at _______-


materials in which electric charges do not move freely are called ______. examples?

insulators, glass, rubber, silk, and plastic

generators convert _______ __________ into ____ _________

mechanical energy, electrical energy

electrical energy is transferred at high potential differences and low currents to

minimize energy loss

the electric field of a point charge is an example of a ___________ field because the field strength decreases as distance from the charge increases


through milkan's ______ _____ experiment, he discovered that electric charge is ________

oil drop, quantized

describes two or more components in a circuit that are connected across common points or junctions, providing separate conducting paths for the current


the equivalent resistance of resistors in ______ can be calculated using a reciprocal relationship


the sum of currents in______ resistors equals the total current


the superposition principle for electric potential at a point near two or more charges states that the total electric potential at some point near several point charges is the _________ of the electric potentials resulting from each of the individual charges

algebraic sum

opposite charges


an electric potential exists at some point in an electric field regardless of whether there is a ____________--

charge at that point

positive and negative charges in motion are called _____ _______, they can be both positive and negative

charge carriers

electric field strength depends on _____ and ______

charge, distance

batteries convert _____ ________ to ______ _______ _________-

chemical energy, electrical potential energy

materials in which electric charges move freely are called ______, examples? Most _____ are these.

conductors, copper, aluminum, metals

electric charge is ______ and the opposite charges are equal in _______

conserved, magnitude

resistance is _______ over a wide range of applied potential differences, known as ____ _____, formula?

constant, ohm's law, delta V = IR

both insulators and conductors can become charged by


positive charge movement

conventional current

resistors can be used to control in the amount of ________ in a conductor


the rate of charge movement, Si unit?

current, amperes

the ______ between two objects affects the magnitude of the electric force between them


the net velocity of a charge carrier moving in an electric field

drift velocity

a set of electrical components connected so that they provide one or more complete paths for the movement of charges

electric circuit

electric field lines for charges that are equal magnitudes but opposite signs display a charge configuration called

electric dipole

a region in space around a charged object in which a stationary charged object experiences an electric force because of its charge

electric field

lines that represent both the magnitude and the direction of the electric field, the number of field lines is proportional to the ______ _______ ________, Thus E is stronger where the field lines are ________ and weaker where they are _____

electric field lines, electric field strength, close, far

equation for electric field strength from a point charge is

electric field strength = Coulomb constant x (charge producing the field / (distance)^2

because two charged objects near one another may experience motion either toward or away from each other, each object exerts a force on the other object. This force is called the ______ ______ .

electric force

Coulomb's law, the equation that expresses the relationship between distance, charge, and electric force, is _____________________.

electric force = coulomb constant x (charge 1 x charge 2) / (distance)^2

the electrical potential energy associated with a charged particle divided by the charge of the particle

electric potential

the rate of conversion of electrical energy, formula?

electric power, P = I(deltaV)

potential energy associated with an object due to its position relative to a source of electric force

electrical potential energy

what is the equation for electrical potential energy in a uniform electric field

electrical potential energy = -(charge x electric field strength x displacement from the reference point in the direction of the field)

what is the formula electrical potential energy for a pair of charges

electrical potential energy = Coulomb constant x (charge 1 x charge 2 / distance)

when no net motion of charge is occurring within a conductor, the conductor is said to be in ________ _________--

electrostatic equilibrium

electric force is what type of force?

field force

what is the SI unit for electrical potential energy


the unit for electrical potential energy is, the unit for electric potential and potential difference is

joule, volt

resistance depends on

length, cross-sectional area, material, and temperature

electrical potential energy is a form of _________ energy


what did benjamin franklin do?

name the two different kinds of charges positive and negative

in electrostatic situations, the equilibrium position of a charge is the location at which the __ ______ ______ on the charge is _____.

net electric force, zero

materials that have a constant resistance over a wide range of potential differences are said to be, those that dont are said to be, one common semiconducting device that is non-ohmic is the ______, which are used in circuits to control the ______ of the current

ohmic, non ohmic, diode, direction

a surface charge can be induced on insulators by ___________, which is the realignment of charge within individual molecules producing an induced charge on the surface of an insulator. An insulator that is this has no net charge but is still able to repel or attract objects due to its realignment of charge


the rules for drawing electric field lines are that 1) the lines must begin on _____ ______ or at _______ and must terminate at ______ or at ______. 2) the number of lines drawn leaving a positive charge or approaching a negative charge is proportional to the _________ of the charge. 3) no two field lines from the same field can _____ each other

positive charges, infinity, negative charges, infinity, magnitude, cross

the change in electrical potential energy associated with a charged particle divided by the charge of the particle

potential difference

what is the formula for potential difference in a uniform electric field

potential difference = -(magnitude of the electric field x displacement)

what is the equation for potential difference between a point at infinity and a point near a point charge

potential difference = Coulomb constant x (value of the point charge / distance to the point charge)

what is the formula for potential difference between two points?

potential difference = change in electrical potential energy/ electric charge

resistors in parallel have the same _____ _________ across them

potential differences

like charges


the opposition to the flow of current in a conductor


formula for resistance? SI unit for resistance?

resistance = potential difference / current, ohms

when many resistors are connected in a series, the current in each resistor is the ____


a uniform field is a field that has the __________________

same value and direction at all points

electric potentials are _____ quanities


third class of materials characterized by electrical properties that are somewhere between those of insulators and conductors. in their _____ state they are insulators, but addition of _______ ______ __ _________ can dramatically increase ability to conduct electric charge. Examples?

semiconductors, pure, specific atoms as impurities, germanium and silicon

describes a circuit or portion of a circuit that provides a single conducting path without junctions


equivalent resistance equals the total of individual resistances in a


what types of circuits are hazardous

short circuits

a test charge is a _____ ______ _______ and is used to determine direction of electric field

small positive charge

a material whose resistance is zero at or below some critical temperature, which varies with each material


metals that become perfect conductors when they are at or below a certain temperature


electric field lines are ________ to the electric field vector at any point, and the number of lines is proportional to the ______ of the field strength

tangent, magnitude

coulomb quantified electric force with a ______ _______

torsion balance

a ___ ____ _____ generator collects electric charge

van de graaff

electric field (E) is a ____ quantity


the resultant force on any single charge equals the ______ ____ of the individual forces exerted on that charge by all the other individual charges that are present, this is an example of the _____- ______ ______

vector sum, principle of superposition

unit for potential difference? current? resistance? electric power?

volt, ampere, ohm, watt

when conductors are in electrostatic equilibrium, the electric field is ______ everywhere inside the conductor, any excess charge on an isolated conductor resides entirely on the conductor's ____ _____, the electric field outside a charged conductor is _______ to the conductor's surface, and on an irregularly shaped conductor, charge tends to accumulate where the radius of curvature of the surface is ______, that is, at sharp points.

zero, outer surface, perpendicular, smallest

milkan discovered the value of an electron is __________, and the value of a proton is ______, and the charge of a neutron is?

-1.60 x 10 ^ -19 C, + 1.60 x 10 ^ -19 C, 0

what is the coulomb constant and it's SI units?

8.99 x 10^9 N x m^2/ C^2

what is the mass of an electron? of a proton? neutron?

9.109 x 10 ^ -31 kg, 1.673 x 10 ^ -27 kg, 1.675 x 10 ^ -27 kg

what is the SI unit of electric charge?


charges move in one direction in ____ _____, and alternate in ______________


equation for calculating electric field strength, q0 means an object with a _____ ______ ______, the SI units for E are

E = Felectric / q0, small positive charge, N/C

the power dissipated by a resistor can be calculated with the what equation

P = (delta V)^2/R

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