EMT FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 29, 30, 31,32,23,33,34,35,36,38,39

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Anterograde amnesia

(posttraumatic amnesia) the inability to remember events that occurred or will occur after the injury

Which one of the following statements about removing a helmet in the prehospital setting is​ true?

"It is acceptable to leave the helmet on a patient if the patient has no airway or breathing​ problems."

Which one of the following instructions from one EMT to another shows the correct application of a cervical spine immobilization​ collar?

"Keep his head in neutral position while I apply the cervical spine immobilization​ collar."

What is shock?

A rapid and progressive deterioration or depressed state of the vital body functions brought by an inadequate tissue perfusion with oxygen.

What is a the difference between a regular thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

A rectal thermometer measure temperatures below a regular thermometer.

generalized tonic-clonic seizure

A seizure that features rhythmic back-and-forth motion of an extremity and body stiffness, or extreme twitching of all of the body's muscles, that may last several minutes or more; formerly known as a grand mal seizure.

pediatric assessment triangle (PAT)

A structured assessment tool used to rapidly form a general impression of the infant or child without touching him or her; consists of assessing appearance, work of breathing, and circulation to the skin.

length-based resuscitation tape

A tape used to estimate an infant or child's weight on the basis of length; appropriate drug doses and equipment sizes are listed on the tape.

Causes of vaginal bleeding include which of the following?

All of these answers are correct (Ectopic pregnancy, Vaginal trauma, Spontaneous abortion)

In cases of sexual assault, it is important to ensure that you do which of the following?

All of these answers are correct (Immediately write down your observations of the scene before assessing the patient, Call for a female EMT or ALS care provider, Discuss with law enforcement any suspicions that you may have about the perpetrator)

During gynecologic emergencies, in addition to the standard SAMPLE questions, the EMT should attempt to determine which of the following?

All of these answers are correct (The amount of time since of the patent's last menstrual cycle, The possibility that the patient may be pregnant, If the patient is sexually active)

tension pneumothorax

An accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space that progressively increases pressure in the chest that interferes with cardiac function with potentially fatal results.

occlusive dressing

An airtight dressing that protects a wound from air and bacteria; a commercial vented version allows air to passively escape from the chest, while an unvented dressing may be made of petroleum jelly-based (Vaseline) gauze, aluminum foil, or plastic.

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a mass-casualty incident?

An incident that greatly taxes or depletes a system's available resources

Pupils not equal?


Motion of mandible occurs

At the temporomandibular joint

Location of the superficial temporal artery?

Anterior to the ear

What are points of distribution (PODs) used for?

Antidotes, antibiotics, and vaccines are distributed.

What is the MOST common cause of spinal​ injury?

Automobile accidents

Inner ear

Bony chambers filled with fluid, indicate position of head and rate of change of position

1 inch posterior to external opening of the ear is?

Bony mass at the base of the skull called the mastoid process

A 44 year old man was struck in the back of the head and was reportedly unconscious for approximately 30 seconds. He complains of a severe headache and seeing stars and states that he regained his memory shortly before your arrival. His presentation is MOST consistent with a


A 33-year-old male sustained an abdominal evisceration to the left lower quadrant of his abdomen after he was cut with a large knife. After appropriately managing his ABCs and assessing him for other life-threatening injuries, how you should care for his wound?

Cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing.

Signs that an endotracheal tube is NOT in the trachea

Decreased resistance when ventilating

What crash indicators are a result of the second collision of a motor vehicle collision

Deformed steering wheel

The EMT is caring for a patient who sustained damage to the portion of the skin that contains the small capillary beds and sensory structures. Which skin layer would the EMT document as damaged?


Why is it important to keep yourself hydrated during heavy exertion?

Drink at leas 3 L of water a day. The color of your urine (usually DARKER when dehydrated) + frequency of urine correlates directly with body's fluid level.

For which of the following reasons does spinal cord injury result in a hypotensive patient that is warm to the​ touch?

Due to disruption of the sympathetic nervous system at the injury site causing loss of vasomotor tone and vascular dilation

Which of the following is an example of regional equipment or supplies?

DuoDote Auto-Injector

Where on the body is the skin thinnest?


Which of the following statements regarding the cranium is correct?

Eighty percent of the cranium is occupied by brain tissue.

Carotid arteries are found on?

Either side of the trachea

The paramedic is caring for a patient who was hit by lightening and is unresponsive. Which type of burn should the paramedic document in the medical record?


What type of burn mechanism may NOT have significant superficial tissue​ injuries, but the burns may be located deeper in the​ tissue?

Electrical burn

Which of the following is the outermost layer of skin?


The layers of skin are the:

Epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer

The purpose of the eustachian tube is to

Equalize pressure in the middle ear when external pressure changes

A patient is brought to the emergency department via ambulance after sustaining full thickness burns to the leg from an accident. The paramedic notices leathery dead, soft tissue. Which term should be used in the documentation to describe this area?


Displacement of organs outside body:


In which condition is it recommended you use positive-pressure ventilation?

Flail chest

What type of burn occurs when the patient comes into contact with fire or​ flames?

Flame burn

Posterior region below the margin of the lower rib cage. Another name for the right and left upper quadrants.


This type of burn mechanism is the result of a flammable gas or liquid that ignites rapidly, and often the burn damage is to skin surfaces NOT covered by clothing:

Flash burn

The two important underlying principles of the NIMS are standardization and what?


Conjunctiva are kept moist by?

Fluid produced by the lacrimal glands


Focuses images on light-sensitive area at the back of the globe (retina)

Another name for the eyeball


What is another name for the eyeball?


Which of the following infections, when left untreated, may lead to infection of the blood and brain?


Review types of fractures

Greenstick - Incomplete fracture. The broken bone is not completely separated. Transverse - The break is in a straight line across the bone. Spiral - The break spirals around the bone; common in a twisting injury. Oblique - Diagonal break across the bone. Compression - The bone is crushed, causing the broken bone to be wider or flatter in appearance. Comminuted - The break is in three or more pieces and fragments are present at the fracture site. Segmental - The same bone is fractured in two places, so there is a "floating" segment of bone.

Which of the following statements regarding trench rescue is correct?

Ground vibration is a primary cause of secondary collapse.

When a patient stiffens the muscles of the abdomen it is known as:


Middle ear

Hammer, anvil, stirrup, eustachian tube (internal auditory canal, connects middle ear to nasal cavity)

How should the EMT properly assess muscle strength in the upper​ extremities?

Have the patient grip your hands simultaneously

What factors can decrease the body's ability to eliminate excess heat?

High air temperature vigorous exercise = sweat 1 L of sweat per hour loss of fluids = dehydration Chronic Disease - obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, dehydration, obesity medications

Which of the following statements regarding storage containers and hazardous materials is correct?

In most cases, there is no correlation between the color of the container and the possible contents.

Which of the following is considered a priority when determining what needs to be done during the scene size-up?

Incident stabilization

Your patient displays the inability to move their arms following a diving accident into shallow​ water, but they can still move their legs just fine. What kind of injury may they​ have?

Incomplete spinal cord transection

Which of the following statements regarding the use of the warning lights and siren on the ambulance is correct?

If it is necessary to use the siren, you should tell the patient beforehand.

Which of the following statements regarding communications at a disaster or multiple-casualty incident is correct?

If possible, use face-to-face communications to minimize radio traffic.

When should the EMT splint an injured limb in the position of deformity?

If resistance is encountered or the patient experiences severe pain

Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct?

If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement of the head

All known spinal cord injuries should receive which of the​ interventions?


Compression injury is most likely due to which of the following?

Improperly placed lab belt

Which of the following statements regarding the vitreous humor is correct?

It is a clear, jellylike fluid near the back of the eye that cannot be replaced if it is lost.

Which presentation would MOST likely be consistent with a patient possibly having a spinal​ injury?

Male patient found lying unresponsive under a tree

Most common fractures of the face?


How do you treat multiple victims of lightening?

Manually stabilize patient. open airway jaw thrust maneuver bag mask device with 100% oxygen AED if cardiac arrest full spinal stabilization splint fractures + bandage burns monitor patient NO CPR or VENTILATIONS

You are assessing a patient who will need a cervical collar because of his possible neck injury. Of the following steps which should be done​ FIRST?

Manually stabilize the spine.

Which of the following statements regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is MOST correct?

Most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months of age.

Which of the following statements regarding autism is correct?

Most cases of autism are diagnosed by 3 years of age.

In which of the following situations would the EMT be the LEAST likely to immobilize a patient's spine?

No distracting injuries or evidence of intoxication

Which of the following statements regarding suicide in the older patient is correct?

Older patients tend to use more lethal means than younger patients.

Two most common injuries caused by penetrating chest trauma?

Open pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade

According to the START triage system, what should you do if you encounter an unresponsive patient who is not breathing?

Open the airway and reassess breathing status.

A male driver was ejected from his vehicle after it rolled several times at a high rate of speed. As you approach the patient you note that he is unresponsive and struggling to breathe. He also has a laceration to the left side of his face and multiple contusions to his legs. After assigning another EMT to take manual inminus−line spinal​ stabilization, what should you​ do?

Open the airway using the jawminus−thrust maneuver.

You have a patient with a spinal cord​ injury, as evidenced by paralysis of the legs. The patient has become​ unresponsive, and you note sonorous airway sounds. What should you​ do?

Open the airway with a​ jaw-thrust maneuver.

The EMT student is caring for a patient who sustained thermal burns to the face. Which action made by the student necessitates intervention by the medical director?

Open the eyelids prior to dressing


Opening allowing light to the back of the eye


Opening in the center of the iris that allows light to the back of the eye

A 21-year-old male has a large lasceration to his neck. When you assess him, you note that bright red blood is spurting from the left side of his neck

Place your gloved hand over the wound

Which type of drum is used for the storage of corrosives such as acids, bases, or oxidizers?


More severe and often cause blood to drain into the patient's throat?

Posterior nosebleeds

What do you do with a sting from a jellyfish?

Pour acetic acid (vinegar) over affected area. scrap tentacles off.

Treatment of the superficial burn may include:

Pouring cool saline over the injury

How do you assess a patient's temperature?

Pull back your glove and place the back of you hand on the patient's skin.

If air enters the circulatory system there is a chance for?

Pulmonary embolism or an air embolism

The paramedic is preparing to bandage the arm and hands of a patient who suffered burns. Which should be performed​ first?

Remove all jewelry

What is the best position in which to place a patient when you want to assess for jugular vein distention?

Sitting at a 45 degree angle

________ is the ongoing process of information gathering and scene evaluation to determine measures for managing an emergency


Which body system is generally NOT harmed by extensive​ burns?


Which of the following statements regarding hazardous materials is correct?

Some substances are not hazardous by themselves, but become toxic when mixed with another chemical.

Which of the following statements regarding a basilar skull fracture is correct?

The absence of raccoon eyes or Battle's sign does not rule it out.


The accumulation of blood and air in the pleural space of the chest.

What is a temporary​ concussion-like insult to the spinal cord that causes effects below the level of the​ injury?

Spinal shock

A patient involved in a diving accident has his head positioned so that his left cheek is touching his left shoulder. He states that he has severe pain in his neck and it hurts to move his head. He denies​ numbness, tingling, or decreased strength in his arms or legs. Which one of the following is the​ EMT's best course of​ action?

Stabilize and maintain the head in the position in which the patient is holding it.

Fracture of the cervical spine at the atlas and axis is responsible for half of the fatal spine injuries.​ Why?

The atlas and axis form the transition from the spinal cord to the brainstem.

Neisseria meningitidis

The bacterium that causes a form of bacterial meningitis characterized by rapid onset of symptoms, often leading to shock and death.

Define hyperthermia

The body is exposed to more heat than it can lose

Which of the following MOST accurately describes hyperthermia?

The body is exposed to more heat than it can lose.


The fibrous sac that surrounds the heart.

Your 22 year old male patient has sustained thermal burns involving the entire front of both legs. These burns are dry and "leather-like." How severe are these burns, and how should you care for them?

The burns are critical, since they are over 10 percent full thickness. Wrap them in a dry dressing.

Which of the following statements regarding the dermis is correct?

The dermis contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerve endings.

When should the EMT remove the helmet of an injured​ patient?

The helmet interferes with your ability to assess the airway.

Which of the following processes occurs during the inflammation phase of the healing process?

The immune system releases histamines, which cause vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, resulting in local redness and swelling.

Which of the following statements regarding the aging process is correct?

The process of aging is gradual, and the rate at which a person loses functions does not increase with age.

Cleaning versus disinfection versus sterilization?

The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called cleaning

Trachea connects?

The oropharynx and the larynx with the main air passages of the lungs

Which of the following statements regarding abdominal eviscerations is correct?

The protruding organs should be kept warm and moist.

Which of the following statements regarding the rapid extrication technique is correct?

The rapid extrication technique is indicated if the scene is unsafe and the patient is not entrapped in his or her vehicle.

_____ is responsible for properly securing and stabilizing the vehicle and providing a safe entrance and access to the patient.

The rescue team

Which of the following statements regarding use of the pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) in children is MOST correct?

They are rarely used in treating children with traumatic shock.

Explain what happens when a person blinks:

This action sweeps fluid from the lacrimal glands over the surface of the eye, cleaning it. Tears then drain on the inner side of the eye through two lacrimal ducts into the nasal cavity (why people need to blow their nose if they cry)

Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is MOST correct?

They can usually identify painful areas when questioned.

Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct?

They can usually identify painful areas when questioned.

Which of the following statements regarding motor nerves is correct?

They carry information from the CNS to the muscles.

What organs have the highest demand for blood supply?

Vital organs

Clear, jellylike fluid near back of the eye?

Vitreous humor

Sign or symptom of an abdominal injury commonly mistaken for a head injury in a child?


Which of the following chemicals requires identification with a placard, regardless of how many pounds the shipment weighs?

Water-reactive solids

What do you do for scuba diving injuries?

Transport patient to recompression facility with hyperbaric chamber.

Review the process of ventilation and respiration

Ventilation is the movement of a volume of gas into and out of the lungs. Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide across a membrane either in the lungs or at the cellular level.

A 19-year-old male is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless after being struck in the center of the chest with a softball. Based on the mechanism of injury, what MOST likely occurred?

Ventricular fibrillation when the impact occurred during a critical portion of the cardiac cycle

When questioning the parent of a child who ingested a poisonous substance, which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence initially?

Why did your child ingest the poison?

When questioning the parent of a child who ingested a poisonous substance, which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence?

Why did your child ingest the poison?

A 28-year-old female was the unrestrained driver of a car that struck the rear end of another car while traveling at 35 mph. She is conscious and alert and complains of pain to the anterior chest. During your assessment, you note a large ecchymotic area over the superior aspect of the anterior chest. As your partner assumes manual stabilization of her head, you should:

apply 100% oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask.

Assessment of the cervical spine of a​ patient, complaining of lower back pain after falling down five​ stairs, reveals no​ displacement, tenderness, or instability.​ Accordingly, the EMT​ should:

apply a properly sized cervical collar.

A 17-year-old male was shot in the right anterior chest during an altercation with a gang member. As your partner is applying 100% oxygen, you perform a rapid secondary assessment and find an open chest wound with a small amount of blood bubbling from it. You should:

apply an occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your assessment.

During your assessment of a 29-year-old female with significant deformity to her left elbow, you are unable to palpate a radial pulse. Your transport time to the hospital is approximately 40 minutes. You should:

apply gentle manual traction in line with the limb and reassess for a pulse.

You arrive at the scene of a residential fire where the occupant, a 48-year-old male, has sustained partial- and full-thickness burns to his lower extremities and lower torso. Firefighters removed the patient's smoldering clothing and stopped the burning process prior to your arrival. The patient is conscious, but restless, and complains of intense pain to the burned areas. After taking the standard precautions, you should:

apply supplemental oxygen and monitor his airway

A 54-year-old male experienced an avulsion to his penis when his foreskin got caught in the zipper of his pants. He was able to unzip his pants and remove the foreskin prior to your arrival. Your assessment reveals that he is in severe pain and that the avulsion is bleeding moderately. The most appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

applying direct pressure with a dry, sterile dressing.

A 76-year-old male experienced sudden pain to his left thigh when he was standing in line at the grocery store. Your assessment reveals ecchymosis and deformity to the distal aspect of his left femur, just above the knee. Distal circulation and sensory and motor functions are intact. The MOST appropriate method of splinting this injury involves:

applying padded board splints to both sides of the leg.

The skin lesions associated with smallpox:

are identical in their development.

Unlike viruses and bacteria, neurotoxins:

are not contagious

Injuries to the external male genitalia:

are rarely life-threatening

Unlike bacterial agents, viral agents:

are usually not treatable.

In moving joints, the ends of the bones are covered with:

articular cartilage.

Most significant diving injuries occur during __________.


You are attempting to gain access to a patient who was injured when his truck struck another vehicle from behind. The patient is conscious and alert, but is screaming in pain. You try to open the door, but it is locked. You should:

ask the patient if he can unlock the door.

A bystander wishes to provide you with a patient care report, what should you do?

ask your partner to perform the primary survey while you listen to the report.

You are assessing a 440-lb man who complains of shortness of breath and lower back pain. The patient is conscious and alert, his blood pressure is 148/98 mm Hg, and his heart rate is 120 beats/min. Your MOST immediate action should be to:

avoid placing him in a supine position if possible and administer oxygen.

When caring for an ill 5-year-old male, you should:

avoid separating him from his parents or caregivers when possible.

When treating a partial-thickness burn, you should:

avoid the use of creams, lotions, or antiseptics.

An injury that separates various layers of soft tissue, resulting in complete detachment or a flap of skin, is called a(n):


Spina bifida is defined as:

a birth defect caused by incomplete closure of the spinal column.

You are assessing a 33-year-old male who complains of severe abdominal pain, weakness, and nausea. He tells you that he was gathering wood to build a fire when he felt a sudden, sharp pain on the back of his hand. Your assessment reveals that the patient's abdomen is rigid and painful to palpation. You should suspect:

a black widow spider bite.

Following blunt trauma to the face, a 21-year-old male complains of a severe headache and decreased ability to move his eyes. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with:

a blowout fracture.

When assessing a conscious patient who experienced an electrical injury, you note irregularity in his pulse. This is MOST indicative of:

a cardiac dysrhythmia.

Often, the first sign of heatstroke is:

a change in behavior

In order for electricity to flow through the body and cause damage:

a complete circuit must exist between the electrical source and the ground.

Osteoporosis is defined as:

a decrease in bone mass and density.

During the natural process of aging, the number of functional cilia in the respiratory system decreases, resulting in:

a decreased ability to cough.

A patient who is complaining of seeing flashing lights, specks, or "floaters" in his or her field of vision has MOST likely experienced:

a detached retina.

When should you suspect a kidney injury?

a hematoma in the flank region

You should suspect a kidney injury anytime the patient presents with:

a hematoma in the flank region

A subluxation occurs when:

a joint is incompletely dislocated.

Define mesentery

a membranous fold that attaches the intestines to the walls of the body.

The EMT should expect that a patient who was exposed to cyanide will have:

a normal pulse oximetry reading.

Botulinum is:

a potent bacterial neurotoxin.

An indicator of an expanding intracranial hematoma or rapidly progressing brain swelling is:

a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs.

Common signs and symptoms of a serious head injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:

a rapid, thready pulse.

The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and:

a rash

The EMT-B should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and:

a rash

Compared to adults, infants and children are at higher risk for hypothermia for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

a relatively small surface area.

Continual reassessment of the scene at a suspected terrorist or WMD incident is MOST important because:

a secondary explosive device may detonate

Continual reassessment of the scene at a suspected terrorist or weapon of mass destruction incident is MOST important because:

a secondary explosive device may detonate.

A flail chest occurs when:

a segment of the chest wall is detached from the thoracic cage.

What is a reflex arc?

a sensory nerve detects an irritating stimulus and bypasses the brain by sending a direct message to the motor nerve

A reflex arc occurs when:

a sensory nerve detects an irritating stimulus and bypasses the brain by sending a direct message to the motor nerve.

The EMT must assume that any unwitnessed water-related incident is accompanied by:

a spinal injury.

In addition to severe bleeding, the MOST life-threatening complication associated with an open neck injury is:

an air embolism.

A 73-year-old female experienced a syncopal episode while watching TV. She is now conscious, but is diaphoretic, tachycardic, and hypotensive. Your assessment reveals abdominal tenderness and a pulsating mass to the left of her umbilicus. You should suspect:

an aortic aneurysm.

A history of pelvic inflammatory disease or tubal ligations increases a woman's risk for:

an ectopic pregnancy.

The primary mechanism that a child's body uses to compensate for decreased perfusion is:

an increase in heart rate

Signs of a severe airway obstruction in an infant or child include:

an ineffective cough.

Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask?

an unresponsive 5 year old male with shallow respirations

inability to remember events after an injury

anterograde amnesia

You are assessing a 30-year-old female who presents with respiratory distress and tachycardia after she opened a package that was delivered to her home. The patient tells you that there was a fine white powder on the package, but she did not think it was important. This patient has MOST likely been exposed to:


You are assessing a 4-year-old male who was electrocuted when he stuck a pin into an electrical socket. He is conscious and alert and complains of pain to his left hand, where you find a small entrance wound. When treating this child, you should:

anticipate extensive internal injuries.

Points of distribution (PODs) are strategically placed facilities where:

antidotes, antibiotics, and vaccines are distributed.

Severe burn for an infant?

any full-thickness burn, regardless of its location on the body

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 2-year-old child?

any full-thickness burn, regardless of its location on the body

Components of the PAT are:

appearance, work of breathing, and skin circulation

Suspect a possible injury of the urinary bladder in all of the following findings EXCEPT:

bruising to the left upper quadrant

When caring for a patient whose arm is covered with a dry chemical, you should:

brush away the chemical before flushing with water.

You are dispatched to an industrial plant for a worker who was exposed to an unknown chemical. Upon arrival, you find the patient sitting outside of the plant. He has a white, dry powder covering his right arm. Care for this patient's exposure includes:

brushing the chemical from the patient's arm and then irrigating with water.

What does the LYME'S DISEASE from a TICK BITE look like?

bull's eye pattern.

One-third of patient with Lyme disease will have a ________ rash.


Patient has medical alert bracelet saying diabetic. Other hypothermia risk factors are:

burns/head injury/shock

A 39-year-old female experienced a severe closed head injury. She is unresponsive with her eyes slightly open; her pupils are bilaterally dilated and slow to react. In addition to managing problems with airway, breathing, and circulation, you should:

close her eyes and cover them with a moist dressing

You are transporting a patient with blunt abdominal trauma. The patient is unstable and is experiencing obvious signs and symptoms of shock. Your estimated time of arrival at the hospital is less than 10 minutes. After treating the patient appropriately, you should:

closely monitor him and reassess him frequently.

Signs and symptoms of a tension pneumothorax include all of the following, EXCEPT:

collapsed jugular veins.

The germinal layer of the epidermis contains pigment granules that are responsible for skin:


A surgical procedure that creates an opening between the intestine and the surface of the body that allows for elimination of waste products is called a(n):


Historically, the weak point at most major incidents has been:


When assessing a patient with a possible fracture of the leg, the EMT should:

compare it to the uninjured leg.

A 30-year-old male experienced a crushing injury when his arm was trapped between the back of a truck and a loading dock. Upon your arrival, the man's arm has been freed. Your assessment reveals that his arm is obviously deformed and swollen and is cold and pale. Further assessment reveals an absent radial pulse. You should be MOST concerned that this patient has:

compartment syndrome.

Heat that is generated by an electrical injury can cause coagulation and vascular occlusion, resulting in:

compartment syndrome.

The use of special tools to remove an entrapped patient from a vehicle is known as _________.

complex access

The frontal and parietal bones of the skull are especially susceptible to:

compressed skull fractures.

Rapid deceleration of the head, such as when it impacts the windshield, causes:

compression injuries or bruising to the anterior portion of the brain and stretching or tearing to the posterior portion of the brain.

S&S of a rapid deceleration injury?

compression injuries or bruising to the anterior portion of the brain and stretching or tearing to the posterior portion of the brain.

temporary loss of the brain's ability to function without actual physical damage


A 30-year-old female presents with redness, inflammation, and pain to her left eye. During your assessment, you note that she is having difficulty keeping her eyes open. You should suspect that she is experiencing:


Which of the following nerves allow sensory and motor impulses to be sent from one nerve directly to another?


The purpose of a jump kit is to:

contain anything that you might need during the first 5 minutes of patient care.

A 49-year-old man has been removed from his overturned tanker, which was carrying a hazardous material. The tank ruptured and he was exposed to the material. When rescue personnel bring him to the decontamination area, they note that he is unconscious and has slow, shallow breathing. They should:

cut away all of the patient's clothing and do a rapid rinse to remove as much of the contaminating matter as they can.

Phosgene (CG) has an odor that resembles:

cut grass.

Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE):

cyanosis apnea distinct change in muscle tone choking or gagging

Early signs of respiratory distress in the pediatric patient include all of the following, EXCEPT:


You and your partner arrive at the scene where a truck has crashed into a small building, injuring eight people. You immediately request additional ambulances and begin the triage process. The first patient that you triage is a young female who is unconscious and apneic. She has an open head injury and her pulse is weak and thready. You should:

place a red tag on her and continue triaging.

To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to:

place a towel or folded sheet behind the shoulders.

When caring for a female patient who has been sexually assaulted, you should:

place any bloodstained clothing or other articles in separate paper bags

When immobilizing a patient with a kyphotic spine to a long backboard, the EMT would MOST likely have to:

place blankets behind the patient's head.

What do you do with a patient with hypothermia?

place dry blanket over + under patient. give warm, humidified oxygen. assess pulse before CPR.

Your assessment of a 23-year-old female reveals a core body temperature of 93.4°F (34°C). She is conscious, answers your questions appropriately, is shivering, and complains of nausea. Her skin is cold and pale, her muscles appear rigid, and her respirations are rapid. In addition to monitoring her ABCs, administering oxygen, and turning up the heat in the back of the ambulance, you should:

place heat packs to her groin, axillae, and behind her neck; cover her with warm blankets; and avoid rough handling

A 45-year-old female was the unrestrained passenger of a small car that rear-ended another vehicle at a moderate rate of speed. She is conscious and alert, but complains of pain to both of her knees. There is visible damage to the dashboard on the passenger's side of the vehicle. In addition to fractures or dislocations of the knees, you should be MOST suspicious for:

posterior hip dislocation.

A pregnant trauma patient may lose a significant amount of blood before showing signs of shock because:

pregnant patients have an overall increase in blood volume.

What is abruptio placenta?

premature separation (abruption) of the placenta from the uterus before childbirth

A 28-year-old male was struck in the chest with a baseball bat during an altercation. He is conscious and alert and complains of severe chest pain. Your assessment reveals a large area of ecchymosis over the sternum and a rapid, irregular pulse. In addition to providing supplemental oxygen, you should:

prepare for immediate transport.

The function of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is to:

prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.

Upon arrival at a search and rescue scene, the EMS crew should do what?

prepare the equipment to carry to the patient

Upon arrival at a search-and-rescue incident, the EMS crew should _________.

prepare the equipment to carry to the patient


dark violin shape mark on back.

Drowning is MOST accurately defined as:

death from suffocation after submersion in water.

Common signs and symptoms of a serious head injury include all of the following:

decerebrate posturing. widening pulse pressure. CSF leakage from the ears.

You and your partner are the first to arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. As you approach the scene, you can see multiple patients, some walking and others who are still in their vehicles. You should:

declare a multiple-casualty incident and request additional resources.

In a diving emergency, ___________ occurs when bubbles of gas, especially nitrogen, obstruct the blood vessels.

decompression sickness

The process of removing or neutralizing and properly disposing of a hazardous material is called:


When applying a cervical spine immobilization collar​ (CSIC) to a young boy who fell out of a​ tree, the EMT realizes the collar benefits the patient​ by:

decreasing downward compression on the cervical spine.

The effectiveness of pit crew CPR is dependent on:

defining clear roles and responsibilities before the call is received.

Common signs and symptoms of a sprain include all of the following, EXCEPT:


A common cause of shock in an infant is:

dehydration from vomiting diarrhea

What is the most significant hazard associated with splinted?

delaying transport of a critically injured patient.

Burns are classified according to:

depth and extent.

A partial-thickness burn involves the outer layer of skin and a portion of the:

dermal layer.

Partial thickness burns involves the outer layer of skin and a portion of what layer?

dermal layer.

Know the location and function for the dermis, epidermis, subcutaneous, and muscular layer?

dermis-contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerve endings. epidermis-watertight, protective seal for the body

The layer of the skin that plays a key role in the cooling of the body is the:


During a motor vehicle collision involving multiple patients, the incident commander would MOST likely:

designate a safety officer, but retain other command functions.

When assessing a conscious patient with an MOI that suggests spinal injury, you should:

determine if the strength in all extremities is equal.

You are dispatched to a skilled nursing care facility for an 80-year-old female with abnormal behavior. The patient is clearly confused and asks you if you are her husband. You should:

determine the patient's baseline mental status.

Difficulty breathing and a sunken appearance of the anterior abdominal wall is most indicative of a ruptured:


The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the:


Bleeding from soft-tissue injuries to the face is MOST effectively controlled with:

direct pressure using dry, sterile dressings.

A 19-year-old female has just been extricated from her severely damaged car. She is on a long backboard and has been moved to a place of safety. As your partner maintains manual stabilization of her head, you perform a rapid assessment. The patient is unresponsive, has slow and shallow respirations, and has bilaterally closed femur deformities. You should:

direct your partner to begin ventilatory assistance.

Upon arriving at the residence of an elderly female who apparently fainted, you find the patient lying supine on her living room floor. She is not moving and her eyes are closed. A neighbor tells you that she found the patient this way but did not move her. When you gently tap the patient, she does not respond. You should:

direct your partner to manually stabilize her head while you quickly visualize her chest for signs of breathing.

A 13-year-old child is on a home ventilator. The parents called because the mechanical ventilator is malfunctioning and the child has increasing respiratory distress. You should:

disconnect the ventilator and apply a tracheostomy collar.

A 13-year-old child is on a home ventilator. The parents called because the ventilator is malfunctioning. You should:

discontinue the ventilator and ventilate with a BVM device

If a problem with a team member is not directly or immediately impacting patient care, the team leader should:

discuss the problem after the call.

The disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact is called a:


Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would MOST likely result in deformity?

displaced fracture

The means by which a terrorist will spread a particular agent is called:


A supracondylar or intercondylar fracture is also known as a fracture of the:

distal humerus.

Accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity will most likely cause what?


Whenever a person dives or jumps into very cold water, the _________ _________ may cause immediate bradycardia.

diving reflex

What does it mean to work as an independent health care group member?

do not have to wait for an assignment before performing a task.

When working as an independent health care group member, the EMT should expect that he or she:

does not have to wait for an assignment before performing a task.

The Centennial Park bombing during the 1996 Summer Olympics is an example of:

domestic terrorism.

Infection should be a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with:

drooling or congestion.

Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with:

drooling or congestion.

The tough, fibrous outer meningeal layer is called the:

dura mater.

In dependent groups:

each individual is told what to do by his or her supervisor or group leader.

In order for a team to function effectively:

each member knows what is expected of him or her.

Which of the following areas of the body has the thinnest skin?


When the body loses sweat, it also loses:


A 6 year old male presents with acute respiratory distress. His mother states that she saw him put a small toy into his mouth shortly before the episode began. the child is conscious, obviously frightened, and is coughing forcefully. You should:

encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport

Evaporation, the conversion of a liquid to a gas, is a process that requires:


The purpose of the incident command system (ICS) is to:

ensure responder and public safety, achieve incident management goals, and ensure the effective use of resources.

During resuscitation an ALS unit arrives, what should you do?

ensure that CPR is ongoing by the other providers present and then provide a patient care report off to the side.

You are attending to a 66-year-old male patient in cardiac arrest. As you gather history and begin the resuscitation, an Advanced Life Support (ALS) provider arrives on scene. You should:

ensure that CPR is ongoing by the other providers present and then provide a patient care report off to the side.

The primary duty of the triage division is to:

ensure that every patient receives a primary assessment.

The rescue team is in the process of extricating a 40-year-old male from his truck. The patient's wife, who was uninjured in the crash, is calmly observing the extrication and asks you if her husband will be all right. You should:

ensure that she is in a safe area, away from the scene.

Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an unconscious infant or child, you must:

ensure that the airway is patent and clear of obstructions.

When immobilizing a patient on a long backboard, you should:

ensure that you secure the torso before securing the head.

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a fire at a large office complex. Witnesses tell you that they heard a loud explosion shortly before the building caught fire. You should:

ensure that your ambulance is parked upwind and uphill from the building.

Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT:

entrapment in a structural fire.

Coelenterates are responsible for more ________ than any other marine animal.


What layer of the skin forms a watertight, protective seal for the body?


A patient who experienced an immediate loss of consciousness followed by a lucid interval has an

epidural hematoma

What would cause the quickest deterioration in patient condition?

epidural hematoma

Which of the following head injuries would cause the patient's condition to deteriorate MOST rapidly?

epidural hematoma

The hormone responsible for the actions of the sympathetic nervous system is:


Small muscles within the dermis that pull the hair into an erect position when you are cold or frightened are called the:

erector pili.

As the first-arriving senior EMT at the scene of an incident, you should perform a scene size-up and then:

establish command.

Assessing a person's neurovascular status following a musculoskeletal injury includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

evaluating proximal pulses.

The body's natural cooling mechanism, in which sweat is converted to a gas, is called:


A spontaneous pneumothorax would MOST likely occur as the result of:

exertion of a person with a congenital lung defect.

Geriatric patients, newborns, and infants are especially prone to hyperthermia because they:

exhibit poor thermal regulation.

It is common for young females who experience their first menstrual period to:

experience abdominal cramping, which may be misinterpreted.

What areas usually get frostbite?

extremities, ears, nose, face.

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to assess:

eye opening, verbal response, and motor response

Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of:

failure of the respiratory system.

It would be MOST appropriate to perform a focused secondary assessment on a patient who:

fainted and fell to the ground from a standing position.

Ovums are released into what structure

fallopian tube

The _____________ connect(s) each ovary with the uterus.

fallopian tubes

when assessing the heart rate of a 6 month old infant. you should palpate the brachial pulse or _____ pulse.


When assessing the heart rate of a 6 month old infant you should palpate the brachial pulse or the:

femoral pulse

Traction splints are used primarily to immobilize and secure fractures of the:


Symptoms of both inhaled and ingested ricin include:

fever and headache.

The number one​ engine-related concern when extricating a victim from a vehicle that has been involved in a frontal collision​ is:


Extinguishing fires, preventing additional ignition, and removing any spilled fuel is primarily the responsibility of _____.


Following delivery of a full-term baby, you have properly cared for the baby and have clamped and cut the umbilical cord. During transport, you note that the mother is experiencing moderate vaginal bleeding. You should:

firmly massage the uterine fundus with a circular motion.

A burn that is characterized by redness and pain is classified as a:

first-degree burn.

Paradoxical motion is a sign of a _______.

flail chest

You have been called for a patient with severe back pain. When obtaining a medical​ history, he tells you that he has a history of damaged disks in his vertebrae. As a knowledgeable​ EMT, you should recognize that​ the:

fluidminus−filled structures between the vertebrae have been injured.

Most cases of anthrax begin with:

flulike symptoms.

Treatment and management of eye injuries?

flush with saline or water, they Require very specialized care; Transport promptly apply Clean, dry dressing

A 20-year-old male was shot multiple times during a drive-by shooting. You arrive at the scene, which has been secured by law enforcement, and approach the patient. He is semiconscious and is bleeding heavily from the chest. You should:

follow proper standard precautions.

When is a short backboard or vest-style immobilization device indicated?

for patients that are in a sitting position and are clinically stable

The spinal cord exits the skull through what structure?

foramen magnum

Injuries or conditions that would be classified as first priority (red tag; immediate) include all of the following, EXCEPT:

fractures of multiple long bones.

The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent, and often inefficient, decisions regarding an incident is called:


Good general communication techniques with the elderly include:

frequently asking the patient if he or she understands.

How should you speak to an elderly patient?

frequently asking the patient if he or she understands.

What are the different types of motor vehicle collision?

frontal, rear-end, lateral & rotational and rollovers

What are local cold injuries?

frost bite -most serious, tissue actually freezes frost nip immersion foot

All of the following conditions refer to when exposed parts of the body become very cold, but not frozen, except:


All of the following terms are used to describe a cold body part that is not frozen, EXCEPT:


All of the following terms refer to a body part that is cold but not frozen, EXCEPT:


A 52-year-old unrestrained female struck the steering wheel with her face when her truck collided with another vehicle. She has obvious swelling to her face and several dislodged teeth. A visual exam of her mouth reveals minimal bleeding. She is conscious and alert with a blood pressure of 130/80 mm Hg, a pulse of 110 beats/min, and respirations of 22 breaths/min with adequate tidal volume. You should:

fully immobilize her spine, attempt to locate the dislodged teeth, suction as needed, and transport.

As the first arriving emergency responder at the scene of a suspected terrorist or WMD incident, you should request additional resources as needed and then:

function as the incident commander until additional personnel arrive.

In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by:

generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, and a short or absent postictal phase

Placards and labels on a storage container are intended to:

give a general idea of the hazard inside that particular container.

What do you do for a patient with heat stroke?

give oxygen, place cool packs about the patient's neck, groin + armpits.

Delivering a patient to the hospital involves all of the following activities, EXCEPT:

giving a verbal report to the clerk.

What are a BLACK WIDOW SPIDERS distinguish signs?

glossy black color bright red organ hourglass marking on abdomen.

You are standing by at the scene of a hostage situation when the incident commander advises you that one of his personnel has been shot. The patient is lying supine in an open area and is not moving. As the SWAT team escorts you to the patient, you should:

grab him by the clothes and immediately move him to safety

If hydroplaning of the ambulance occurs, the driver should:

gradually slow down without jamming on the brakes.

In the incident command system, organizational divisions may include sections, branches, divisions, and:


An infant or child with respiratory distress will attempt to keep his or her alveoli expanded at the end of inhalation by:


A distraction injury to the cervical spine would MOST likely occur following:

hanging type mechanisms

Hyperextension injuries of the spine are MOST commonly the result of:


Distraction injuries of the spine are MOST commonly the result of:


How does frostbite look?

hard and waxy.

You are assessing a 59-year-old male and note that his pupils are unequal. He is conscious and alert. When obtaining his medical history, it is MOST pertinent to ask him if he:

has a history of eye surgeries.

You are assessing a 59-year-old male and note that his pupils are unequal. He is conscious and alert. When obtaining his medical history, it is MOST pertinent to ask him if he: correct answer is: has a history of eye surgeries.

has a history of eye surgeries.

Immediate transport is indicated for a child when he or she:

has a history suggestive of a serious illness

A supervisor who has more than seven people reporting to him or her:

has exceeded an effective span of control and should divide tasks and delegate the supervision of some tasks to another person.

When caring for a female child who has possibly been sexually abused, you should:

have a female EMT remain with her if possible.

To minimize distractions and confusion when assessing an older patient, you should:

have only one EMT speak to the patient at a time.

If there are downed power lines near a vehicle involved in a crash, you should:

have the patient remain in the car

Common safety equipment carried on the ambulance includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

hazardous materials gear.

When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen:

he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults, without signs of shock developing.

When placing a patient onto a long backboard, the EMT at the patient's _________ is in charge of all patient movements.


Covering a patient's _________ will significantly minimize radiation heat loss.


Initial signs and symptoms associated with viral hemorrhagic fevers include:

headache and sore throat.

The leading cause of death in the geriatric patient is:

heart disease.

How is body temperature regulated?

heat loss to the atmosphere via conduction, convention, evaporation, respiration.

Toxins from the spines of urchins and stingrays are _________ __________.

heat sensitive

The least common but most serious illness caused by heat exposure, occurring when the body is subjected to more heat than it can handle and normal mechanisms for getting rid of the excess heat are overwhelmed, is:


The purpose of the GEMS diamond is to:

help EMS personnel remember what is different about elderly patients.

ALS asks you to assist with endotracheal intubation what are all the actions you may be required to do?

help position the patient for a better view of the airway during the procedure.

You are attending to a 68-year-old female patient in cardiac arrest. An ALS provider arrives shortly after you do and the transfer of care is made. The ALS provider asks that you assist in the endotracheal intubation. As part of this process, you may be required to:

help position the patient for a better view of the airway during the procedure.

Common signs and symptoms of a chest injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Potential problems associated with rupture of the lungs include all of the following except:


You are assessing a patient and notice he has a collapsed jugular vein. What does this indicate?


You are assessing a patient who sustained a blunt force chest injury during a motorcycle accident. There are no obvious signs of external bleeding, but the patient is hypovolemic and there are decreased breath sounds on the left side. Which of the following should you suspect?


In a patient with a head injury, hypertension, bradycardia, and Biot respirations indicate:

herniation of the brain stem.

A patient at an altitude above 10,000' with shortness of breath and cough with pink sputum is likely to be suffering from ___________ _________ _________.

high-altitude pulmonary edema

Use of a nonrebreathing mask or nasal cannula in a child is appropriate ONLY if:

his or her tidal volume is adequate

Define an abdominal evisceration

hole in abdominal cavity with organs pushing out

Common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion include all of the following, EXCEPT:

hot, dry skin.

__________ (bees, wasps, ants, and yellow jackets) stings are painful but are not medical emergencies unless the patient is allergic to the venom.


Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Which of the following conditions would be the LEAST likely to increase a person's risk of hypothermia?


You are at a mass-casualty scene and in the process of organizing a group to be responsible for ongoing patient care. In order for the group to be successful:

individuals have an understanding of how the group will accomplish its goals.

You are organizing a group of EMTs to provide triage in a mass-casualty exercise. In order for the group to be successful, it is essential that:

individuals have an understanding of how the group will accomplish its goals.

Abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever are most likely due to:


In addition to external bleeding, the MOST significant risk that an open soft-tissue injury exposes a patient to is:


In contrast to upper-airway injury following a burn, lower-airway injury is usually the result of:

inhalation of chemicals and particulate matter.

You are transporting a 42-year-old male who experienced blunt abdominal trauma. He is receiving oxygen at 12 L/min via a nonrebreathing mask and full spinal precautions have been applied. During your reassessment, you note his level of consciousness has decreased and his respirations have become shallow. You should:

insert an airway adjunct if he will tolerate it and begin assisting his ventilations with a BVM.

The treatment for relieving a tension pneumothorax involves:

inserting a needle through the rib cage into the pleural space.

During your primary assessment of a semiconscious 30-year-old female with closed head trauma, you note that she has slow, shallow breathing and a slow, bounding pulse. As your partner maintains manual in-line stabilization of her head, you should:

instruct him to assist her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment.

The amniotic fluid serves to:

insulate and protect the fetus

A full-thickness burn is typically characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT:

intense pain.

Compared to an adult, the diaphragm dictates the amount of air that a child inspires because the:

intercostal muscles are not well developed.

Most ambulance crashes occur where?


The MOST common and usually the most serious ambulance crashes occur at:


To obtain the MOST accurate reading of a patient's core body temperature, you should place a special hypothermia thermometer:

into the patients rectum

Bleeding within the brain tissue itself is called a(n):

intracerebral hematoma.

What is bleeding within the brain tissue itself called?

intracerebral hematoma.

After spiking a bag of IV fluid for the paramedic, the EMT notices that the drip chamber is too full. The EMT should:

invert the IV bag and squeeze the drip chamber.

In contrast to a cerebral concussion, a cerebral contusion:

involves physical injury to the brain tissue.

The "rule of palms" for estimating the extent of the body surface area (BSA) burned is especially useful with:

irregularly-shaped burns.

A factory worker was splashed in the eyes with a strong acid chemical. He complains of intense pain and blurred vision. Your ambulance does not carry bottles of sterile saline or water. You should:

irrigate both eyes continuously for 20 minutes with plain water.

A 48-year-old male was stung on the leg by a jellyfish while swimming in the ocean. He is conscious and alert, but complains of intense pain at the wound site. Specific treatment for this patient includes

irrigating the wound with vinegar and immersing his leg in hot water.

What is bacterial vaginosis and when does it occur?

is a condition that happens when there is too much of certain bacteria in the vagina. This changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina.

A laceration:

is a jagged cut caused by a sharp object or blunt force trauma.

Lacerations are

is a jagged cut caused by a sharp object or blunt force trauma.

The scene size-up at a motor vehicle crash or other incident:

is an ongoing process until the incident is terminated.

A simple pneumothorax:

is commonly caused by blunt chest trauma.

The mechanism of spinal injury resulting from an automobile​ accident:

is dependent on the direction of impact.

EMT assumption for vaginal bleeding?

is in shock.

In contrast to the brown recluse spider, the black widow spider:

is large and has a red-orange hourglass mark on its abdomen.

An abdominal aortic aneurysm:

is often the result of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

In any case of trauma to a female patient, you should always determine if the patient:

is pregnant

The cricoid cartilage:

is the only complete circular cartilage of the trachea.

In contrast to delirium, dementia:

is usually considered irreversible.

A nuchal cord is defined as an umbilical cord that:

is wrapped around the baby's neck.

Which of the following statements regarding the brown recluse spider is false?

it is larger than the black widow spider.

Aggressive ambulance driving may have a negative effect on other motorists because:

it may not allow for their reaction time to respond to your vehicle.

In order for sweating to be an effective cooling mechanism:

it must be able to evaporate from the body.

Expected pupil reactions when a light is shone into it.

it should become smaller in size

When a light is shone into the pupil:

it should become smaller in size.

Mandible forms

jaw and the chin


jellyfish portugese man of war sea anemone

Where can the temporal artery be palpated in relation to the ear?

just anterior to the tragus

The superficial temporal artery can be palpated:

just anterior to the tragus.

In order to accomplish the goal of primary triage, it is important to:

keep the triage assessment brief and the patient categories basic.

What does it mean to maintain a cushion of safety?

keeping a safe distance between your ambulance and the vehicles in front of you and remaining aware of vehicles potentially hiding in your mirrors' blind spots.

A hematoma to the flank is indicative of what?

kidney injury

As you and your partner report for duty, you check your ambulance and begin talking about the possibility of terrorist attack. The MOST effective and appropriate way to determine the likelihood of this happening is to:

know the current threat level issued by the Department of Homeland Security

As you and your partner report for duty, you check your ambulance and begin talking about the possibility of a terrorist attack. The MOST effective and appropriate way to determine the likelihood of this happening is to:

know the current threat level issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

Which of the following is of LEAST importance when initially assessing the severity of a burn?

known drug allergies

The stooped posture of some older people, which gives them a humpback appearance, is called:


The __________ and _________ are folds of tissue that surround the urethral and vaginal openings.

labia majora; labia minora

Approximately 12 hours after scuba diving with her friends, a 29-year-old female presents with pain in her elbows and knees. She is conscious and alert and is breathing with adequate tidal volume. When asked, she states that she may have ascended too rapidly during her dive, but didn't experience any symptoms until now. When treating this patient, you should:

place her in a left lateral recumbent position with her head down

Your patient is a 21 year old male who has massive face and head trauma after being assaulted. He is lying supine, is semiconscious, and has blood in his mouth. You should:

manual stabilize his head, log roll him to his side, and suction his mouth

A man is found slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious and making snoring sounds, after an automobile accident. His head is turned to the side and his neck is flexed. You should:

manually stabilize his head and move it to a neutral in line position

Define maxillae, zygoma, mandible, mastoid?

maxillae(upper jaw bone), zygoma(cheek bones), mandible(jaw bone), mastoid((back) part of the temporal bone)

The upper jawbones are called the:


Lacerations to the scalp:

may be an indicator of deeper, more serious injuries.

In contrast to bleeding caused by external trauma to the vagina, bleeding caused by conditions such as polyps or cancer:

may be relatively painless.

Talking about an elderly patient in front of him or her to other members of the family:

may cause the patient to think that he or she has no say in making decisions.

Placing a pregnant patient in a supine position during the third trimester of pregnancy:

may decrease the amount of blood that returns to the heart.

Febrile seizures in a child:

may indicate a serious underlying illness.

When a patient experiences a severe spinal injury, he or she:

may lose sensation below the level of the injury.

The secondary assessment of a sick or injured child:

may not be possible if the child's condition is critical.

How high can the diaphragm rise at the end of exhalation for a person lying supine?

may rise as high as the nipple line.

When a person is lying supine at the end of exhalation, the diaphragm:

may rise as high as the nipple line.

Immediately upon arriving at the scene of an emergency call involving a traumatic injury, you should notify the dispatcher of your arrival and then:

observe the scene for safety hazards.

An abdominal evisceration:

occurs when organs protrude through an open wound.

Facial injuries should be identified and treated as soon as possible because:

of the risk for airway problems.

Unlike a multiple-casualty incident, a natural disaster:

often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days.

Padding underneath the torso when immobilizing an injured child is generally not necessary if he or she is:

older than 8 to 10 years

When preparing a pregnant patient for delivery, you should position her:

on a firm surface with her hips elevated 2 to 4 inches.

Patient is unresponsive, what should next step in patient management be?

open airway

A 26-year-old female who is 34 weeks pregnant is experiencing a seizure. Her husband tells you that her blood pressure has been high and that she had been complaining of a headache for the past few days. You should:

place her on her side, administer high-flow oxygen, and transport.

before positioning an infant or childs airway you should:

place him/her on a firm surface

When administering oxygen to a frightened child, it would be MOST appropriate to:

place oxygen tubing through a hole in a paper cup.

When immobilizing a child on a long backboard, you should:

place padding under the child's shoulders as needed.

As you approach a young male who was involved in an industrial accident, you note that his eyes are closed and that he is not moving. You can see several large contusions to his arms, a laceration to his forehead with minimal bleeding, and a closed deformity to his right leg. You should:

open his airway and assess his breathing status.

When multiple patients present with an acute onset of difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and hoarseness or stridor, you should be MOST suspicious of exposure to:

phosgene or chlorine.

Poor maintenance of home, poor personal care, and dietary neglect are all possible indicators of ____________ elder abuse.



pit vipers coral snakes

Your 22-year-old patient is in active labor. Upon visual inspection, you note that the infant's leg is protruding from the vagina. Appropriate management of this situation includes:

placing the mother supine with her head down and pelvis elevated.

The development of an incident action plan is the responsibility of the:

planning section.

Irritation or damage to the pleural surfaces that causes sharp chest pain during inhalation is called:


Sedentary behavior while healing from a hip fracture would MOST likely predispose the older patient to:


A productive cough, fever, and chills in an 80-year-old patient with a compromised immune system should make you MOST suspicious for:


In order to avoid exacerbating a patient's injury, it is especially important to use extreme caution when providing positive-pressure ventilation to patients with a:


The MOST reliable indicator of an underlying fracture is:

point tenderness.

The use of multiple prescription drugs by a single patient, causing the potential for negative effects such as overdosing or drug interaction, is called:


When arriving at the scene of an overturned tractor-trailer rig, you note that a green cloud is being emitted from the crashed vehicle. The driver is still in the truck; he is conscious but bleeding profusely from the head. After notifying the hazardous materials team, you should:

position the ambulance upwind.

Effective methods for providing pain relief to a child with an extremity injury include:

positioning, ice packs, and emotional support.

Crepitus and false motion are:

positive indicators of a fracture.

Common interventions used to stimulate spontaneous respirations in the newborn include all of the following, EXCEPT:

positive-pressure ventilations.

The EMT must assume that any unwitnessed water-related incident is accompanied by what?

possible spinal injury.

Most of the serious injuries associated with scuba diving are caused by:

too rapid of an ASCENT.

The act of pulling on a body structure in the direction of its normal alignment is called:


A 4-year-old female has a peanut lodged in the external auditory canal of her right ear. You should:

transport her to the emergency department.

When caring for an infant who was found apneic and cyanotic and was resuscitated by the parent or caregiver, you should:

transport the infant to the hospital.

The ____________ supervisor is responsible for notifying area hospitals and determining their availability and capabilities.


Immediate death from blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle crash is MOST often the result of:

traumatic aortic rupture.

Command functions under the incident command system include all of the following, EXCEPT:

triage officer.

A 70-year-old male complains of shortness of breath. During your assessment, you note that he has bilateral hearing aids. When you ask him questions related to his chief complaint, he does not answer you. You can hear a whistling sound coming from his hearing aids. You should:

try repositioning the hearing aid or remove it and turn down the volume.

What should you recall about hearing impaired geriatric patients?

try repositioning the hearing aid or remove it and turn down the volume.

Upon arriving at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash at night, you find that the safest place to park your ambulance is in a direction that is facing oncoming traffic. You should:

turn your headlights off.

What are characteristics of POISONOUS SNAKE BITE?

two small puncture wounds about 1/2' apart, discoloration + swelling.

A teenage boy who was involved in a bicycle accident has a puncture wound where the bicycle kickstand impaled his leg. The MOST appropriate method for treating this injury is to:

unbolt the kickstand from the bike frame and stabilize it with bulky dressings.

The reasons for rescue failure can be recalled by the mnemonic FAILURE. According to this mnemonic, the "U" stands for:

underestimating the logistics of the incident

What does the U stand for in the mnemonic FAILURE?

underestimating the logistics of the incident

The MOST appropriate location to park your ambulance at a HazMat incident is:

upwind at least 100 feet from the incident.

What structure does PID not affect?

urinary bladder.

You are treating a patient who experienced a significant exposure to cyanide. He is semiconscious and is breathing inadequately. The MOST appropriate method of providing assisted ventilations to this patient is to:

use a bag-mask device.

The MOST efficient way to identify the appropriately sized equipment for a pediatric patient is to:

use a length-based resuscitation tape measure.

If you do not have the appropriate size cervical collar, you should:

use rolled towels to immobilize the patient's head.

If you do not have the appropriate-size cervical collar, you should:

use rolled towels to immobilize the patient's head.

What do you do if you do not have the appropriate sized c-collar?

use rolled towels to immobilize the patient's head.

The signs and symptoms of poisoning in children:

vary widely,depending on the child's age and weight

The body's natural protective mechanisms against heat loss are:

vasoconstriction and shivering.

The body's ability to move air in and out of the lungs is called _______.


Assisting with endotracheal intubation may include what skills?

ventilation and preoxygenation

Assisting with endotracheal intubation may include:

ventilation and preoxygenation.

A female patient with a suspected head injury has slow, shallow breathing. The MOST appropriate treatment for her includes:

ventilation assistance to maintain an ETCO2 of 30 to 35 mm Hg.

A 40-year-old patient has sustained circumferential burns to the chest. The MOST serious complication associated with this type of burn injury is:

ventilatory insufficiency.

Rough handling of a hypothermic patient with a pulse may cause:

ventricular fibrillation

Rough handling of a patient with severe hypothermia may cause which arrhythmias?

ventricular fibrillation with lack of oxygen + irregular heart beat

What is an envenomation?

very painful reddish lesions in light skinned individual extending from line from the site of sting.

The chemical attacks that occurred in Tokyo between 1994 and 1995 were carried out by a(n):

violent religious group.

Where would you find pleural fluid

visceral and parietal pleurae.

If your patient swallows blood following facial trauma, there is an increased risk of ________.


The MOST common cause of dehydration in children is:

vomiting and diarrhea.

The EMT's responsibility during search-and-rescue operations is to _________.

wait at the staging area until the patient is located.

Heat loss from the body through respiration occurs when:

warm air is exhaled into the atmosphere.

In which control zone would you find the decontamination area?

warm zone

The main objective of traffic control at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is to:

warn oncoming traffic and prevent another crash.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, a material that:

waterproofs the skin and keeps it supple.

The process performed to artificially maximize the target population's exposure to a biologic agent, thereby exposing the greatest number of people and achieving the desired effect, is called:


When caring for a patient with an open facial injury, the EMT's immediate priority should be to:

wear gloves and facial protection.

In determining the potential for a terrorist attack, you should routinely observe all of the following on every call, EXPECT:

weather conditions

In determining the potential for a terrorist attack, you should routinely observe all of the following on every call, EXCEPT:

weather conditions.

n determining the potential for a terrorist attack, you should routinely observe all of the following on every call, EXCEPT:

weather conditions.

Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT:


signs of upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following except:


What is a pneumothorax?

when an injury allows air to enter through a hole in the chest wall or the surface of the lung as the pat attempts to breathe, causing the lung on that side to collapse.


when brain tissue is damaged and the patient presents with prolonged confusion, may cause a loss of consciousness but it is typically brief

During the transfer of patient care:

when possible, the team member giving the patient care report should hand off lifesaving care.

"silent" heart attack

when the flow of blood is blocked in the coronary arteries by a build up of plaque

Helmets must be removed in all of the following cases, EXCEPT:

when there are no impending airway or breathing problems.

Cerebral contusion

when tissue is bruised and damaged in a local area. may result in prolonged confusion

If you properly assess and stabilize a patient at the scene, driving to the hospital with excessive speed:

will decrease the driver's reaction time.

A patient who has experienced a back injury, with or without spinal cord damage, would be triaged with a __________ tag during a mass-casualty incident.


Burn patients without airway compromise and patients with multiple bone or joint injuries should be marked with a __________ triage tag at a mass-casualty incident.


During an MCI, what color tag would a patient with a back injury receive?


What instruction would you provide to your team immediately after securing a patient with​ head, neck, and back pain to the long​ backboard?

​"Check for pedal pulses before we move him to the​ stretcher."

A patient is lying under a tree after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. She states that immediately after the​ crash, she felt​ okay, but now her legs are numb and tingling. She also has lower back discomfort. What question is it most important for the EMT to ask​ first?

​"How did you get out of the​ car?"

Which one of the following shows that the EMT is correctly assessing motor function in the arms of a patient with potential spine​ injuries?

​"I need you to flex both arms across your​ chest."

Which one of the following statements about the care and treatment of a patient with a spinal injury in the prehospital setting is​ true?

​"Prehospital care for the patient with a spine injury involves immobilization and the identification of lifeminus−threatening ​conditions."

What desired minimal pulse oximeter reading does the EMT want to maintain in a patient with a spinal cord​ injury?

​94% or more

What may be the circulatory findings in a patient with a spinal cord injury at the level of C6 or​ C7?

​Warm, dry skin with poor tissue perfusion

You are securing a patient to the long backboard. The appropriate order for securing the straps would​ be:

​chest, pelvis,​ head, legs.

Common mechanisms of injury for the spine​ include:

​compression, when the weight of the body is driven against the head.

At 1400 in July, the weather is 105 degrees F and very humid. You have been called for a "man down" at the park. As you arrive, you recognize him as an alcoholic who has been a "frequent flyer" with your service. It looks like he had been sitting under a tree when he fell over, unconscious. How will you treat this patient?

prevent conduction heat loss prevent convection heat loss remove the patient from the environment

The purpose of a ventricular peritoneum shunt is to:

prevent excess cerebrospinal fluid from accumulating in the brain.

The primary purpose for splinting a musculoskeletal injury is to:

prevent further injury.

Pulmonary hemorrhage and inner ear damage are examples of ____________ blast injuries.


Immediately life-threatening chest injuries must be found and managed during the _______.

primary assessment

What risk factors does this patient have that predispose him to heat illness?

prolonged exertion in hot sun. not drinking water so not producing sweat. Medical History - diabetes hypertension using diuretics promoting urination contributing to dehydration.

What do you do for a PIT VIPER BITE?

prompt transport clean bite area keep patient quiet to slow venom spread

Because the depth of an open abdominal wound is often difficult to determine:

prompt transport to the hospital is essential

Compared to adults, the liver and spleen of pediatric patients are more prone to injury and bleeding because they are:

proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly.

Management of frostbite during transport?

protect the affected part from further injury.

You are transporting a 28-year-old man with a frostbitten foot. The patient's vital signs are stable and he denies any other injuries or symptoms. The weather is treacherous and your transport time to the hospital is approximately 45 minutes. During transport, you should:

protect the affected part from further injury.

When removing a critically injured patient from his or her vehicle, you should:

protect the cervical spine during the entire process.

Law enforcement personnel request your assistance to assess a 31-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient sitting on a curb outside her apartment. She is conscious, alert, and crying. When you ask her what happened, she tells you that she does not want to be treated or transported to the hospital. She further tells you that all she wants to do is clean up. You should:

provide emotional support and visually assess her for obvious trauma.

A 20-year-old male was pulled from cold water by his friends. The length of his submersion is not known and was not witnessed. You perform a primary assessment and determine that the patient is apneic and has a slow, weak pulse. You should:

provide rescue breathing, remove wet clothing, immobilize his spine, keep him warm, and transport carefully.

Following blunt trauma to the chest, an 18-year-old female presents with respiratory distress, shallow breathing, and cyanosis. Her blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and her pulse is 130 beats/min and thready. You should:

provide ventilation assistance with a BVM.

A "hip" fracture is actually a fracture of the

proximal femur.

A "hip" fracture is actually a fracture of the:

proximal femur.

JumpSTART triage

pt younger than 8 and less than 100 lbs Green: minor/ able to walk (except infants) Yellow: delayed trt; spontaneous breathing, radial pulse present, responsive to painful stimuli Red: immediate trt; resp less than 15 or greater than 45, apnea responsive to position and rescue breathing, resp failure, breathing w/o pulse, inappropriate painful response Black: deceased; apneic w/o pulse, apneic and unresponsive to rescue breaths

A man called EMS 12 hours after injuring his chest. Your assessment reveals a flail segment to the right side of the chest. The patient is experiencing respiratory distress and his oxygen saturation is 78%. His breath sounds are equal bilaterally and his jugular veins are normal. You should suspect:

pulmonary contusion.

When introduced into the body, ricin causes:

pulmonary edema and circulatory failure.

The PASG is absolutely contraindicated in patients who have:

pulmonary edema.

Three days after delivering her baby, a 30-year-old woman complains of a sudden onset of difficulty breathing. Her level of consciousness is decreased and she is tachycardic. The EMT should suspect:

pulmonary embolism.

When activated, the sympathetic nervous system produces all of the following effects, EXCEPT:

pupillary constriction.

How does the body normally balance heat production and elimination?

put patient in cooler environment.

Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS?

putting a baby to sleep on his or her back

what are NOT Risk factors for SIDS?

putting a baby to sleep on his or her back

_________ is the transfer of heat by radiant energy.


High air temperature reduces the body's ability to lose heat by:


A patient with a core body temperature of 92°F will MOST likely experience:

rapid breathing.

What do you do for a patient bitten by poisonous insect or animal?

rapid transport vital signs deteriorate rapidly monitor patient vital signs airway compromise

A utility worker was trimming branches and was electrocuted when he accidentally cut a high-power line. He fell approximately 20′ and is lying unconscious on the ground; the power line is lying across his chest. You should:

rapidly assess the patient after ensuring that the power line is not live.

Define, signs and symptoms and treatment for a superficial, partial -thickness, and full-thickness burns?

rapidly estimate the burn's severity and then cover with dry, sterile dressings.

When managing a critically-burned patient, it is important to:

rapidly estimate the burn's severity and then cover with dry, sterile dressings.

A 6-year-old female was riding her bicycle and struck a clothesline with her throat. She is breathing, but with obvious difficulty. Your assessment reveals a crackling sensation in the soft tissues of her neck and facial cyanosis. In addition to the appropriate airway management, the intervention that will MOST likely improve her chance of survival is:

rapidly transporting her to the hospital.

In the United States, the most common form of pit viper is the __________.


When a child is struck by a car, the area of the greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the:

size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact

Which of the following types of muscle is under direct voluntary control of the brain?


Which type of muscle is under direct voluntary control of the brain?


The primary clinical feature associated with exposure to phosgene oxime is:

skin blistering.

The primary route of exposure of vesicant agents is the:


Which of the following joints allows no motion?

skull sutures

Some women experience ___________ during ovulation.

slight cramping

You should be MOST suspicious that a patient has experienced a significant head injury if his or her pulse is:


You should be most suspicious that a patient has experience a significant head injury if his or her pulse is:


How should you handle tailgating when responding to an emergency?

slow down and allow the driver to pass you.

When being tailgated by another vehicle while responding to an emergency call, you should:

slow down and allow the driver to pass you.

Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, EXCEPT:

slowed level of activity.

Moderate elevation in intracranial pressure with middle brain stem involvement is characterized by:

sluggishly reactive pupils, widened pulse pressure, bradycardia, and posturing.

What are characteristics of PIT VIPER?

small, heat sensing organs (pits) in front of their eyes that allow them to strike at warm targets even @ night.

A 52-year-old male presents with a fever of 102.5°F and a severe headache. As you assess him, you note the presence of multiple blisters on his face and chest, which are all identical in shape and size. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with:


What type of muscle contracts and relaxes to control the movement of the contents within its structures?


Severe bleeding may occur with injury to ... organs


When an EMT assists a paramedic with an advanced intervention, the focus of the intervention is to solve what?

solving a clinical problem.

When the EMT assists a paramedic with an advanced intervention, he or she should recall that the focus of the intervention is on:

solving a clinical problem.

What part of the nervous system controls the body's voluntary activities?


Assisting with vascular access may include:

spiking the IV bag.

The spinal cord is encased in and protected by the:

spinal canal.

Significant trauma to the face should increase the EMT's index of suspicion for a(n):

spinal column injury.

During the assessment of a patient who was injured in an industrial​ accident, the EMT notes that the patient has priapism during the assessment of the pelvis. This finding​ suggests:

spinal cord injury.

A temporary condition in which the patient loses the ability to move voluntary muscles and typically loses bowel and bladder control is​ called:

spinal shock.

Biggest concern associated with facial injuries?

spine injury

All of the following are hollow abdominal organs, EXCEPT the:


A ____________ is a musculoskeletal injury in which there is partial or temporary separation of the bone ends as well as partial stretching or tearing of the supporting ligaments.


A 22-year-old female was ejected from her car after striking a tree head-on. As you approach her, you note obvious closed deformities to both of her femurs. She is not moving and does not appear to be conscious. You should:

stabilize her head and perform a primary assessment.

You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars, he is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. You should:

stabilize his head and check for a pulse.

You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. He is not moving and does not appear to be conscious or breathing. You should:

stabilize his head and open his airway.

During your rapid secondary assessment of a 30-year-old male who fell 25′, you note crepitus when palpating his pelvis. Your partner advises you that the patient's blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and his heart rate is 120 beats/min and weak. After completing your assessment, you should:

stabilize the pelvis with a pelvic binder and protect the spine.

What is the key to treating HYPOTHERMIA?

stabilize vital functions. prevent heat loss. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REWARM PATIENTS, ARRHYTHMIAS.

The __________ area is where incoming ambulances meet and await further instructions at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident.


The EMT's role at the scene of a search and rescue attempt is to:

stand by at the command post until the person is located.

What comes first when controlling a bleed?

standard precautions

When determining the frequency of contractions, you should time the contractions from the:

start of one to the start of the next.

A teenage boy was found by friends as he attempted to hang himself in a garage using chains suspended from the ceiling. As you​ approach, you note that the patient is​ conscious, struggling to​ breathe, and has contusions that encircle his neck from the chains. After taking manual inminus−line spinal stabilization and opening the​ airway, your next action would be​ to:

start positive pressure ventilation.

If a nasopharyngeal airway is too long, it may:

stimulate the vagus nerve

A critical function of the safety officer is to:

stop an emergency operation whenever a rescuer is in danger.

While en route to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest, you approach a stopped school bus with its red warning lights flashing. You should:

stop and wait until the warning lights stop flashing.

Skeletal muscle is also referred to as __________ muscle.


Neck rigidity, bloody cerebrospinal fluid, and headache are associated with what kind of bleeding in the brain?

subarachnoid hemorrhage

Define subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma, intracerebral hematoma

subarachnoid hemorrhage(bleeding into csf), subdural hematoma(blood under dura mater outside brain), epidural hematoma(blood between skull and dura mater), intracerebral hematoma(bleeding in brain)

accumulation of blood beneath the dura mater but outside the brain

subdural hematoma

Proper sequence for managing a diver with difficulty breathing, cyanosis, and secretions from mouth and nose

suction his mouth and nose, apply high-flow oxygen, monitor the patient's breath sounds for a pneumothorax, and contact medical control regarding transport to a recompression facility.

You respond to a local lake where a diver complains of difficulty breathing that occurred immediately after rapidly ascending from a depth of approximately 30 feet. On assessment, you note that he has cyanosis around his lips and has pink froth coming from his nose and mouth. You should:

suction his mouth and nose, apply high-flow oxygen, monitor the patient's breath sounds for a pneumothorax, and contact medical control regarding transport to a recompression facility.

You respond to a local lake where a diver complains of difficulty breathing that occurred immediately after rapidly ascending from a depth of approximately 30′. On assessment, you note that he has cyanosis around his lips and has pink froth coming from his nose and mouth. You should:

suction his mouth and nose, apply high-flow oxygen, position him on his left side with his head down, and contact medical control regarding transport to a recompression facility.

During your primary assessment of a 19-year-old unconscious male who experienced severe head trauma, you note that his respirations are rapid, irregular, and shallow. He has bloody secretions draining from his mouth and nose. You should:

suction his oropharynx for up to 15 seconds.

Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT:

sunken fontanelles.

Burns associated with lightning strikes are typically:


Common signs of a skull fracture include all of the following, EXCEPT:

superficial scalp lacerations.

A 31-year-old male was bitten on the leg by an unidentified snake. The patient is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. Your assessment of his leg reveals two small puncture marks with minimal pain and swelling. In addition to administering oxygen and providing reassurance, further care for this patient should include:

supine positioning, splinting the leg, and transporting.

While drinking beer with his friends near a creek, a 31-year-old male was bitten on the leg by an unidentified snake. The patient is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. Your assessment of his leg reveals two small puncture marks with minimal pain and swelling. In addition to administering oxygen and providing reassurance, further care for this patient should include:

supine positioning, splinting the leg, and transporting.

Lighting at a scene, establishing a tool and equipment area, and marking for a helicopter landing all fall under:

support operations

Your primary concern when arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash is:

surveying the area for hazards

The two MOST efficient ways for the body to eliminate excess heat are:

sweating and dilation of skin blood vessels

How is a bite characterized from BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER?

swelling, tenderness, pale, mottled, cyanotic center. blister

Deformity caused by a fracture would MOST likely be masked by:


Which of the following would be the LEAST likely to occur in a patient with a core body temperature of between 89°F (32°C) and 92°F (33°C)?


Patients with chest injuries will often present with _______.


Patients with chest injuries will often present with what pattern of respirations?


The EMT should suspect left-sided heart failure in the geriatric patient who presents with:

tachypnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

What is the most likely explanation for this patient's vital signs?

tachypnea, tachycardia hypotension signs of shock. needs IV, additional help ALS. elevate patient's legs, continue high flow oxygen, monitor patient.

You have arrived on a shooting where a middleminus−aged male has suffered a single gunshot wound to the abdomen. As you approach the​ patient, you note that he is sitting up and talking with the police officer holding a bloodminus−soaked towel over the left upper quadrant of his abdomen. Your initial action in caring for this patient is​ to:

take manual inminus−line spinal stabilization.

After recognizing that an incident involves a hazardous material, you should contact the hazardous materials team and then:

take measures to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

The EMT should ensure that vaginal bleeding is _________.

taken seriously and the patient is transported for gynecologic evaluation

When assessing an 8 year old child, you should:

talk to the child, not just the caregiver

When assessing an 8-year old child, you should:

talk to the child, not just the caregiver

When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should:

talk to the child, not just the caregiver.

When caring for a patient who is visually impaired, it is important to:

tell him or her what is happening, identify noises, and describe the situation and surroundings.


temp >40.5F dehydration hypotension tachycardia tachypnea systemic effects: Seizures, ARDS, DIC, hepatic/renal failure may also occur

Cerebral Concussion

temporary brain dysfunction (brief loss of consciousness) after injury, usually clearing within 24 hours

Subdural hematoma

tend to bleed slowly and usually cause a progressive decline in the level of consciousness, accumulation of blood beneath the dura mater

What attaches muscle to bone?


Returning the emergency unit to service is part of the _________.

termination phase

At present, the likelihood of a nuclear attack against the United States is very low because:

terrorist nations do not have the ability to deliver a nuclear weapon via missile or bomb.

When immobilizing infants and​ children, it is important to​ remember:

that if an automobile collision involves a child in a car​ seat, you cannot use that car seat to stabilize the child for transport.

The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid indicates:

that the baby's airway may be obstructed

The reference used as a base for your initial actions at a HazMat incident is:

the Emergency Response Guidebook.

Situational awareness is MOST accurately defined as:

the ability to recognize any possible issues once you arrive at the scene and act proactively to avoid a negative impact.

In contrast to younger patients, older patients are more prone to a decrease in blood pressure (BP) upon standing because:

the body is less able to adapt the BP to rapid postural changes.

Heatstroke occurs when:

the body's heat-eliminating mechanisms are overwhelmed.

The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal immobilization device if:

the car seat is visibly damaged

Inner surface of the eyelids are covered by a delicate membrane called?

the conjunctiva

The concept of consistent care across the entire health care team from first patient contact to patient discharge is called:

the continuum of care.

An air embolism associated with diving occurs when:

the diver holds his or her breath during a rapid ascent.

Cardiac arrest following an electrical burn would MOST likely occur if:

the electricity flows from arm to arm.

You should NOT remove an injured football players helmet if:

the face guard can easily be removed and there is no airway compromise

You are assessing a 30-year-old woman with multiple large bruises to her chest and abdomen that she experienced during an assault. She is conscious but restless, and her skin is cool and pale. You should be MOST concerned with:

the fact that her clinical signs could indicate that she is bleeding internally.

When a child experiences a blunt chest injury:

the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking

The ideal procedure for moving an injured patient from the ground to a backboard is:

the four-person log roll.

When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated:

the heart rate decreases and the blood vessels dilate

What is the physiologic response when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated?

the heart rate decreases and the blood vessels dilate.

When caring for a geriatric patient with a traumatic injury, it is important to consider that:

the injury may have been preceded by a medical condition.

Define dermis

the inner (second) layer of the skin found beneath the epidermis. It is rich in blood vessels and nerves.

When determining the exact location and position of the patient(s) in a wrecked vehicle, you and your team should routinely consider all of the following, EXCEPT:

the make and model of the vehicle

Patients with full-thickness (third-degree) burns generally do not complain of pain because:

the nerve endings have been destroyed.

Why do patients of full thickness burns generally not complain of pain?

the nerve endings have been destroyed.

An open fracture is MOST accurately defined as a fracture in which:

the overlying skin is no longer intact.

In contrast to a living will, a "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order becomes valid when:

the patient develops cardiac arrest.

EMTs arrive at the scene of an ill person. The EMR, who arrived before the EMTs, advises that the patient had a syncopal episode. The patient is conscious and alert and remains so throughout transport. When transferring patient care to the emergency department nurse, the EMT should advise the nurse that:

the patient had a reported syncopal episode.

If a dislocated shoulder has spontaneously reduced before your arrival, the only way to confirm the injury is by noting:

the patient history.

In general, musculoskeletal injuries should be splinted before moving the patient unless what?

the patient is clinically unstable.

In general, musculoskeletal injuries should be splinted before moving the patient unless:

the patient is clinically unstable.

A 77-year-old female presents with an acute onset of altered mental status. Her son is present and advises that she has a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, type 2 diabetes, and glaucoma. He further advises that she takes numerous medications and that she is normally alert. When you assess this patient, it is important to note that:

the patient is experiencing delirious behavior, which suggests a new health problem.

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a house fire where fire fighters have rescued a 50-year-old male from his burning house. The patient has superficial and partial-thickness burns to his face and chest. His nasal hairs are singed and he is coughing up sooty sputum. You should be MOST concerned with:

the potential for airway swelling.

Functions of the skin include all of the following, EXCEPT:

the production of key antibodies.

After primary triage, the triage supervisor should communicate all of the following information to the medical branch officer, EXCEPT:

the recommended transport destination for each patient.

You should never give up on resuscitating a cold-water drowning victim because:

the resulting hypothermia can protect vital organs from the lack of oxygen

There are some situations in which you may move the patient with a suspected spine injury before immobilizing him to a long or short spinal device. These situations include​ when:

the scene is not safe.

musculoskeletal system

the system of bones and skeletal muscles that support and protect the body and permit movement

The Adam's apple is:

the upper part of the larynx that is formed by the thyroid cartilage.

Greenstick fractures occur in infants and children because:

their bones bend more easily than an adult's.

Children are often "belly breathers" because _______.

their intercostal muscles are not developed.

A patient in respiratory arrest at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident would typically be classified as a fourth priority (black tag; expectant) patient, unless:

there are enough resources to provide care for him or her.

If your patient is wearing a​ helmet, you should leave it in place​ if:

there are no impending airway or breathing problems.

which of the following statements regaurding the use of nasopharyngeal airways in children is correct?

they are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year of age

When transporting a patient with a facial injury, it is MOST important to be as descriptive as possible with the hospital regarding the patient's injuries because:

they may need to call a specialist to see the patient.

Which of the following statements about heat cramps is false?

they only occur when it is hot outdoors

When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that:

they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure.

It is more common for spine injuries to cause​ paralysis:

to all four extremities​ (quadriplegia).

During your initial​ assessment, it is important to​ remember:

to initiate immediate manual​ in-line spinal stabilization based on patient need.

What is ventilation?

Ventilation is the body's ability to move air in and out of the chest and lung tissue.

Geriatric patients are at a higher risk for heatstroke because:

circulation to the skin is reduced.

eriatric patients are at a higher risk for heatstroke because:

circulation to the skin is reduced.

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 35-year-old patient?

circumferential partial-thickness burn to the chest

The MOST commonly fractured bone(s) in the body is the:


The rate and amount of heat loss by the body can be modified by all of the following except:

increasing fluid intake

Shivering is a mechanism in which the body generates heat by:

increasing metabolic rate

A tube from the brain to the abdomen that drains excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is called a:


The use of lights and siren on an ambulance:

signifies a request for other drivers to yield the right of way.

What does the use of lights & sirens mean?

signifies a request for other drivers to yield the right of way.

When assessing a patient with a hemothorax, you will MOST likely find:

signs and symptoms of shock.

An attack on an abortion clinic would MOST likely be carried out by a(n):

single-issue group.

A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as:

6 months

Febrile seizures are MOST common in children between:

6 months and 6 years

Febrile seizures are MOST common in children between the ages of:

6 months and 6 years.

Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than:

6 years

How long does it take for compartment syndrome to develop, typically?

6-12 hrs

school-age vitals

6-12 years resp: 15-20 pulse rate: 70-120

The Microdrip administration delivers 1 mL of fluid for every ____ drops.


The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ____ breaths per minute.


The cervical spine is composed of _____ vertebrae.


In order from top to​ bottom, how many vertebrae are in each section of the spinal​ column?

7, 12,​ 5, 5, 4

BP of 1-10 year olds

70 + (2 x age) = systole

In preparing for a disaster, EMS systems should have enough supplies for at least a ______ period of self-sufficiency.


If a baby is born at 7:52, the second Apgar score should be calculated at:


Most heat stroke cases occur when the temperature is around _________ and the humidity is 80%.

80 degrees F

On the basis of the Parkland formula, how much crystalloid should you administer per hour to a 70-kg patient with severe burns to 50% of his BSA?

800-900 mL

What is the minimum systolic blood pressure of a six year old?

82 mm Hg

JumpSTART triage is for children of what age or weight?

8; 100 lb

The JumpSTART triage system is intended to be used for children younger than _____ years or who appear to weigh less than _____.

8; 100 lb

A person's ability to shiver is lost when his or her body temperature falls below

90 degrees

Shivering stops + muscle activity ceases once the body core temperature reaches

90 degrees F/32 C

Mild hypothermia occurs when the core temperature is between ___________ and __________.

90 degrees F; 95 degrees F

Hypothermia is diagnosed when the core body temperature falls below?

95 degrees F/35 C

Hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature falls below:

95 degrees fareinheit or 35 degrees celsius.

Which of the following statement regarding a 3 month old infant is correct?

A 3 month old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger

Which of the following statements regarding a 3-month-old infant is correct?

A 3-month-old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger.

You are triaging four patients who were involved in a head-on motor vehicle crash. Which of the following patients should be assigned the highest (red) triage category?

A 49-year-old female with diabetes and difficulty breathing\The FIRST step in the START triage system is to:\move all walking patients to a designated area.

Which of the following patients has experienced a critical burn?

A 65-year-old with 18% partial-thickness burns to both upper extremities

Which of the following injuries has a high probability for associative spinal​ injury?

A gunshot wound to the pelvis.

Define epidural hematoma

A hemorrhage that forms between the skull and dura matter

Which of the following statements regarding electrical burns is correct?

Entrance wounds are small relative to the amount of internal tissue damage.

Difference between natural disaster and MCI

Natural disaster often requires personnel to remain on scene for several days.

Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury?

Nausea and vomiting

Optic nerve

Nerves that transmit impulses to the brain

What disorder results in​ warm, dry​ skin; a normal pulse​ rate; and relative​ hypovolemia?

Neurogenic hypotension

When is it appropriate to use a cervical spine collar as the only immobilization device for a known spinal injury​ patient?


Most posterior part of the cranium?


The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called:


ALS decides to start an IV line and give meds, what should the EMT do?

clear space and, if necessary, explain the procedure to the patient.

You are attending to a 46-year-old male patient complaining of chest pain. Shortly after you begin to render care, an ALS unit arrives and the transfer of care is made. The decision is made to start an intravenous line and administer medication. You should:

clear space and, if necessary, explain the procedure to the patient.

Injury where there is a break in the skin or mucous membrane:

Open abdominal injury

Which of the following is a member of the command staff?

Public information officer

Which of the following is a requirement when labeling pesticide bags?

The EPA establishment number

Cerebral palsy is characterized by poorly controlled ________ movement.


The musculoskeletal system refers to the:

bones and voluntary muscles of the body.

The diving reflex may allow a person to survive extended periods of submersion in cold water secondary to:

bradycardia and the slowing of a metabolic rate.

The MOST ominous sign of impending cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is:


The _________ is the best-protected part of the CNS and controls the functions of the cardiac and respiratory systems.

brain stem

A fracture is MOST accurately defined as a(n):

break in the continuity of the bone.

Patients with rib fractures will commonly:

breathe rapidly and shallowly.

When caring for a scapula fracture, what should you assess for?

breathing problems

Which of the following statement regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct?

children have larger, rounder occiput compared to adults

Exposure to _________ would MOST likely result in immediate respiratory distress


Exposure to _________ would MOST likely result in immediate respiratory distress.


As a person ages, the heart may enlarge as a result of:

chronically increased afterload.

In order for a group to be successful what must individual have an understanding of?

individuals have an understanding of how the group will accomplish its goals.

General principles for approaching a potential HazMat incident include:

maintaining a safe distance and viewing the scene with binoculars.

After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should:

not rule out compensated shock.

What do you do for a CORAL SNAKE BITE?

notify hospital venom can cause paralysis of nervous system need anti-venin

The MOST accurate method for determining if you are delivering adequate tidal volume to a child during bag mask ventilations is to:

observe the chest for adequate rise.

Nerve agents, a class of chemicals called organophosphates, were first discovered while in search of a superior:


__________ rays easily penetrate through the human body and require lead or several inches of concrete to prevent penetration.


What tool is recommended for removing the plastic clips of a football helmet so that the face mask can be​ removed?

Gardening pruning tool

You arrive at a chemical explosion in a factory and are completing your scene​ size-up. What types of burn mechanisms might have​ occurred?

Gas, Contact, Flame, and Flash

What intervention may help reduce intracranial pressure?

30-degree elevation of the head

Which of the following interventions may be used to help reduce intracranial pressure?

30-degree elevation of the head

If the situation allows, a child should be transported in a car seat if he or she weighs less than __lb.


Portable and mounted suction units must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of at least ____ mm Hg when the tubing is clamped.


_______and ________are two anatomic parts of the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves

For which of the following patients involved in a motor vehicle collision is the use of a vestminus−type short immobilization device​ indicated?

33minus−yearminus−old female in the backseat who states that her neck hurts and she has a headache

If a situation allows a child should be transported in a carseat if he or she weighs less than:

40 pounds

Patient takes 4 breaths/min. Assisted ventilation with bag mask device. check pulse. check carotid pulse.

40 to 60 seconds

A portable oxygen cylinder should have a minimum capacity of ____ of oxygen.

500 L

Management of a patient who was electrocuted

-airway management and support with supplemental O2, monitor, AED, Treat burn with water,cover with a clean, dry dressing, Fractures or dislocations as indirect should be managed accordingly, including c-spine assessment and immobilization as indicated

Define an incision, laceration, avulsion, and amputation

-laceration(cut w/jagged edges, tearing away of skin tissue) -incision(Smooth edges) -Avulsion(flap of skin torn loose) -amputation(the cutting or tearing off of a body part)

newborn vitals

0-1 month resp: 30-60 pulse rate: 100-160

begin assessment at the feet from _______, and start at the head during their______.

0-6years old; 6 and above years

Level _____ hazardous materials would cause irritation on contact but only mild residual injury, even without treatment.


The mastoid process is located approximately:

1 inch posterior to the external opening of the ear.

infant vitals

1 month-1 year resp: 25-50 pulse rate: 100-160

According to the rule of palm method for estimating the extent of a patient's burns, the palm of the patient's hand is equal to _____ of his or her total BSA.


The vertebrae are divided into five areas. From top to​ bottom, these areas​ are: 3long dash—​lumbar, 1long dash—​cervical, 4long dash—​sacral, 2long dash—thoracic.

1, 2,​ 3, 4

toddler vitals

1-3 years resp: 20-30 pulse rate: 90-150

List 3 symptoms of a concussion

1. dizziness 2. weakness 3. visual changes

How much does one cubic foot of dirt weight?

100 lb

Trench collapses usually involve large areas of falling dirt that weigh approximately _______ per cubic foot

100 lb

While the ages can vary, women typically experience menstruation from approximately _________ to ____________ years of age.

11; 50

A child may begin to show signs of stranger anxiety as early as:

12 months.

Small infant have a poor ability to thermoregulate and are unable to shiver to control heat loss until about the age of:

12-18 months.

adolescent vitals

12-18 years resp: 12-20 pulse rate: 60-100

Which of the following weapons would MOST likely result in the largest surface area of tissue damage?

12-gauge shotgun

Typically, medivac helicopters fly at speeds between:

130 and 150 mph.

Appropriate management for a patient with a serious closed injury and signs of shock includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

15" to 20" elevation of the lower extremities.

Approximately what percentage of patients who suffer a MOI sufficient to fracture or dislocate the vertebral column will have a neurological​ deficit?


Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)

15-30 sec visual assessment appearance, work of breathing, circulation of skin forms general impression

A mother who is pregnant with her first baby is typically in the first stage of labor for approximately:

16 hours.

An infant's fontanels should close completely by the time he or she is:

18 months old.

A 21-year-old male was working in an auto repair shop and sustained radiator burns to the anterior aspect of both arms and to his anterior chest. According to the rule of nines, this patient has burns that cover _____ of his BSA.


The suture of the anterior fontanelle is typically closed by__ months of age, and the suture of the posterior fontanelle is typically closed by__ months of age

18, 6

When administering IV crystalloid boluses to a patient with an electrical injury, you should give enough fluid to maintain a urine output of:

1mL/kg per hour.

When arriving at the scene of a cave-in or trench collapse, response vehicles should be parked at least _____ away from the scene.

500 ft

After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within:

2 seconds

Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20-kg child?

20 g

How long is the incubation period for Ebola?

21 days

Which of the following patients should be assigned an immediate (red tag) category?

22-year-old male with blunt abdominal trauma, tachycardia, pallor, and diaphoresis

Part of the assessment of a thermal burn is to calculate the percentage of the body surface area that has been burned. Your patient has burns to his anterior torso and the anterior surface of his right arm. What is the estimated percentage of body surface burned?

22.5 percent

A patient with a head injury presents with abnormal flexion of his extremities. What numeric value should you assign to him for motor response?


Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than___years.


It is important to remain hydrated while on duty. Drink at least ________ of water per day, and more when exertion or heat is involved.

3 liters

preschool vitals

3-6 years resp: 20-25 pulse rate: 80-140

Hydroplaning of the ambulance on wet roads would MOST likely occur at speeds of greater than _____ mph.


In supine patients with a head injury, the head should be elevated _____ to help reduce intracranial pressure.

30 degrees

A 4-year-old boy pulled a pot of boiling water from the stovetop. He has superficial and partial-thickness burns to his head, left anterior trunk, and entire left arm. On the basis of the "rule of nines," what percentage of this child's body surface area (BSA) has been burned?


A 5-year-old female pulled a pot of boiling water from the stove. She has superficial and partial-thickness burns to her head and anterior trunk. What percentage of her body surface area has been burned?


A person is said to be obese when he or she is ________ over his or her ideal weight.

30% or more

When assessing a hypothermic patient, you should palpate for a carotid pulse for approximately __________ seconds before determining that he or she is pulseless.

30-45 seconds

Commotio cordis

A blunt chest injury caused by a sudden, direct blow to the chest that occurs only during the critical portion of a person's heartbeat.

Abnormal pupil reactions are usually signs of?

A brain injury rather than an eye injury

Which of the following statements regarding cervical collars is correct?

A cervical collar is used in addition to, not instead of, manual immobilization.


A collection of blood in the pleural cavity.

flail chest

A condition in which three or more ribs are fractured in two or more places or in association with a fracture of the sternum so that a segment of the chest wall is effectively detached from the rest of the thoracic cage.

Which of the following statements regarding a decreased level of consciousness in the elderly patient is correct?

A decresed level of consciousness is not a normal part of the aging process

Based on the structure of the nervous​ system, which of the following is​ true?

A deep laceration to the arm can sever peripheral nerves.


A grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends or joints rubbing together; also air bubbles under the skin that produce a crackling sound or crinkly feeling.

Retina is nourished by?

A layer of blood vessels between it and the sclera at the back of the globe called the CHOROID

Which of the following is probably NOT a multiple-casualty incident?

A motor vehicle crash with two critically injured patients and two ambulances

What SPO2 finding should the EMT expect of a patient exposed to cyanide?

A normal pulse oximetry reading.

flutter valve

A one-way valve that allows air to leave the chest cavity but not return; formed by taping three sides of an occlusive dressing to the chest wall, leaving the fourth side open as a valve; may also be part of a commercial vented occlusive dressing.


A partial or complete accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a direct injury?

A passenger fractures her patella after it strikes the dashboard.

Which of the following situations would require the use of a specialized rescue team?

A patient trapped in a cave or a confined space

Signs & symptoms of rib fractures

A patient with a blunt trauma who is holding the lateral side of his chest and has rapid and shallow respirations

traumatic asphyxia

A pattern of injuries seen after a severe force is applied to the chest, forcing blood from the great vessels back into the head and neck

spontaneous pneumothorax

A pneumothorax that occurs when a weak area on the lung ruptures in the absence of major injury, allowing air to leak into the pleural space

signs of shock in kids

AMS tachycardia poor cap refill

Which of the following would indicate that the endotracheal tube is NOT in the trachea?

Absence of an end-tidal CO2 waveform

You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Her skin is pink and dry and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. The MOST appropriate treatment for this child includes:

Administrating blow by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother

When should you c-collar a patient who will be immobilized using a KED?

After Assesses back of the neck for injury

Which of the following statements regarding transport of patients from a multiple-casualty incident or disaster site is correct?

Immediate-priority patients should be transported two at a time.

Air embolism

Air sucked through vein into heart

ABCDE format:

Airway Breathing Circulation Disability Exposure

When caring for a patient with facial trauma, the EMT should be MOST concerned with

Airway compromise

Front of the lens the clear fluid is called?

Aqueous humor


An "uh" sound heard during exhalation; reflects the child's attempt to keep the alveoli open; a sign of increased work of breathing.

work of breathing

An indicator of oxygenation and ventilation; reflects the patient's attempt to compensate for hypoxia.


An inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; it is usually caused by a virus or a bacterium.

When a patient sustains a spinal cord injury above the C3 region, which of the following is likely to happen?

An injury above C3 is likely to cause the patient to lose his/her ability to breathe entirely.


An injury in which soft tissue is torn completely loose or is hanging as a flap.

open chest injury

An injury to the chest in which the chest wall itself is penetrated by a fractured rib or, more frequently, by an external object such as a bullet or knife.

closed chest injury

An injury to the chest in which the skin is not broken, usually caused by blunt trauma.

sucking chest wound

An open or penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration and expiration, creating a sucking sound. See also open pneumothorax.

open pneumothorax

An open or penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration and expiration, creating a sucking sound; also referred to as a sucking chest wound.

Which of the following definitions of a mass-casualty incident is correct?

Any call that involves three or more patients.

simple pneumothorax

Any pneumothorax that is free from significant physiologic changes and does not cause drastic changes in the vital signs of the patient.

Which of the following blood vessels can be lacerated by a fractured rib?


Between aortic dissection, pulmonary contusion, aortic rupture, and myocardial contusion which would cause immediate death?

Aortic rupture

Which of the following is most likely to cause immediate death?

Aortic rupture

You have been called for an 87minus−yearminus−old male who fell in his kitchen while making breakfast. He states that he did hit his forehead but managed to catch himself on the way down and did not hit the ground hard. Your assessment reveals him to have kyphosis of the thoracic and cervical​ spine, but no neurological deficits. Which action is appropriate given these assessment​ findings?

Apply a rigid collar and prepare the patient for any discomfort that the collar may cause.

During your visual inspection of a 25-year-old woman in labor, you see the baby's head crowning at the vaginal opening. What should you do?

Apply gentle pressure to the baby's head as it delivers.

Most snake bites occur between _________ and ___________, when the animals are active.

April; October

Under what circumstances is a left ventricular assist device used?

As a bridge to heart transplantation while a donor heart is being located

A patient is complaining of back pain and numbness to both legs after being thrown from a bicycle. When should the EMT first check the motor​ function, sensory​ function, and pulses in this​ patient?

As the secondary assessment is performed

Your patient suffered a severe electrical burn injury. In your emergency care, you should always:

Assess for an entrance wound and an exit wound

According to the START triage system, what should you do if a patient is found to have a respiratory rate of 24 breaths/min?

Assess for bilateral radial pulses.

How do you manage shallow breathing with paradoxical chest wall movement?

Assist ventilations with a bag-valve mask.

You are dispatched to the scene of a​ shallow-water diving accident. While en​ route, which of the following would you consider to be the MOST likely result of this method of​ injury?

Axial loading of the cervical spine

Which of the following fractures is associated with bruising around the ears and blood coming from the nose?

Basilar skull fracture

Distended jugular veins, narrowing pulse pressure, and muffled heart tones are collectively known as _______.

Beck's triad


Bleeding into the anterior chamber of the eye that obscures the iris


Bleeding out

What is a shunt?

Blood exits the heart without having participated in gas exchange

Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when determining the presence of shock in infants and children?

Blood pressure

A 5 year old child has had severe vomiting and diarrhea for 4 days. Which of the following assessment findings would be the MOST indicative of decompensated shock?

Blood pressure of 70/40 mm Hg.

A 5-year-old child has had severe vomiting and diarrhea for 4 days. Which of the following assessment findings would be the MOST indicative of decompensated shock?

Blood pressure of 70/40 mm Hg.

Which of the following sets of vital signs depicts Cushing triad?

Blood pressure, 190/110 mm Hg; pulse, 55 beats/min; respirations, 30 breaths/min

Why does the skin become flushed or red when a person is exposed to a hot environment?

Blood vessels dilate and heat radiates to the skin surface.

Which of the following statements regarding the dermal layer of the skin is correct?

Blood vessels in the dermis do not penetrate into the epidermis.

cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade)

Compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output.

Which of the following should make you MOST suspicious for child abuse?

Bruises in various stages of healing

Myocardial Contusion

Bruising of the heart muscle

Emergency medical care of a burn patient includes which​ treatment?

Brushing dry chemicals away and then flushing with water

Management of a dry chemical burn

Brushing dry chemicals away and then flushing with water

Blunt trauma to eye

Can cause: black eye,

Concerns with injuries to face and neck

Can lead to partial or complete upper airway obstruction by bleeding, resulting blood clots, loose teeth or dentures, swelling Other interfering factors: injuries to brain, cervical spine

Which of the following accurately reflects the pathophysiology of​ Brown-Séquard syndrome?

Caused by a penetrating injury that damages only one half of the​ cord; damage to one side results in sensory and motor loss to the ipsilateral side of the body


Causes: digital trauma,

What area of the spinal cord is most commonly​ injured?

Cervical spine

While performing the primary assessment on a patient with an isolated spinal cord​ injury, you note that he is in severe respiratory distress and struggling to breathe. Where should you suspect the spinal cord injury has​ occurred?

Cervical spine

The five sections of the spinal column, in descending order, are the:

Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral, Coccygeal

According to the "E" in the DOPE mnemonic, which of the following actions should you perform to troubleshoot inadequate ventilation in a patient with a tracheostomy tube?

Check the mechanical ventilator for malfunction.

Only time you should remove contact lenses?

Chemical burn to the eye

Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct?

Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries

Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is MOST correct?

Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries.

Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct?

Children have a larger, rounder occiput compared to adults.

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely lead to pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated?



Circular muscle and surrounding tissue lying behind the cornea which adjusts the side of the pupil

Shutter in a camera

Circular muscle called the iris

What is the main purpose of eye blinking?

Clean the eye

Apply what to the eye after irrigation?

Clean, dry dressing


Clear, transparent membrane

Which of the following statements regarding crush syndrome is correct?

Compromised arterial blood flow leads to crush syndrome and can occur when an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours.

While you are assessing the sensory function of a patient with a suspected spinal​ injury, what BEST describes what you should instruct your patient to do before you perform the​ test?

Close your eyes.

Soft tissue damage inside the body, but skin remains intact:

Closed abdominal injury

Soft tissue injuries to the face

Common, this leads to swelling because the tissue is very vascular

Which of the following statements regarding interaction with the caregiver of a child or adult with special health care needs is correct?

Communication with the patient's caregiver or family members is important because they are the most familiar with the patient's condition.

Which of the following statements regarding compartment syndrome is correct?

Compartment syndrome typically develops within 6 to 12 hours after an injury.

An elderly patient has fallen down a flight of stairs and is complaining of neck and back pain as well as weakness to both legs. The primary assessment reveals no life threats to the​ airway, breathing, or circulation. Manual inminus−line spinal stabilization is being maintained. Which of the following would the EMT do​ next?

Complete the secondary assessment looking for injuries.

The FIRST priority on any call in which a person was burned​ is:

Completing a scene size up

A 22 year old female dove into the shallow end of the pool and injured her neck. Which of the following spinal injuries is most​ likely?


A young intoxicated male patient cannot move his left arm and leg after diving into the shallow end of a pool and hitting the bottom head first. The EMT would recognize which of the following mechanisms as most likely responsible for this​ injury?


You are transporting a stable patient with a possible pneumothorax. The patient is receiving high-flow oxygen and has an oxygen saturation of 95%. During your reassessment, you find that the patient is now confused, hypotensive, and profusely diaphoretic. What is MOST likely causing this patient's deterioration?

Compression of the aorta and vena cava


Condition in which people are born with pupils of differing sizes

Retinal detachment

Condition where retina detaches from choroid and patient experiences blindness Often during boxing Produces flashing lights, painless


Conjunctiva becomes inflamed and red

Which of the following findings is LEAST suggestive of child abuse?

Consistency in the method of injury reported by the caregiver.

When a person is looking at an object upclose the pupils should


You are caring for an adult male patient who has a critical burn to the hand after attempting to pick up a piece of hot metal after it was cut with a set of torches. What type of burn mechanism would this be?

Contact burn

The primary care for a liquid chemical burn is to:

Continually flood the affected area and with a large amount of water.

You are dispatched to the scene of an assault with police on the scene. You arrive to find a​ 28-year-old female victim who received a blow to the back of the head with a club and was robbed. The patient is sitting on the​ curb, conscious and well​ oriented, but is sobbing inconsolably. A bystander is holding a jacket on the​ patient's open wound but is NOT in control of the bleeding. The patient has a respiratory rate of 16 and a radial pulse of 92. Your partner takes manual control of the​ C-spine. Which of the following initial treatment plans would be MOST​ appropriate?

Control bleeding with a loosely bandaged absorbent​ dressing, administer high flow oxygen via a nonrebreather​ mask, perform a rapid trauma​ assessment, apply a cervical​ collar, a pulse​ ox, and titrate oxygen

When do you control major bleeding versus airway management? Which one takes priority?

Control major bleeding

When a warm hand is immersed in water that is 70°F (21°C), heat is transferred from the hand to the water through a process called:


You are treating a​ 57-year-old female victim of​ partial-thickness thermal burns of the​ hands, arms,​ feet, legs,​ genitalia, and anterior torso. After you have brought her airway under​ control, administered​ high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreather​ mask, and cooled the burned area with​ saline, she is still complaining of being in severe pain. After using cool saline to stop the​ burning, which of the additional steps can you take to relieve some of her​ pain?

Cover the burn with a sterile burn sheet

The EMT is caring for a patient who sustained burns to the abdomen. Which should the EMT do to prevent contamination of the​ wound?

Cover with a burn sheet

The head is divided into 2 parts:

Cranium Face

The ______ connects the cricoid cartilage and the thyroid cartilage.

Cricothyroid membrane

A patient has​ partial-thickness burns over 18 percent of his​ body, including both feet. Which classification does this patient fall​ under?


________ in a patient with a chest injury is a sign that the blood is not being oxygenated sufficiently.


When performing a full body scan, you should assess for ________.


Which of the following statements regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is correct?

Death as a result of SIDS can occur at any time of the day or night.

Which of the following activities occurs in the warm zone?


Which of the following is NOT a common role of the EMT at the scene of a HazMat incident?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?

Destruction of sebum

What structure separates the abdomen from the thoracic cavity?



Difficulty swallowing

Which injury is possible based on the anatomy of the​ spine?

Disk injury between thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12

This form of spinal injury is most common in hangings.


Which injury that may result in spinal cord damage would you be most likely to encounter while treating a teenager who attempted to hang himself in his​ garage?

Distraction injury to the cervical spine

Of the following medications, which increases risk of a heat related emergency; Motrin, Tylenol, Aspirin, Diuretics?


In general, how should you handle contact lenses?

Do not remove them

What is the bombing of Centennial Park in 1996 an example of?

Domestic terrorism.

What is the 1st Rule for Caring for a Drowning Victim?

Don't become a victim yourself. Protect spine when removing patient from water. Hypothermia.

With regard to the legal implications of child abuse:

EMT-Bs must report all suspected cases of child abuse

You respond to the scene of an explosion to treat a victim with a penetrating injury to the occipital area from shrapnel. Which of the following additional injuries should you have a high level of suspicion​ for?

Hyperflexion of the cervical spine

The EMT is caring for a patient who has a problem with the autonomic component of his nervous system. Which sign or symptom would most likely be caused by this​ condition?

Elevated heart rate

Following a stab wound to the left anterior chest, a 25-year-old male presents with a decreased level of consciousness and signs of shock. Which of the following additional assessment findings should increase your index of suspicion for a cardiac tamponade?

Engorged jugular veins.

Which intervention should the EMT perform first during the primary survey of a patient with a suspected spinal cord​ injury?

Establish​ in-line spinal stabilization.

The middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity by the?

Eustachian tube

The innermost layer of skin is known as the:


You are approaching an overturned tanker truck to assess the driver, who appears to be unresponsive. As you get closer to the vehicle, you note the smell of noxious fumes and find that you are in the midst of a vapor cloud. What should you do?

Exit the area immediately and gather information for the HazMat team.

Which of the following is the MOST significant acute complication associated with a laceration to the forearm?

External bleeding

Which of the following statements regarding penetrating injuries is correct?

External bleeding may be minimal but internal injuries can be extensive.

Which of the following duties or responsibilities does NOT fall within the realm of the medical branch of the incident command system?


What are NOT responsibilities of the medical branch?


What are two critical findings in a patient who has a spinal cord injury in the cervical region of the spinal​ cord?

Hypotension and inadequate breathing

Which of the following factors is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis?

Female gender.

Cricoid cartilage

Firm ridge of cartilage completely surrounding the trachea blow the Adam's apple

The brain connects to the spinal cord through a large opening at the base of the skull known as the?

Foramen magnum

When an oral burn can cause swelling of the airway structures, what is the pulmonary result?


Blowout fracture

Fracture of the orbit

Which finding at a​ two-car MVC would be MOST consistent with the patient likely having damage to her head and​ neck?

Frontal impact with a starburst mark on the​ driver's side windshield

Directly above the nose are the?

Frontal sinuses

Which of the following questions is of LEAST pertinence when the EMT is determining whether or not to declare a multiple-casualty incident and activate the incident command system?

How many paramedics are able to respond to the scene and provide advanced care?

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the exact extent and prevalence of elder abuse is unknown?

Human resource agencies fail to investigate.

Which of the following agents blocks the body's ability to use oxygen and possesses an odor similar to almonds?

Hydrogen cyanide

Which of the following statements regarding secondary brain injury is correct?

Hypoxia and hypotension are the two most common causes of secondary brain injury

A type _____ ambulance features a conventional, truck cab-chassis with a modular ambulance body that can be transferred to a newer chassis as needed.


You are at the scene of multiple-casualty incident when your partner slips and falls, injuring his leg. He is alert and responds appropriately to your questions. His respirations are 20 breath/min and his radial pulses are strong. What triage category should you assign your partner?


You respond to a 38-year-old man who fell while rock climbing. He is unconscious with an open airway. The respiration and pulse rates are within normal limits. His distal pulses are intact. You check his pupils and find that they are unequal. You know this could be a sign of:

Increased intracranial pressure.


Increased respiratory rate

The five stages of human growth include:

Infancy 0-12 month The toddler years 12-36 months Preschool years 3-6 years School-age years 6-12 years Adolescence 12-18 years

pulmonary contusion

Injury or bruising of lung tissue that results in hemorrhage

Which of the following is true regarding injury to the kidneys?

Injury to the kidneys usually indicates injury to other organs.

What is pigmented?


Which of the following breathing patterns is MOST indicative of increased intracranial pressure?

Irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with intermittent periods of apnea

Which of the following breathing patterns is most indicative of increased intracranial pressure?

Irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with intermittent periods of apnea

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the​ dermis?

It contains the sensory structures of the skin

Which of the following statements regarding striated muscle is correct?

It forms the major muscle mass of the body and usually crosses at least one joint.

If the patient sustains burns to the hands, the EMT should remove:


Maintaining a cushion of safety when operating an ambulance means:

Keeping a safe distance between your ambulance and the vehicles in front of you and remaining aware of vehicles potentially hiding in your mirrors' blind spots.

Why do you always position the airway in a neutral sniffing position.

Keeps the trachea from kinking Maintains the proper alignment if you have to immobilize the spine

Which of the following statements regarding drowning is MOST correct?

Laryngospasm following submersion in water makes rescue breathing difficult.


Layers of bone in each nasal chamber covered with moist lining Superior, middle, inferior turbinate in each chamber Air humidified as it passes over turbinates

Focuses images on the light sensitive area at the back of the globe?


Which toxicity level includes materials that are extremely hazardous to health?

Level 4.

Your work uniform is an example of what level of protection?

Level D protection

Which of the following statements regarding lightning strikes is MOST correct?

Lighting often results in a brief period of asystole that resolves spontaneously

Injuries associated with bruising to the right upper quadrant


Solid organs

Liver, pancreas, spleen

What is an early sign of pit viper envenomation?

Local swelling and ecchymosis.

You are dispatched for a fall at the local mall. When you arrive you are led by security to a location on the sidewalk where a​ 43-year-old male patient is lying on his back. He is alert and oriented and tells you that he was running to cross in front of a car when he tripped on the​ curb, striking his head on the sidewalk. He then rolled onto his back and can NO longer move his​ hands, legs, or​ trunk, although he can still move his arms. At what spinal level has his injury likely​ occurred?

Low cervical or high thoracic

An Emergency Medical Responder reports that a male​ patient, injured while playing​ football, has bruising to the lumbar area of the back. Based on this​ statement, the EMT should expect to find bruising in which​ area?

Lower back

Orbit of eye composed of?

Lower edge of frontal bone, zygoma, maxilla, and nasal bone.

From which of the following sources could you find out the physical and health hazards of a chemical as well as signs and symptoms of exposure to the chemical?


If you feel subq emphysema, you should?

Maintain the airway and provide immediate transport

Medical term for the upper jawbones


Upper jawbones?


When a person experiences a severe electrical shock caused by directly touching the electrical​ source, the entrance wound is often on the​ hand, and the exit​ wound:

May be difficult to find

While palpating the posterior vertebrae of a patient who wrecked his​ motorcycle, you find tenderness and instability around the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. If this is resulted to a complete cord​ injury, the patient may have NO sensory finding beneath what level:

Mid nipple line

Contains the hammer, anvil, and stirrup?

Middle ear

Posterior epistaxis

More severe, often cause blood to drain into throat


Most prominent cervical vertebra, at base of neck

Temporomadibular joint

Motion of the mandible occurs here

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the​ body's nervous​ system?

Motor impulses from the brain only travel down the spinal cord.

What should you do for a patient with HEAT CRAMPS?

Move to cool environment. Begin assessment + treatment.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a concussion?

Muscle tremors

What is the waste product in the blood from extensive burns that causes renal failure?


Face bones

Nasal bone, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomas, mandible

Most common facial fractures

Nasal, mandible


Nourishing layer of blood vessels between the sclera and the retina

How should a patient with a pneumothorax be ventilated?

O2 and monitor SpO2, breath sounds

Approximately ______of the nose is composed of bone. The remainder is composed of cartilage?


Why is it critical that the decision to apply spinal immobilization be based on MOI rather than clinical​ presentation?

Only 15%% of patients with fractured or dislocated spinal columns show neurological deficits.

When should you visually inspect the external genitalia on your patient?

Only when there is a complaint of severe pain or other injury

When should you visually inspect the external genitalia?

Only when there is a complaint of severe pain or other injury

which of the following is not part of the general staff defined in the ICS?


Sternocleidomastoid muscles

Originate form the mastoid process and insert into the medal border of each collar bone and the sternum at the base of the neck Allow for movement of head

Anterior epistaxis

Originate from area of the septum, bleed slowly, self-limiting, resolve quickly

Signs and symptoms of a detached retina?

Painless but has flashing lights, specks, and a cloud

Signs/symptoms of retinal detachment?

Painless but has flashing lights, specks, and a cloud

A patient dove into a shallow pool and struck his head on the bottom. Your assessment findings indicate that he has no motor or sensation ability in his​ legs, but he can move his arms. The EMT should recognize which of the following​ conditions?


Injuries to the face and neck can often lead to?

Partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway

Which of the following would be classified as a moderate burn in an infant or child?

Partial-thickness burns covering 15% of the BSA

Landmarks and identifiers for the cricoid cartilage?

adams apple upper part of larynx

A tour bus has overturned, resulting in numerous patients. When you arrive, you are immediately assigned to assist in the triage process. Patient 1 is a middle-aged male with respiratory distress, chest pain, and a closed deformity to his right forearm. Patient 2 is a young female who is conscious and alert, but has bilateral femur fractures and numerous abrasions to her arms and face. Patient 3 is an older woman who complains of abdominal pain and has a history of cardiovascular disease. Patient 4 is unresponsive, is not breathing, has a weak carotid pulse, and has a grossly deformed skull. What triage categories should you assign to these patients?

Patient 1, immediate (red); Patient 2, delayed (yellow); Patient 3, immediate (red); Patient 4, expectant (black)

You are triaging victims of a train derailment. Patient A has significant bleeding from an abdominal injury. Patient B has several simple fractures of the femur and ulna. Patient C is conscious and complaining of head and neck pain. Patient D is in cardiac arrest. How would you prioritize these patients?

Patient A has significant bleeding from an abdominal injury and should be tagged as red. Patient B has relatively minor fractures and should be tagged as green. Patient C likely has a neck injury and should be tagged as yellow. Patient D will likely not survive and should be tagged as black.

What type of heat illness should you suspect that he is experiencing? Why?

Patient has heat stroke. When body is exposed to more heat than it can handle +normal compensatory mechanisms that eliminate excess heat are overwhelmed. AMS confusion or coma/flushed hot skin

How should you adjust your treatment for this patient?

Patient with inadequate breathing needs bag mask device with ventilation. keep patient cool. insert airway adjunct.

Which of the following statements regarding patients with intellectual disabilities is correct?

Patients with intellectual disabilities are susceptible to the same disease processes as other patients

A 42minus−yearminus−old man has called 911 because of severe back pain. He informs you that his back pain is related to a recent fracture of his coccyx. Based on this​ information, where should the EMT expect the patient to be complaining of​ pain?

Pelvic area

Patient complaints of pain during intercourse, lower abdominal discomfort, and nausea may be indicative of which of the following?

Pelvic inflammatory disease

When a hollow organ is punctured during a penetrating injury to the abdomen:

Peritonitis may not develop for several hours

Most common causes of nosebleeds?

Picking your nose

48 year old with a history of high BP and now has a major nose bleed. RR and pulse are normal, BP is 194/108. You rule out trauma, how would you manage the nose bleed?

Pinch nostrils together

External, visible part of the ear?


External ear composed of?

Pinna (auricle), external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane (eardrum)

Outer ear

Pinna, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane

You have been called to a public building for a 32minus−yearminus−old male patient who fell down a flight of stairs. As you pull​ up, he walks to the ambulance and states that he would like to be looked at because his shoulder and lower back hurt. You immediately take inminus−line manual spinal stabilization and examine his​ back, which reveals no sign of injury. How should you immobilize this​ patient?

Place a long board behind the patient and immobilize in a standing position.

How should you treat a bleeding ear?

Place a soft, padded dressing between the back of the ear and the scalp

Most likely intervention to assist with when a paramedic is intubating is:

Preoxygenation with a BVM

Which of the following would the EMT MOST likely be asked to do when assisting a paramedic with endotracheal intubation?

Preoxygenation with a BVM

How the eyeball keeps its shape?

Pressure of fluid contained within its two chambers

During what phase of patient assessment should life threatening chest injuries be found and managed?

Primary Assesment

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the treatment supervisor?

Primary assessment

Do not consider a patient warm + dead?

Protocol will dictate if you give CPR or AED in field.

The EMS crew has decided that an unresponsive patient who was involved in an MVC needs to be rapidly extricated. What should the EMS providers do​ first?

Provide manual​ in-line stabilization of the head.

What is the oxygenation guideline for a patient with a suspected spinal cord​ injury?

Provide oxygen to keep the pulse ox greater than or equals≥ 94 percent.

How to manage a laryngeal injury?

Provide oxygenation and ventilation but avoid use of rigid collars that may cause soft tissue damage

A patient with a chest injury has a blood pressure of 100/60 mm Hg and a pulse rate of 120 beats/min. Which of the following additional findings should make you suspect a pericardial tamponade?

Repeat BP of 90/68 mm Hg

Burns of the eyelids require? What should you do?

Require very specialized care; Transport promptly

Signs and symptoms of larynx injuries?

Respiratory distress, hoarseness, pain, difficult swallowing, cyanosis, sputum in the wound

Film in the camera?


Light sensitive area at the back of the globe is called?


You are treating a patient who fell hard on her right side when she fell off a bike. Exposure of the patient's chest reveals a large bruise on the lateral aspect of the right side of the chest. When you palpate the area, the patient yells out in extreme pain and states that she cannot take a deep breath. What condition should you suspect?

Rib fractures

The spinal column is the principal support system of the body. Which of the following is TRUE about the spinal​ column?

Ribs originate from the spinal​ column, and the ribs are directly or indirectly attached to it.

Which of the following drugs is commonly referred to as "roofies"?


The EMT is determining total body surface area involved due to severe​ full-thickness burns to a large portion of the body in an adolescent. Which method should the EMT​ use?

Rule of nines

When assessing a patient with a head injury, you note the presence of thin, bloody fluid draining from the right ear. This indicates:

Rupture of the tympanic membrane (TM) following diffuse impact to the head

White of the eye?


Which of the following tools is NOT recommended for removing the face mask from a football​ helmet?


A patient has just been log rolled and positioned onto the long backboard. Which one of the following care measures should be performed​ next?

Secure the​ patient's chest with straps.

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely be encountered in a patient with cerebral palsy?

Seizure disorder

Most prominent spine at the base of the neck?

Seventh cervical vertebra

Severe bleeding may occur with injury to:

Severe bleeding may occur with injury to solid organs

Which of the following statements regarding severe burns is correct?

Severe burns are typically a combination of all degrees of burn.

Bruising to the _______ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse.


S&S of a hip fracture and treatment

Shorted leg, rotated outward, scoop stretcher, transport

Which of your senses can be safely used to identify a HazMat incident?

Sight and sound

When caring for a child with suspected meningitis, it is MOST important for the EMT-B to:

adhere to BSI precautions.


Small fleshy bulge immediately anterior to ear canal

Cornea has a?

Smooth, wet appearance

Which of the following statements regarding blast injuries is correct?

Solid organs are relatively protected from shock wave injury but may be injured during the secondary or tertiary blast phase.

Which of the following chemicals is a nerve agent?


Burned toes should be separated with:

Sterile gauze pads

Hollow organs

Stomach, small intestine, uterus

What may you have to do if you are unable to control bleeding due to a face/neck injury?

Suction the airway

Which burns would be considered minor in an adult patient in terms of burn​ severity?

Superficial burns over the front and back of both arms

What is NOT considered to be an indication for providing rapid extrication to a patient who was involved in an​ MVC?

Suspected​ high-impact collision speed

If your trauma patient is unable to spread her fingers open upon your​ request, a possible spinal injury may have occurred at what level of the spinal​ cord?


You arrive on the scene of a motor vehicle collision. Walking toward you is the unrestrained driver of the vehicle that sustained moderate frontminus−end damage. The patient complains of some back​ pain, but is walking around after the crash and does not appear to be suffering from any neurological deficits. What is your initial action in caring for this​ patient?

Take manual inminus−line spinal stabilization.

Precipitous labor & delivery is most common in women who have done what?

among women who have had one or more deliveries

Assessment of a young girl who was hit while riding her bike reveals her to be responsive to painful stimuli with flexion of the extremities and in respiratory distress. There is marked deformity to her thoracic spine and bruising noted to her anterior chest and abdomen. She does not move her legs when a noxious stimulus is applied to the lower extremities. Manual inminus−line spinal stabilization is being held and a cervical collar has been applied. Given the critical nature of this​ patient, which one of the following is most appropriate for her​ care?

Take time to completely immobilize her to the long board on scene prior to rapid transport to the hospital.

Lacrimal glands

Tear glands that keep the conjunctiva moist Tears drain on the inner side of the eye through two lacrimal tear ducts in the nasal cavity

Potential complications with face and neck injuries?

Teeth or dentures may become dislodged into the throat

Never attempt to remove a foreign body?

That is stuck to the cornea

During an altercation in a bar, two patrons got into a fist fight. The first patient, a 44-year-old female, was struck in the mouth and refuses EMS care. The second patient, a 39-year-old female, has a small laceration to her left knuckle and also refuses EMS care. Which of the following statements regarding this scenario is MOST correct?

The 39-year-old female is at high risk for an infection.

In which of the following situations would the EMTs MOST likely utilize a police escort?

The EMTs are unfamiliar with the location, but the police officer knows the area.

Any unresponsive trauma patient should be assumed to have:

an accompanying spinal injury.

Common causes of depression in the elderly include all of the following, EXCEPT:

an acute onset of dementia.

Know the rule of 9's

The anterior trunk of an adult is equal to 18% of the BSA.

Which of the following statements regarding the rule of nines is correct?

The anterior trunk of an adult is equal to 18% of the BSA.

zone of injury

The area of potentially damaged soft tissue, adjacent nerves, and blood vessels surrounding an injury to a bone or a joint.

For a person to make a​ fist, which one of the following must​ occur?

The central nervous system must send a message through the spinal cord and then to the peripheral nerves.

paradoxical motion

The motion of the portion of the chest wall that is detached in a flail chest; the motion—in during inhalation, out during exhalation—is exactly the opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing

Define conjunctiva and where is it located

The conjunctiva is the clear, thin membrane that covers part of the front surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids surface of the eye moist and lubricated. Protect the eye from dust, debris and infection

On the front of the eye, the sclera is replaced by a clear, transparent membrane called?

The cornea

When dealing with an avulsed tooth, handle it by?

The crown and not by the root

What structures are contained within the mediastinum?

The esophagus, trachea, and great vessels

Middle ear is connected to the nasal cavity by?

The eustachian tube which is the internal auditory canal

As a backup unit on a​ multiple-car collision, you are assigned to care for an infant who is still in his car​ seat, locked into the backseat of the car. As you prepare this patient for​ transport, which statement is MOST​ accurate?

The infant should be removed from the car seat and immobilized to a backboard.

arachnoid and pia mater

The inner two layers of the meninges. Much thinner than the dura mater, they contain the blood vessels that nourish the brain and spinal cord.

Know the process of inhalation

The intercostal muscles and diaphragm both contract.

When controlling bleeding from a scalp laceration with a suspected underlying

avoid excessive pressure when applying the bandage.

Any crushing injury of the upper part of the neck is likely to involve?

The larynx or trachea

All of the following systems contain organs that make up the contents of the abdominal cavity EXCEPT:

The limbic system

Define dissemination

The means by which a terrorist will spread a particular agent

Always flush from?

The nose side of the eye toward the outside

A 22-year-old male, who was trapped in a confined space during a structural fire, is conscious and alert and refuses EMS treatment and transport. He is breathing without difficulty, but has singed nasal hair and facial redness. Which of the following statements regarding this patient is correct?

The patient may die several hours later due to pulmonary complications.

Define guarding:

The patient may protect his or her abdomen by tightening the abdominal muscles or by actually pushing your hands away.

Which patient should be rapidly extricated from a car after an​ MVC?

The patient who is unresponsive

Which statement accurately reflects the effect of anterior cord​ syndrome?

The patient will present with loss of sensation to pain and loss of motor function below the site of cord​ injury; however, the patient will retain the ability to feel light touch

Which of the following observations or statements represents the "E" in the GEMS diamond?

The patient's residence is cold due to a malfunctioning heater.

What are the functions of the vagus and phrenic nerves:

The phrenic nerves control the diaphragm. vagus nerve is responsible for the regulation of internal organ functions, such as digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as vasomotor activity, and certain reflex actions, such as coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting

What is freelancing?

The term used when individual units or different organizations make independent, and often inefficient, decisions regarding an incident

Adam's apple formed by?

The thyroid cartilage

A​ 3-year-old male patient pulled a pan of hot grease from an electric stove onto himself. He has burns to both arms and his chest. How would this burn be​ classified?


The EMT arrives at a house and discovers the patient has sustained burns from hot water. Which burn classification should the EMT expect to treat?


A patient sustains burns from boiling water that spilled from a pot. Which type of burn should the paramedic document in the​ record?

Thermal burn

Which of the following statements regarding anterior nosebleeds is correct?

They usually originate from the septum area and bleed slowly.

A patient injured in a motor vehicle collision is suffering from the separation of the rib and its associated spinal vertebrae. Based on the anatomy of the​ spine, where has this injury​ occurred?

Thoracic spine

What is gangrene or permanent death of a cell?

Tissue is frozen or certain chemical changes occur in cell.

After applying a tourniquet what should you write down?

Tk on forehead and then time on the tourniquet

TICLS includes:

Tone Interactiveness Consolability Look or gaze Speech or cry

Within each nasal chamber there are layers of bone called?


Which of the following statements regarding the unified command system is correct?

Under the unified command system, plans are drawn up in advance by all cooperating agencies that assume a shared responsibility for decision making.

According to the START triage system, which of the following patients should be triaged as an immediate priority (red tag)?

Unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 34 breaths/min

Adam's apple

Upper part of the larynx formed by the thyroid cartilage

The ___ system is responsible for filtering waste.


If a small, foreign object is lying on the surface of the eye, you should?

Use a normal saline solution to gently irrigate the eye

A medical transport helicopter is incoming and you are responsible for setting up the landing zone (LZ). You should:

Use weighted cones to mark all four corners of the LZ.

Which of the following would be the MOST practical method of communicating with a hearing-impaired patient until his or her hearing aids can be located?

Using a piece of paper and writing utensil to ask questions

From what internal female organ is the fetus expelled during delivery?


Which of the following statements regarding the persistency and volatility of a chemical agent is correct?

VX, a highly persistent nerve agent, can remain in the environment for weeks to months.

Face and neck are extremely?


How is the circulatory system affected by severe​ burns?

Vascular damage with fluid shifting

Which of the following physiologic responses occurs initially following a burn injury?

Vasoconstriction and decreased blood flow to the burned area

Where should the pulse be evaluated​ at, during the PMS assessment of a patient who fell from the bed of a​ pickup?

Wrist and ankle

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the relationship between a spinal cord injury and a spinal column​ injury?

You can have a cord injury without a column injury.

You receive a call for a sick person. When you arrive, you find the patient, a 75-year-old male, lying unresponsive in his bed. His respirations are slow and irregular and his pulse is slow and weak. His daughter tells you that he fell the day before, but refused to allow her to call 9-1-1. His past medical history is significant for hypothyroidism, deep vein thrombosis, heavy alcohol use, and liver cirrhosis. His medications include blood thinners and vitamins. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient is experiencing:

a subdural hematoma.

Breath-holding syncope is caused by a decreased stimulus to breathe and occurs when:

a swimmer hyperventilates prior to entering the water.

An 84-year-old male fell a week ago and has been bedridden since then. Today, he presents with an altered mental status. His skin is pale and cold and his respirations are rapid and shallow. The EMT should suspect:

a systemic infection.

Down syndrome is a genetic defect that occurs as the result of:

a triplication of chromosome 21.

Signs of late heatstroke include:

a weak rapid pulse.

To assess a patient's general temperature, pull back on your glove and place the back of your hand on his or her skin at the:


Most prominent symptom of decompression sickness

abdominal or joint pain.

The MOST prominent symptom of decompression sickness is:

abdominal or joint pain.

A patient with pelvic inflammatory disease will typically complain of _________.

abdominal pain associated with menstruation

Which of the following open soft-tissue injuries is limited to the superficial layer of the skin and results in the least amount of blood loss?


An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with:

absent urine output.

Equipment and supplies that are carried on an ambulance should be stored:

according to the urgency and frequency of their use.

Pneumothorax is defined as:

accumulation of air in the pleural space.

When assessing an older patient who has multiple bruises in various stages of healing, the EMT should do all of the following, EXCEPT:

accuse a caregiver of physical abuse.

When documenting elder abuse what should you avoid doing?

accuse a caregiver of physical abuse.

To treat a sting from a jellyfish, pour ________ ________ on the affected area.

acetic acid

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that circulates in between each meningeal layer:

acting as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.

The meninges, along with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that circulates in between each meningeal layer, function by:

acting as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.

What is the function of CSF?

acting as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.

A 26-year-old female presents with heavy vaginal bleeding. She is conscious, but restless. Her blood pressure is 84/54 mm Hg, her pulse is 120 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min with adequate depth. She tells you that she inserted a tampon about 2 hours ago. You should:

administer high-flow oxygen, place a sterile pad over her vagina, keep her warm, elevate her lower extremities, and transport without delay

A 39-year-old male was struck in the head by a baseball during a game. He is confused, has a large hematoma in the center of his forehead, and cannot remember the events preceding the injury. After manually stabilizing his head and assessing his airway, you should:

administer high-flow oxygen.

During your assessment of a 22-year-old male who was assaulted, you note widespread contusions and abrasions to his face, chest, and abdomen. His pulse is rapid and weak, and his skin is cool and clammy. You should:

administer oxygen and prepare for rapid transport.

While jogging, a 19-year-old male experienced an acute onset of shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain. He is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. Your assessment reveals that he has diminished breath sounds over the left side of the chest. You should:

administer oxygen and transport to the hospital.

You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The patient, an 18 month old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Her skin is pink and dry, and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. The MOST appropriate treatment for this child includes:

administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother.

You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Her skin is pink and dry, and her heart rate is 120 beats/min. The MOST appropriate treatment for this child includes:

administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother.

Management for a 36 week pregnant female with vaginal bleeding

administer​ high-concentration oxygen and immediately transport.

A specific legal document that directs relatives and caregivers regarding the medical treatment that may be given to patients who cannot speak for themselves is called a(n):

advance directive.

You have just delivered a major trauma patient to the hospital. Shortly after departing the hospital, dispatch advises you of another call. The back of the ambulance is contaminated with bloody dressings and is in disarray, and you are in need of airway equipment and numerous other supplies. You should:

advise the dispatcher that you are out of service and to send another unit.

A team of EMTs is caring for a critically injured patient. The team leader advises the EMT that transport will not begin until the patient's closed forearm fracture is splinted. Utilizing the crew resource management model, the EMT should:

advise the team leader that immediate transport is more important than splinting.

When immobilizing a seated patient with a short backboard or vest-style immobilization device, you should apply a cervical collar:

after assessing distal neurovascular functions.

At an MVC for a complex extrication, when should you provide care and enter the vehicle?

after receiving approval from the incident commander.

When functioning at the scene of a motor vehicle crash in which a patient will require complex extrication, you should enter the vehicle and provide care to the patient:

after receiving approval from the incident commander.

When treating a patient with suspected head or spine​ injury, manual stabilization of the head and neck can be​ released:

after the patient is secured to a backboard

a normal LOC in an infant or child is characterized by:

age appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact

When a child is struck by a car, the area of greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the:

age of the child and the size of the car that struck him or her.

Interoperability, an important feature of the NIMS, refers to the ability of:

agencies of different types or from different jurisdictions to communicate with each other.

An open pneumothorax occurs when:

air enters the pleural space from outside the body.

Most significant complication associated with facial injuries?

airway compromise

The MOST significant complication associated with facial injuries is:

airway compromise.

Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with:


According to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA):

all health care facilities must provide a medical assessment and required treatment, regardless of the patient's ability to pay.

During the attempted resuscitation of an infant with suspected SIDS:

allow the family to observe if they wish

The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is to:

allow you to rapidly and visually form a general impression of the child.

You are called to the scene of a 56-year-old female patient who was the driver of a car that struck a telephone pole. The patient is sitting in her vehicle with her seat belt on and the air bag has deployed. A bystander approaches as you arrive and informs you that he is an off-duty firefighter and was first on the scene. The bystander wishes to provide you with a patient care report. You should:

ask your partner to preform the primary survey while you listen to the report.

You have applied a dressing and roller-gauze bandage to a laceration on the arm of a young female. During transport, she begins to complain of numbness and tingling in her hand. You should:

assess distal circulation and readjust the bandage as needed.

After your partner assumes manual in-line stabilization of the patient's head, you should:

assess distal neurovascular status in the extremities

You receive a call to a local gymnasium for a basketball player with a dislocated shoulder. Upon arrival, you find the patient, a 17-year-old male, sitting on the ground. He is holding his left arm in a fixed position away from his body. There is an obvious anterior bulge to the area of injury. You should

assess distal pulse, motor, and sensory functions.

A 30-year-old male was rescued after being lost in the woods for approximately 18 hours. The outside temperature is 30°F (-1°C). He is immediately placed in the warmed ambulance, where you perform a primary assessment. He is unresponsive, pale, and apneic. You should:

assess for a carotid pulse for up to 60 seconds.

A 30-year-old male was rescued after being lost in the woods for approximately 18 hours. The outside temperature is 30°F (-1°C). He is immediately placed in the warmed ambulance, where you perform a primary assessment. He is unconscious, pale, and apneic. After initiating artificial ventilations, you should:

assess for a carotid pulse up to 45 seconds.

According to the JumpSTART triage system, if a pediatric patient has a respiratory rate of 40 breaths/min, you should:

assess for a distal pulse.

Proper sequence for assessing an unresponsive patient?

assess the unresponsive patient's pulse, begin CPR starting with chest compressions if he is pulseless, and attach the AED as soon as possible.

A young male tripped on a garden hose, fell, and struck his head on a concrete sidewalk. He is unresponsive and has a large hematoma to his forehead. His respirations are slow and shallow. You should:

assist his ventilations with 100% oxygen.

After eating at a local restaurant, a 20-year-old male complains of blurred vision, difficulty speaking, and difficulty breathing. He is conscious; however, his respirations are profoundly labored and producing minimal tidal volume. You should:

assist his ventilations with 100% oxygen.

You respond to a skate park where a 10-year-old male fell from his skateboard and struck his head on the ground; he was not wearing a helmet. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma on the back of his head. After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. His pulse is slow and bounding. You should:

assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions, and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center.

You respond to a skate park where a 10-year-old male fell from his skateboard and struck his head on the ground; he was not wearing a helmet. He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma to the back of his head. After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. His pulse is slow and bounding. You should:

assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions, and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center.

A female patient with a suspected spinal injury is breathing with a marked reduction in tidal volume. The MOST appropriate airway management for her includes:

assisting ventilations at an age-appropriate rate.

intracerebral hemorrhage

associated with a more prolonged loss of consciousness; is bleeding within the brain itself

Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler:

at the feet.

Multiple people in a small town began experiencing abdominal cramps, excessive salivation and urination, and muscle twitching shortly after a small crop duster plane made several passes over the community. As you are assessing the patients, you further determine that most of them are bradycardic and have miosis. In addition to 100% oxygen, the MOST important treatment for these patients includes:

atropine and pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM).

Multiple people in a small town began experiencing abdominal cramps, excessive salivation and urination, and muscle twitching shortly after a small crop duster plane made several passes over the community. As you are assessing the patients, you further determine that most of them are bradycardic and have miosis. In addition to high-flow oxygen, the MOST appropriate treatment for these patients includes:

atropine and pralidoxime chloride.

What do TICKS do?

attach directly to skin

A 2 year old female has experienced a seizure. when you arrive at the scene, that child is conscious, crying, and clinging to her mother. Her skin is hot and moist. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. She further tells you that her daughter has no history of seizures, but has had a recent ear infection. You should:

attempt cooling measures, offer oxygen, and transport.

Because of the complexity of the older patient and the vagueness of his or her complaint, you should:

attempt to differentiate between chronic and acute problems.

The body's functions that occur without conscious effort are regulated by the _________ nervous system.


A dysbarism injury refers to the signs and symptoms related to changes in

barometric pressure.

No matter what the fuel source of a crashed vehicle is, one common practice remains the same—the need to disconnect the _____.


Regardless of where portable and mounted oxygen cylinders are stored in the ambulance, they must:

be capable of delivering oxygen at 1 to 15 L/min.

When a rehabilitation area is established at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident, it should:

be in a location that prevents visualization of the scene itself.

Your documentation on a sexual assault victim should:

be objective and factual

An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. She is conscious but clearly restless. Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. She is receiving high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask. You should:

be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the hospital.

An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. She is conscious, but clearly restless. Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. She is receiving high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask. You should:

be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the hospital.

In anticipation of receiving a fertilized ovum, the lining of the uterine wall:

becomes engorged with blood.

A 38-year-old male was electrocuted while attempting to wire a house. Your assessment reveals that he is unresponsive, pulseless, and apneic. A coworker has shut off the power to the house. You should:

begin CPR and apply the AED.

Following proper decontamination, a 30-year-old male is brought to you. He is semiconscious and has rapid, shallow respirations. A quick visual assessment reveals no obvious bleeding. You should:

begin some form of positive-pressure ventilation.

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus is typically at or above the level of the mother's:

belly button.

A 21-year-old male was thrown over the handlebars of his motorcycle when he rear- ended a car that was stopped at a red light. He was wearing a helmet, which he removed prior to your arrival. He is conscious, but restless, and has closed deformities to both of his femurs. His skin is pale, his heart rate is rapid and weak, and his respirations are rapid and shallow. In addition to applying high-flow oxygen and protecting his spine, you should:

bind his legs together on the backboard, keep him warm, and transport without delay.


black widow, brown recluse spider

An epidural hematoma is MOST accurately defined as:

bleeding between the skull and dura mater.

Death caused by shaken baby syndrome is usually the result of:

bleeding in the brain.

When ventilating a pediatric patient with a bag mask device, the EMT should:

block the pop off valve if needed to achieve adequate chest rise.

Patients with generalized hypothermia are at an increased risk of a local cold injury because

blood is shunted away from the extremities to the body's core.

As you are assessing a 24 year old man with a large laceration to the top of his head, you should recall that

blood loss from a scalp laceration may contribute to hypovolemic shock in adults

Which of the following sets of vital signs depicts Cushing's triad?

blood pressure, 190/110 mm Hg; pulse, 55 beats/min; respirations, 30 breaths/min

Which of the following structures is regulated by smooth muscle?

blood vessels

Pale skin in a child indicated that the:

blood vessels near the skin are constricted.

Pale skin in a child indicates that the:

blood vessels near the skin are constricted.

Closed chest injuries are typically caused by _______.

blunt trauma.

You arrive at an accident scene to find an alternative-fuel vehicle leaking an unknown substance. You should immediately _________.

call for additional resources and keep bystanders away from the vehicle

Hyperventilation during the preoxygenation phase of endotracheal intubation:

can cause gastric distention and hypotension.

In contrast to Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever:

can cause paralysis and cardiorespiratory collapse.

Health care teams that infrequently train and work together:

can create delays in patient care.

Helmets must be removed in all of the following cases

cardiac arrest when the helmet allows for excessive movement when a shield cannot be removed for access to the airway

The ____________ and ___________ systems are the most commonly injured during a lightning strike.

cardiovascular; nervous

When caring for a patient with a possible fracture of the scapula, the EMT should:

carefully assess the patient for breathing problems.

What should you do upon arriving at a Hazmat scene?

carefully assess the situation

You are dispatched to the scene of a building explosion. Upon arrival, you see people frantically fleeing the building, screaming, "Everyone is passing out!" You should:

carefully assess the situation and ensure your own safety.

Upon arriving at the scene of a possible hazardous materials (HazMat) incident involving several patients, you should:

carefully assess the situation.

In contrast to animal bites, the bite of a human:

carries with it a wide variety of virulent bacteria and viruses.

Clouding of the lenses of the eyes is called:


An oropharyngeal airway should not be used in children who have ingested a caustic or petroleum based product because it may:

cause the child to vomit.

Syncope in the older patient is:

caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain.

Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is an increase in body temperature:

caused by inability of the body to cool itself.

The venom of a brown recluse spider is cytotoxic, meaning that it:

causes severe local tissue damage.

Define cerebellum, meninges, brain stem, cerebrum, spinal cord?

cerebellum(responsible for coordinating voluntary movements), meninges(3 layers surrounding brain), brain stem(life functions), cerebrum(touch, vision, hearing, judgment,), spinal cord(carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body.)

Coordination of balance and body movement is controlled by the:


A temporary loss or alteration of part or all of the brain's abilities to function without physical damage to the brain MOST accurately describes a(n):

cerebral concussion.

swelling of the brain

cerebral edema

The MOST common and serious complication of a significant head injury is:

cerebral edema.

The _________ contain(s) about 75% of the brain's total volume.


Injury to the head and neck may indicate injury to the

cervical spine

Injury to the head and neck may indicate injury to the:

cervical spine.

The first seven vertebrae are referred to as the:

cervical spine.

If a technical rescue team is required at the scene, but is not present when you arrive, you should:

check with the incident commander to ensure that the team is en route.

Children with Neisseria meningitidis would MOST likely present with:

cherry-red spots or a purplish rash.

Common signs and symptoms of an airway burn include all of the following, EXCEPT:

chest pressure.

With what type of dressing do you use with an open chest wound?

chest seal or apply an occlusive dressing to the wound

Know proper sequence to long backboard immobilization

chest, pelvis, legs and head.

You are attending to a 23-year-old female patient who is 16 weeks pregnant with her second child. The patient has apparently fallen and sustained an injury to her upper right arm. When you ask about the incident history, the patient is reluctant to explain what happened and becomes very quiet. Based on this information, you should:

continue your care in a private area, document any details regarding the scene and the incident, and reassure her as you provide care.

Your presence is requested by law enforcement to assess a 33-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. The patient is conscious and obviously upset. As you are talking to her, you note an impressive amount of blood on her clothes in the groin area. Her blood pressure is 98/58 mm Hg, her pulse is 130 beats/min, and her respirations are 24 breaths/min. You should:

control any external bleeding, administer oxygen, and transport at once.

Priority treatment for a patient with an open soft-tissue injury includes:

control of active bleeding.

A 54-year-old male accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning his gun. Your assessment reveals a small entrance wound to the medial aspect of his right leg. The exit wound is on the opposite side of the leg and is actively bleeding. The patient complains of numbness and tingling in his right foot. You should:

control the bleeding and cover the wound with a sterile dressing.

A construction worker fell approximately 30′ and landed in a pile of steel rods. Your assessment reveals that he is pulseless and apneic and has a 10″ steel rod impaled in his left leg. You should:

control the bleeding, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), stabilize the steel rod, immobilize his spine, and transport immediately.

A 34-year-old male was involved in a motor-vehicle crash. During the crash, his vehicle caught fire. Bystanders removed the patient from his vehicle prior to your arrival. The patient is conscious with adequate breathing. He has partial-thickness burns to his face and neck, and an open femur fracture with severe bleeding. Immediate management for this patient should include:

controlling the bleeding from his leg.

A closed soft-tissue injury characterized by swelling and ecchymosis is called a(n):


During your assessment of a patient with blunt chest trauma, you note the presence of ecchymosis to the area of impact. This finding is MOST characteristic of a/an:


The transfer of heat to circulating air, such as when cool air moves across the body's surface, is called:


During the transport phase of an ambulance call, it is MOST important to:

converse with the patient and provide reassurance.

A 2 year old female has experienced a seizure. When you arrive at the scene, the child is conscious, crying, and clinging to her mother. Her skin is hot and moist. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. She further tells you that her daughter has no history of seizures, but has had a recent ear infection. You should:

cool the child with tepid water and transport to the hospital.

A 2-year-old female has experienced a seizure. When you arrive at the scene, the child is conscious, crying, and clinging to her mother. Her skin is hot and moist. The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. She further tells you that her daughter has no history of seizures, but has had a recent ear infection. You should:

cool the child with tepid water and transport to the hospital.

What are 4 common snakes?

copperhead snake coral snake rattle snake cotton mouth snake

All of the following snakes are pit vipers, EXCEPT for the:

coral snake.

How will you know when you have adequately cooled the patient?

core body temperature is assessed via rectal thermometer. Don't overcool patient result is shivering. Shiver generates more heat.

Define cornea, sclera, retina, pupil, iris and conjunctiva?

cornea(clear membrane covering the front of eye), sclera(white of the eye), retina(light sensitive area in the back of the eye), pupil(allows light into the eye), iris(muscle that helps the pupil close and open) and conjunctiva(membrane under eyelid and on part of eye t keep moist)

A carboy is a container that would MOST likely be used to store and transport:


A 40-year-old male was in his woodworking shop when he felt a sudden, sharp pain in his left eye. Your assessment reveals a small splinter of wood embedded in his cornea. You should:

cover both of his eyes and transport to the hospital.

When treating a patient with an evisceration, you should:

cover the protruding contents with moist, sterile gauze compresses

When caring for an open wound that has small pieces of glass and other debris inside of it, you should:

cover the wound with a sterile dressing.

A 62-year-old female with a history of type 2 diabetes has sustained partial-thickness burns to 27% of her body surface area (BSA). This burn should be classified as a:

critical burn

A viral infection that may cause obstruction of the upper airway in a child is called:


Conflicting or confusing signs of spinal cord injury are typically the result​ of:

incomplete cord injury.

Contributing factors to the development of heat illnesses include all EXCEPT:

increased fluid intake

The pliability of the pediatric rib cage _______.

increases the risk of internal injury

You are assessing a 70-year-old female who complains of intense thirst, frequent urination, and dizziness. She has a history of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Her blood glucose reads "high." She is conscious, but confused. Her blood pressure is 92/52 mm Hg, her pulse rate is 130 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min and shallow. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with:

hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome.

When the body is exposed to more heat energy than it loses, __________ result(s).


What are other conditions you should consider as potential causes of the patient's AMS?

hypoglycemia give oral glucose. look for occult head injury. look for ams from trauma.


hypovolemic shock or shock by dehydration. cool/clammy skin, weakness, confusion, headache, rapid pulse. Body temperature will be high but no sweating. Treatment: removing patient from heat, treating shock.

While transporting a 38minus−yearminus−old female who fell from a secondminus−story ​window, you note that she is becoming confused and her pulse rate is increasing.​ Additionally, her blood pressure has dropped and her skin is now cool and clammy. Based on these assessment findings you would​ recognize:

hypovolemic shock.

When assessing a patient with multiple gunshot wounds, you should:

identify the number and location of all wounds.

In which of the following situations should the EMT splint an injured limb in the position of deformity?

if resistance is encountered or the patient experiences severe pain

The effectiveness of positive-pressure ventilations when treating a head-injured patient can ONLY be determined by:

immediate reassessment following the intervention.

A pediatric patient who is breathing 12 breaths/min would be categorized as:


According to the JumpSTART triage system, if a pediatric patient is not breathing, you should:

immediately check for a pulse.

You respond to a residence for a 40-year-old female who was assaulted by her husband; the scene has been secured by law enforcement. Upon your arrival, you find the patient lying supine on the floor in the kitchen. She is semiconscious with severely labored breathing. Further assessment reveals a large bruise to the left anterior chest, jugular venous distention, and unilaterally absent breath sounds. As your partner is supporting her ventilations, you should:

immediately request ALS support.

Upon arrival of an MVC you identify three patients, you should do what next? Request law enforcement, request additional units, begin triage, or call medical control

immediately request additional resources

Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you can see three patients, one who is entrapped in his car and two who have been ejected from their vehicle. You should:

immediately request additional resources

Functions of dressings and bandages include all of the following, EXCEPT:

immobilization of the injury.

What do you do with toxins from URCHINS, STINGRAYS + SPINY FISH?

immobilize + submerge in hot water for 30 minutes. transport to ER for allergic reaction or infection.

A 33-year-old restrained driver of a motor vehicle crash is awake and alert, complaining only of neck pain and left leg pain. The vehicle is stable and no hazards are present. When removing this patient from his vehicle, you should:

immobilize him with a vest-style device.

A 45-year-old male was working on his roof when he fell approximately 12 feet, landing on his feet. He is conscious and alert and complains of an ache in his lower back. He is breathing adequately and has stable vital signs. You should:

immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam.

A 45-year-old male was working on his roof when he fell approximately 12′, landing on his feet. He is conscious and alert and complains of an ache in his lower back. He is breathing adequately and has stable vital signs. You should:

immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam.

A 17-year-old football player collided with another player and has pain to his left clavicular area. He is holding his arm against his chest and refuses to move it. Your assessment reveals obvious deformity to the midshaft clavicle. After assessing distal pulse, sensory, and motor functions, you should

immobilize the injury with a sling and swathe.

A 17-year-old football player collided with another player and has pain to his left clavicular area. He is holding his arm against his chest and refuses to move it. Your assessment reveals obvious deformity to the midshaft clavicle. After assessing distal pulse, sensory, and motor functions, you should:

immobilize the injury with a sling and swathe.

A patient is being extricated from a car using a vestminus−type short immobilization device. After the patient has been​ extricated, the EMT​ should:

immobilize the patient with the vestminus−type short immobilization device to a long backboard.

During your rapid secondary assessment of a 19-year-old female with multiple trauma, you note bilateral humeral deformities and a deformity to the left midshaft femur. Her skin is diaphoretic and her pulse is rapid and weak. Your partner has appropriately managed her airway and is maintaining manual stabilization of her head. The MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

immobilizing her to a backboard and rapidly transporting.

The LEAST practical place to store a portable oxygen cylinder is:

in the driver's compartment.

Where is the least practical place to store a portable O2 cylinder?

in the driver's compartment.

You arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The patient, a 50-year-old female, was removed from her vehicle prior to your arrival. Bystanders who removed her state that she was not wearing a seatbelt. The patient is unresponsive, tachycardic, and diaphoretic. Your assessment reveals bilaterally clear and equal breath sounds, a midline trachea, and collapsed jugular veins. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient has experienced a:

laceration of the aorta.

A hematoma develops when:

large blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged.

In pediatric patients, the liver and spleen are:

larger in proportion to the abdomen

A lack of identifiable _____ at the scene hinders the rescue effort and patient care.


Upon arrival at a motor vehicle crash, the EMT should:

leave only essential warning lights activated

When splinting a possible fracture of the foot, it is MOST important for the EMT to:

leave the toes exposed.

With regard to the pediatric rule of 9's; what body parts are proportionately different?

legs are proportionately smaller than an adult's

With regard to the pediatric rule of nines, the:

legs are proportionately smaller than an adult's.

The MOST common and significant complication associated with fractures or dislocations of the knee is:

ligament and cartilage damage.

Bones are connected to other bones by bands of tough fibrous tissues called:


_________ is the third most common cause of death from isolated environmental phenomena.


The physical examination of a sexual assault victim should be:

limited to a brief survey for life-threatening injuries

Which of the following skull fractures would be the LEAST likely to present with palpable deformity or other outward signs?


All of the following body structures are lined with mucous membranes, EXCEPT for the:


Between your mouth, lips, nose, and anus which structure is not lined with a mucous membrane?


An on scene first responder wants to provide a patent care report, your best course of action is what?

listen to the responder while your partner performs a primary survey.

You are attending to a patient who was experiencing abdominal pain at a local shopping mall. The patient sitting on a bench and appears in moderate distress. You are met by a first responder at the scene who wishes to provide you with a patient care report. Your best course of action is to:

listen to the responder while your partner performs a primary survey.

Between intestine, liver, stomach, and bladder which would bleed most profusely when injured?


The largest organ in the abdomen is the:


Which of the following organs would most likely bleed profusely when injured?


You receive a call to a residence for a sick patient. Upon your arrival, you find the patient, a 53-year-old diabetic male, lying down on his front porch. His wife tells you that he had been mowing the lawn in the heat for the past 3 hours. The patient is confused and has hot, moist skin. His pulse is weak and thready, and his blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. You should:

load him into the ambulance and begin rapid cooling interventions.

Management of for heat exposure/exhaustion

load him into the ambulance and perform rapid cooling interventions

You receive a call to a residence for a sick patient. Upon your arrival, you find the patient, a 53-year-old diabetic male, lying down on his front porch. His wife tells you that he had been mowing the lawn in the heat for the past 3 hours. The patient is confused and has hot, moist skin. His pulse is weak and thready, and his blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. In addition to administering 100% oxygen, you should:

load him into the ambulance and perform rapid cooling interventions.

What can cold illness be?

local or systemic

Which of the following is an early sign of pit viper envenomation?

local swelling and ecchymosis

If the incident command system (ICS) is already established at the scene of a WMD or terrorist attack, the EMT should:

locate the medical staging officer to obtain his or her assignment.

If the incident command system is already established at the scene of a terrorist attack, the EMT should:

locate the medical staging officer to obtain his or her assignment.

Heat cramps are MOST likely the result of:

loss of water and electrolytes

A person who experiences a calcaneus fracture after jumping and landing on his or her feet would MOST likely experience an accompanying fracture of the

lumbar spine.

S&S of a calcaneus fracture, treatment and suspected associated injuries.

lumbar spine.

Hemoptysis indicates damage to the _______.


You are dispatched to a residence for a young female who is sick. The patient complains of a rash to her lower extremities and truncal area. Your assessment reveals a small, painful blister on her inner thigh. As your partner is taking the patient's vital signs, she states that she and her family returned from a camping trip two days ago. On the basis of this patient's presentation, you should suspect:

lyme disease.

Treatment for a closed head injury?

maintain manual in-line stabilization of head, you should assist ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment.

You arrive on the scene of a twominus−car motor vehicle collision. The patient was the unrestrained driver of a car that struck another from behind at 25 mph. In the course of the​ collision, the patient flew forward and struck the windshield with his head. No air bags were deployed. The patient extricated himself and denies​ head, neck, or back​ pain; however, you do note a small cut on his​ hand, which occurred as he was getting out of the car. When asked about preexisting medical problems he tells you that he did have herniated disks in his lumbar spine that were surgically repaired several years ago. Based on​ this, your strongest reason to fully immobilize this patient would​ be:

mechanism of injury.

The esophagus, trachea, and great vessels reside in the _______.


One of the MOST important factors in assessing a patient with a potential spinal injury​ is:

mental status.

If a person's tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged:

minute volume will decrease.

A 6 month old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. He is conscious, but his level of activity is decreased. The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. The infant's heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. You should suspect:

moderate dehydration.

Do not attempt to actively rewarm patients who have _________ to _________ hypothermia, because they are prone to developing arrhythmias unless handled very carefully.

moderate; severe

How should exposed organs from an abdominal evisceration be managed?

moist sterile dressing wrapped with a dry sterile dressing

A 4 year old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and had skin burns around her mouth. You should:

monitor her airway and give oxygen.

A 4-year-old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. You should:

monitor her airway and give oxygen.

A 4-year-old, 16-kg female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Your assessment reveals that she is conscious and alert, is breathing adequately, and has skin burns around her mouth. You should:

monitor her airway and give oxygen.

A frostbitten foot can be identified by the presence of:

mottling and blisters.

The FIRST step in the START triage system is to:

move all walking patients to a designated area.

You and your partner are standing by at a large social event at a river resort when a frantic woman tells you that she found a young male floating face-down in the water. Nobody claims to have witnessed the event. After you and your partner enter the water and reach the patient, you should:

move him as a unit to a supine position.

You are dispatched to a local high school track and field event for a 16-year-old male who fainted. The outside temperature is approximately 95°F (35°C) with high humidity. Upon your arrival, the patient is conscious, alert, and complains of nausea and a headache. His skin is cool, clammy, and pale. You should:

move him into the cooled ambulance.

Which of the following tasks should be done during triage?

moving patients to treatment area, and establishing a morgue (if needed).

The mouth, nose, and other body orifices are lined with ___________________, which secrete a watery substance and provide a protective barrier against harmful agents.

mucus membranes

The EMT is assessing the back of a patient with a suspected spinal injury. All of the following may be detected upon visual​ inspection, EXCEPT:

muscle spasms or tenderness.

The _______ only require(s) a minimal blood supply when at rest.


If a patient with a chest injury is only able to inhale small amounts of air per breath, he or she:

must increase his or her respiratory rate to maintain adequate minute volume.

As a triage supervisor, you:

must not begin treatment until all patients have been triaged.

A rapid, irregular pulse following blunt trauma to the chest is MOST suggestive of a:

myocardial contusion.

The first signs of peritonitis include all of the following EXCEPT:


The first month of life after birth is MOST appropriately referred to as the:

neonatal period.

The first month of life after birth is referred to as the:

neonatal period.

The venom of a black widow spider is toxic to the:

nervous system.

The venom of a black widow spider is toxic to what body system?

nervous system.

​Shock, or​ hypoperfusion, caused by a spinal cord injury is classified​ as:


When approaching a helicopter, whether the rotor blades are moving or not, you should:

never duck under the body or the tail boom because the pilot cannot see you in these areas.

Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and associated hypovolemia EXCEPT:

normal thirst

You and your partner respond to a park where several people were reportedly struck by lightning. When you arrive, you find three patients. The first patient is lying supine on the ground; he is unresponsive and does not appear to be breathing. The second patient is ambulatory, appears confused, and is holding his arm against his chest. The third patient is sitting on the ground holding the sides of his head. After calling for backup, you should:

open the unresponsive patient's airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver, assess his ABCs, and begin CPR and attach the AED as soon as possible.

At a very large incident, the __________ section is responsible for managing the tactical operations usually handled by the incident commander on routine EMS calls.


A 44-year-old male sustained a laceration to his left ear during a minor car accident. Your assessment reveals minimal bleeding. Appropriate care for this injury includes:

padding between the ear and the scalp.

The hallmark sign of compartment syndrome is:

pain out of proportion to the injury.


painful muscle spasms that occur with exercise. Treatment: removing patient from heat, resting affected muscles, replacing lost fluids.

What are characteristics of SCORPION STING?

painful, swelling, discoloration

Signs and symptoms of an air embolism include all of the following, EXCEPT:

pale skin.

While triaging patients at the scene of a motor-vehicle crash, you encounter a 5 year old child who is unresponsive and apneic. After positioning his airway, you should:

palpate for a carotid pulse

While triaging patients at the scene of a motor-vehicle crash, you encounter a 5-year-old child who is unresponsive and apneic. After positioning his airway, you should:

palpate for a carotid pulse.

When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should:

palpate the abdomen for rise and fall

Emergency medical care of the patient with suspected spinal injury​ includes:

palpating the cervical region for any deformities or tenderness.

Remember the following regarding the signs and symptoms of spinal​ injury?

paralysis of the extremities is a reliable sign of spine injury.

A spinal cord injury at the level of C7 would MOST likely result in:

paralysis of the intercostal muscles.

How far away do you park at a trench op?

park at least 500 feet from the incident

Upon arrival at a trench rescue operation, you should _________.

park at least 500 feet from the incident

When you arrive at the scene where there is a potential for hazardous materials exposure:

park your unit uphill from the scene

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 65-year-old patient?

partial-thickness burn to 20% of the BSA

Critical burns in children include:

partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the body surface

Severe burns in children include:

partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the body surface.

You have sealed the open chest wound of a 40-year-old male who was stabbed in the anterior chest. Your reassessment reveals that he is experiencing increasing respiratory distress and tachycardia, and is developing cyanosis. You should:

partially remove the dressing.

What is a factor in submersion time?

patient's breathing or lack of breathing. patient may be coughing. More water in lungs, patient with have agonal type breathing from prolonged submersion = respiratory arrest.

The type and severity of wounds sustained from incendiary and explosive devices primarily depend on the:

patient's distance from the epicenter of the explosion.

For every emergency request, the dispatcher should routinely gather and record all of the following information, EXCEPT the:

patient's medical history.

Burns to pediatric patients are generally considered more serious than burns to adults because:

pediatric patients have more surface area relative to total body mass.

Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries would pose the greatest threat to a patient's life?

pelvic fracture with hypotension

In order to evaluate hazards present at the scene and determine the number of patients, you should:

perform a 360-walk through of the scene

After using the PAT to form your general impression of a sick or injured child, you should:

perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs.

After using the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) to form your general impression of a sick or injured child, you should:

perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs.

Once entrance and access to the patient have been provided, you should:

perform a primary assessment.

A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after playing with a small toy. You should:

perform abdominal thrusts.

The _________ nervous system consists of 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.


The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the

peripheral nervous system

The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the:

peripheral nervous system.

Blood may irritate the ____ _____ and cause the patient to report abdominal pain

peritoneal cavity

When performing your secondary assessment on an older patient who has been injured, it is important to:

recall that it will take a less severe mechanism of injury to cause significant injuries.

A burn occurs when the soft tissue of the skin:

receives more energy than it can absorb without injury.

Applying ice to and elevating an injured extremity are performed in order to:

reduce pain and swelling.

General guidelines for safe ambulance driving include all of the following, EXCEPT:

regularly using the siren as much as possible.

If an incident increases in scope and complexity, the incident commander should consider:

relinquishing command to someone with more experience.

Concerns associated with a soft-tissue injury?

remain alert for more severe underlying injuries.

When assessing a patient with a closed soft-tissue injury, it is MOST important to:

remain alert for more severe underlying injuries.

You are en route to an emergency call when you approach a slow-moving vehicle on a two-way road. You can see oncoming traffic in the other lane. The driver has his windows up and does not realize that you are behind him. You should:

remain at a safe distance until it is safe to pass.

You have a critically injured patient in the back of your ambulance, ready to be transported. There are other injured patients at the scene and it will be approximately 10 minutes before other ambulances will arrive. Law enforcement personnel are at the scene. You should:

remain at the scene until at least one other ambulance arrives.

At a scene with downed electrical lines, the EMT should _________.

remain outside the danger (hot) zone

During a HazMat incident, you are working in the treatment area. As patients are removed from the danger zone, you should:

remain where you are and have the patients brought to you.

While staged at the scene of a structure fire, the EMT should _________.

remain with the ambulance.

Extrication is defined as:

removal from a dangerous situation or position.

A motorcyclist wearing a full helmet was thrown from his motorcycle after hitting a patch of oil. The bike had been traveling at a high rate of speed. Manual inminus−line spinal stabilization is being held by an offminus−duty EMT. The primary assessment reveals the patient to be responsive to painful stimuli and breathing rapidly. His radial pulse is weak and fast. As you quickly scan his​ body, you note deformity to the left femur and lower leg. Your immediate action should be​ to:

remove his helmet.

EMTs are assessing a 2-year-old child who was riding in a car seat when the vehicle struck a tree while traveling at 45 MPH. The child is conscious and appears alert. There are no obvious signs of trauma to the child, and the car seat does not appear to be damaged. The EMTs should:

remove the child from the car seat and secure him to a pediatric immobilization device.

What do you do for TICK BITES?

remove tick using tweezers, save for identification, go to doctor.

Blood levels of medications may rise in the elderly, sometimes to toxic levels. This is MOST likely due to:

renal insufficiency.

A 56-year-old male has an incomplete avulsion to his right forearm. After controlling any bleeding from the wound, you should:

replace the avulsed flap to its original position and cover it with a sterile dressing.

An 8-year-old male was bitten by a stray dog. He has a large laceration to the back of his left hand, which your partner covered with a sterile dressing and bandage. In addition to transporting the child to the hospital, you should:

report the incident to the appropriate authorities.

Upon arriving at the scene of a law enforcement tactical situation, you should ensure your own safety and then:

report to the incident commander for instructions

Patients who present with profound cyanosis following a chest injury require prompt what?

requires prompt ventilation and oxygenation.

A Level 4 hazardous material:

requires specialized gear designed for protection against that particular hazard.

According to the JumpSTART triage system, infants or children not developed enough to walk or follow commands, including children with special needs:

should be taken to the treatment area for immediate secondary triage.

You and your partner are both male and are attending to a 28-year-old female patient complaining of diffuse abdominal pain. The patient is 34 weeks pregnant with her first child. The patient refuses to allow you to examine her, and her husband informs you that their culture does not allow males to examine or care for pregnant women. You should:

respect the patient's wishes, ensure that the appropriate documentation is completed, and transport the patient.

___________ causes body heat to be lost as warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled.


Unlike viral agents, bacterial agents:

respond to antibiotics.

The optic nerve endings are located within the:


Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called:


A young male was involved in a motor vehicle accident and experienced a close head injury. He has no memory of the events leading up to the accident but remembers that he was going to a birthday party. What is the correct term to use when documenting his memory loss?

retrograde amnesia

inability to remember events leading up to the head injury

retrograde amnesia

A patient who cannot remember the events that preceded his or her head injury is experiencing:

retrograde amnesia.

What will medical control tell you to do with frostbite?

rewarm frostbitten parts immersing them in water @ 100 + 112 degrees.

When treating a patient with frostbite, never attempt ____________ if there is any chance that the part may freeze again before the patient reaches the hospital.


All of the following biologic agents or diseases can be transmitted from person to person, EXPECT:


All of the following biologic agents or diseases can be transmitted from person to person, EXCEPT:


Common complications associated with central intravenous (IV) lines include all of the following, EXCEPT:

rupture of a central vein

Common complications associated with central venous catheters include all of the following, EXCEPT:

rupture of a central vein

When assessing a patient with a head injury, you note the presence of thin, bloody fluid draining from his right ear. This indicates:

rupture of the tympanic membrane following diffuse impact to the head.

Signs and symptoms of exposure to a nerve agent include:

salivation, pinpoint pupils, and diarrhea.

All of the following are vesicant agents, EXCEPT:


The pectoral girdle consists of the:

scapulae and clavicles.

When victims involved in a multiple-casualty incident are moved to the treatment area:

secondary triage is performed and the appropriate treatment is rendered.

Because a tracheostomy tube bypasses the nose and mouth:

secretions can build up in and around the tube

When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should:

secure the torso before the head.

The steps in immobilizing a supine patient to a long backboard​ include:

securing the​ patient's torso to the board before securing the head.

Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF), such as Ebola, cause the blood to:

seep out of the blood vessels and tissues.

Which of the following nerves carry information from the body to the brain via the spinal cord?


reassess pulse, motor, and ______functions in all extremitie


All patients with closed soft-tissue injuries should be assessed for:

serious hidden injuries.

Patient's core body temperature is 80 degrees 27 C. Patient's hypothermia is classified as?

severe 80 degrees F/27 C

The first signs of peritonitis include:

severe abdominal pain tenderness muscular spasm

Which of the following inquiries should you make in private when obtaining a SAMPLE history from an adolescent patient?

sexual activity

You are dispatched to a residence for an 80-year-old female who fell. When you arrive, you find the patient conscious, lying in a recumbent position on the floor in her living room. In addition to providing the appropriate treatment, you should ask the patient if:

she became dizzy or fainted before falling.

___________, a common effect of hypothermia, is the body's attempt to maintain heat.


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